So to the above table I have added a new field/column named "ProdLongDescr(varchar, Null)"
So, I need to populate this newly added column with specific values for each row depending on "ProductCode" which is different forevery row. The problem is that I have 25 rows.So instead of Writing 25 individual update scripts, is there a way in which single query will do the same job instead of writing one update query for each row ?. If so can some one guide me how to achieve that OR point to me a good resource.
Below are a couple of Individual update scripts I Wrote. "ProductCode" is different for all 25 rows.
Update tblValAdPackageElement SET ProdLongDescr = 'Slideshows' WHERE ProductCode = 'SLID'
And szElementDescr='Slideshow'
if @@error <> 0
goto ErrPos
Update tblValAdPackageElement SET ProdLongDescr = 'CategorySlideshows' WHERE ProductCode = 'SLDC'
And szElementDescr='CategorySlideshow'
if @@error <> 0
goto ErrPos
So to the above table I have added a new field/column named "ProdLongDescr(varchar, Null)"
So, I need to populate this newly added column with specific values for each row depending on "ProductCode" which is different forevery row. The problem is that I have 25 rows.So instead of Writing 25 individual update scripts, is there a way in which single query will do the same job instead of writing one update query for each row ?. If so can some one guide me how to achieve that OR point to me a good resource.
Below are a couple of Individual update scripts I Wrote. "ProductCode" is different for all 25 rows.
Update tblValAdPackageElement SET ProdLongDescr = 'Slideshows' WHERE ProductCode = 'SLID' And szElementDescr='Slideshow' if @@error <> 0 begin goto ErrPos end
Update tblValAdPackageElement SET ProdLongDescr = 'CategorySlideshows' WHERE ProductCode = 'SLDC' And szElementDescr='CategorySlideshow' if @@error <> 0 begin goto ErrPos end
I am trying to figure out if what i am attempting to do is possible and whether or not my approach is wrong to begin with.
I am trying to build a custom report for our accounting system which is Traverse from Open systems. This is what i have done in the stored procedure thus far
ALTER PROCEDURE rptArFLSalesByCustItemized_sp @custId pCustID, @dateFrom datetime, @dateThru datetime, @itemIdFrom pItemId, @itemIdThru pItemId as set nocount on
-- define some variables for previous year declare @LYqty int, @LyAmt money, @LYfrom datetime, @LYthru datetime
-- set defaults SET @itemIdFrom=ISNULL(@itemIdFrom,(SELECT MIN(itemId) FROM tblInItem)) SET @itemIdThru=ISNULL(@itemIdThru,(SELECT MAX(itemId) FROM tblInItem)) SET @LYfrom=DATEADD(YEAR,-1,@dateFrom) SET @LYthru=DATEADD(YEAR, -1, @dateThru)
-- create small temp table to hold customer info Create Table #tmpArCustInfo ( custId pCustID, custName VARCHAR (30), ) -- populate customer temp table with info Insert into #tmpArCustInfo select custId, custName from tblArCust WHERE custId = @custId
-- create a temp table to hold the Data for each Item Create Table #tmpArSalesItemized ( itemId pItemId, productLine VARCHAR (12), pLineDesc VARCHAR (35), descr VARCHAR (35), LYQtySold int, LYTDQtySold int, QtySold int, LYTDsales money, totalSales money, LastInvDate datetime, )
-- populate the temp table with all of the inventory items insert into #tmpArSalesItemized select ii.itemId, ii.productLine, ip.Descr, ii.Descr, 0,0,0,0,0, NULL from tblInItem ii, tblInProductLine ip where ip.productLine = ii.productLine AND ii.itemId BETWEEN @itemIdFrom AND @itemIdThru
-- update table with this years quantities update #tmpArSalesItemized SET QtySold = (select SUM(QtyOrdSell) from tblArHistDetail hd where TransId IN (select TransId from tblArHistHeader where custId = @custId) AND orderDate IN (select OrderDate from tblArHistHeader where OrderDate BETWEEN @dateFrom AND @dateThru) AND hd.partId BETWEEN @itemIdFrom AND @itemIdThru GROUP BY hd.partId )
-- Return the temp tables results select * from #tmpArSalesItemized, #tmpArCustInfo
drop table #tmpArSalesItemized, #tmpArCustInfo
My problems begin where i want to start updating all of the Qty's of the QtySold field. I have managed to get it to write the same sum in every field but i cannot figure out how to update each row based on the sum of the qty found for that item in the tblArHistDetails table, trouble is too that there is no reference to the custId in that table either. The custId resides in tblArHistHeader and is linked to the details table via the TransId column. So really i need to update many rows based on criteria from 2 other tables.
