User Specific Report

Mar 28, 2007

Greetings all

My question is I want to be able to create a report specific to each individual user. More specifically I want to be able to create one report and once the user logs in with the appropriate credentials, I want the report to populate based on those credentials. Another important aspect is that each individual only sees their data. So once again I need to report to populate from the database based on the users logon credentails

any suggestions??

thanks in advance


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[JavaScript Error] Cannot Delete User Or User's Authority In Specific Report After Install SQL SP2

Jan 23, 2007


I have several reports for users to view on our Intranet. After installation of SQL 2005 SP2 patch, I cannot delete user or user's authority from Report in Properties Tab. An error message was shown on the status bar. It indicated that JavaScript Error: 'Return' statement outside of function. Seems something wrong with the 'Delete' funciton in SQL 2005 after update. The other functions worked fine. Could you point me out how to fix it or need to install any updates / hotfix. Thanks a lot!


Kenneth Lai

Error Pic

Message Box


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How To Add New Table Under Specific User?

Jun 14, 2004

I'm new to SQL Server.

I've an online Database on a server. I've my own user name like "AKR". I want to create every table under that user. But what happens is whenever I create a table online it goes under "DBO" user name. How to avoid that?


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How To Allow A Windows User Specific To A DB

Jan 2, 2008

How can i add a windows user to sql server to access specific database with read and write permissions.

Thank you very much.

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How To Set Parallelism For A Specific User

May 6, 2008


actually a sever has a parallelism of 4 I would like to set the parallelism for a specific user to 2 without changing the code of the users application.

Is this possible.

As far as I understand with plan guides you just provide sql statements.
Need I to find all queries from the user, and add plan guides for all the queries, or tis there a more elegant way to do it.


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Mail The DBA When A Specific User Connects

Feb 20, 2007

I want to receive a mail when a specific user connects.
How can this be done best? Raise an alert? How?
Btw, the 'Login auditing' is set to 'Failed logins only'.
Suggestions are very welcome!

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Setting And Getting User-Specific Data In A Session

Oct 19, 2000


I like to know how I may store some user-specific data at the beginning of a session and retrieve the same data later during the session in a SQL command. For those of you familiar with ORACLE, I am trying to mimic the SET_CLIENT_INFO and GET_CLIENT_INFO functions of ORACLE's DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package on SQL Server.

Any suggestions?


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Receive Mail When Specific User Connects

Feb 22, 2007

I want to receive a mail when a specific user connects.
How can this be done best? Raise an alert? How?
Btw, the 'Login auditing' is set to 'Failed logins only'.
Suggestions are very welcome!

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Restrict Application User With Specific Data?

Oct 18, 2013

i am using sql server 2008R2 and i want to restrict my application user to view only the data(ships) related to him only.

We have database and many vessels with many owners, basically wants the owner could only view his owned vessels not the vessel owned by another owner.

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SQL Security :: How To Get Specific Permissions Per User On Each Database

Nov 24, 2015

I'm trying to get specific permissions per user on each SQL database, would you let me know if it could be achieved e.g on an object level?

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Please Help! How Can I Check The Current User Against A Specific Database?

Apr 29, 2008

In my application (infopath browser forms), First I get current user name thru System.Environment.UserName, after that, i want to check whether this user has access (read & write) permission to certain database, How do I do that?
One way I tried before is to get all the users and stored the names in an array for comparing in my program, but can not figure out the SQL command (to get the database users), if there it is, please kindly tell me.
Or if I can just pass the current user to check?
Thanks in advance.

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How To Grant Permission To A Specific User To Run SQL Scheduled Jobs?

Feb 7, 2003

Hello Everyone,

I have an web application where the users has to run SQL scheduled jobs from the webpage. How to assign permission to a specific user to run specific jobs without making them a member of a Sysadmin role?

Any ideas you all smart people?
Thanks in advance!


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SQL Server 2014 :: Can Lock A Table Only For A Specific User For Some Seconds

Apr 8, 2015

I need to do some operations on a table when any user dont work with it.How do i do it?

Do i lock the table? and is it possible?(I dont want to deny permission from a user because cause error)

Can i do it with a open transaction ?

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Give Permissions To Specific Schema Only For A User

May 20, 2015

I created a new login and then created a new user [COM] in DB with default schema pointing to [COM]

I created then schema [COM] WITH AUTHORIZATION [COM]

I want this [COM] user to have all permissions it needs on [COM] schema only. How do I do that? When I try to create table [Com].Table it gives me permission denied.

What am I missing?

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Run Report With Specific Records.

Dec 26, 2006

I am not sure where i should post this question since it falls both in Report Server and T-Sql but here goes...

I currently need to run a Report that has only specified records that the client/user wants by clicking the check in the check box next to the record they want. They can pick as many or a few of the records that want then run a report only with the records they indicated they wanted... i am thinking they will need some kind of t-sql statement either a function or temp table but i am not sure if even that...

if anyone has any ideas please reply...


