Upgrading To Replication

Mar 5, 2007

I created an application with the MSDE (SQL server 2000 edition).

The application handles the contents of an automatic wharehouse system, on one side it interfaces to the wharehouse hardware (industrial controllers) and on the other side it interfaces to an As400 system using the IBM ODBC driver. Database and application run on WXP proffesional.

As the wharehouse works round the clock, we would like to add a standby system. We do not need a failover system, it is enougth that the reserve system has everything installed and set up and that the database is up to date so the the wharehouse may be restarted using the reserve system.

So we require live database replication.

In order to experiment I took a copy of the database and put it on the desktop and portable in my lab, which are both running W2KP. I could not get the database published, the wizard round up with an error saying that the computer cannot be set up as a distribution server (error 14114).

I realised that I may need a server edition of windows to do this, is this correct?

What would be my best (cheapest) option to upgrade, given that my requirements are very simple and straightforward **except** for the replication. Note that ideally the replication would include everything, so that if e.g. a user changes password, a view of stored procedure gets modified etc, it will all get replicated.

I seem to remember that SQL server 2000 required the enterprise edition for this level of replication, and had to be run on a windows server edition. As far as I can see the 2005 edition offers a limited replication on the standard edition. Would it be better to upgrade to this?

Would the 2005 server edition be able to do the necessary replication on W2KP/XP?

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Upgrading From SQL 6.5 To 7.0 With Replication In Place.

Feb 4, 2000

If I have a publisher, distributor, and subscribers all running SQL 6.5, and I wish to upgrade to SQL 7.0, in what order to I upgrade?

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Upgrading Replication Environment

Jul 1, 2005

Hi There

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Replication Isues After Upgrading Subscriber To 2005

May 16, 2006

Hi There

A while ago i migrated a 2000 database to a new instance of sql server 2005 and succesffully setup replication from a 2000 publisher.

However to experiment i took an existing 2000 instance with a subscriber databases and upgraded the default instance to 2005. (Upgraded from 2000 Enterprise to 2005 Enterprise)

After the upgrade the setup logs were all successful, i also run upgrade advisor before and made sure there were no issues.

To see what happens i did not drop the subscription before upgrade (is this an absolute neccessity ?)

All i did was stop the distribution agent before upgrade, to see what would happen, i did not expect it to work.

But since the upgrade i cannot delete the subscription on the subscriber after upgrade, i also cannot create a new subscriptions on the upgraded subscriber.

I get the following error:

Sql Server error 207: column job_step_uid not found.

I found the following link :


but it only refers to desktop editions and express, they refer to the msdb database not upgrading, but the upgrades logs are clear i see no evidence of an issue when upgrading msdb.

What exactly is going on? How can i delete the old subsciption and start creating new ones in the upgraded subscriber ?

I have read the Upgrading replicated DB's topic in BOL, no mention of having to drop subscription before upgrade although i suspect so, all it mentions scripting out the replication , changing the scripts , dropping the subscription (no mention of before or after upgrade), and re-creating them. (all of these i am unable to do due to the above error.)

Please assist, thanx

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Merge Replication: Problems Upgrading SQL-2000 To 2005

Dec 25, 2006


We have a module in our business-application, that automatically installs merge replication of the business-application's database, both at publisher and subscribers. It's intended for Sql-2000. Now we need it to be applicable also for Sql-2005, so the module requires some changes, because, as we noticed, sql-2005's replication technology differs from Sql-2000's one.

A few questions to experts, familiar with Merge Replication in SQL-2005:

1. Is it possible to create hybrid replication, with publisher running at SQL-2000 (MSDE) and subscribers running at SQL-2005 Express? Merge publication is not supported in SQL 2005 Express, but some users may require option to use the application at free-of-charge database platform.

2. How deep are changes in merge replication implementation at system level? Is it just modified a bit since SQL-2000, or changed entirely? This knowledge is needed, because the module uses some low-level features (executing system sp's, querying replication-specified tables, etc.). For example, when we tried to create subscription of existing publication in SQL 2005 using the module as is, we found out that sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent doesn't use @encrypted_password parameter anymore, and subscription creation process failed.

3. If anybody has experience using merge replication creation/deletion/detection scripts, generated by SQL 2000, in SQL 2005! Please, tell - what more problems may happen?


