Using SqlCeEngine To Verify/Restore A Database

Jul 31, 2006

I have a compact pc program that uses a sql server database (sdf file).
I want to check the database integrity when program starts so I added a call to veriy method of SqlCeEngine

string dbFullName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) + "NessDB.sdf";
SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dbFullName);

The call to verify always returning false and when I call repair

string dbFullName = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(
System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) + "NessDB.sdf";
SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine("Data Source = " + dbFullName);
engine.Repair(null, RepairOption.RecoverCorruptedRows);

the program crashes and I get an exception "The specified module could not be found"
Why this happen and how can I check database corruption.

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Error Using Verify/Repair Methods Of SqlCeEngine

Aug 2, 2006

I have a compact pc program that uses a sql server database (sdf file).
I want to check the database integrity when program starts so I added a call to veriy method of SqlCeEngine.

The verify function always returns false even the database is OK and I can work with it.

when I call repair it throws the exception : "The specified module could not be found"

The code is :

string connectionString = "Data Source = '" + m_dbFullName + "'";

SqlCeEngine engine = new SqlCeEngine(connectionString);

if(engine.Verify() == false)


 engine.Repair(null, RepairOption.RecoverCorruptedRows);


The database exists and the path to it is correct:

dbFullName  = "\program files\MyApp\MyDB.sdf"

I also tried out some different connection strings but it did not help:

"Data Source = ' MyDB.sdf  '"

"Data Source = 'MyDB.sdf  "

"Data Source=' MyDB.sdf  '"

"Data Source=MyDB.sdf"

Please any one can help me with this ???????????????????

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How To Verify The Validity Of A File Prior To Attempting Restore?

Mar 22, 2007


I would like a way to check a file before attempting to restore it. I want to be able to tell that this is a valid SQL backup file and not just some random file before I attempt a restore.

Any help would be appreciated!


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How To Verify The Integrity Of A Back-up File Prior To Restore?

Mar 22, 2007


I have some C# (.NET 2.0) code that performs back-ups and also can perform restores of back-up files. I would like to validate the integrity of a file prior to initiating a restore operation. In other words, I want to know, before I try to restore, if the file is just a random file (picture, work doc, zipped backup, etc.) or if it is a valid SQL backup file.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Transact SQL :: Verify Complete Restore Path (check For Missing Files)

Jul 29, 2015

In SQL Studio, I can go to the restore window and the click "verify backup media". This would check the restore plan listed in this window and check if some of the file are missed.Is there any way to reach this with TQSL? I know there is a "restore verify" command, but this will only verify one backup/file and not the complete restore path. I'm looking for a TSQL solution which is able to control that all necessary backup files are still present on the file System and not moved or deleted (e.g through cleanup task).

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Verify If Database Exists

Nov 23, 2005

Hi,Is there a simple way to verify if a database exists?I'm writing a stored procedure that will accept a database name as an inputparameter,and create the database if it does't already exist.--Message posted via

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How To Verify Database Backup Completed?

Jul 31, 2004

Hello, everyone:

Does any baby offer command to verify if database backup is completed? In backup wazard, there is an option "Verify backup upon completion" . Is there the SQL command? Thanks.


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How To Verify Sp_recompile On Tables In A Database

Nov 29, 2007


i want to verify these 2 statements on the tables in a particular database..
how can i do this..

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Verify Multiple Database Backups Using Single Statement

Oct 25, 2007

Hi all,

I have taken more than one database backups and i have an idea that we can verify single backup using "restore verifyonly from disk='<path>'" statement.
Now my question is Could we verify all(More than one backup) backups with single statement?
Any suggestion would be helpful to me:-)

Thanks in advance,

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Request For SqlCeEngine.Exists(), .Delete() Methods

Nov 9, 2006

Given a connection string, I can create a database using a SqlCeEngine object and call engine.CreateDatabase().

However, there doesn't seem to be a way to determine whether a database exists, given a connection string. I would need to interpret the connection string myself and extract the file name to use File.Exists() etc.

There should be SqlCeEngine methods to test whether a database exists, test whether it's accessible, and to delete it, given a connection string.

Cheers, Oli

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Database Restore Failed, Now Inaccessible And Can Not Restore.

Apr 27, 2007

I have seen this before. A 2000 restore fails, leaving the database thinking it is being restored but the restore job failed and errors when it is restarted. EM is clueless. I believe there is a proc to reset some flag. Can you share it with me???


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Transact SQL :: Verify Inserted Values From One Table (in CSV File) With Another Table (in Database)

Aug 4, 2015

I am looking for a Sql query to verify the inserted values from one table(in CSV file) with another table(in sql database)

For example: I have below Values column that is present in once CSV file, after my data migration the values get stored in Results table under Message column.

I need to very whether values(1X,1Y) are inserted in Message record "successfully inserted value 1X"

Values (CSV)

Results Table(SQL)
CreatedDate                   Message
2015-08-04 08:45:29.203  successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:44:29.103  TEst pass
2015-08-04 08:43:29.103  successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:42:29.203  test point
2015-08-04 08:35:29.203  successfully inserted value 1Y
2015-08-04 08:30:29.203  Test Pass
2015-08-04 08:28:29.203  successfully inserted value 1Y

If all values are inserted:

All values from values table are inserted successfully
Total count of values inserted: 2
If only few values are inserted, example only 1X from Values table is inserted in Message

Results Table CreatedDate     Message
2015-08-04 08:45:29.203  successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:44:29.103  TEst pass
2015-08-04 08:43:29.103  successfully inserted value 1X
2015-08-04 08:42:29.203  test point

All values from values are not inserted successfully in result table.
Total count of values inserted: 1
Missing Values not inserted in results table are: 1Y

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Error Message Run Repair Utility When Using

Sep 26, 2007

Hi there.

