Using Error Handler How Can I Execute My Pkgs If One Got Failed

Oct 24, 2006

Hi Every one,

i give a small fuzzle for you here , ie . i have a job which includes 6 packages in that one and while running that job any one package is fialed how can i execute that next package even that before package was failed. i am using for loop container for running my 6 packages ... is there any method to do this like on error resume next in .net


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Execute SQL Task: Executing The Query Exec (?) Failed With The Following Error: Syntax Error Or Access Violation. Possible F

Jan 23, 2008

I'm having an SSIS package which gives the following error when executed :

Error: 0xC002F210 at Create Linked Server, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec (?)" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.Task failed: Create Linked Server

The package has a single Execute SQL task with the properties listed below :

General Properties
Result Set : None

ConnectionType : OLEDB
Connection : Connected to a Local Database (DB1)
SQLSourceType : Direct Input
SQL Statement : exec(?)
IsQueryStorePro : False
BypassPrepare : False

Parameter Mapping Properties

variableName Direction DataType ParameterName

User::AddLinkSql Input Varchar 0

'AddLinkSql' is a global variable of package scope of type string with the value
Exec sp_AddLinkedServer 'Srv1','','SQLOLEDB.1',@DataSrc='localhost',@catalog ='DB1'

When I try to execute the Query task, it fails with the above error. Also, the above the sql statement cannot be parsed and gives error "The query failed to parse. Syntax or access violation"

I would like to add that the above package was migrated from DTS, where it runs without any error, eventhough
it gives the same parse error message.

I would appreciate if anybody can help me out of this issue by suggeting where the problem is.

Thanks in Advance.

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Execute Package Task Error: Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password

Jun 20, 2006

I have a package (PackageA) with an Execute Package Task that execs PackageB. When I run PackageA I get this error on the Execute Package Task :

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

PackageB has 'EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey' ProtectionLevel. I'm providing passwords in the dtsConfig so I'm guessing I should change it to 'DontSaveSensitive'?

Interestingly, PackageA also has 'EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey' ProtectionLevel, but I don't get an error about PackageA, just on the task that runs PackageB.

(SP1 is installed).

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Implementing Transaction In SSIS Package - [Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed To Acquire Connection &&<ConnectionName&&>.

Jun 30, 2006

I have a simple SSIS package with three "Execute SQL Tasks". I am using ADO.Net Connection to execute SPs on a DB server.

When I execute this package It works fine. So far so good.

Now, I need to implement transation on this package. And problem starts now onwards. When I try to execute package after setting TransationOption = Required for the Sequence container which contains all the tasks, I get following error.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "NYCDB0008.Export". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

"NYCDB0008.Export" is the name of the ADO.Net connection. I have been hunting for any solution but all in vain. I have tried changing all DTC settings on the dev as well as Database server.

Please respond if anyone has any solution.



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Error Handler

Feb 18, 2008

2 questions:
1) if I place an Execute SQL Task in OnError event of the Error Handler at the Package level, will it catch all of my possible task errors? There's no need to add an Event Handler for each task in the Control flow?

2) A stupid one...I'd like to test my Event Handler (writing to custom log table in case there's an error in the Integration Service)...any ideas how to provoke an SSIS error to check my Error Handler ?


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Error In Event Handler

May 22, 2008

will a package fail if an error occurs in a task inside an event handler?

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Custom Error Msg Breaks My Error Handler

Aug 17, 2007


I added this line of code to my error handler script, in red.

User:criptError is a package-level string variable
User:criptError has a value assigned to it when another script encounters an error condition (which I define)
I added "User:criptError" as a read-only variable to the error handler script task.

Public Sub Main()

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception

messages = New Collections.ArrayList()

End Try




Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value = messages

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

Now, when I run the package, and an it encounters an error, it task just hangs, that is, it stays yellow instead of turning red... if I remove the line in red above, it works ok again.

Why would this line cause a problem??


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Is There An Error Handler In Sql Stored Procedures?

Dec 7, 2006

is there an error handler in sql stored procedures? For example if i want to do a drop something and there is a lock, i want to try return if it droped it or not and if not then try again later

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Error Handler Testing For Microsoft Errors

Jul 12, 2015

I need to develop code for a TRY...CATCH block in SQL Server 2008 R2 for the following error, that occurs when I get a timeout from a linked server that connects to a server in another country:

OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyRemoteServer" returned message "ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 77
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "ORAOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "MyRemoteServer".