Can anyone please help? I dont have a clue how to make this work, and most of what i have learned about sql thus far has been from opening other stored procs etc in the accounting system and just reading to see how the developers have done things.
How would I update a table where id = a list of ids?Do I need to parse the string idList? I am being passed a comma seperated string of int values from a flex application.example: 1,4,7,8 Any help much appreciatedBarry 1 [WebMethod] 2 public int updateFirstName(String toUpdate, String idList) 3 { 4 SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString); 5 6 try 7 { 8 con.Open(); 9 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); 10 cmd.Connection = con; 11 cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE tb_staff SET firstName = @firstName, WHERE id = @listOfIDs"; 12 13 14 15 SqlParameter firstName = new SqlParameter("@firstName", toUpdate); 16 SqlParameter listOfIDs= new SqlParameter("@listOfIDs", idList); 17 18 19 20 cmd.Parameters.Add(firstName); 21 cmd.Parameters.Add(listOfIDs); 22 23 int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); 24 con.Close(); 25 return 1; 26 27 } 28 catch 29 { 30 return 0; 31 } 32 } 33 34
Hi,New to writing sql scriptI get this error in my sql scriptServer: Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when thesubquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used asan expression.The statement has been terminated.I want to write a single sql script which will update column 1 (FK)in table A with column 1 (PK) in table BHere's an example of what I need to doTable DATA_A-------------column C1 (Foreign Key)111111222222333333334455Table DATA_B------------column C1 (Primary Key) Column C2 Column C311 ABC NULL12 ABC 2004-12-1222 EFG NULL23 EFG 2003-12-1233 HIJ NULL34 HIJ 2003-12-1244 KLM 2005-02-0255 JJJ NULLI need to update Table DATA_A set column C1 with 11 data to point toTable DATA_B column C1 with 12 data. Currently, the problem is theTable DATA_A Column C1 is pointing to the wrong primary key which hasNULL data in COLUMN C3. I need to point to the correct Primary Key withDate filled in Column 3. The two primary key is tied together bycolumn C3.Here's my SQl scriptUPDATE DATA_A SET C1 =(SELECT C1 FROM DATA_BWHERE C2 in(SELECT B1.C2 FROM DATA_B B1WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TABLE_B B2 WHERE B2.C3 is NOT NULL)AND EXISTS(SELECT * from TABLE_B B2 WHERE B2.C3 is NULL)AND B2.C2 = B1.C2GROUP BY B1.C2HAVING COUNT(B1.C2) = 2)AND C3 IS NOT NULL)WHERE(SELECT C1 FROM DATA_BWHERE C2 in(SELECT B1.C2 FROM DATA_B B1WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM TABLE_B B2 WHERE B2.C3 is NOT NULL)AND EXISTS(SELECT * from TABLE_B B2 WHERE B2.C3 is NULL)AND B2.C2 = B1.C2GROUP BY B1.C2HAVING COUNT(B1.C2) = 2)AND C3 IS NULL)Thanks - Been struggle at this for a whileMLR
I need to update a empty column in our SQL database with the login ID for employees of our company.The table is called SY01200 and were I need to put the login ID is column INET5, and the login ID is just me stripping off the company's email address(removing the, and I need to update the INET5 column only where Master_Type = 'EMP'
And here is the Query that I am using to strip the email select LEFT(convert(varchar(40),EmailToAddress),LEN(convert(varchar(40),EmailToAddress))-14) As LoginName from sy01200 where Master_Type = 'emp'And here is what I thought the Query would be to update however I got and error saying more than 1 arguement returned
UPDATE sy01200 SET INET5 = (select LEFT(convert(varchar(40),EmailToAddress),LEN(convert(varchar(40),EmailToAddress))-14) As LoginName from sy01200 where Master_Type = 'emp') WHERE Master_Type = 'EMP'
First of all Thanks for all the help, I received over the years from MSDN..
