TASK: At my work we want to categorize and summarize all our IIS web logs and make statistics from it and such. What I need to do is take the browser type from a certain column in the table. All the information is stored in 1 column, and I figure an instr function would be best to do this. I am new to SQL, so I was told to look up the cursor function. In summary, I want to take all the IIS data and match it up against a defined table and then have a sum function for each browser.
Here are some examples of what the column data looks like: (found in the [csMethod] column
I made a define table which lists an ID (primary key) and instr to search for as well as the full browser name. (define.browser)
1___Opera+7_______Opera 7
2___Opera/9_______Opera 9
4___Firefox/1.0___Mozilla Firefox 1.0
5___Firefox/1.5___Mozilla Firefox 1.5
6___Firefox/2.0___Mozilla Firefox 2.0
7___MSIE+5.5______Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
8___MSIE+5________Microsoft Internet Explorer 5
9___MSIE+6________Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
10___MSIE+7________Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
11_________________OTHER BROWSER
I am having problems getting a cursor to work. Are there any good tutorials out there, or can anyone be of assistance. Thank you in advance.
I'm working in a bank and I'm creating a report for my company. I just started learning SQL last month. I hope this forum would help me. Here's my problem:
I have date for the last 6 months. I want to filter current quarter and last quarter data. This means, on the next quarter, the data will automatically moves forward. Is that possible?
I have a DB I want to make a copy of for testing purposes so we don't crash our production DB. I want the new "Test" DB to reside in the same SQL Server Group on the same SQL server. I have tried the Copy DB wizard but it will not allow you to copy the DB to the same server. What is the best way to do this?
Hi,In SQL SERVER 2005 Database I have a field called MedNames with values such as "sodium % 34ml" "desx chloride 9 % 76ml"I need to return the words before and including % so "sodium % 34ml" should return ""sodium % " Is it possible to do it in a select statement? I need to populate a dropdownlist with the shortened names.Thanks
Can anyone give any advice to finding db files for testing. CSV files or what have you. I want to have some nice fun and repetitive Transact practice in creating db's and users etc. I have seen some online but I wondered first if anyone here used a site in particular that they could recommend. Would be nice to have files that may be standard (csv) and in another db format that I could use, mix it up some.
Using symmetric keys and certificates in SQL2005, can one assign users permission to only decrypt or encrypt data?
Reason would be say data capturer and data reader type roles. I tried to create some with the GRANT CONTROL and GRANT VIEW for certificates and definitions on Symmetric keys, but havent been to successfull.
Would be great if someone here can offer some advise on it, and if it's possible using SQL rights.
Is it possible in SQL Server 2005 to limit the number of processors used? For cost reasons, we are consolidating servers and want to start running SQL Server 2005 on one of our dual-processor Win2K3 machines instead of the standalone machine it's currently running on. Because we have about 75 users, it's only cost effective to purchase a processor license (vs. a server license with CALs). But right now we only need and can only afford a single processor license, not two. So...
Is there any way in 2005 to limit the number of processors used so that we only need to purchase one processor license? I know in 2000 you could set this on the "Processor" tab of the "SQL Server Properties" dialog. In 2005, is this accomplished by unchecking the "Processor Affinity" and "I/O Affinity" checkboxes for processor #2 on the "Processors" page of the "Server Properties" dialog? If I uncheck these two options does that fully disable SQL Server 2005 from accessing the second processor in any way? From things I've read I can't tell if it restricts access to the second processor completely or if it just places some limitations on the ways it accesses the second processor. Also, the licensing information for SQL Server 2005 leads me to believe that if you are going down the "processor licensing" route that you have to buy a processor license for every processor that the OS itself has access to and not just what processors SQL Server has access to. I thought I understood that in SQL Server 2000 the licensing information did allow you to buy a processor license just for each processor that SQL Server 2000 had access to, but has that changed for 2005?
Hope someone can provide some clarification on limiting processor access and the licensing implications for SQL Server 2005.
I am using the Instr(), Len(), and Mid() function in my SQL query and I keep getting errors stating those are not recognized functions. IS this correct? are there any equivelants?
Hello there... I am looking for the function that is the same as InStr in Access for SQL server. I have a column that has format like this.. Lastname,Firstname Middlename... This column doesn't separate each one of them. However I need to separate Lastname and Firstname and Middlename.. I was told that in Access there is function(InStr) that can find a position of comma and separate it as Lastname like that.... I was searching BOL but I couldn't find like this function in SQL Server.. So I need help:-)))) Because everybody has a different length of the lastname, I have a problem. I can not use SUBSTRING or LEFT or RIGHT because of the varying position of comma ...
