Using Exec With Table Variable?

Jul 10, 2007

I want to pass the results of a stored proc into a table variable in SQL SEVER 2000. Something like this

declare @a table


employeeid int

)exec @a=dbo.MetricsProcessor_GetTopEmployees @parameter1, @parameter2

How can i do this? This is throwing an error.





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Can't TABLE Variable Be Used In EXEC Statement In Stored Procedure

Feb 8, 2008


I've used a temporary table in the stored procedure

I've created it as DECLARE @Temp TABLE (id INT)

in select clause I've used this temp table through the joins..

But I've also used a varchar variable to store my criteria...

which I'm building in the stored procedure

so inorder to use it in the where clause I used

EXEC ('SELECT ....................

FROM @Temp T

WHERE ' + @Criteria )

Unfortunately this is not working.
Giving the errror

Must declare the variable '@TempT'.

I had to use Temporary table using #, which I feel is really waste of memory...

Is there a way by which I can use my Table variable in the EXEC statement.

Thanks In advance

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How To Put Result From EXEC Into A Variable

Jul 20, 2005

Hi!Can anybody give me a hint how to put sa resut from EXEC into avariable.EXEC is called:EXEC(@TmpQuery) and it returns a single int value (SELECT COUNT(*)....)Thanks!Mario.

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Maintaining Variable After EXEC

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am fairly new at stored procedures. I have created some that willgo through a table and return a start date and an end date that isdependent upon the fiscal period you want, but I then need to usethose dates in another stored procedure to retrieve the information Ineed. My stored procedure looks like this.================================================== ====================CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.R920ExtTotal@MthsBack Decimal OUTPUTASDECLARE @sSQL AS NVARCHAR(255), @StartDate as SMALLDATETIME, @EndDateas SMALLDATETIMEExec @StartDate = GetMthStart @MthsBackExec @EndDate = GetMthEnd @MthsBackSET @sSQL = 'Select count(extension) as Total From r920f00 Where([date] BETWEEN "' +CONVERT(nvarchar, @StartDate) +'" and "' +CONVERT(nvarchar, @EndDate) +'")'Select @sSQLEXEC (@sSQL)ReturnGO================================================== ===============The problem is my variables @StartDate and @EndDate do not retaintheir values after the EXEC statement and revert to 01/01/1900. Howcan I get around this problem?Thanks!!!!Chip

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Using Exec For Variable Sys Objects

Mar 6, 2008

Could someone explain please how to use a variable table name and still output a count from the select to another variable? @Table_Name in reality is an input parameter to a proc.

DECLARE @Table_Name VARCHAR(50);
SELECT @Table_Name = 'dbo.[the tables name here]'

DECLARE @RemainingRecords INT;

-- This line does not work

EXEC @RemainingRecords = ('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' + @Table_Name);

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Can The Result From An EXEC(@sqlcommand) Be Returned To A Variable

Apr 11, 1999

Is it possible to get the result from an EXEC(@sqlcommand) statement into a variable?

As part of a SQL loop, it is necessary for me to run an EXEC() command to process an SQL statement. I have succesfully implemented this, but have been unable to get the results from the EXEC() statement into a variable to allow this data to be inserted into a table. Is this possible?

For Example (I know this doesn't work, but it is effectively what I am trying to achieve):

select @result = EXEC(@sqlcommand)

I could then use the @result variable in an insert statement to update a table with the results from the EXEC command.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...


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Capture Returned Value From Exec(@Build) Into Another Variable

Jul 23, 2005

I am building a SQL statement that returns a number.when I execute the Built SQL statment EXEC(@Build). What I need to donow is take that number that comes back and store it in anothervariable so I can do some conditional logic. Any ideas? See SQL below.Something like @Count=Exec(@Build) which I know doesnt work.Thanks,PhilDECLARE @PullDate varchar(12)SET @PullDate=''+CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()-31) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,getdate()-31)AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()-31) AS varchar(4))+''PRINT(@PullDate)DECLARE @COUNTER BIGINTDECLARE @SELECT VARCHAR(500)DECLARE @SELECT2 VARCHAR(1000)DECLARE @BUILD VARCHAR(5000)SET @SELECT='SELECT COUNTER FROMOPENQUERY(PROD,'SET @SELECT2='''SELECTCOUNT(WMB.COLLECTOR_RESULTS.ACCT_NUM) AS COUNTERFROMCOLLECTOR_RESULTS,WHEREWMB.COLLECTOR_RESULTS.ACTIVITY_DATE =to_date('''''+@PullDate+''''',''''mm/dd/yyyy'''')AND WMB.COLLECT_ACCOUNT.END_DATE ) =to_date(''''12/31/9999'''',''''mm/dd/yyyy'''')AND WMB.COLLECT_ACCT_SYS_DATA.END_DATE =to_date('''''+@PullDate+''''',''''mm/dd/yyyy''''))GROUP BYWMB.COLLECTOR_RESULTS.ACTIVITY_DATE '')'SET @BUILD=@SELECT+@SELECT2PRINT(@BUILD)EXEC(@BUILD)--THIS IS WHERE IM UNSURE I NEED THE COUNT RETURNED FROM @BUILD STOREDINTO @COUNTER so I can do a conditional statement.)if @COUNTER>=1beginprint('yes')end

