Upgrading Windows And SQL Server - Best Practise

Feb 6, 2002

Hi Folks,

I am about to upgrade my main database server (5 db's - largest 16Gb) from
NT 4 SP 6a / SQL Server 7 SP3 to Windows 2000 SP 2 / SQL Server 2000 SP 2

I am planning to detach the db's, backup to tape a few times and then totally
trash the server, rebuilding it with the new software, restore the db's from
tape and the reattach the db's.

Any reason I should not use this method and can folk advise the best practice
way of achieving this?




Paul Starling
ERP Database Administrator

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DB Engine :: Can't Open Database After Upgrading To Windows 10

Aug 3, 2015

I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and now I can't connect to SQL Server 2008 R2 nor 2014 Express.  The logs on both say it can't open master.mdf because it was originally formatted with a sector size 4096 but now it's 3072.  But no sector sizes were changed.  The only thing that changed was going from Windows 7 (64-bit) to Windows 10 (64-bit).  How can this be resolved?

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Upgrading OS To Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition.

Aug 15, 2006

We are currently running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on a

Windows 2003 R2 server standard edition 32-bit OS.

We are planning to upgrade the OS to Windows 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition 32-bit

and up the RAM to 8 GBs.

Can SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition take advantage of the extra memory ?

Can SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition use 5-6 GB of ram ?


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Best Practise To Import XML Into SQL Server 2005

Jun 15, 2007

As title, what's the best practise of importing XML data into SQL Server 2005?

I have found this one. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/316005. Is it good enough?

The XML is generated by another system on daily basis. So, the import should be able to handle insert and update cases. How can I do that? Thanks!

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Upgrading 32 Bit SQL 2000 SP4 Ent Running On 64 Bit Windows 2003 Enterprise To SQL2005 64 Bit In Place

Sep 14, 2005

Will it be possible to do an in-place upgrade from SQL 2000 Server Enterprise SP4 32 bit running on top of 64 bit Windows 2003 Enterprise , clustered, to SQL 2005 Enterprise 64 bit?
The 32 bit SQL 2000 to 64 bit SQL 2005 in place upgrade seems questionable to me...
Anybody tried anything like this?

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Best Practise Regarding Tables?

Oct 13, 2006

Hi!I have 6-7 tables total containing subobjects for different objects like phonenumbers and emails for contacts.This meaning i have to do some querys on each detailpage. I will use stored proc for fetching subobjects.My question therefore was: if i could merge subobjects into same tables making me use perhaps 2 querys instead of 4 and thus perhaps doubling the sizeof the tables would this have a possibility of giving me any performance difference whatsoever?As i see pros arefewer querys, and cons are larger tables and i will need another field separating the types of objects in the table.Anyone have insight to this?

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Auditing Best Practise

Apr 30, 2008

I want to log all changes made to a table (only updates, since there will be no deletes or inserts).

I would like to see the user who changed it, the date and time, fieldname, old value, new value.
If more fields are changed during the update, than add more records into the logging table.

What is best practise to achieve this?


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SSIS - Best Practise

Nov 6, 2007


I have some data that is updated every day but I don't know when. I'm trying to make a solution that runs a SQL query to check if this data has been updated. If it has, I'll send the updated data with FTP as as text file.

How would you solve this?

My idea is to have 2 SSIS packages.
- Package1: One runs at the same time every day (inserts any missing updates to a table)
- Package2: One runs every hour to check the missing updates table, and runs Package1 if any update for a missing data is found.
My only worries is if Package1 is running and at the same time Package2 decides to run Package1 then I could get into trouble if I'm using temp tables with the same name for the text file updates etc.
Thank you.

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Best Practise/architecture Question

Jul 27, 2007

I need to load a lot of Excel, CSV, ... etc. files. These files have hundreds of columns and I need to validate the data. Some are simple range type checking, some are more complex checking involve multiple columns.

There may have several hundreds of such rules. And I may need to let the program to automatically correct some invalid data in the future.

Where to implement it in SSIS?
Or just load the files without any checking (all type to text), and checking using T-SQL?

(BTW, I don't have biztalk server).

Thanks in advance.

Read more >> Options >>

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Best Practise - Advice Needed On SP/Triggers)

Aug 10, 2007

Hi, hoping I can get a few view on a question I have relating to the above.

