User.Identity.Name Parameters
Dec 3, 2007
I have an on screen control to select data from a table.
Here are the parameters for the select:
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="bezlan" Name="recievername" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="bezlan" Name="recieversname" />
this works perfectly if I sign in as bezlan
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="User.Identity.Name" Name="recievername" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="User.Identity.Name" Name="recieversname" />
this doesnt pick up any data at all if I sign in as bezlan.
Why is this? Is there a special bit of code I need for parameters?
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May 1, 2007
I need help. The security principal is the correct DomainUser, but the error message says I am not authenticated.
So here is my error Message:
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Me.User.Identity.Name=CompanyDomainRyan; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=CompanyDomainRyan; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=CompanyRyan
Generated by:
Dim secPrinc As System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent
Me.lblError.Text = ex.Message & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Me.User.Identity.Name=" & Me.User.Identity.Name & "; System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent=" & secPrinc.Name & "; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=" & HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
Here is the Connection String:
Private ConnString As String = "Server=;Database=DNS;Trusted_Connection=True"
IIS has 4 websites hosted on it. The parent level allows anonymous with windows auth off, but the website level has anonymous off with widnows auth and digest.
In IIS, is there a problem with having the parent level anonymous and website level windows auth?
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Dec 3, 2005
Is there a way to get name of user in WinNT (or server logged name) with stored procedure?
I just want to create trigger that will indentify user who created row.
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Sep 11, 2007
HiI have a Jobs Table: Job_ID,User_ID,Job_Info,...Job_ID is the Primary Key.I want to add [Job_ID_PerUser] so I wiil get:Job_ID Job_ID_PerUser User_ID1 1 A2 1 B3 1 C4 2 A5 3 A6 2 CThanks
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May 16, 2008
Hello everyone,
In SQL Query I need to update a field to my ASP.NET app which has a variable User.Identity.Name() where it contains the Form Authentication of current logon user, SQL has the suser_name() function but this is not what I needed because it returns the user accessing the Database.
UPDATE [tblData] SET [UserUpdated] = User.Identity.Name() <= this failed because SQL doesn't recordnize the User.Identity.Name() function. Is there any method I can use to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 20, 2007
is there a way that I can use the sqldatasource with a form view where my sqldatasource select statement is like this
select * from tblUsers where vcUserName=@vcUserName
<asp:Parameter Name="" Type="String />
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Jun 29, 2007
Hiy all,
I have used the code below to capture the current logged in user into my LoginID Filed in my SQL DB.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load SqlDataSource1.InsertParameters("LoginID").DefaultValue = Page.User.Identity.Name
End Sub
Now that I have this in my DB I want to create a Gridview that will filter by this LoginID.
So I want to filter all records where LoginID = the currenlty logged in user ie: filter using Page.User.Identity.Name
So in my SQL code I have WHERE loginID = @Currentuser.
VWD now wants me to define a parameter for this Varaibale @Currentuser... So I want to set this to Page.User.Identity.Name.
My Problem is that in the datasource define parameter area I'm not sure what to define this as.
ie: is Page.User.Identity.Name a cookie , control , Query String , session ?
can someone point me in the right direction to what syntax to use?
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Apr 4, 2007
I use forms authentication with my Report manager. The problem is that I can't display the same information to all the users into the report. For example, in my report, i have one dataset that give me a list of all the store of a compagny. And i have to display only the store onto the user is working. If the user is a boss, he can see the information of all the stores. So i have to know in my report what is the login he uses in the form authetication and i don't know how to do.
Excuse me for my bad english and thank you.
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Aug 30, 2007
Hi, any suggestions on why my label doesn't show the current when used in a detailsview (header-field or insert-field), when it works just fine placed directly on my page ?
Please help ! (I want to bind myLabelX.Text to a db-table, but it contains no value..)
codebehind : 1 using System;
2 using System.Data;
3 using System.Configuration;
4 using System.Collections;
5 using System.Web;
6 using System.Web.Security;
7 using System.Web.UI;
8 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
9 using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
10 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
13 public partial class Test_2 : System.Web.UI.Page
14 {
16 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
17 {
18 if ((!IsPostBack)) myLabelX.Text = User.Identity.Name;
19 }
21 }
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Oct 12, 2006
Is it possible to get the latest inserted Identity value on a remote server?
