ALTER function [dbo].[GetBillPrice](@BillLineID int)
returns float
DECLARE @BillPrice float
SET @BillPrice = (
SELECT ((CAST(T_BillValueAndTax.BillValueAndTaxBillValue as float))+(CAST(T_BillTax.BillTaxTax1Value as float)) +(CAST(T_BillTax.BillTaxTax2Value as float)))
FROM T_BillLine
INNER JOIN T_BillValueAndTax on T_BillValueAndTax.BillValueAndTaxID = T_BillLine.BillValueAndTaxID_Price
INNER JOIN T_BillTax on T_BillTax.BillTaxID = T_BillValueAndTax.BillTaxID_Bill
WHERE T_BillLine.BillLineID = @BillLineID)
return ABS(@BillPrice)
No matter how I try to return the @BillPrice value, the value is rounded to the nearest whole number. For instance if the value is calculated as 198.75 the value returned is 199.0
When I execute the function in Query Anlayser the correct value of 198.75 is returned.
Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated.
I have a SQL database with an Access front end. In the database Ihave a read only and a read write role. When a read only user opensthe database I want all the fields on the form to be locked so thatthe user will not try to change data and get an error from the server.Right now I am doing that with a table. But it's a hassle to have tomaintain a table when if I could answer the question is the currentlylogged in user in the read write role?My server is running SQL Server 2000. So I was wondering if I couldwrite a function to do this? The function would take the role beingchecked as a text parameter and return true if the currently logged inuser is in that role or false if he/she isn't.
I'm trying to create a report that's based on a SQL-2005 Stored Procedure.
I added the Report Designer, a Report dataset ( based on a shared datasource).
When I try to build the project in BIDS, I get an error. The error occurs three times, once for each parameter on the stored procedure.
I'll only reproduce one instance of the error for the sake of brevity.
[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the query parameter 'UserID' contains an error : [BC30654] 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.
I've searched on this error and it looks like it's a Visual Basic error :
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
I'm inserting a decimal value into my db but it keeps round it of to a single figure. Its the result of time between two times. ie between 1:00 and 2:30 equals 2.5. But it ends up as 2 in the db even though the db field is also decimal. I know by looking at the watch in the bugger that its actually a decimal value just prior to insertion which only leads me to suspect that sql server is doing the rounding of, maybe this is the default behaviour but i need it to store the values as decimal.
I am writing a simple shopping cart app and the price field is being rounded when inserted into the database.There is a textbox for the user to enter the price. A stored procedure is used to insert the line item info to the data base table. The field in the table is formatted as datatype decimal. Below is the stored procedure and the code that adds the value to the parameter. Any suggestions on where I am going wrong?<Code>CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_insert_CartDetail] ( @ReferenceNum [int], @Item [varchar](26), @Desc1 [varchar](27), @Desc2 [varchar](20), @Desc3 [varchar](30), @Desc4 [varchar](30), @Note [text], @Quantity [int], @DateOrdered [datetime], @SalesPrice [decimal], @DistCost [decimal], @SalesTaxable [smallint], @RequiredDate [datetime], @User1 [varchar](12), @User2 [varchar](12), @User3 [varchar](12), @User4 [varchar](12), @User5 [varchar](12), @User6 [varchar](12)) AS INSERT INTO [ToolCrib].[dbo].[CartDetail] ( [ReferenceNum], [Item], [Desc1], [Desc2], [Desc3], [Desc4], [Note], [Quantity], [DateOrdered], [SalesPrice], [DistCost], [SalesTaxable], [RequiredDate], [User1], [User2], [User3], [User4], [User5], [User6]) VALUES ( @ReferenceNum, @Item, @Desc1, @Desc2, @Desc3, @Desc4, @Note, @Quantity, @DateOrdered, @SalesPrice, @DistCost, @SalesTaxable, @RequiredDate, @User1, @User2, @User3, @User4, @User5, @User6)SqlCmdInsetCartDetail.Parameters("@SalesPrice").Value = CType(txtCost.Text, Decimal) </code>
I“m having some trouble with a database field that I had to redefine. At first, it was defined as an int, but I had to change it to decimal (5,2).
I have an application which is accessing my database. Problem now is that when if I enter a decimal value, say 3,12 into my field and then press save on my BindingNavigator, this value is instantly rounded to 3,00. I tried entering the value directly into my database, and that“s no problem. The rounding seems to happen on the update statement. I tried stepping through the code, and after this particular line, the value is rounded... Any help?
