Upsizing From MSAccess To SQLServer

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to use SQLServer for the first time and I am trying to use the upsizing wizard on Access to get moved over to SQLServer. I am getting the following error messages:

Connection failed:

SQLState: '01000'

SQL Server Error: 2

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

Connection failed:

SQLState: '08001'

SQLServer Error: 17

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Does anyone know how I should proceed? ( I am new at this so please be gentle.) Any help would be appreciated.


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Error Messages Upsizing From MSAccess Database To SQLServer

Apr 26, 2006

I am trying to use SQLServer for the first time and I am trying to use the upsizing wizard on Access to get moved over to SQLServer. I am getting the following error messages:

Connection failed:

SQLState: '01000'

SQL Server Error: 2

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

Connection failed:

SQLState: '08001'

SQLServer Error: 17

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server][Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Does anyone know how I should proceed? Any help would be appreciated.


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MSAccess SQL Aggregate F(x) Vs. SQLServer

May 28, 1999

The following works fine in Access:


But not SQLServer because of First(). How can I achieve the same results in SQLServer?


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MsAccess To Sqlserver Transfering At Regular Intervals ?

Nov 15, 2006

I am having Access database in my local system . Values in the access database will be updated for every 5 min .

I am also having Sqlserver database online with the same structure database of Access in my local system .

What i want is my Access database values must be updated in my online sqlserver at every 5 min automatically .

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Upsizing SSE To SS

Jun 13, 2006

How do I upsize a SQL Server Express 2005 db to a fully functional SQL Server 2005 db for Internet usage? 
Thank you.

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Upsizing To SQL 2K

Jul 20, 2005

I have an Access 2000 DB that I've been considering upsizing to SQL Server2K. I'm wondering if anyone can share their experiences in upsizing and letme know of any tips or pratfalls. I've been playing around with the upsizewizard however not all of my tables have properly converted. None of theprimary keys transfer (I understand this is a limitation) and the wholething hasn't really worked the way I thought it would. I have triedimporting the data using DTS from SQL Server which has been more successfulhowever now I'm considering whether it's even worth upsizing to SQL.What I'm looking for is some advice from people who have gone through theprocess about how smooth the transition was, and whether it worked out asplanned. The DB I'm working on is an educational database, approx 80,000records and would ultimately have 30 - 40 users max (and on most times nomore than 5 - 10 users). Part of the reason I'm thinking about upsizing isto put the DB online to allow for dynamic updates and web access.Thanks for any advice.Mike

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Upsizing A Db To SQL Db

Jul 20, 2005

When I try using the Upsizing Wizard to upsize a database to SQL database, Iam unable to login because I get an error message which says: "Login failedfor user 'Jim Richards'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL ServerConnection." I am using 'Windows Authentication' and I am entering myWindows User Name and Password. How do I fix this please? Thanks in advance,Jim Richards

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Aug 6, 1998

Can any body tell me the step by step procedure of porting MSACCESS tables into

thanks in advance


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MSAccess -----&> SQL Server

May 21, 2004

I'm using MSAccess 2k as a front end to a SQL Server 2k database.

I have a user set up in SQL Server to be database owner for a specific database.

Using NT authentication.

Using ADO.

The MSAccess application executes a store procedure on the SQL Server that (1) deletes a tables if it exists, (2) creates and populates a table (the owner shows up in Enterprise Manager as the user name) and then (3) uses the table (read) in a join to do some other processing.

The (1) delete works fine.
The (2) table is created and populated fine.
On (3) the Select (inner join) to do the aditional processing I get an error message that the table name used is an invalid object.

If I create the table as sa separately and in the store procedure, instead of deleting, creating and populating the table I merely truncate the table and then repopulate it, everything works fine.

I would prefer to not have the table sitting around the database all the time.

Anyway, I'd like to figure out why the table is causing a problem.

Any ideas?


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Jan 16, 2006


I´m having a problem setting up a job in sql.
When i run my DTS is on succed but when I schedule the job --failed
Is connecting a sql serve db with msaccess you.

Sombody know? if i have to consider something??

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SQL Server To MSAccess

Mar 28, 2008


I am getting below error when exporting data from SQL Server 2005 to MS Access.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (1706) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Its direct mapping from OLE DB Source (SQL Server 2005) to OLE DB Dest (MS-Access Database)

Help from anyone. Plz its urgent.