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How Do I Use A @variable To Hold On Value Return From An Exec ('string Command') Statement.

Sep 19, 2000

How do I use a @variable to hold on value return from an exec ('string command') statement.

Example for:

declare @OldID int
declare @cmd varchar(255)
declare @db varchar(25)
declare @OldOwner varchar(25)

set @db = 'DBNAME'
set @OldOwner = 'USERNAME'

select @cmd = 'select uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
exec (@cmd)

How can I use @OldID to hold on UID return from this statement.

When I try use:
select @cmd = 'select @OldID = uid from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@db))'..sysusers where name = ' + "'" + ltrim(rtrim(@OldOwner)) + "'"
then I'm getting a error message: @OldID not declare.


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Stored Procedure Using A Declared Variable In Insert Query (inline Or Using EXEC)

May 14, 2008


I have a stored procedure where I run an insert statement. I want to knwo if it is possible to do it using a variable for the table name (either in-line or with an EXEC statement without building a string first and executing that string. See examples of what I am talking about in both cases below:

I want to be able to do this (with or without the EXEC) :

DECLARE @NewTableNameOut as varchar(100)

Set @NewTableNameOut = 'TableToInsertInto'

Insert Into @NewTableNameOut
Select * From tableToSelectFrom


I can not do the above because it says I need to declare/set the @NewTableNameOut variable (assuming it is only looking at this for the specific insert statement and not at the variable I set earlier in the stored procedure.

I can do it like this by creating a string with the variable built into the string and then executing the string but I want to know if I can do it like I have listed above.


DECLARE @NewTableNameOut as varchar(100)

Set @NewTableNameOut = 'TableToInsertInto'

'Insert Into ' + @NewTableNameOut + ' ' +
'Select * From tableToSelectFrom'


It is not an issue for my simple example above but I have some rather large queries that I am building and I want to run as described above without having to build it into a string.

Is this possible at all?

If you need more info please let me know.

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Using An Exec Query To Insert Pdf, .doc File Into Table From A Dir Path Which Is A Field In Another Table

Aug 5, 2007

I have the following query in sql 2005:

PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspInsert_Blob] (

@fName varchar(60),

@fType char(5),

@fID numeric(18, 0),

@bID char(3),

@fPath nvarchar(60)




SET @QUERY = "INSERT INTO tblDocTable(FileName, FileType, ImportExportID, BuildingID, Document)

SELECT '"+@fName+"' AS FileName, '"+@fType+"' AS FileType, " + cast(@fID as nvarchar(18)) + " as ImportExportID, '"+@bID+"' AS BuildingID, * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK '" +@fPath+"' ,SINGLE_BLOB)

AS Document"


This puts some values including a pdf or .doc file into a table, tblDocTable.

Is it possible to change this so that I can get the values from a table rather than as parameters. The Query would be in the form of: insert into tblDocTable (a, b, c, d) select a,b,c,d from tblimportExport.

tblImportExport has the path for the document (DocPath) so I would subsitute that field, ie. DocPath, for the @fPath variable.

Otherwise I can see only doing a Fetch next from tblIportExport where I would put every field into a variable and then run this exec query on these. Thus looping thru every row in tblImportExport.

Any ideas how to do this?

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Transact SQL :: Insert Values From Variable Into Table Variable

Nov 4, 2015

CREATE TABLE #T(branchnumber VARCHAR(4000))

insert into #t(branchnumber) values (005)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (090)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (115)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (210)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (216)


I have a parameter which should take multiple values into it and pass that to the code that i use. For, this i created a parameter and temporarily for testing i am passing some values into it.Using a dynamic SQL i am converting multiple values into multiple records as rows into another variable (called @QUERY). My question is, how to insert the values from variable into a table (table variable or temp table or CTE).OR Is there any way to parse the multiple values into a table. like if we pass multiple values into a parameter. those should go into a table as rows.