Here is my new problem...
I have a SQL table like following table..
Now here is what I want to do€¦ 1> Sort the table based on Start Date (the picture shown is already sorted..) for example first 6 rows for AK - Anchorage 2> select the rows with same city (rows 1-6) 3> Select the rows with distinct start date (rows 1-3-5) 4> Change the End Date of the second selected row (row 3 in this case) to I day below the start date of 1 selected row. (4/1/2007 €“ 1 day = 3/31/2007) 5> proceed till end of selected rows.. 1-3-5 6> do the same thing for rows 2 and 4. 7> follow the same procedure for rest of the file.
The selected file should look like this when done..
Is there way to do this in SSIS? any recommened appprach>?
Any help with this is highly appreciated.. Thank You..
I'm using a stored proceedure which should update a number of rows in atable depending on a key value supplied (in this case 'JobID'). Butwhat's happening is when I call the proc from within the program, onlyone row gets updated.SoWhen I call the proc from Query Analyser, all rows get updated.When I call the proc from within the program, only one row gets updatedAny ideas as to why this is happening??JobID Description Price Status----------------------------------------------73412 Documents:Item 3 .00 073412 Documents:Item 5 .00 073412 Documents:Item 2 .00 073412 Documents:Item 4 .00 073412 Documents:Item 1 .00 0^^^^Only one record gets updated, so the table ends up being...JobID Description Price Status----------------------------------------------73412 Documents:Item 3 .00 473412 Documents:Item 5 .00 073412 Documents:Item 2 .00 073412 Documents:Item 4 .00 073412 Documents:Item 1 .00 0Public Sub UpdateAllItems() As BooleanDim objCnn As ADODB.ConnectionDim objCmd As ADODB.CommandSet objCnn = New ADODB.ConnectionWith objCnn.ConnectionString = cnConn.CursorLocation = adUseClient.OpenEnd WithSet objCmd = New ADODB.CommandSet objCmd.ActiveConnection = objCnnWith objCmd.CommandText = "sp_UpdateJobItem".CommandType = adCmdStoredProc.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,adParamInput, 4, Me.Status).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@JobID", adInteger,adParamInput, 4, Me.iJobID).ExecuteEnd WithSet objCnn = NothingSet objCmd = NothingEnd Sub-----------------------------------------------------------------SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOALTER PROCEDURE dbo.sp_UpdateJobItem@JobID As int, @Status As intAS--================================================== ===========================================SET XACT_ABORT OFF -- Allow procedure to continue aftererrorDECLARE @error integer -- Local variable to capture theerror OnHoldAction.--================================================== ===========================================BEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE tbl_JobItemsSET Status = @statusWHERE JobID = @JobID--================================================== ===========================================-- Check for errors--================================================== ===========================================SELECT @error = @ERRORIf @error > 0BEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTIONENDElseBEGINCOMMIT TRANSACTIONENDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO
I'm looking for some performance assistance on updating a column value in a table that contains approximately 50 million rows. I have a permanent table in another database that has the key column and value to be set. My query is listed below, but I'm afraid it will run quite awhile. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
update mytable set column2 = b.column2 from mytable as a join mytable1 as b on a.column1 = b.column1
There is a one to one relationship between the two tables.
I have to write a couple scripts that will update a couple columns in two separate tables and also insert a new row with the same data except for a few calculated or provided values ...... see specs below ...