EXAMPLE: Instead of running a report on records 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
they would run the report on records: 2, 5, 6, 9

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Can Lock Table Only For Specific User For Some Seconds

Apr 8, 2015

I need to do some operations on a table when any user dont work with it.How do i do it?Do i lock the table? and is it possible?

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Jump To Report (specific Bookmark)

Jun 7, 2006

Is there a way to jump from one report to a specific bookmark in the second report? I have a chart that jumps quite nicely to a filtered version of the report, but instead would like to be able to jump to the entire report at the specific location (e.g., Bookmark) related to the chart data item.

I know that it's quite easy to jump to a bookmark within the same report. What I can't quite determine is how to jump from one report to a specific section in a second report.


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Grant User Permission To View Specific Views

Aug 5, 2015

I have a user who needs access to views like(dbo.viewnameabc1,dbo.viewnameabc2 and so on...) dbo.viewnameabc* and anytime the user creates the view he already have the permission to view those views....

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Show User Groups Associated With User ID Report From Active Directory

Jan 11, 2008

Hello. I am trying to write a report that pulls information in from Active Directory. I have a view created that gets a listing of users and a view that creates a listing of user groups, but I can't seem to figure out how to get all user groups that are associated with the users. This is what I have.

FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, 'SELECT cn, groupMembershipSAM FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local'' WHERE objectcategory=''group''') Rowset_1

'SELECT title, displayName, sAMAccountName, givenName, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, sn
FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user''')

Let me know if you have any suggestions!


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Reporting Services :: Rendering Options For Report Specific

Apr 29, 2015

I want to Set Rendering Extension Report based,


Report 1 should have the rendering options of EXCEL and PDF.
Report 2 should have the rendering extension of EXCEL only.

I referred below link for change the rendering extension. [URL] .... but its for all the reports format.

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Reporting Services :: Interpreting Specific Report Rendering From What The Log Shows

Jul 7, 2015

We run std 2008.   In my ssrs log I see this for one of our most critical reports...

library!ReportServer_0-64!2244!07/07/2015-08:24:53:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/somedirectory/somedirectory1).... which I assume is an indication of a report starting to render by first checking permissions.

Around the time my user says he still saw the revolving arrow and he stopped the report because he felt it was running too long, I see...

webserver!ReportServer_0-64!1dbc!07/07/2015-08:54:44:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''

How can it be true that he stopped it and ssrs reports that it processed the report?

About 4 minutes later I see this entry in the log...

webserver!ReportServer_0-64!15e4!07/07/2015-08:58:34:: i INFO: Processed report. Report='/somedirectory/somedirectory1/importantreport', Stream=''

Which processed report message is right?  Could there be multiples cuz of subreports? I see a number of errors and exceptions around these same times but do not know how to tie either to a specific report. Is there a way?

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SSRS How To Customize The Report Models Created For Specific Users

Jan 3, 2008


I am new to SSRS. I am doing some report models for Ad-hoc reports. Im my database i have some users and their roles according to my requirement. User should only see the particular reports if he have privilege. how to customize...

User will access Report Builder to do adhoc report.

For example
I have 5 report Models

In my data base there are 3 users.
user1 have privilege to view rptModel1, rptModel3
user2 have privilege to view rptModel4, rptModel5
user3 have privilege to view rptModel2, rptModel5

When Particular user access the report builder, There i want to show only that particular Report models...
is there any posibilities to do this please Help me.

Thanks in Advance...


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Report Builder - Finding Specific Data Inside Of A LookupSet

Feb 28, 2014

Report Builder 3.0 . I have two datasets and I am using LookupSet to return data (a list of dates) but what I am after is the LAST date in the set. I have tried to use Last but I keep getting an error. 


I even tried doing a Last on the above statement with a Join thrown in, but that just gets me errors as well. I tried to Code in a function to go through the dataset and return the last piece of data, but again...error. 

Function LastLookup(ByVal items As Object()) As Date
If items Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim suma As Date = New Date()
For Each item As Object In items
suma = CDate(item)

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Reporting Services :: Domain User - Unable To Run Report In SSRS Report Manager?

Oct 9, 2015

I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting. 

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User Unable To Save/Open Report In Report Builder

Feb 21, 2007


I have environment that use SSRS 2005 ad hoc reporting.

One of the users (out of 200) is unable to open or save reports in the report builder.

the user succeed to open the report builder, when he try to save report that he build from shema he get error. as well when he try to open an existing report that build in the report builder he also get an error,

On open the error is:

The numeric portion of 2pt cannot be parsed as a unit of the type point.

The Initilizer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception

On Save the error is:

System.IO.StreamReader: Deserialization failed: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception. Line 2, position 2

Please note that I succeed with second user to create ad hoc report on the first user

computer. I also failed to with the first user to create ad hoc on another computer.

