Using Query String Against A Date Column In Database
Apr 27, 2015
I am having trouble trying to filter my sql database using the query string against a date column in my database. I set a date variable = "dd/mm/yyy" format but when I apply that in the sql query as:
StartPeriod = CDate("01/" & Today.Month.ToString & "/" & Today.Year.ToString)
EndPeriod = CDate(Today.Day.ToString & "/" & Today.Month.ToString & "/" & Today.Year.ToString)
At this point StartPeriod = #04/01/2015# and EndPeriod is #04/27/2015#
sql = "SELECT * FROM Transactions WHERE ((PaidOutDate IS Null) OR (TransDate >= '" & StartPeriod & "' AND TransDate <= '" & EndPeriod & "')
When I execute the Sql command I get this error:
"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"
My Current Culture is {en-AU}
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Jan 30, 2007
I asked this question below, but the answer was that the conversion will take place automatically, but I can't get that to happen. I have a flat file with an 8 position field that I identify as string (and I also tried date) that is yyyymmdd and it needs to go into the database field that is datetime format. IS there something I am doing wrong with the definition of it, or do I need to add some kind of conversion, and if so, what and how would that be done. I'm a dts Sql2000 expert, but the SSIS thing is driving me crazy. I have a ton of dts' to convert and the migration tool doesn't work because there are a lot of active X scripts in them. thanks for your help. Boston Rose
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Apr 7, 2008
Hello Everyone,
How can I convert the string column to date in SSIS.
I have a column which is having a value as 19890213?
Basically this values is a date
Now I wanted this value to be a date value as 01/01/2007?
i had try it out by doing this ways
but still i'm getting the error message.
I know the this can be achived through type cast in Derived Column compunent, but not sure with which cast please help me out in resoulving this issue.
Thank you
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Nov 11, 2015
I have a column value as '201303' for the date. I need to get the output into two columns as 2013 and Mar. The date column is a integer one.
How can I convert this date column in a Data Convertion task.
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Apr 3, 2008
I have two fields DSRHADTI which is an isodate and DSRHTIME which is 8 char time field in format 10.31.00. I want to take both these fields and put them into a field that is database timestamp so I have converted DSRHDATI to 10 character field. I am then trying to use substring to put both into 18 character field using derived column transformation editor. but it does not like the below. It's red syntax error what am I missing.
One I get the above to work I plan on convert 18 char to datetimestamp.
Am I on the right track on how to do this?
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Mar 25, 2008
Hi all,
In the Programmability/Stored Procedure of Northwind Database in my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I have the following sql:
USE [Northwind]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SalesByCategory] Script Date: 03/25/2008 08:31:09 ******/
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SalesByCategory]
@CategoryName nvarchar(15), @OrdYear nvarchar(4) = '1998'
IF @OrdYear != '1996' AND @OrdYear != '1997' AND @OrdYear != '1998'
SELECT @OrdYear = '1998'
SELECT ProductName,
TotalPurchase=ROUND(SUM(CONVERT(decimal(14,2), OD.Quantity * (1-OD.Discount) * OD.UnitPrice)), 0)
FROM [Order Details] OD, Orders O, Products P, Categories C
WHERE OD.OrderID = O.OrderID
AND OD.ProductID = P.ProductID
AND P.CategoryID = C.CategoryID
AND C.CategoryName = @CategoryName
AND SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(22), O.OrderDate, 111), 1, 4) = @OrdYear
GROUP BY ProductName
ORDER BY ProductName
From an ADO.NET 2.0 book, I copied the code of ConnectionPoolingForm to my VB 2005 Express. The following is part of the code:
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class ConnectionPoolingForm
Dim _ProviderFactory As DbProviderFactory = SqlClientFactory.Instance
Public Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
'Force app to be available for SqlClient perf counting
Using cn As New SqlConnection()
End Using
End Sub
Sub InitializeMinSize()
Me.MinimumSize = Me.Size
End Sub
Dim _SelectedConnection As DbConnection = Nothing
Sub lstConnections_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles lstConnections.SelectedIndexChanged
_SelectedConnection = DirectCast(lstConnections.SelectedItem, DbConnection)
End Sub
Sub DisableAllButtons()
btnAdd.Enabled = False
btnOpen.Enabled = False
btnQuery.Enabled = False
btnClose.Enabled = False
btnRemove.Enabled = False
btnClearPool.Enabled = False
btnClearAllPools.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub EnableOrDisableButtons(ByVal cn As DbConnection)
btnAdd.Enabled = True
If cn Is Nothing Then
btnOpen.Enabled = False
btnQuery.Enabled = False
btnClose.Enabled = False
btnRemove.Enabled = False
btnClearPool.Enabled = False
Dim connectionState As ConnectionState = cn.State
btnOpen.Enabled = (connectionState = connectionState.Closed)
btnQuery.Enabled = (connectionState = connectionState.Open)
btnClose.Enabled = btnQuery.Enabled
