Urgent: Storing MS-Word Documents In Sql Server

Oct 17, 2004


I have developed a Job Registration page, in which, the resume attached will be stored in the database in an image data-type field. Now, the client program includes migration of the database into local server and process the resumes.

After migration to the local database, if the client wants to process the resume and save directly to the database again, is it possible? This a very urgent requirement. Currently, i am separating the resume from the database and storing in a folder with the ID as the file name. But i want to convert it to a distributed application, which needs the resume to be in the database itself.

Can anybody suggest me the method to open .doc file from the database, process it and save directly to the database?

Thanks and regards,

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Storing Word Documents

Oct 22, 1999

I need a help with respect to the storage of documents in SQL server. Is it possible to store Word documents in SQL Server straight away ? If yes, what is the data type that is supported for this kind of storage.
How do I read the data , store it & render it ( using both ado & Just TSQL)


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Storing Unsaved Word Documents As BLOBs

Jul 20, 2005

Hi folks,I want to be able to store and retrieve UNSAVED Word documents as BLOBs. Igot all the info for storing them if they're already saved on the filesystem. But what if they're not already saved? I could save them to a tempfile first and then make it a blob, but I'd rather not put them on the filesystem at all. I could use Document.Contents to get the Range object for thewhole doc and then BLOB that, but I'm not sure that would be quite the sameas a .doc file, maybe things like Styles and the like would be missing.TIA!Dave

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How To Import Word Documents Into SQL Server

Jan 30, 2007

Hi All,

I need to import multiple word documents of same structure into SQL Server table. Could anyone suggest the way of doing this?


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Word Documents

Feb 22, 2006

Yesterday I installed MS SQL 2000 for the first time and have no idea what I'm doing.

I have been sent a database and asked to convert this to MS Access, for most of the data that is ok and I have already managed to do this. My problem is that the database contains MS Word documents stored in some of the tables (field type - image). I need to extract these from the database and get them back to individual Word files, ideally with a file name that relates them to the primary key of the table from which they came.

I have less that 24 hours experience with SQL server and would be very grateful if anyone can explain how I can do this.

Thank you for your help


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Importing Word Documents

Jun 1, 2001

Is it possible to bring the entire contentsof a Word document into text filed, in order to be able to use full-text indexing?

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Word Documents As A Data Type

Dec 2, 1999

Is it possible to have a word document as a datatype? I am attempting to create a searchable SQL 7 database of approximately 5000 resumes, adding anywhere from 10-100 every day (we are a recruiting/consulting firm).

I know index server is an easier way to do this, but my managers are against it for unknown reasons.

Other ideas are also welcome...

Thanks in advance,

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Storing Word Docs In Sql Server

Apr 22, 2006

Hi Guys

i have a list of 10 word docs and i want to store them in sql server.
How can i do that??

Should i create any fmt files for that???


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How Can I Search Throught DOCX (MS Word 2007) Documents By SQL Server 2005 Full Text Search Engine?

Dec 11, 2006

How can I search throught DOCX (MS Word 2007) documents by SQL Server 2005 Full Text Search engine?

Should I something download?

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How To Compare Two Word Documents Using Full Text Search?

Mar 19, 2006

can we use full text search and mining algorithms to comapre two word or text documents to find out if they are similar
please help.
thaks for reading

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Storing Large Formatted Documents

Jun 8, 2006

I am developing a resume storage system, and don't know the best way to store the resumes that come in to our company in both MS Word and text files. Should I store the files in the original format they come in, and reference the file name in the databse that points to a directory where they are stored, or should I store the text of the resumes directy in the database. There are 2 things that I must follow.

1: I need to have the documents keep their formatting.
2: I also need the capibility of conducting a full text search to pull out key words from the documents.

What is the best way?

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Storing Documents (.doc .xls .pdf .jpg Etc) In A Database Column

Jul 31, 2007

Does anybody know how to store objects like files in a database column/
I am familiar with MSAccess (use BLOB) and Oracle (use varchar200?


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Storing MS Word /Excel Objects In SQl Server Database

May 1, 2001

Hi all,

Can it be done - say using image dtatype - and how


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Storing Documents And Images - In The Database Or As A Link?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi There,Being quite new to MS-SQL I would like to ask if there is a general opinionof what approach should be taken to storing things like external documentsand images in databases.Should the actual files be stored within the database, or instead shouldlinks to the files on a file server or something similar be stored instead.For the end user I imagine it is easier to have everything stored within thedatabase, because doing it the other way in effect gives another level ofmanagement because there is the need to perhaps manually look after the fileserver with all the image files or document files on.In my particular case, I am building a database where the users use a greatmany Word documents. For example, I particular record might have a number ofdifferent Word documents associated with it.I was going to create a "Documents" table that all documents were stored in(including meta data about each document because it will be really useful tobe able to search for documents so that they can be reused).In this table I was in a dilemma as to whether to actually store thedocuments in the table. Other then the performance hit and memoryrequirements this will require, are there any other disadvantages?What are the general thoughts when a database needs to manage a lot of pdfand word documents?Thanks in advance.Dave.

