Using OSQL For Query Output (csv Formatted)

Jun 12, 2006

I'm running a query with osql, and I'm trying to get some clean output that is comma delimited. So far my line looks like this:

osql -E -n -d mydb -i custom.qry -o "c:output
esults.csv" -h-1 -s ","

This works off a table with only two columns. I'm still left with a lot of extra spaces between the first column output and second column output, and at the bottom the text "(50 rows affected)".

So instead of this:

data1a (lots of spaces here) ,data1b
data2a (lots of spaces here) ,data2b
data3a (lots of spaces here) ,data3b
(50 rows affected)

I want to see this:


Thanks very much for any help. :)

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SQL Query To Output Formatted Excel File

Aug 2, 2006

I need to create a query (SQL 2000) that renders a formatted excel (xml or xls) file for each row that is outputted.

The details, I have a Campaign table that contains information for Auto and Life "Leads" and the data is submitted by telemarketers directly into the database. I need to render a file for each line, and it would be good if It were an Excel XML or XLS file, because that's what we've been using for a while.

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OSQL Query Output

Dec 10, 2007

Hi All,

The command showed below provides the output shown:

set @cmd = 'osql -S bcgsql1cgsqldev -U checkdb -P checkdb -q "set nocount on; select errorlogdesc from ##errors where datediff(dd,errorlogdatetime,getdate()) = 1 and errorlogdesc like ''%Error:%''" -h-1 -w 900 -o J:ScriptsTestStuffErrorLogMsg.txt'

Here is the output:

Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0

Error: 17883, Severity: 1, State: 0

I need to remove the space between the two lines so I set the -w parameter to 900 but that didn't fix it. Any idea how I can accomplish this?


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Formatted Output

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Is there a way to get stored procedure texts out in a formatted waylike defncopy in Sybase????? The way they print it out reallysucks............RegardsSubhas

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Row Delimiter From Osql Output

Jul 20, 2005

hi, i had been removed the row counts and the column spaces... but ifailed to remove the extra tabs between rows of data return from theosql to detect the row delimiter?i noticed i can use bcp to have a more decent output file, but i don'twant to do too much of file read-write. the programming enviroment isquite easy to "capture" the output from the comand prompt.secondary, char(252), 253, 254, 255 is not being read by the commandprompt, for example, 253 turns into 132 when i decode the input.thankx.from alan.

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OSQL Output File Garbage

Jul 20, 2005

Everybody,I've been doing a lot of on-line research and cannot findany reference to the exact problem I'm having.Let me preface this question with the fact that I'm comingfrom an Oracle background so my approach may not be the bestway to tackle this. However, from the research I have donethis approach seems reasonable. Also, I know about theundocumented procedure sp_MSforeachtable. That can give me aresult similar to what I'm looking for but the format of theoutput is not what I need.Now the problem. I'm trying to write a reusable script to giveme a list of all the tables in a database that have 1 or more rows.My approach is to a BAT file (see script 1 below) that calls OSQLtwice, once to call a SQL script (see script 2 below) that uses theInformation_Schema views to generate the SELECT COUNT(*) statementsand fill in all the tables names in the database, write this to atemporary output file and the second OSQL command to read thetemporary output file and generate me the results formatted theway I need.The result of the first OSQL run is correct EXCEPT for 1> 2> 3> 4> 5>6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> garbage at the beginning of the file.Because of this garbage the 2nd OSQL command blows up! Anyone haveany idea what is generating this garbage?If I manually edit out the garbage and then just run the 2nd OSQLcommandI get similar garbage in the final result file (see 2nd result filebelow).In Query Analyzer, when I run the GET_TABLE_COUNT.SQL Script manuallythen take its output and copy and paste it to a new query window andrun that it works OK except for generating lots of blank lines wherethe result of the tables that have zero rows are. I am suppressingheadings but am still getting the blank lines but at least it works!Any ideas anybody? Thanks For Any HelpFYI -- SQL Server 2000 with SP3a.Bob================== Script 1 - BAT File to Call OSQL ===============@echo off@echo ************************************************** *************@echo .@echo get_table_count.bat@echo .@echo Before you run this script change to the drive and directory@echo where the input SQL script is located!@echo .@echo Input parameters:@echo 1) SQL Server userid@echo .@echo You will be prompted twice for your password!@echo .@echo The output is written to file TABLE_COUNT_RESULT.TXT@echo .@echo ************************************************** *************pauseosql -U %1 -S devkc-db -d C3T_Architecture -i get_table_count.sql -otemp_table_count_query.txt -h-1 -w500osql -U %1 -S devkc-db -d C3T_Architecture -itemp_table_count_query.txt -o table_count_result.txt -h-1 -w500del temp_table_count_result.txt@echo on================================================== ==================================== Script 2 - GET_TABLE_COUNT.SQL Script ===============set nocount onselect 'set nocount on'select 'select ''Table Name Count'''select 'select ''========== ====='''select 'select '''+ table_name+ ''', count(*) from '+ table_name+ ' having count(*) > 0 'from information_schema.tableswhere table_type = 'BASE TABLE'order by table_name================================================== ================================ Partial Result of 1st OSQL Run ==========================1> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> set nocount onselect 'Table Name Count'select '========== ====='select 'ACT_ASSERTION_RULE', count(*) from ACT_ASSERTION_RULE havingcount(*) > 0select 'ACT_ASSOC', count(*) from ACT_ASSOC having count(*) > 0select 'ACT_DOC', count(*) from ACT_DOC having count(*) > 0================================================== ================================ Partial Result of @nd OSQL Run ==========================1> 2> 3> 4> ... I edited out the intervening numbers for this message.... 664> 665> 666> 667> Table Name Count========== =====.... I edited out lots of blank lines in the result for this messagebefore I get to the first table with 1 or more rows ...ARCH 6================================================== ====================

