Updating A Column With Scope_Identity After An Insert Sometimes Does Not Work

Jan 21, 2008


I have the following stored procedure that inserts records and updates the new record. The parameter @rpt_id has a value of -1 when entering the procedure. It needs to be updated with the new record if (identity) once the record is inserted, bu sometimes the update does not happen. The new records ends up with -1 in the rpt_id column.

I have included the stored procedure. I will appreciate any ideas?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[thhill_InsertReport]


@RPT_ID int,

@REPORT_DATE datetime,

@COMMIT_DATE datetime,

@JOB_NUMBER nvarchar(50),

@TECH_NAME nvarchar(75),

@CLIENT_NAME nvarchar(255),

@CLIENT_CONTACT nvarchar(75),

@CITY nvarchar(75),

@STATE nvarchar(75),

@COUNTRY nvarchar(75),

@SUPPLIER nvarchar(75),

@WORK_ORDER nvarchar(75),

@RIG_NAME nvarchar(75),

@WELL_NAME nvarchar(75),

@OCSG_NUMBER nvarchar(75),

@AFE_NUMBER nvarchar(75),

@MGMT varchar(6000),

@Complete varchar(3),

@newReportId int output,

@changeCommitDate bit = 1




if @changeCommitDate = 1

set @COMMIT_DATE = getdate()



declare @reference int, @tmpReportId int

set @tmpReportId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

set @reference = @tmpReportId * -1


Update [reports] set [RPT_ID] = @reference where id = @tmpReportId

select @newReportId = RPT_ID


WHERE (ID = @tmpReportId)

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Mar 14, 2007

I have a simple table Person (PersonID, PersonName, and PersonAge). PersonID is the primary key and it's also an identity field. Let me paste a sample code and I'll explain at the bottom what's happening. SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Test;Trusted_Connection=True");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;

// delete all rows
cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Person";

Response.Write("start... <br><br>");

// ad-hoc insert
cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Person ON";
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Person(PersonID, PersonName, PersonAge) VALUES (5, 'John Smith', 20)";
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
Response.Write("ID = ");
cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Person OFF";

// parameter insert
cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Person ON";
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Person(PersonID, PersonName, PersonAge) VALUES (@PersonID, @PersonName, @PersonAge)";
p = new SqlParameter("@PersonID", 11);
p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
p = new SqlParameter("@PersonName", "Jon Doe2");
p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
p = new SqlParameter("@PersonAge", 21);
p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";
Response.Write("ID = ");
cmd.CommandText = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT Person OFF";


I'm basically trying to insert rows in the table in two ways: one is ad-hoc (hardcoded sql statement) and another using parameters. Using the ad-hoc method everything is OK. Whenever I use the "parameter insert" method I can not get back the ID using SCOPE_IDENTITY (I always get back a DbNull value, the data gets into the table just fine). I'm rather new to using parameters, so it's gotta be something very easy that I'm missing...
Thank you.

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Retrieve ID Of Last Insert (Scope_Identity)

May 23, 2007

(Newbie) Hi, I am trying to create in a session variable, the ID of the last inserted record. My reading suggests I should use Scope_Identity. I'm having trouble with the syntax/code structure. Also, is it good programming practise to directly assign the session variable e.g. "Session[var]=SqlDataSource.Select()"? The error I'm getting from my code below is "No overload for method SELECT takes 0 arguments". Thanks.
Session["snCoDeptRowID"] = SqlDataSource1.Select();
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT Scope_Identity"

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Sql Insert, Capture Scope_Identity Output To Session Variable?

