Updated Records From A Table Insert Into Another
Jul 26, 2007
I need to create a trigger to save every record which has been updated in a table (e.g. "Contacts") into another (e.g. "Shadow_contacts). So basically something like a versioning on database level.
I have no experience with it and any precise hints/solutions would be very appreciated
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Mar 25, 2013
I am having a hard time understanding triggers. My goal is to put a trigger on table x where records are UPDATED or DELETED. When this trigger fires I need to take the record ID and put the ID modified record into table y with the date modified. so basically logging the recordid changed with the getDate()
I don't quite understand how to get the rowid of the modified record.
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Apr 20, 2008
On my site users can register using ASP Membership Create user Wizard control.
I am also using the wizard control to design a simple question and answer form that logged in users have access to.
it has 2 questions including a text box for Q1 and dropdown list for Q2.
I have a table in my database called "Players" which has 3 Columns
UserId Primary Key of type Unique Identifyer
PlayerName Type String
PlayerGenre Type Sting
On completing the wizard and clicking the finish button, I want the data to be inserted into the SQl express Players table.
I am having problems getting this to work and keep getting exceptions.
Be very helpful if somebody could check the code and advise where the problem is??
<asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" BackColor="#F7F6F3"
BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
DisplaySideBar="False" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="0.8em" Height="354px"
onfinishbuttonclick="Wizard1_FinishButtonClick" Width="631px">
<asp:DataList ID="SideBarList" runat="server">
<asp:LinkButton ID="SideBarButton" runat="server" BorderWidth="0px"
Font-Names="Verdana" ForeColor="White"></asp:LinkButton>
<SelectedItemStyle Font-Bold="True" />
<StepStyle BackColor="#669999" BorderWidth="0px" ForeColor="#5D7B9D" />
<NavigationStyle VerticalAlign="Top" />
<asp:WizardStep runat="server">
<table class="style1">
<td class="style4">
A<span class="style6">Player Name</span></td>
<td class="style3">
<asp:TextBox ID="PlayerName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="PlayerName" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<td class="style5">
<td class="style3">
<asp:DropDownList ID="PlayerGenre" runat="server" Width="128px">
<asp:ListItem Value="-1">Select Genre</asp:ListItem>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="PlayerGenre" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
Sql Data Source
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="InsertArtist1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Playerst] ([UserId], [PlayerName], [PlayerGenre]) VALUES (@UserId, @PlayerName, @PlayerGenre)"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString.ProviderName %>">
<asp:Parameter Name="UserId" Type="Object" />
<asp:Parameter Name="PlayerName" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="PlayerGenre" Type="String" />
Event Handler
To match the answers to the user I get the UserId and insert this into the database to.protected void Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
SqlDataSource DataSource = (SqlDataSource)Wizard1.FindControl("InsertArtist1");
MembershipUser myUser = Membership.GetUser(this.User.Identity.Name);
Guid UserId = (Guid)myUser.ProviderUserKey;String Gender = ((DropDownList)Wizard1.FindControl("PlayerGenre")).SelectedValue;
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("UserId", UserId.ToString());DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("PlayerGenre", Gender.ToString());
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Jun 28, 2004
If I update a recordset a group of records using dynamic SQL where I update the TOP n records, is it possible to get the set of records that was updated?
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Structural_ScheduleComponent
@cProject char(7),
@cComponentID char(10),
@iPour int,
@iQuantity int,
@iAvailable int OUTPUT,
@dtCast datetime OUTPUT
SET @dtCast = convert(char(10), getdate(), 120)
DECLARE @cSql varchar(500)
SET @cSql = 'UPDATE tbStructuralComponentSchedule SET PourNumber = ' + CAST (@iPour AS VARCHAR) + ', ScheduledDate = ' + '''' + CAST(@dtCast AS VARCHAR) + '''' +
' FROM tbStructuralComponentSchedule ' +
' WHERE fkProjectNumber = ' + '''' + @cProject + '''' +
' AND fkComponentID = ' + '''' + @cComponentID + '''' +
' AND IssueDate IS NOT NULL' +
' AND ScheduledDate IS NULL' +
IF(@@ERROR <> 0 OR @@ROWCOUNT < = 0)
RAISERROR('Failed to add components to pour!',16,1)
FROM tbStructuralComponentSchedule WHERE fkProjectNumber = @cProject AND fkComponentID = @cComponentID
-- Is there a way to return the recordset that were modified in the update?
