Using Cubes With Translations From SSRS

Sep 27, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have defined a cube with translations on every dimension and measure group.

when I query this cube from BIDS, the captions of each column have text in the right language (whatever is chosen in BIDS at the time of query)

Now, my customers will be sending queries from SSRS. when i fire the MDX query from SSRS I want to extract the MEMBER_CAPTION dimension property (I think this will contain the translated text for each columns header)

My question is how can I extract this from SSRS?


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Using SSRS 2005 With AS 2000 Cubes As A Data Source

Oct 25, 2007


I'm am writing a report in SSRS 2005 on a local PC that uses cubes in AS 2000 on another server as a datasource. I am using the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Extension (OLAP9) to connect to the cubes using windows authentication. I can save and preview the report in visual studio and publish the reports on IIS on my local PC with no problems but when I go to view the report in IE, I get the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing.
Query execution failed for data set 'dataset'.
Unable to recognize the requested property ID 'ReturnCellProperties'.

Have read various articles on the net with no conclusive explanation.

I have seen another post on this forum that suggests using OLEDB for Analysis Services instead but if I do this it doesn't allow me to use the MDX visual query designer. Creating the report using OLAP9 then changing to OLEDB and pasting in the query code doesn't work so well either.

I went and read about data sources supported by SSRS 2005 and it should be ok.

I am using sql server 2005 with the latest service pack 2.

Any ideas?

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Transfer Data(Cubes+virtual Cubes) From Sql2000 To Sql 2005

Jun 6, 2006

Süleyman writes "I want to transfer databases with cubes and virtual cubes from SQL 2000 Analysis Server to SQL 2005 SQL Express. i can transfer the cubes? i can transfer the virtual cubes?

3.Why i see the tables(saw)and the cubes in SQL Managment only under Tables together and nothing under cubes?

Please help me
many thanks

Süleyman from Germany/Frankfurt am Main"

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Language Translations

Sep 30, 2004

Good morning. I have an interesting scenario where one of the requirements of the application is to translate an application to different languages. Modelling the system to translate the UI went over without a hitch, however, we have now been told that the application will need to translate all the existing database tables. Has anyone ever had to do anything like this?

I was curious if anyone out there has any suggestions on how to approach this issue... ways in which it could be modeled, alternative approaches, anything at all would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance!

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Error Translations

May 13, 2007

I'm importing data from a flat file into a SQL Server table. Yes, I have this thing mapped correctly, data converted correctly, data scrubbed correctly. I've tested this against 14 successive files dumped from the source system and everything works perfectly...until today. Now I'm getting the following gobbledygook.

I have absolutely no clue where to even begin looking. I've already inspected every single column in the input file that is converted to something other than a string. Absolutely nothing shows up as being an overflow or truncation issue. I've calculated the maximum length of every single text column being imported and none of them overflow the destination either. Where do I even start in this completely uninformative junk to even try to figure out where the issue is?

Error: 0xC02020C7 at Load Tables, MLBAMBio [1656]: The attempt to send a row to SQL Server failed with error code 0x80004005.

Error: 0xC0047022 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "MLBAMBio" (1656) failed with error code 0xC02020C7. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC02020C7. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread7" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0202009 at Load Tables, MLBAMBio [1656]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E57.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E57 Description: "The statement has been terminated.".

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E57 Description: "String or binary data would be truncated.".

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread7" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread3" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread3" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread9" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread9" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Error: 0xC0047039 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread2" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled.

Error: 0xC0047021 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread2" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited.

Information: 0x40043008 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.

Information: 0x402090DD at Load Tables, Biography [951]: The processing of file "D:FTPtransfersourcecurbio.csv" has ended.

Error: 0xC02092B5 at Load Tables, MLBAMBio [1656]: A commit failed.

Error: 0xC0047018 at Load Tables, DTS.Pipeline: component "MLBAMBio" (1656) failed the post-execute phase and returned error code 0xC02092B5.

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Analysis :: MDX To Retrieve Translations?

Nov 2, 2015

how can I retrieve translated attributes using mdx query. I have translated my dimension's attribute in French(France) but not getting it in caption column. I used below query


LEVEL_CAPTION column has same value as LEVEL_NAME. I ran this query after changing default language of analysis service to French(France).

