User List With First Activated Offer

Nov 27, 2013

I have 3 tables, please find the table structure and sample data below

Table 1 : tblUserInfo

UserID | FirstName | Email | JoinedDate

1 Testuser01 10-10-2013
2 Testuser10 11-10-2013
3 Testuser20 11-10-2013

Table 2 : tblOffers

OfferID | OfferName | ExpiryDate

1 OfferSample1 15-10-2014
2 OfferSample2 15-9-2014
3 OfferSample3 10-07-2014

Table 3 :tblOfferActivated

ActivationID | UserID | OfferID | ActivationCode | ActivatedDate

1 2 3 ABC 11-11-2013
2 2 1 CEG 13-11-2013
3 3 1 JHG 18-11-2013
4 3 2 KIU 20-11-2013

Expected Output

I want to list out the users with the first activated offer details.The OfferName Should be based on the first activated date

UserID | FirstName | Email | JoinedDate | OfferID | OfferName |ActivatedDate | ActivationCode

1 Testuser01 10-10-2013 Null Null Null Null
2 Testuser10 11-10-2013 3 OfferSample2 11-11-2013 ABC
3 Testuser20 11-10-2013 4 offerSample3 18-11-2013 JHG

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Why Does The Condition Activated = Isnull(@activated, -1) Work?

Jul 16, 2005

I have a stored procedure into which a bit type of parameter called '@activated' is being passed. This stored procedure gets all the users matching the condition :
Activated = isnull(@activated, -1)

In users table, one of the columns is 'Activated' of bit type.
The strange thing happening here is that if @activated is null, then the above condition is true for all rows in users table, even though we know that the column Activation  is either 1 or 0 only and never -1.Can someone explain why this strange thing is happening?

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Can Anyone Offer Me Any Suggestions On How To Create A Back Up Site W/ Db In The Even

Mar 23, 2004

I am currently running a site on a shared environment with sql db. The account is with Windows Server 2003m SQL 2000.

What we would like to do is create a back up site with a backup db. I would like this functionality so that in the event of a crash, while the current site is being repaired, or if the server is down for a prolonged period, I can simply switch to the backup site w/ db.

What would the preferable method of doing this in such an environment? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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First Attempt At Stored Procedure - Can Anyone Offer Advice