I am new to Stored Procedures and Triggers and I am trying to understand 'best practice' a little better. Here is my question: If I have a table that stores information, and when any field in that table is updated (and changes) I would like to inactive the row, prior to change and then add the change by way of a new, active row. This way I can see what it was before and that it's inactive, and what the active value is.

Hope this makes sense, if this is the wrong way to manage change history any suggestions would be appreciated.

A second question I have is as follows: If I have a table that stores a number, based on that number, what would be the best way to create new records in a different table that pulls from the first table. Where the number stored in table 1 represents how many times the record is to be created in the second table.

Thanks. If anyone needs more data, please feel free to ask, I will help as best as I can and appreciate any advice & comments that you can give.


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The Fastest Normal ADO.NET Or Microsoft Best Practise EnterpriseLibrary

May 12, 2006

So I got 2 classes one I wrote to interrogate databases using normal ADO:Mine:SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(m_sConnectionString);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(sQuery, myConnection);myCommand.CommandTimeout = 120; // 60 Seconds TimeoutmyConnection.Open();SqlDataReader result = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);return result;Microsoft WaySqlDatabase dbSvc = new SqlDatabase(m_sConnectionString);DbCommand dbCommand = dbSvc.GetSqlStringCommand(sQuery);return ((SqlDataReader)dbSvc.ExecuteReader(dbCommand));What's faster?My way:SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(m_sConnectionString);SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(sQuery, myConnection);myCommand.CommandTimeout = 120; // 60 Seconds Timeout// Use a DataTable – required for default pagingSqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(myCommand);DataTable myTable = new DataTable();myAdapter.Fill(myTable);myConnection.Close();myConnection.Dispose();myConnection = null;return (myTable);Microsoft Way:SqlDatabase dbSvc = new SqlDatabase(m_sConnectionString);DbCommand dbCommand = dbSvc.GetSqlStringCommand(sQuery);DataTable dtData = null;DataSet dsData = dbSvc.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);dtData = dsData.Tables[0];return (dtData);Comments? Ideas?Al

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Basic Advice On Good Practise Required

Mar 5, 2007

I have master tables that I will be updating from our ERP system. Some examples I have seen take an approach of dropping a table in SQL server then creating it again before importing; some, and probably my choice, append and update; I have not seen an example where records are all deleted then the data appended afterwards. Of the three approaches which is generally regarded as best practise / most efficient?

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Database Development/Deployment Best Practise For Large Teams

Jan 2, 2008

I work with a large team developing ASP.NET application that has a large database with over 50 complex stored procedures.  It is proving more and more difficult and time consuming to centralise the development and update of the database changes and I was wondering if there were any best practises/tools that could be recommended.  I have looked on the web for good articles and haven't found anything difinitive (except that Team Foundation Server is the way forward)..
A brief background to the current process is that everyone develops on the same database, and then updates the stored procedure scripts in source safe (manually).  Then when we do a new release someone builds a script of all the database updates and runs it.  There are issues related to developers updating there stored procedures over other peoples and other concurrency.
I am looking to move all the developers to start using local databases so that there work only effects them, but then this brings up problems of keeping all the local databases up to date whenever they get the latest source code.  The only way I currently see is to build a database update program, that will run and update to the latest version.
Surely this must be a common issue?  Anyone have any good ideas/concepts?
Also our setup is Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005 and Source Safe 2005. 
 Andrew Thomas

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Is It Possible Adding Windows (activi Directry Users) From SQL Server Which Is Running Windows Authotication.

Dec 12, 2007

Is it Possible adding Windows (activi directry users) from SQL Server which is running Windows authotication.?

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Moving SQL Servr 2000 From Windows 2K Server To Windows 2K3

Apr 17, 2008

Does any one come across any difficulty in the following migration?
OS: Wondows Server 2K
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Migrating to
OS: Wondows Server 2K3
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Thank you,

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Upgrading The Sql Server Dsn

Aug 5, 2001

Does anyone know how to upgrade a sql driver. Or where to get the driver dll from. The client machine is running and needs to connect to the sql server!

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Upgrading From SQL Server 6.0

Jul 29, 1998

All the documentation I have read talks about upgrading from SQL Server 6.x. I presume I can use the upgrade wizard to upgrade my 6.0 system directly to 7.0 without having to upgrade to 6.5 first.

Any thoughts, comments or help would be much appreciated.

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Upgrading Server...

Feb 11, 2004

Hi All,

We're about to upgrade/re-build our SQL server box.

We have 2 apps which use the server (both fairly small), one uses NT security - the other uses SQL security.