May 24, 2007

What C# code would capture the Scope_Identity value (CoDeptRowID) output by the code below? Do I even need to capture it or is it already available as a C# variable CoDeptRowID ? I can't seem to get my hands on it!
SqlDataSource1.Insert();<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [CompanyDepartment] ([User_Name], [FirstName], [LastName]) VALUES (@User_Name, @FirstName, @LastName);
<asp:sessionparameter Name="User_Name" Type="String" SessionField ="LoginName"/>
<asp:controlparameter Name="FirstName" Type="String" ControlID="TextBox1" PropertyName ="text"/>
<asp:controlparameter Name="LastName" Type="String" ControlID ="TextBox2" PropertyName ="text"/>
<asp:Parameter Direction =Output Name ="CoDeptRowID" Type ="Int32" DefaultValue = "0" />

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DB Is &#34;Suspect&#34; - Updating Sysdatabases Doesn&#39;t Work

Oct 27, 1999

This is kind of a long story. I needed to copy a db from server "a" to server "b". I copied across our network, so SQL Server didn't know about the files. Then I wanted to use the device file(s) for the "new" db. So I created another directory with the same name and overlaid the empty device file with the one I copied from server a. Of course, when I opened EM it showed the db as "suspect". So I wanted to flip the status flag in sysdatabases to '0' so SQL server would think it was OK, and would make it available. But you also have to 'allow ad-hoc updates', which I did, but each time I stop and start sql server it stil shows the db as "suspect".

Here's the code :

update sysdatabases
set status = 0
where name = 'RAS'

Does anyone out there know what I can do to fix this db?
TIA! Bob S.

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Updating A BLOB Text Doesn't Work

Jun 28, 2006

Hi all,
I have the following weird situation.
I must update a "text" column in my mssql db with a string that is more than 10000 character long.
I know that "text" is able to store up to 2Gbyte of data, but what is happening?
that when i excecute the query (in PHP, using the odbc_exec function), my poor Apache got stuck!!!
and afterwards, i am not even able to access that field (i mean Apache go nut again).

Have you ever experienced somthing like that? Any suggestion?

thank you

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Updating The Column Defined As 'Text' Column

Oct 31, 2002


I have a table with col_noteText defined as 'Text' datatype column.

I want to search a pattern 'Lawyer' and replace with 'Attorney' in the column col_noteText.

Does anyone know how to do this for 'Text' datatype column.

Thanks in advance.


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Does Alter Column Do Work If Column Already The Same As Desired?

Jul 23, 2005

I have a table with a column defined thus: LOCNumber Varchar(100) in atable called Bookdata.If I execute ALTER TABLE BookData ALTER COLUMN LOCNumber varchar(100)on the table, does any work get done on the table and column?Or does SqlServer know that the column is already varchar(100) andnothingneeds to be done?If it does do some work, how do you tell it not to run this as it isalready a varchar(100) column. Right now my program just blindly doesthis ALTER TABLEstatement regardless of any conditions. Is this a potential problem?Thanks for any help.

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Updating A Column With A Column From Another Table

Apr 1, 2004

Hi, I am kinda new to this so here it goes:

table name: USERS
field names : LName, FName, EmpID

other table name:PERSONNEL
field names : (same as USERS)

The EmpID column in my USERS table is blank (I have 30 records in the table.)

I would like to update the USERS.EmpID table with the PERSONNEL.EmpID data

how would I do this or what would the code be?


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Updating Max(column) And Between_dates Column

Apr 26, 2008


I have dataset which has max(column) and between_sale_dates columns So I would like to
update those columns. CustomerNo and Sales_date are important . This group by for these 2
colums. I can write a sproc but How can I do with SSIS?


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Updating Records Instead Of Insert

Jul 29, 2006

Dear All,

I want to use SSIS in order to synchronize data. The OLEDB and ADO.NET Destination Adapter just inserts the rows read from the source. Since I have PK Constraint on destination, the tranform fails. How can I ask to update the records in destination DB?


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Should This Insert Work?

May 17, 2006

the 1st insertcommand works but the 2nd one does not. Shouldn't I be able to substitute a var in the parameter's place?
Dim zid As String = Session("ID")
SqlDataSource2.InsertCommand = "insert into cart (lmca_nbr,office,noun, price, quantity) values (?,?,?,?,?)"
SqlDataSource2.InsertCommand = "insert into cart (lmca_nbr,office,noun, price, quantity) values (zid,?,?,?,?)"