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Upsizing Wizard

Oct 11, 2007

 I need to upload a very large access database to sql
2005.  Do I break this down by tables, queries or what?  Will
it take a long time.  I believe that database is 3488,888 kb in
size.   Thank youDee 

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Upsizing Access 97

Oct 24, 2000

I have four complex Access 97 Databases which I need to upsize to SQLServer 7. The first thing I did was convert them to Access2000 because I was told that the upsizing wizard wal great. When I ran the wizard the report said that the queries couldn't be upsized because they had criteria which referred to a textbox on a form and that SQLServer couldn't handle this. When I remove the criteria, the queries seem to upsize very nicely. Dows anyone have a way to get the criteria information from the form to the query without having to do a major rewrite of database?

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Upsizing From Access

Aug 18, 1999

Unfortunately I have not the faintest idea where to begin!

I have an existing project relying on an Access database
and using ASP to run queries etc.which has a requirement
to be upsized to run on SQL server.

This leads me to a couple of questions,

1)Do I have to rewrite the database / asp completely for
use with SQL?

2)Can I simply upsize the Access database to SQL and continue to
run my existing asp?

I feel completely out of my depth here and help or pointers as to
where to start would be much appreciated!

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Upsizing To SQL 2000

Oct 3, 2002

Is there a way to upsize tables from access to sql server if the tables are already linked in Access from other locations?

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Upsizing Access To MS SQL???

Mar 23, 2006

I'm quite new to MS SQL and I don't really have a clue in what I am doing. I set up an evaluation of SQL 2005 to help me create a DB locally for testing an development.

I would continue to use Access, but the db is quite large and has 18 tables with lots of relationships. It also has anywhere from 20 to 50 concurrent users at one time, so therfore I am getting a lot of "Too Many Client Tasks" errors.

I tried using the Upsizing Wizard from access, but everytime I try to create a new DB in SQL, I get an error saying "Overflow". Thats it, no more, no less. If it said more I could possibly troubleshoot, but I have no idea what this means. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Does someone know where I can go to get help? I'm lost, so any help will be much appreciated.

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Upsizing Of Access DB

Mar 30, 2007


We have a document tracking application at my company which is extremely slow to load up and causes delays when staff log into their machines. This is because its launched from the login script. The application has an Access DB as the backend and is getting quite full which is why I think the performance is so poor.

My question is, can I upsize the DB to SQL server and link the tables into Access to improve performance?

I wasn't sure if this would make that much of a difference.

Thanks in advanced!

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Upsizing Questions

Jul 31, 2005

HiI have a fairly complex access frontend/backend app which I need to upsizeto SQL Server. At this stage I would prefer to use access as frontend. Ihave the following questions;1. Should I keep using the mdb as frontend or switch to an adp (accessproject) instead? Any reasons?2. I have used IIF (immediate if) frequently in access queries. Whenconverting queries to SQL Server, is there an easy way to replace the IIFfunction?3. Is it possible for access frontend to connect/link to two separate SQLServer dbs, main and archive at the same time?ThanksRegards

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Upsizing From Access

Mar 23, 2007

I keep getting the warning I don't have administrative privilege but I'm the only user on the computer and have verified in vb that I am the administrator.

Can somebody help?

Shabbat Shabbat Shalom


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Upsizing Problems

Apr 27, 2007

I am having a problem with the MSAccess Upsizing wizard. I have seen the problem with both Access 2002 and 2003. I believe the problem is more SQL related. Here is the problem.

I have two large Access 2002 Dbs. They are being merged in to one SQL DB.

I run the wizard on the first DB using the 'create new DB' option and everything works perfectly.

On the second DB I connect to the DB created in the first Upsize. BUT, some of the tables upsize and some do not. It usually creates the table and then fails on moving the data so none of the indexes, relationships, etc. get created.

IF I UPSIZE THIS DB TO A NEW SQL DB IT WORKS FINE! So I know there are no data issues.

I have used both a trusted connection and SA login. It makes no difference.

I am doing this all from the server directly, no workstations involved.

I thought maybe the DB was not large enough and unable to expand during upsize so I doubled the initial size before attempting to upsize the second DB - made no difference.

