Upgrade Trial To Enterprise

Dec 31, 2003

Whats going on

I upgraded a server from trial to Enterprise

I'm getting a "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. "

Error which means, to me (because I close all connections in a finally block) that the db is still in trial mode.

So.... do I create another db, do I make another registration, hmmm

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120 Day Trial Upgrade

Jun 17, 1999

I purchased an Internet Connector License to legitimize my
120 day trial install of SQL 7.0. All I received was a simple
cardboard envelope with a tiny readme and a sticker on the
front with some license info...how the heck do I properly
"register" this thing???

Anyone have any ideas?

I did meanwhile get Backoffice 4.5 complete. I installed
that last night but cannot tell if it "legitimized" SQL
7.0 or not. Maybe there is a way to tell if the trail
version has been upgraded??

Thanks for any ideas.

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Upgrading A Cluster From Trial To Enterprise

Nov 27, 2007

I need to upgrade a trial version on 2005 to Enterprise. Will this work?


Does that take care of SSIS and RS?

I see that UPGRADE may only have a value of 'SQL_Engine', so I'm assuming everything relies on the version of the engine. I also see that every cluster install requires certain options that are not specified in my command - which is why I'm a little confused - you can see that info a little below this link - "Parameters Required for Cluster Installations". But I'm thinking this isn't a install, but an upgrade.


Thanks for any help!

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Trial Upgrade To Purchased Version

May 17, 2006

We started out with the trial version of sql2005 and we later purchased the full standard version I belive, I just realized our trial is going to expire which we have data we are using on it. Is it possible to enter our liscense number in the trial to continue using or do I have to detach all of the databases and install the new sql version and then reattach all of the databases and setup any maintence plans again.

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How To Put A New SQL 2005 Enterprise License On A Trial Version

Mar 26, 2008

Hello All,

i have sungard campus management system runing on MS SQL Server 2005 trial version, i have bought a new license for MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise. can any body help me how to put the new license please.

Khaliq Yar

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Verify LicenseType After Upgrading From SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Evaluation/Trial

Jun 27, 2006

I upgraded a MS SQL 2005 Enterprise Evaluation/Trial to MS SQL 2005 Standard Edition with 5 User CAL.

I used the following command to upgrade:


Once complete, "select SERVERPROPERTY('LicenseType')" returns DISABLED, but I expected that it would return PER_SEAT.

Thankfully, after the upgrade it does show EDITION=Standard Edition.


1. How do I verify the license installed is the Client Access License of 5?

-- SQL Server 2005 does not seem to have the same SQL Licence control panel as did SQL 2000. It is not listed under Control Panel -> Licensing (only thing listed is 'Windows Server') nor under Administrator Tools -> Licensing.

2. How do you add CALs or change license type in SQL 2005?

-- I was also puzzled that I was not asked during setup of the license mode and/or number of licenses ( I did not get this on a fresh install of SQL 2005 SE either ).

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.


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Problem Installing Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition Trial Software With Office 2007

Nov 15, 2007

I received an error when I tried to install SQL server 2005 enterprise edition trial software with office 2007. My operating system is Windows XP pro SP2. It could not locate an office file and recommended downloading office 2003 sp2. Will this fix the problem?

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Installing SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Trial Edition And Standard Edition On Same Machine

Jan 22, 2008

-I have istalled sql server 2005 standard edition , I want to install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on the same machine.
Is it possible? I have Microsoft windows server 2003 SP2 and 1GB RAM.
I want to use partition function with the enterprise edition, will the trial version of sql server work for me?
-If I have already created a database and tables using the standard edition, will I be able to access and use the database using the installed trial version or will I have to start a fresh creating a new database?
- Is it possible to access the same database with any of the installed versions?

BTW, I am prety new to sql server and databases , I am trying to learn by myself


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Downgrade Path From SQL 2005 Enterprise Trial Edition To Standard Edition

Oct 17, 2007

Hi all--I'm researching the cleanest downgrade path from a trial edition of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise to a licensed Standard Edition copy. It looks like downgrading will entail uninstalling the old version and installing the new version, but I'd like to save the original setup as much as possible. Detaching the old databases will preserve the non-system databases; what method would work best for restoring the system databases?

- Jon

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2005 Enterprise Trial To 2005 Standard Edition

Apr 21, 2007

We want to licence a trail version 2005 Enterprise with an full version of MS Sql server 2005 standard. Is this possible?