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ISQL And OSQL Output Lines Wrapped Around At 256 Characters?

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to use a command line program to run a stored procedurethat generates output in a comma-delimitted format. Somehow, ISQL orOSQL always wrap the lines at 256 characters. I believe this hassomething to do with the column width switch (-w). But enlarging thecolumn width to 800 characters max still doesn't help. The followingis a stored procedure that is essentially doing what my storedprocedure is doing:create procedure MyTest asset ansi_padding onset nocount ondeclare @sTest varchar(300)-- Output three lines. Each line has 259 @sTest = "1234 6789 ... 1234 6789"print @sTestselect @sTest = "1 3 5 7 9 ... 1 3 5 7 9"print @sTestselect @sTest = "1 3 5 7 9 ... 1 3 5 7 9"print @sTestset nocount offreturn( 0 )I invoke this stored procedure using this command:isql -SMyDbSrv -E -dMyDb -w800 -x800 -h-1 -n -Q"exec MyTest"-oMyTest.txt-- or --osql -SMyDbSrv -E -dMyDb -w800 -h-1 -n -Q"exec MyTest" -oMyTest.txtBut they have the same problem. The output lines all wrap around at256 characters.Strangely, if I store the result in a temporary table, and then useSELECT to output the result from the temporary table, I will not havethat problem. Seem like the "-w" switch only works for output fromtables, but not for output coming from PRINT. Unfortunately, usingthis approach has another set of problems (one blank space in front ofeach line, "number-of-rows affected" shows up at the bottom).Therefore, I would like to stick with using PRINT statements to outputthe result.Please suggest a way to fix this line-wrapping-around problem.Thanks.Jay Chan

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Osql Query Error

Feb 22, 2008


I am facing one problem while running below given query from SSMS or
QA while the same
query running fine while running through osql at command prompt.
while running through command prompt it is giving correct value like
0,1,2 or 3 . With SSMS everytime it is giving null as result.

exec xp_cmdshell 'osql -S SMOSVR0686 -E -Q"declare @test int
Exec master..xp_regread @rootkey = ''HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'',@key =
ue_name = ''AuditLevel'',@value=@test OUTPUT select @test"'

p.s - while running at command prompt please remove extra quotes..

Any help is much appreciated


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Looping Through Results Of A OSQL Query

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I have the following problem.I wrote a batch file that runs a sql script on SQLServer 2000. Thisscript must be executed on several databases. This works fine.The problem is that in my database is a table that holds a databases ihave to update with this script. What i want is run a query with osqlin my batchfile to retrieve this these records so I can loop throughthem an run the script for those databases.I managed to execute the query that return the records and write themto a textfile.What i want is store the results in some kind of a resultset so i canloop through them in my batchfile.Anyone have the solutionThanks in advancePatrick

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Number Of ROWS Of Output Of Aggregate Transformation Sometimes Doesn't Match The Output From T-SQL Query

Dec 25, 2006

While using Aggregate Transformation to group one column,the rows of output sometimes larger than the rows returned by a T-SQL statement via SSMS.

