Upgrade Eval Version Of V6.5

Jul 20, 2000

I have a database running on what transpires to be an evaluation copy of SQL 6.5 which has expired. How can I install a full licenced copy of 6.5 whilst retaining databases, users etc.
Note:when starting the SQL server service it immediately shuts down due to the eval expiry. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Upgrade From Eval To Full Version

Aug 3, 1999

Hi Guyz

We are currently running with Eval 120day limit SQL6.5 SP4 and now wish to upgrade to the full version. We have now purchased the full version but whenever we try to "upgrade" the server all we get told is that we should "Use control panel to add or remove components" or we are told that we should "use service pack 3 to update". I can only assume that this message is refering to Add/Remove programs in the control panel but there is no reference to SQL here.

Any ideas how we can upgrade to the full legal version without loosing our SMS data?

Very best regards to all


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SQL Server 2005 Standard Eval Upgrade To Licensed Version

Sep 13, 2007

Hi All,

I have been using the 180 day evaluation version of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and I have my license key now for the purchased version. I read on the Microsoft site I am able to upgrade to the non-trial version without uninstalling the eval version. But for Standars Edition Microsoft states:

"... If upgrading to the fully licensed version of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, Workgroup Edition, or Developer Edition, it is recommended that you uninstall the 180-day trial version of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition before installing the fully licensed version of the other editions..."

Is there anyway out where I don't need to uninstall my eval database server?
If it is necessary to uninstall eval version, then what is the best way to preserve all my current databases?


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SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Eval Upgrade To Licensed Version

Sep 7, 2007

We have been using the 180 day evaluation version and I have my license key now for the purchased version. I read on the Microsoft site I am able to upgrade to the non-trial version without uninstalling the eval version. But it doesn't tell me HOW to do it. I was expecting a menu option, maybe on the About Screen of Management Studio to enter it. (How naive is that?) Is there a simple way to tell the Eval version I am now licensed?


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How To Tell Expiration Date Of Eval Version

Jul 15, 2006

First question: I have sql server 2005 enterprise eval edition installed. is there a query, command or tool can tell me the exact expiration date? I understand it is 180 day but I still want some way to query the exact date.

Second question: does sql server log any warning message before eval expires?

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Getting Started With SQL Server 2005 Eval Version

Oct 16, 2006

I have been running SQL Server 2005 Express with the Management Studio Express.  I just downloaded and installed the Eval (Trial) version of SQL Server 2005 but have not been able to get it working.  Here are a couple of questions:1.  Is there a potential confict with having both versions on my machine.  I don't want to uninstall express since I may have to do back to it in 180 days.2.  Is there a program comparable to the Management Studio for the Eval version of SQL Server 2005?3.  How do I access the Eval version?  I found the folder where it installed on my C drive but don't know what to do with it.Thanks for any help you can provide.  

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Upgrading SQL 2000 Eval To Full Version

Jun 8, 2001

What's the procedure for upgrading the installed evaluation version of SQL Server 2000 to the full Enterprise Edition? Your help is appreciated.

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Eval Has Expired, How To Upgrade?

Jul 13, 1999

We had a evaluation copy of SQL 6.5 loaded on a server. The eval has expired and I need the
server back. We have plenty of SQLServer fully licensed versions available. How
do I upgrade this without losing my existing server.

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Upgrade From 32-bit Eval To 64-bit Enterprise?

Jun 21, 2006

I have a 32-bit evaluation edition installed on my 64-bit server. I have purchased a license for 64-bit enterprise edition. Can I upgrade from the 32-bit eval edition to the 64-bit enterprise edition? If I can - should I? Is the better approach to install a new named instance of the 64-bit enterprise edition - the 32-bit eval edition is an unnamed instance. All guidance is appreciated.


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Anyone Recently Installed SQL Server 2000 Eval Version???

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am having trouble installing Evaluation copy of SQL Server on mynotebook, which has XP, P4 processor,1G Ram, and 14 G harddisk space.After I run the Setup.exe, I get the files files extracted in theSQLEVAL directory.As per the instruction, I need to run Autorun.exe file. For somereason, when I try to run this file, a new windows pops up, which isblank black screen with cursor flying around in the window. The titleof the window isC:windowssystem32wowexec.exeThis is how far I have reached while trying to install the database. Iwould really appreciate if someone could provide some suggestions.VS

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Importing Data Into SQL Server 2005 Eval Version

Jun 6, 2007

Just installed SQL Server 2005 Eval version and Management Studio does not display any Import/Export functions to load data into tables of an existing database. I thought that this feature was turned off only in Management Studio Express.

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Upgrading SQL2005 SP2 Eval To Full Version Issues

Sep 1, 2007


I've got an issue - A client required SQL 2005 for a new CRM package. They run SBS 2003 standard R2, so I ordered the upgrade to premium. No worries, but the developer needed SQL before the package arrived, so we installed the eval version, and then applied SP2 because this was needed for the CRM package.