Mike B
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Apr 12, 2005
Hi all,
I have a data of applicants. Everyday we dump this data into SQL server. Now I need to generate reports everyday so that we can track how many records get updated everyday. Now the thing is that the applicants are in various stages. So my reports need to track the how many applicants changed from stage "abc" to "pqr" and how many changed from "pqr" to "xyz". Now it is not necessary that all the records change stages everyday.
thanks in advance,
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Jul 14, 2014
I have a table that holds Customer Part numbers.
Cus_no item_no
100 ABC
100 XYZ
200 ABC
300 XYZ
Looking at the data above. I want look at customer 100 and insert all of customer 100's records where other customers do not match.
Table name ItemCust
After running my script I would expect my data to look like:
Cus_no item_no
100 ABC
100 XYZ
200 ABC
200 XYZ
300 ABC
300 XYZ
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Sep 20, 2015
Lets say we have two tables
tblPayments (Contains the records of Payments we made)
1 05/05/2015 5000 Natwest
2 05/05/2015 2000 Lloyds
3 05/06/2015 3500 Natwest
4 05/07/2015 4000 Natwest
5 05/08/2015 1500 Lloyds
tblReceipts (Contains the records of Receipts we received)
1 05/06/2015 5000 Natwest
2 05/06/2015 2000 Lloyds
3 05/07/2015 3500 Natwest
4 05/07/2015 4000 Natwest
5 05/08/2015 1500 Lloyds
Now, I also have a blank table (tblBankStatement) which contain the following columns
I want that when I execute the query, the query should INSERT the records to the New Table (tblBankStatement) from
tblPayments and tblReceipts by Date Ordered in ascending way WHEREBank should be 'Natwest'.
Also the Amount Column Data in tblPayments should be Inserted into the Payment Column in tblBankStatement and the Amount Column Data in tblReceipts should be Inserted into the Receipt Column in tblBankStatement.
So I could get the data just like below
1 05/05/2015 0.00 5000 Natwest
2 05/06/2015 0.00 3500 Natwest
3 05/06/2015 5000 0.00 Natwest
4 05/07/2015 0.00 4000 Natwest
5 05/07/2015 4000 0.00 Natwest
What query should I write to perform the task above.
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Oct 12, 2007
My database has many table, each table has a DateEntered (datetime), EnteredBy (nvarchar(50), LastUpdate (datetime), and LastUpdateBy (nvarachar(50). Is there an easy (ha) way to pull a list of the records that were entered and/or updated for a date range. Hopefully without a select for each table.
Maybe a tool someone knows of?
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Feb 28, 2008
Hi I am using sql server 2005 express and would like to keep all my fields from being both updated and deleted.
In other words, once I create a new record, I would like to have it protected from being deleted and I dont want the field values to be updated/changed from the values initially entered. Is there a way to this without running triggers or changing database permissions and user roles?
I tried making the database read-only, but then of course i cant add new records.
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Oct 11, 2007
insert into table1 (colname) values (value1)
can only insert one record into the table. How to insert multiple records as value1, value2, value3... into a table?
We can of course use the above repeatedly, but if I don't know how many records (which is a variable), and I want to write a code which just take
value1, value2, value3 ....
from the clipboard, to paste as a input. How to insert those multiple records into table without split it. Thanks
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Dec 23, 2011
we have various user defined fields, so when the user insert new value to this field , i want new records (other user field to get populated) be inserted relevant to the inserted value FROM another table (lookup)
This field is a drop down list , after insert committed , i want other user defined field to populate.
Scenario. Drop down is a list of users, after selecting and updating then i want contact details of the above selected user be populated.