For example,the output of the Aggregate Transformation may be 960216 ,but the

'Select Count(Orderid) From ... Group By ***' T-SQL Statement returns 96018*.

I'm sure the Group By of the Aggregate Transformation is right!

But ,when I set the "keyscale" property of the transformation,the results match!

In my opinion,the "keyscale" property will jsut affects the performance of the transformaiton,but not the result of the transformation.

Thanks for your advice.

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Query Produces Jumbled Output / Output Not In Sequence

Jul 23, 2005

Hi!Server info -Win2K3 Server +SP1 with 1 GB Memory and 1.5 GB Virtual MemorySQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition + SP3 running on this.Required result -Create a SQL Script that will contain a set of create, update, insert& delete statements (about 17500 lines including blank lines) thatcan be run on different databases seperatelyHow we do this -We have a SP - that creates a temporary table and then calls anotherSP that actually populates the temporary table created by the first SP*Samples of both SPs are below -PROBLEMThe result is directed to a file -However when the query is run it runs through the entire script but'Jumbles' the outputRunning the same scripts on a copy of the database on other machineswork fine and the size of the outfiles is exactly the sameI have increased the page size to 2.5 GB and restarted the server.Running the sp now generated the correct output a few times but gotjumbled as before after a few more users logged in and activity on theserver increased.Another interesting point is that the output is jumbled exactly thesame way each time. It seems the sql executes correctly and writesthe output in chunks only writting the chunks out of sequence - butin the same sequence each time.e.g. of expected resultInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table3Values ................Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1JUMBLED OUTPUTInsert into Table1Values x, y, z, 1, 2Insert into Table1Values q, s, g, 3, 4Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2Values ...Insert into Table2Values ...Values ...Update RefGenSet Last = 1234Where RefGenRef = 1Insert into Table3Values ................Insert into Table1Values c, d, e, 21, 12....Insert into Table2----------------------------------------Sample of First Script - STATDATA_RSLT**************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET NOCOUNT ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE StatData_rsltASCREATE TABLE #tbl_Script(ScriptText varchar(4000))EXEC TestStatData_intSELECT t.ScriptTextFROM #tbl_Script tGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************************Sample of CALLED SP - TestStatData_int*******************************************SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE TestStatData_intASDECLARE @AttrRef int,@TestID int,@PrtTestRef int,@AttrType tinyint,@EdtblSw tinyint,@NmValRef int,@SrtTypeRef int,@AttrStr varchar(20),@TestStr varchar(20),@PrtTestStr varchar(20),@AttrTypeStr varchar(20),@EdtblStr varchar(20),@NmValStr varchar(20),@SrtTypeStr varchar(20),@TestRef int,@Seq int,@PrtRef int,@Value varchar(255),@TermDate datetime,@AttrID int,@DefSw tinyint,@WantSw tinyint,@TestRefStr varchar(20),@SeqStr varchar(20),@PrtStr varchar(20),@TermDateStr varchar(255),@AttrIDStr varchar(20),@DefStr varchar(20),@WantStr varchar(20),@LanRef int,@LanStr varchar(20),@Code varchar(20),@Desc varchar(255),@MultiCode varchar(20),@MultiDesc varchar(255),@InhSw tinyint,@InhStr varchar(20),@InhFrom int,@InhFromStr varchar(20),@Lan_TestRef int,@ActSw tinyint,@ActSwStr varchar(20)SELECT @Lan_TestRef = dbo.fn_GetTestRef('Lan')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')-- Create tablesINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_Test (AttrRef int, TestID int , PrtTestRefint, AttrType tinyint, EdtblSw tinyint, NmValRef int, SrtTypeRefint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('CREATE TABLE #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef int, TestRef int, Seq int,PrtRef int, AttrType tinyint, Value varchar(255), TermDate datetime,AttrID int, DefSw tinyint, WantSw tinyint, ActSw tinyint)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('CREATE TABLE #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef int, LanRef int, Codevarchar(20), [Desc] varchar(255), MultiCode varchar(20), MultiDescvarchar(255), InhSw tinyint, InhFrom int)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- insert Test valuesDECLARE Test_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT l.AttrRef, l.TestID, l.PrtTestRef, l.AttrType, l.EdtblSw,l.NmValRef, l.SrtTypeRefFROM Test lOPEN Test_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestID as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtTestStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtTestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@EdtblStr = ISNULL(CAST(@EdtblSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@NmValStr = ISNULL(CAST(@NmValRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SrtTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@SrtTypeRef as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef,AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES ( ' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestStr + ', ' +@PrtTestStr+ ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @EdtblStr + ', ' + @NmValStr + ', ' +@SrtTypeStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM Test_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestID, @PrtTestRef, @AttrType, @EdtblSw, @NmValRef,@SrtTypeRefENDCLOSE Test_cursorDEALLOCATE Test_cursorDECLARE TestAttr_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT le.AttrRef, le.TestRef, le.Seq, le.PrtRef, le.AttrType,le.Value,le.TermDate, le.AttrID, le.DefSw, le.WantSw, le.ActSwFROM TestAttr leWHERE le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN TestAttr_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@TestRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TestRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@SeqStr = ISNULL(CAST(@Seq as varchar), 'NULL'),@PrtStr = ISNULL(CAST(@PrtRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrTypeStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrType as varchar), 'NULL'),@Value = ISNULL(@Value, 'NULL'),@TermDateStr = ISNULL(CAST(@TermDate as varchar), 'NULL'),@AttrIDStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrID as varchar), 'NULL'),@DefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@DefSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@WantStr = ISNULL(CAST(@WantSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@ActSwStr = ISNULL(CAST(@ActSw as varchar), '1')SELECT @Value = '''' + @Value + ''''WHERE @Value <> 'NULL'INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_TestAttr(AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType, Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @TestRefStr + ', ' +@SeqStr+ ', ' + @PrtStr + ', ' + @AttrTypeStr + ', ' + @Value + ', ' +@TermDateStr + ', ' + @AttrIDStr + ', ' + @DefStr + ', ' + @WantStr+', '+ @ActSwStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM TestAttr_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @TestRef, @Seq, @PrtRef, @AttrType, @Value,@TermDate, @AttrID, @DefSw, @WantSw, @ActSwENDCLOSE TestAttr_cursorDEALLOCATE TestAttr_cursorDECLARE AttrName_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT e.AttrRef, e.LanRef, e.Code, e.