It seems like permissions issue



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How To: Determine If Current Windows User Has Login Access, Database Access And If They Are A Member Of A Specific DB Role.

Mar 25, 2008

I need to determine the following about the current authenticated Windows domain user who is trying to access a SQL Server via a trusted connection.

1 Has the current user been granted login access to the trusted SQL Server?

2 Has the current user been granted access to a specific database?

3 Is the current user a member of a specific database role such as (DB_ROLE_ADMINISTRATORS)?


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Transact SQL :: Select Specific Values From All Rows Where Value Of A Specific Column Is (Active)

May 23, 2015

I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"

This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client

But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Replicate Only Specific Data To Specific Subscriber?

Jun 30, 2015

We have a "main" SQL 2014 server who imports XML files using SSIS in a datacenter. In remote sites (which are warehouses), there is an instance of SQL 2014 Express. A merge replication is setup, as every operations done on each site must be "forwared" to the main database, as some XML files are generated as output for an ERP system.

Now, the merge replication replicate all the data to the server on each sites. But a specific site don't need the data of every other sites, only the data relevant to itself (which is the warehouse code). Is there a way to replicate only the data relevant to each individual sites to the subscribers? Or is there a better way than replication to accomplish this?

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Can Logging Be Turned Off On Inserts To A Specific Temp Table From A Specific Sp?

Oct 10, 2007

I want to ship 500,000 aged transactions each night to an archive table and delete them from their source table in one or more logical units of work (LUW). Each row is approx 60 bytes and there is only one non clustered index on the source table presently.

I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of 3 alternatives. One of them would basically insert the non-aged rows into tempdb, ship the aged records, truncate the table and then insert the tempdb records back into their source all in the same LUW.

For this alternative, I'd at least like to turn off logging when the records get inserted into tempdb as I dont see any value in logging that part of the activity. Is this possible?

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Command Line Printing To Specific Printers, And Specific Trays

Jan 23, 2007

Hi All,

Could you guys please help me with printing reports invoked thru command line/ URL access to print automatically to specific printers and specific trays and also is it possible to set the specific printer and tray as parameters.

Any suggestions is appreciated

Thanks A lot in advance

e,g :

http://localhost/reportserver?/testreports/employee sales&UserID='ABC'&LName=Lastname='victor'&rs:Command=Render

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How To Select A Specific Value From Dataset To Fill A Specific Cell ?

Mar 27, 2007

Hi there !

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread.

I don't know whether anyone has this problem, but I am definitely not using the right keywords to search for a thread.

My situation is this...

I have a dataset that has values to fill cells to multiple tables in a report.
However, I only want to select specific data from the dataset to fill textboxes and others.
I cannot change the stored procedure, but the sample of the data is shown below:-

Row Stat Val
0 dtRpt1 02/01/2005
1 Value1 1
2 Value2 2000
3 dtMailSent 02/28/2005
4 Value3 0
5 Value4 5
6 Value5 658

I know it looks weird, but the row really represents which "row" or textbox is it to fill with the Val. The Stat Column is just a way to make sure that I am filling the right values.

so my new report would have multiple tables to denote different categories.
In my first table, I tried putting the cells as follows:-
(expressions are highlighted in italics and bold)

TextBox1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =0, Fields!Val.Value,"")

DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =1, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =2, Fields!Val.Value,"")

DetailRow1 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =3, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow2 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =4, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow3 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =5, Fields!Val.Value,"")
DetailRow4 =IIF(Fields!Row.Value =6, Fields!Val.Value,"")

I only expect this report to print out one page holding the previous values.

However, it ended up printing like this


DetailRow1 1

DetailRow2 2000

DetailRow1 02/28/2005

DetailRow2 0

DetailRow3 5

DetailRow4 658


I tried putting it into the headerrows instead of DetailRows, and it ended up printing the last value.
Is there anyway to do this ? print all the values out in one table ? I tried using textboxes, but I think I got my expression wrong.

Is this the correct expression ?

=IIF((Fields!Row.Value,"Dataset") =1, (Fields!Val.value, "Dataset"), "")

and it give me an error
The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox5€™ contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'FalsePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.

Appreciate any advice or suggestion for this scenario !



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Assign Specific Data To Specific Users

Mar 21, 2008

I am very early on in developing a website to track issues with projects which is tied to a SQL database.  I have my Projects Table, my Users Table, and am creating a third table to track issues.  I'm wondering what is the best way to assign specific users to specific data/projects.  The user should only be able to view & update the projects assigned to him.  He should not be able to see other projects.  What is the best way to assign projects/data to the users to make sure they are only viewing their data?

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User Report Prompt

Oct 15, 2007

I'm a very basic user to VSS 2005 and I've created a simple report to display our customer master table. The problem is that we have 1000's of customers, but the report must scroll page by page.

I'd like to prompt the user with:

"Customer code starts with:"

Can you tell me how to do this using the field:


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