CREATE TRIGGER User_Defined_field_KAE
ON [dbo].[AMGR_User_Fields_Tbl]
INSERT INTO [dbo].[AMGR_User_Fields_Tbl]
FROM inserted , [dbo].[ADMN_User_Details] as A
WHERE name = a.user_id;
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Dec 29, 2014
I have need to insert records when not in the target table.
sample ddl for source and target tables. Notice the target table is missing the 'Upstairs' Rows:
property_id INT,
unit_type VARCHAR(30),
care_type_id VARCHAR(1),
propert_room_type_id INT,
rate MONEY)
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Jan 31, 2005
I wrote a stored proc to be implemented in a datagrid. I went and used it on a record to update some information and it updated THE WHOLE DATABASE WITH THAT ONE RECORD..
IF anyone could shead some light on what I'm doing wrong that would be great.
Here is the syntax for my stored proc.
CREATE PROC updateResults2
@id int, @address1 nvarchar (50), @address2 nvarchar (50), @CITY nvarchar (33), @ST nvarchar (10), @ZIP_OUT nvarchar (5), @ZIP4_OUT nvarchar (4), @home_phone nvarchar (22), @NEWPhone nvarchar (20)
UPDATE Results
SET address1 = @address1,
address2 = @address2,
ST = @ST,
home_phone = @home_phone,
NEWPhone = @NEWPhone
As said previously it ran but it updated the WHOLE DATABASE with the same change (WHICH I DIDNT WANT IT TO DO)!!
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 14, 2006
I have a requirement like, i need to save all the records from my Flat File on Monthly basis to my database table. In the next month, the flat file may be added with 10-20 records and also some updates happened to my old records. Though the faltfile is same for each month, the changes are occured in some records and also added with few records.
So when i am loading this data in to Database table, i need to just update the changed records and also needs to add the new records. I don't need to touch the remaining records.
How can i do that in SSIS 2005 using different data flow tasks ?
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May 21, 2008
i'm using sql express, management studio express and a visual web developer starter kit.
i have 4 tables: items; categories; categorization; old_items
the old_items table has both the item id and category fields in it, the new db has them separated: items.id; categories.id; categorization.itemId, categorizaton.parentCategoryId, both of which are foreign keys.
i need to get the old_item.id and old_item.category values into the new categorization table but it keeps choking on the foreign keys and i can't get past it. as far as i've been able to figure out so far, i need to turn off the foreign keys to do the insert but i'm not sure and i haven't been able to find any sql query examples that demonstrate it or explain it well enough for my n00b self.
i've read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/10cetyt6.aspx, "How to: Disable Foreign Key Constraints with INSERT and UPDATE Statements" but i don't get how that affects it, it seems like one of the other options would actually disable them.
can anyone help? i've been trying all the permutations of queries i can think of and not getting it.
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Nov 25, 2004
I am new to Slq 2000 Database,Now I create an asp.net application with sql 2000,
in my database I have two 2 table lets' say "OrderHead" and "OrderDetail",they look like this:
OrderHead orderdetail
---order no ----orderno
---issuedate ----itemname
---supplier ----desccription
---amount -----price
Now I created a user-defined Collection class to storage order detail data in memory
and bind to a datagrid control.
I can transfer Collection data to xml file ,my problem as below :
There have multiple records data in my xml file,and I want to send the xml file as argument to a store procedure in sql 2000
anyone can give me some advise or some sample code ?
thanks in advanced!
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Mar 25, 2014
I use code below to insert data into a temp table.
How many records can insert into a temp table?
Select * into #temp from ORDER
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Apr 12, 2006
i need to inser the .dbf file records into sql table.
How should i go about it?
