Upper String Range Not Included In Between Statement

Jun 22, 2006

Hi There,

I have a column which contain alphanumeric values:


If I try to return records between these values 'a' and 'e' it will only go as far as d. (first letter)


This is true if I use where value between a and e

Or if I use greater than equal to operators

Any help would be great.





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First Letters Of A String To Upper Case

Apr 23, 2002

Ho can I convert first letters of a string to Upper Case (i.e. UNITED KINGDOM - Untited Kingdom). I have country names table which has all entries in uper case. This makes a select box very larg and unproportional.
Thanks in advance for the help.


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Comparing String That Have Upper And Lower Case

Dec 21, 2006

Currently i have 2 type of data
A and a

But when i try to:
select * from tableA where col = 'a'

then all record with A and a will be selected, any way to avoid it and select only record with col ='a'?

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How To Convert String To Upper Case Using Field's Formula Property

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am trying to convert string entered in a field to uppercase usingits formula property.I know it can be done using trigger but still I want to use formulaproperty to achieve the same.Any help will be greatly appreciated.-Max

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Getting An Integer Range Out Of A String Field

Oct 9, 2007

We have account numbers that are string values, looking like: "".

We need to parse individual segments and pull out a range of values treating the segment like an integer. For example we would like all accounts that have the fifth segment ranging in values from .0040. through .0060. inclusive.

We've been trying to do something with the like clause: LIKE '__.__.__.__.[0-0][0-0][4-6][0-0]'.

We want 40 through 60 but we're getting 40, 50, and 60. If we change the last bracket to [0-9] we get 40 through 69.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to either fix our like clause or another approach?



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Selecting A Range Of Records In A SQL Statement

Feb 12, 2005

I want to run a query that returns say 100 records...but I only want to return first 10 for first page on a web page, then on page 2 the webpage will return rows 11 to 20 of the same SQL statement...page 3 returns rows 21 to 30 rows etc....(eg. like Google or bulletin boards, browsing auctions in ebay etc.).

I could probably get my application logic to handle this (ASP.net), for instance I could possibly get a datareader to skip the first 10, output the next 10 then stop for page 2 (records between 11 amnd 20) but is there way to do this in SQL Server at the database level using an SQL Statement?

I can use TOP 10 to get the first set of records for the first page eg.

SELECT TOP 10* FROM Suppliers

...but how do I get between 11 and 20, 21 and 30 and so on?

I've already mentioned I could handle this in my application logic, but then each time the same SQL Statement is fetching all 100 records, even though the web page will only display a certain range. I'm building an intranet website that can potentially run queries that return 100'000s records, even though initially only top 20 or so records are display, each page they subsequently go to will rerun that same query that returns all 100'000 records. So handling this as part of the query would be better for performancr I reckon.

Someone gave me the syntax..

FROM employees
LIMIT 10,10;

..but it didn't seem to work.

Thanks for any help!!

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Help On Multiple Date Range On Sql Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Using SQLServer ver 7.0, two tables:TableA = contains all inventory dataTableB = contains four fields: ID, source, date_from, date_toThis is where multiple range of dates are populated.Sample 1:1,'A','9/1/2004','9/30/2004'Sample 2:2,'A','1/1/2003','3/31/2003'3,'A','10/1/2004','10/31/2004'Data populated on TableB varies.Sample SQL for Sample 1:SELECT *FROM TableAWHERE inventory_date BETWEEN (select DATE_FROM from TableB) AND (selectDATE_TO from TableB)Problem: How to approach sql statement based on Sample 2 above?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Statement That Take Upper Table And Select Lower Table

Jul 31, 2014

I need to write a select statement that take the upper table and select the lower table.

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How To Write Date Range On Case Statement

Oct 30, 2012

I have a case statement as follows which I am using in the where clause to get today's data

(Case when (A.ID is null or B.ID = '' or C.ID= ' ') Then convert(varchar,(Case when A.Time is null then B.Time else A.Time end),103)

else convert(varchar,(Case when A.Time is null then ''" else B.Time end),103) end)


However I want to know whether I can use a date range on a case statement

I.e. I want to be able to use BETWEEN statement to get a date range

BETWEEN convert(varchar,getDATE(),103) AND convert(varchar,getDATE()-1,103)

How do I achieve this on a CASE WHEN statement?