In VB there is InStr, in Excel you have SEARCH. what function can i use to search a string for a specific string. ie: how can i find where a space is in someones name?
our database has a table that is used for security. it contains a user code, user name and passcode. i need to split the username (currently forename and surname in same field) into two, around the space.
in VB i would write something like strFName = left(<usernamefield>,InStr(1,<usernamefield>," ")-1) to get the forename and similar to get the surname. how can i do this in SQL so that a view will supply the data apprpriately?
one of the reasons i want to do this is so that i can sort the users by surname! another is so that i can give options on their usercode - a combination of forename initial and 2 characters from surname.
i have a field i wish to make into two and i need the position of a string "-" in the field so i can do a select right and copy that data to a new colm
I am trying to convert a complex function from Oracle to SQL Serverand have come across Oracle's Instr() function. I see SQL Server hasCHARINDEX() which is similar, however it does not provide some keyfunctionality I need. Here is an example of the Oracle code:if Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 3 ) > 0 thensd := SubStr( sTg, Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 1 ) + 1, Instr( sTg,cDelim, 1, 2 ) - Instr( sTg , cDelim, 1, 1 ) - 1)end if;Has anybody converted anything similar to this within SQL Server? Anyhelp is GREATLY appreciated!Thanks.
Hi everybody,I was looking for an equivalent ORACLE INSTR Function in MSSQL but Idon´t found it and I don´t know if it exist so I must to write it andthis is the code. Maybe it will be helful to you:/************************************************** *************************Description:Looks for a string inside another string and returns an integerthat correspond to the position of first ocurrence.Parameters:Input:- strSource. Contains the string where the functions look for theother string- strToFind. Contains the string to look for inside strSourceSalida:- Integer value indicating the position of first occurrence ofstrToFind in strSource************************************************** *************************/CREATE FUNCTION posSubString(@strSource varchar(400),@strToFind varchar(200)) RETURNS intASBEGINDECLARE@position int,@maxPos int,@longSubStr int,@res int,@strSub varchar(200)SET @position = 0SET @res = 0SET @longSubStr = LEN(RTIRM(LTRIM(@strToFind)))SET @maxPos = LEN(@strSource) - @longSubStrWHILE (@position <= @strToFind)BEGINSET @strSub = SUBSTRING(@strSource, @position, @longSubStr)IF (@strToFind = @StrSub)BEGINSET @res = @position - 1RETURN @resENDELSESET @position = @position + 1ENDRETURN @resENDAlonso
I have some data-- specifically times for cell phone usage in the format of (7:00, 15:51, 1,200:45, etc). I need to find a way to remove the ":" and the ","-- sum the data and then return it to its previous format of (7:00, 15:51, 1,200:45, etc). Does anyone have some code they could post??
I have been placed in the position of administering our SQL server 6.5 (Microsoft). Being new to SQL and having some knowledge of databases (used to use Foxpro 2.6 for...DOS!) I am faced with an ever increasing table of incoming call information from our Ascend MAX RAS equipment. This table increases by 900,000 records a month. The previous administrator (no longer available) was using a Visual Foxpro 5 application to archive and remove the data older than 60 days. Unfortunately he left and took with him Visual Fox and all of his project files.
My question is this: Is there an easy way to archive then remove the data older than 60 days from the table? I would like to archive it to a tape drive. We need to maintain this archive for the purposes of searching back through customer calls for IP addresses on certain dates and times. We are an ISP, and occasionally need to give this information to law enforcement agencies. So we cannot just delete it.