Jul 20, 2005

SQL SERVER 2000Hi allThis is my first attempt at writing a stored procedure. I have managed toget it working but its unlikely to be the best way of handling the problem.While writing it I found some things that I don't understand so if any onecould shed any light it would be much appreciated. I have posted these atthe end.Sorry about the length but I thought it might be worthwhile posting the codeThe purpose of the procedures is as follows : we have a view of lots of bitsof information that need automatically mailing to different people. eachelement of information has a name allocated against it. If we had 100 piecesof data, 50 could go to manager 1 25 could go to manager 2 and 25 to manager3 etc...Both SP's look at the same viewThe first SP generates a distinct list of managers and for each managercalls the second SPThe second SP filters the view for the data belonging to the selectedmanager, and builds an HTML mail. It then sends all the bits of informationbelonging to that manager off in an EMAIL to him/her. ( It uses a brilliantbit of code from to handle the mail)the first mail then repeats for all the managers in the listCODE ---- SP 1ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PR_ADMIN_CLIENT_WEEKLY_NOTIFICATION_2ASbeginSET NOCOUNT ONdeclare @no_of_managers as intdeclare @current_record as intdeclare @manager_name as varchar(100)-- count how many distinct managers we need to send the mail toselect @no_of_managers = COUNT(DISTINCT manager_name) FROMdbo.vw_client_notification_email_1-- open a cursor to the same distinct listdeclare email_list cursor for select distinct manager_name fromdbo.vw_client_notification_email_1 dscopen email_list-- for each distinct manager get the managers name and pass it to the storedprocedure that generates the mail.set @current_record = 0while (@current_record) < @no_of_managersbeginfetch next from email_list into @manager_nameEXECUTE dbo.pr_admin_client_weekly_notification @manager_nameset @current_record = @current_record+1end-- close the cursorclose email_listdeallocate email_listendCODE ---- SP2ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.PR_ADMIN_CLIENT_WEEKLY_NOTIFICATION(@current_manager_name as varchar(100))-- a unique managers name is passed from the calling procedureas beginSET NOCOUNT ON-- declarations for use in the stored procedureDECLARE @to as varchar(100)DECLARE @entry varchar(500)DECLARE @region as varchar(100)DECLARE @type as varchar(100)DECLARE @site_ref as varchar(100)DECLARE @aborted as varchar(100)DECLARE @weblink as varchar(1000)DECLARE @manager_name as varchar(100)DECLARE @manager_email as varchar(100)DECLARE @body VARCHAR(8000)DECLARE @link varchar(150)DECLARE @web_base VARCHAR(150)-- set up a connection to the view that contains the details for the mailDECLARE email_contents cursor for select region,type,site_ref,aborted_visit,link,manager_name,manager_e mail fromvw_client_notification_email_1 where manager_name = @current_manager_nameopen email_contents--some initial textset @body = '<font color="#FF8040"><b>Reports W/E ' +convert(char(50),getdate()) + '</b></font><br><br> <a href = http://xxxx > Click here to logon to xxxxx </a><br><br> '--fetch the first matching record from the table and build the body of themessagefetch next from email_contents into@region,@type,@site_ref,@aborted,@link,@manager_na me,@manager_emailset @web_base = 'http://'set @weblink = @web_base + @linkif @aborted = 0 set @aborted = '' else set @aborted = 'ABORTED'set @body = @body + '<font size="2"><b> Region </b>' + @region+ ' <b>Type</b> ' + @type+ ' <b>Site Reference </b> <a href = "' + @weblink + '">' + @site_ref+'</a>'+ ' <b>Unique Report Reference </b>' + @link + '<br>'-- continue reading the records for this particular message and adding on tothe body of the textwhile(@@fetch_status = 0)beginfetch next from email_contents into@region,@type,@site_ref,@aborted,@link,@manager_na me,@manager_emailif @aborted = 0 set @aborted = '' else set @aborted = 'ABORTED'if (@@fetch_status = 0) set @body = @body + '<b> Region </b>' + @region+ ' <b>Type</b> ' + @type+ ' <b>Site Reference </b> <a href = "' + @weblink + '">' + @site_ref+'</a>'+ '<b>Unique Report Reference </b>' + @link + '<br>'end-- close the cursorset @body = @body + '</font>'close email_contentsdeallocate email_contents-- generate the mailDECLARE @rc int EXEC @rc = master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail@FROM = N'FROM ME',@TO = @manager_email,@server = N'server',@subject = N'Weekly Import',@message = @body,@type = N'text/html'endQuestionsis the way I've done it OK. I thought I would be able to do it in a singleSP but I really struggled nesting the cursor things.@@fetchstatus seems to be global, so if your using nested cursors, how doyou know which one you are refering to. If you have multiple calls to thesame SP how does it know which instance of the SP it refers to.When I first wrote it, I used a cursor in SP1 to call SP2, but I couldn'tget the while loop working - I have a feeling it was down to the @@fetchstatus in the 'calling' procedure being overwritten by the@@fetchstatus in the 'called' procedure.The whole @@fetchatus thing seems a bit odd. In the second procedure, I haveto fetch, then check, manipulate then fetch again, meaning that the samemanipulation code is written twice. thats why in the first procedure I usedthe select distint count to know how long the record set is so I only haveto run the manipulation code once. Is what I have done wrong?its possible that the body of the mail could be > 8K, is there anotherdatatype I can use to hold more than 8Kmany thanks for any help or adviceAndy

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What Does A Recursive Hierarchy Offer That Is Different From Just Inserting Another Group?

Dec 3, 2007

I noticed that by inserting another group higher than the existing one gave me the effect of a nested what would a recursive hierarchy have done for me that is different? I read the BOL writeup and didnt come away with any sense of what these hierarchies offer, seemingly thru the use of a "parent" entry.

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DBO Invisible In User List

Mar 20, 2002

Recently found a situation which I can not figure out the cause. Wish somebody can help me here.

The scenario is as follows:

Server: SQL 7.0 with SP2
login name: DBA, standard SQL login, member of sysadmins

DBA is the owner of database TEST and a member of db_owners in the database. Using EM, if you look at Users in TEST database, the only entry you can find is DBA where both Names (user name Login Name) are the same: DBA. There's no entry for user dbo. (from BOL, dbo can not be deleted)

Run sp_helpuser gives out two rows.
user login name
dbo NULL

I don't know what happened to this machine before. Any clue about the possible cause is highly appreciated.