Now the full version has arrived. I tried running setup both with and without SKUUPGRADE=1 and neither way will let me upgrade, stating that a later version is already in use.

I do have a good backup of the databases (I also have an entire image-based backup as well) but I don't want a disaster. My question:
Do I uninstall SP2 then upgrade to the RTM version of SQL2005 workgroup edition (the one with SBS2003 premium) or is there some other trickery required?

I'd prefer to get a smooth upgrade rather than ending up in a situation where I'd have to restore a heap of things.



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MSSQL 2005 Eval Upgrade To Production?

May 4, 2006

Looking for the best practice to upgrade a soon to expire MSSQL 2005
evaluation server to a standard production server? I understand
the license requirements. I have good backups of the

Should i just pop in a MVL mssql2005 cd and perform an in place
upgrade? Or completely remove the eval version and install clean?
Will i have to redo any SQL users i have added on this server?

Thanks for any help. If anyone has a link to a KBB article i
would be happy to read that on my own as well, i just havent been able
to locate one.

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Import/Export Causes Fatal Error- In Server 2005 Eval. Version

Jan 27, 2006

Have the 2005 Enterprise Evaluation version. Trying to import data from a flat file to DB table. Tried running wizard from designer studio and from creating a data flow in SBIDS

Either way I am able to setup and start excution and then bombs with a fatal error.

"SQL Server Import and Export Wizard has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Asks to Debug or close.. Tried installing on 2 other machines and having same issue. Tried several different data files and tables same issue.

Does anyone know if this is a bug? Am I missing something with permissions?


Bill Bialas

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Want To Upgrade Evaluation Version Of SQL 2005 To Full Retail Version. How Would I Do That. Thanks

Jan 31, 2007

Want to upgrade Evaluation version of SQL 2005 to full retail version. How would I do that. Thanks very much for your hel

Sam Commar

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Upgrade Trail Version With A Full Version Of Ms Sql-server

Apr 20, 2007

We want to licence a trail version 2005 EN with an fullversion of MS Sql server 2005 EN. Is that possible?


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Upgrade From SQL Server Standard Version To Enterprise Version

Nov 8, 2007

Can some one here give me more insight about how to upgrade a SQL Server 2005 Standard Version (32 bits) to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (32 bits) as default instance on a Windows 2003 enterprise OS (32 bits). I want to know what is the easist way and what is the safest way. May I preserve some settings I have for the STD version, or I have to start from strach again to configure the server? Is there any catches, anything I should have attention to (We are using heavily about CLR and fulltext indexing)?

Thanks a milliom

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Upgrade From One Version To Another Version

Feb 23, 2007

is there a tsql or stored proc to find when was the sqlserver got upgraded from 2000 to sqlserver 2005?

thanks in advance

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How To Upgrade To Other Version

Feb 6, 2007

Hi All,
Currently we are using standard edition SQL Server 2005. In couple of days we will upgrade our system to Enterprise ed. How to do the right upgrade without losing any data? Do we have to uninstall the current version before upgrade it? Also, what is the best practice to have, keep using standard edition in my development box while later I will deploy it in enterprise on production server, or using Developer ed in my development box?
Thanks in advance.

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Live DB Version Upgrade

Jun 13, 2001

I need to create a DB version upgrade schema on client site that will preserve the existing data.
Provide the user with a patch that he can run on his database that wiil apply changes to his DB structure and keep the old data.
One approach that I am thinking of is to create a differential DB patch - a and apply that to the client database.
Is there any strategy any algorithm to do that. Can it be automated?
If there any accomplishments or approaches known on the subject?
I would greatly appreciate any ideas you can come up with.


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SQL 2005 - Version Upgrade.

Aug 2, 2007

Hi Experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 Standard edition in a box. We need to update (install) that box with SQL Server Developer editions. Please let me know what are the ways to do it.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL 2005 - Version Upgrade.

Aug 2, 2007

Hi Experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 Standard edition in a box. We need to update (install) that box with SQL Server Developer editions. Please let me know what are the ways to do it.

Thanks in advance,


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Upgrade To Full Version?

May 9, 2006


Can I install

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

or must I uninstall the basic version?



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Upgrade From Beta-3 To The Release Version

Feb 16, 1999

Hi All,

I am doing an upgrade of SQL Server from Beta 3 release to the release version. I will appreciate if I get some information , some tips that I should follow which will make my task simpler. The database is very critical and big. It has huge amounts of stored procedures.
If you can tell me any site which gives information regarding this that will be also helpful..


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Trial Upgrade To Purchased Version

May 17, 2006

We started out with the trial version of sql2005 and we later purchased the full standard version I belive, I just realized our trial is going to expire which we have data we are using on it. Is it possible to enter our liscense number in the trial to continue using or do I have to detach all of the databases and install the new sql version and then reattach all of the databases and setup any maintence plans again.

