Updating Schemas For New Application Releases.
Sep 21, 2000
I have an application using SQL server 7.0 and have it installed at numerous sites. At the moment when an upgrade is carried out it generally includes changes to the database schema, at the moment these changes are tracked by saving lots of change scripts and running them as batch files. This process of update is quite time consuming and any errors that occur are not obvious so the upgrades must be carried out by our own staff. I was wondering two things:-
1) How do people manage this kind of problem.
2) Are there any tools that help to cope with this problem.
Phil Sturdy
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Mar 5, 2006
I am new user of SQL Server. I have some problems with these words. I want to make my database works in my specified permissions. I will specify permissions with schemas and these schema wants an owner. I want this owner should be my user. When creating a user it needs a valid login. I am selecting my login and it occurs and error says this login has an different user. I am specifying permissions with roles. But i can't make association all of them. I hope i told my problem to you as well. If you explain these words to me and tell me how can i do my database's works with my own schemas, users and roles i'll be grateful. Thanks for advices.
Happy coding...
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May 24, 2007
i m developping a smart device application with vb.net
i m using the following code from:
(i still working on the first exercice and i'm following it step by step)
everything is working properly
i was advised to add this code when closing the form1
MsgBox("Update successful")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Update failed")
End Try
the problem is:
should this code update the database created with sql server 2005
if yes why isnt it working here
and should the database be replicated on my emulator before it is updated
(in this exercice i do not have a database storerd in the emulator)
plz i urgently need the answer
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Jan 30, 2008
I'm writing a Windows application (Visual Studio 2005, c#) utilizing a local SQLExpress database. It consists of about 10 tables and I've created about 15 Stored Procedures to address various functions... I can run the update Stored Procedures interactively within the designer and the data tables update as designed. However, if I run the update Stored Procedures from within my windows application is where they fail. I get no error messages, if I return a rowcount variable from the Stored Procedure it tells me that one row was updated (SELECT @RtnVal == @@rowcount)... but when I open the subject table in the designer, there is no new data.
My update queries address both insert and update functions, so if it is new row of data, it performs the insert action, otherwise it updates an existing row.
I can query the data using my stored procedures to load default values into my windows form, I can search and find client records to display in the form... I just can't update records. I'm of the opinion that it is a rights issue, but I can't find any resources that address user access accounts with SQLExpress and windows apps. The current connection string for my local database is set for Integrated Security = true; User Instance = true
I've tried two approaches... one utilizes my stored procedure....
bool bSave;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KadaDesk.Properties.Settings.Default.dbKadaConnectionString.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SavAuthTesterData", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@CtrId", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20).Value = TestCenterID.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Id", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = GnuAuthTesterId.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = GnuAuthTesterName.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@AT_Pwd", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = GnuAuthTesterPwd.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Maint", SqlDbType.NChar, 1).Value = GnuAuthTesterStatus.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ModBy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15).Value = sAuthTester.ToString();
bSave = true;
Then I tried a direct insert...
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(KadaDesk.Properties.Settings.Default.dbKadaConnectionString.ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlTransaction myTrans;
cmd.Connection = conn;
myTrans = conn.BeginTransaction();
cmd.Transaction = myTrans;
string disDte = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
string sCmdText = "INSERT INTO Tester (CenterId, AuthTesterId, AuthTesterName, AuthTesterPwd, "
+ "CreateDte, Maint, ModBy) "
+ "VALUES ('" + TestCenterID.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterId.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterName.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterPwd.ToString() + "','"
+ disDte.ToString() + "','"
+ GnuAuthTesterStatus.ToString() + "','"
+ sAuthTester.ToString() + "')";
cmd.CommandText = sCmdText;
bSave = true;
Both fail... which points to the only common point in both approaches, the connection string and user rights... but I can't find any place to address user accounts or configurations for windows apps.
Thanks for whatever help you can offer...
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Sep 10, 2007
Hello out there,
the documentation of SQL Server says that TRUNCATE_ONLY will be removed in further SQL Server Version.
So what should i use now?
The following Backupplan is used on a Development SQL Server.
The Plan has the following goals:
if there an Hardware Issue i can go Back to the Start of the Day.