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Upsizing Wizard

Jan 20, 2006

A few days ago I installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition and successfully used the upsizing wizard to convert a MS Access database to SQL Server database. Today I found I could get VB.Studio Express. The instructions said to delete SQL Server Express and .NET before installing VB Studio because it would re-install them both. I faithfully did that but since then I have been unable to get the upsizing wizard to work again. I have uninstalled SQL Server and re-installed it but still cant get it working. From SQL Server Configuration manager I can confirm that Shared Memory and TCP/IP protocol are both enabled for both protocols for clent and protocols for SQLEXPRESS Both the SQL Server and the SQL Browser are running. And from SQL Server Surface Configuration I can confirm that OPENROWSET AND OPENDATASOURCE SUPPORT is disabled; CLR Registration is disabled; OLE AUTOMATION is enabled; and xpCommandshell is disabled.

When I run the upsizing module it goes through the motions but the report at the end says "table was skipped or export failed" for each of the tables in the database.

I have looked everywhere I can think of to try to find a solution but no one so far has been able to help.

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Seeking BEST Method For SQL To MSAccess

Jul 12, 2004

I would like to pull some data from a SQLServer database, and save it into an Access MDB file (which can be empty to start). I would then zip up the MDB and download it to the user.

I am seeking advice on the most "elegant" or "efficient" way to do this. Here are some ideas I have been considering:

1) Should I start with an empty template MDB and file-copy it before I populate it? Or is there a neat way in ASP.NET to allocate a brand new MDB outright?

2) I could read the SQLServer data into a Dataset object. I could then open a connection to the MDB, create a table object, defining all the columns, etc., and then I could write the data to the new table object. BUT ... I have a hunch there is a nifty ADO.NET way to save the data already in the Dataset object right into the MDB (creating the table and columns as a matter of course) ... all with an instruction or two (or three). Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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MSAccess Adp Bit Datatype Problem

Apr 28, 2004

Hi there,

We have a MSSQL 2000 db, with several MSAccess 2000 adp interfaces connected to it.

Several bit data type fields of the tables are updated through those interfaces, but from time to time (I can find no pattern when it happens), flagged fields (i.e. with value 1) are unflagged (they get value 0), without any user interaction on that field (neither in the tables, neither through the checkboxes).

Anybody familiar with this issue?

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Accessing MSAccess From SQL Server

Dec 22, 2004

I have MS Access Database (test.mdb), and i have a table called tblEmployee in that.
How to query the table from SQL Server Query Analyser?

Thanks in advance

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MSAccess And MS SQL Remote Access

Mar 18, 2004

I am having issues with MSAccess and MS SQL for a new client. It worked in the past, but I cannot talk to the old computer guy?!# Here's the scoop. It uses an Access front end and ODBC to conect to the MS SQL 7.0 server. In the office they use a system DSN named DATA to connect using NT authentication. I've got the firewall configured for the two employees static ip addresses to goto the MS SQL server. On the remote machines, I have added a system DNS named DATA as well that uses MS SQL authentication. I setup the remote user accounts on the MS SQL server. Now heres the problem. I can test the ODBC from the remote omputer and it works.At first I could not get into teh database at all. I went in and updated the Access file connection strings to include a username and password. Now I can get into the Access front end and access the main page. (IT has a couple of buttons - Shpping, Inventory, Management, etc.) I can even click on these buttons and pull up the next page. (For example I can click on the management button and pull up a list of new buttons- one of which is Auto Exec Bob) NOw when I click autoexec bob or any of the others it takes a while and then give me an error. (SQLState 28000 MS SQL error: 18452 Login failed for user null. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server Connection.) If I click ok then I have a box that lets me uncheck the use trusted connection and sign in using my remote username and pass that I setup. Eventually I can access everything - one step at a time.Each time it tries to connect to the database it takes about thirty seconds to time out, then gives me this error message and I can log on again. Any help to sort this out would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Migrating From MSAccess To Sql Express

May 30, 2006

Hitaishi writes "We have recently migrated from MSAccess as our back end system to SQL Express, but the dialogs showing records of the table which were taking lesser time in Access are taking more time in opening and doing any database operations.......

We are using .Net Framework 2.0. Does it have anything to do with lowering down the performance ?

Any help would be appreciated."

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Migration From MsAccess To Sql-Server

Jan 26, 2007

Migration from MsAccess to Sql-Server.


Ing_ID = nz(me.Ing_AutoNr,0)
me.openform "MyForm",,,"ID = " & Ing_ID

This work in MsAccess with new records but this doesn't work in Sql-Server. How can I solve this?