btnRemove.Enabled = True
If Not (TryCast(cn, SqlConnection) Is Nothing) Then
btnClearPool.Enabled = True
End If
End If
btnClearAllPools.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub StartWaitUI()
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
End Sub
Sub EndWaitUI()
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub
Sub SetStatus(ByVal NewStatus As String)
Me.statusStrip.Items(0).Text = NewStatus
End Sub
Sub btnConnectionString_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnConnectionString.Click
Dim strConn As String = txtConnectionString.Text
Dim bldr As DbConnectionStringBuilder = _ProviderFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder()
bldr.ConnectionString = strConn
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Invalid connection string for " + bldr.GetType().Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
Dim dlg As New ConnectionStringBuilderDialog()
If dlg.EditConnectionString(_ProviderFactory, bldr) = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
txtConnectionString.Text = dlg.ConnectionString
SetStatus("Operation cancelled")
End If
End Sub
Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim blnError As Boolean = False
Dim strErrorMessage As String = ""
Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Connection attempt failed"
Dim cn As DbConnection = _ProviderFactory.CreateConnection()
cn.ConnectionString = txtConnectionString.Text
lstConnections.SelectedIndex = lstConnections.Items.Add(cn)
Catch ex As Exception
blnError = True
strErrorMessage = ex.Message
End Try
If blnError Then
MessageBox.Show(strErrorMessage, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
SetStatus("Connection opened succesfully")
End If
End Sub
Sub btnOpen_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnOpen.Click
SetStatus("Connection opened succesfully")
Catch ex As Exception
Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Connection attempt failed"
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
End Sub
Sub btnQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click
Dim queryDialog As New QueryDialog()
If queryDialog.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
Dim cmd As DbCommand = _SelectedConnection.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = queryDialog.txtQuery.Text
Using rdr As DbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
If rdr.HasRows Then
Dim resultsForm As New QueryResultsForm()
resultsForm.ShowResults(cmd.CommandText, rdr)
SetStatus(String.Format("Query returned {0} row(s)", resultsForm.RowsReturned))
SetStatus(String.Format("Query affected {0} row(s)", rdr.RecordsAffected))
End If
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
Dim strErrorCaption As String = "Query attempt failed"
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, strErrorCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End Try
SetStatus("Operation cancelled")
End If
End Sub
I executed the code successfully and I got a box which asked for "Enter the query string".
I typed in the following: EXEC dbo.SalesByCategory @Seafood. I got the following box: Query attempt failed. Must declare the scalar variable "@Seafood". I am learning how to enter the string for the "SQL query programed in the subQuery_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnQuery.Click" (see the code statements listed above). Please help and tell me what I missed and what I should put into the query string to get the information of the "Seafood" category out.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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Apr 19, 1999
I know I am missing something basic, here.
I have a date field in a table. The field is 'allowed Nulls'. When a certain thing happens in the program, the date is filled in.
At various times, I need to do a query to find all the rows that have no dates entered.
What do I use in my where clause? SQL server does not like 'where date = null.'
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Jan 23, 2008
Ok, to start I will say I am a novice so detailed solutions are much appreciated. I believe I am on the right track. Here is what I am trying to accomplish. I have a page that uses an xml driven google map. When you click on the map marker, the info bubble displays brief information about a community and a link specified from the xml file. I have specified the links in the xml file to pass a query string variable ex: /community.aspx?name=uniqueCommunityNameHere. I tested this by simply placing a label on the community.aspx page that restated the "name" value - works fine (first commented out line of Page_Load). Now I need to complete my VB function that pulls the data record from the database - based on the parameter input from the query string - when the page loads. So if the user clicks the link on the marker for community1, it will populate community.aspx with info about community1 from the database... if they click community7 it will display that community info etc.
Data Table: "Community" Data Fields: ID, Name, Description, Address, City, State, Phone, SalesRep.
ASPX Page Design Elements: lblID, lblName, lblDesc, lblAddress.... etc.
Here is my start... I will need help with the sql statement for sure - how do I create a where clause from the query string parameter passed in?
Thanks so much for your help!