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Storing A Word File In DB

May 26, 2004

How can i store a word file in my database table..

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Feasability Of Storing PDFs And WORD.DOC Files In MSSQL?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm building a system when one can upload a document to the website.I will be storing the document on the hard-drive for quick/easy access,but I was also thinking of storing it in an existing database since mostof the sites information is all stored there.As well there would be only one place to worry about backing up. And ifthe file on the hard-drive was ever missing or became corrupted, I couldrestore it form tha database. Is this feasable? Has anyone ever done this?--* Don VaillancourtDirector of Software Development**WEB IMPACT INC.*phone: 416-815-2000 ext. 245fax: 416-815-2001email: Join Bytes! <mailto:donv@webimpact.com>web: http://www.web-impact.com/ This email message is intended only for the addressee(s)and contains information that may be confidential and/orcopyright. If you are not the intended recipient pleasenotify the sender by reply email and immediately deletethis email. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this emailby anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictlyprohibited. No representation is made that this email orany attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning isrecommended and is the responsibility of the recipient./

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How To Encrypt My Password Or Sensitive Data Before Storing Them In A Database , Using SQL Server 2005?[urgent Plz Help]

Jan 7, 2007

Hi there ,1. i have a database and i want to encrypt my passwords before storing my records in a database plus i will later on would require to  authenticate my user so again i have to encrypt the string provided by him to compare it with my encrypted password in database below is my code , i dont know how to do it , plz help 2. one thing more i am storing IP addresses of my users as a "varchar" is there a better method to do it , if yes plz help me    try        {            SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection();            myConnection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["projectConnectionString"].ConnectionString;            SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT *From User_Info", myConnection);            SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(myAdapter);            DataSet myDataset = new DataSet();            myAdapter.Fill(myDataset, "User_Info");            //Adding New Row in User_Info Table               DataRow myRow = myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].NewRow();            myRow["user_name"] = this.user_name.Text;            myRow["password"] = this.password.Text; // shoule be encrypted             //not known till now how to do it                       myRow["name"] = this.name.Text;            myRow["ip_address"] = this.ip_address.Text;                        myDataset.Tables["User_Info"].Rows.Add(myRow);            myAdapter.Update(myDataset, "User_Info");            myConnection.Close();            myConnection.Dispose();        }        catch (Exception ex)        {            this.error.Text = "Error ocurred in Creating User : " + ex.Message;        }  

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Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed In Windows XP Professional Sp2 Start Menu Recent Documents List

Jan 26, 2007

Excel 2007 Documents Not Displayed in Windows XP Professional sp2
Start Menu's Recent Documents List:

Dear Microsoft Support:
I can't figure out how to get recently used Excel 2007 (new file formats) documents to show up in the Windows XP Professional (sp2) Start Menu's Recent Documents List. I checked the Internet, the knowledgebase, many parts of the MS web site, etc. for an answer but can't find one.
Are Excel 2007 documents supposed to show up in the XP Start Menu's Recent Document List? Is this a bug or do I have to do some sort of configuration to make it do so? If it's a bug, when will a fix be available?

Are these new Excel 2007 files filtered out like EXE files are which will not appear in the Recent Document List?

The Excel 2007 file types are listed in the Registry.

This question is also posted on Experts-Exchange...No solutions yet.



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Treading Å And A Same Word (urgent)

Jan 22, 2001

Please let me know how can I treat Å and A as a same character.
It's very urgent.

Thanks in advance.

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Storing Query Output As File (urgent)

Dec 27, 2000

hi all...
i want to store the output of an sql query as a text file.this is for my project i am doing in java.can u help me how to do this..it is very urgent

thanking u

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Problems Accessing My Documents In Sql Server - Attach DB

Jan 2, 2008

I am trying to attached database which is My Documents using SQL Express, but when it goes to C:Documents and SettingsRAFAL I can not  see any folders below.... I can see folders in Explorer!
Is this some kind of bug? I am using SQl Express 2005. I have shared C:Documents and SettingsRAFAL folder with everyone.
Also another problem is that when attaching database it does not rememeber the last path I was attaching from...

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Can I Change Null Word In Report To Another Word

Feb 24, 2008

i have report with parameter and he can have a null in parameter ther is null word can i change it to another word like all or any thing else

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Sql Search Command Word By Word?

Mar 30, 2005

I'm just wondering does anyone know how to create an sql command that can search word by word?
what i mean is like I have a product with name 'harry potter broom'.
I want an sql command where if i type only 'harry broom' this 'harry potter broom' product will show up.
Does anyone have any idea?
Here's my sql comand: (I'm using asp.net vb script do develop this system)
query = "select distinct * from product where " & _
"(pname like '%" & keyword & "%' or " & _
"pdesc like '%" & keyword & "%' ) and " & _
"(price >= " & price1 & " and price <= " & price2 & _
") and status <> 'out of stock' order by price asc"
Thank you.