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How To Filter An EXEC Table

Nov 3, 2006

Hi All,

How do I filter an EXEC table as to put the returned value into a variable?

I have to filter an EXEC table because I am using a table variable to define which table tto select.

Help appreciated.

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Using EXEC To Fill A Temporary Table

Oct 11, 2004

Hi is there a way to store results of the query in a temp table?

Something like

select exec(sp_Run)
into #t1

Is this possible?

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CREATE A Temp Table Via EXEC (@SQL)

Jan 23, 2006

I need to create a dynamic temporary table in a SP. Basically, I am using the temp table to mimic a crosstab query result. So, in my SP, I have this:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get all SubquestionIDs for this concept-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE curStudySubquestions CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FOR SELECT QGDM.SubquestionID, QGDM.ShortName, QGDM.PosRespValuesFROM RotationMaster AS RM INNER JOIN RotationDetailMaster AS RDM ON RM.Rotation = RDM.Rotation INNER JOIN QuestionGroupMaster AS QGM ON RDM.QuestionGroupNumber = QGM.QuestionGroupNumber INNER JOIN QuestionGroupDetailMaster AS QGDM ON QGM.QuestionGroupNumber = QGDM.QuestionGroupNumberWHERE RM.Study = @StudyGROUP BY QGDM.SubquestionID, QGDM.ShortName, QGDM.PosRespValuesHAVING QGDM.SubquestionID <> 0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamically create a Temp Table to store the data, simulating a pivot table-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SET @Count = 2SET @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE #AllSubquestions (Col1 VARCHAR(100)'OPEN curStudySubquestionsFETCH NEXT FROM curStudySubquestions INTO @SubquestionID, @ShortName, @PosRespValuesWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN SET @SQL = @SQL + ', Col' + CAST(@Count AS VARCHAR(5)) + ' VARCHAR(10)' SET @Count = @Count + 1 FETCH NEXT FROM curStudySubquestions INTO @SubquestionID, @ShortName, @PosRespValues ENDSET @SQL = @SQL + ', ShowOrder SMALLINT)'CLOSE curStudySubquestionsPRINT 'Create Table SQL:'PRINT @SQLEXEC (@SQL)SET @ErrNum = @@ERROR IF (@ErrNum <> 0) BEGIN PRINT 'ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!' RETURN ENDPRINT '*** Table Created ***'-- Test that the table was createdSELECT *, 'TEST' AS AnyField FROM #AllSubquestions The line PRINT @SQL produces this output in Query Analyzer (I added the line breaks for forum formatting):CREATE TABLE #AllSubquestions (Col1 VARCHAR(100), Col2 VARCHAR(10), Col3 VARCHAR(10), Col4 VARCHAR(10), Col5 VARCHAR(10), Col6 VARCHAR(10), Col7 VARCHAR(10), ShowOrder SMALLINT) However, the SELECT statement to test the creation of the table produces this error:*** Table Created ***Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_SLIDE_CONCEPT_AllSubquestions, Line 73Invalid object name '#AllSubquestions'. It appears that the statement to create the table works, but once I try to access it, it doesn't recognize its existance. Any ideas?

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Looping Through Table To Exec An SP Many Times

Dec 31, 2006

If i have an SP called mySP that accepts one parameter @param
If I have a table of paramaters with only one column like this:

How do I do if I want to execute the SP on all the table fields:
some thing like this:
Exec my SP 'Param1'
Exec mySP 'Param2'
Exec mySP 'ParamN'
I want that automatically since the parameters are going to be in a table called myTblParams
Notice that I don t want to pass all the parameters to the SP just once but only one value each time I execute the SP since mySP ccepts only one parameter.

Thanks a lot for guidelines

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How To Use Table Inserted Within Exec In A Trigger?

Mar 17, 2008

I like to use the table "Inserted" within exec(), but it doesn't work because the scope is different. Does anyone have some sort of solution to this problem? The reason I am doing it this way is because I have a table consist of 200+ columns of bit types that contains permission information (The worest design i have ever seen!).

Code Snippet
--gather column names

declare @ScreenPermissions nvarchar(256)

declare c_Permission cursor
SELECT [name]
FROM syscolumns
WHERE id = (
SELECT id FROM sysobjects
WHERE type = 'U'
AND [NAME] = 'ScreenPermissions'
and [name] like 'Allow%'

open c_Permission
fetch next from c_Permission
into @ScreenPermissions
while @@fetch_status = 0

exec('INSERT INTO EmployeeInRoles (EmployeeID, RoleID) ' +
'select i.EmployeeID, r.RoleID ' +
'from inserted as i ' +
' inner join ScreenPermissions AS sp on sp.EmployeeID = i.EmployeeID and sp.' + @ScreenPermissions + ' = 1 ' +
' inner join Roles AS r on r.LoweredRoleName = Lower(' + '''' + @ScreenPermissions + '''' + ')' )

fetch next from c_Permission
into @ScreenPermissions
close c_Permission
DEALLOCATE c_Permission

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Receive A Table From EXEC(sqlstring)

Mar 19, 2008

How do we do this in SS2k5?


sqlstring wants to pass back a resultset to the caller.