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Updating/Insert With Dataset Or Queries

Jun 1, 2007

Hi,Ive got a class in my code which contains data from several tables. A user profile has a single record in a user_profile tables, for each of these records there is several records in a another table, which itself has several records in a tags table.So far the save method on the class saves the record to the user profile table, then loops through the next two tables info to insert each record. I want to decrease the number of trips to the database and am wondering if anyone can advise on the best way to do this.I am considering using a dataset to retrieve and store the records, instead of a datareader Im using currently. Then when Im done altering the data in the dataset (all three tables) I can commit all the changes in one database transaction?? I have been avoiding datasets due to the fact datareaders are apparently faster.My other option is to try make three calls to the database, one per table, updating my stored procedures to accept arrays of data using XML?? Can anyone tell me what is the best option for me?Thanks,C 

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Updating Database From Dataset (Insert INTO)

Mar 2, 2007

Hello there

I have a code to update an access database from one of my dataset tables, but i want to insert columns manually

currently i am using this code to update my db

Dim cb As OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(dtadpt)


dtadpt.Update(DataSet, "recordsforupdate")


this code automatically inserts all the columns of dataset table to the access database table.

what i want is to inset the values for eg. in col4 of my dataset table into col5 of my access table, for that i want to manually use "inset into" statement to update the db table, but i am having problem with the syntax for using dataset..can anyone help please

thanks and bext regards


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How Do I Insert CR/LF - CHAR(13) Does Not Work

Jun 25, 2004

I need to send some long emails, problem is when I send a long body text CDO breaks up the message with spaces in the middle of words. I read on this forum the solution would be to insert CR/LF into the message so that CDO would not have to break it up at every 1k of text. I have tried using CHAR(13) as BOL suggests, but this is not doing as intended, it inserts a space and not the CR/LF I need.

Any suggestions how to insert CR/LF or why my installation is not responding to CHAR(13) is there some other escape code I could use?

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Queued Updating - Missing Insert Proc

Oct 17, 2007


I'm running transactional repl with updateable subscribtions - queued updating. Running SQL 2005 sp2, win 2003 sp1

I have 18 odd subscribers at the moment, my publisher and disttribution is on the same machine with push subscriptions.

The questions I have

nr 1.
While trying to initialize new subscribers I get loads of deadlocks even after I stop dist cleanup agent. This *I think* cause some other unexpected problems.

The queue reader would fail saing it cannot find the "insert" proc on the publisher, although it exists.
I have changed anything on the publication so I'm not sure how this happens or why.

I replicate a varbinary(max) column and on the odd occasion get the "Length of LOB data" errors which I then set with sp_configure. The catch here is that the length never exceeds a "len()" of 4000, thus the reported LOB and my calculation doesn't tie up.

Help is appreciated.


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Updating A Column In SQL

Dec 13, 2006

I am trying to update a users status from Pending to either Approved or Rejected.  I created the following handers to update me db by I keep getting a syntax error. What am I doing wrong? public partial class admin_beta : System.Web.UI.Page{    protected void ApproveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TECATE;Initial Catalog=subscribe_mainSQL; User Id=maindb Password=$$ricardo; Integrated Security=SSPI");        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [main] ([status]) VALUES (@status)", conn);        conn.Open();        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", "Approved");        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        conn.Dispose();    }    protected void DenyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TECATE;Initial Catalog=subscribe_mainSQL; User Id=maindb Password=$$ricardo; Integrated Security=SSPI");        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [main] ([status]) VALUES (@status)", conn);        conn.Open();        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", "Rejected");        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        conn.Dispose();    }}

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Updating A Column By The Value Of '1'

Nov 6, 2007

Hi,Its probably simple but.. How do I update a column by just '1'..for example - heres my code:    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();        con.ConnectionString = "HiddenConnection";        con.Open();        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();        command.Connection = con;        Label productIDLabel = (Label)DataList1.FindControl("productIDLabel");        command.CommandText = "UPDATE Items SET numberclickedin = numberclickedin + 1 WHERE productID=@productID";        command.Parameters.Add("@productID", productIDLabel.Text);        command.ExecuteNonQuery();        con.Close();        command.Dispose();    } As you can see in the bold text, I want to add 1 to the numberclickedin column.. and in my primative way Ive just typed +1What should I use instead?Thanks in advance,Jon 

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HELP Updating Column

Nov 15, 2006

How can I create an update statement that will allow me to fill in a column if the previous column already has data in it? I am trying to do and UPDATE/SET command that allows me to extract information and populate columns within a table. However, the UPDATE/SET has to make sure that it is not overwriting information that is already in the column and if there is, to populate the column next to it, and so on until all the columns are populated.