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Analysis :: Cube Attributes Translations

Nov 3, 2015

How can we select translated text of cube translations, like measures, dimensions, dimension attributes. I have below query which return translations of dimension attribute's memebers

MEMBER Measures.CategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION
MEMBER Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID3082")
MEMBER Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption AS Product.Category.CurrentMember.Properties("LCID1036")
{ Measures.CategoryCaption, Measures.SpanishCategoryCaption, Measures.FrenchCategoryCaption } ON 0
,[Product].[Category].MEMBERS ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]

I am getting translations of product category members but I want to get translated text of "Category"?

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Code Page Translations Are Not Supported For The Text Data Type. From: 1252 To: 950.

Jul 23, 2005

Code page translations are not supported for the text data type. From:1252 To: 950.I would like to know what this message means. I also installed thelanguage packs in advanced settings, Everything is set to English. Mywindows XP computer is XP English. For some reason I cant get an updateto go thru using ADO. like Recordset.UpdateAlthough other routines using .update workAny ideas?

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Aug 10, 2005

I have virtual PC loaded on my machine .Everytime i try to view data in the Data Pane in Analysis Manager,it comes up with an error "Unable to browse the data(Unspecified error).I have tried restarting the DHCP services but has not no effect .
Could someone please advice me.

Have 2 virtual PC's running on is the Domain Controller named as London and the other one is Brisbane which is a memebr of the domain controller.
Niether the London and Brisabn are able to dispaly the data in the data pane in Analysis Manager.
Please Advice.

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Jan 25, 2008

What permission do i need to deploy a cube?

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Can't Browse Cubes

Jan 22, 2003

I use the SQL Analysis Manager to create a cube and it can process successful, but when i want to browse the cube, it shows the error message: " Unable to browse the cube "my cube name", Unspecified error"

can anybody tell me what's wrong with that? thanks

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Cubes Question

Mar 12, 2003

Hi all,

I have created a cube in sql server
analysis manager and now i want to
give that to end .exe program
what are all the possible ways we can give that to the end user.....

how to do that...


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Is It Possible To Get A Usage Log Of My Cubes

Dec 5, 2004


I have managed to setup some cubes on the server, have roles defined, and users are using

these and the results are mathcing...

Is there a way that I can get some sort of user based usage log of the cubes andget details

of when and what type of data did any user see/make use of?

I'll appreciate any help in this regard.

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Mar 3, 2004

When I try to modify a OLAp Cube, suddenly appears a Error message

"Unknow Error. Restart the Application"

And this break my cube down

This is not always, just some time, for example when I proof the cube on Microsoft Excel or After I backed up the databes of analysis

What can I do?
I'll thanks your quick answer

NOTE: My cube use MOLAP aggregations

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How To Browse Cubes On Web

Mar 22, 2007

how to do I use these cubes on web for browsers as I do in business intelligent IDE in visual studio. Are there any free component available for web throught which cubes dtaa can be browsed or are there any methods available in SQL server to publish cubes to web

Any help in this regard will greately appriciated.

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Distributing OLAP Cubes

Aug 18, 2000

I'm looking into adding OLAP Cubes as part of our software to be distributed with our OLTP and eventually OLAP databases.
Is there any books that deal with distributing OLAP Cubes and or security.
Our clients will have SQL Server with our databases.

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Scripting OLAP Cubes

Mar 16, 2000

Is there a way to script your OLAP cubes created in OLAP Manager to e.g. text files with CREATE CUBE and SELECT INTO statements.

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About Cubes In Analysis Manager

Feb 13, 2003

Hi all,

I am working on datawarehouse
using sql server analysis manager.
I created a cube ..that is working fine
but now i have to distribute to end users
so how to do it and how many ways we can do that

1)can we make that .cub file
2)how can give access to endusers
without giving access to database
3)how to host a cube and access from
excel or any other software


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Acessing Cubes Through The Internet

Feb 26, 2003

I have a Analysis Servises installed in a Windows 2000 server and I created
a cube on it. I created also an ASP page with Web Pivot Control to access
the cube, but when the users open my ASP page they can´t access the cube. Their machines
doen´t have Excell 2000 installed.

Is it necessary to heve the Pivot table Service installed in the user machine? Or I only have toinstall the Office Web Components ? Or both?
it´s true how can I install Pivot Table Service in the user machine? Is
there a specific setup program to install it or is the same setup program
used to install Analysis Services? How should I do this? Should I have a
link in the ASP page to run the setup program? Should I do a download?