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Upgrade From SQL Server 2005 Eval Copy To SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

Jul 23, 2007

I have a SQL Server 2005 evaluation that has already been installed and setup on a server. I believe it originally had a 180 day eval. There have been numerous databases and users added as well as maintenance plan created...

The eval was put on the machine as an interim solution while waiting for paper work and order processiing things to happen. All the paperwork and ordering... have been completed and I now have the real SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition license key ....

I am very new to SQL Server and need to determine ...

1. Can I update the eval copy to become permanently licensed?

2. Would I want to upgrade the eval to permanent? Will I lose any capabilities by keeping the current eval setup?

If it is reasonable to keep the eval setup

3. How do I go about entering the license key to make it permanent?

If it is necessary to install the new Standard Edition...

4. How do I install it while maintaining the already defined databases, data, users, maintenance plan...

Thanks in advance for any and all help.


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Upgrade From 2000 To 2005, Version Still Says 8.0.2039

Oct 13, 2006

I just installed 2005 and accepted all the defaults to upgrade the default instance of 2000 as prompted. However, when I open the SQL Server Mgnt Studio, my server shows 8.0.2039 as the version which is 2000, and I can't restore a backup from another 2005 server, because it gives an error message like it still thinks its 2000. The whole installation process went fine including sp1. I looked in Services to see if there was more than one instance of SQL Server, and there isn't. Also, all my database files are still in the old 2000 (mssqldata) directory. Any ideas, solutions? Thanks.


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Upgrading SQL Express: Is It Possible To Restrict To Which Version Upgrade Is Possible?

Aug 15, 2007


I am about to let users upgrade their SQL Express installations to Standard Edition. They will all run the upgrade program by a command line argument that I will supply along with a setup.ini that I will supply. Is it possible by simple means "hack" the setup.ini file in order to only allow upgrade to x86 Standard Edition? We have DVDs with all kinds of editions for both x86 and 64-bit and I would not want the users to accidentally upgrade to Enterprise Edition or a 64-bit Standard edition.

Is this possible to attain by simply means or do I have to upgrade all clients myself?


Harald Hedlund

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Master Data Services :: Upgrade From Version Of Database Is Not Supported

Apr 21, 2015

We migrated the MDS database to a new server (win 2012 & sql 2014). We did this by detaching attaching. After the move, I tried to upgrade the MDS database using the master configuration manager and i am getting the following error. I couldn't find any relevant articles online. "The upgrade from the version of the database is not supported or the sql scripts for the upgrade are misisng".

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Is SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) A New Product Or Just The Upgrade Version Of DTS?

Sep 11, 2006

Hi, all,

I am having a question about SSIS. Is it a totally new product in SQL Server 2005 or it is a upgrade version of previous version DTS? Thanks a lot for any guidance for that.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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SQL Server SP2 Command Line Upgrade Switch And Express Version Detection

Mar 9, 2007

Our application installation setup needs to be able to detect:

Is SQL Server 2005 Express Installed?

If false, run the SP2 Installation
Is SQL Server 2005 Express or SQL Express SP1 Installed?

If false, run the SP2 Installation with Update Switch
Is SQL Server 2005 (not Express) Installed

If true, abort installation with a mesage.

Can you direct me to some documentation about testing for these environments or just if someone has some scripts that will run in InstallShield, that would be great.

ALSO, can you direct me to information about using the command line update switch for the Express SP2 Installer?


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How To Upgrade One Of A Multi-instance SQL2K5 DEVELOPER Versions To Standard Version With SP1 Applied?

Oct 11, 2006

hello we want to evaluate TS foundation server but it says it won't support developer edition sql, only sql2k5 stanard. But now we have DEVELOPER version on our development sql server, DEVDATA1, i.e. instances DEVDATA1DEV, and DEVDATA1QA are both installed on the same sql server box with both SP1 applied.

How can we update DEVDATA1QA to Standard version while still have SP1 applied? we just install Standard CD and then apply SP1 again?

Because this instance is our QA version, before we do something silly, if any of you did that before, any advice would be really helpful.

thanks in advance.

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Upgrade From 2000 MSDE To 2005 Express - Enable TCP/IP By Default && Current Version Of SQL Running?

Jan 23, 2007

i am working on upgrading the clients and server computers from 2000 MSDE to 2005 SQL Express Adv. Plan to upgrade using the template.ini.

i can find the version of sql server running on th server by @@version but how do i find the version of client connctivity components the computer has installed in order to ugrade?

1. somehow i need to know whether to upgrade a client computer CONNECTIVITY COMPONENTS from 2000 to 2005?

2. is there a way to enable tcp/ip in installation script of SQL Express?


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