Upgrade To Sql 2000 With Minimal Downtime

Jul 20, 2005

I'm upgrading from SQL 7 to SQL 2000 on another box. To minimize the
downtime I would like to
1) backup my sql 7 database,
2) copy it to the new box with SQL 2000 already installed,
3) restore the database on the SQL 2000 box,
4) Shutdown my sql 7 database,
5) Copy the transaction logs to the SQL 2000 database,
6) Restore the transaction logs to the SQl 2000 database,
7) Bring up SQL 2000.

My only concern with this is restoring the transaction logs that were
created on SQL 7 to SQL 2000. Do you know if I can do this?

Do you see any (other) problem(s) with my plan.

Thanks, Scott

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SQL Server 2012 :: Restore Database With Minimal Downtime

Oct 12, 2015

I have a process that restores a production DB, overwriting the existing copy each night. I'd like to keep the solution "up" for as long as possible. And this'll be more important if I want to update it in the day (where there are more queries) too. The nature of queries thrown at the system is that there are about 20 per hour, it's underpinning a reporting system, it's not an OLTP system.

It seems to me I could restore the fresh DB copy into a holding DB, then rename it to the production DB name at the end of the process. The rename process should be pretty much instant.

But I need to think about detecting and waiting for queries to complete on the prod DB, before removing/demoting it (actually, I though to rename it, then reusing it as the next copy to update).

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SQL 2012 :: Apply Primary Key On A Huge Table So Downtime Is Minimal?

Jul 30, 2015

I have a table (named table1) with 20million rows. It takes around 11 minutes to apply the primary key to this table. There are some tables with over 100 million rows so based on the previous time if my calculations are correct it will take close to an hour apply this primary key for tables with around 100 million rows.

My current solution is to create another table (named table2) with no indexs or primary keys. Pump over only like 5 days worth of data, then apply the primary key. Then have a script that will eventually populate table2 with the rest of the data gradually. When I say gradually I mean like insert like every 100k per hour or something. Keep in mind this table2 is heavily updated with new records.

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Available Strategies To Upgrade A Database Schema Without Downtime

Mar 29, 2007

There is a great book on database refactoring that contains a comprehensive set or recipies on how to revise databases that are supposed to be always online and may have various clients that can't be upgraded at the same time. I guess this is a typical case with large databases and I would be surpised if Amazon stops their servers just to move a column from one table to another. The book describes necessary steps for such changes. Basically it's all about creating intermediate database schemas that would be used during transition period.

For example, if we need to move a column from one table to another:

Version 1.
Table A columns: Name, Price
Table B columns: Quantity, Date

Let's say we move Price to table B:

Version 2.
Table A columns: Name
Table B columns: Quantity, Date, Price

The book suggests an intermediate version:

Version 1_2.
Table A columns: Name, Price
Table B columns: Quantity, Date, Price
Additional trigger that will synchronize "Price" columns between A and B.

Version 1_2 can be used by both clients written for version 1 and 2. Software developers don't need to rush their upgrades, transition can last months and include several changes.

This technique requires accuracy in version control management, but looks very good to implement non-interruptible database schema upgrade. I wonder if this is the only option available for data schema upgrade with no downtime. I can't think about anything else - it this how large data warehouses updata their databases?

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Upgrade To SQL Server 2005 - Downtime Needed?

Jul 11, 2006


We want to upgrade the Clustered SQL Server 2000 in our production environment to SQL Server 2005 (Clustered).

Are there any complexities we need to take care of?

Do we need a downtime during the period when the SQL server is being upgraded?



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DB Engine :: Upgrade Two Nodes Utilizing AlwaysOn Of Some Other Method Without Downtime?

Oct 15, 2015

Two servers are configured with Windows 2008 / SQL server 2012 utililizing Always-On for HA. We need to upgrade both servers to Windows 2012 / SQL Server 2014 with minimum downtime(Time for Always-On failover). The upgrade to SQL 2014 is straight forward with for minimum downtime.The Windows upgrade(2008 -> 2012) is the problem. From what I have observed and read in blogs.The Windows node to be upgraded must be removed from the Windows cluster before the node can be upgraded to Win 2012.A Win 2008 and Win 2012 node can not reside in the same cluster. If this is true then the only option I can think of is to dump the DB on WIN 2008 server and restore on Win 2012. This is an outage(time it takes to dump and restore).Is there any other method to upgrade these two nodes utilizing Always-On of some other method without downtime?

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'Upgrade' From 2000 Standard To 2000 Development Edition

Jul 20, 2005

Hello!I would like to change the SQL server 2000 from Standard version toDevelopment edition. I have two database running on this server, bothreplicated, with few jobs, etc ... Can you recommend the easiest way to dothis? I heard, it would be as easy as, detaching the databases, deletingcurrent SQL software, installing different one, and attaching the olddatabases back. I doubt that is true, so that's why I'm asking here for anyreal-life instructions.Thanks for your input!Kind regards,Dejan--

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How To Upgrade SQL 2000 Standard To SQL 2000 Enterprize?