--Example Schema posted at end of message:---For reporting purposes, I need to build a single comma delimited string ofvalues from the "many" tableof a database.The easiest way to see what I want is to look at the sample after mysignature.By the way, this is actually a busines problem, not homework! I justcreated a simpleexample using class and persons because everyone is familiar with thatrelationship.I have two tables on the 'one' side of the relationship: PERSON and CLASSThe ENROLLMENT table resolves the many to many relationship between PERSONand CLASS.(I know that a real system would be date effective, etc, but this is just asimple example.that will show my problem). ENROLLMENT has one row for each Class in which aPerson is enrolled.Look at the sample report: I have to "flatten" the join result and listthe class titles in acomma delimited string. I am stuck with this reporting requirement, and Iam NOT going to denormalizethe tables.One way to accomplish the result is to use a cursor to step through the rowsand build a "Classes"string with concatenation. I don't much like this option. I am not writingthe front end code,but I want to make it easy for the developer. Ideally, I would like to givehim a flattened viewso he can just do a simple join and run his report.I believe that what I want cannot be accomplished with ANSI SQL. However,does MS SQL have someextensions that could help me do the job? Failing that, how could I write astored procedure that wouldreturn the personID and the "Classes" string in a format that would bejoinable to the other tables?Thanks,Bill MacLeanP.S. Some people like to see actual database scripts as samples instead ofa textual representation.I have pasted in a script that creates sample tables and populates them.--Sample Tables and Reports:TABLE PERSONPersonID LastNM FirstNM--------- ----------- ---------1 Smith John2 Jones Sara3 Smith LucilleTABLE CLASSClassID ClassNM----------- ------------------10 SQL Server 10120 C++25 Object Oriented Design40 Inorganic Chemistry50 Organic Chemistry80 Early Lit.TABLE ENROLLMENTPersonID ClassID-------- ---------1 102 101 401 803 203 25SAMPLE REPORTPerson ID Name Classes--------- ----------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------1 Smith, John SQL Server 101, Inorganic Chemistry,Early Lit.2 Jones, Sara SQL Server 1013 Smith, Lucille C++, Object Oriented Design/************************************************** ********SQL Server Script/************************************************** ********/CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CLASS] ([ClassID] [int] NOT NULL ,[ClassNM] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[ENROLLMENT] ([PersonID] [int] NOT NULL ,[ClassID] [int] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[PERSON] ([PersonID] [int] NOT NULL ,[LastNM] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[FirstNM] [varchar] (15) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[CLASS] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_CLASS] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([ClassID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[ENROLLMENT] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_ENROLLMENT] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([PersonID],[ClassID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[PERSON] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [PK_PERSON] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([PersonID]) ON [PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[ENROLLMENT] ADDCONSTRAINT [FK_ENROLLMENT_CLASS] FOREIGN KEY([ClassID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[CLASS] ([ClassID]),CONSTRAINT [FK_ENROLLMENT_PERSON] FOREIGN KEY([PersonID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[PERSON] ([PersonID])GO-- Insert rwo for each CLASSINSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (10,'SQL Server 101');INSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (20,'C++');INSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (25,'Object Oriented Design');INSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (40,'Inorganic Chemistry');INSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (50,'Organic Chemistry');INSERT INTO CLASS VALUES (80,'Early Lit.');-- Insert row for each PERSONINSERT INTO PERSON VALUES (1, 'Smitn','John');INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES (2, 'Jones','Sara');INSERT INTO PERSON VALUES (3, 'Smith','Lucille');--Insert row for each ENROLLMENTINSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (1,10);INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (1,40);INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (1,80);INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (2,10);INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (3,20);INSERT INTO ENROLLMENT VALUES (3,25);
Hi My question is about the INSTR function of MSAccess I want to know
Goodbye at every I would you like to know if in TransactSQL of SQLServer7 exist a function that return the position of a string into an other string . that is a Instr function MSAccess like
I went to Microsoft to find some info about the function Instr. I need to perform a search with a string similar to their example I found below. Can anyone explain to me Microsoft's example?? I am little confused by the parameters used and the explanation it gives back to me??
Dim SearchString, SearchChar, MyPos SearchString ="XXpXXpXXPXXP" ' String to search in. SearchChar = "P" ' Search for "P". MyPos = Instr(4, SearchString, SearchChar, 1) ' A textual comparison starting at position 4. Returns 6. MyPos = Instr(1, SearchString, SearchChar, 0) ' A binary comparison starting at position 1. Returns 9. MyPos = Instr(SearchString, SearchChar) ' Comparison is binary by default (last argument is omitted). Returns 9. MyPos = Instr(1, SearchString, "W") ' A binary comparison starting at position 1. Returns 0 ("W" is not found).
My problem is this:
I need to scan within SearchString for blanks/spaces characters. When I find one, then place the values to the left and right of it in seperate columns. For example, I would need to scan 'John Smith A' and then place 'John' in FirstName column, 'Smith' in LastName column, and 'A' in MidName column.