(The following gives a NULL result:
select ident_current('[my_linked_server].thedatabase.dbo.thetable')
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Mar 2, 2007
I have implemented the forms authentication method using MSDN web site
and now i want to modify that code
so when i used
Dim UserName as string =HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
from the code behind
it gives me ss as blank value ?
but the same code i used from the normal web site its gives me the
"SER1Administrator" value for that string(current user)
so my problem is why is that code not working for the report server sample project ,which microsoft provided ?
do i have to change any configuration settings ?
please help me .......i am in trouble ?
(what i really want is i need to get the username from the active page directory? wheather this username exist from the active page directory.)
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Apr 21, 2007
Hi,How do I get hold of the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name from within an sqldatasource? I want to create a WHERE clause that says WHERE UserName = @UserName and the @UserName parameter be filled with the current user name. I would be able to do this in code, but I don't know how to get at this information from within a datasource. At a guess I tried to use the Cookie option from the drop down list, and use the name of the FormsAuthentication Cookie, but this didn't work. Is there a way I can do this? If so how? I don't want to resort to using a hidden field or anything like that if I can help it. Many thanks, Steve
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May 5, 2008
Hello everyone,
I have a view, NAS_vPosition that has a coloumn vLogin_Acting and I want to use the to select the row from this table that matches.
So far i have tried:
SelectCommand = "Select * FROM NAS_vPosition WHERE vLogin_Acting = ' <%=User.Identity.Name %> ' "
with no success.
Any help is appreciated
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Sep 14, 2007
I have a stored procedure that works fine in reporting services. It grabs the total of Yes's and No's by dates . But then i went ahead and added 2 more parameters to the proc, and now the totals are all wrong. I dont understand how that can mess everything up. Here is the previous stored proc, that gives the correct sum.
Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Testing_Questions_ALL_YESOrNO]
@Question char(80)
, Qry_Questions.Date
, Qry_Questions.response
, B.Total
FROM Qry_Questions
INNER JOIN Qry_Sales_Group
ON dbo.Qry_Questions.sales_person_code COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code
( Select COUNT(qq.response)as Total, Question, Date, response
FROM Qry_Questions qq
Where qq.response in ('Yes','No')
GROUP by qq.[Question] , qq.Date,qq.response ) B
ON Qry_Questions.Date = B.Date AND
Qry_Questions.Question =B.Question and
WHERE Qry_Questions.[Response Type]='YesNo' and Qry_Questions.Question=@Question
GROUP BY Qry_Questions.question,Qry_Questions.Date,Qry_questions.Response,B.Total
ORDER BY Qry_Questions.Question, Qry_Questions.Date
Here is the edited version which only has two new parameters added to the proc. The edits are highlighted.
Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Testing_Questions_ALL_YESOrNO_Totals]
(@Region_Key int=null,@QuestionCode char(5),@Question char(80))
, Qry_Questions.Date
, Qry_Questions.response
, B.Total
FROM Qry_Questions
INNER JOIN Qry_Sales_Group
ON dbo.Qry_Questions.sales_person_code COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code
( Select COUNT(qq.response)as Total, Question, Date, response
FROM Qry_Questions qq
Where qq.response in ('Yes','No')
GROUP by qq.[Question] , qq.Date,qq.response ) B
ON Qry_Questions.Date = B.Date AND
Qry_Questions.Question =B.Question and
WHERE Qry_Questions.[Response Type]='YesNo'
AND LEFT(Qry_Questions.[Question Code],2)IN (@QuestionCode)
AND Qry_Questions.Question=@Question
GROUP BY Qry_Questions.question,Qry_Questions.Date,Qry_questions.Response,B.Total
ORDER BY Qry_Questions.Question, Qry_Questions.Date
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Oct 1, 2007
Hello !
I want to create DB users with an stored procedure, and pass the user name as a parameter.
I wrote this code :
@ComName varchar(20),
If I execute this stored procedure :
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[spTest]
@ComName = N'Test_User',
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
I obtain in my DB an user called "@ComNane" instead of "Test_User" !
Where is my mystake ?
Many thanks for any help.
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Aug 25, 2006
I am having issues getting this to work. I have the user login to a page to
put in a request for vacation. When they login, I have a label that isn't
visible that is equal to their User.Identity.Name.
I select the user from the employee table where the username = the label User
Identity Name and pull in the emp_id which is the primary key that identifies
the user.