Here is my table:


create table #add_diags(
add_diag_1 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_2 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_3 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_4 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_5 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_6 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_7 varchar(10) null,
add_diag_8 varchar(10) null

In my UPDATE/SET I am pulling data from another table to populate into the 'add_diag' columns however, I'm not sure how to write in SQL the ability to monitor all the columns, and if for example the first three are full to then populate into the fourth and so on.

Here is my UPDATE/SET statement (while involved, I think I need something in my WHERE clause in order for this to be resolved):


update ad
set add_diag_1=dsm_code
from #add_diags ad
join Doc_Entity de
on ad.patient_id=de.patient_id
and ad.episode_id=de.episode_id
and doc_code = 'DCDIAG'
join Patient_Assignment pa
on de.patient_assignment_id = pa.patient_assignment_id
and convert(char(8),de.effective_date,112) = convert(char(8),pa.date_discharged,112)
left outer join Doc_Diag_Axis_I_III dx1
on de.doc_session_no=dx1.doc_session_no
and de.current_version_no=dx1.version_no
where dx1.sequence_no=2
and de.is_locked = 'Y'
and dx1.rule_out = 'N'
and is_billable = 'Y'
and dx1.axis_type IN ('1','2')
and de.status in ('CO' , 'SA')

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Updating Identity Column

Sep 18, 2007

Please excuse my ignorance.  I've researched this and it appears I am asking to do something that is ridiculous, so please let me know what is wrong with my design (or my brain).  I'd like to update an ID number in a table.  It is an identity column.  In my solution I'm adding a lot of new entries into my table and deleting old ones.  Call me anal, but It's driving me nuts that my ID numbers are growing so large so quickly and that I have so many unused ID's.  If you were to look over my data ID's they would be something like 1,3,45,78,88,89,103,140,219.  What I'm trying to do is renumber my data so that my data currently at say ID# 1067 can be moved to the unused ID#2, etc.  So I either need a way to update an Identity column...or I need a way find the lowest unused number among a list of ID's.  So is there anyway to achieve what I am trying to do?  I see this guy had my same OCD issue (without a solution) :-(

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Updating A Text Column

Sep 20, 2001

how can i update a column with datatype of text with a combination of columns having a datatype of float? do i convert the float columns to varchar/char/?? and/or can i convert the column i am updating?


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Updating IDENTITY Column

May 2, 2000

Do anyone knows if there is a way that I can manually update the value in an IDENTITY column?


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Updating Column In A Table

Jan 18, 2001

hi i want to update column with new value in a table is it possible to do so in stored procedure . the name of the column will be an input to stored procedure ie at the time of writing the stored procedure i dont know which column the user will be updating

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Updating Table With New Column

May 25, 2001

Does anyone know of the SQL statement to add additional comuns to an existing table. I know i can do it through enterprise managaer, but I want to see if I can do it from query analyzer or some script to add columns without having to recreate the table. Or a way to save off the data and recreate the table then placing data back in? I hope that makes sense. I am thinking of this from the sens of doing all updates through source safe


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Column Chechking While Updating

Jan 3, 2004

If amc.amc2>0 then
“UPDATE amc set AMC2= AMC2 + “ & val(txtamt.text) & “where am1=1”
else if amc.amc2<0 then
“UPDATE amc set AMC2= “ & val(txtamt.text) & “where am1=1”
end if

Here I check the value of column with if condition statement. I need to check the column with out if condition statement.

What is my doubt is that how I can check value of amc2 column while updating.

eg: update amc set case when amc2>0 then AMC2= AMC2 + “ & val(txtamt.text)
like this

Is it possible with “case-when -end”?

