User Connections (-f Option)

Nov 27, 2000

I'm locked out of my SQL server because user connections are set at '5' and apparently there are already '5' users connected.

So.. I can't login as SA or anyone to change the option. We've rebooted, disconnected from the network, and still '5' users seem to be connected.

What could be causing this.. Or how can I override the connections without logging in.

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SQL 2012 :: Enabling SSL Encrypted Connections Without Using Force Encryption Option

Apr 1, 2015

I have a customer who is looking to encrypt their applications connection to the back-end SQL server. I've gotten a valid certificate for the server from a trusted CA, and it's installed on the server (shows up in Personal certificates in the Certificate MMC when selecting the computer) and I can choose it in the drop down on the certificates tab of the SQL Network protocols properties in Configuration Manager.

Now, my question: If I select the certificate but do NOT enable the "Force Encryption" option, the client will be able to request encryption on their end, and the connection will then be encrypted. If the client (other applications) do NOT request encryption, they will still be able to connect, but their connection will be un-encrypted. URL....

Lastly, I could've swore I had found some information indicating that some methods of establishing a connection to SQL can fail when Force Encryption is enabled, as the method doesn't support SSL encryption.

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How To Set Server Option Using T-Sql ("user Options")

Jul 31, 2002

One of the configuration options that can be set for the server is called "user options". User options contains sub-options such as ansi_warnings, ansi_padding, ansi_nulls, arithabort, etc..

Using T-SQL, how are these set?

sp_configure 'user options', @configvalue = 'value'
reconfigue with override

i.e. Are the individual option values summed. Say I wanted to set ansi_warnings (whose value is 8) and ansi_nulls (whose value is 32) on and all other user options off. Then is my @configvalue 40?

Sorry, but I don't feel BOL is clear on how to set these options.

TIA Gary

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Recovery :: Configuration Option User Options Changed From 0 To 0

May 12, 2015

I'm trying to execute backup job on secondary replica on clustered server(with HA) and I getting the error:execution failed see the maintenance plan and sql server agent job history logs for details.When I going to see the log, it says :configuration option 'user options' changed from 0 to 0.

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128 MB Of Ram And 50 User Connections Do We Need More RAM?

Apr 5, 2001

Develpers complain that Sql server is slow
We running 4 databases about 400 MB each.(hotel reservations ...)

Buffer cache ( 99.8) but sometimes it goes down to (62.0)
memory configuration Dynamic
Do we really need more memory for 50 users or what should I check in the first place ?

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User Connections

Oct 27, 2000

We are using SQL Server 7.0. Can anyone tell me the difference between setting max connections to 150 versus setting it to 0 for unlimited. We have an application that was running slow with the 150 connections set. We changed it to 0 for unlimited and now the application flies.

Can anyone explain this? Does SQL Server do something different with these settings?


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User Connections.

Nov 27, 2000

I'm locked out of my SQL server because user connections are set at '5' and apparently there are already '5' users connected.

So.. I can't login as SA or anyone to change the option. We've rebooted, disconnected from the network, and still '5' users seem to be connected.

What could be causing this.. Or how can I override the connections without logging in.

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User Connections !!!

Mar 8, 2001

I'm running SQl Server 7.0 SP1.
Currently the number of simulteneous user connections is set to 0 (0=unlimited).

But one of remote users when trying to connect to the server is getting sql error message that "There are more then 10 users connected".

Should I change "user connections" server configuration?

Thank you


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User Connections

Feb 9, 1999

Hi guys,
Help me please to clarify following situation.
My application has 20.000 users.
How many simultaneously user connections should I'll set?


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User Connections

Jul 27, 1999

I am trying to shrink my tempdb using the following sql 6.5 commands:

sp_dboption 'tempdb', 'single user', true
dbcc shrinkdb(tempdb)

I get the following message: "Attempt to set 'tempdb' database to single user mode failed because the usage count is 3. Make sure that no other users are currently using this database and rerun CHECKPOINT."

When I do a 'sp_who active' it returns about 5 spids but they are things like Mirror Handler, Lazy Writer, Checkpoint Sleep, RA Manager, and Select. I am not able to 'kill' the spids. I get 'Only users processes are able to be killed.' How do I identifiy the 3 users that sql is saying are connected to the tempdb database? And how do I remove the 3 users?

Thanks in advance.

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User Connections

Aug 24, 1998

Hi all!

In SQL 6.5, if I increase my user connections, should I also increase the amount of RAM allocated to SQL?

Any help would be appreciated.

