I have a table in SQL server which has two rows. One has an ID of 'Bag CL55412'. Another has an ID of 'Bag CL55412-Cpy'. The Price for the first one is $99.99. I want to make the price for the second one 2% more & $.99 more.
The data looks like this
Bag CL5541299.99111
Bag CL55412-Cpy102.99500
The SQL to select that formula looks like this.
FROM [SC].[dbo].[Product]
WHERE ID like '%CL55412%'
To Update, I can think of something like this, but it will update based on itself, not a different row in the table.
UPDATE [SC].[dbo].[Product] SET ChannelPrice=(CEILING([ChannelPrice]*1.02)+.99)
How would I get it to update as I want it to? The origin CompanyID will always be 111 & the destination company ID will always be 500 for all of the respective rows that need to be updated
I am trying to figure out if what i am attempting to do is possible and whether or not my approach is wrong to begin with.
I am trying to build a custom report for our accounting system which is Traverse from Open systems. This is what i have done in the stored procedure thus far
ALTER PROCEDURE rptArFLSalesByCustItemized_sp @custId pCustID, @dateFrom datetime, @dateThru datetime, @itemIdFrom pItemId, @itemIdThru pItemId as set nocount on
-- define some variables for previous year declare @LYqty int, @LyAmt money, @LYfrom datetime, @LYthru datetime
-- set defaults SET @itemIdFrom=ISNULL(@itemIdFrom,(SELECT MIN(itemId) FROM tblInItem)) SET @itemIdThru=ISNULL(@itemIdThru,(SELECT MAX(itemId) FROM tblInItem)) SET @LYfrom=DATEADD(YEAR,-1,@dateFrom) SET @LYthru=DATEADD(YEAR, -1, @dateThru)
-- create small temp table to hold customer info Create Table #tmpArCustInfo ( custId pCustID, custName VARCHAR (30), ) -- populate customer temp table with info Insert into #tmpArCustInfo select custId, custName from tblArCust WHERE custId = @custId
-- create a temp table to hold the Data for each Item Create Table #tmpArSalesItemized ( itemId pItemId, productLine VARCHAR (12), pLineDesc VARCHAR (35), descr VARCHAR (35), LYQtySold int, LYTDQtySold int, QtySold int, LYTDsales money, totalSales money, LastInvDate datetime, )
-- populate the temp table with all of the inventory items insert into #tmpArSalesItemized select ii.itemId, ii.productLine, ip.Descr, ii.Descr, 0,0,0,0,0, NULL from tblInItem ii, tblInProductLine ip where ip.productLine = ii.productLine AND ii.itemId BETWEEN @itemIdFrom AND @itemIdThru
-- update table with this years quantities update #tmpArSalesItemized SET QtySold = (select SUM(QtyOrdSell) from tblArHistDetail hd where TransId IN (select TransId from tblArHistHeader where custId = @custId) AND orderDate IN (select OrderDate from tblArHistHeader where OrderDate BETWEEN @dateFrom AND @dateThru) AND hd.partId BETWEEN @itemIdFrom AND @itemIdThru GROUP BY hd.partId )
-- Return the temp tables results select * from #tmpArSalesItemized, #tmpArCustInfo
drop table #tmpArSalesItemized, #tmpArCustInfo
My problems begin where i want to start updating all of the Qty's of the QtySold field. I have managed to get it to write the same sum in every field but i cannot figure out how to update each row based on the sum of the qty found for that item in the tblArHistDetails table, trouble is too that there is no reference to the custId in that table either. The custId resides in tblArHistHeader and is linked to the details table via the TransId column. So really i need to update many rows based on criteria from 2 other tables.
Can anyone please help? I dont have a clue how to make this work, and most of what i have learned about sql thus far has been from opening other stored procs etc in the accounting system and just reading to see how the developers have done things.
I'm not sure if this could be done, but if anyone has any insight on how to do this please let me know...
Currently, I have a table that has a field of Categories. I recently created a Category table in which each category has it's own ID. I need to replace the Data that was in my original table with the new ID's based on the actual category name... Is there any way of doing this without manaul data entry?