Im a self proclaimed newb and Im stuck on returning a value from a function. I want to get the AttendID that the SQL statement returns and dump it into strAttendID: Response.Redirect("ClassSurvey.aspx?Pupil=" & strAttendID)I cant seem to accomplish this. It returns nothing. Please help.TIA,Stue<code>Function Get_AttendID(ByVal strAttendID As String) As SqlDataReaderDim connString As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ClassDB")Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(connString)Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommandDim dr As SqlDataReader sqlConn.Open()Dim strSQL As String = "Select AttendID from attendees Where FirstName=@FirstName and LastName=@LastName and classbegdt = @classbegdt and survey = '0'" sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(strSQL, sqlConn) sqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@FirstName").Value = tbFirstName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)sqlCmd.Parameters("@LastName").Value = tbLastName.TextsqlCmd.Parameters.Add("@classbegdt", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8)sqlCmd.Parameters("@classbegdt").Value = calBegDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateStringdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()dr.Close()sqlConn.Close() Return dr End Function</code>
I want to write a function that returns the physical filepath of the master database for its MDF and LDF files respectively. This information will then be used to create a new database in the same location as the master database for those servers that do not have the MDF and LDF files in the default locations.
Below I have the T-SQL for the function created and a test query I am using to test the results. If I print out the value of @MDF_FILE_PATH within the funtion, I get the result needed. When making a call to the function and printing out the variable, all I get is the first letter of the drive and nothing else.
You may notice that in the function how CHARINDEX is being used. I am not sure why, but if I put a backslash "" as expression1 within the SELECT statement, I do not get the value of the drive. In other words I get "MSSQLData" instead of "D:MSSQLData" I then supply the backslash in the SET statement. I assume that this has something to do with my question.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
HERE IS T-SQL FOR THE FUNCTION IF OBJECT_ID('fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath END GO
CREATE FUNCTION fn_sqlmgr_get_mdf_filepath ( @MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database. ) RETURNS NVARCHAR AS
--Extract the file path for the database MDF physical file. SELECT @MDF_FILE_PATH = SUBSTRING(mdf.filename, CHARINDEX('', filename)+1, LEN(filename)) FROM master..sysfiles mdf WHERE mdf.groupid = 1
DECLARE @MDF_FILE_PATH NVARCHAR(1000)--Variable to hold the path of the MDF File of a database.
I have this case statement below it is for an access fee. My problem that I am having is that now I am getting a number that is huge. Example, 8.2350000000. I need this to be rounded up and numbers srinked to 8.24, how can I add that in my case statement below? Please help if you can.
CASE clm_att1 WHEN 'NG' THEN CASE clm_h30 WHEN 0 THEN cast(clm_sppo as decimal(12,2))*(cast(clio_fee04 as decimal (12,2))/100) ELSE cast(clm_H30 as decimal(12,2))*(cast(clio_fee04 as decimal (12,2))/100) END WHEN 'NA' THEN '0.00'
WHEN 'AF' THEN CASE clm_h30 WHEN 0 THEN cast(clm_sppo as decimal(12,2))*(cast(clio_fee04 as decimal (12,2))/100) ELSE cast(clm_H30 as decimal(12,2))*(cast(clio_fee04 as decimal (12,2))/100)*.65 END
I am designing a report in which the edges of the tables should be curved. Is there any way to make the edge of the tables rounded? Could any one suggest for this. I am using MS Reporting service 2003
What I'm trying to do is provide a solution where users can upload an image and a description, to a database, so I'm trying to insert the title and description then return the @@identity for the image upload function which will name the image like this image_23.jpg (23 being the @@identity) resize it and save it to specified directory
I cant seem to get the identity to return to my script. This is my SP
AS Insert Into Tbl_ad (ad_title, ad_description,ad_area,ad_ui_id,ad_active,ad_date,ad_ct_id,ad_sc_id,ad_location) VALUES (@adtitle,@addescription,@areaid, @uid, 0,convert(varchar, GETUTCDATE(), 101), @catid, @subcatid, 1)
select @@identity return GO
I tested in query analyser, and it works fine, so It must be my code. this is my function
Sub Insert_pic(sender as object, e as eventargs)
Dim catid = Request.form("ddcats") Dim subcatid = Request.form("subcatrad") Dim adtitle = Request.Form("txttitle") Dim AdDescription = Request.form("txtdescription") Dim uid = getUID(Context.User.Identity.Name) Dim areaid = Request.form("ddarea") SQLConnect = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.Appsettings("mydB"))
SQLCommander = New SQLCommand("SP_INSERTad", SQLConnect)
Hii every one When i use the function of (select) from the data bass it return dataset or some thing else But I need it to return string or the data element which in the query not all the query
I dont need that _____________ | Id | Name | ----------------- | 1 | Bill | -------------------- I dont need All of that to display But I need to display the name only in Label or textbox like Bill
Hi, I basically do not want to return a null value as a result of using a sum function (using sum against 0 rows). Is there a common way to avoid this? Thanx
Dear all, can i write a table return function like this?