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load'My initial test to see that the query string is working lblName.Text = Request("name").ToString()
' Get the community info when loading community.aspx for the user selected communityIf Not IsPostBack ThenLoadCommunityInfo(Request("name").ToString())End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub LoadCommunityInfo(ByVal community)' Define data objectsDim conn As SqlConnectionDim comm As SqlCommandDim reader As SqlDataReader
' Read the connection string from Web.configDim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("CONHTConnectionString").ConnectionString' Initialize connectionconn = New SqlConnection(connectionString)' Create commandcomm = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Community WHERE Name = " & community, conn)' Enclose database code in Try-Catch-FinallyTry' Open the connectionconn.Open()' Execute the commandreader = comm.ExecuteReader()' Populate the list of community information -> Make the labels.text = the database fields --> lblName.text = table-Community field-"Name"lblName.Text = "Name"lblDesc.Text = "Description"....' Close the readerreader.Close()Catch' Display error messagedbErrorLabel.Text = "Error loading the community information!<br />"Finally' Close the connectionconn.Close()End TryEnd Sub
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Mar 18, 2014
I have the following
Column Name : [Converted Date]
Data Type : varchar(50)
When I try and do month around the [Converted Date] I get the following error message
“Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.”
My Query is
month([Created Date])
FROM [FDMS_PartnerReporting].[Staging].[Salesforce_MarketingReporting]
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Nov 16, 2015
SELECT * ,[Due]
FROM [Events]
Where Due >= getdate() +90
This returns the error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
Why would this be? How to cast or convert this so that it will work?
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Sep 28, 2007
Using DTS package in 2000 version, I am dumping TXT file contents into SQL Table,
I have one column having date in format YYYYMMDD(20070929) and corresponding column in SQL is datetime, but it fails on data type mismatch.
I have no choice of making date column in SQL to string or Varchar etc,
is there any way to make that date column in SQL to convert the value upon transformation from format (YYYYMMDD) to M/DD/YYYY (9/29/2007).
many many thanks,
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Mar 11, 2008
Hi, I've just started using SQL Server Express with VWDE 2005 and I have a database with one table called EVENTS which has a datetime column called DATE. I want to select records where the DATE value is in the next two months.First I tried selecting records where the DATE value is >= today. I used the query builder to produce... SELECT [Date], [Title] FROM [Events] WHERE [Date] >= GETDATE()but got the error "Undefined function 'GETDATE' in expression".Am I missing something obvious?
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Jan 2, 2008
I have written a small app in VB2005 for a friend of mine and now I am trying to extract records for an access database with a specific month in the date field. What I am trying to get is all the entries for a month like July. I have this as my query:
SELECT ID, ShopDate, ShopText FROM Cost
WHERE DATEPART([month], ShopDate) = ?
When I run the preview, it is asking me to pass along an AnsiString as a parameter. I have tryed numbers, spelling out the month, numbers in single and double quotes, spelled out month in single and double quotes but it will not take anything that I type as a parameter for the query
Any ideas?
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Feb 15, 2008
I Have this simple convertion in a Script component
Dts.Variables("dateOfProcess").Value = CDate(lineMCF.Substring(30, 2) + "/" + lineMCF.Substring(28, 2) + "/" + lineMCF.Substring(24, 4))
this works fin in my development environment which has a spanish version of SQL Server and uses "DD/MM/YYYY" as date format.
but the production environment has an english version of SQL Server and "MM/DD/YYYY" date format, so the package crashes in this server.
How do I convert the string to date not depending on the SQL server language.
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Jul 12, 2012
how to add a date range filter to my database query. I want to be able to enter a date into ("E,6") and have VBA pull data >,= to that date range according to my "OPENED_DATE" dates. My code is pasted below:
'Create header names
wkbOne.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1).Value = "PART_NUMBER"
wkbOne.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 2).Value = "SFC"
wkbOne.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 3).Value = "OPERATION"
wkbOne.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 4).Value = "NC_CODE"
wkbOne.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 5).Value = "OPENED_DATE"
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Jan 8, 2013
I have a table in which a date value is stored as varchar.some of these values are stored ina dd/mm/yyyy format and other values are stored in a yyyy-mm-dd format..Now I wish to retrieve some data by querying between two dates. However I need to convert the varchar date value to datetime in order to do this but since the date value is in two different formats, the following doesn't work.
select date_value
from my_table
where CONVERT(DATETIME, date_value, 103) between @date1 and @date2
How can you convert the date value to datetime when its stored in mutiple formats. I can't change the table itself as I dont have admin privelages.