My question is, apart from our 2 databases, what else should we backup (and restore onto the new clean machine) so as to preserve the user logins for the app that uses SQL security (the other one's dead simple)? The app itself maintains the user details and creates the SQL logins (with passwords etc.) but I can't find a way to 're-create' them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Upgrading Localized MSDE-server To The English Version Of SQL Server Express 2005?

Aug 6, 2007


at the moment I have the following problem:
We have installed a version of the MSDE 2000 Sp3 with our software since 2005. Now we install SQL Server Express 2005 in order to use the latest version and to be compatible with Vista.
We have never had any problems with the MSDE, so it was no problem that we installed the german version (by mistake) because there never was any output at installation time.
When we now upgrade the existing MSDE installing the new version of our software, there are often problems and there are error messages, unfortunately in german, which cannot be read by most of our international users.

The problem is, that there seems to be no possibility to upgrade the existing (german) MSDE with the english version of SQL Server Express 2005.
My question is, if it is possible to upgrade the german MSDE to the english SQL Server 2005 to enable our international users to read the error messages at installation time in english?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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Problems With Merge Rep After Upgrading From Sql Server 2000 Sp3a To Sql Server 2005 Build 2153

Mar 6, 2007


We just upgraded 2 sql servers from sql server 2000 sp3a to sql server 2005 build 2153, and merge rep exists between these 2 servers.

However, after sql server upgrade, we had to reinitialize merge replication and now the merge agent is reporting 2 errors


Error messages:

The Merge Agent failed to upgrade triggers, metadata and stored procedures on the Subscriber to versions compatible with SQL Server 2005. Restart synchronization, and if this failure continues to occur reinitialize the subscription. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199403)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199403

Invalid column name 'metadata_select_proc'. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 207)
Get help: http://help/207

Invalid column name 'delete_proc'. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 207)
Get help: http://help/207


Command attempted:

{call sp_MSensure_single_instance (N'Merge Agent Name', 4)}

Error messages:

The merge process could not connect to the Publisher 'Server:database'. Check to ensure that the server is running. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199368)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199368

Another merge agent for the subscription(s) is running or the server is working on a previous request by the same agent. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 21036)
Get help: http://help/21036

looking inside the sp_MSensure_single_instance stored procedure, it's trying to obtain an exclusive lock on resource 'Merge Agent Name' but fails and returns -1

this is the stored procedure executed by sp_MSensure_single_instance and @retcode = -1 and thus cannot obtain exclusive lock on resource

EXEC @retcode = sys.sp_getapplock @Resource = 'Merge Agent Name',

@LockMode = 'Exclusive',

@LockOwner = 'Session',

@LockTimeout = 0,

@DbPrincipal = 'MSmerge_PAL_role'

so i think it's failing because for some reason MSmerge_PAL_role database role does not have enough rights to obtain exclusive lock on necessary resources

i've tried many things to fix this, including scripting out and dropping all merge rep, turning off replication db option and reapplying replication create scripts on the server, and even manually deleting the MSmerge_PAL_role database role but still doesn't work

can anyone help?


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Upgrading SQL 7.0 To SQL Server 2000

Apr 14, 2004

I'm planning an upgrade of SQL 7.0 on NT 4.0 to SQL 2000 and of course I will attempt to upgrade the OS to Windows 2000 first.
Can anyone tell me of any issues I may run across during this upgrade?
Can I assume that SQL 7.0 will run ok on Windows 2000?

thanks much,

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Upgrading Server CPUs

Mar 7, 2007

I'm upgrading a pair of active/passive cluster nodes running Windows 2003 Enterprise and SQL 2000. I'm going from 4 CPUs to 8 CPUs per server. What, if anything should I expect from SQL as far as licensing issues when performing this upgrade? We are using the per CPU license method and have the addtional licenses.



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SQL Server 2005 SP1 NOT Upgrading.

Feb 6, 2007

Hello All,

I'm running Windows XP SP2 and I had SQL Server 2005 running on my box. I needed to run the SP1 upgrade but it doesn't seem to work. I ran Windows Update and the list showed I need to install SP1 and it looked like it ran fine but when I checked the version after the upgrade it hadn't upgraded to .2047. I went back to Windows Update and it said I still needed SP1. So I tried downloading SP1 and running it myself still no luck. So then I decided to uninstall SQL Server 2005 completely, reinstall it and try the SP1 again (using Windows Update) and nothing in fact I'm now getting the error...