I think this is how my code would read, but I am confused on how to place the results into my table to the correct columns?
my search string would be SearchString = 'John Smith A' my SearchChar would be SearchChar = ' ' (note I am searching for a space/blank character)
So would then my code be like:
Dim SearchString, SearchChar, MyPos SearchString = 'John Smith A' SearchChar = ' ' MyPos = Instr(1, SearchString, SearchChar, 0)
How do I get whatever is returned from the Instr function to a column in a table??
My SQL is extremly rusted so I need some help with a very basic function. I have a character field which is built up using a category code + '-' + number. The problem I have is that the category codes are all different lengths and the items were added using 9 instead of 09. I'm trying to clean up the data so that the same item with e.g. category code DZ20 cannot be added as DZ20-1 and DZ20-01. How do I find the position of the '-' in the Query Analyser for MSSQL 2000?
string2 is the substring to search for in string1.
start_position is the position in string1 where the search will start. This argument is optional. If omitted, it defaults to 1. The first position in the string is 1. If the start_position is negative, the function counts back start_position number of characters from the end of string1 and then searches towards the beginning of string1.
nth_appearance is the nth appearance of string2. This is optional. If omiited, it defaults to 1.
In SQL Server, we are having CHARINDEX and PATINDEX functions. But they will not accept the fourth paremeter (nth_appearance)
I have a field that contains a town  ex : New York. Sometimes, the field will have brackets to be more specific ex: New York (Brooklyn). What I need is a formula that will return only "Brooklyn" if there are brackets or  the whole field if there are no brackets.Here's what I thought would do the trick :
So if InStr returns more than 0, meaning that I have brackets, I'll split at the "(", get the second part and remove the last character which is the closing bracket I don't want. If there is no bracket, I'll return the whole field.Somehow, when there is no bracket, my report overview shows me "#Error" as if the first Iif was true and what's in the true part is not actually possible, because it's trying to take the second part of a split that couldn't split because there is no bracket to split.
I have what seems a simple requirement. We want to import the contents of a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report into a SQL Server 2005 database, in order to perform some checks on reports displayed to users. Is there an easy way to achieve this? XML would seem appropriate, but I can't find a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this. Any pointers/suggestions would be appreciated.
I have a table ComponentPeriod. In it we have the combination of a component (e.g. A,B,C ) and a period (2014 Q1, 2014 Q2, 2014 January etc)I want the periods to be in descending order (2015 Q4, 2015 Dec, 2015 Nov, 2015 Oct, 2015 Q3 ... etc) and so I need to create a sequential number series to allow this to happen (as we can only order in the client tools by a single column - and so I guess the technique I'm looking for is used a lot to produce these types of "order by" columns)
Which was fine when I was referring to a table where Periods where distinct directly but now I have denormalised this for ComponentPeriod so I need something a little more sophisticated Whats the best way to get a sequence with perhaps some partitions in across a subset of distinct columns (I guess from SUMMARIZE or similar)
even though there may be multiple records in ComponentPeriod that have the period 2015 Q4, but I want them all to have the value Sequence value of 1? I've got as far as:
STATIC Defines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table in tempdb; therefore, modifications made to base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor, and this cursor does not allow modifications
It say's that modifications is not allowed in the static cursor. I have a questions regarding that
Static Cursor declare ll cursor global static            for select name, salary from ag  open ll             fetch from ll               while @@FETCH_STATUS=0               fetch from ll                update ag set salary=200 where 1=1    close ll deallocate ll
In "AG" table, "SALARY" was 100 for all the entries. When I run the Cursor, it showed the salary value as "100" correctly.After the cursor was closed, I run the query select * from AG.But the result had updated to salary 200 as given in the cursor. file says modifications is not allowed in the static cursor.But I am able to update the data using static cursor.
