Use NoRows In VB .Net 2005 Console Application

Dec 15, 2006

I have a VB .Net console application that invokes a report via a web service call. It then renders the report into Excel and emails it to the appropriate party.

I would like to suppress the email event if the dataset is empty. So the question is, can one access the NoRows property or equivalent in this environment?

I am able to get some information from the following code:

rs.ExecutionHeaderValue = execHeader
execInfo = rs.LoadReport(reportPath, historyID)
result = rs.Render(format, devInfo, extension, _
encoding, mimeType, warnings, streamIDs)
execInfo = rs.GetExecutionInfo()

The result and execInfo do not seem to deliver back the row count. Is this information available at all? If not, I may have to do an ADO call to the query to get it. Running the query twice is a pretty inefficient solution.

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SQL Express And Console Application

Dec 21, 2005

I have created a Web application that uses a SQL Express file Database (mdf). I have also created a console application that looks to the (mdf) in the Web Directory to process some server-side tasks, (Email, process data, etc). Everything works well on my Development Machine, however when I Publish my Web App and Console application to a server, the Web App works fine, the Console App is buggy. The main error I get is ;that the user logged into the server cannot access the Database. (User domcholman cannot access). However this is not always the case, sometimes it works.
Question is, how does SQL Express authenticate credentials when in Windows Auth mode? Shouldn't it allow the Service account to access the database? Are there any best practices? Should I use an account and password instead? thanks...

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Automate Application - Active Directory, Console App,?

Sep 27, 2006


I need to create a solution to automaticly retrieve informmation from a databases and update the respective information for each user in AD. I already developed a web version, but management would like to automate this on a nightly basis. I don't beleive this would be possible as a web solution?

I am still kind of new to .NET development and not sure how to accomplish this. I believe my options are: 1. create a dll and schedule a VB script to call the dll, or 2. create a VB.NET console application to run on a schedule.

Any recomendations?


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Console Application For Retrieving A Large Amount Of Data

Sep 30, 2005

i need to retrieve a large amount of data  from the sql server database and make changes to one field and put the data back using a console application. how do i do it?

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Integration Services :: Getting Error While Execute SSIS Package From Console Application

Apr 23, 2015

SSIS package working fine directly.I got following error while execute SSIS package from C# console application.

The connection "{79D920D4-9229-46CA-9018-235B711F04D9}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
Cannot find the connection manager with ID "{79D920D4-9229-46CA-9018-235B711F04D9}" in the connection manager collection due to error code 0xC0010009. That connection manager is needed by "OLE DB Destination.Connections[OleDbConnection]" in the connection manager collection of "OLE DB Destination".
Verify that a connection manager in the connection manager collection, Connections, has been created with that ID.
OLE DB Destination failed validation and returned error code 0xC004800B. One or more component failed validation. There were errors during task validation.

Code : 

   public static string RunDTSPackage()
            Package pkg;
            Application app;
            DTSExecResult pkgResults;
            Variables vars;
            app = new Application();
            pkg = app.LoadPackage(@"D:WORKPackage.dtsx", null);
     Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult results = pkg.Execute();

I have recreate the application with again new connection in SSIS. Still not working.

DB : SQL Server 2008 R2

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SQL Server 2005 Management Console

Apr 5, 2007

We installed SQL Server 2005 x64 on a server for our client here at our office. We can't connect to it using Enterprise Manager. I'm assuming we need to install the management console because of the differences in 2000 and 2005. The install is for a x64 and our workstations are x32. Do I need to get a media kit for a x32 because the x64 install won't work. Where can I get the install for the x32 Management console and will this work?

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SQL Server Express 2005 Managment Console Not Logging In

Jun 14, 2007

Hi all,

We have a machine with SQL Server 2005 Express installed and we use to have no problems connecting to this using the management studio using Windows Authentication. Since yesterday when we open the management studio and press connect using Windows authentication, the logon dialog remains active but does not disappear. In the backgroung I can see the name of the instance on the machine and after a few seconds it goes to green, to show its connected but I can't do anything without cancelling the logon. If I cancel the logon, it sets it is not connected to any server, if i try to launch the instance from the registered servers, with the green connected symbol it hangs.

I have left the logon dialog overnight (14 hours) and it still did not disappear. I am looking at any patches that may have been installed but none since the end of May...does anyone else have a similar problem?