create function my_function( returns @MYTABLE table(NAME VARCHAR(20),SES VARCHAR(20),CNT DECIMAL(10),MYDATE DATATIME) insert into @mytable select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab1 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab2 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab3 go select col1,col2,col3,col4 from tab4 go return end
am i doing correct? what i'm expecting from this function is, i need all the data from select statements should be inserted into one table. please guide me in this regard
Vinod Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
return gpa_sem_3; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //this is the main program(part of it only)
case 1:
system ( "cls" ); gpa_sem_1 = sem_1( );
break; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // why doesn't the error promp when the user enters an invalid entry? in the codes below.
I came across the below scenario in SSIS where the values are not getting rounded off in SSIS as expected.
I am passing the value 23007.945 and using a derived column expression to round off the value Round(number,2).
Placed a data viewer to view the outcome after the derived column expression.Value after derived column expression seems to be 23007.94 but the same when passed in SQL select round(23007.945,2) gives us the value as 23007.95.
Hi,I have a sql 2005 function who return a distance from 2 zipcodes. This function is called from a Stored procedure like this :SELECT *, dbo.fn_GetDistance (...) AS DistanceIn this function, i have a Latitude and i want this Latitude to be also returned.It is possible or a function can return only one variable?If it is possible, what's the syntax of it?Thanks in advance
Cannot see where I am going wrong. I always get a value of 0. I know my function works correctly, so it must be the VB.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getNextProjectID] () RETURNS varchar(10) AS BEGIN '''''''''''''''''''........................... DECLARE @vNextProjectID varchar(10) RETURN @vNextProjectID END
Sub LoadNextProjectNumber() Dim vProjectID As String Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = sqlConn cmd.CommandText = "getNextProjectID"
Is there anything new on returning max of two values in SQL 05? There seems to be nothing I have searched everywhere. Only option might be to create my own UDF or do a CASE statement, but I could not believe my eyes there is no such thing?
Hi I need a function which gets 3 parameters and input and returns 4 integers as output. I don't know how to return 4 integers as output any idea is appreciated.
Is it possible to write dynamic sql on scalar function and assign the value to return value? I like some thing like below but it is not working... Thanks ______________________________________________________________________ set @sql = 'select @CallLegKey= min(calllegkey) as CallLegKey from rt_'+@platform+'_CallLegs where datediff(day,convert(datetime, CallEndTime) ,'''+cast(@today as varchar(20))+''') = '+cast(@cutoff as varchar(5)) exec @sql
I have created a function to return values, which works fine, but I can't do calculations in it.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tf_Asset_Portfolio](@deal_id int, @as_of_date datetime) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Assets.issue_id, SUM(DISTINCT dbo.Assets.par_amount) AS par_amount, SUM(DISTINCT dbo.Assets.par_amount) AS market_value FROM dbo.Issue INNER JOIN dbo.Assets ON dbo.Issue.issue_id = dbo.Assets.issue_id INNER JOIN dbo.Issuer_Rating_History ON dbo.Issue.issuer_id = dbo.Issuer_Rating_History.issuer_id WHERE (dbo.Issuer_Rating_History.as_of_date <= @as_of_date) GROUP BY ALL dbo.Assets.issue_id, dbo.Assets.deal_id, dbo.Issue.default_date HAVING (dbo.Assets.deal_id = @deal_id) )
I need to do calculations on market value based on the default date. If default date isn't specified then it should be 100% of par amount. If default date is less than one year ago - 65% of the par_amount. If default date is one or more years ago - 0. I have no idea about how to do this and everything I try wont work. I created another function to do the calculations and this seems to work, but it only does one record instead of all of them.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tf_Asset_Portfolio2 (@deal_id int, @as_of_date datetime) RETURNS @Market TABLE (issue_id int, par_amount money, market_value money) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ReturnDate datetime DECLARE @DD datetime DECLARE @PA money DECLARE @MV money DECLARE @ID int DECLARE @DateD int
SELECT TOP 1 @ReturnDate = LAST_BATCH FROM master..sysprocesses WHERE SPId = @@SPID
SELECT @ID = issue_id FROM Assets WHERE Assets.deal_id = @deal_id SELECT @PA = SUM(DISTINCT par_amount) FROM Assets WHERE Assets.issue_id = @ID AND Assets.deal_id = @deal_id SELECT @DD = default_date FROM Issue WHERE Issue.issue_id = @ID
SET @DateD = DateDiff("yyyy", @DD, @ReturnDate)
If @DD = Null BEGIN SET @MV = @PA END Else If @DD > @ReturnDate BEGIN SET @MV = @PA END Else If @DateD < 1 BEGIN SET @MV = @PA * .65 END Else If @DateD >= 1 BEGIN SET @MV = 0 END
insert into @Market (issue_id, par_amount, market_value) values (@ID,@PA,@MV)
I need to combine the functionality of being able to return mutliple records that isn't in the 2nd function and being able to calculate the market value which isn't in the first one. Please help. Thank you in advance.