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Add Date Range By Week To Existing SQL Statement

Mar 31, 2008

Hello all,

I have the following SQL statement that works great for my purpose:

SELECT DATEADD(hh, DATEPART(hh, Date), DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, Date), 0)) AS TimePeriod, AVG(ZNT) AS Expr1, AVG(SAT) AS Expr2, AVG(RAT) AS Expr3,
AVG(RH) AS Expr4
ORDER BY TimePeriod

I'd like to do everything above but add to display only those records from 1/1/07 to 1/7/07...so a week's worth.

I'm no SQL expert but I assume that I'd add 'WHERE TimePeriod = ....' Any help is much appreciated!

Thank you very much.

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Query Info Between Time Range & Date Range

Aug 16, 2006

I am attempting to write a SQL query that retrieves info processed between two times (ie. 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm) during a date range (ie. 8/1/06 to 8/14/06)... I am new to SQL and am perplexed... I have referenced several texts, but have not found a solution. Even being pointed in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!!

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String Value Not Being Pass To Sql Statement

Jul 24, 2007

How can I get the UserID to pass to the sql statement?  The date is being passed but nothing else
Thank you.
My code:Public Function GetEmployeeByID(ByVal Today As Date, ByVal UserID As String) As SqlDataReaderDim dtToday As DateTime
dtToday = DateTime.Today
'Create connectionDim con As New SqlConnection(_connectionString)
'Create commandDim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()With cmd
.Connection = con
.CommandText = "SELECT UserID FROM ATTTblAttendance WHERE UserID = @UserID And Today = " & dtToday" -->The UserID no showing up here
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'Add Parameters.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserID", UserID)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Today", Today)
End With
'Return DataReader
con.Open()Return cmd.ExecuteReader()
End Function

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How To Decide If A Set Is Included In An Other Set?

Apr 14, 2008

For example: we have 2 set {1,4,8}, {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,0}

Is there any other fast way to decide {1,4,8} is in cluded in {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,0} ?
beside loop, or insert them into two table then check not exists?

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Mar 30, 2004


I want to return distinct values from a table in uppercase

Have tried

SELECT UPPER DISTINCT fieldname FROM tablename

But returns an error, what is the correct syntax.


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SQL Select Statement With A 'string' Variable?

Apr 16, 2008

I'm trying to add a 'change password' control to my site and seem to be having some issues.  I have code that works if I statically define what user is displayed on the form, but I cant get it to detect the 'authenticated' user and show them the reset for for that ID.If I take the "+ myid" out of the select statement and just define the username statically the form works properly.    Error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The column prefix
'System.Security.Principal' does not match with a table name or alias name used
in the query. Here's a piece of the code that is supposed to detect the current logged in user.  However, it gives the error. (some of the code may be redundant but its not causing issues that I can tell)  public void InitPage()    {            IPrincipal p = HttpContext.Current.User;            String myid = HttpContext.Current.User.ToString();            SqlServer sqlServer = new SqlServer(Util.SqlConnectionString());            DataTable dt;            SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["myconnection"].ConnectionString);            SqlDataAdapter cmd1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from USER WHERE USER_NAME = "+ myid, cnn);            DataTable UIDtable = new DataTable();            cmd1.Fill(UIDtable);            User_Id.Value = UIDtable.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString();            dt = sqlServer.USER_SELECT(Util.SiteURL(Request.QueryString["Pg"].ToString()), User_Id.Value); 

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Go Not Work Within A Line String Of Sql Statement?...