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Upgrading To Sql 7.0

Feb 5, 2002


I have to upgrade the sql server from 6.5 to 7.0 for the first time. I have decided to go with two machine upgrade using named pipes.

The question is: Can we still use 6.5 machine and database as production version until we test out the application on 7.0?

We are planning to relpeat the upgrade once the testing is done on 7.0 server once the testing is done.

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Upgrading From 6.5 To 7.0

May 14, 1999

We're going to be upgrading our Server from 6.5 to 7.0. In addition we're getting a new SQL Server Box.

Which of the following is better: a) Install SQL 6.5 on the new box, restore the DB from old box to the new box, then install 7.0 on the new box and use the upgrade wizard to upsize the DB. (We'll have room to leave the 6.5 devices on the box after upgrading.) or b) Install SQL 7.0 on the new box and upsize the db across the network (100megabit network cards).


Kevin M. Tupper
EZLinks Golf, Inc.

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Upgrading 6.0 To 6.5

Jan 19, 1999

I'm following a white paper and have run chkupg65 and am stuck at resolving keyword conflicts. I see many TechNet references about fixing them...but none about how. A little help? Below are the conflicts:
Keyword conflicts
Column name: SyncModification.ACTION[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: Jobs.EXPIREDATE[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: SqlStoreTable.SIZE[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: JobDetails.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: SchedulerSafeDelete.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: SMSEvent.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: SyncModification.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: vJobDetails.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: vSMSEvent.TIME[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: Sites.TIMESTAMP[SQL-92 keyword]
Column name: QueryExpressions.VALUE[SQL-92 keyword]

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Upgrading 6.5 To 2k

Jun 15, 2001

Does anyone know of a good book or resource on what's the best way to upgrade 6.5 to 2k? Or generally how would you do that considering you need to do on more then 50 servers?

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Upgrading 2k5 To Sp2

May 15, 2008

So I'm using Visual Studio's one click deployment to install/update software for users. SQL Express 2005 is the default, and I need to get all current and new users to update to SQL Express 2005 SP2. Ontop of that, I need to change the sa password for all current users (I should be able to manually set it for the new guys).

The problem I'm having is that instead of just updating the current SQL Express engine installed, it creates a new instance of the SQL Express engine when installing SQL Express SP2.

Is there anyway to just update SQL Express to SP2? Is there an easy way to change the sa password when doing so?

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Upgrading From 3.23 To 4.1

Jul 23, 2005

I have an application which installs MySQL 3.23. It's hard-coded. Irealize there are newer versions, so I am thinking, what's easiest:1) install the application with its default 3.23 and then run a scriptto convert 3.23 to 4.1 or later,or2) modify the application to install a newer version of MySQL from thestart.

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Upgrading From MDB

Nov 29, 2007

I'm in the process of upgrading a gazillion apps from using .MDB files to using SQLCE 3.5. (Or, at least planning the upgrade). Is there an easy way to save existing .MDB files as .SDFs? Also, we have an occasional app that's web based (eg. certification exam, where we have 10 people take it online at the same time, in one day, and the database keeps the score, questions, etc.); is it a good idea to move that kind of app to SQLCE from MDB?

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Upgrading To SP2

May 29, 2008

I have a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition installed, and I want to upgrade to SP2.
Is there a way to configure (using the setup ini file maybe?) the installer to install only the SP2?

Thanks ahead


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SP3 && SP4 Not Upgrading

Dec 22, 2005

When I run SP3 & SP4 for SQL Server it runs okay.  I get no errors after the installation & both installations call for a reboot which I do with no problems.

But yet when I get back into my machine, go to the Query Analyzer & run "Select @@version" and execute it, it's still showing v8.00.194 (Original release).  It should be showing 8.00.2039.


Any ideas or suggestions?



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Why The Data Are Different After Upgrading From 6.5 To 7.0

Apr 29, 2002

We are upgrading our servers from 6.5 to 7.0 SQL servers. I used the same configurations on both 6.5 server and 7.0 server like ANSI and the others. But SQL7.0 server turns out to have different data on some tables. Here is the example on one table. Why?