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Aug 30, 2015
Lets say we are executing this query below to retrieve each customer and the amount associated to a table
"INSERT INTO tblReceiptDue (Dealer, Amount) SELECT CustomerName, SUM(CASE WHEN VoucherType = 'Sales' then Outbound ELSE - Inbound END) AS AMOUNT from
tblSaleStatementCustomer WHERE CustomerType = 'Dealer' GROUP BY CustomerName"
Which display the data like below
ABC 2000
XYZ 1000
However I have one more table TABLE2 which contains two columns
ABC 5000
XYZ 7000
I want to modify my query in such a way that AMOUNT column should also add
OPENING from TABLE2 So that I must get the result like below
ABC 7000
XYZ 8000
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Oct 9, 2007
I have a long complicated storeed procedure that ends by returning the results of a select statement or dataset.
I use the logic in other sprocs too.
Can I Isert the returned dataset into a table variable or user table. sp_AddNamesList returns a list of names. For example something like....
INSERT INTO Insurance (Name)
Exec sp_AddNamesList
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Mar 28, 2014
i have Two tables... with both the table having LastUpdated Column. And, in my Select Query i m using both the table with inner join.And i want to show the LastUpdated column which has the maxiumum date value. i.e. ( latest Updated Column value).
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Feb 15, 2012
I have a table JOBCODE which contains a list of codes.
I want to insert these values into table VIEWS as a list separated by spaces.
Table Jobcodes looks like this
And I want table Views to look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6
How do I go about this?
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Jul 31, 2014
I have a query to insert records into a table based on a request but the query can only read one record at a time. How do i change the query such that it is able to read multiple records. In the below query i was able to input only 1 request which is 149906.
declare @num_of_times int
declare @Count INT
DECLARE @newrequestid varchar(50)
DECLARE @Frequency VARCHAR(25), @RequestId INT, @x INT, @Max INT, @RptDesc INT
SET @RequestId = 149906
SET @x = 1
[Code] ....
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Feb 13, 2015
Initially I had designed ETL using Dataflow task in SSIS , No I have converted into Store procedure using merge statement.
I am getting new records inserted, source records and deleted row count when I am running sqp manually.
In ssis simple I have used the rowcount transformation to capture the records.
below variable i have declared in SSIS Package.
now I am incremental loading using Stored procedure below is the sp which is executing when task success and logs the records.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_LogArchiveBBxEndTime]
@EtlArchiveLog_Id int,
@RowsSource int,
@RowsNew int,
@RowsChanged int,
@Sucessful bit,
@Description varchar(500)
Now I want to log the variable records which I have declared in my stored procedure .how can I log it in table?
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Jul 31, 2014
I am trying to add multiple records to my table (insert/select).
( User_id ,
SELECT ( SELECT MAX(User_id) + 1
FROM Users
) ,
But I get the error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Users'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Users'.
But I am using the max User_id + 1, so it can't be duplicate
This would insert about 20 records.
Why the error?
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Oct 14, 2014
I have database that holds column depicting various events and the last time that the event occurred.I query the database and I get a result like this:
Event Update Time
Event A 2014-10-14 00:35:00.000
Event B 2014-10-14 01:30:00.000
Event C 2014-10-14 00:35:00.000
Event L 2100-01-01 00:00:00.000..I would like to create another database to hold the various timestamps for each event. Some of these events happen every 2 minutes, others hourly, daily or monthly.I can query the source every minute. I do not want duplicate entries in the destination when the 'Update Time' has not been updated. Is it better to query the destination for the latest 'Update Time' value and only INSERT the new record when the time has been updated or just put a UNIQUE constraint on the Event and UpdateTime columns?
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Oct 17, 2007
I am developing an application in vb.net 2005 using SQL Server 2000.
In this I have two tables SessionMaster and SessionChild.
Fields of session master - SessionMastId, Start_Date, End_Date, Session_Type,
Fields of session child - SessionChildId, SessionMastId, UserName, Comment.
SessionMastId and SessionChildId are primary keys of respective tables and also they are auto increment fields.
Please how to write trigger to insert record into both tables at a time.
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Mar 12, 2015
We are facing a weird scenario in which the snapshot is getting corrupted after insertupdate few million records in to a table .