Jul 14, 2003


the following is my TSQL command of a job(after passing databaseName, I don't want multiple steps, just with 1 step)
BACKUP DATABASE ABC To Backup_ABC_1 with init, name = 'Backup of 1(M, W, F ) Job_ABC_1Mon' go backup log ABC with truncate_only go print 'shrinkdatabase begin-- ' dbcc checkdb(ABC) go dbcc shrinkdatabase(ABC, 10)

Issue: with 3 'go' inside the whole line, execution failed. after replace 'go' with 'begin' and 'end' for each sql statemet, the execution works. Someone could explain why 'go' as a batch does not work in this situation?

also, is this a good practice to
1. truncate_only
2. dbcc checkdb
3. shrinkdatabase
after a daily backup?


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Sql Statement Comma Separated String

May 3, 2005

I have a table called evidence, which has the following Fields

| evidence_id | Description| Standards|
E001 blagh 1.1,1.2,1.3

Ok I am trying to search the comma-separated string in the standards field using the like clause so I can display the evidence_id.

SQL looks like

SELECT Evidence.Standards, *
FROM Evidence
WHERE (((Evidence.Standards) Like '%1.1%'));

However it will not search through the list and select for example if I change 1.1 to 1.2. The commas wont allow it.

It works if I just have one item in the list that is just 1.1. Can anyone help me to search a comma-separated string for a certain string?



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Select Statement - Get String Between Brackets

Oct 3, 2014

I'm trying to run a SELECT statement to get two different values from a field that looks like this:

"Sample text [123], Sample text 2 [345]"

The two values I'm trying to grab has to be after the last comma. So in this case, I need to get

Value 1: 345
Value 2: Sample text 2

Is this possible to do? I can't create functions to accomplish this.

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String Compare In Select Statement

Apr 19, 2007

is there a way to have a select statement which compares a value is like ('%a%','%b%','%c%','%d%','%f%','%l%')

so :

select address
from customers
where address like ('%a%','%b%','%c%','%d%','%f%','%l%')


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Like Statement Is Not Working When I Pass A String

Mar 23, 2008

I have a textbox,in which I am allowing user to write the username starting with,user should enter minimum 3 characters, atleast,and when they enter that information, all the names starting with those 3 characters shouls be shown.can any one help me in this.

my query is:

"select username from registration where username like '" + TextBox1.Text + "%'";

It is working with one char,but if I write more than one character in the textbox,it is not creating any error but it is not returning the result.

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Transact SQL :: How To Pass A String Into IN Statement

Apr 20, 2015

I want to run an update command where the user types in  a CSV value and the query runs.  If I simulate 1 number it works, but if I put in 2 variable it returns nothing (but doesn't fail).

declare @SITE_ID int
declare @txtSchedule varchar (500)
set @SITE_ID=1
set @txtSchedule='5,6'
select * from Schedules WHERE SITE_ID=@SITE_ID and WEEK IN(@txtSchedule .

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Database Is Not Valid To Be Included In...

Jan 28, 2008

Hi folks

I've just set up a maintenance plan that backs up all user databases daily and logs hourly. I've just noticed that the plan history is giving the following error -

Database 'BizTalkEDIDb' is not valid to be included in the maintenance plan.

Has anyone seen this before or know how to resolve it?


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How Many Included Index Columns Is Too Many?

Oct 4, 2007

I'm using sys.dm_db_missing_index_details to find missing indexes on a database that is currently in testing. After running a bunch of our reports, there are several suggested indexes on 3 or 4 columns that have 15 - 20 included columns. The included columns are mostly varchars ranging from 1 to 150 characters along with a couple of date columns. My index size on that table is already nearly twice the size of the data.

I don't think it's a good idea to add an index with that many columns, but the information I've read on included columns is very general. I'm wondering if there is something about them that I don't understand that would make this a good idea.

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Entries In UPPER In A Table

Mar 27, 2001

Is there a way I can have all entries in a table automatically in caps once entered by user, import or any other way ?

Thanks a lot in advance.


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Converting To Upper Case

Aug 13, 2001

Is there a method for converting the first character of a account name to uppercase and the the remaining characters to lower case? I've used the substring procedure but for a name like 'MY NEW COMPANY', how could I convert it to 'My New Company' ?