1. tGradeHist Table Script One (Needs to be run first)
a. Read tGradeHist Table and Select rows with GradeEndDate = NULL and GradeStartDate = '1/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
b. Calculate New Step Amount = StepAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
GradeCode - Same
GradeLocationCode - Same
Step - Same
GradeStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
GradeEndDate - NULL
GradeCurrencyCode - Same
StepAmount - Result of b (above)
GradeFrequencyCode - Same
RangeMaximumAmount - Same
RangeMidAmount - Same
RangeMinimumAmount - Same
GradeCurrentFlag - 'True'
MarketMaximumAmount - Same
MarketMidAmount - Same
MarketMinimumAmount - Same
GradeGUID - Same
TSCOL - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with GradeEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and GradeCurrentFlag = 'False'
2. tPersonBasePayHist Table Script Two (Needs to be run second)
a. Read tPersonBasePayHist Table and Select rows with PersonBasePayEndDate = NULL
b. Calculate New PersonBasePayAmount = PersonBasePayAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
PersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
PersonBasePayEndDate - NULL
PersonBasePayCurrencyCode - Same
PersonBasePayAmount - Result of b (above)
PersonBasePayFrequency - Same
PersonBasePayPayrollFrequencyCode - Same
BasePayReasonCode - 'SA'
ConductedBasePayReviewDate - Same
ScheduledBasePayReviewDate - Same
PayrollCode - Same
PersonBasePayCurrentFlag - 'True'
ApprovedByPersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayGUID - Same
TSCol - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with PersonBasePayEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and PersonBasePayCurrentFlag = 'False'
And I would like to produce the following outcome to the same table (using update statement): As what you all observe, it merge all overlapping dates based on same promotion ID by taking the minimum start date and maximum end date. Only the first row of overlapping date is updated to the desired value and the flag value change to 1. For other overlapping value, it will be set to NULL and the flag becomes 2.
The second part that I would like to acheive is based on the first table as well. However, this time I would like to merge the date which results in the minimum start date and End Date of the last overlapping rows. Since the End date of the last overlapping rows of promotion ID 1 is row with ID 4 with End Date 2015-05-29, the table will result as follow after update.
I'm trying to update a checkbox from "False" to "True" within a single table for multiple records. I can update a single record using the script below. However, I'm having trouble applying additional Id's to the string.
(Works) - Update Name_Demo set KEY_CONTACT = 'true' where ID = 225249
(doesn't work) - Update Name_Demo set KEY_CONTACT = 'true' where ID = '225249, 210014, 216543'
It says query executes successfully but returned no rows.
I have an Parent table (Parentid, LastName, FirstName) and Kids table (Parentid, KidName, Age, Grade, Gender, KidTypeID) , each parent will have multiple kids, I need the result as below:
I have 4 databases in the same space.My users use all of them and use the same username and password to log into these 4 databases.In each of these databases,i have put a control table to allow me to keep track of all users that have to reset their passwords.
The control table consists of the username and flag fields.When the flag is ON(1) the user is forced to reset thier password and if the flag is OFF(0) they are not.
When a user logs into any one of these databases and they have to reset thier password,how do i make sure that all the other tables in other databases are also updated to make sure that the user is not forced to reset their password again when they log into those other databases later since they are using the same username and password for all databases.
I am planning to use a stored procedure which i will put into all the four databases and when a user logs in and has to reset their password,that sproc is called and automatically updates all the other 3 tables in other 3 databases.
i have a scenario where I have to read 2 files that update the same table (a temp staging table)...this comes from the source system's limitation on the amount of columns that it can export. What we have done as a workaround is we split the data into 2 files where the 2nd file would contain the first file's primary key so we can know on which record to do an update...
Here is my problem...
The table that needs to be updated contains 9 columns. File one contains 5 of them and file2 contains 4 of them.
File 1 inserts 100 rows and leaves the other 4 columns as nulls and ready for file 2 to do an update into them. File 2 inserts 10 rows but fails on 90 rows due to incorrect data. Thus only 10 rows are successfully updated and ready to be processed but 90 are incorrect. I want to still do processing on the existing 10 but cant affort to try and do processing on the broken ones...