6.5 database

------------------ ------------ -------------- ---------------
Apr 20 2002 12:00AM 0.00 0.00 0.00

-------------- ---------------- -------------------- ----------------
N 3.76 135.21

------------- --------------
135.21 0

7.0 database

----------------------- ------------ -------------- ---------------
2002-04-20 00:00:00.000 23.50 135.2050 23.50

-------------- ---------------- -------------------- ----------------
Y X 3.7600 135.2050

------------- --------------
135.2050 373

------------ 135.21 135.21 0

7.0 databases

------------------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------
2002-04-20 00:00:00.000 23.50 135.2050 23.50 Y X

------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------
3.7600 135.2050 135.2050 373
************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************************** **********************
I have checked the datatypes that are transferred from SQL6.5. They are the same types as SQL6.5. Plus the configurations are the same on both 6.5 and 7.0. The question is that why the values are different? What the way is to fix it?

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Errors When When Upgrading To SQL 7 Sp3

Apr 30, 2002


Well there's always a first for everything!! I have a SQL 7.0 server on sP1
and ran upgrade to sp3 and recieved error 'error in upgrade script' retry or cancel. When I retried the upgrade ended. I tried to run the upgrade again and it tries continue where it ended before, but the upgrade ends unsucessfully. I even tried extracted the sp3 exe to a diffrent folder and ran the sp3 upgrade with same results.

I started the MSSQL service ok but not able to use Query Analyzer, DTS, EM.

Get the following message:ISQL.EXE - Entry Point not found. The procedure entry point?DeleteRow@CDataCTLStorage@@UAEJJPAPAG@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library SQLGUI.dll

I get similar msgs when trying to open DTS, Enterprise manager from the server. The user databases and appear to be ok. I am able to get to Query Analyzer, etc. from my worksation fine.

Has anyone encountered this before? Is there a fix for it or do I need to rebuild the server from SP1 and restore the databases, etc.??

Thanks Much,
Steve Bajada
Senior DBA

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Upgrading From Sql 7 To 2000

Jul 18, 2001

Has anyone attempted an upgrade from sql7 to 2000? is it a difficult process? what happens to the users. Is there a good site i can go to to get this info ?

Thanks in advance

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Upgrading The Sql Server Dsn

Aug 5, 2001

Does anyone know how to upgrade a sql driver. Or where to get the driver dll from. The client machine is running and needs to connect to the sql server!

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Problem Upgrading To SQL 7.0

Aug 11, 1999

One of my students' company is doing an upgrade from SQL 6.5 to SQL 7.0
and everything converts fine except one veiw. Does anyone know what
would cause this to happen? If they run the script in SQL 7.0 it works
fine. Any thoughts?

CREATE VIEW dbo.vewRptWooActiveList
SELECT vewRptWooActiveListSub1.wotUserValue1,
vewRptWooActiveListSub2.MaxOfwslInsertedWhen AS wooLastStatusWhen,
FROM vewRptWooActiveListSub1 INNER JOIN
vewRptWooActiveListSub2 ON
vewRptWooActiveListSub1.wooID = vewRptWooActiveListSub2.wsl_WooIDFk

Dawn Gill

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Codepages When Upgrading From 6.5 To 7.0

Jul 21, 1999

I have a couple of 6.5 installations with different codepages/sort orders, when I come to upgrade these databases, is it possible to change the code pages/sort order during the upgrade of my existing databases so that I have the same sort order/codepages across all my sites?

The databases don't actually have any extended characters in.


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Upgrading From SQL Server 6.0

Jul 29, 1998

All the documentation I have read talks about upgrading from SQL Server 6.x. I presume I can use the upgrade wizard to upgrade my 6.0 system directly to 7.0 without having to upgrade to 6.5 first.

Any thoughts, comments or help would be much appreciated.

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Upgrading From SQL6.5 To 7.0

Dec 7, 1998

Hi all :

Does the upgrade wizard in 7.0 help me upgrade ALL the database objects in SQL 6.5 (including stored procedures, triggers) to 7.0? Has anyone encountered any problems?


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Upgrading From 7.0 To 2000

Feb 13, 2002

Anyone know of any issues I should be aware of when upgrading from sql 7.0 to 2000? Is it a problematic proccess?


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Upgrading SQL 6.5 To 7.0 Problem.