[Desc], e.MultiCode,e.MultiDesc, e.InhSw, e.InhFromFROM AttrName e, TestAttr leWHERE e.LanRef = 0AND e.AttrRef = le.AttrRefAND le.WantSw = 1AND le.ActSw = 1OPEN AttrName_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINSELECT @AttrStr = ISNULL(CAST(@AttrRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@LanStr = ISNULL(CAST(@LanRef as varchar), 'NULL'),@Code = ISNULL(@Code, 'NULL'),@Desc = ISNULL(@Desc, 'NULL'),@MultiCode = ISNULL(@MultiCode, 'NULL'),@MultiDesc = ISNULL(@MultiDesc, 'NULL'),@InhStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhSw as varchar), 'NULL'),@InhFromStr = ISNULL(CAST(@InhFrom as varchar), 'NULL')SELECT @Code = REPLACE(@Code, '''',''''''),@Desc = REPLACE(@Desc, '''','''''') ,@MultiCode = REPLACE(@MultiCode, '''','''''') ,@MultiDesc = REPLACE(@MultiDesc, '''','''''')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO #tbl_AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode, MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('VALUES (' + @AttrStr + ', ' + @LanStr + ', ''' + @Code +''', ''' + @Desc + ''', ''' + @MultiCode + ''', ''' + @MultiDesc +''',' + @InhStr + ', ' + @InhFromStr + ')')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')FETCH NEXT FROM AttrName_cursorINTO @AttrRef, @LanRef, @Code, @Desc, @MultiCode,@MultiDesc, @InhSw, @InhFromENDCLOSE AttrName_cursorDEALLOCATE AttrName_cursor-- Do update TestAttr dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TestRef = t.TestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.PrtRef = t.PrtRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.Value = t.Value,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.TermDate = t.TermDate,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.AttrID = t.AttrID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.DefSw = t.DefSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.WantSw = t.WantSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' le.ActSw = t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM TestAttr le, #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Update AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE en')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.Code = te.Code,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.[Desc] = te.[Desc],')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiCode = te.MultiCode,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.MultiDesc = te.MultiDesc,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhSw = te.InhSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' en.InhFrom = te.InhFrom')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM AttrName en, #tbl_AttrName te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE en.AttrRef = te.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND en.LanRef = te.LanRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' AND te.LanRef = 0')-- Do update Test the dataINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('UPDATE l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.TestID = t.TestID,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.PrtTestRef = t.PrtTestRef,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.AttrType = t.AttrType,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.EdtblSw = t.EdtblSw,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' l.NmValRef = t.NmValRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM Test l, #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE l.AttrRef = t.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')--DELETE where just updatedINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t, Test l')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = l.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE t.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DELETE FROM te')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE te.AttrRef = le.AttrRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert TestAttrINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO TestAttr (AttrRef, TestRef, Seq, PrtRef,AttrType,Value, TermDate, AttrID, DefSw, WantSw, ActSw)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestRef, t.Seq, t.PrtRef, t.AttrType,t.Value, t.TermDate, t.AttrID, t.DefSw, t.WantSw, t.ActSw')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_TestAttr t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- AttrNameINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO AttrName(AttrRef, LanRef, Code, [Desc],MultiCode,MultiDesc, InhSw, InhFrom)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT te.AttrRef, le.AttrRef, te.Code, te.[Desc],te.MultiCode, te.MultiDesc, ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN 0')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 1 END,')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' CASE le.AttrRef ')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' WHEN 0 THEN NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES (' ELSE 0 END')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_AttrName te, TestAttr le')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE le.TestRef = ' + CAST(@Lan_TestRef as varchar))INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')-- Insert new rowsINSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('INSERT INTO Test(AttrRef, TestID, PrtTestRef, AttrType,EdtblSw, NmValRef, SrtTypeRef)')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SELECT t.AttrRef, t.TestID, t.PrtTestRef, t.AttrType,t.EdtblSw, t.NmValRef, t.SrtTypeRef')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('FROM #tbl_Test t')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_Test')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_TestAttr')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('DROP TABLE #tbl_AttrName')-- Update RefGenDECLARE @RefGenReflast int,@RefGenRefStr varchar(10)SELECT @RefGenReflast = lastFROM RefGenWHERE RefGenRef = 1SELECT @RefGenRefStr = ISNULL(CAST(@RefGenReflast as varchar), 'NULL')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES('UPDATE RefGen')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('SET Last = ' + @RefGenRefStr)INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('WHERE RefGenRef = 1')INSERT INTO #tbl_ScriptVALUES ('')GOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGO*******************************RegardsGlenn