I'm not sure if this could be done, but if anyone has any insight on how to do this please let me know...
Currently, I have a table that has a field of Categories. I recently created a Category table in which each category has it's own ID. I need to replace the Data that was in my original table with the new ID's based on the actual category name... Is there any way of doing this without manaul data entry?
I am very new to SQL Server 2005. I have created a package to load data from a flat delimited file to a database table. The initial load has worked. However, in the future, I will have flat files used to update the table. Some of the records will need to be inserted and some will need to update existing rows. I am trying to do this from SSIS. However, I am very lost as to how to do this.
I have a table with a max key value in it, and another table with a few rows in it. I'm trying to update the two new rows with key values that are iterative from the MAX value in the first table. Could anyone point me to some good LOOP...UPDATE, etc resources or pointers before I go postal?
Example: first table has a key field, last value in it is say 1000. The second table has two records. They need keys too, and those keys need to start at the last value in the first table + 1, so 1001, and end on the last row of the second table, or, say 1002. I cannot figure out how to read the last value of the first table, and create an update loop to iteratively update the key value in the second table based on the max value of the first, and looping based on the number of records in the second, in this case 2.
Hi People, hope someone can help me out here with a little problem. Basically i've go a asp.net page which has a listbox on. This list box is populated from a SQL database table with the datetime of the a selected field. Thus in the list box you get a list of strings looking like this "24/09/07 12:58" Also on the page is a submit button, and some other editing textboxes. The main issue here is the when the submit button is used i get the currently selected listbox timedate string and then pass this along with other items to update a record in the database based on the datetime in the listbox control.
Below is how i get the string from the listbox control Dim except_time As DateTime except_time = DropDownList1.SelectedValue The expect_time is then passed to store procedure along with some other vars, which looks like this -- =============================================-- Author: Lee Trueman-- Create date: 1st Sept 2007-- =============================================CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spExcept_UpdateData] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @validated bit, @update_time datetime, @except_time datetimeASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON -- Insert statements for procedure here UPDATE exceptions SET validated = @validated, update_time = @update_time WHERE (except_time = @except_time)END So validated and update_time should be updated when except_time is equal to @except_time
My problem is that the database never updates. If i debug the asp.net page the watch var shows the datetime in US format (I.e "09/24/07 12:58"), if this is true then this would explain why when it is passed to the stored proc nothing gets updated, as there would not be a date match. can anyone see any silly mistakes i'm doing here ????
I am trying to write a stored procedure that updates a value in a table based on the sort order. For example, my table has a field "OfferAmount". When this field is updated, I need to resort the records and update the "CurrRank" field with values 1 through whatever. As per my question marks below, I am not sure how to do this.
Update CurrRank = ??? from tblAppKitOffers where appkitid = 3 AND (OfferStatusCode = 'O' OR OfferStatusCODE = 'D') ORDER BY tblAppKitOffers.OfferAmount Desc
Currently working on a upload module where in the data from excel file is imported to the destination tables. Data in the excel sheet comes in phases. All excel sheet columns data don't come at first shot. The excel sheet's data is dumped into temporary tables which inturn is looped using cursor's and gets finally updated to the actual tables.
Now, the problem I am facing is how do I update columns of the actual table with the data (i.e NON NULL values) available in the temporary table without tampering the data allready present in actual table.
Ideally what required is, update the actual table column values with the corresponding columns of temporary table ONLY for Non NUll column values of temporary table.
Temporary and Destination tables have 85 columns each. I don't want to write 85 update queries.
The scenario which I am facing is given below with 2 columns as an example.
1. Table 1 :- tbl_source (Temporary Table) has two columns src_Col1 & src_Col2 2. Table 2 :- tbl_destination (Actual Table) has two columns dest_Col1 & des_Col2
Scenario -1 ---------------
tbl_Source Sample Data (after excel import to the temporary table) ------------------------
src_Col1 src_Col2 ------------------ 50 NULL
tbl_Destination Sample Data ------------------------
dest_Col1 dest_Col2 ------------------ 50 NULL
Scenario -2 ---------------
tbl_Source Sample Data ------------------------
src_Col1 src_Col2 ------------------ NULL 100
tbl_Destination Sample Data ------------------------
I am trying to update records based on the results of a query with a subquery.