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No.Of User Connections

May 11, 1999

I need to know the number of client licences that i require for a SQL Server. I want to monitor the
Server for a period of a week or so to find out the of user connections during that time
so that i can fix the no. of user connections parameter.

i have tried using the foll Perf monitor counters :
No of open user connections
Client Count
Max Client Count
Client Limit
and am still confused about the numbers.
Can anyone throw some light on the difference in these counters and which one do i go by for
calculating my licenses .


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SQL User Connections

Mar 29, 2006

I am in the process of installing 7 remote desktop computers that are furnishing data to a SQL server. We will also have 40-50 Managers/Supervisors who will have access to the database for information retrieval. Are there any tools available that would allow me to monitor who is connected to the Server? My main interest in monitoring are the 7 desktops which are permanently connected to the database. Until we have some history, I would like to make certain that we can maintain a good connection between the desktops and the server

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DB Design :: Remove Backup Option For All User For A Database In Server

Aug 4, 2015

I don't want to any body can backup of my database, even i can also not able to take backup.

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How Do I KILL All User Connections In One Go?

Oct 16, 2001

How do I "KILL" all user connections in one go?

I need to perform a daily restore and have to manually kill multiple
user connections, its very time consuming. Is there an easier way?

Id be grateful if you can help me!
Many thanks,


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Killing User Connections

Oct 19, 2000

Is there a way to kill all user connections to a database using T-SQL?


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Maximum User Connections

Jul 29, 1999

We have a production server that is configured to 100 user connections.
Without any reason, the maximum connections had been exceeded and users
can no longer access the sql. But if you sp_who , it displayed only
4 user connections. Since, I have an open connection before this error
happens, i was able to execute sp_who. This happened 4 times since we
installed the sql server. the version is 6.50.422 sp5a with hotfix.

To all gurus out there, can you give light into this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Increasing User Connections

Nov 29, 2000

To increase user connections in SQL 6.5 do I have to first increase the memory configuration numbers?

Current memory config is at 8192.

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Mysteriously Max Out On User Connections

Mar 1, 1999

Recently, my SQL Server has started getting:
"Unable to connect. The maxinum of '100' configured user connections are already connected. System Administrator can configure to a higher value with sp_configure."
The server has to be rebooted to recover.

What's odd is that this occurs during the weekend when only about 5-8 connections are used by various system processes. I can't tell yet what is sucking up the connections.

We use SQL 6.5 sp4 on NT4.0 sp3 for DEC Alpha. We are also using SQL Mail, Seagate Backup (with SQL drivers) and some cgis that talk to the database.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Darin Drewrey
Extensis Corp

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User Connections And Out Of Memory

Apr 26, 1999

I did something stupid. I was having a problem with my application of trusted connections exceeding 15. I changed the user connections to 30 without uping the server memory configuration. Now I am out of memory and can't establish a connection with the server to up the memory configuration. I don't want to have to reinstall sql 6.5 and loose my existing data. I am on a Netfinity server with 512 megs of memory. Any suggestions? And of course our NT tape backup unit is not set up for sql backup.

Also does 30 connections and 128 megs of sql memory sound ok for a non dedicated server. About 25 users connecting to the database at any given time?

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User Connections Problem

Jun 6, 2001

We are having a problem with the maximum number of user connections to sql. Currently we have a max of 500 connections and we are unable to connect to sql because the max number has been exceeded. The sql logs are flooded with repeated error messages about the user conncetions being maxed out.

Anyone has an idea why this could be happening? Also, can it be fixed by rebooting the server?


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Maximum User Connections?

Jul 23, 2005

Newbie here.I've got my database set up in SQL 2000, and have started an Access adpfor a front end. I have 10 licenses, and at the moment the onlyaccesses are the server through Remote Desktop and one person into theADP. I started getting ODBC timeout errors when running a complexquery, so I started poking around. In the logs there's messages sayingthe maximum of 10 user connections has been reached, over and overagain. I'm not even certain that these problems are related, but itdoesn't look good.Why are all 10 connections used when there's only the server and oneclient? No one else has access to this server. And how can I stop theODBC timeout? That paticular complex query is the whole jsutificationfor using SQL over Access, so I kind of need it to work. :)Thanks in advance, maddman

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How To Find Out The Number Of User Connections

Aug 9, 2000

I am using SQL 6.5 and I would like to know (using Isql/w)
the number of users connected to my server at any given time.
Thanks for your help in advance.