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Does Anyone Know How To Modify Table Structure In Sql Server Management Console(2005)? Thanks

Jun 16, 2005

does anyone know how to modify table structure in sql server management console(2005)? thanks

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NoRows SubReport

Sep 12, 2006


I have a report which contains three subreports. Each subreport is contained within a rectangle in the main report so I can force a page break after each subreport. In each of the subreports, there is a graphic and a text box on one line, then another text box below those two items, then a table below all that. My problem is that if one of the subreports returns no data, it is resulting in a NoRows sort of situation and not even the graphic and the two text boxes are shown. I understand that you can set a NoRows message, but ideally, I want my NoRows message to be the graphic and the two text boxes, not a plain text message.

I'm not sure if this is even possible or at the very least if I could conditionally force a page break in my rectangles based on whether one of the subreports returns a NoRows situation.

Thanks In Advance

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Subreport NoRows Internal Error

Dec 18, 2006

I have one report which has a list with subreports in it. If there is no data, I always got error " An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details". I tried the "NoRows" property, it didn't help either.

I noticed similar posts within this forum before, but haven't found the solution yet.

Could somebody shed some light on this?



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SSRS | For Multiple Dataset | How To Show No Result Message | Norows Property

May 5, 2008

Hi All,

I created one report having more than two datasets. How can I display the "No result found Message" If some of the dataset having no data.


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SQLCe Errors When Doing Developing A SQL Mobile Application With Visual Studio 2005 And SQL Server 2005 Tutorial

Feb 26, 2008

I'm attempting to use RDA to synchronize a pocket pc emulator with SQL Server 2005 database by following tutorial, which uses AdvWorksMobile database that comes with SQL Server 2005.

When get to testing of "To test application features " ( step 4 of the merge replication setup lab ), I am receiving SQLCe Exception errors.

ORIGINALLY, I was able to deploy an application and view the local database on the emulator, but once I clicked "InitSinc" button, I received an error.

"Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not" exist, access is denied because the SQL user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect.
Found this error listed in Server Agent Errors log, but it wasn't very helpful since it doesn't provide any suggestions on fixing the problems.

I am brand new to SQL CE Server , mobile programming and .NET framework in general so please bare with me

All the connections / security settings, etc that were set up were taken from a tutorial so I am not sure what SQLCeServer is complaining about. Reading up on the error on the web didn't help, it all pointed to making sure that the snapshot folder had correct permissions set up. I verified that MACHINENAMEUISR_MACHINENAME guest user had Read rights to the database so I don't think that piece is the problem. Otherwise ,Merge publication has been setup in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio by following the tutorial.

I am trying to run this sync on my home pc so there should be no issues with any user permissions

I have IIS installed

I did NOT have SQL Server Agent running in management studio at this time

I am trying to run this tutorial on an XP machine, which is my regular home PC so I dont think there are any special networking settings to consider

I am able to hit http://localhost/AdvWorksMobile/sqlcesa30.dll from my pc OK, but when I try to hit it from a cradled emulator ( after replacing "localhost" with "MACHINE_NAME" ), Internet Explorer on the emulator gives me a "Cannot Connect With Current Settings" error message. This part wasn't part of tutorial but decided so not sure if I am supposed to be able to hit it from my I am not sure if the fact that I can't hit it is related to the problem.
AFTER STARTING SQL SERVER AGENTin Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, I killed the application, and after relaunching it, it hits "The Specified table does not exist [Vendor]" error. This time it doesn't even launch first - that is I dont even get to pressing "InitSinc" button. Debugger is showing that this error is hit on the following line in AdvWorksMobile.AddWorksDataSetTableAdapters

int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable);

I am not sure why the errors changed on me after starting SQL Server Agent.
What can I do to fix this connection problem?

Thank you so much for your help!


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C# Console Access Sql

Feb 22, 2008

hi, all, i am using VS 2005. the c# program and sql data(Database1.mdf) including Table1 are within the same can i use the C# program to access the data within Database1.mdf?such as what is the ConncetionString of that?any simple sample codes? btw. i have tried: String connStr =@"server = (local)etsdk;database = Database1;integrated security = sspi;";  

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Isqlw.exe From A Console App

Aug 10, 2006

Can someone who knows a lot more about this than me please tell why, when the following code executes, I get a pop-up window telling me the usage of isqlw.exe?


strQueryCommandPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\";

strArguments = "-S(local)\SQLEXPRESS ";

strArguments += "-Usa ";

strArguments += "-Padminmlc ";

strArguments += "-i" + strCurrentDir + strFileName + " ";

myProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = strQueryCommandPath;

myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "ISQLW.EXE";

myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = strArguments;

myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

return myProcess.Start();


I've also tried it with a space in between the - switch and also with quotes around the switch arguments. I've put the entire path in just the StartInfo.FileName instead of switching the working directory as well. I can't for the life of me get it to actually fire off this command for some reason.

p.s. I've also tried using "/"s instead of "-"s as well.

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Different Login && SQL Console Root .....