Hello,I have a test database with table A containing 10,000 rows and a tableB containing 100,000 rows. Rows in B are "children" of rows in A -each row in A has 10 related rows in B (ie. B has a foreign key to A).Using ODBC I am executing the following loop 10,000 times, expressedbelow in pseudo-code:"select * from A order by a_pk option (fast 1)""fetch from A result set""select * from B where where fk_to_a = 'xxx' order by b_pk option(fast 1)""fetch from B result set" repeated 10 timesIn the above psueod-code 'xxx' is the primary key of the current Arow. NOTE: it is not a mistake that we are repeatedly doing the Aquery and retrieving only the first row.When the queries use fast-forward-only cursors this takes about 2.5minutes. When the queries use dynamic cursors this takes about 1 hour.Does anyone know why the dynamic cursor is killing performance?Because of the SQL Server ODBC driver it is not possible to havenested/multiple fast-forward-only cursors, hence I need to exploreother alternatives.I can only assume that a different query plan is getting constructedfor the dynamic cursor case versus the fast forward only cursor, but Ihave no way of finding out what that query plan is.All help appreciated.Kevin
I'm trying to implement a sp_MSforeachsp howvever when I call sp_MSforeach_worker I get the following error can you please explain this problem to me so I can over come the issue.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 31
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 32
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16917, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 153
Cursor is not open.
here is the stored procedure:
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MSforeachsp]
@command1 nvarchar(2000)
, @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?'
, @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @whereand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @precommand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @postcommand nvarchar(2000) = null
/* This procedure belongs in the "master" database so it is acessible to all databases */
/* This proc returns one or more rows for each stored procedure */
/* @precommand and @postcommand may be used to force a single result set via a temp table. */
declare @retval int
if (@precommand is not null) EXECUTE(@precommand)
/* Create the select */
EXECUTE(N'declare hCForEachTable cursor global for
I created the db with the attached script and I am able to access ituntil I reboot the server. I've tried enabling flag 1807 via the SQLserver service and the startup parameters of the instance. In allcases the database always come up suspect after a reboot. There wasone instance where I was able to recover, but I am not sure how thathappened.Does anyone have an idea of how I can reboot the server without thedatabase becomming suspect?USE MASTERGODBCC TRACEON(1807)GO--DBCC TRACEOFF(1807)--DBCC TRACESTATUS(1807)GOCREATE DATABASE ReadyNAS ON( NAME = ReadyNAS_Data,FILENAME = '\NAS1NASDiskSQL ServerReadyNASReadyNAS_Data.mdf',SIZE = 100MB,MAXSIZE = 20GB,FILEGROWTH = 20MB)LOG ON ( NAME = ReadyNAS_Log,FILENAME = '\NAS1NASDiskSQL ServerReadyNASReadyNAS_Log.ldf',SIZE = 20MB,MAXSIZE = 100MB,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)
Part 2
my question is, how to join the part 1 n part 2? is there posibility?
I'm new to cursors, and I'm not sure what's wrong with this code, it run for ever and when I stop it I get cursor open errors
declare Q cursor for select systudentid from satrans
declare @id int
open Q fetch next from Q into @id while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
declare c cursor for
Select b.ssn, SaTrans.SyStudentID, satrans.date, satrans.type, SaTrans.SyCampusID, Amount = Case SaTrans.Type When 'P' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1 When 'C' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1 Else SaTrans.Amount END
From SaTrans , systudent b where satrans.systudentid = b.systudentid
I having a difficult time here trying to figure out what to do here.I need a way to scroll through a recordset and display the resultswith both forward and backward movement on a web page(PHP usingADO/COM)..I know that if I use a client side cursor all the records get shovedto the client everytime that stored procedure is executed..if thisdatabase grows big wont that be an issue?..I know that I can set up a server side cursor that will only send therecord I need to the front end but..Ive been reading around and a lot of people have been saying never touse a server side cursor because of peformance issues.So i guess im weighing network performance needs with the client sidecursor vs server performance with the server side cursor..I am reallyconfused..which one should I use?-Jim
I hope this is the appropriate forum for this question, if not then I apologize. I've got a SQL Server 2000 stored procedure that returns data to be used in a crystal report in Visual Studio 2005. Most of the stored procedure works well, but there is a point where I need to calculate an average number of days been a group of date pairs. I'm not familiar with cursors, but I think that I will need to use one to achieve the result I am looking for so I came up with the code below which is a snippet from my stored procedure. In this part of the code, the sp looks at the temporary table #lmreport (which holds all of the data that is returned at the end to crystal) and for every row in the table where the terrid is 'T' (the territory is domestic), it selects all of those territories from the territory table and loops through them to determine the date averages (by calling a nested stored procedure, also included below) for each territory and then updates #lmreport with that data. When I try to run the stored procedure, I get "The column prefix '#lmreport' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query." on the line indicated. Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong or if this will even work the way I need it to? Thank you in advance.