Most times, it doesn't time out, but occasionally gives me a 7303 error. I can't control when timeouts happen and when they don't. I can't use RAISERROR on error 7303, as it only works on custom errors >= 50000.

My question is, how do I simulate a timeout so that I can verify my error handling code? I need a procedure that waits 10 seconds and tries again 3 times, but how do I generate the error?

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My Error Handler Writes Duplicate Messages To Email!

Aug 22, 2007

I am using an error handler that was provided to me from another source. However, I notice that there's something in the code that writes the error message twice. I tried to discover what it was, but could not seem to pinpoint it. Here's an example of what my email messages look like:

Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.
Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.

Obviously, I just want my email to read:

Is activity file current?
The Script returned a failure result.
The extracts in D:myFolder are not current! Data NOT loaded.

Somewhere, errorMessages is being written to more than once. Need help finding the error.


Here is the code from my Event Handlers:

OnError event:

Public Sub Main()

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception

messages = New Collections.ArrayList()

End Try




Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value = messages

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

On PostExecute:

Public Sub Main()

Dim errorDesc As String

Dim messages As Collections.ArrayList


messages = CType(Dts.Variables("errorMessages").Value, Collections.ArrayList)

Catch ex As Exception


End Try

For Each errorDesc In messages

Dts.Variables("emailText").Value = Dts.Variables("emailText").Value.ToString + errorDesc + vbCrLf


Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

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Integration Services :: Difference Between On-error Event Handler And Precedence Constrain Failure

Sep 1, 2015

Is there any differene between on-error event handler and precedence constrain failure? I have created a package and if a data flow task(flat file to DB) fails, the file has to be moved to archive folder. How I have accomplished this is Dataflow task->precedence constrain failed(red arrow)->execute process task to move the file to error folder and it worked,The same execute process task( to move the file to error folder) doesnot work  when I move this to on-error event handler. Also, for the same file the on-error event is getting triggered multiple times.

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DTS Pkgs

Jan 23, 2008

Is there any limitation on how many tables I can export using DTS PKGS.? I have almost 110 tables, I need to export to another SQL server-- I want to use dts pkg-- is there limitation?



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What To Do With Pkgs Once Created In BIS?

Mar 6, 2007


I have been in the process of creating some new pkgs in BIS. My question is, once I am done writing the pkgs, what next?

That is, how do I get the pkgs into SQL Server, and how do I schedule them to run?

Also, what if I have the following scenario:

I have created a new SSIS pkg that has several EXECUTE DTS 2000 tasks in them. The DTS packages that are called from the EXECUTE DTS 2000 task are stored in the database under "Legacy". These should still run OK once I "load" the packages to SQL Server 2005, yes?

Where do the SSIS packages "live" in SQL Server 2005? That is, where can I view them.

Thank you!!

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Deploying SSIS Pkgs

Mar 14, 2007


I have some questions.

Regarding SQL Server deployment, it says to use this option if sharing packages between servers. Does this mean sharing packages between development, test, and production environments? Or just sharing among production servers?

That is, I am trying to determine if I should deploy my packages on SQL Server, or just store them on the local file system. These packages will NOT be used on any other production server. So should I just keep them on the file system?

Another question. I see that I have a package stored in the "sysdtspackages90" table in the msdb database. Since I have not done any SQL Server deployment yet, I don't understand how this particular package ended up in this table. Is it OK to remove? I think this is a previous version of a package that I have since re-written. Are there any dependencies on this "sysdtspackages90" table that I should be aware of?


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SSIS Pkgs Migration Question

May 30, 2008

I have a server that is sql2000. We are planning to upgrade that to SQL SERVER 2005.
We also have a test 2005 server.
Before going live, we are migrating all 100 DTS pkgs that we have
in sql server 200 over to SSSS on the TEST 2005 sql Server. once all THE 100 DTSPKGS THAT we have in SQL
2000 PKGS Are scucessfuly migrated/tested on test 2005 server, only then we will
move forward with migrating the PRODuction 2000 Server to 2005.

My question is:

1. When we are ready to migrate PRODuction 2000 SERVER, TO 2005, We will need to transfer/copy all
the SSIS 2005 PKGS THAT WE HAD tested on the test 2005 server. Once we move that to prod 2005,
we will need to change datasource connection to point to the PRODuction 2005 SERVER.

However my question is WHAT IS THE EASIEST/FASTEST WAY TO tranfer/copy all these (100+ ssis pkgs)
2005 ssis pkgs that are on the TEST SERVER
OVER TO PROD 2005 SERVER? Do we transfer each and every SSIS PKg manually ,or is there any easy way to get
these 100 SSIS Pkgs, over from TEST 2005 TO PROD 2005?