If a Programmer or a Programm makes a mistake, i can Rollback to a specific point in Time or Checkpoint that was between the start of the week and the point in time where the Log got backed Up. (Backing up the LOG and make a Restore all Backups)
Heres the Plan:
Do Fullbackup on Sunday Morning. (WITH INIT)
Do Differential Backup every Day, except Sunday, morning.
WITH INIT is used to delete old Backups from the Week before.
Now the Problem:
The Transaction Log growth in time, because it never gets truncated.
so i made the decision to CUT IT before the Full Backup on Sunday morning gets executed.
But if i should not use TRUNCATE_ONLY - what should i use ?
Or do i have a (logical) Error in my Backupplan ?
best regards - Tom
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Jan 27, 2007
The Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET v1.0 CTP release appeared without fanfare on January 22, 2006. The release contains "v1.0 early CTP" bits for the sync framework and SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (SSCE) v3.5, the Orcas successor to the SSCE v3.1 RTM bits, which Microsoft released on January 11, 2006. The current code name for Sync Services is OCS (for Occasionally Connected Systems).
Seems to me to resemble a "stealth release."
For more, see http://oakleafblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/microsoft-releases-synchronization.html.
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Jun 5, 2006
WE release our software once a week. In 1 months time we will have over 500 stored procedures in our DataBase.
What we do for releases is when a stored procedure is changed, we put the Drop and Create parts of that script in our SQL Update Script.
A problem comes up when Developer A changes My_StoredProc and then developer B changes the same stored procedure. Sometimes it works ok (the developer B will run the update script before changing his stored procedure. HOwever, it can happen where one Update script file has the same SP 5 times (5 drops 5 creates)... especially if over 300 SP's are getting updating in 1 release.
We will always catch these on our tests, however, it's the 2 hours to fix the Test DB after we run these tests...
What is the best way to manage these? We thought about putting our stored procedures into Team Foundation Server, but we don't know if that will work for us.
We have 8 developers in our team.
If anyone could help or give advice on this, it would be awesome.
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Aug 7, 2007
According to SQL Server 2005 Book Online, the following "Important" note applies to SET_ANSI_NULLS and SET_ANSI_PADDING:
"This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature."
However, these options are automatically inserted in the auto-generated scripts (such as CREATE TABLE) in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.
I am working on new scripts that include these options. What are the replacements for these options? Does the above note apply to ALTER DATABASE options? Please give me advice!
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Jan 28, 2008
I'm trying to understand the schemas in SQL Server 2005. I have a script which was given to me by someone as follow and I'm trying to run the script but it gave me an error at the create view section:
Assume an empty database has been created.
CREATE TABLE [tblABC] ( ... ) /*note: it didn't bind the table to the above schema*/
create view mySchema.vwMyView as
SELECT * FROM mySchema.tblABC
However I'm confused because the above CREATE VIEW made a reference to the table with the schema. Can someone help clarify. When i tried to create the view, it gives me an error that it is unable to find the mySchema.tblABC table. To me, the error is correct as per my understanding of binding a table to a schema ---> If you do not create a table and bind it to a schema, you are not able to call it together with the schema.
What I'm trying to understand is, without explicitly stating [mySchema] during the table creation, is there a way where it is mysteriously binded thus the CREATE VIEW somehow understood that tblABC has been binded therefore it called the table in the view? or is this just a script error.
Btw, this script was generated from a working database.
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Mar 1, 2001
Hi Guys,
I'm afraid the schemas of the Development and Production versions of a database are in fact diferent.
How may I compare two database schemas?
Thanks in advance !-)
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Dec 12, 2011
Is there anyway to differentiate between two schemas between two SQL server instances?
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Aug 15, 2007
Hi,Anyone know an online source for database schemas, or schemas for singletables i.e. where can I download a schema for an addresses table?--Richhttp://www.badangling.com -= Sea fishing badly explained =-
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Mar 25, 2008
Is there any way to create a local database cache from an SQL 2005 database that uses non standard schemas (like AdventureWorks). I have tried in Visual Studio 2008 but any database that does not use .dbo will not allow any tables to be copied locally. Even setting the default schema for my login does not enable adding any tables in the Configure Data Synchronization dialog box.
If it is not possible via Visual Studio is there any other way? I notice all examples with Sql Compact conveniently use Northwind. Seemingly Compact edition does not support non .dbo schemas.
