Urgent,Tempdb Problem

Jan 3, 2000

I am installing the sql server 7.0 as a production server and when I create a database, I want to give my path of the tempdb on the other drive, when I am trying to change the path it is not allowing, Is it possible to change the path of the tempdb on the other drive. can any one give me the solution how can I change the path of the tempdb when I create a data base.

Thanks in advance.


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Log Full For Tempdb..urgent!!

Jul 18, 2001

I am finding the following error on the error log:

The log file for database 'tempdb' is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space..

What shall we do,it's a B2B production SQL server.

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Urgent!!! - Tempdb Out Of Control

Sep 6, 2000

Tempdb has grown to over 17 GB. It had no max growth limit set and actually took up all the disk space on the drive. I tried to run DBCC SHRINKDATABASE and received a bunch of errors about table corruptions. So, I found Brian Knight's post about stopping and restarting tempdb in minimal mode. I did that. It came back up and tempdb was correctly only 2 MB. It freed up 17 GB on the disk. Then, I stopped and restarted the service again, not in minimal mode, and it won't come back up. It has taken back that 17 GB of disk space. From the error log, I can see that it is stuck on rebuilding tempdb. Why is it trying to rebuild tempdb to 17 GB???

While in minimal mode, we did set the maximum growth limits to 1 GB for both data and log for tempdb, but that seemed to have no effect.

Any suggestions????

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Urgent, How Much The TempDB Should Be In The New Server

Dec 28, 1999

I am installing the SQL server 7.0 as a production server and as soon as the server is started, within a week the date will be around 10 millinon rows, so I want to know how much space should I allocate for the tempdb and what should be the incremental percentage of the the tempdb(New server).

thanks in advance,

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Very Urgent - Tempdb Full

Aug 28, 2002

I received the error from a SQL server "..can't allocate space for object "syslogs" in DB "tempdb". If you ran out of space in "syslogs" dump the trans log, otherwise , user alter database of sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment."

All help would be appreciated to overcome this error.

Thank You.

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Tempdb Is Eating Space Urgent!!!

Feb 25, 2004

Hi All,

Sql Server 7

My tempdb is eating 1.27 gb of space of my d dive, and now only 10 mb is left in d drive . for this i stoped and started sqlserver but it didnt release much of space.Pls let me know is there any other way so that i can release some space from my tempdb.

Waiting for reply


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Tempdb Is Skipped. You Cannot Run A Query That Requires Tempdb

Jul 14, 2004

Has anyone seen the SQL Server error:

"tempdb is skipped. You cannot run a query that requires tempdb"?

We're running a .Net web application with a SQL Server 2000 backend, and we get the error intermittently. Restarting the SQL Server service seems to fix it, as it causes tempdb to be rebuilt, but this isn't a long term solution. Any direction or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Mike

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Timeout Expired -- URGENT, URGENT, URGENT!!!

Sep 27, 2000

This morning I can not connect to our SQL Server 7.0 whatever from client or server. The error message which I list below:

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
A connection could not be estabished to server--Timeout expired
Please verfy SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

We use windows NT authentication. We did not do any change on NT. The SQL Server daily schedule job usally stoped at 10:00AM, but today from the Window NT Task Manager, we can see that the SQL Server is still running untill now.

Please help!!!

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URGENT.Sql Server Does Not Recognise MAPI , Or Profile Name URGENT

Oct 26, 2000

hi, I have settup up sql mail and did the following:
1. created an E-mail account and configured Out look by creating a pop3 mail profile. tested it by sending and receiving mail, that is ook
2. I Created one domain account for MSsqlserver and Sql Agent service. both services use same account and start automatically in the control panel-services
3. I used the profile that I created in outlook to test the sql mail but got an error:
Error 22030 : A MAPI error ( error number:273) occurred: MapiLogon Ex Failed due to MAPI
Error 273: MAPI Logon Failed

I really do not know what went wrong. I followed the steps from bol and still having a problem. Am I missing something.

I do have a valid email account
I do have a valid domain account
I tested outlook using the email account and it worked. so why sql server does not recognise MAPI.

My next question, How to configure MAPI in Sql server if what I did was wrong.

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Urgent, Urgent !! My Sql Server Refused To Start Due To Encrypton

Mar 23, 2001

Hi, I have 2 windows 2000 server in cluster with sql server 2000 enterprise edition installed.
I have activated the Server-Requested Encryption by using the sql server network utility (Force Protocol Encryption). After this, I have stoped sql server service. But I can't start it at this moment.
The error is:
19015: The encrypton is required but no available certificat has been found.

Please help me to start sql server.