May 28, 2003

Logged on local Administrator on one of my sqlserver 2000 "ABC" and registered 5 sql groups and linked 50 sql2k servers from MSDE to Standare (all sp3).
Now, I need a different login on this machine "ABC", how could I get back all the SQL Enterprise Manager Console Root Setting and connections like before?


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Server Management Console Only??

Jul 13, 2006

Can the Server Management Studio Express be installed on a machine without SQL Server Express?

I have a machine that I use daily that I need to access a remote instance but there is not a need (or space) to fully install SQL Server onto the local machine - all I need is the management tool.

I tried installing it but the process errors out, saying a pre-requisite (MSXML6) isn't found. It refers me to a site with all the different SQL Server downloads.

All I need is the management tool on this machine. Is there a way to do it?

Tried loading "MOM" but it doesn't show up either


Paul P

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How To Run A Console Program In Ssis?

Aug 3, 2007

I need to execute a console program and capture its output.

What's the best way to do it?

(no xp_cmdshell approach)


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MS SQL Server Express - Is Console Window Available?

Mar 24, 2008

Hello everybody,
MySQL has a WebServer console, that lets to create tables via easy to handle SQL queries. Since I am used to SQL Server console, I would like to have such window in Micosoft SQL Server Express coming with Visual Studio 2008. Despite I searched for it, I did not find a database console window.

Does MS SQL Server Express offer a Server Console that lets the database to be accessed via SQL queries, please?

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SQL Express And Management Console Ctp Issue

Apr 8, 2006

So i installed sql express and the management console and have the sql service and browser running.  I try to connect to my instance of sql express with the management console and it says it doenst allow remote connections.
What do i need to do to be able to use the management console?
I was able to connect before but due to some bad advice think i stuffed up the whole thing and had to uninstall sql express and the management console.   I re-installed them both but am now getting this error.  what the heck is the deal with this?  It shouldnt be this hard!
This is in relation to an earlier issue i had trying to get to connect to a database from within visual web developer express and now i can connect to my sql express instance but cant get into the managment studio.  :(

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Console Apps Work For SA But No Other User

May 31, 2006

My console applications work for SA and no other user. I can  run the Stored procedures used in the console application from Query analyser when logged in with username/password that I am attempting to use for console applications. I am using SQL server authenication. User access permissions look ok in Enterprise Manager. Access is permit for my user.
Any suggestions?

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Connection Issue With Management Console

Aug 16, 2007

When i try to connect to Integration Services on a SQL 2005 Machine, it Gives me a Class not registeed.
But i can connect to SQL 2008 Integration Services without a issue.
I tried Restarting the 2008 machine and Also Reinstalling the SSIS Piece and also Reinstalled SQL 2008, but nothing seems to Help.

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Writing Variable Values In Console

Feb 21, 2008

is there a possibility to print the value of a variable in the debug console? it seems that Console.WriteLine in a script task doesn't work. or is there a better way in order to debug the value of a variable at a certain point?

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Console.WriteLine Generates HostProtectionException

Aug 25, 2006


It took a few minutes of staring at my CLR method (it's actually a ServiceBroker service), trying to figure out why I was getting an exception on something that looked pretty innocuous.

It turned out to be the Console.WriteLine(...) statement. In hindsight, not really much of a surprise . However, for debugging purposes, I'd still like to use Console.WriteLine. Is there a HostProtectionAttribute I can apply that will allow it?


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SQL Server Management Console Express And Linked S

May 17, 2008

Ok so I managed finally to get an Excel Spreadsheet to connect as a linked server.

When I right click it , go to run scripts and click on create to i can see the tab of script below:

/****** Object: LinkedServer [EXCELLINK] Script Date: 05/17/2008 08:37:04 ******/
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'EXCELLINK', @srvproduct=N'Excel', @provider=N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', @datasrc=N'c:PRICINGFINAL2.xls', @provstr=N'Excel 8.0'
/* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'EXCELLINK',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL,@rmtuser=NULL,@rmtpassword=NULL

EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'collation compatible', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'data access', @optvalue=N'true'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'dist', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'pub', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'rpc', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'rpc out', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'sub', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'connect timeout', @optvalue=N'0'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'collation name', @optvalue=null
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'lazy schema validation', @optvalue=N'false'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'query timeout', @optvalue=N'0'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'EXCELLINK', @optname=N'use remote collation', @optvalue=N'true'

Now I am not sure exactly how to go about querying to pull the data into a table.

The table I want to set will have three columns:

CREATE TABLE new_price (
item_id CHAR(12),
item_lst_lnd_cost DECIMAL(9,2),
item_prc_2 DECIMAL(9,2))

the columns in the EXCELLINK linked server spreasdsheet are named the same as the columns above. Once the table is created how do I use the linked server to import the data?