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Dec 27, 2007
I wanted to find out what the statement is for finding out the number of schemas in all your databases.
I know in 2005 the you can do a select * from sys.schemas
but how do you achieve the same thing in sql server 2000 ?
Please let me know..
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Dec 26, 2007
How do I find out the number of schemas in sql server 2000 and 2005 for each database?
Also, how can i find the number of tables in each database?
I'm trying to figure this out but can't find anything on google.
Please help.
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Apr 25, 2007
I have schema called [sitex] for some tables .
I have to perform insert or update operations in to these tables through views only and these views were created with [site] schema
All stored procedures are written in the point of view only ( all DML operations into the tables are through views).and these stored procedures has schema same as views.
Now come to the permissions and authorization.
We have some users like sa,112,janu
These users must have permissions only on site schema not on [sitex].
I have a role called €œtestrole€? with 112,janu users and I gave authorization on site schema on for testrole
Now I€™m getting error select permessions are denied on [sitex] schema.
But our requirement is 112 must don€™t have any type of permissions on tables
And also is there schema to schema permissions. (that mean [site] schema has permissions on [sitex] schema .
PLZ help me
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Jan 7, 2006
Can anyone give an introduction to the use of schemas i SQL Server 2005. If have noticed the feature, but i would like to know why and how the use of schemas is a good thing.
If anyobe has a link to a whitepaper or practical insight that would be nice.
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Nov 17, 2006
We're using Sql Server 2000. The one database contained tables and stored procedures which were possibly updated with some script information. Is there an application(commercial or free) or script I can use to compare the base database against this updated database to confirm there schema information is the same.
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Nov 27, 2006
I'm trying to find some documentation or procedures that will allow me to xfer existing users' roles, etc from sql2000 to sql2005.
When our sql 2005 database was restored on a new server (from sql2000), all of the database users were orphaned. I need to create identical server logins and then make the logins database users. It is also important to understand the significance of the new schema concept. The Microsoft SQL2005UpgradeTechRef.doc white paper does not explain any of this.
Ultimately, I would like to create a script for the above scenario once a sql2005 db is restored from a sql2000 db.
Could someone please help me out on this?
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Dec 10, 2007
Is there a way to create a table in SQL Server Management Studio under a different schema? I've tried setting my default schema and adding a table, but that didn't work. I know I could do it with a SQL statement, but wanted to know if I could do it with the designer.
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Mar 27, 2008
Is there an easy way to move a view from one schema to another?
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Mar 28, 2008
I have some tables sitting in schema "A", then I created a view in schema "B" based on the tables in schema "A". Then I gave the user just access to schema "B" to only run the view but not see the tables in schema "A".
Could it be that if the user tried to ODBC to that db, they would only see the view in schema "B" and not the tables in schema "A"?
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Apr 28, 2008
Hey folks,
I'm looking to gather ideas on this before I start the project; so what better way to start than to ask here? ;)
The situation is this: we are in the process of replacing a large data driven application with a new one. Before turning the old'un off (that's not for a minimum of 6 months), we need to migrate data between the two entirely different schemas, and I've been tasked with writing the interfaces.
Now, here comes the kicker; they don't just want a "straight-forward data conversion", they want to run a period where they can still update both databases and any changes in the old one are to be pushed into the new db.
Because the schemas are not the same, I believe replication is out of the question so I was looking for advice as to what possibilies I have ahead of me to achieve this.
I fear I may not have expained this well enough; so as always if there are holes in the detail let me know and I'll do my best to fill them in :)
Old db = SQL Server 2000
New db = 2005
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Jun 20, 2007
Hi eveyone, I'm reading about namespaces and schemas in MS SQL 2005, and that's exactly what I was looking for for the structure of my database.
I've a database and 4 different applications that will use it, and every application will create a new database every year, for example, i'd like to use the following schema:
In MS SQL i've created my main schema using:
USE Mydatabase;
Now I want to add sub-groups (in this example, I need to create Year2006, Year2007, and so on).
Even If i create those schemas, how can I "add" them inside the Salary main schema?
I've tryed with
ALTER SCHEMA MyApplication TRANSFER Year2006
but it doesn't work since Year2006 is not an object.
Thank you!