Jun 29, 2001

Have you ever faced a problem like this. I am running MS SQL Server 6.5 on Windows NT 4.0 computer whose name is with dashes (hou-is). Now, I try to update to version 7.0 and it gives me error message: @@nameserver from export 6.5 is not valid. Use sp_addserver and sp_netname.
How you can change a sql server name to non-dash name in order to complete the upgrade sql server?
I know this is a challenging tech question.
I appreciate your tech expertise.

Vinh Nguyen from Houston, TX.

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Upgrading To SQL 2000

Apr 19, 2002

We are currently still running SQL6.0 on NT4 server, and we want to upgrade to SQL2000. My question: how easy is it to upgrade from SQL6.0 to SQL2000?

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Upgrading SQL 7 To SQL 2000

Nov 2, 2001

Currently running SQL Server 7, and have databases. I want to upgrade to SQL Server 2000. How can achieve it without delete or losing my databases. This is NOT a production server, BUT I still want to keep my databases. Ideally I would like to uninstall and reinstall so that there are no SQL Server 7 files lying around when I have SQL 2000 running. Thanks.

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Upgrading V7.0 To 2000

Dec 3, 2004


We are trying to upgrade from SQL Server v7.0 to SQL Server 2000. Here's our set up,

Current Server: Win NT, SQL Server v7.0
New Server : Win 2000, SQL Server 2000
Client (my PC): Win XP, SQL Server 2000

The New Server is designated SQL Server machine -- company-wide. That is, all the apps/projects uses this machine as the SQL Server. It only has one instance of SQL Server running.

Different project are assigned a dedicated 'Drive' (logical only) and allocated certain disk size as the work space. We (my team) will be the new entry for this server.

Q: When doing the Copy Wizard (from my PC) to upgrade/copy the existing v7.0 db (from Current Server) to New SQL Server 2000, do I need to specify the physicall 'Data' folder? Or, can I copy the database to the selected path -- which is my dedicated drive?

Thanks in Advance.


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Upgrading Database

Jan 6, 2005


Does anyone know how I would go about upgrading a database version to 'C.0.6.43'? I am getting an error and it is telling me to upgrade my database to this version.


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Upgrading Server...

Feb 11, 2004

Hi All,

We're about to upgrade/re-build our SQL server box.

We have 2 apps which use the server (both fairly small), one uses NT security - the other uses SQL security.

My question is, apart from our 2 databases, what else should we backup (and restore onto the new clean machine) so as to preserve the user logins for the app that uses SQL security (the other one's dead simple)? The app itself maintains the user details and creates the SQL logins (with passwords etc.) but I can't find a way to 're-create' them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Upgrading From Access

Mar 11, 2004

I have read a few books on SQL Server and on access. I recently got my 1st programming job (vb.net)

I want to move my database from Access to SQL server. But I would like to Use access as the front end for simple data entry, queries and reports. I dont know how to do this,, (using Access as a front end for SQL Server)

Can anyone recomend topics of interest or a good book?



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Upgrading To 2005

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm totally new to SQL server.

I wanted to upgrade this one server that was running SQL 8.0. I did an install of SQL2005 (9.0 right?) and it appeared to go well. But once it was completed I found out that the original installation of SQL was on a different drive. So instead of upgrading, I actually installed another instance of SQL? (Is that term correct?) So now when I open SQL2005, it shows the server name but with (SQL Server 8.0.2039) next to it.

How can I now upgrade the databases themselves?

Please help!

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Moving A Db And Upgrading

Sep 11, 2007

Im new to this forum so go easy!
Ive been asked to do a few things:
1. copy an existing 2005 express db to another machine
2. on the new machine install 2005 express and get the db working
3. upgrade 2005 express to 2005 standard (have disks etc)

So far i've physically copied the .mdf and the .ldf to the new local machine and I think ive installed sql 2005 express ok, but what do I do when I start it up, eg asks for a server name etc. Is that my local machine name, ive tried browsing and cant seem to do so locally to pick up the copied db. Once ive got this sorted, is the upgrade to standard a straight forward microsoft install, or do i have to do anything to the db (unmount is it called?)

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks

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Upgrading To SQL 2005

Dec 1, 2005

Does anyone know how much it costs to upgrade from SQL 2000 to SQL2005? All I can find is the "Software assurance" package which alsomentions buying SQL 2000. What options are there if you already haveSQL 2000 installed and just want to upgrade?

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