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SQL 2005 Enterprise Trial To SQL 2005 Standard License

Sep 1, 2007

Simple question. I have a client that needs SQL 2005 Standard installed NOW, and cannot wait for media to arrive. I know I can download the 180 trial of SQL 2005 Enterprise, but can it be licensed as Standard when we purchase?

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Upgrade From 32-bit Eval To 64-bit Enterprise?

Jun 21, 2006

I have a 32-bit evaluation edition installed on my 64-bit server. I have purchased a license for 64-bit enterprise edition. Can I upgrade from the 32-bit eval edition to the 64-bit enterprise edition? If I can - should I? Is the better approach to install a new named instance of the 64-bit enterprise edition - the 32-bit eval edition is an unnamed instance. All guidance is appreciated.


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How To Upgrade Sql 2005 Dev To Enterprise

Jan 12, 2007


I tried the skuupgrade=1 and it appeared to want to install a whole new instance. This operation was supposed to recognise what to upgrade and what instance to do (there is only one). Can some send me some detailed instructions on how to upgrade my sql 2005 developer edition to the enterprise edition?



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MSDE Upgrade And Enterprise Manager

Feb 7, 2004

I just upgraded for MDSE 1 (came with VB 6 Pro and inculded Enterprise Manager) to MSDE 2000. After the upgrade, Enterprise Manager was removed.
Is there an Enterprise Manager availble for MSDE 2000, or a similar tool out there?

Thanks for any help.

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Upgrade Standard Edition To Enterprise

Feb 13, 2003

right now I'm using SQL2000 Std Edition. Our new application requires an OLAP Svcs to be installed. As I found in SQLBooksOnline HTTP access to OLAP cubes is available only in OLAPSvsc Enterprise Edition. Do I have to upgrade SQL Std Edition as well or it is possible to run OLAP Enterprise on top of SQL2000 Standard? Does anyone of you know about step-by-step guide how to move SQL2K Std to SQL Ent?

Thanks in advance for help


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Upgrade From SQL 2005 Standard To Enterprise

Aug 31, 2006

I'm installing SQL 2005 on a cluster. Currently we do not need the features of enterprise edition, but we may need them in the future. Can you upgrade Standard edition to Enterprise edition (on a cluster)?

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SQL 2005 Standard To Enterprise Upgrade

Dec 2, 2006

As I found on http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143393.aspx its only possible on 32 Bit subsystems and not on native 64 bit - is this true?

In addition is it a complete installations which remains the current configuration? (i guess this because we have to apply all service packs again)?

and at least - is a license upgarde possible or do we have to buy a complete new licence?


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SQL Server Enterprise Edition Upgrade

Jan 24, 2007


Can someone please help me? I recently upgraded from SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Evaluation Version (x64) to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (x64). While the components: Database Engine, Analysis Services, Workstation Components have been upgraded. I can still see that Reporting Services is still in the Evaluation Version. Integration Services is no where to be found.

Regardless, I wanted to add Integration Services but on the System Configuration Check, I am getting the following error: Edition Change Check: To change an existing instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to a different edition of SQL Server 2005, you must run SQL Server 2005 Setup from the command prompt and include the SKUUPgrade=1 parameter. So regardless of this message, I clicked Next, selected Integration Services and then it tells me that it has already been installed.

Anyway, I exit out of set-up. Try to create a new Integration Services project and I get the following error.

Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.PackageNeutralClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.SQLServer.DTS.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSContainer90'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '8BDFE892-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801d (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).

Please help!

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Upgrade Servicepack For SQL 7 Enterprise In Win2000 Cluster

Aug 29, 2002

When upgrading servicepack for SQL Server 7 in a Windows 2000 cluster, do I need to uncluster the servers before installing SP?
Install on Node 1 first?

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Upgrade From Standard 64bit To Enterprise 64 Bit Issues

Jan 30, 2008

The upgrade works fine if the instance starts on SP2. But the instance has the hotpatch applied and is running build 3200. When I try the upgrade against the 3200 version it errors out with the following message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following problem: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The certificate cannot be dropped because one or more entities are either signed or encrypted using it.. To continue, correct the problem, and then run SQL Server Setup again.