The result set being produced shows the record of an item number. This result produces the correct ItemNo which I need to update. The field I am looking to update is an integer named Block.
When I run the update statement all records are updated and not the result set when I run the query by itself.
Below is the code I am using in an attempt to update the block column but it updates all records and not the ones which I need to have the Blocked field set to 1.
Update #items set Blocked = 1 Where Exists ( SELECT ItemNo=MAX(CASE rn WHEN 1 THEN ItemNo END) --,SearchNo --,COUNT(*)
[Code] ...
Why is the update changing each record? How can I change the update to choose the correct records?
CREATE TABLE EDI_data_proc_log( ID int IDENTITY(1,1), comment VARCHAR(3000), time_recorded DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE(), run_by varchar(100), duration int );
When a record is inserted I like the duration column to be computed.This should happen only after the first record to the table has gotten inserted.You might say a trigger would be the best.. Ok then, show me the syntax.
Or I am thinking can we write a user defined function that will compute the value for the duration column.
--By default, I would like to update the duration column as follows:
--It should record the number of seconds between the last insertion ( You can get that time from the time_recorded column from the previous record and the current time can be obtained from the getdate() function )
From last 1 week or so, i have been facing very strange problem with my sql server 2005s database which is configured and set on the hosting web server. Right now for managing my sql server 2005 database, i am using an web based Control Panel developed by my hosting company.
Problem i am facing is that, whenever i try to modify (i.e. add new columns) tables in the database, it gives me error saying that,
"There is already an object named 'PK_xxx_Temp' in the database. Could not create constraint. See previous errors. Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider".
where xxx is the table name.
I have done quite a bit research on the problem and have also searched on the net for solution but still the problem persist.
Hi All, I have a Problem while updating one table data from another table's data using sql server 2000. I have 2 tables named TableA(PID,SID,MinForms) , TableB(PID,SID,MinForms) I need to update TableA with TableB's data using a single query that i have including in a stored procedure.
Im trying to create an update statement which references two tables (join) and has a CASE clause attached. Not sure where im going wrong...
Using T-sql!!!
update import set import.gone = from import inner join stat ON stat.id = import.id CASE WHEN stat.A = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.A WHEN stat.B = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.B WHEN stat.C = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.C WHEN stat.D = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.D WHEN stat.E = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.E WHEN stat.F = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.F ELSE import.gone = null END
I am trying to update a table in one database with data from a temporary table which i created in the tempdb.
I want to update field1 in the table with the tempfield1 from the #temp_table
The code looks something like this:
Use master UPDATE [dbname].dbo.table SET [dbname].dbo.table.field1 = [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield1 WHERE ( [dbname].dbo.table.field2= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield2 AND [dbname].dbo.table.field3= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield3 AND [dbname].dbo.table.field4= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield4)
I get the following error: Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield2" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield3" could not be bound. Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield4" could not be bound.
I have 2 tables: Order(ID, Quantity) and Product(ID,Name, Price) and I want to add a calculated field in Order table based on the price column in the Product table. How do i do that?
this query returns the values i want in the table.
select a.quantity * b.price from tblCustomerPurchases as a join tblProduct as b on a.ID=b.ID
I’ve got a situation where the columns in a table we’re grabbing from a source database keep changing as we need more information from that database. As new columns are added to the source table, I would like to dynamically look for those new columns and add them to our local database’s schema if new ones exist. We’re dropping and creating our target db table each time right now based on a pre-defined known schema, but what we really want is to drop and recreate it based on a dynamic schema, and then import all of the records from the source table to ours.It looks like a starting point might be EXEC sp_columns_rowset 'tablename' and then creating some kind of dynamic SQL statement based on that. However, I'm hoping someone might have a resource that already handles this that they might be able to steer me towards.Sincerely, Bryan Ax
I need to add a child table that will tell us who the participants counselor is, what I did was I did a Make Table query based off the primary key of the Parent table and made that the link (foreign key) for the People_tbl and the Counselor_tbl, so if the counselor changes then the user adds the record to the counselor tbl and then puts in the Effective date. The problem is that when I run a report it doesn't show the present counselor always shows the old counselor?