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UPPER Case Constraint

Mar 27, 2001

what script must I use, as a part of CREATE TABLE, to automatically convert characters to UPPER case on insert?
I wrote <CHECK (country = UPPER (country)> in the CREATE TABLE, which was wrong,
because the values were still in the lower case.
The sample script is:

(street varchar(40),
city varchar(20),
state char (2),
zip varchar (10),
country varchar (20))

When a user types "Canada", I want the inserted value be "CANADA"

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Upper Limit For SQL Server?

Sep 23, 2005

I was wondering what more experienced DBAs have observed with regard to the capacity of a MSSQL DB. Is there an upper threshold of rows where performance becomes unacceptable? I have a fairly slow, but constant input rate of approximately 2,000 rows every 60 seconds or so (that is a little high, but I'm interested in worse case scenario here). That is up 172,800 rows a day. (I'm being overly pessimistic here.) We'd like to be able to keep all of this around as long as possible.

Or would a more heavy duty DB be in order for these sorts of data rates?

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Upper Function In Where Clause

Jan 29, 2008

Hi expert, I would like to ask regarding the UPPER function in SQL Query. I was tryin' to create a scipt that will give me a result of all the names that are in UPPER case format, but when I tried to execute the script the result is not right, it also retrieves all the records that are in PROPER case.

SQL Script:
SELECT id, name FROM table_1 WHERE UPPER(name) LIKE 'DAR%'

-- -------
1 Darren

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Upper Case Problem

Mar 12, 2008

Table :Employee
name Age

name column should be displayed
as Arun Kumar

'A' and 'K' need to be upper can i know what function to use??

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Upper Case Separation

Mar 26, 2008

I am new to SQL and, unfortunately, actually do my work in Access 2003, but I have a question.

This is an example of what the data I am working with looks like:

AA-TACH EH65X, EH65V (V-Twin)
AA-TACH w/Robin 20 & 20.5 h.p. OHV
AA-TACH w/Wisc.-Robin EY21
ABI CONTRACTOR w/Honda 20 h.p. (V-Twin)

The all caps text strings at the beginning of the field need to end up in a separate field than the mixed strings, and the mixed strings need to stay together. The field length varies, as do the lengths of the all caps text strings. There are a lot of records, so I would be interested to know if there was a way to proceed without manually editing each line.


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Problem In C# Code Behind And With SQL String Date And The Between Statement

May 13, 2008

HiI have a problem to search between two dates, if I use Convert(varchar(10),ContactCreateDate,105) in a single textbow and for a single search date it is okay, but when I use the Convert(varchar(10),ContactCreateDate,105) against two textboxes it did't function.Can anybody help me ?MY codeif (TBContactSearchDateStart.Text.Length > 0 && TBContactSearchDateEnd.Text.Length > 0)
strWhere += " AND Convert(varchar(10),ContactCreateDate,105) BETWEEN '%" + TBContactSearchDateStart.Text + "%' AND '%" + TBContactSearchDateEnd.Text + "%'";

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Trigger To Parse A String From Insert Statement

Mar 22, 2006

I have two tables:tb_news---story_id-productlisttb_lookup---story_id-productwhen an insert command is run on tb_news, productlist field ispopulated with a value such as 'abc, def, de'when this happens, i need tb_lookup to be populated with seperaterecords for each product in productlist and the story_id from tb_news.Example:INSERT INTO tb_news (story_id, product_list)VALUES (12345, 'abc, def, de')Results:tb_news--12345, 'abc, def, de'tb_lookup--12345, 'abc'12345, 'def'12345, 'de'Ideally, I would like this to use recursion and give me tha ability tochange the delimiter at any time (might not always be a comma). someproducts may have a period in them. number of products is unknown andmight be 0 (field may be empty or NULL).

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Conditional Statement With A Cast From String To Date

Feb 5, 2007

My source file is showing column 10 as string. My destination table is datetime. I am using the derived transformation with a conditional statement. How do I convert the value from string to date. Everywhere I try the (DT_DATE) I get an error.

[Column 10] == "01/01/0001" ? " 01/01/1801" : [Column 10] <= "12/31/1801" ? "12/31/1801" : [Column 10]

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