Paulo Ortega

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Processing Of Cubes In A Scheduled DTS

Mar 12, 2004

Hi everyone!

I created a DTS which does some data transformations before processing some cubes. It finished processing in abt 10mins when I run this DTS manually. However, when I schedule this DTS to run, it took around 3 over hours to run. Does anybody know where the problem lies? I have been looking for a solution for this for a long time and I'm hoping that somebody can help me...

Thank you!! :)


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Indexes Within SSAS Cubes

Sep 11, 2007

New to SSAS so, have some not so intelligent ???

We have created Dimensional Model within SQL 2005 and created SSIS packages to load. We have Pk's on Dimensions and FK's on one Fact table. We are thinking about adding clustered index to Fact that consists of the FK's and order by the Hierarchy within the Fact by Dimension. IS THIS A GOOD IDEA IF WE DRILL DOWN AND DRILL THROUGH = QUESTION #1


THank you

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Count The Number Of Cubes

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,Do you know how can I count the number of cubes and number of databasesin SQL Analysis Services using T-SQL?Thanks.

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OLAP Cubes And Programming

Jul 20, 2005

I cannot seem to find a group where this question would fit so I amposting it here. I have what I believe is a unique situation. I amusing SQL Server Analysis Server to build a cube of "snapshot"month-end type of data. This data is from an instance of MicrosoftNavision and I have successfully used SQL-DMO and DTSPackage Libraryobjects to allow the user to rebuild the cube through Navision. Thisis accounting data and as such, the accountants want to be able toarchive this data by month. I know through Analysis Server Managerinterface I can copy the cube and save it to a different name.I would like to know if there is a way to programmatically save a cubeto a different name with some type of automation object?Thanks

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Mining On Olap Cubes

Dec 26, 2007

While creating a model, i can access to relational tables as data source, but not to olap cubes. Is it possible to browse olap cubes for mining? If yes, how? Thanks...

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Mining Cubes Vs Relational

Nov 21, 2006

I've not found much guidance so far about the pros and cons of mining OLAP cubes vs their underlying fact and dimension tables. Can anyone offer advice in this area, or point me to more info about this?


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One Report Based On Two Cubes

Dec 22, 2006


Is there any possibility to build one report based on two cubes? please come up with different solutions for this issue.

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Reports With OLAP Cubes

Apr 19, 2006


I try to design a report with Chart based on an Analysis Services Data source...

It does'nt work !!!

Has anyone else the same problem??

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Data Cubes Using MS Analysis Services

Jan 6, 2006

I need to use cubes in VS 2005 web project. I have no clue how to create cubes or use them in my web page. I am familiar with Reporting Services but not cubes.
thanks in advance!

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User Rights In OLAP Cubes

Jul 12, 2000

How can we allow users to access a MS SQL Server OLAP cube but restrict the level of data that he might see?
I mean, if there is a cube with data for three different countries. How can one user be restricted to see data pertaining to
only one of the countries and not the other two countries?

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OLAP 2000 - Cubes - Filters

Sep 14, 2000

Does anyone know the best way to set up filters against the Cube data.
Ex. The Cube was built with data for 1998,1999, 2000.
The totals and the rollups will include the value for all years.
Client A want to access the Cube Data through Excel 2000 but only wants to see the values for 1999 - with the correct totals and rollups...

I know you can uncheck the other years in the filters in excel, but the totals and rollups will still include the values summing for all years.

Is there away to pass in a query on the fly?


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Automatically Refreshing OLAP Cubes...

Dec 14, 2000

Can someone tell me how you can automate the refresh of OLAP Cubes? I just inhereted a data warehouse running on SQL7 and the idea of having to go in and manually refresh the cubes everyday is, well... stupid. I can't believe that they've been doing this for a year. Unfortunately, I'm not familar enough with MSOLAP yet and I can't figure this out. Any tips?

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Moving OLAP Cubes / Databases

Oct 9, 1999

How can I move OLAP Databases / specific cubes or virtual cubes from our Development Server to the UAT or LIVE servers ?



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SQL Server And Analysis Services (Cubes)

Aug 7, 2002

Hi, i want to back up my SQL Server database and the cubes i've made on the anaysis services

i have backed up the SQL server database wihtthe wizard, and i do not know how to back up the cubes..

Is it possible, and if so, HOW??

reply @

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