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Help! The Transaction Log Is Full Error In SSIS Execute SQL Task When I Execute A DELETE SQL Query

Dec 6, 2006

Dear all:

I had got the below error when I execute a DELETE SQL query in SSIS Execute SQL Task :

Error: 0xC002F210 at DelAFKO, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "DELETE FROM [CQMS_SAP].[dbo].[AFKO]" failed with the following error: "The transaction log for database 'CQMS_SAP' is full. To find out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

But my disk has large as more than 6 GB space, and I query the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases which return value as "NOTHING".

So this confused me, any one has any experience on this?

Many thanks,


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SSIS Execute Package With Execute Out Of Process = True Causes ProductLevelToLow Error

Mar 6, 2008


I have a master package, which executes child packages that are located on a SQL Server. The Child packages execute other child packages which are also located on the SQL server.

Everything works fine when I execute in process. But when I set the parameter in the mater package ExecutePackageTask to ExecuteOutOfProcess = True, I get the following error

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "Row Count" (5349).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "SCR Custom Split" (6399).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "SCR Data Source" (5100).

Error: 0xC00470FE at DFT Load Data, DTS.Pipeline: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW. The product level is insufficient for component "DST_SCR Load Data" (6149).

The child packages all run fine when executed directly, and the master package runs fine if Execute Out of Process is False.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Execute DTS Package From ASP Failed

Jan 19, 2005

I am trying to run DTS Package from ASP 3.0 with the following codes:

Set objDTSPackage = server.CreateObject("DTS.Package")
objDTSPackage.LoadFromSQLServer "serverName", "", "", 256,,,,"pkgName"
objDTSPackage.FailOnError = true

It failed with this message, "Package failed because Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed".

I am using NT Authentication in both IIS and SQLServer, and both Web and SQLServer are in the same machine.

Can someone help? Thank you.

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[mssql][ant] Failed To Execute: GO

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am trying to execute a simple sql file thru ant task. The file is:use [centivaTest]GOHowever I get the errror message:[sql] Failed to execute: use [centivaTest] GOSo I changed the file to:use [centivaTest] ;GOas ant treats ';' as a delimiter. However another erro messageappears:[mssql][ant] Failed to execute: GODo you know how to execute my simple sql statements thru ant (orgenerally what wrong am I doing)?Best regards,Maciek Zywno

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Package Failed To Execute

Jan 21, 2008

I've designed a package using 'SSIS import/export wizard'. This package just copy some tables from one server to another. First time the package execute successfully but next day it fails. I am not sure what am I doing wrong. Any ideas?

Thanks in avdance.

SSIS package "Refresh_Tables.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at NonTransactableSql, Execute SQL Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find a part of the path 'C:Documents and Settingsadmin_dbaLocal SettingsTemp2 mp42.tmp'.".
Task failed: NonTransactableSql
SSIS package "Refresh_Tables.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The program '[4196] Refresh_Tables.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

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Execute Package Task Says Login Failed For 'sa'

Feb 22, 2007

Please help me with this error, I am desperate.

SSIS package "Clear.dtsx" starting.Error: 0xC0202009 at Clear, Connection manager "": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user 'sa'.".Error: 0xC00220E4 at Execute Package Task: Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!..Task failed: Execute Package TaskWarning: 0x80019002 at Clear: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.SSIS package "Clear.dtsx" finished: Failure.

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Weird That SQL JOb Failed While The Package Execute Could Be Successful.

Sep 15, 2007

More than 10 times, i validated the package can be executed successfully, if i use a SQL job to run this package. All data and function goes well, however the job result reported failure after i saw the job 100% completed.
That 's so weird.

Anyone met the same the issue.
Could anyone give me some suggestion or hints?

Debugged it frustrateed~~

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Execute Package Logon Failed For User....

Sep 27, 2006

Fairly new to SSIS.I have created a package in BIDS, and am trying to execute it so i can test/debug the flow and view the data in the data viewers. I continually get a logon failed for user... its the user id i am using to connect to my SourceConnection OLEDB. I have been struggling with this for a while now, and getting frustrated. I tried Windows Authentication also, still i get an error message logon failed for user......

I have tried all of the security settings, from Do not save sensitive to Encrypt all with password, entered the password, and then try to Execute Package from the solution explorer and still get error message. Thanks for your help!

Here is the error message

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D Description: "Login failed for user 'UserName'.".