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Correct Syntax For Query Using Osql.exe In MSDE Setup

Nov 10, 2003

I have the following .bat file that I call to register users to my MSDE instance...

echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -Q "sp_grantlogin '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -d Officium -Q "sp_grantdbaccess '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"
echo osql -E -S %COMPUTERNAME%OfficiumInstance -d Officium -Q "sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"

My question is how do I correctly append %COMPUTERNAME% as a string to

I have tried using + signs...

"sp_grantlogin '" + %COMPUTERNAME% + "ASPNET'"

But that doesn't work.
I have looked for .bat file tutorials on the web but can't find the correct way to do this.


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Formatted Text

Mar 29, 2001

Is there a way to store a formatted text (bold, italicized etc) in a text field on SQL Server 7.0 ?

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Formatted Procs

Mar 3, 2004

Can somebody provide me an argument on how nicely formatted and indented procs perform better. I am currently formatting a 1000 line proc just to understand what it does ... Maybe your argument will help convince my development team to write neat procs :)

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Storing Formatted Data

Jan 22, 2007

I have a table for articles that I want as
the basis for a blog.  I have a field of description where the actual
article will go, I have only ever really
used tables to put in 'blocks' of text, how would I go about storing/displaying
data that is in my database table in a more formatted way, for example line
breaks, indents etc?

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Writing Formatted Text Using Bcp

Mar 29, 2007

I am trying to write the output of an sql query to a text file using bcp. Now the problem am facing is i have to format the text like i the following order...
<DATETIMESTAMP>08:39 Thursday, March 15, 2007</DATETIMESTAMP><CATEGORY>Quarterly Sales</CATEGORY><HEADLINE>Quarterly Corporate Earnings  (03/15/07)</HEADLINE><BODY>                        Quarterly Corporate Profits (03/15/07)                              PER-SHARE ($)   NET EARNINGS (mil$)  REV. (mil$)COMPANY    CURRENT YEAR-AGO CURRENT  YEAR-AGO  CURRENT  YEAR-AGOabc                      0.33      n/a               8.60           (13.30)         144.40      112.50 bcdf                     0.16     (0.15)            7.80            (7.40)          101.90       81.20 gha                      n/a       n/a               (90.00)        (80.00)         488.00       462.00 qwqw                  (0.10)    (0.15)            (3.30)          (4.30)           2.90         2.20
Copyright(c) 2007, Inc. All Rights Reserved</BODY>
Would somebody please advice whther this sort of formatting is possible with bcp..Please give some pointers am completely stuck....the company data is coming from a database using sql 2005...
Thanks in advance

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Backup's Formatted Incorrectly ?

