Upsizing A Db To SQL Db

Jul 20, 2005

When I try using the Upsizing Wizard to upsize a database to SQL database, I
am unable to login because I get an error message which says: "Login failed
for user 'Jim Richards'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server
Connection." I am using 'Windows Authentication' and I am entering my
Windows User Name and Password. How do I fix this please? Thanks in advance,
Jim Richards

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Upsizing SSE To SS

Jun 13, 2006

How do I upsize a SQL Server Express 2005 db to a fully functional SQL Server 2005 db for Internet usage? 
Thank you.

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Upsizing To SQL 2K

Jul 20, 2005

I have an Access 2000 DB that I've been considering upsizing to SQL Server2K. I'm wondering if anyone can share their experiences in upsizing and letme know of any tips or pratfalls. I've been playing around with the upsizewizard however not all of my tables have properly converted. None of theprimary keys transfer (I understand this is a limitation) and the wholething hasn't really worked the way I thought it would. I have triedimporting the data using DTS from SQL Server which has been more successfulhowever now I'm considering whether it's even worth upsizing to SQL.What I'm looking for is some advice from people who have gone through theprocess about how smooth the transition was, and whether it worked out asplanned. The DB I'm working on is an educational database, approx 80,000records and would ultimately have 30 - 40 users max (and on most times nomore than 5 - 10 users). Part of the reason I'm thinking about upsizing isto put the DB online to allow for dynamic updates and web access.Thanks for any advice.Mike

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Upsizing Wizard

Oct 11, 2007

 I need to upload a very large access database to sql
2005.  Do I break this down by tables, queries or what?  Will
it take a long time.  I believe that database is 3488,888 kb in
size.   Thank youDee 

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Upsizing Access 97

Oct 24, 2000

I have four complex Access 97 Databases which I need to upsize to SQLServer 7. The first thing I did was convert them to Access2000 because I was told that the upsizing wizard wal great. When I ran the wizard the report said that the queries couldn't be upsized because they had criteria which referred to a textbox on a form and that SQLServer couldn't handle this. When I remove the criteria, the queries seem to upsize very nicely. Dows anyone have a way to get the criteria information from the form to the query without having to do a major rewrite of database?

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Upsizing From Access

Aug 18, 1999

Unfortunately I have not the faintest idea where to begin!

I have an existing project relying on an Access database
and using ASP to run queries etc.which has a requirement
to be upsized to run on SQL server.

This leads me to a couple of questions,

1)Do I have to rewrite the database / asp completely for
use with SQL?

2)Can I simply upsize the Access database to SQL and continue to
run my existing asp?

I feel completely out of my depth here and help or pointers as to
where to start would be much appreciated!

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Upsizing To SQL 2000

Oct 3, 2002

Is there a way to upsize tables from access to sql server if the tables are already linked in Access from other locations?

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Upsizing Access To MS SQL???

Mar 23, 2006

I'm quite new to MS SQL and I don't really have a clue in what I am doing. I set up an evaluation of SQL 2005 to help me create a DB locally for testing an development.

I would continue to use Access, but the db is quite large and has 18 tables with lots of relationships. It also has anywhere from 20 to 50 concurrent users at one time, so therfore I am getting a lot of "Too Many Client Tasks" errors.

I tried using the Upsizing Wizard from access, but everytime I try to create a new DB in SQL, I get an error saying "Overflow". Thats it, no more, no less. If it said more I could possibly troubleshoot, but I have no idea what this means. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Does someone know where I can go to get help? I'm lost, so any help will be much appreciated.

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Upsizing Of Access DB

Mar 30, 2007


We have a document tracking application at my company which is extremely slow to load up and causes delays when staff log into their machines. This is because its launched from the login script. The application has an Access DB as the backend and is getting quite full which is why I think the performance is so poor.

My question is, can I upsize the DB to SQL server and link the tables into Access to improve performance?

I wasn't sure if this would make that much of a difference.

Thanks in advanced!