The easy solution would be to remove the incorrect rows from the temp table when ever an error occurs on the 2nd file's package by running a sql query on the table using the primary keys that exist in both files but when the error occurs on the Flat File source, I can't get the primary key.
What would be the best suggestion? Should i rather fail the whole package if 1 row bombs out? I cant put any logic in the following package that does the master file update/insert from the temp table because of the nature of the date. I
Hi, I have an application where I'm filling a dataset with values from a table. This table has no primary key. Then I iterate through each row of the dataset and I compute the value of one of the columns and then update that value in the dataset row. The problem I'm having is that when the database gets updated by the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method, the same value shows up under that column for all rows. I think my Update Command is not correct since I'm not specifying a where clause and hence it is using just the value lastly computed in the dataset to update the entire database. But I do not know how to specify a where clause for an update statement when I'm actually updating every row in the dataset. Basically I do not have an update parameter since all rows are meant to be updated. Any suggestions? SqlCommand snUpdate = conn.CreateCommand(); snUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.Text; snUpdate.CommandText = "Update TestTable set shipdate = @shipdate"; snUpdate.Parameters.Add("@shipdate", SqlDbType.Char, 10, "shipdate"); string jdate =""; for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++) { jdate = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"].ToString(); ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["shipdate"] = convertToNormalDate(jdate); } da.Update(ds, "Table1"); conn.Close();
I need to update the ilocationid from Table 1 to all Table 2 records related to Table 1but there is no direct relation from Table 1 to Table 2. I needed Table 3 to make the connection from Table 1 to 2.
in this computer sqlserver express edition is installed, i want to remove this express becoz in configuration manager it show two SQLSERVER'S are running. when i browse from COMPUTER - 2 for network servers it show server name as HASH/SQLEXPRESS, but not the main SQLSERVER.
can anyone help me how to connect these two computers and remove this express edition
ID       Flag    TestDate        Value   Comment                                  111      2    12/15/2014     7.5        null 222       2        Null         10        received
Matrix_Current table could have 1 or multiple rows as below.
ID       Flag             TestDate          Value     Comment 111        2                01/26/2015      7.9                                    111        2                02/23/2015      7.9                            111        2                04/07/2015      6.8 222       1               null            8           test comment 1 222        3               null            9           test comment 2
When I run below update
 UPDATE  AM  SET  M.Flag = MC.Flag, M.TestDate = MC.TestDate, M.Value = MC.Value, M.comment = MC.Comment  FROM dbo.Matrix M inner join dbo.Matrix_Current MC on M.ID = MC.ID
Matrix table has value below:
ID       Flag    TestDate        Value   Comment                                  111      2    01/26/2015     7.9        222       1        Null        8        test comment 1
I want to update Matrix table from all row from Matrix_Current, final table would like below:
ID       Flag    TestDate        Value   Comment                                  111         2     04/07/2015     6.8        222       3        Null         9       test comment 2
Hi,i m using sqlexpress 2005 and sql management express studio. I want to know how could i insert multiple records on a single query in a table?i also want to whats wrong with this insert query?DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tblcountry`;CREATE TABLE `tblcountry` ( `ID` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment, `LCID` int(4) unsigned default '0', `CountryCode` char(2) default NULL, `Country` varchar(50) default NULL, `CountryInt` varchar(50) default NULL, `Language` varchar(50) default NULL, `Standard` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', `Active` tinyint(1) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;INSERT INTO `tblcountry` (`ID`,`LCID`,`CountryCode`,`Country`,`CountryInt`,`Language`,`Standard`,`Active`) VALUES (1,1030,'DK','Danmark','Denmark','Dansk',0,1), (2,2057,'GB','England','England','English',1,1), (3,1031,'DE','Deutschland','Germany','Deutsch',0,1);finally how could i extract the database structure and data from the sql express management studio?so that i can copy it and re use it some other computer.Thanks.Jack.
I am trying to insert multiple rows into a table getting data from a web form.