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Urgent Urgent Please.(Access SQL Pass Through Queries)

Jul 6, 2000

I am facing a huge problem in my sql server database using access as a front end.The main problem is trying to execute queries "views" ,since they reside on sql server now,and using variables or parameters in reports and forms to filter on this query.
how can the following be implemented using the same query but in sql server?
WHERE ((([Area_Code] & "-" & [GROUP_CODE])=[Reports]![MAT_Chart_C1].[MAT_Key]))

It is specifically this statement in which I am interested:

Thank you very much for your concern.

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Scheduling(URGENT... URGENT)

Dec 20, 2000

Hi everybody,

I have a batch which needs to be run every day night at 2:00 am.I Using At command but it is not working. if u have idea, please let me know


Thanks in advance

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Urgent Really Urgent Dbcc

Apr 19, 2008

hi all
its urgent really urgent
please reply soon

I am getting error in sysindexes when i run dbcc checkdb on a production db.
the error is Server: Msg 8928, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
please help me to remove this
all the options of dbcc checkdb as well as table are not helping me

thanks in advance

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About TempDB

Jun 1, 2005

TempDB is one of the databases equipped with MSSQL Server by default.What is the purpose of it?Why do we use this temp database?

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Tempdb Help

Apr 9, 2002


THis is sql server 6.5 question.
I have tempdb data device size default 2 MB, which has completely filled up. I am trying to expand data device to it.
I created new device tempdb_data_ext (250 MB) and tried to expand tempdb data device. But everytime I do it, it ends up adding space to tempdb log device. How can I expand tempdb data device?

It's extremely urgent.


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Apr 16, 2001

How can I control the growth of tempdb in SQl server.It's growing like anything.
CAn I create some alerts or jobs and what those alerts/job are supposed to do?
All help appreciated.

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Jun 27, 2001

This is error message I discovered in NT even viewer:
c:MSSQL7DATATEMPDB.MDF: Operating system error 112(There is not enough space on the disk.) encountered.

In SQL Server error log the errors are:
Error: 1101, Severity: 17, State: 10

Could not allocate new page for database 'TEMPDB'. There are no more pages available in filegroup DEFAULT. Space can be created by dropping objects, adding additional files, or allowing file growth..

Currently tempdb rezides on C drive and it's almost out of space.
What should I do?
Detach tempdb and then move to different drive?
What's the procedure?



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May 10, 2000

TEMPDB in one of our production servers does not clear up so every three to four weeks I have to restart NT. Nothing like this happens on any of the other three servers. Does anybody know where I should look at to correct the problem. I sure would appreciate it.

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Feb 2, 2001

I have never done this before and thought I would ask. Is it possible to detach the tempdb database, move it to another drive or partition, and then re-attach it? What would be the downside or side-affects to doing such a thing?

Thanks. JT

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Jan 17, 2001

We want to shrink the size of our TEMPDB , Does anyone know how to without blowing it away and re creating it.

Also, our tempdb expands to occupy all available space on the server, the space is not released until the server is restarted.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Oct 18, 2000

Hi why I cannot backup the tempdb. Is this a normal or there is something that I am doing wrong.


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Need Help Tempdb

Apr 6, 2000


I get a message:

Error : 933, Severity: 22, State: 1
Logical page 258 of the log encountered while retrieving highest timestamp in database 'tempdb' is not the last page of the log and we are not currently recovering that database.

I use sqlserver -T4022 to start my SQL Server since it will not start with out it. When I start sqlserver without the option, it tells me that

Error : 615, Severity: 21, State: 1
Unable to find database table id = 2, name = 'tempdb'.

I just want my SQL Server back. Please help!

Betty Lee

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Apr 20, 2000

I need to move tempdb to another drive,also increase the size.Largest database is 15GB.Can anyone suggest the size and also the exact commands to move.Do I need to backup the databases before I do this task?If SP1 is not installed,will it be o.k for me for this tempdb problem.If we have a larger tempdb like 4GB,will it effect anything?...Urgent!!

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Aug 29, 2000

The tempdb has grown to over 2 GB on our DB. There are no user tables or SP in it. Is there a way to clean up and are there any consequences to this?

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Jan 13, 2000

I read an article on this site by Michael Hotek re "Basic SQL Server 6.5 Configuration Options". In the paragraph about TempDB he says that you should always avoid using Temp tables in stored procs. I use this feature a lot when trying to do "not in" type queries (I filter out a portion of a larger table and then use the "not in" on the temp table rather than the entire table.)
Is there a better way to run a Not in query. I have the table well indexed (i think) but it seems to do a full table scan if I use the entire table.

Any ideas???