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List User Tables

Apr 14, 2001

I'm brain-dead today, sadly. If it weren't for IE remembering previous entries, I don't know if my name and email would have made it into the header correct :-)

I want the SQL command that lists the names of all user tables.

Alternatively, I have the following problematic Access 2000 code:

Public Sub ListAllTables()
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim tbl As New ADOX.Table
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim vgRet As Variant
Dim intPrefixLen As Integer
Dim strAppend As String

DoCmd.Hourglass True
cnn.Open CurrentProject.Connection
cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
intPrefixLen = Len(CON_pkgPrefix)

Debug.Print cat.Tables.Count

For j = (cat.Tables.Count - 1) To 0 Step -1
Set tbl = cat.Tables(j)
With tbl
Debug.Print tbl.Name
vgRet = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, tbl.Name)
End With

Set tbl = Nothing
Set cnn = Nothing
Set cat = Nothing
DoCmd.Hourglass False
vgRet = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, " ")
End Sub

This code runs fine against an MDB but against SQL it includes all the views, rather than just the tables. If you have a fix for this, that will do just fine!


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User Permission List

Apr 28, 2006

Hi, Does anyone has a script to get user permissions on all tables?

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List Of User Sp From Master Db

Jun 15, 2006

Is their any sql to find the list of sp created by user's in master db?

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List Available Reports For A User

Feb 11, 2008

Hi there,

Don't know if anyone has done this before -and I would really be wondered if not-:
I want to show a list of available reports to a user. Since we are working with SharePoint Portal Server 2003 the webparts can't be used (need MOSS 2007 or WSS 3.0), but I really need to be able to build a dynamically generated list and show it on a sharepoint page.

My first idea is to build a report (kind of menu). I am already this far:

to get a list of reports with the active directory groups and their mapped roles:
select u.UserName, c.Path, r.RoleName

from PolicyUserRole pur

left join Users u on pur.userID=u.userID

left join Roles r on pur.roleID=r.roleID

left join Catalog c on pur.policyID=c.policyID

order by u.UserName, c.Path, r.RoleName

I managed to link active directory via LDAP - linked server.
I even managed to get a list of users and groups. Unfortunately I cannot check whether a user belongs to a group (any idea?), since all of our security (on sql server) is managed by active directory groups this really is a problem.

Or am I completely wrong and is there another way to fetch a list of reports for a user?

Any help would be great!


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Create A List If User

Jun 1, 2007

Hi there,

Can someone please help me how to generate the list of all "user" in a database and it's access role? really need it . .


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Database List For The Currently Logged In User

Jul 11, 2004

I can get a list of all databases in SQL Server using

sqlText = "select name from sysdatabases order by name".

How can I get such a list for the currently logged in user only?

Thanks in advance

Harold Hoffman

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How To List All The Objects That An User Has Access To?

Aug 27, 2004

Is there anyway, that I can generate a list of all the objects that a given user has access to (including type of access whether select or update etc), by running a SQL command? One of our databases has nearly 40,000 tables (no kidding!) I can always find this out by manually looking into the roles etc on the enterprise manager, but I need a way to find out using a T-SQL query..Thanks for any help!

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List All Databases That A User Has Access To

Nov 17, 2014

Any way to list all databases that a user has access to?

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Find The List Of Tables For A User?

Feb 18, 2015

how to find the names of the tables owned by the particular user in sql server and how to display the distinct object types owned by the particular user.

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List All Databases That A User Has A Login

Nov 26, 2007

Hi everyone,
I have an instance with many databases in it. I am looking for the easiest way to see which of those databases a user has a login on. What is the most efficient way of doing this?

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How Can I Use The GetSchema To Get A List Of Only User Tables And Views.

Apr 26, 2006

How can I use the GetSchema method new in 2.0 to get a list of only user tables and views.

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Is There A Quick Way To Get A List Of Roles A User Is A Member Of?