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Which Is Better? Storing Data In The Database OR Storing It In The File System

Dec 29, 2006

Hello there,I just want to ask if storing data in dbase is much better than storing it in the file system? Because for one, i am currenlty developing my thesis which uploads a blob.doc file to a web server (currently i'm using the localhost of ASP.NET) then retrieves it from the local hostAlso i want to know if im right at this, the localhost of ASP.NET is the same as the one of a natural web server on the net? Because i'm just thinking of uploading and downloading the files from a web server. Although our thesis defense didn't require us to really upload it on the net, we were advised to use a localhost on our PC's. I'll be just using my local server Is it ok to just use a web server for storing files than a database?    

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URGENT.Sql Server Does Not Recognise MAPI , Or Profile Name URGENT

Oct 26, 2000

hi, I have settup up sql mail and did the following:
1. created an E-mail account and configured Out look by creating a pop3 mail profile. tested it by sending and receiving mail, that is ook
2. I Created one domain account for MSsqlserver and Sql Agent service. both services use same account and start automatically in the control panel-services
3. I used the profile that I created in outlook to test the sql mail but got an error:
Error 22030 : A MAPI error ( error number:273) occurred: MapiLogon Ex Failed due to MAPI
Error 273: MAPI Logon Failed

I really do not know what went wrong. I followed the steps from bol and still having a problem. Am I missing something.

I do have a valid email account
I do have a valid domain account
I tested outlook using the email account and it worked. so why sql server does not recognise MAPI.

My next question, How to configure MAPI in Sql server if what I did was wrong.

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Urgent, Urgent !! My Sql Server Refused To Start Due To Encrypton

Mar 23, 2001

Hi, I have 2 windows 2000 server in cluster with sql server 2000 enterprise edition installed.
I have activated the Server-Requested Encryption by using the sql server network utility (Force Protocol Encryption). After this, I have stoped sql server service. But I can't start it at this moment.
The error is:
19015: The encrypton is required but no available certificat has been found.

Please help me to start sql server.



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Is The Word Name A Reserved Word?

Sep 24, 2007

Is the word "Name" a reserved word in SQL? look at line 10 of my stored procedure. When I use the word "Name"it is highlited in blue by SQL Server?
Note I only list part of the stored proc
1  CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetXMLPeopleNames] 23 (4 @Status nvarchar(3)5)6 AS7 SELECT8  PersonId,9  PersonDescription,10  Name,11  UpdateDate,12  UpdateAppUser13 FROM14  Customer WHERE Customer.PersonDescription=@Status15 ORDER BY

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Insert A Word Document Into SQL Server

Sep 30, 2006

Can any tell me how to simpley insert a MS word document into an SQL Server database with a field type of image.

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Documents Database

Jan 31, 2007

Hello,I need to create a database to hold documents information.1. Basically, I need the following information for each document:   Title, Description, LastUpdated, Category, Type, Url   Should I create tables for Category and Type?   And link them to my documents table?   What type of relationship should I use?2. I also need to know how many downloads each document had       Should I add a column in my documents table?   Then I would increase it one by one.   Or should I create a new table which would register each download.3. I need to let users to rate each document from 1 to 5.   How should I implement this?Thank You Very Much,Miguel

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How Do You Create XML Documents With SQL 7.0?

Jul 20, 2000

I'd like to create an XML document from within SQL 7.0. Is the do-able? I know it's build into SQL 2K. But how is it done (or can it be done) in SQL 7.0.



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Documents In VLDB

Jul 31, 2007

Hello All,

I have been experimenting with SQL Server 2005 partitions. I loaded a terabyte of information into 2 tables. The first holds the document information and the second holds the actual binary document (in this case pdf). Most of the documents are about 1 megabyte in size, but the largest is 212 megabytes.

SQL Server has no problem storing the blobs. The problem occurs when I attempt to get the data.

I did some quick tests to test how fast I could pull the documents out. The largest took about 24 seconds. The 1 meg documents are sub-second.

Here is how the 212 meg doc breaks down:

Time to load datatable: 18.79 seconds
Time to load byte array: 3.84 seconds
Time to Write and open document: 0.01 seconds

If I access the file from a file server, the time is 0.04 seconds to begin showing the document.

As you can see, the longest time period is related to retrieving the data from SQL, and it is much slower that launching it from disk across the network. (note: the sql server and file server used to test are next to each other).

My question is, how can I speed up the access from SQL Server? I believe the keys are "partition aligned". Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I will add the table definitions and partition information as a reply since only 5000 chars are allowed in the post.

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Splitting PDF Documents

Dec 14, 2006

This may be a stupid question but I'll throw it out here, is it possible to use sql 2005 to split up pdf files into individual files by a field on the form or an index?


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Documents Question

Mar 28, 2008

We have a document library that we display on report manager. When we open a pdf document there is a print icon, but when we open an Excel document or a Word document, there is no ablility to print. The user must save the document locally and then reopen it to print from Word or Excel. Is there a setting somewhere that can be set to enable printing on the Excel and Word docs?

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