SQL Server 2012
windows server 2008 R2
service pack 1
64-bit OS
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Mar 28, 2015
Our system runs a SQL Server 2012 DB, it has a table (table_a) which has over 10M records. Our system have to receive data file from previous system daily which contains approximate 3M updated or new records for table_a. My job is to update table_a with the new data.
The initial solution is:
1 Create a table (table_b) which structur is as the same as table_a
2 Use BCP to import updated records into table_b
3 Remove outdated data in table_a:
delete from table_a inner join table_b on table_a.key_fileds = table_b.key_fields
4 Append updated or new data into table_a:
insert into table_a select * from table_b
As the test result, this solution is very inefficient. Step 3 costs several hours, e.g. How can I improve it?
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Nov 23, 2004
How do I insert unrelated statistical data from three tables into another
table that already exist with data using an insert or update stored procedure?
How do I write an insert/Update stored procedure that has multiple select
and a where something = something statements?
This is what I have so far and it do and insert and does work and I have no idea where to begin to do an update stored procedure like this....
INSERT Drawing (WinnersWon,TicketsPlayed,Players,RegisterPlayers)
WinnersWon = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Winner W INNER JOIN DrawSetting DS ON W.DrawingID = DS.CurrentDrawing WHERE W.DrawingID = DS.CurrentDrawing),
TicketsPlayed = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Ticket T INNER JOIN Student S ON T.AccountID = S.AccountID WHERE T.Active = 1),
Players = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Ticket T INNER JOIN Student S ON T.AccountID = S.AccountID WHERE T.AccountID = S.AccountID ),
RegisterPlayers = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Student S WHERE S.AccountID = S.AccountID )
FROM DrawSetting DS INNER JOIN Drawing D ON DS.CurrentDrawing = D.DrawingID
WHERE D.DrawingID = DS.CurrentDrawing
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Jun 29, 2006
Using MS SQL 2000I have a stored procedure that processes an XML file generated from anAudit program. The XML looks somewhat like this:<ComputerScan><scanheader><ScanDate>somedate&time</ScanDate><UniqueID>MAC address</UniqueID></scanheader><computer><ComputerName>RyanPC</ComputerName></computer><scans><scan ID = "1.0" Section= "Basic Overview"><scanattributes><scanattribute ID="" ParentID=""Name="NetworkDomian">MSHOMe</scanattribute>scanattribute ID = "" ParentID="", etc etc....This is the Update portion of the sproc....CREATE PROCEDURE csTest.StoredProcedure1 (@doc ntext)ASDECLARE @iTree intDECLARE @assetid intDECLARE @scanid intDECLARE @MAC nvarchar(50)CREATE TABLE #temp (ID nvarchar(50), ParentID nvarchar(50), Namenvarchar(50), scanattribute nvarchar(50))/* SET NOCOUNT ON */EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iTree OUTPUT, @docINSERT INTO #tempSELECT * FROM openxml(@iTree,'ComputerScan/scans/scan/scanattributes/scanattribute', 1)WITH(ID nvarchar(50) './@ID',ParentID nvarchar(50) './@ParentID',Name nvarchar(50) './@Name',scanattribute nvarchar(50) '.')SET @MAC = (select UniqueID from openxml(@iTree, 'ComputerScan',1)with(UniqueID nvarchar(30) 'scanheader/UniqueID'))IF EXISTS(select MAC from tblAsset where MAC = @MAC)BEGINUPDATE tblAsset set DatelastScanned = (select ScanDate fromopenxml(@iTree, 'ComputerScan', 1)with(ScanDate smalldatetime'scanheader/ScanDate')),LastModified = getdate() where MAC =@MACUPDATE tblScan set ScanDate = (select ScanDate fromopenxml(@iTree,'ComputerScan', 1)with(ScanDate smalldatetime 'scanheader/ScanDate')),LastModified = getdate() where MAC =@MACUPDATE tblScanDetail set GUIID = #temp.ID, GUIParentID =#temp.ParentID, AttributeValue = #temp.scanattribute, LastModified =getdate()FROM tblScanDetail INNER JOIN #tempON (tblScanDetail.GUIID = #temp.ID ANDtblScanDetail.GUIParentID =#temp.ParentID AND tblScanDetail.AttributeValue = #temp.scanattribute)WHERE MAC = @MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE IT SCREWS UP, THIS NEXT INSERTSTATEMENT IS SUPPOSE TO HANDLE attributes THAT WERE NOT IN THE PREVIOUSSCAN SO CAN NOT BE UDPATED BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXISTYET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!INSERT INTO tblScanDetail (MAC, GUIID, GUIParentID,ScanAttributeID,ScanID, AttributeValue, DateCreated, LastModified)SELECT @MAC, b.ID, b.ParentID,tblScanAttribute.ScanAttributeID,@scanid, b.scanattribute, DateCreated = getdate(), LastModified =getdate()FROM tblScanDetail LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp a ON(tblScanDetail.GUIID =a.ID AND tblScanDetail.GUIParentID = a.ParentID ANDtblScanDetail.AttributeValue = a.scanattribute), tblScanAttribute JOIN#temp b ON tblScanAttribute.Name = b.NameWHERE (tblScanDetail.GUIID IS NULL ANDtblScanDetail.GUIParentID ISNULL AND tblScanDetail.AttributeValue IS NULL)ENDELSEBEGINHere are a few table defintions to maybe help out a little too...if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[FK_tblScan_tblAsset]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsForeignKey') = 1)ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblScan] DROP CONSTRAINT FK_tblScan_tblAssetGOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblAsset]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[tblAsset]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblAsset] ([AssetID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL ,[AssetName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[AssetTypeID] [int] NULL ,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[DatelastScanned] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[NextScanDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO-----------------------------if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblScan]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[tblScan]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblScan] ([ScanID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL ,[AssetID] [int] NULL ,[ScanDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[AssetName] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO----------------------------if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblScanDetail]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[tblScanDetail]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblScanDetail] ([ScanDetailID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOTNULL ,[ScanID] [int] NULL ,[ScanAttributeID] [int] NULL ,[MAC] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[GUIID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNOT NULL,[GUIParentID] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[AttributeValue] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[LastModified] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[Deleted] [bit] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO------------------------------------------------------------My problem is that Insert statement that follows the update intotblScanDetail, for some reason it just seems to insert everything twiceif the update is performed. Not sure what I did wrong but any helpwould be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Apr 24, 2014
I have table A (EmployeeNumber, Grouping, Stages)
Table B (Grouping, Stages)
Table A could look like the following where the multiple employees could have multiple types and multiple stages.
EmployeeNumber, Type, Stages
100, 1, Stage1
100, 1, Stage2
100, 2, Stage1
100, 2, Stage2
200, 1, Stage1
200, 2, Stage2
Table B is a list of requirements that each employee must have. So every employee must have a type 1 and 2 and the associated stages listed below.
Type, Stage
1, Stage1
1, Stage2
2, Stage1
2, Stage2
2, Stage3
2, Stage4
So I know that each employee should have 2 Type 1's and 4 Type 2's. I hope that makes sense, I'm trying to change my data because ours is very proprietary.
I need to identify employees who do not have all their stages and list the stages they are missing. The final report should only have employees and the associated missing types and stages.
I do a count by employee to see how many types they have to identify the ones that don't have all the types and stages.
My count would look something like this:
EmployeeNumber Type Total
100, 1, 2
100, 2, 2
200, 1, 1
200 1, 2
So I know that employee 100 should have 2 more Type 2's and employee 200 should have 1 more Type 1 and 2 more Type 2's based on the required list.
The problem I'm having is taking that required list and joining to my list of employees with missing data and pulling from it the types and stages that are missing by employee. I thought I could get a list of the employees that are missing information and right join it to the required list where the missing records would be nulls. But, that doesn't work because some employees do have the required information and so I'm not getting any nulls returned.
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Apr 21, 2015
I am currently working with C and SQL Server 2012. My requirement is to Bulk fetch the records and Insert/Update the same in the other table with some business logic? How do i do this?
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