Feb 25, 2005

I get this message in the SQL Server logs after I restore a db. I copied this backup from another server is that why it's telling me it formatted incorrectly? The strange thing is in QA it restores successfully but when I look @ EM it's remains in Loading mode and never completes

The backup data in 'D:SQLServerMSSQLackupjan_prod_db_20050214173 0.BAK' is incorrectly formatted. Backups cannot be appended, but existing backup sets may still be usable.

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Expected Formatted Results??

Feb 17, 2005

Hi All,
I am kindly seeking for help.
I have a table(MyTable) which is defined as (date datetime, ID char (10), and R, P,M,D&Y are all float) and the layout is as following:
Date ID R P M D... Y
1/1/90 A 1 2 3 4... 5
1/2/90 A 2 3 4 5... 1
2/11/05 A 3 4 5 6... 2
1/1/90 B 1 2 3 4... 5
1/2/90 B 2 3 4 5... 1
2/11/05 B 3 4 5 6... 2
The expected query results look like: ( this results from Date, ID and R fields)
Date A B
1/1/90 1 1
1/2/90 2 2
2/11/05 3 3

The SQL I wrote:
select date, ID,
A=sum(case when ID=A then R else 0 end),
B=sum(case when id=B then R else 0 end)
from MyTable
Group by date

I would also like to get another set of results with the same format but from date,ID and P fields:
Date A B
1/1/90 2 2
1/2/90 3 3
2/11/05 4 4

select date, ID,
A=sum(case when ID=A then P else 0 end),
B=sum(case when id=B then P else 0 end)
from MyTable
Group by date

The problem with that is if I have thousands of ID in MyTable I have to "hard code" thousands times and the same problem with the fields/columns. Is there any easier way to do this?
I also would like to insert the results into a table/view which will be refreshed whenever MyTable gets updated.

Any suggestion/comments are highly appreciated!

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Formatted Text In A Column;

Jan 9, 2006

Hi All ,

Is it possible to insert the below text into a column and retrieve it in the same format ?


Hari Haran Arulmozhi


CLIENT NAME : ABC Corporation

I100 01-01-2006 Rs.600
I200 01-02-2006 Rs.800
I300 01-03-2006 Rs.1600
I400 01-04-2006 Rs.2600
I500 01-05-2006 Rs.9600


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Import Formatted Word Doc

Dec 28, 2011

I have 265 word documents which I use with mail merge to create a master document.We are going to auto generate this master document going forward so I want to store these 265 word documents, these range in size from 10kb to 50kb. As I mentioned these are formatted and also contain a merge field/marker so what I will be doing is using a value in the database, my application will take the document which is stored as a string/blob and will replace the "merge field" with the value from the database.

I can write an application to import each of these documents but I am not sure whats the best way to store them in order to be able to find and replace the merge marker.Also I will be joining a number of these together to make the master document. So for example I take 10 of these and I replace the marker fields in these with the values from the database, I will then push that string out to a PDF/Word document for printing.

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Exporting To Formatted Worksheet

Nov 9, 2007

I need to export data to a worksheet and format the resultant sheet appropriately. I kow server side automation is a no-no. What would be the best alternative to accomplish this?

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.Net Passing Bad Formatted Value To Stored Procedure

Jan 12, 2006

Hi, that's the problem:
I have a GridView, bound to a SQLDataSource, with an stored procedure as a Select query.  The Select Parameters are bound to controls in the web form, acting like some filter fields.
When I submit the page, everythings works fine, except when I try to set some value in the DateTime fields.  .Net is enclosing the date with extra single quotes, as I could see in the Profiler:
exec sel_despesa_procura @codigo=NULL,@fornecedor=NULL,@descricao=NULL,@vencto_ini=''2005-10-10 00:00:00:000'',@vencto_fim=''2005-10-20 00:00:00:000'',@pagto_ini=NULL,@pagto_fim=NULL,@valor=NULL,@valor_pago=NULL,@centro_custo=NULL,@pago=N'0,1'
The fields are defined as follows:
<SelectParameters>...<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtFiltroVencIni" Name="vencto_ini" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" /><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtFiltroVencFim" Name="vencto_fim" PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" />...</SelectParameters>
The stored procedure doesn't even execute, due to the bad formatted arguments.  It returns the error:
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Incorrect syntax near '2005'.
I'm going to change the parameter type to varchar, as a workaround, but I'd like to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance,

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HTML Formatted Mail Using XP_Sendmail

Jul 3, 2001

Using the stored proc XP_Sendmail i am able to send mails successfully. But i need to format the mail.. so for formatting i am using HTML tags.. so when i am sending the mail the html tags are getting displayed as it is. So pls can any body tell me how i can send the HTML formatted mail.