Code: SELECT Student_ind.StudentFirstName, Student_ind.StudentLastName, Student_ind.[Student ID], People_tbl.[Family ID], People_tbl.FirstName, People_tbl.LastName, People_tbl.[Parent ID] FROM People_tbl RIGHT OUTER JOIN Student_ind ON People_tbl.[Family ID] = Student_ind.[Family ID] WHERE (People_tbl.LastName = @Enter_LastName) AND (People_tbl.FirstName = @Enter_FirstName)
My question is: How can I insert a row for each unique TemplateId. So let's say I have templateIds like, 2,5,6,7... For each unique templateId, how can I insert one more row?
I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim
I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above). When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer.
Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table? What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension. Within Customer, I want four hierarchies.
I would like to update the flag of the promotion ID should the promotion ID date range overlap with Promotion ID(All) Date Range. The general logic is as below.
Update TableName SET PromotionID Flag = 1 AND Reason = 'Overlap with row ID(Overlap row ID number)' Where EACH ROW(Except with Promotion ID ALL) Date Range Overlap with ROW(with promotion ID ALL) Date range
Now i have master Table for a device Utility. There is a attribute called "Device Type " in the table. Every Device Type has specific Device Attributes associate with it . Now attribute of Diffrent Device type are stored in Different Tables. Now when i select a particular value of Device Type ( lets say Type 1 or TYPE 2 ... ) then the table with has the attribute associated with particuter device type only has to be selected . So how can I do this ??? How to form a realtion between the tables,... ????
with actividades_secundarias as ( select a.*, r.Antigo, r.Novo, rn = row_number() over (PARTITION BY a.nif_antigo, r.novo ORDER BY a.nif_antigo) from ACT_SECUNDARIAS a inner join ((select
[Code] ....
I want to make a delete statement like this:
select * into #table1 from actvidades_secundarias where rn>1 Delete from act_secundarias where act_secundarias.nif_antigo = #table1.nif_antigo and act_secundarias.cod_cae = #table1.cod_cae
I need Insert rows in the OrderDetails Table based on values in the Orders Table
In the Orders table i have a columns called OrderID and ISale. In the OrdersDetails i have columns called OrderID and SaleType
For each value in the OrderID Column of the Orders Table, anytime the ISale Column in the Orders table = 1, and the SalesType column in the OrderDetails table is empty, I want to add two rows in the OrderDetails table. One row with the value K and another row with the value KD. That is a row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be K, also a second row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be KD
Also for each value in the OrderID Column of the Orders Table, anytime the ISale Column in the Orders table = 0, and the SalesType column in the OrderDetails table is empty, I want to add two rows in the OrderDetails table. One row with the value Q and another row with the value QD That is a row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be Q, also a second row will be added and the value in the SalesType column will be QD.
I want to write trigger code to update values in table1 to table2. ALTER, CREATE, DROP cannot be used in a trigger, I guess.
Tabel1 ID, Name, Asset, Date, Active --------------------------------- 1, A, 10 , 01/08/04 Y 1, B, 16 , 06/08/04 Y 1, C, 12 , 07/08/04 Y 1, D, 13 , 10/08/04 Y 2, E, 10 , 15/08/04 Y 2, F, 11 , 16/08/04 Y 2, Y, 12 , 01/08/04 N 2, G, 15 , 17/08/04 Y 3, H, 13 , 19/08/04 Y 3, I, 15 , 02/08/04 N
As you can see, code must select only active('Y') names in table1 arrange in descending order of asset for each ID and updates(or insert into?)table2. Please help me with code