Jul 23, 2005

What I'm looking for is a list of roles a particular user is a memberof.the closest I've found so far is sp_helprolemember without anyarguements. but this gives me all the roles and all the users. I wantthis same list filtered on a specific user.something like sp_??? 'user'

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SQL-DMO And C#: Retrieve The List Of User-Defined Functions

Apr 9, 2006 am using the sample code from this link but I amunable to figure out how to retrieve the list ofthe User-Defined Functions. I am able to get thecount of the user defined functions correctly using:db.ListObjects(SQLDMO.SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE.SQLDMOObj _UserDefinedFunction,SQLDMO.SQLDMO_OBJSORT_TYPE.SQLDMOObjSort_Name).Cou ntbut I am unable to get to enumerate the function names.Then I tried to see if I can achieve what I want usingSQLObjectList but I was unsuccessful.Does someone know how I can do this using C#?Thank youThis is the full code I have:private void linkLabel5_LinkClicked(object sender,LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e){this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;SQLDMO.SQLServer srv = new SQLDMO.SQLServerClass();srv.Connect(this.cboServers.SelectedItem.ToString( ), this.txtUser.Text,this.txtPassword.Text);for (int i = 0; i < srv.Databases.Count; i++){if (srv.Databases.Item(i + 1, "dbo").Name ==this.cboDatabase.SelectedItem.ToString()){SQLDMO._Database db = srv.Databases.Item(i + 1, "dbo");this.lstObjects.Items.Clear();SQLDMO.SQLObjectList sqludf;sqludf =db.ListObjects(SQLDMO.SQLDMO_OBJECT_TYPE.SQLDMOObj _UserDefinedFunction,SQLDMO.SQLDMO_OBJSORT_TYPE.SQLDMOObjSort_Name);for (int j = 0; j < sqludf.Count; j++){//this.lstObjects.Items.Add(db.ListObjects(SQLDMO.SQ LDMO_OBJECT_TYPE.SQLDMOObj_UserDefinedFunction,SQLDMO.SQLDMO_OBJSORT_TYPE.SQLDMOObjSort_Name).Ite m(j + 1, "dbo").Name);}this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;return;}}this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;}

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Stored Procedure To List Out User Access

Jan 19, 2008

Is there a built in stored procedure that would allow me to list outthe database permissions assigned to a particular user or role?

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How To Generate Any Report That The User Selects From A List

Oct 10, 2007

I know this a simple question but I cannot find an example of using the ReportExecutionService to render a report that doesn't take any parameters. Can somebody provide and example? Or to make it easier, tell me what to change in the msdn example:

Thanks in advance,


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How To List The User Objects In Sql Server 2000

Mar 24, 2008

hi all

i am using sysobjects for taking the list of user objects.

by using userid, status column combinations, able to take out the user tables/triggers/views
but for stored procedures, it doesn't work.

is there any better way to list the user objects.

thanks in advance.
sam alex

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Activated Proc Not Firing.

Mar 13, 2007

Hi There

I just had the following scenario.

I checked sys.service_queues to confirm the my queue has an activated proc assigned to it and is activation_enabled.

I send messages to the service, however i see that the messages just sit in the queue. I run profiler with all SB and Error events there is nothing, i check the sql server log, there is also nothing.

So i have no idea why the activated proc is not firing, all i see in the profiler trace is that the messages are acknowledged but the activated proc does not execute.

For a while i was stumped. i then tried to execute the proc myself and i got a syntax error.

Basically what happened was that i altered a table that the proc used and now the proc cannot execute cos there are more columns that must be inserted so i altered the proc.

However the activated proc still did not fire.

I had to disable and re-enable activation for it to work.

What i am wondering is why was there no indication in profiler or the sql og as the the fact that something was wrong with the activated proc ? Surely the activated proc should have fired and given the same error i got either to the sql log or profiler ?

And why did i have to re-enable activation ? Does sql cache the proc when you activate it and not know that the proc has changed when you alter it ?


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Identify Queue That Activated Sp ?

Sep 10, 2006

Hi there

I have multiple queues with the same activated stored procedure (for various reasons we are trying this scenario).

My biggest obsticle is i cannot figure out a way to determine with the activated sp which queue caused it to activate.

Basically i need to make the sp dynamic, so that no matter which queue activated the sp the sp can determine the queue name and use that dynamically to do the receive command from the right queue.

I am sure it is possible since sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks shows how many sp's are activated by each queue, however the sp name is the same for all queues so that does not help me.

How do i determine within an activated sp which queue caused it to activate?


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Stored Procedure Activated More Than Once

Nov 23, 2006

Hi guys!

Is it possible for a stored procedure to be activated more than once even if a message is sent only once? After sending the message, I check the sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks and see that it activates more than once. Is there a way for me to prevent this from happening?

Thanks a lot! :)

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!!help!! How To Save User Inputs From Checkbox List To Database??