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Mar 27, 2008
Hi,I have a empskill Table which has 3 Columns (1) EmpID (2) SkillTypeID and (3) CourseID.Now SkillTypeID column has data 1 or 2 here 1 means Primary Skill and 2 means Secondary Skill. CourseID will reflect the ID's of subjects like c#,SQL,etc I need a Query which will count the number of primary skilled and number of secondary skilled persons based on subject and will display as followsCOURSE ID SKILL TYPE 21 222 123 424 1IN SHORT: I want to count the number of particular skill types and display them against their respective course id. You need to display one column data of database into two columns as output. Hope you people will help me in this regard.Thanks in advanceRameshRaj
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Aug 3, 2007
How can i write a query to split a database column and shows 2 new columns. In my database column
I have 2 mixing items and need to split out to 2 columns. Normally I have to write a query and change parameter
and run another query.
For example a database column with average number and range number.
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Mar 5, 2007
I have dates in "mmddyy" format coming from the sources and they are older dates of mid 80s like 082580 for instance.
When I cast it this way (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) Source_Date , It says ok but throws a runtime error.
When I hardcode a date in same format, (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) "082580" , It becomes red (an indication of syntax error) . Please note that we use double quotes in expressions in Derived Column Transformation; So an anticipation that using double quotes over single ones would be the syntax problem would be wrong.
Any help in this will sincerely be appreciated.
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May 18, 2007
On my company site, I have created a database that is for the purpose of tracking google adwords, as well as pages that the user visits. For instance, if you were to search for "guitars" and then click our ad, an entry is created in the database like thisKeyword: SessionGUID: PageVisited: VisitedDateTime:Guitars lkjfeilfjskdlfjsije ~ViewCategory.aspx?Cat=Guitars,KW=Guitars 12/01/2000 12:00amGuitars lkjfeilfjskdlfjsije ~ViewProduct.aspx?ProductID=1253&SubProductID=3 12/01/2000 12:03amGuitars lkjfeilfjskdlfjsije ~Search.aspx?Q=BC%20%Rich 12/01/2000 12:05am Pretty much, in our administrative area, I want to be able to have a table that would generate these results: Keyword Total HitsGuitars 3So im guessing that obviously I would need to do a select distinct for the Keyword column, but how do I also have a column showing a count of the records?
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Jan 24, 2008
I have an SSIS package that moves data from SQL Server to an legacy Access database. In SQL Server, there is a date/time column that I need to split into a separate date column and time column in the access database. Initially I just created a derrived column for the time and set the expression equal to the source date/time column from SQL Server. Unfortunately, that just makes the date column and time column the same having the full date/time.
What expression can I use during a derrived column transformation to assign just the date to a derrived column and just the time to another derrived column?
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Aug 3, 2015
How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?
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May 22, 2007
Hello to all,
I have a problem with ms sql query. I hope that somebody can help me.
i have a table "Relationships". There are two Fields (IDMember und RelationshipIDs) in this table. IDMember is the Owner ID (type: integer) und RelationshipIDs saves all partners of this Owner ( type: varchar(1000)). Example Datas for Table Relationships: IDMember Relationships .
3387 (2345, 2388,4567,....)
4567 (8990, 7865, 3387...)
i wirte a query to check if there is Relationship between two members.
Declare @IDM int; Declare @IDO int; Set @IDM = 3387, @IDO = 4567;
select *
from Relationship where (IDMember = @IDM) and ( cast(@ID0 as char(100)) in
(select Relationship .[RelationshipIDs] from Relationship where IDMember = @IDM))
But I get nothing by this query.
Can Someone tell me where is the problem? Thanks
Best Regards
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May 30, 2015
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
I have table containing 5 columns.
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Aug 24, 2015
PHP Code:
, .75 AS GOAL
[Code] ....
The insert column I am trying to get into is a date type. The original state of the field is YYYYMM varchar. How to get this into the table.
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Nov 26, 2015
(ID int,
Code nvarchar (20),
Datein datetime,
Declined datetime )
[Code] .....
I have a table here. I want find a way of getting the latest date, when the code is the same. If the Declined date is null. Then I still want the latest date. E.g. ID 3.
If the declined date is filled in. Then I want to get the row, when the Datein column value is greater then the declined date only.
I tried grouping it by max date, but i got an error message when trying this out. Against the code
WHERE MAX(Datein) > Declined
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference. What do I need to do to get both my outputs working?
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Aug 31, 2015
So my data column [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is defined as a DATE column. I am trying to SELECT from my table where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is today's date.