Oct 25, 2006

I don't need 2005


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Sql Server Downtime RCA

Nov 30, 2007

My SQL Server 2005 Database was down last night.From logs I can find out below details only.

Code Block
Date 11/30/2007 1:01:34 AM
Log SQL Server (Archive #1 - 11/30/2007 1:01:00 AM)
Source spid4s
SQL Server is terminating in response to a 'stop' request from Service Control Manager. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

Now I want to find out root cause for this.Who has stopped this service.And If services was stopped automatically then which program/service is resposible?

So Please suggest me how to do root cause analysis for this downtime.

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Minimal Install Possible?

Jul 22, 2006

The smallest downloadable version seems to be 53MB. Is there any way to create a smaller version to use as an embedded DB for an application? I only need it to be single-user, for what that's worth. I'm thinking more in the 10MB to 20MB range.

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Calculate Downtime In Given Period

Aug 7, 2013

I have a table as seen below and need to calculate the downtime in a given period.

dateandtime Equipment No. Status
1/2/2013 ! 4 ! 0
1/5/2013 ! 3 ! 1
1/8/2013 ! 8 ! 0
1/3/2013 ! 5 ! 1
1/2/2013 ! 1 ! 0
1/4/2013 ! 4 ! 1

The ! is my attempt to make a line between columns...

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Minimal Components To Install

Jul 25, 2006


I have bought SQL Server 2005 Standard Ed. which will be used only to host databases for different applications like WSUS, McAfee Protection Pilot and CA Brightstor ArcServer.
I do not have intention to create corporate applications using SQL Server.

In fact, I am using the SQL Server as a "multiple MSDE database server"...

My question is what are the minimal components between the following features to install (as I do not not really what they are doing) :
-SQL Server
-Analysis Services
-Reporting Services
-Notification Services
-Data Tranformation Services
-Workstation Components

Thanks in advance

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SQL 2005 Service Downtime Alert

Dec 27, 2007

I am trying to create an alert on my new SQL 2005 box to email alert/notify when/if the service ever stops, etc. Is there an existing alert I can use or do I have to script one, and if I do - how would I do it?

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SQL 2005 Service Downtime Alert

Dec 27, 2007

I am trying to create an alert on my new SQL 2005 box to email alert/notify when/if the service ever stops, etc. Is there an existing alert I can use or do I have to script one, and if I do - how would I do it?

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How To Upgrade A SQL 7 Box To 2000

Dec 10, 2001

There must be many various ways to upgrade a dual processor server from SQL 7 to SQL 2000.

Do you think I am better off to simply run the upgrade CDs?

Would it be better to de-install SQL 7 and then install SQL 2000?

Better still to Rebuild from scratch? (OS & setup)?

This particular server has seen little use actually.

Who has experience and suggestions?


Mark Blackburn
CA Dept of Parks

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Upgrade 2000

Mar 7, 2002


I have two scenerio.

Two servers (SQL 7.0), transaction replication

Four servers (SQL 7.0), transactional replication one publisher, one distributor and 2 subsribers.

I need to upgrade these two scenerio to 2000.

Please advice me with suggestions and your experience.


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Upgrade From SQL 7 To SQL 2000 ?

Jun 16, 2001

I am planning on upgrading my existing SQL Server 7 to 2000. I plan on starting out just upgrading the SQL first, then upgrading to Win2k Server later on.

I have read some posts here with some of you having issues, etc. Based on your experiences, do you suggest, I do both upgrades together? I think it would be best to do this on a new server, and keeping everything live on the other server until I feel comfortable in moving over the data.

What files besides the database files, should I restore, if any? Are there any significant application performance issues or bugs? Should I wait to apply the first sql patch that was just released last week? What about any code that needs to be rewritten?I will do it as a test first, but any advice would be great.

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SQL 2000 Upgrade From SQL 7.0

Apr 1, 2003

I have several SQL 7.0 SQL servers that I need to upgrade to SQL 2000.

I have been tasked with finding out what the risks are in upgrading and where I may run into problems when upgrading.

So far I have'nt been able to find any info of how to prepare for the upgrade.

Does anyone know of potential problems I should look for or documents/kb articles on the web that I can refer to plan correctly.


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Upgrade SQL 7.0 To 2000

Apr 11, 2003

We are trying to do an upgrade in place and are getting errors that it can't activate model database files. We believe it's because we move all log files to another drive and think Microsoft failed once again to recognize this in their upgrades. They made this mistake in 7.0 SP2 (the SP failed if you moved log files to alternate location) but they fixed it in SP3.

Has anyeone experieinced this problem? Is there a workaround (other than the obvious.)

Replies are appreciated!


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Upgrade From 6.5 To 2000

Aug 16, 2001

We are about do an upgrade from 6.5 to 2000. Does anyone know of any material that would be of assistance to me. If you have any pointers that would also be appreciated.

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Upgrade To 2000

Oct 30, 2001

Try to upgrade SQL 7 on a NT4 system to SQL 2000. Also like to upgrade NT4 to Win2K. Anyone know what's the best sequence for doing so? Thanks on advance.