Dec 11, 2007

I'm new to ASP.NET 2.0. I'll like to ask how do one save user input from txtbox, radiobttnlist or checkboxlist into database?
Im implementing a suvrey form here by the way.
 -any reference webs,
-any pointers from experts?
Thank you for your time in reading this email

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List Of Stored Procedures With Permission For Executing For User

Jul 26, 2007

I have user XY in SQL 05. I would like to find all stored procedures, where user XY has permission for executing. Is there any way to find it than look in every stored procedure?

Thanks for tips

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How To Find Out The List Of All Tables And Views Owned By A Particular User In Any Database?

Oct 15, 2001

How to find out the list of all tables and views owned by a particular user in any database by querying the system tables?Thanks.

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Dynamic Code Activated By Sp_executesql Can Anyone Help Me With That One?

Apr 2, 2008

Hi everyone
I try to run Dynamic sql wherby sp_executesql as follows:

Code Snippet
DECLARE @params NVARCHAR(4000)
DECLARE @portion INT
SET @portion=6
DECLARE @mydynamic NVARCHAR(4000)
SELECT @mydynamic = ' SELECT TOP @portion * FROM server.database.dbo.mytable'
SELECT @params = N'@portion INT '
EXEC sp_executesql @mydynamic,@params, @portion

I get the following error message:

Code Snippet
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near '@portion'.

Any idea what is wrong with that code?Thanks

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Activated Stored Proc Blocking?

Aug 24, 2006

Hi There

I was wondering, i have experienced alot of stored procedure blocking where you have a stored procedure that get executed very frequently and is complex, when the sp has to recompile it is locked and cannot be executed by other processes.

How will this work with an activated stored procedure, our activated stored procedure will probably not be too complex but it may exec complex ones base on the message type.

Now lets say that a message is recieved by the activated sp he in turn executes a complex sp to process the message this causes the complex sp to recompile, during this time another activated sp is spawned by the queue with the same message type he execs the same complex sp that is busy recompiling, i presume that the second activated sp will be blocked until the sp has completed recompiling.

Is this correct, because on a very busy queue with very complex sp's being called by the activated stored procedure, the benefit of having multiple queue readers is negated by the blocking caused by the recompiling sp's called by the activated sp.

Basically no matter how many queue readers kick in to handle the messages they all wait for the sp to recompile from the first message.

I am hoping multiple spawned activated stored procedures somehow over come this? Or work differently somehow.

Does anyone know ?


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Cannot Debug Activated CLR Stored Procedure

Jan 11, 2007


I'm having a problem debugging (with VS2005,) a CLR Stored Procedure which is activated on a queue. I know it is working because it is consuming and processing messages when one appears in the queue.

I can debug it 'manually' by either right-clicking on the SP within VS2005 and selecting 'Step into Stored Procedure' or by attaching to the SQL Server Management Studio process, setting a breakpoint and executing the stored procedure from a Management Studio query window.

However, if I send a message to my queue within Management Studio, my breakpoints are NOT being hit within VS2005, but the message IS reaching my queue and it IS being processed by the SP.

Can anyone help?


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Set New_broker When The Activated Stored Procedure Changes.

Sep 4, 2007

Hi I have a couple of questions to understand better Service Broker..

Every time I alter the activation Stored Procedure on the receiving queue I also execute the:
alter database set new_broker rollback

1) can somebody explain me in a detailed way why I have to do that? what happen inside SQL Server when there is a Stored Procedure activated on a queue??
Also link to white papers, resouces on so on are appreciated.

My Activation Stored Procedure calls other stored procedure.
2) If ONLY one of the nested stored procedures changes I have to execute the command:
alter database set new_broker rollback ???

I think that the answer to the first question will answer the second one..

Thank you for any helps!
Marina B.

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Ending A Conversation In A CLR Activated Stored Procedure

Apr 26, 2006

I've read Remus' article on Fire and Forget tactics when it comes to ending conversations, and I have to admit I am guilty of sending a message to a service and immediately ending the conversation. I've set up a stored procedure to end the conversation on the initiator queue, but I'm guessing it's never being fired because I am not ending the conversation in the target activated stored proc, which is a CLR stored proc.

Can you tell me how to end the conversation from a CLR stored proc?

Now that I think of it none of the code I use in my TSQL activated stored procs to handle different message types and error-checking is done in the CLR stored proc.


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