I have 2 fields being passed from a web form to the below stored procedure @FormBidlistID Sample Data --> 500 @CheckBoxListContractors Sample Data --> 124,125,145,154,156,
The below DELETE function is working great. However for some reason or another the INSERT INTO sql command is not putting seperating the string and adding rows to the database? I am not sure where the error is occuring.
In the end I need the data to go into the database columns like so
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateBidlistContractors @FormBidlistID int, @CheckBoxListContractors varchar(3999) AS DELETE FROM BidlistContractors WHERE BidlistID = @FormBidlistID DECLARE @ContractorID nvarchar(10) DECLARE @BidlistID nvarchar(10) DECLARE @startPosition int DECLARE @commaPosition int SET @startPosition =1 SET @commaPosition = 0 WHILE (@startPosition < LEN(@ContractorID)) BEGIN SET @commaPosition = CHARINDEX(' , ' , @ContractorID, @startPosition) SET @ContractorID= SUBSTRING(@ContractorID, @startPosition, @commaPosition - @startPosition) INSERT INTO BidlistContractors (BidlistID, ContractorID) VALUES (@BidlistID, @ContractorID) SET @startPosition = @startPosition + LEN(@ContractorID) + 1 END GO
Where am I going wrong? Thank you in advance for any help. :-)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[appl]( [app_id] [numeric](9, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[appl_party]( [prty_id] [numeric](9, 0) NOT NULL, [app_id] [numeric](9, 0) NOT NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[party]( [prty_id] [numeric](9, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [lockbyid] [char](8)
I want to update muliple rows in table "party" for column "lockbyid"
below is the update query with which i can only update one row but i need to update multiple rows in party table
update party set LOCKBYID ='abcd' where prty_id in (select distinct prty_id from sappl_party where app_id in (Select appl.app_id FROM appl INNER JOIN appl_party ON appl.app_id = appl_party.app_id where appl_party.prty_id=1234)) and LOCKBY_USR_ID is null
Is it possible to insert multiple rows in a table using one INSERT statment. If yes, how can I do that ? I tried doing this using the substitution method.
Using Substitution Method - This is how,I proceeded.
In our organization there is a call center where operators entry call details and custormer qruery in a table using front end application. For these queries there are multiple no of executive who will reply the query using a front end application. using the application the exectives retrive specific no of records from call center table(if there are unreplied call exists) and reply them. When a excutive retrives specfic no of rows, i want to update a flag in that rows, so that others do not get them.
I use the following procedure which is creating dead lock when multiple users execute it simultaneously
create procedure get_from_maintab @cnt int as declare @slno int,@curcnt int select @curcnt=1 set rowcount 1 while @curcnt<=@cnt begin begin tran select @slno=serial_no from maintab where getflag='' if @@rowcount=0 begin rollback return end update maintab set getflag='Y' where serial_no=@slno and getflag='' if @@rowcount = 0 begin rollback return end insert into detab select fld1,fld2,fld3 from maintab where serial_no=@slno if @@rowcount = 0 begin rollback return end commit tran select @curcnt=@curcnt+1 end set rowcount 0 return
Hi,I'm am looking for a little help. I need to create a SQL view whichjoins a few tables, and I need to return an average for a particularcolumn where a second duplicate ID exists...Heres an example of how the results could be returned...ID | Name | Order No. | Value---+------+-----------+---------5 | test | 1234 | 35 | test2| 1234 | 45 | test3| 1234 | 35 | void | 1235 | 55 | void2| 1235 | 65 | void3| 1235 | 55 | void4| 1235 | 7ID is my main join which joins the tablesName is a unique nameOrder No is the same for the different names, I only need to return onerow with this order no, and the first name (the rest are irrelevant)Value is the field which I wish to return as an average of all 3, 4 orhowever many rows is returned and share the same order no. This iswhere I get totally lost as I am pretty new to SQL. Can anyone provideany help on how I would go about limiting this query to the uniqueorder no's and returning the average of the value field, and I can takeit from there with my own tables.Thanks for your helpstr8