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Tempdb Way To Big

Jan 22, 2003

Our Tempdb.mdf file is 11 gigs. I have tried several things to shrink this but with no luck. Does anybody have a suggestion on how I can free up that space. I have tried to re-start Sql but that didn't do anything. I thought that there was a bug, if the files got above 4 gig that sql wouldn't clear them, but I could be wrong

I thought I could detach it, and attach a new file, but makes me nervous without knowing if that’s correct.

Thanks for the help

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Nov 3, 1999


I moved my tempdb (2MB) to RAM and restarted the server. It did restart but when I tried to connect thru ISQL, it gave me an ERROR -

A connection could not be established to <server-name> - DB-Library. Unable to Connect.

What could be the possible reason.

To move tempdb to RAM, do i just have to change the values of the MEMORY and TEMPDB IN RAM parms and restart or do I have to do anything else.

Please help.


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TempDb In RAM

Mar 18, 1999


When should I put tempdb in RAM and when should I not ?

Thanks in advance


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Tempdb In Ram Not &#34;going Away&#34;

Feb 24, 1999

I am trying to configure a 6.5 server to set the tempdb to run off disk. I reset the tempdb in ram = 0 in the configuration, and restarted the service, but it left it as running in ram, with 0 configured. I then rebooted the server, and it still left the tempdb in ram. Any ideas?

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Dec 4, 2006

Hi All,

I am trying to get some information about tempdb database. I've tried BOL but I couldn't find a whole lot of info. I am trying to find out what size should tempdb be to not to cause problems. Also, I am trying to shrink tempdb by using shrink database option in EM, but it only shrinks the tempdb transaction log not the datafile, and I don't know why it is happening.


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Tempdb In RAM

Aug 19, 1998

We are using Peoplesoft HRMS version 7.0 on NT Server 4.0 and SQL Server 6.5, service packs on both up-to-date.

The server is a HP LX Pro with 4 200 MHz 1MB cache processors with 2,560 MB of RAM and 18 9GB drives configured with different combinations of RAID 1, 1+0, and 5.

The database is 2.3GB in actual size with the specific size of 6GB for data and 2GB for log on separate RAIDs.

We would like to use tempdb in RAM to boost the speed of complex queries that use the tempdb for intermediate working tables.

We would like to know of any experience of running tempdb in RAM, issues to overcome, of how to setup.

There are articles and books not recommending using tempdb in RAM. Comments anyone?

Note: Have looked in SQL Server DBA Survival Guide, and SQL Server Unleashed, along with the normal MS Documentation, technet, online books, and knowledge base searches.

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Tempdb In RAM

Nov 1, 1998

System: Pentium II - Dual 450. 13 GIG RAID. 128 MB RAM.

Everything I've ever heard or seen says not to put tempDB in RAM, citing reasons of negligible benefit or even worse performance as it steals memory from SQL's cache memory.

My issue is I need to take anywhere from 500 to 3000 records (games played) in a batch every five minutes from a table, ordered by game id. There's no guarantee of sequential order to how the records are inserted, so I need to do an ORDER BY in my query. I also do a stored procedure for ranking that requires an ORDER BY.

The performance difference between the two is staggering. 1000 records with a 200 mb tempdb database (not in RAM) takes about 300 seconds. With a 16 MB tempdb database IN ram, it takes just under 127 seconds. Only problem? I'm constantly getting, after a few batches have run, "out of space in syslogs for tempdb ram messages. "

Is there a way to net such performance from tempdb without putting it in RAM, and if not, is there a way to explicity clear out tempdb. Thanks for any help.

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Mar 6, 2001

Hello All~

I have a problem with Tempdb database on SQL 6.5 server.....when i create a temporary table,
i block other users in other databases. Actually i run a stored procedure which creates a temporary table and then the procedure insets some values of a table from my test database. When the spored procedure is executed, users in other databases also get blocked and no new user will be allowd to log on to the server. When i check as to what the other users are executing, i find that they are also creting or droping a temp table.
So i will have to either kill my SP or let it finish and continue blocking other users.

As of now, i am not able to find a reason for that and i try to run the Stored procedure in offpeak hrs.

I have not played around much with Temp tables in SQL 6.5. Pl do suggest me as to what to do....

Some details you would be interested on :

Server - SQL Server 6.5
Front End - Great Plains
Size of Tempdb - Data Space Available( It says shared with data)
database_name database_size unallocated space
------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------
tempdb 1502.00 MB -6301.82 MB

reserved data index_size unused
------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
7991108 KB 7996222 KB 72 KB -5186 KB

Hope this information helps.

Thanks in Advance...


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