My question is:
if I upgrade from standard to enterprise on Version: 9.00.3042 it upgrade perfectly well but if I try to upgrade from Version: 9.00.3200 version, it gives the error message.

let me know if anyone can solve the issue at cqldba@gmail.com

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SQL 2000 Enterprise Upgrade To SQL 2005 Standard

Feb 12, 2008

Hi All

I'm after some advice, I am looking for the best way to do this:

I have a SQL 2000 Clustered Virtual Instance which is of course Enterprise Edition as it is clustered. I need to upgrade to 2005, but dont need the 2005 Enterprise features, Standard will do, as this supports clustering.

The restrictions are that you cant upgrade 200Ent to 2005Std.

As this is a fairly complex environment, it has a default instance running on node 1 and a named instance running on node 2
I dont particularly want to uninstall both 2000 instances, and then install new 2005 instances

So is it possible to upgrade to 2005 ent, and then downgrade to standard. I have seen a suggestion without any details, that there is an undocumented sp, sp_update_resume, that might do this. Does anyone know about this

Or does anybody have any other suggestions. (the names of the instances have to be the same, as the existing instances)

Thanks in advance


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How To Make Sure A Upgrade From Sql 2005 Standard To Enterprise Edition?

Apr 16, 2007


I did run upgrade advisior to check the existed sql 2005 standard edition to upgrade to enterprise editon. I got the following error message:

SQL Server version: 09.00.1399 is not supported by this release of Upgrade Advisor

Is it means the upgrade advisor can only work on from 7.0, 2000 to 2005? If I need check from standard to enterjprise in 2005, what kind of tool I can use?

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Merge Replication Broke After SQL 2005 Evaluation Upgrade To Enterprise

May 15, 2006

I'm try to upgrade SQL Server 2005 Evaluation with tuned up and worked merge replication.

- I'm insert disk with licensed SQL Server 2005 Enterprise, start installation - in process, indicate instance for installing, in list of options appears I see option "ugrade"
- All passes fine and go on:

After upgarde I'm get completely broken merge replication!

Moreover, such feeling that certain strange troubles with SQL Agent:
all points context menu in Replication Monotor - disabled and if I try to start replication manually through jobs - too failed - with some error "agent shutdown" !

I'm try to build "clear" situation: install in Virtual PC Windows 2003 Ent SP1, SQL 2005 Eval and setup my test replication and upgrade SQL Server to Enterprise version - and get same trouble too!!!

What the best way to uprade my evaluations sql servers with replication to licensed version SQL Ent?

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Will Installing Sql Server Management Studio 05 Upgrade Enterprise Manager 00?

May 9, 2006

I was wondering if i install sql server management studio express on a pc with enterprise manager on it, if that will upgrade the enterprise manager? I was hoping to have them installed side by side so that i can manage my sql server 2000 dbs with enterprise manager and manage a sql express 05 db i have on another pc with the managment studio.

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Setup And Upgrade :: 2005 Backup To Restore Into 2014 Enterprise

Jul 7, 2015

We successfully restore 2005 backup into SQL 2014 , so does that mean , does it  mean all are ok ? or we have to do something next ? 

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SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Eval Upgrade To Licensed Version

Sep 7, 2007

We have been using the 180 day evaluation version and I have my license key now for the purchased version. I read on the Microsoft site I am able to upgrade to the non-trial version without uninstalling the eval version. But it doesn't tell me HOW to do it. I was expecting a menu option, maybe on the About Screen of Management Studio to enter it. (How naive is that?) Is there a simple way to tell the Eval version I am now licensed?


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Will Installing Sql Server Management Studio Express Upgrade Enterprise Manager?

May 9, 2006

I was wondering if i install sql server management studio express (05) on a pc with enterprise manager(00) on it, if that will upgrade the enterprise manager?  I was hoping to have them installed side by side so that i can manage my sql server 2000 dbs on a server with enterprise manager and manage a sql express 05 db i have on another pc with the managment studio.Thanks!

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SQL 2005 Standard To Enterprise Edition Upgrade On Existing Three-node Cluster

Jun 10, 2007

Current set-up: three node cluster running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 with two instances of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SP2.