hi can anyone please help me i have a stored procedure ,can i put the value of this into a variable......???? I have one more query ---how can i pass the multiple values returned by this stored procedure into a single variable ... example if my stored procedure is
[dbo].[GetPortfolioName](@NT_Account varchar(100) ) and ans of this are NL UK IN GN JK then how can i put this into a variable like
Declare @PortfolioName as varchar(250) set @PortfolioName =(exec ].[GetPortfolioName](@NT_Account) ) ....... and my ans is @PortfolioName = 'NL','UK','IN','GN','JK'
now can i make a function which returns 'NL','UK','IN','GN','JK'
I have a function that I need to call from an execute sql task. I want to bind the return value from the function to an ssis variable.
Can someone please show me an example of what the function syntax needs to look like in order for this to work? I know that with sp's, you need to explicitly state the column names.
I am trying to find a way to return the result of an EXEC(*sqlstring*) from a function. I can return the tsql but not the result of an execute.
This is my function:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ReturnPickItemValue] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @TypeID int, @CaseID int ) RETURNS varchar(max) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here DECLARE @RTN varchar(max)
IF(SELECT IncludeDates FROM TBL_LU_PICK WHERE PickTypeID = @TypeID) = 1 BEGIN SET @RTN = 'SELECT PickItem I + CASE D.IsStartDateEstimated WHEN 0 THEN CAST(StartDate as varchar) ELSE CAST(dbo.ReturnEstimatedDate(D.IsStartDateEstimated, 0) as varchar) END + CASE D.IsEndDateEstimated WHEN 0 THEN CAST(EndDate as varchar) ELSE CAST(dbo.ReturnEstimatedDate(D.IsEndDateEstimated, 1) as varchar) END
FROM TBL_LU_PICK L INNER JOIN TBL_Pick_Items I ON I.PickTypeID = L.PickTypeID INNER JOIN TBL_PICK P ON P.PickItemID = I.PickItemID LEFT JOIN TBL_PickDates D ON D.PickID = P.PickID WHERE L.PickTypeID = ' + CAST(@TypeID as varchar) + ' AND P.CaseID = ' + CAST(@CaseID as varchar) END ELSE BEGIN SET @RTN= 'SELECT I.PickItem FROM TBL_LU_PICK L INNER JOIN TBL_Pick_Items I ON I.PickTypeID = L.PickTypeID INNER JOIN TBL_Pick P ON P.PickItemID = I.PickItemID WHERE L.PickTypeID = ' + CAST(@TypeID as varchar) + ' AND CaseID = ' + CAST(@CaseID as varchar) END
Each time I try " RETURN EXEC(@RTN) " or something similar I get an error.
I have tried executing the tsql and assigning the result to a varchar and returning that varchar but i get an error.
I came across the below scenario in SSIS where the values are not getting rounded off in SSIS as expected.
I am passing the value 23007.945 and using a derived column expression to round off the value Round(number,2).
Placed a dataviewer to view the outcome after the derived column expression.Value after derived column expression seems to beĀ 23007.94 but the same when passed in SQL select round(23007.945,2) gives us the value as 23007.95.