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Upsizing Questions

Jul 31, 2005

HiI have a fairly complex access frontend/backend app which I need to upsizeto SQL Server. At this stage I would prefer to use access as frontend. Ihave the following questions;1. Should I keep using the mdb as frontend or switch to an adp (accessproject) instead? Any reasons?2. I have used IIF (immediate if) frequently in access queries. Whenconverting queries to SQL Server, is there an easy way to replace the IIFfunction?3. Is it possible for access frontend to connect/link to two separate SQLServer dbs, main and archive at the same time?ThanksRegards

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Upsizing From Access

Mar 23, 2007

I keep getting the warning I don't have administrative privilege but I'm the only user on the computer and have verified in vb that I am the administrator.

Can somebody help?

Shabbat Shabbat Shalom


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Upsizing Problems

Apr 27, 2007

I am having a problem with the MSAccess Upsizing wizard. I have seen the problem with both Access 2002 and 2003. I believe the problem is more SQL related. Here is the problem.

I have two large Access 2002 Dbs. They are being merged in to one SQL DB.

I run the wizard on the first DB using the 'create new DB' option and everything works perfectly.

On the second DB I connect to the DB created in the first Upsize. BUT, some of the tables upsize and some do not. It usually creates the table and then fails on moving the data so none of the indexes, relationships, etc. get created.

IF I UPSIZE THIS DB TO A NEW SQL DB IT WORKS FINE! So I know there are no data issues.

I have used both a trusted connection and SA login. It makes no difference.

I am doing this all from the server directly, no workstations involved.

I thought maybe the DB was not large enough and unable to expand during upsize so I doubled the initial size before attempting to upsize the second DB - made no difference.

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Upsizing Wizard

Jan 20, 2006

A few days ago I installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition and successfully used the upsizing wizard to convert a MS Access database to SQL Server database. Today I found I could get VB.Studio Express. The instructions said to delete SQL Server Express and .NET before installing VB Studio because it would re-install them both. I faithfully did that but since then I have been unable to get the upsizing wizard to work again. I have uninstalled SQL Server and re-installed it but still cant get it working. From SQL Server Configuration manager I can confirm that Shared Memory and TCP/IP protocol are both enabled for both protocols for clent and protocols for SQLEXPRESS Both the SQL Server and the SQL Browser are running. And from SQL Server Surface Configuration I can confirm that OPENROWSET AND OPENDATASOURCE SUPPORT is disabled; CLR Registration is disabled; OLE AUTOMATION is enabled; and xpCommandshell is disabled.

When I run the upsizing module it goes through the motions but the report at the end says "table was skipped or export failed" for each of the tables in the database.

I have looked everywhere I can think of to try to find a solution but no one so far has been able to help.

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Upsizing An MS Access DB To SQL Server

Aug 19, 2004

I was just wondering if there were any problems or defects when upsizing a db from access to sql server..........i've been using access for awhile, but new to sql server and prefer the initial creating of a db to be done in access

just looking for any info on this


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Upsizing From Access To Msde

Aug 13, 2005

Hi i am upsizing a db from access to msde. I provide it a username and password.
But when i try to connect to the db in Visual Studio i get this error
"Login failed for user 'user': Reason. not assocaited with a trusted SQL Server Connection"Thanks

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Upsizing Wizard In MS Access

Jul 16, 1999

I have inherited some 4 SQL servers running 6.5 and 7.0

Some of the servers have MS Access Installed and some
have an "upsizing to SQL Server" wizard under the MS
Access TOOLS/Add-Ins/.

Some do not. I need to locate where this utility comes
from. I think it must come from the 6.5 or 7.0 SQL Server
Install CD.

Does anyone know for sure?


Mark Blackburn o `"._ _ M onterey o / _ |||;._/ ) B ay
Science at its Best! ~ _/@ @ /// ( ~ A quarium
(831) 775-1880 ( (`__, ,`| R esearch '.\_/ |\_.' I nstitute

Database Administrator
MBARI Personal Web Page:

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Upsizing - Clustered Indexes

Aug 30, 2005

When you Upsize from Access using the wizard, unsurprisingly, a Unique index is created on the PK field, but these are all non-clustered. I presume there isn't one definitive answer to whether a index should be clustered or not, (which I understand means the table's records are held on disk contiguously), but generally, is it worth altering these all to become clustered?
Would you selectively cluster only those tables which you think would benefit most? Leave them all unclustered and look for bottle-necks?