Virtual node 1: Standard Edition, default instance, Database Engine only

Virtual node 2: Standard Edition, named instance, Database Engine, Analysis Services and Integration Services

Physical node A: Prefered node for virtual node 1

Physical node B: Failover node for both virtual node 1 and 2 (thus having two installations of Standard Edition)

Physical node C: Prefered node for virtual node 2

We started off with this set-up because there was no need for Enterprise features, and SQL 2005 supports failover clustering with two nodes in Standard Edition. Saved a bundle of cash, so everybody's happy. Now we need to run a solution on virtual node 2 that requires Enterprise features in Analysis and Integration Services, so an edition upgrade is required on virtual node 2. I have done some research and found several edition upgrade examples, but none that match the above scenario. We are running production on these machines, so I can't risk experimenting with command line options, I have to be right the first time.

Is it possible to mix two editions of SQL Server 2005 in one cluster? Can I upgrade virtual node 2 to Enterprise but leave virtual node 1 at Standard? What procedure do I have to follow to upgrade all three components of virtual node 2 to Enterprise Edition on both physical node B and C?

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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Can I Upgrade From Sql 2005 Express To Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition ?

Jul 29, 2006

if i upgrade from sql server 2005 expressto sql server 2005 enterprise can i do it ?
am i need to uninstall 2005 express before ?

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Server Slowed After Upgrade To SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2005 32 Bit

Nov 22, 2007

I have upgraded a server with 4 CPU's 1.7 Dual Core AMD opteron.
Running with 16 GB RAM, on windows server 2003 enterprize edition.

and my server has really slowed down ?
An i missing something need urgent help

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Upgrade From SQL Server 2005 Express To 2005 Enterprise Fails

Dec 29, 2006


I am trying to upgrade SQL Server 2005 Express to SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
(As a Preparation to install SQLServer2005 Service Pack 2 (CTP))

I tried to upgrade a particular Instance (OFFICESERVERS, which was based on SQL Server 2005 Express ).

During the upgrade I get a message saying that ...

.....Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules.....

All other components I selected for Installation are propertly installed (Analysis, Reporting)

The setup log contains the following detail information:

---- Context -----------------------------------------------
Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources

Error Code: 29543
MSI (s) (DC!C8) [13:57:26:265]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29543. Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.
Edition check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules. For more information about edition upgrades, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Error 29543. Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.
Edition check:
Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules. For more information about edition upgrades, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.
<Func Name='SetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='SetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: ValidateUpgrade
PerfTime Start: ValidateUpgrade : Fri Dec 29 13:57:26 2006
<Func Name='ValidateUpgrade'>
<Func Name='updateFeatureSellection'>
Error Code: 0x80077367 (29543)
Windows Error Text: Source File Name: sqlcaupgradeproduct.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Mon Sep 19 01:07:45 2005
Function Name: sqls::UpgradeProduct::CanUpgrade
Source Line Number: 142

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

I also tried to explicitly upgrade the OFFICESERVERS instance by executing Setup from the command shell:

PGRADE=1 /qb

The result is the same, i.e.... Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules...

Does anybody know about this problem?
Some more information about the system:
W2K3 R2 Enterprise Edition
previously installed SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (Version 9.00.2047.00)

Kinde regards

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Side-by-side Upgrade Ruined Enterprise Manager

Dec 11, 2007

Hi people

Here is my case: I've a server running Windows server 2003 edition and SQL2000.
I've installed SQL2005 using the side-by-side method as described by MSFT docs. I've then copied the mdf & ldf files to new locations and attached the db in SQL 2005 management studio. Every thing fine. Next, I've migrated the DTSs using the DTS migration wizard. After this step I have some bad warnings in windows:

When I restart the server I get the following message: "mmc.exe Microsoft Management Console encountered a problem and needed to close".
Furthermore: I can't start the old SQL enterprise manager.
It shows another error "mmc.exe - Entry point Not Found" and closes it self.

The MSFT support page on this error relates it to Windows XP but my system is running Windows server....

Any one has any idea why this is happening?
Any suggested course of action?

Many thanks

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Upgrade From SQL Server Standard Version To Enterprise Version

Nov 8, 2007

Can some one here give me more insight about how to upgrade a SQL Server 2005 Standard Version (32 bits) to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (32 bits) as default instance on a Windows 2003 enterprise OS (32 bits). I want to know what is the easist way and what is the safest way. May I preserve some settings I have for the STD version, or I have to start from strach again to configure the server? Is there any catches, anything I should have attention to (We are using heavily about CLR and fulltext indexing)?

Thanks a milliom

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