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Msaccess Connection To Sql 2000

Mar 8, 2007

im in the begginging stages of converting an access 2003 backend to SQL 2003sp3.

The access's upgrade wizzard did an ok job getting most of the tables ported over. Now when the frontend relinked the tables to SQL server im assuming i just continue on using them as is. When the wizzard wanted a connection to use i created a new connection and saved it on the server. Im assuming this connection object is what access is using to get to SQL.

Am i assuming correctly ?

The reason i ask is only a few of the linked tables in to sql seem to be editable. some are read only ? (i have primary keys in all my tables.) im just calling a query bound to the linked tables.

Secondly, But could be related.

Now this problem i dont understand. On open of my main form i log who and what pc they are using. in this situation i open a record set, log the data and close it. At first the error was i needed to add dbSeeChanges on my object, ok so i added it as an option.

But i now get an the error message: at rsTran.AddNew "Run Time error: 3027 , Can Not update. Database or Object is read Only ?

here is the code

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsTran = db.OpenRecordset("tblUserLog", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
struser = Currentuser
strNetwork = atCNames(1)
strPC = atCNames(2)

rsTran("UserName") = struser
rsTran("MachineName") = strPC
rsTran("EmployeeNum") = strNetwork
rsTran("Notes") = "User Logon"

Set db = Nothing
Set rsTran = Nothing

thank for any advice.


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Conversion MSAccess -&&> SSCe

Dec 6, 2006

We have plan to migrate our database from Access to SqlCe.

Here our situation:

We will never use a Pocket PC applications, only Windows desktop application.
We want to migrate the .mdb file to a .sdf file (I've seen the ADS application, but since we don't use mobile devices, it's no use)
The .sdf will be use on local client machine only.
Here's my problems:

I've use a conversion to migrate from access ( and seem to work fine.
I updated the source code to use the SqlServerCe dll instead of OleDB.
Some of my queries work fine, but others just won't work in VS2005 using C#.

To check if the query is really wrong, I take exactly the same query and put it Query Builder from the Server Explorer in VS2005.
And the query just work fines!!! It's bring back all the records asked for, and I've got an error for the same query from my source code.

I'm using a datatable, here's the code used for filling the DataTable. I've got an error on the line adapter.FillSchema()

string connectionString = @"Data Source=" + fic_parent.CheminFichierComplet;
using (SqlCeConnection connection = new SqlCeConnection(connectionString))
SqlCeDataAdapter adapter = new SqlCeDataAdapter();


SqlCeCommand command = new SqlCeCommand(requete, connection);

command.CommandType = CommandType.TableDirect;
adapter.SelectCommand = command;

tableResultats = new DataTable();
adapter.FillSchema(tableResultats, SchemaType.Source);

// Close connection

Error is:

Message="The specified table does not exist. [ (...) ]"
Source="SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition ADO.NET Data Provider"

Here my questions:

Is it possible to have an application that will convert my Access databases to an SSCe .sdf file ?
Why I can query in Server Explorer and can't in my source code using the same sql statement ?

At which level my code isn't good, because I just replace all OleDB* --> SqlCe* in my code.
I hope that I explain clearly my problem, do not hesitate to ask me questions about this problem.

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Exporting From SQL Server To MSACCESS

Jul 10, 2006


I Need to make a script or task that programmatically export data from SQL Server to Access File , and how to call the script from the .NET?

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How Run SSIS Package From MsAccess?

Mar 24, 2006

How run SSIS package from MsAccess?

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Question Regarding Connections With MSAccess

Feb 9, 2007

I have a Access 2002 (saved as 2K format) front end to a SQL Server (2000 I believe) and everything worked fine until I added 30 new fields to the main table. All of these fields are data type Bit and all are initialized to zero. I can add new records without any issues. The problem is that any time I try to update or delete a record I get the dreaded "Write Conflict..." msg in Access. If I use an older version of the system without refreshing the linked tables I have no problems. This behavior is also exhibited if I try to update/delete a record directly in the table so I know it is not something in my forms. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Upsizing An MS Access DB To SQL Server

Aug 19, 2004

I was just wondering if there were any problems or defects when upsizing a db from access to sql server..........i've been using access for awhile, but new to sql server and prefer the initial creating of a db to be done in access

just looking for any info on this


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