Brooks C. Davis
IT AdministratorLogistics Manager SFTF LLC dba Ashley Furniture Homestores
DELL POWEREDGE 2850 Dual Core Xeon x3 = 1xDB 1xSQL 1xTS | DELL POWEREDGE 2950 Quad Core Xeon = 1xTS | SERVER 2003 | MS SQL 2005 | PERVASIVE EMBEDDED V.9

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Execute Process Task / Console Output

Oct 25, 2006

I'm just starting to find my way around SSIS, coming from SQL 2000 DTS, but I can't see a way of including a Win32 Console application's output into the logging process.

I've started playing around with SSIS Logs (OnTaskFailed etc..), but I can find no where to allow me to capture the output from a console app. In SQL 2000 DTS I could capture this by specifying an "output file" on the advanced tab of the job step definition. Is there something as straight forward as this in SSIS ?

I'd be grateful for a few pointers in the right direction.

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TSQL Runs Differently In VB NET And Enterprise Console

Aug 19, 2007

Hi!<br><br>A larger SP runs ok in console. When called in VB NET 1.1, results get turncated and some thing don't run at all. The connection is ODBC. Small SP's run ok.<br><br>Is this default behavior or something common? Are there VB parameters to let a larger SP run without interruption?<br><br>-Bahman<br><br><br>

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Database Engine Not Displayed By Management Console

Jun 24, 2007

I have sql server 2005 express installed on an XP machine. When I browse for a database engine, SQL server 2005 management console displays machinenamesqlexpress in the local tab, BUT in the network tab only the machinename is displayed. Thus, I cannot connect to express from a networked machine.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Accessing AS 2005 From ASP.NET Application

Nov 17, 2005

I have an application. This application provide consolidated information to the user using Analysis Services 2005. Within it, one aspx page uses MDX query to retrieve the information from the cube. However, we are unable to access AS 2005 because of authentication issues. What would be the easier to implement and deploy scenario?
How can I access AS 2005 from an ASP.NET application? Is there any feature to use?

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Application Roles In SQL 2005

Jun 13, 2006

We have an an application that was written using OLE DB (ADO) against a SQL 2000 Server that uses an Application role to give rights to the database objects. It connects, calls sp_setapprole and goes on. If the database needs to LOCK a record, it is creating a new ADO Connection and instantiating the Approle again. This model has been working fine up til now.

Now we are installing a SQL 2005 server for the latest version of the product we are working on and are running into an error. The error is
Error: 18059, Severity: 20, State: 1.
The connection has been dropped because the principal that opened it subsequently assumed a new security context, and then tried to reset the connection under its impersonated security context. This scenario is not supported. See "Impersonation Overview" in Books Online.

It's happening when the second ADO Connection for locking a record is being created and the sp_setapprole is being executed.

One of my questions is what is the problem with executing the approle on a different connection? Our code has not changed, so obviously SQL 2005 is doing something different. The other is What can we do to correct this?

Is the resource pooling different? We had problems in the beginning with approles and figured out through research that we needed to add OLE DB Services=-2 to the connection string to turn off resource pooling.

Is there an extra step to using Approles in SQL 2005?

Any help would be greatly appreciated as we need to resolve this ASAP.



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The Selected File Is Not A Microsoft Management Console Document

Sep 5, 2001

Any idea on what this error is?I am not able to open Enterprise Manager in SQL server 7.0.Thanks.

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Any Documentation On SQL Server State Icons Shown In MMC Console?

Feb 8, 2000

Does anyone know of any place I can find documentation on the meanings of the SQL Server state icons displayed in the MMC console for SQL Server 7.0? My server is showing the green running icon but also a vertical red squiggly line. I do not know what this red squiggly line means, and it concerns me. The databases all seem fine, and everything seems to be working, i just have this feeling like something bad is impending and I cannot find anything that tells me what it might be. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Server Enterprise Manager Closing Automatically From Console

Oct 5, 2006

This is the weirdest this I have ever seen in a long time. I have MS SQL Server running on a server and use Enterprise Manager a lot. Well, the damndest thing happens when I log onto the server from the console and run Enterprise Manager. If I go into Enterprise Manager, and go to a database and then select a table and right-click, and run the "Open Table" option; the entire Enterprise Manager application mysterously closes.

This only happens from the server console and through Remotely does not happen when I log onto the server from Remote Desktop.

Has anyone ever seen this before? Does anyone know a fix for this?

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Accessing Remote SQL Server Management Console From The Web Browser?

Apr 7, 2006

How does one access a remote SQL Server from the web browser?



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