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Upsizing Access To SQL Server

Nov 9, 2005

Hi There,

We need to upsize serveral MS Access DB's to SQL Server. Herefor we use the standard upsize wizard from MS.
However, this tool does not convert all query's and functions.
An standard query with an inner join will nog be upsized because access uses an different SQL statement order.

Does anybody knows a good tool with wich we can easier upsize the DB's



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Upsizing From MSAccess To SQLServer

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to use SQLServer for the first time and I am trying to use the upsizing wizard on Access to get moved over to SQLServer. I am getting the following error messages:

Connection failed:

SQLState: '01000'

SQL Server Error: 2

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

Connection failed:

SQLState: '08001'

SQLServer Error: 17

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Does anyone know how I should proceed? ( I am new at this so please be gentle.) Any help would be appreciated.


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MS Access Upsizing To MS SQL Beginner

Jun 22, 2006


I just built a site and found out that the hosting company does not support MS Access, but does support MS SQL ODBC.

I have never used MS SQL, nor know how it works.

followed the directions to upside my MS ACCESS DB to MS SQL DB and I am
waiting on a login and password from the hosting company.

Do I have to have MS SQL software on my computer for it work?
Do I need to keep my computer online in order for my site pages to connection with the MS SQL DB?

I just don't get how it works.

I am very new at this and I am trying to understand the fundamentals of how it all works.

All help is appreciated.

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Upsizing From Access To SQL Express

Mar 9, 2006


I have sucessfully installed SQL Express, configured it for remote acess, created a working ODBC connection and can link tables from Access to SqlExpress. I am now trying to upsize an access database to SqlExpress. When I click "Use existing database" I get an Overflow error, no explanation is the wizard expecting like named tables with elements?

Any help appreciated.

Pat Backowski

Dublin, Ireland

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MS Access Upsizing Wizard

Jun 26, 2006

Hello guys,

I am not sure if this is appropriate forum to ask but I have the folowing problem:
My client has MS Access database with about 116 tables in it. They need to transfer all tables to MS SQL server and keep application in working mode :) so far so good. I decided to use MS Access Upsizing wizard to do the job and this is the reason I am writing now... when the wizards proceeds (I am moving to SQL 2005) about 50/116 tables it just stops without warning or error in report... The only error I got is that some tables has no unique index and they cannot be updattable.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thank you in advance

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Upsizing From Access 2003

Feb 21, 2008

I am upsizing an Access 2003 database to SQL 2005 (SP2)
I frequently use the criteria forms![formname].[fieldname] in Access queries to open reports or forms in Access but cannot find an SQL equivalent. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

Many thanks in advance


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Upsizing From Access Problems

Jul 13, 2006

We are moving from Access 2003 to a hosted SQL Server (2005). In the process of uploading the data, we overloaded the log files, to the point we can't do anything additional. Questions:

1) is there a way to turn off the log file when uploading the info? and then turn it back on once all data is in place?

2) is there a way to delete the existing log file? From my research, it looks like command for Vers 7 was "BACKUP LOG <dbname> WITH NO_LOG". But I can't find reference to this in the on-line books.

Can someone bail us out?


Paul P

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Upsizing From Access To SQL 2005 Express

Jul 23, 2007

I need some help upsizing  from Access2007 to SQL Server 2005 ExpressI need some URGENT HELP UPSIZINGIf you have done this before and are confident, then please can you help me, This is critical and very very URGENT I am on a dedicated server at RackSpaceWhen I try and upsize using the Wizard, it said that it cannot connect to the database, I get error number I select Upsizing to create a new database On the next screen, I select (local) database to  upsize toUsername and password are already confirmed and the user exists and has been granted Admin priv to operate on the DatabaseThe error I get is:SQL State 01000SQQL server state Error2Connection failedError 08001 connection failedError 17 When I list the databases it gives me an error as do I upsize correctly, what steps am I missingRegardsAndrerw

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Upsizing Creates Huge MSSQL

Feb 1, 2005

I am upgrading a .mdb to MSSQL. The .mdb is 17MB, but the resulting MSSQL is 72MB. Tried using both the Access Upsizing Wizard and Enterprise Manager DTS. I have done this a number of times before, but never ran into this problem. Any ideas what coule be going on, and how to fix it?