- Local temp tables are out of scope.
- Global temp table works but is a bad idea.
- Table variables not supported as OUTPUT parameters for EXEC.

Regards, Nick

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Exec Sproc (sprocname Store In The Table)

May 22, 2008


I'm trying to capture the value returned from sprocs. I stored the sproc name in the table and use cursor to run each sproc. Now the question is how can I capture and store the return value in a variable?

Here is the scenario:

Table1 has 1 column varchar(50) called vchsprocname
count_A -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_B -- procedure, select count(*) from ...
count_C -- procedure, select count(*) from ...

here is my query:
DECLARE @vchsprocname varchar(50)
DECLARE @count int

SELECT vchsprocname from table1

OPEN cur
into @vchsprocname


exec @count = @vchsprocname -- I know I cannot do this, the vchsprocname cannot be variable. What else can I do?

into @vchsprocname


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SQL Server 2012 :: Exec Producing Table Out Of Scope

Dec 17, 2013

I am generating some dynamic sql which I would like to run and return the data from, however when I run EXEC(@TEMP_TABLE_STRING) it cannot return the table I think because it is out of scope.

Is there a way around this.

declare@Tablename VARCHAR(150) = 'TEMP_LOCATIONS'
declare@FilterClause VARCHAR(512)=NULL
declare@Classes VARCHAR(100)=NULL
declare@IsExcel BIT = 1
DECLARE @SQL Nvarchar(MAX) = ''

[Code] ....

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EXEC Stored Procedure For Every Line Of SELECT Result Table - How?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,Is it possible to EXEC stored procedure from a query?I want to execute stored procedure for every line of SELECT resulttable.I guess it's possible with cursors, but maybe it's possible to make iteasier.Give an example, please.Thank you in advance.Hubert

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Help!!!! Restore File Mdf After Exec Drop Table... To Previous State.

Aug 8, 2006

Hi all.
First, sorry about my poor english.

I have a database which above 6 gb data and i have droped all table in my database.
I try to restore from log file but my database is set to simple backup and auto shrink so log file doesn't help anymore.
I have used some software to recovery from log file too but useless.
My only hope right now is mdf file.
Please help me. How could i restore my mdf file to state before i droped tables.

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Transact SQL :: How To Store Result Of Exec Command Into Temp Table

Apr 7, 2013

I wanted to insert the result-set of a Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table. I can do that by using:

Insert into #temp

For this to accomplish we need to define the table structure in advance. But am preparing a dynamic-sql command and storing that in variable @sqlcommand and the output changes for each query execution. So my question is how to insert/capture the result-set of Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table when we don't know the table structure.

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What Is The Difference Between: A Table Create Using Table Variable And Using # Temporary Table In Stored Procedure

Aug 29, 2007

which is more efficient...which takes less is the memory allocation done for both the types.

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In Stored Procedure How To Loop Through Rows In Table And Pass Parameter To EXEC SP

Apr 26, 2008

I have a temporary table with multiple records and a Stored Procedure requiring a value. In a Stored Procedure, I want to loop through records in the table and use the value from each record read as input to another Stored Procedure. How do I do this?

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Invalid Object Name '#TmpTable' Whenselecting From Temporary Table Made Using INTO From Exec(@str)

Apr 8, 2008


Can anyone shed some light on why the following:

declare @str varchar(2000)
set @str = 'SELECT * INTO #TmpTable FROM FormHistory'
exec (@str)

gives the following error:

Invalid object name '#TmpTable'.

This is a very cutdown version of what I am trying to achieve so it might not seem obvious why I am writing it into a string and using exec but in the real code I do need to do this. I have cut it right back to try to get to the bottom of why this doesn't work. I suspect the # in the string is causing the problems.

Thanks for any help

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Power Pivot :: Temp Table Or Table Variable In Query (not Stored Procedure)?

Jul 19, 2012

I don't know if it's a local issue but I can't use temp table or table variable in a PP query (so not in a stored procedure).

Environment: W7 enterprise desktop 32 + Office 2012 32 + PowerPivot 2012 32

Simple example:
    declare @tTable(col1 int)
    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)
    select * from @tTable

Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.