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Backups Failed - .BAK Incorrectly Formatted ?

Aug 3, 2002

What does this error message mean ? We have SQL2000, with database FULL RECOVERY. Other databases on the server are fine. Backups stopped working a week ago. Can't remeber anything changing

The backup data in 'D:BackupTI backup.BAK' is incorrectly formatted. Backups cannot be appended, but existing backup sets may still be usable. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3266) BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 3013). The step failed.

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SQL Reorting Services And Formatted Text

May 9, 2006

I have some textual data that comes preformatted with some extra spaces and line feeds. I am attempting to put it in a Report using SSRS 2005.

When ever I view the report in HTML Mode all of the extra whitespace is suppressed into a single space. However when I export to PDF or Word it all comes back. I have tried using the .Replace() method to put in &nbsp; and <BR> tags into my code, but then it just displays the extra text and doesn't display it as HTML.

Is there anyway either replace the items with the appropriate HTML, or add the "PRE" whitespace CSS attribute to a Textbox so that the text displays the same in HTML and in a PDF?


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Storing Large Formatted Documents

Jun 8, 2006

I am developing a resume storage system, and don't know the best way to store the resumes that come in to our company in both MS Word and text files. Should I store the files in the original format they come in, and reference the file name in the databse that points to a directory where they are stored, or should I store the text of the resumes directy in the database. There are 2 things that I must follow.

1: I need to have the documents keep their formatting.
2: I also need the capibility of conducting a full text search to pull out key words from the documents.

What is the best way?

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Insert Date As Formatted String

Feb 22, 2007

Hello,I thought this would be easy, and I've read a lot of posts, but Ican't seem to find exactly what I'm trying to do.


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Regional Numbers Are Formatted Wrong

Jan 30, 2007


I am running reporting server on a "english" server with dutch regional settings.

My client and the client of the users are also a "english" client with dutch regional settings.

A dutch number should be formatted like 1.234.567,89

Unfortenately when I run a report I get the number back (non formated) like 1234567.89

How do I get it in the dutch format ?

With regards,

Constantijn Enders

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SQL Query Output To XML Using BCP HELP!!

Aug 24, 2007

I am having trouble in writing code to save the SQL query output to an XML file.

A simple example like below is working fine and it creates an output a.xml.

------Begin Code-----
Declare @fNameTemp varchar(50)
Declare @SQL varchar(3000)
Set @fNameTemp = 'c:XMLDumpa.xml'

Set @SQL = 'bcp "Select top 10 * From test..month For XML Auto, Elements" QueryOut "' + @fNameTemp + '" -c -t, -T -S'
Exec master..xp_cmdshell @SQL
------End Code ------

But I am having trouble in writing when I change the Select query to a more complex one as in the example below. The code is part of SP.

------Begin Code-----
USE [test]
Declare @TblName1 varchar(10)
Declare @TblName2 varchar(10)
Declare @District varchar(6)
Declare @Month varchar(3)
Declare @TblType varchar(10)
Declare @Thisyear varchar(10)
Declare @Lastyear varchar(10)

SET @TblName1 = '2006exp'
SET @TblName2 = '2005exp'
SET @District = 1
SET @Month = 2
SET @TblType = 'exp1'
set @Thisyear = '2006'
set @Lastyear = '2005'

set @TblName1 = '[' + @TblName1 + ']'
set @TblName2 = '[' + @TblName2 + ']'
set @TblType = '[' + @TblType + ']'

Declare @fNameTemp varchar(50)
SET @fNameTemp = 'C:XMLDump2.xml'
Declare @SQuery nvarchar(3000)