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USer Connections Exceeded (ODS 17809)

Oct 28, 1999

Hello ,

I get this message in the error log file (ODS17809) for sqlserver 6.5 on windows NT 4.0
Although this parameter is set to 50 which is more than enought for our environment. When I look up in current activity, I see only 4 users connected.
IS there a way to find , why this message comes up and how many actula connections (alive or hanging) are with the Sql server.
Well, I can increase the number of connections, but that is not the solution , as I would like to track/debug where all the connections are being used up.

thanks in advance for your help/suggestions

Mitesh Shah

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Sql Server 2005 Service Local User Option (web Hosts For Commercial Development)

Apr 18, 2008

1Is it possible to choose local user,(instead of local system) in sql setup service login and then use mixed mode
default configuration in report server or choose configure server later. I will be using a third party host using vista, unfortunately I do not have my own server ( I do not have a domain yet)
vista sql 2005 standard vs 2008. ultimate
2 What is the best configuration for a new aspiring ssrs developer.
3 Do I need to configure the server if I choose local user?
4. what is the best way to configure sql?

By the way what items
should I look forward in choosing a web host,(who is willing to give alot of help to developers) my interests include ssrs 2008 sql 2008 sql 2005 mvc, crystal reports, wcf infragistics. I am really interested in showing
examples in sql reporting services, crystal reports wcf , web services , infragistics mvc intrigues me.......
I would like to get on a track to eventually use sharepoint services
Thanks again, I know I ask I alot of questions........

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Maximum Number Of Configured User Connections

Jul 27, 2001



I have a Sqlserver 6.5 production server used for web based applications
Compaq 5500 4 GIG RAM, 4 processor

Sql Memory config on that server is 1048576 (which is 2048 MB)
and the run value is 640000 (which is 1250 MB).
runvalue for user connections was 500

We have only 90 user connections may increase upto 100 depends on the connections. We don't have any overload on that server.

Error: I was seeing
"unable to connect maximum no. of 500 configured user connections are already connected" in the error log.

Action Taken:

I increased the user connections to 600
and rebooted the server. Immediately the same error I can see in the error log. But we have only 20 user connections at that time. I can able to connect.

Please advise me to get rid of this error.


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What Does The Following User Instance Limitation Mean Only Local Connections Are Allowed

Mar 17, 2008

 I have been reading through the article pointed to by the link below on msdn and its documented that one functional limitation of user instances is "Only local connections are allowed." I didn't understand the technical details(meaning) of that limitation and hopefully some one might explain it to me so that i can understand it better. 

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Stored Proc Failed To Kill User Connections?

Mar 27, 2000


I am working with an application unde mssql 6.5 ,sp4. We have a separate
database for reporting on a different box. Each night we load a backup into
the database from the production database.

I set up a stored procedure to kill all users connected to this reporting
database just before the load.

THe job looks like this under scheduled tasks as a cmdexec:

isql -U sa -P -d master -Q"exec killusersall_sp 7" -o

This job died with the following message:

Process Exit Code 1. ...[-b On error batch abort] [-O use Old ISQL
behavior disables the following]<EOF> batch processingAuto console width
scalingWide messagesdefault errorlevel is -1 vs 1 [-? show syntax summary
(this screen)]

The killusersall is paramaterize sp that I pass the dbid of the database
for whom I want all users killed. I need to put the stored procedure in the
master because I egt the spid from sysprocesses.

I do not understand why the job died. Does it matter if I named the stored
procedure as sp_killusersall instead of killusersall_sp which I used.

Can any one advise me about how to get the job to run? Any assistance will
be greatly appreciated. Thanks you.

David Spaisman

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User Login - How To Control Number Of Simultaneous Connections

Jul 30, 1998

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to control the number of simultaneous connections one login id can have?
I`d like to avoid my users to share their login ids and passwords to help them enter data into the system.


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Does Sql Express License Limits Number Of User / Connections?

Apr 25, 2006

I can't find the just talk about the CPU / ram /database limit. thanks for you help!

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Setup And Upgrade :: Enable User Connections Limit Per Microsoft Database

Jun 26, 2015

How does one enable sql connections limits for user connections per new and existing databases? how to do it on whole server per database but not set a limit per user.Looks like this must be run on each databases but what if you have 100s of databases:

USE AdventureWorks2012 ;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'user connections', 325 ;

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In SqlServer Management Studio Express, Server Type Option Is Greyed Out, Also Publication Option Missing

Apr 27, 2008

Hi everyone In my SqlServer Management Studio Express, on start up it shows the server type option, but greyed.So that value is fixed to database engine. ( I'm trying to work on an SqlServer Compact Edition database through the SSMStudiothat's why I'm trying to get this to change.)Besides, after I connect i go to the Object Explorer, expand the server node, and go to Replication.When i expand replication, i get the "Local Subscription" option, but nothng for Publication.( I want to work on Merge Replication, that's why I desparately need Publication to work)Am i missing something here? I did not install SqlServer separately, I only have what comes bundled with the Visual Studio  2005 Setup.

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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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