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Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Jan 3, 2001

I get the following error when I try to run my scheduled job.
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

Any ideas Thanks in advance

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Package Failed : Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password With Error

Apr 21, 2008

Dear all,

I've built SSIS package and made a job to execute it automatically but it always returns an error. The job returns OK but when we looked at the Log File viewer, it conatins this error log :

Key not valid for use in specified state

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS Password" with error

What's wrong with the package ?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Log Shipping Failure Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Sep 13, 2001

I have log shipping set up between 2 SQL 2000 SP1 Servers on Win 2000. The db is small 10 meg, and when the restore job on the backup server fails I am getting "sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed." as the message, the maint paln on the primary server show no error. Anyone seen this before? The restore has worked 3 out of 5 times

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Login Failed For User - Token Based Server Access Validation Failed With Infrastructure Error

Sep 9, 2015

Many a times see the below error in SQL Error log.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: ]

Is this something to do here?

Note: If I run the below statement I know that the SQL Error log entry will go off, but wanted to know the real significance of this error?


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Executed As User: CONNECTSRVmyadmin. Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all help needed from your End.

I have a re-indexing stored procedure,yester day night it got failed
"Executed as user: CONNECTSRVmyadmin. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed."
what may be the reason..

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Execute Package Task Failed When Deployed To Server..

Feb 11, 2007


I have a package that contains an Execute Package Task... it works fine when on my local machine and on our test-server.
After deploying the SSIS solution to our customers server, I open the project in Visual Studio and run the mainPackage in debug mode and the Task fails when trying to execute the package.. if I remove everything in the childpackage it still fails... the path to the package is correct and I know that I have rigths to execut it. I do not use any package security/encryption..
If i create a new package in the project and create a new fileconnection to it the Execute Package Task executes correctly, with the exact same content as the original package...

So my guess is that something in the FileConnetion object is set wrong, but i cannot understand what it is. The errormessage i get is something like this. "Execute Package Failed. Could not execute package".

Anyone had the same problem as I? I´m grateful for any help!


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DTS Jobs Failed : Cannot Create COM Server To Load And Execute DTS Package

Sep 12, 2007


DTS job fails with the following error, A Server (Windows 2003 SE with SP1) has 4 SQL Server 2000 instances with mixed of SP3 & SP4. But few jobs are failing in all the 4 instances.

Executed as user: DCADB04SYSTEM. DTSRun: Cannot create COM Server to load and execute DTS Package. Error -2147221008 (800401F0): CoInitialize has not been called. Process Exit Code -2147221008. The step failed.

Appreciate you suggestion to fix this,

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Execute SQL Task: Variable Mapping Failed With Complex SQL Script. Please Help!

Jul 23, 2007

Hi all,
I'm working with Execute SQL task. Connection type: OLE DB. With the following settings, the task works fine:

Parameter mapping:

Code Snippet

Variable Name Direction Data type Parameter Name
User::InputFile Input NVARCHAR 0
User::DesiredOutput Input NVARCHAR 1

Code Snippet

exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ?

However, I want to put in some conditions so I modified the task as:

Parameter mapping:

Code Snippet

Variable Name Direction Data type Parameter Name
User::OutputFile Input NVARCHAR 0
User::InputFile Input NVARCHAR 1
User::DesiredOutput Input NVARCHAR 2


Code Snippet

if(? <> 'NotUsed')
exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ?

But the modification doesn't work. The following message was thrown:

Error: 0xC002F210 at CREATE OUTPUT, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "if(? <> 'NotUsed')
exec [spu_CreateOutput] ?, ?
" failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: CREATE OUTPUT

Can anyone tell me what I have been wrong with it? It seems that parameter mapping can only apply for a single select statement/function/procedure call :-?

Thank you,

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Integration Services :: SP Runs Fine In SSMS But Failed In Execute Task / All Parameters Checked Ok

Jul 30, 2015

There is one SP with parameters varchar, int, varchar and int. It runs perfect in SSMS. Now, I've moved into a Execute SQL task with four IN parameters. In parameter mapping, data type is varchar, long, varchar, long and parameter name is 0,1,2,3. It worked before which is great. Today, I opened this pkg for another testing but failed with the following error:failed with the following error: "Incorrect syntax near ';'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly,parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I know SP is fine as tested in SSMS.  I could not understand where it could go wrong in the ssis package. Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

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Migrate SQL SERVER 2000 DTS Pkgs To SQL SERVER 2005

Nov 30, 2007

I currently have SQL SERVER 2000 Running. Once I upgrade that 2000 server to 2005, how do I migrate the dtspkgs that were on 2000 TO 2005?

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