SET @SQuery = 'bcp "Select d.descrip_1 as [Commodity Description], ty.HS4, ty.Amount1 as ['+ @ThisYear +' Value ($)], (ty.Amount1/ty.Total1)*100 as ['+ @ThisYear +' Share (%)] ,
py.Amount2 as ['+ @LastYear +' Value ($)], (py.Amount2/py.Total2)*100 as ['+ @LastYear +' Share (%)]
(Select top 10 a.commodity1 as HS4, Sum(a.all_val_mo) as Amount1,
(select Sum(a1.all_val_mo) FROM test..' + @TblName1 + ' a1 where a1.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a1.district=' + @District +' ) as Total1
FROM test..' + @TblName1 + ' a where a.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and a.district=' + @District +'
Group by a.commodity1 Order by Amount1 DESC) ty
(Select b.commodity1 as HS4, Sum(b.all_val_mo) as Amount2,
(select Sum(b1.all_val_mo) FROM test..' + @TblName2 + ' b1 where b1.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and b1.district=' + @District +' ) as Total2
FROM test..' + @TblName2 + ' b where b.stat_month <=' + @Month + ' and b.district=' + @District +'
Group by b.commodity1) py on ty.HS4=py.HS4 LEFT OUTER JOIN '+ @TblType +' d on ty.HS4=d.commodity1
Order by Amount1 DESC FOR XML AUTO, Elements" QueryOut "' + @fNameTemp + '" -c -t, -T -S'

Exec master..xp_cmdshell @SQuery
------End Code ------

Output for above code is shown below:
usage: bcp {dbtable | query} {in | out | queryout | format} datafile
[-m maxerrors] [-f formatfile] [-e errfile]
[-F firstrow] [-L lastrow] [-b batchsize]
[-n native type] [-c character type] [-w wide character type]
[-N keep non-text native] [-V file format version] [-q quoted identifier]
[-C code page specifier] [-t field terminator] [-r row terminator]
[-i inputfile] [-o outfile] [-a packetsize]
[-S server name] [-U username] [-P password]
[-T trusted connection] [-v version] [-R regional enable]
[-k keep null values] [-E keep identity values]
[-h "load hints"] [-x generate xml format file]

I don't know what is the mistake I am doing. I would appreciate if anyone can help me figure the error.

The above query works perfectly if I remove BCP & For XML Auto part. Here is a screen shot of Successful query results.

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Return Formatted Date From Stored Proc?

Mar 8, 2004

What is the recommended method of returning a formatted date from a stored procedure?

The date is held in a date time field. I wish to return the date formatted as:

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

for display in a bound text box on a win form. JUst selecting the date and binding it to the text box shows:

dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

I do not want the :ss to show. A textbox does not have a format property (that I can see). I suppose I could create my own textbox inheriting from the standard and apply a display format property. I thought it may be easier to select as required in an sp. The textbox is read only on the form.

I was looking at:

select jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken AS [Job Taken],
CAST(datepart(dd,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(2)) + '/' +
CAST(datepart(mm,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(2)) + '/' +
CAST(datepart(yyyy,jobHeaders.DateTimeJobTaken) as char(4))

from jobHeaders

but this gives :
8 /3 /2004 with spaces.

Before looking further I thought one of you guys may have the answer.

Thanks in advance

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Select Rows Where Int Formatted Date &< GetDate()

May 26, 2008

Hey there,

I have a field called renew_date which is of (int) type, and represents a date in the format 'yyyymmdd'.

Eg. If the renew date were yesterday the field would contain: 20080525.

I need a select statment that will determine if the date contained in this field is '<' todays date.

I have wrote a select statement that works, however I'm wondering if there is a better way to handle this.

select * from sometable
where renew_date <
convert(int, convert(varchar, DATEPART(yyyy, getDate())) +
convert(varchar, Right('0' + Convert(VarChar(2), DATEPART(mm, getDate())),2)) +
convert(varchar, Right('0' + Convert(varchar(2), DATEPART(dd, getDate())),2)))

Any help you may provide is greatly appreciated.


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Multi-formatted Text In A Single Texbox

Apr 24, 2007

The latest similar question is almost a year old and hasn't been definitively answered. I'm designing a certificate type report where the declaration text uses static and dynamic text generated in an expression for the textbox. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be an obvious way of formating sections of the text expression with different font sizes, weights and attributes to depict the effect desired. E.g. I want one textbox to say:

This Certifies that {a field value} was blah blah blah by {another field value} etc.

Can this be done in a regular textbox? If not, are there any work-arounds to accomplish the same effect. BTW, I'm working in RS 2005 flavor with VS 2005 Report Designer.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Transact SQL :: Computing Column Formatted To Decimal (12, 2)

Oct 19, 2015

I have the following a computing column

(isnull(TotalProductSaleCost,0) * 7) / 100

I would like the output to be formatted to decimal (12, 2) not sure how to achieve this?

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