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Jul 24, 2007
We have a system with multiple modules, for each module we have a separate database. Is it better to have multiple databases or have multiple schemas. Performance, advantages, disadvantages...
When is too much too much, 10-25-50-100 Schemas???
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Oct 24, 2007
I am looking for some advice on securing a sql 2005 database.
I have a database to which I want to grant 3 different users access.
The first users, who we will call 'public' should have access to a set of stored procedures, and no access to tables without using the stored procedures they have access to.
The second users have again got access to a certain set of stored procedures, along with the stored procedures for 'public'. These should be called 'moderator'.
Finally the third set of users 'admin' should have access to all stored procedures, but again no access to the database unless its through a stored procedure.
Questions :
Using SQL 2005, how do I assign access to particular stored procedures to a user?
How do I ensure that a 'user' cannot access stored procedures I don't want them to access?
Some of the stored procedure use dynamic sql within them, will this affect my setup. If I deny direct access to the tables to all three users, but allow them access the stored procedures, can the stored procedures access the tables?
If schemas are the answer, how on earth do I set them up, Ive never seen something so badly documented online in my experience! In my development environment im using sql express, so will probably working through the query analyzer.
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi, I am storing information being sent to me weekly into a ms sqldatabase. The one twist I am running into is that later down the linethe information I recieve may require more columns, or columns mightbe renamed so having a static database call is out of the question. Iwas using mysql but for certain reasons switched to ms sql 2000.Currently before ms sql, I query the database for show fields whichreturns all the database data such as type, column name, etc... then Iuse a giant if statement structure to deal with matching andconverting data from my users display to the information into thedatabase.So my first question is how do I either query or using datatypes builtinto C# return information about a tables setup. I was hoping therewas some sort of table array object which could be returned with namesand types, if not then just an sql statement return.My second question is I have user data which needs to be displayeddifferently then the database raw data, how do I use a C# dataset, andconvert it's column data into my raw database data without having tocreate raw insert and update sql strings myself? I would really liketo use the sort of automatic update features of the dataset.Lastly am I going about this the wrong way? Are there other ways tomap & convert datatypes between a dataset column and a table column.
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Jan 25, 2007
My problem is very simple and that is that I'm trying to copy some tables between databases, but these tables are in different schemas.
let's say I have
And I just want to copy let's say sch1.tableA to a Different DB.
If I use Transfer SQL Server Object task and select the table and save the package and try to open the task again, all the tables with name TableA will be selected!! it seems like although it does show the schema ( when I am selecting the table manually ) but it doe snot store the schema detail in the tablelist collection property of the task.
Would please recommend any other way to achieve this.
Many Thanks in advance
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Feb 22, 2007
Hi SQL guys,
I have 2 different databases and an import tool that reads from one and fills the other one and then whenever we run it, it should synch the two databases and its kind of a heavy task. I was wondering if i can replace it with replication between these databases. I defined publisher and subscriber, but i cannot find anywhere that i can say which field in source maps to which field in destination.
Is it possible at all to have a replication between 2 databases with totally different schemas? If so, please let me know how.
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Nov 27, 2006
I'm trying to find some documentation or procedures that will allow me to xfer existing users' roles, etc from sql2000 to sql2005.
When our sql 2005 database was restored on a new server (from sql2000), all of the database users were orphaned. I need to create identical server logins and then make the logins database users. It is also important to understand the significance of the new schema concept. The Microsoft SQL2005UpgradeTechRef.doc white paper does not explain any of this.
Ultimately, I would like to create a script for the above scenario once a sql2005 db is restored from a sql2000 db.
Could someone please help me out on this?
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Apr 16, 2007
I have noticed that some folks create a user to own a schema, with both having the same name (ex: userowner = pfm schema = pfm) and others make dbo the owner for all their schemas. From what I can tell, it doesn't really matter; what does matter is if your database users are granted access to the schema. Since most users only have public rights and dbo has database owner rights, is there any particular reasoning to use one scenario over the other?
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Sep 21, 2006
I am very new to SQL Server 2005. I have created a package to load data from a flat delimited file to a database table. The initial load has worked. However, in the future, I will have flat files used to update the table. Some of the records will need to be inserted and some will need to update existing rows. I am trying to do this from SSIS. However, I am very lost as to how to do this.
Any suggestions?
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