I need to insert the request into the request table with the emp_id from the
select statement, without showing the em_id on the screen. I tried using a
hidden field and assigning the emp_id as the value, but it isn't working.
Not sure if this is the best way to do this. Really new to ASP.NET 2.0 so I
really appreciate any help.
Thank you!
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Apr 21, 2008
Hi All,
I am new to MS SQL SERVER 2005.
My web application using SQL Server 2005 as back end database to store all the information.
I am using connection pooling to get connection form db.
But my fron end user( user who logged in into webapplication) lost his identity b'coz for database user is application server.
Now I wanna to track front end user in db.
In oracle I can do it by using CLIENT_IDENTIFIER. But in sql server I don't know how to do it.
in oracle i can do it as below
public void setIdentity(Connection conn, String identity) {
PreparedStatement ps;
try {
ps =
conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.set_identifier(?); end;");
ps.setString(1, identity);
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Handle the exception
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
once the transaction is complete, the application should reset the identity as follows:
public void clearIdentity(Connection conn) {
PreparedStatement ps;
try {
ps = conn.prepareCall("begin dbms_session.clear_identifier(); end;");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// Handle the exception
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->
Please guide me for same.
Thanx in advance.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have an sql query that has specific criteria (like state='PA' orstate = 'NJ'...) and would like to be able to have the user specifythe criteria dynamically either through the web or from MSAccess oranother tool.The query also does a GROUP BY the state and other variables that arepart of the criteria.I know how to get MSAccess and asp pages to do the sorting andselecting against an SQL tbl or view, but when access queries the sameinfo as the original sql view, the process takes much longer than whenthe sql view does all of the sorting, selecting and grouping..The table we are currently using is 5 million records and will begrowing to 250 million records shortly, so speed is of the essence.The sql views and MSAccess are both running from the same server sothere is no issue at this point of a network impacting the MSAccessquery.Any suggestions...
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Mar 17, 2008
I have a report that I want users to navigate to and I want them to see the parameters of the report, but I don't want them to be able to change them. Is this possible?
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Mar 25, 2008
I have to write an aggregate which accumulates values in a relation to a parameter. Therefore I tried to create an aggregate with an additional input parameter.
While creating the aggregate, I get the following error message:
CREATE AGGREGATE failed because type 'MKT' does not conform to UDAGG specification due to method 'Accumulate'.
Does anybody know, how I could solve this?
Public Sub Accumulate(ByVal value As SQLDouble, ByVal param1 as SQLDouble)
Const uGK as double = 0.008
result = result + Math.Exp(-param1/(uGK *value) )
End Sub
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I am trying to call a user defined function(UDF) from a stored proc,using a default parameter in the called UDF (e.g. @bid_price_type int= 0 ). However the calling stored proc complains that the UDF isexpecting a 2nd parameter when I only provide the @test parametervalue. Are default parameter values supported in UDF's?I wld really appreciate anybody's help. Thankyou in advance.UDF code:CREATE FUNCTION get_bid_price (@test int, @bid_price_type int = 0)RETURNS decimal(18, 4) ASBEGINdeclare @x decimal(18, 4)if (@bid_price_type = 0)beginselect @x = fieldNamefromtableNameendelsebeginselect @x = fieldName2fromtableName2endreturn @xEND' Calling Stored Proc codeCREATE PROCEDURE testASdeclare @x decimal(18, 4)set @x = dbo.get_bid_price(1)select @xGOthanks,Vic Y
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Nov 29, 2007
Need some guidelines:
I wanted to create a report with parameters. The users will access the reports via
Now, each user will have their own default parameters and would like to be stored(somewhere!!!) as "user preference", so nexttime when they access this report it should display data with the "user preference" parameters.
Can someone give me some advise to implement this.
Many thanks.
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Apr 25, 2008
Does anyone know how to pass the userid (domainaccount) of the person runnig the report to the proc underneath. With calling Crystal Reports, this was simple.