"Error Code: 0x2BC4"

...which I haven't been able to find anything on. Does ANYONE have any ideas on what might be happening?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Upgrading To Sql Server Express

Mar 5, 2007


i am trying to set up an automatic setup routine that will upgrade msde to server express and install our program or to leave a previous server express installed and just install our program.

i have made a template.ini file and everthing seems to go well, but the upgrade does not happen.

any ideas why this might happen?



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Upgrading SQLX Db To SQL Server 2005?

Oct 10, 2005

A lot of  vs.net 2005 documentation talks about how asp.net 2.0 developers can easily build web apps using SQLX and then easily upgrade to SQL Server 2005 when we go to production.Can someone point me to the details?  How exactly do I take an .MDF file from my development environment and ??import/attach/restore?? it too a full blown SQL Server 2005.TIA,g

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Problems In Upgrading SQL SERVER 6.5 To 7.0 URGENT!!!

May 9, 2000

Hi Guys,

I installed a SQL SERVER 6.5 on machine A. And restored the database db1 from a 6.5 backup to machine A. Now, I installed SQL SERVER 7.0 DEsktop version on machine A. Thereafter, when I try to upgrade the 6.5 server to 7.0 through upgrade wizard, I find no reference to DB1 database in the SQL SERVER 7.0 Enterprise Manager after the upgrade. Though, its there in 6.5 Enterprise Manager. Also, through upgrade wizard, I do not find any way of specifying that what databases I want to upgrade.




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Should I Have To Use SQL Server 2005 After Upgrading .NET Workframe 2.2?

Oct 11, 2006

Hello, everyone:

Currently our system is .NET workframe 1.1 / Visual.NET 2003 plus SQL Server 2000. The developer will upgrade to .NET workframe 2.2. Should I have to update database to SQL Server 2005? And some reasons please.



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Upgrading From Sybase Sql Anywhere 5.5.04 To SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Has anybody had any experience of this??We have over 2000 stored procs to convert from Watcom SQL to SQLServer 2000. Any automated tools would be much appreciated!!Also any known issues.

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T-SQL Problem After Upgrading To SQL Server 2005

Aug 19, 2007

I have upgraded my server from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. After upgrading, I noticed that an important option in a specific application isn't working, giving a generic error message ("Cannot update the database").

Using SQL Profiler, I found that the query that fails includes the expression:

Code Snippet
DateAdd(DateInteval.Day, ..., ...)

And the error message is: "'DateInterval.Day' is not a recognized dateadd option".

This query:

Code Snippet
SELECT DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, 2, getdate())
Works on SQL Server 2000 servers, while failing on SQL Server 2005 servers, with the same error message as above.

However, this query:

Code Snippet
SELECT DateAdd(Day, 2, getdate())
Works on both SQL Server 2000 servers and SQL Server 2005 servers.

I searched for documentation of this problem, and couldn't find any.
The code for the original application is lost, so changing it is impossible.

Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

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Upgrading SQL Server 2000 SP3 To SP4 - In A SQL Cluster

Mar 26, 2008

We have 2 SQL servers in a failover cluster environment. SQL1 and SQL2. Currently SQL1 is the primary in the cluster, and we need to upgrade from Service Pack 3 to Service Pack 4.

Our setup:

Both servers are Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition.
Both servers have SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3.

My question is:

Which upgrade plan do I take? Do I:

1. Upgrade the backup (offline) server in the cluster (SQL2) first, reboot, then failover from SQL1 to SQL2? Then do the other server?

2. Upgrade the primary (online) server in the cluster (SQL1) first and see if it replicates to the backup?

Any advice or tips would be most appreciated.


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Upgrading Server Hardware In A SQL Cluster

Oct 20, 2007

Hello SQL pro's,

I have a SQL 2005 cluster using 2 HP DL 380 32bit servers connected to an HP MSA500 disk pack via SCSI. I need to upgrade the servers to 64 bit but I am still going to use 32 bit windows server.

My question is, has any tried this before? If so, will it work and what is the best way to go about it. Should I take down the secondary SQL server, then replace it, then add it to the cluster, then fail over to it, then replace the other?

Any information is greatly appreciated.


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Upgrading From SQL Server 2000 To 2005

Nov 29, 2006

I restored a 2000 database back up in to my 2005 database and it works fine. THe only problem is that I cannot create diagrams.

I get the following message:

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.

I have checked the db_owner and that is a valid owner.

I changed a few times to different owners and still could not install the diagrams..

Any ideas?


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