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Problem Upsizing An Access95 Table

Oct 27, 1998

I have an Access95 database that I`ve been trying to port over to SQL 6.5 using the upsize wizard, I can get all the tables except one.
The message in the error log is Error 1105 Can`t allocate space for object `xxx` in database `xxxx` because the default segment is full.
If you ran out space in Syslogs dump the Transaction log ...............

The problem table has about 10000 rows. I`m not a SQL Server expert but it looks like to me there is plenty of space available.
The new SQL Server db has 15mb data size 11mb available 5mb for the Log and 5mb available, the original Access mdb file is 5mb.

Any clues on what I should do next.

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Upsizing Creates Huge MSSQL

Feb 1, 2005

I am upgrading a .mdb to MSSQL. The .mdb is 17MB, but the resulting MSSQL is 72MB. Tried using both the Access Upsizing Wizard and Enterprise Manager DTS. I have done this a number of times before, but never ran into this problem. Any ideas what coule be going on, and how to fix it?

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Upsizing Wizard Skips Tables

Sep 1, 2006

I am in the process of porting all of my Access 2003 databases to SQL Server. I started with my smallest database, which has only two tables. I have run the wizard five times, with different settings, but every time it only imports the table structure without the data.

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing here? Also, I have created several databases which I can't use, named InstructorsSQL, InstructorsSQL1, InstructorsSQL2, etc. I deleted the database files, but the names are apparently still in the system, since SQL Server won't allow me to use the same name again. How can I get rid of these old names.



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Upsizing Access To SQL Server 2005

Apr 30, 2006

I am upsizing a number of Access 2003 databases to SQL Server 2005 with Access Project front ends. Access Tables all upsize OK, some Queries upsize to SQL Views, some to SQL Functions and some get skipped completely. I have fixed up data type issues with Yes/No and Date/Time fields.

I would like all my Access Queries to be SQL Views. Some queries may have calculated fields and I suspect this is one of the issues. The only log in the report states 'Query "QueryName" failed to upsize'. Where should I start looking.

Any ideas on this please.



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Access 2000 Upsizing Wizard Add-in

Jul 14, 2006

I want to upsize a db from Access to SQL Server.
I have a version of Access 2000 that has not got the Upsizing Wizard add-in loaded, and can't find the install disc. Does anyone know if it is downloadable, and if so, from where?


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Dec 2, 1999

How do you free up locks when there are not enough locks available to perform a large write of records to a table from Access97.
I have tried using the Access97 Upsizing wizard, appending data from Access97 to the SQL Server, and Importing from the SQL Server end.

Approx. number of records is 1 million.

Error code is 1204, "SQL Server has run out of LOCKS".

But when we increase the number of locks, we get another error message which says this is using up too much memory.

Please help with this error.

Gary J

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Error Upsizing Access Database To SQL Server 7.0

Sep 13, 2002

I have a question about an error I am getting when upsizing my Access Database back end to SQL Server 7.0. My server has the following configuration:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 3
SQL Server 7.0, Service Pack 4, OLAP Services Service Pack 3
Microsoft Office 2000, Service Pack 2

When I attempt to upsize my database, the first four tables are upsized successfully, but the fifth table has the following error in a window that pops up called "Errors from Server":

SQL that Caused Error(s):

Server Error 0: Timeout Expired

The table that is having the error is very large, with 240,972 records. I have tried to perform the upsizing after cutting the size of the table down to only 20,000 records, and the error does not occur.
I would like to know if there is a timeout parameter in SQL Server 7.0 that I can configure that would keep this timeout error from occuring while upsizing my database with the full table of 240,972 records. I have already tried setting "remote login timeout" = 0 and "resource timeout" = 100000, but neither of these has helped. Thank you very much for any advice you can provide me!

Take care!
Bobby Goluba

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