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Mar 23, 2007
I have a report that I would like to run in the evening due to high database usage that required a user to fill in selected parameters. Is there anyway to allow a user to fill in the report parameters and have it scheduled to run at 3:00 AM.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have several stored procedures with parameters that are defined withuser defined data types. The time it takes to run the procedures cantake 10 - 50 seconds depending on the procedure.If I change the parameter data types to the actual data type such asvarchar(10), etc., the stored procedure takes less that a second toreturn records. The user defined types are mostly varchar, but someothers such as int. They are all input type parameters.Any ideas on why the stored procedure would run much faster if notusing user defined types?Using SQL Server 2000.Thanks,DW
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Oct 25, 2005
Hi All:I've read a whole slew of posts about creating temp tables using storedproceedures to get the crosstab ability, but I'm wondering if, for thisspecific case, there might be a more efficient way.What makes this question different from the others that I've read isthat I'm using user defined functions, not tables. I actually thinkthat I've got the crosstab thing down, it's just passing the parameterto the 2nd udf that's messing me up.I've got a people table and an address table. Each person can havemultiple addresses. I need to create a dataset that has in each rowthe name of the person, the first address, any second address, and anythird address. I only need to show the first 3, so if there's 100, Ican just ignore the rest.I created a user defined function to return the 1st, 2nd, or 3rdaddress for a given person.udf_ReturnAddress(PersonID,MatchNumber)Another user defined function returns the people that I'm looking for(potential duplicates for a person in this case).udf_ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(PersonID)SELECTMain.FoundPersonID, Main.LastName, A1.Street, A2.Street,A3.StreetFROMudf(ReturnPossibleDupsForAPerson(@PersonID) MainTableCROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,1) Adr1) A1CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,2) Adr2) A2CROSS JOIN(SELECT Street1 FROMudf_ReturnAddress(Main.FoundPersonID,3) Add3) A3If, for the first parameter for the return address function, I replaceMain.FoundPersonID with the ID of a person, it works just fine. Iobviously don't want a static id as a parameter - I want to use the IDof the person that the first udf found. Leaving the variableMainTable.PersonID there causes an error in the query designer though.I get "Error in list of function arguments: '.' not recognized.So maybe my problem is that I just don't know how to pass the id of theperson that's found by the first UDF as the parameter of the functionto find the found person's 3 addresses.Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!ThanksKen
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Dec 10, 2007
Hi ,
I am working on Sql server Reporting Services(Sql Server 2005),
i have designed a Report and deployed that report on Report Server, on this report i need to show the user selected values
in page header by using Parameters which i have already created in the Report.
There are 35 to 40 fields in the Front End(Asp.net2.0)
on passing all these values from front end Report is prompting for parameters which is not desired for my case even though i have made ShowParameterPrompts to false.
Thanks in advance
Srinivas Govada
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Mar 2, 2006
SQL 2005 Dev
How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?
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Dec 7, 2006
This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee
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Jul 9, 2006
While I have learned a lot from this thread I am still basically confused about the issues involved.
.I wanted to INSERT a record in a parent table, get the Identity back and use it in a child table. Seems simple.
To my knowledge, mine would be the only process running that would update these tables. I was told that there is no guarantee, because the OLEDB provider could write the second destination row before the first, that the proper parent-child relationship would be generated as expected. It was recommended that I create my own variable in memory to hold the Identity value and use that in my SSIS package.
1. A simple example SSIS .dts example illustrating the approach of using a variable for identity would be helpful.
2. Suppose I actually had two processes updating these tables, running at the same time. Then it seems the "variable" method will also have its problems. Is there a final solution other than locking the tables involved prior to updating them or doing something crazy like using a GUID for the primary key!
3. We have done the type of parent-child inserts I originally described from t-sql for years without any apparent problems. (Maybe we were just lucky.) Is the entire issue simply a t-sql one or does SSIS add a layer of complexity beyond t-sql that needs to be addressed?
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Jun 30, 2006
I want to insert a new record into a table with an Identity field and return the new Identify field value back to the data stream (for later insertion as a foreign key in another table).
What is the most direct way to do this in SSIS?
P.S. Or should I pass the identity value back in a variable and not make it part of the data stream?
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Jan 25, 2015
I have table of three column first column is an ID column. However at creation of the table i have not set this column to auto increment. Then i have copied 50 rows in another table to this table then set the ID column values to zero.
Now I have changed the ID column to auto increment seed=1 increment=1 but the problem is i couldn't figure out how to update this ID column with zero value set to each row with this auto increment values so the ID column would have values from 1-50. Is there a away to do this?
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Sep 19, 2005
Ok,I just need to know how to get the last record inserted by the highestIDENTITY number. Even if the computer was rebooted and it was twoweeks ago. (Does not have to do with the session).Any help is appreciated.Thanks,Trint
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