Is this not working because GETDATE() is like a timestamp format? How can I get this to work to return those rows where [EODPosting].[MatchDate] is equal to today's date?
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Jun 15, 2015
i have a excel file in which i have a date column it having the below date formats below
Install Date
So using SSIS how we would load this date column into the table into one format like dd/mm/yyyy or any single date format
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Oct 30, 2015
I have a set of data spread across a number of tables regarding stock market data. An example of this follows:
Market Capitalization...
Date CompA CompB
01/01/11 100 5
02/01/11 102 4
Share Price....
Date CompA CompB
01/01/11 100 100
02/01/11 101 99
Event Data...
Date Company
01/01/11 CompA
02/01/11 CompB
Pretty simply, I need a way to retrieve the market capitalisation and share price data based on the event data. So for instance I say 'oh, there is an event on the 01/01/11 involving company A, the market capitalisation on this day was 100, then for the next event it was 4 for company B.
I can also transpose the data so that the company name is in the rows and the dates in the columns for the market cap and share price tables, but this leads to the issue that when I try and get the data, I don't know how to query the correct company for that date.
For instance:
SELECT Event.Date, Event.Company
FROM Event
how do I now say.....
SELECT MarketCapitalisation.Column
WHERE Column = Event.Company
AND MarketCapitalisation.Date = Event.Date.
I have played around with a few basic joins, but I am having issue with the principle of that second to last line of SQL (so only getting the correct column).
I still have a copy of the data in excel so can flip things around as needed, but that would only mean that I would have the issue of WHERE Column = Event.Date instead of Event.Company.
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Jun 6, 2012
I need to compare the contents of a column.
I have a table with 1 column. Below are the sample contents..
2012-06-01 00:30:00.000
2012-06-01 01:00:00.000
2012-06-01 01:30:00.000
2012-06-01 02:00:00.000
2012-06-01 02:30:00.000
as you can see, the records have a 30minutes time interval. i need to create a query to know if there are missing records in the table. so basically the result should be this:
2012-06-01 18:00:00.000
2012-06-01 20:30:00.000
if it is not doable, we can get the nearest record of all missing records like this:
2012-06-01 17:30:00.000
2012-06-01 20:00:00.000
or this:
2012-06-01 18:30:00.000
2012-06-01 21:00:00.000
or this:
2012-06-01 17:30:00.000
2012-06-01 18:30:00.000
2012-06-01 20:00:00.000
2012-06-01 21:00:00.000
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Oct 21, 2013
Aim – Convert the following field ”[INSTALLATION_DATE]” date format from “20090709” Into this “2009-07-09” ,
Also create a new column called “BegMonth” which selects first day of the given month of the converted date column
The table is ;
FROM [FDMS].[dbo].[stg_LMPAB501]
Required Results
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Apr 19, 2015
My requirement is to get the earliest start date after a gap in a date column.My date field will be like this.
Table Name-XXX
StartDate(Column Name)
In this scenario i need the latest start date after the gap ie. 2015/09/01 .If there is no gap in the date column i need 2014/10/01
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Nov 3, 2007
Hi all,
In my SQL Server Management Studio Express, I have the following Database "ChemAveRpd", Table "dbo.LabTests", and Content of the Table:
dbo.LabTests Column_name Type Length Prec Scale
AnalyteID int 4 10 0 (Primary Key)
AnalyteName nvarch 510
CasNumber nvarch 510
Result numeric 5 8 2
Unit nvarch 510
SampleID int 4 10 0 (Foreign Key)
AnalyteID AnalyteName CasNumber Result Unit SampleID
1 Acetone 123-456-9 134.0 ug/L 1
2 Bezene 666-12-8 2.0 ug/L 1
3 Cobalt 421-008-7 10.0 ug/L 1
4 Acetone 123-456-9 201.0 ug/Kg 2
5 Bezene 666-12-8 1.0 ug/Kg 2
6 Cobalt 421-008-7 22.0 ug/Kg 2
7 Acetone 123-456-9 357.0 ug/L 3
8 Bezene 666-12-8 9.0 ug/L 3
9 Cobalt 421-008-7 56.0 ug/L 3
When I ran the following T-SQL code:
USE ChemAveRpd
FROM dbo.LabTests as LabResults
Where AnalyteName = Acetone
I got the following error:
Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Invalid column name 'Acetone'.
Please help and tell me what right syntax I should write for [Where AnalyteName = Acetone] to generate a listing of LabResults for Acetone.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
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