But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.

Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.

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Is A Temp Table Or A Table Variable Used In UDF's Returning A Table?

Sep 17, 2007

In a table-valued UDF, does the UDF use a table variable or a temp table to form the resultset returned?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Update Table From Variable Table Column?

Oct 6, 2014

I am trying to use a stored procedure to update a column in a sql table using the value from a variable table I getting errors because my syntax is not correct. I think table aliases are not allowed in UPDATE statements.

This is my statement:

UPDATE [dbo].[sessions_teams] stc
SET stc.[Talks] = fmt.found_talks_type
FROM @Find_Missing_Talks fmt
WHERE stc.sessionid IN (SELECT sessionid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks)
AND stc.coupleid IN (SELECT coupleid FROM @Find_Missing_Talks)

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Indexes On Table Variable Of Table Valued Function

Jan 6, 2004

Hi there,

Can someone tell me if it is possible to add an index to a Table variable that is declare as part of a table valued function ? I've tried the following but I can't get it to work.

ALTER FUNCTION dbo.fnSearch_GetJobsByOccurrence
@param1 int,
@param2 int
RETURNS @Result TABLE (resultcol1 int, resultcol2 int)

CREATE INDEX resultcol2_ind ON @Result

-- do some other stuff


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How To Create Index On Table Variable (Table Don't Have Primary Key)

Feb 26, 2008

Hi all,

my stored procedure have one table variable (@t_Replenishment_Rpt).I want to create an Index on this table variable.please advise any of them in this loop...
below is my table variable and I need to create 3 indexes on this...

DECLARE @t_Replenishment_Rpt TABLE
Item_Nbr varchar(25) NULL,
Item_Desc varchar(255) NULL,
Trx_Date datetime NULL,
Balance int NULL,
Trx_Type char(10) NULL,
Issue_Type char(10) NULL,
Location char(25) NULL,
Min_Stock int NULL,
Order_Qty int NULL,
Unit char(10) NULL,
Issue_Qty int NULL,
Vendor varchar(10) NULL,
WO_Nbr varchar(10) NULL,
Lead_Time int NULL,
PO_Nbr char(10) NULL,
PO_Status char(10) NULL,
Currency char(10) NULL,
Last_Cost money NULL,
Dept_No varchar(20) NULL,
MSDSNbr varchar(10) NULL,
VendorName varchar(50) NULL,
Reviewed varchar(20) NULL

I tryed all below is giving error...

--Indexing the @t_Replenishment_Rpt table on the column Names Item Number, Vender , Department Number
--EXEC sp_executesql(CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Replenishment_index ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt (Item_Nbr))
--CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON @t_Replenishment_Rpt.Item_Nbr
INDEX_COL ( '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' , ind_Replenishment_id , Item_Nbr )
--EXEC sp_executesql('SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('+ '@t_Replenishment_Rpt' + ', ' + 'Item_Nbr' + ',' + 'IsPadIndex' + ')')
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Vendor','IsPadIndex'))
--EXEC sp_executesql(SELECT INDEXPROPERTY('@t_Replenishment_Rpt', 'Dept_No','IsPadIndex'))

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Can Exec Select But Can't Exec Sp

Oct 31, 2007

I have two SQL Server 2000 (one is localhost, one is remote with VPN IP

I can select * from [].db.dbo.test but I can't exec [].db..spAdd in localhost.

These select and sp is OK for 1 or 2 week without any problem,but it didn't work one day.

Can some one explain why?

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The Age Old Argument Of Temp Table Vs Table Variable

Jan 26, 2007

Hi All,Hope someone can help me...Im trying to highlight the advantages of using table variables asapposed to temp tables within single scope.My manager seems to believe that table variables are not advantageousbecause they reside in memory.He also seems to believe that temp tables do not use memory...Does anyone know how SQL server could read data from a temp tablewithout passing the data contained therein through memory???Is this a valid advantage/disadvantage of table variables VS temptables?

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Delete SQL Table Using A Variable That Refers To The Table Name

Jul 20, 2005

SQLLY challenged be gentle --Trying to create code that will drop a table using a variable as theTable Name.DECLARE @testname as char(50)SELECT @testname = 'CO_Line_of_Business_' +SUBSTRING(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATEAS varchar), 5, 2) + '_' + LEFT(CAST(CD_LAST_EOM_DATE AS varchar),4)+ '_' + 'EOM'FROM TableNamePrint @testname = 'blah...blah...blah' (which is the actual tablename on the server)How can I use this variable (@testname) to drop the table? Undersevere time constraints so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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