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SQL 6.5 TO SQL 2000 Upgrade

Jun 4, 2004

What is the best way of brining a SQL Server 6.5 database to a Consolidated SQL Server 2000 environment? I tried using the SQL Server 2K upgrade wizard and it failed to import some data, which made me uncomfortable in using this tool?
Is this a safe approach:

Create a database on SQL 2K and script out all the objects like tables, Indexes, views and run it against SQL 2K.

Then run the DTS to populate all the tables and you are done?

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Upgrade 6.5 To 2000

Dec 17, 2004

I'm looking to upgrade our old 6.5 server (running NT4) to 2000 and go to Windows Server 2003 at the same time. There are 10 or so small to medium sized DBs on here.
Can anyone provide some decent links to blogs, FAQs or documentation relating to this?

Many thanks,

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SQL 6.5 Upgrade To 2000

Aug 6, 2006

Hi,I am trying to use the Upgrade Wizard in SQL 2000 to upgrade a SQL 6.5 db to2000. I am only choosing to update a single database, not system objects.The Upgrade wizard connects to SQL 6.5, checks the db, creates the db on SQL2000 with all tables and imports users from SQL 6.5. The problem comes whenit tries to bring over the actual data. I get an error:"Couldn't connection to the export machine!" in the out log file.The in log file reports login failed.Both SQL services were running at this point, the login via SA must beworking since it copies over the 6.5 db structure and users.The SQL 6.5 machine is NT 4. The 2000 machine is Windows Server 2003. Iwas logged in as domain admin when running this. I tried playing with the"SQLUpgrade" DSN that was created on the SQL 2000 machine to use SA orwindows authentication, both fail.Any ideas?Thanks.

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Upgrade From SQL 7.0 To 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi! If doing online version upgrade from SQL 7.0 to SQl 2000, (1) do Ineed to shut down server? (2) after upgrading, is all login and dbuser, group information, scheduled Jobs, maintenance paln... stillthere? or I have to save the info before upgrading and recreate afterupgrading? (3) any other tips I need to know? I'm doign that for thefirst time.Thanks!Saiyou

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Upgrade To 2000 Sp4

Nov 27, 2006

This is want happen. We have upgraded from sql 2000 sp3 to sql 2000 sp4 on an window 2003 server with sp1. Now we are getting this error. ERROR: 17805, SEVERITY: 20, STATE: 3 INVALID BUFFER RECEIVED FROM CLIENT..

Any ideas.


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Why Does Database Need Minimal Space In Transaction Log?

Jul 27, 2000

The transaction log takes up a lot of space on my database, and even after I try truncating the log, doing a transaction log backup, and then shrinking it, I am not allowed to reduce the size of the transaction log to less than 250MB. Is there some reason why this space is required?

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SQL 2012 :: Minimize Migration Downtime On Large DB?

Apr 20, 2015

I'm preparing a checklist for myself before getting ready to migrate from 2005 to 2012. Our largest database is a nice one at over 250GB. I'm thinking my best bet to minimize any downtime would be to Restore the DB (NORECOVERY) on the new server and keep rolling it forward with the transactional logs. Eventually I'll need to bring the old DB offline and do one last backup and apply that one to the new server but that should be a small time frame given the whole process could take several hours.

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Recovery :: Highly Critical Application With No Downtime?

Oct 29, 2015

1. I am looking data base solution for highly critical application. what type of HA/DR solution will suite for this.(always on, transactional , log shipping or mirroring). make sure all secondary nodes should be identical to production .

2. for any need to upgrade /patching /maintenance work,   production should not be able to down. No downtime 100%.

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Best Way To Upgrade SQL 2000 To 2005

Dec 11, 2007

I have a project where I have to upgrade SQL 2000 to 2005. When we are upgrading we are going to move to new server so server name will change. Most of our applications have a hard coded connection string. Applications are developed with Classic ASP, .NET 1.1 and 2.0 as well. 
Now the question is what is the best way to do this? Changing all the connection string will be a very painful task as we have many applications.
Can anyone suggest a way where we can achieve this without changing all the connection strings?
 Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2000 Beta Upgrade

Jul 6, 2000

Do I have to upgrade to 7.0 before installing the beta SQL 2000 or can I go straight from 6.5?

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SQL 7 To 2000 Upgrade Problem

Mar 26, 2003

I am upgrading a SQL7 std to SQL2000 std
The upgrade process fails in the upgrade.sql step. With no meaningful error messages. All services that may use the db are stopped, the net is disabled so this server is stand alone, nothing can be accessing the db !

I cannot find any log output, from the upgrade so I dont know whats causing this. Has anyone any ideas ?


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Upgrade From Sql 7 To Sql 2000 On My Desktop

Apr 18, 2003

Hi all:-

How do I upgrade my local sql server 7 to sql 2000 ? Do I just put in the sql server 2000 CD and run it or is there an upgrade CD ? I have lots of stuff on my sql 7 and don't want to lose it.

Thanks in advance!

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