If it is possible I can solve a big problem in my project.
Can you give me an example with this query?

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Updating Rows Of A Column

Apr 10, 2008

Hi, I need to update column week14 in table PastWeeks with data from Eng_Goal and then result of some calculation from table AverageEngTime in the row Goal and Used respectively. I used the following and was not successful. Please advice. Thank you.

Update Pastweeks
week14 = (SELECT Eng_Goal,((Mon_Day + Mon_Night + Tue_Day + Tue_Night + Wed_Day + Wed_Night + Thu_Day + Thu_Night + Fri_Day + Fri_Night + Sat_Day + Sat_Night + Sun_Day + Sun_night)* 100/168) FROM AverageEngTime where Shifts = 'Average')
where Weeks = ('Goal','Used' )

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Updating Column Data On The Fly?

Jul 23, 2005

Hey...newbie question: I've got three columns in my database, thethird of which is blank right now, and I need it to equal the value ofcolumn one minus column two. While I can accomplish this in the .aspxpage with a subroutine, I want to do it in SQL Server so I can simplyread the data in the page and not have to do any calculations. Helpplease? Thanks.Erik

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Updating Telephone Column

Apr 3, 2006

Hi all

I have a column the customer table which holds the telephone numbers,

0293 232 232 2

2323 23232333

0222229999 00

the problem is that they all appear with spaces in different places, i need to remove all the spaces, remove the leading 0 if ther eis one and put +44 on the front.

Any suggestions??

Regards Rich

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Need Help Trying To Work With Forms Control To Update, Insert, And Etc...

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to use the forms view control to do a simple web app. My issue is, I cant get the connection to automatically generate insert, update and delete statements. I tried to do this manually but I always get an error. I have read that I need all the keys selected--this still didnt work.  I have about 6 tables picked in my view, and if I pick one of them then this advanced feature works. I have the primary keys selected.
 here is my saved view. this is in SQL 2000.
I am new to this so I am not sure what to include.

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Simple Insert From Querystring Doesn't Work - Why?

Apr 13, 2006

I want to insert values from the querystring but nothing happens with this code (the sp works great from the Query Analyzer):
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"InsertCommand="spSearch_row_insert" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CustomerID" QueryStringField="1" DefaultValue="1" Type="String" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="SearchID" QueryStringField="2" DefaultValue="1" Type="String"/>
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="SearchDate" QueryStringField="3" DefaultValue="1" Type="String" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="IP" QueryStringField="4" DefaultValue="1" Type="String" />
I'm very grateful for help!// G

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Minimal Permission For Identity Insert On To Work

Jun 12, 2014

We are using sqlserver2005 at our liveserver. Due to some third party attacks which caused loss of data, we changed the sql user permission to only read,write and execute. Now, some of the sps in the db contain code to insert into identity column with line

insert stmts...

This throwing error as

Cannot find the object "tblName" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

Which minimal permission can be given to get the above code work with identity insert on/off? We have removed the dbo permission due to external attacks.

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Enable Identity Insert Doesn't Work

Jan 4, 2008


I'm trying to transfer data between two 2005 databases using the import/export method. I set the Enable Identity insert to true - edit mappings option - on all the tables but I still get the ID set back to 1. I want to add some live data to an altered database structure, and I'm assuming the import/export tool is the way to do this.

I'm using sql server management studio, SP1

Thanks, this is becoming really frustrating.

Peter Cat

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Updating Column In A Dataset Not Working

Aug 8, 2006

Hi all,
I'm trying to update various rows in my DB with a new value once an action occurs.  I am using the following code which does not throw any exceptions, but also does not change the values.  Can someone steer me in the right direction?
public static void ChangeRefCode()
SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectDB.getConnectString());
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapt = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from Posting",dbConn);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

SqlCommandBuilder sqBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapt);
dataAdapt.Fill(ds, "Posting");
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables["Posting"].Rows)
dr["ref_code"] = DateTime.Today.Ticks + "-" + dr["poster"].ToString();
dataAdapt.Update(ds, "Posting");
catch (Exception ex)

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