I have a corrupt .sdf database sat on a SD Card but i am unable to find a way to repair it.

So far I have tried a few different methods, most of which just tell me what i already know i.e. "the database is corrupt and needs repairing!!"

I am unable to open the file in SSMS object browser (see above message) which means i cant run repair / shrink utilites.
I am also unable to add the database to a vs2005 project (again see above message) meaning again i can't run any repair utilities.

I have also tried using the compact / Repair utility in Query analyser 3.0 on my Windows Mobile 5.0 PDA but once again i am greeted with an "error reading file - Run the Repair Utility" Message.

Lastly i've tried using the method and, depending on whether i do it on the PDA or on a desktop pc it throws the exceptions "Error occurred reading database file - run the repair utility"(PDA) or "invalid database type" (PC)

Can anyone shed any light as to whether there is another (easier???) way of doing this or if i just have to face it that this file is lost?


ps. the code i used for the .repair is as below:

Dim conn As SqlCeEngine

Dim strdb As String

strdb = "SD CardPathnameDatabase.sdf"

conn = New SqlCeEngine(String.Format("Data Source={0}", strdb))

If conn.Verify = False Then

conn.Repair(Nothing, RepairOption.RecoverCorruptedRows)

MsgBox("Successfully Repaired")

End If

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RESTORE Database - Database In Use, Restore Fails

Nov 19, 1999


Trying to keep out sysadmins & sa during/between database RESTORE

WINNT Server Enterprise 4.0 w/SP5
SQL Server 7 Enterprise & SP1

2 SQL Servers:
Production Server
Standby server

I Backup (full backup) databases to disk on primary server (logical backup devices are physicaly located on a Standby server (dedicated gigabit NIC in each server for this process). Transaction logs are applied to the Standby server throughout the day.

How to keep out "sa" and sysadmins from a database while I'm restoring (or between restores) to a standby server?
The database being restored cannot be in use during a restore.
If a DBA forgets that this process is happening, the statement fails (RESTORE)for the database they happen to be in at the time of the restore.

Example restore statement:
Standby Server -
RESTORE DATABASE databasename FROM database_dd WITH DBO_ONLY, REPLACE, STANDBY = 'g:Mssql7FromPrimaryDatabaseName_undo.ldf'

I could restrict Domain sysadmin access and change sa password. I could also put the database in "Single user" mode, however this could become problem if my process disconnects and then someone else connects - then my process is locked out. What I'm really looking for is to lock out all activity for a database that is in "standby mode" except for RESTORE processes.

Any ideas??


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Read Only Database Restore Bringing Database In Single User Mode?

May 9, 2012

I'm taking a database(read-only) backup from one server and restoring it on other server. As soon as restore is done it is bringing database into single-user read-only mode.

why it is bringing the database into single user mode ?

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I Want To Revert Back To Original State Of Database Before I Performed Restore Database

Nov 15, 2006

Hello,i am in great trouble. I want to revert back to original state ofdatabase before i performed restore database on my sql server 2KDatabase. Accidently i didn't take backup of my Database and i didrestore, so is there any way to get the original state back of myDatabase?Any suggestion will be highly appriciated.Regards,S. Domadia.

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Restore Of Database Backup To Another Database Makes Users DBO

May 7, 1999

Anybody figure a way around this:

In a development server you take a backup and you want to move the entire database to a production server. The production server does not contain the database, users, or logins in master.

When you restore the backup to production in 7.0, the users get moved to DBO because the logins do not exist and then you cannot delete them.

We are having to drop the users from the database on development, back up the database and restore it to production, then recreate the users on production.

This is bogus and did not happen in 6.5 because of the aliases.

Anybody come up with a better way?

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How To Backup CE Database Tables And Restore To Newer Database?

Jul 3, 2007

I am fairly new to VS 2005 and SQL Server CE. I have developed a Desktop Windows application using VB 2005 and the SQL Compact Edition Database. This application will sell to users via web download.

When they download a service patch, or updated version, I wish for them to retain the data in their present database. In other words, fill the new database with the old data. The new table structures will remain intact except for added columns at the end.

Question is how to save the old data and update the new database with it. Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to write a module to save a database copy, and update the new database with content at install time?

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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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SQL 2012 :: Restore Master Database For A New Database?

Jul 29, 2014

Sometime during the night last night some user account permissions were "lost". Am I right to think that restoring the master database would be the way to go? We have a 2 node 2012 cluster and I stop the cluster resource and start the db in single user mode from the active node. Somehow the sharepoint farm is still trying to connect so I can't get logged in single user. What method could I use to stop users from connecting when I don't have access to the sharepoint farm.

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Is It Possible To Restore A Database But Preserve The Security Of The Database?

Apr 26, 2007

i have a development database that has updates and changes to a production database. rather than go through individually and alter all relevant tables and stored procedures, id like to back up the database on the development side and restore it on the production side as the production database. is there a way to restore the database on the production server but preserve all the security settings (ie logins and such)? i noticed on our development server, that if i try to restore the database with my development database, it overwrites the users and/or if the user is the same on both, it removes the login name for that user.

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How To Restore Backup Database To A Different Database? Please Its Urgent

Aug 10, 2007


I was wondering how I could restore a bkp file into a database with a different name. For example, I made a backup of T1.mdf and i want to restore t1.bkp to T2.mdf.

I am using VB.Net to do the backup and restore.

Is there any way of doing it?


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Possible To Restore Database From Raw MDF And LDF Files Of Old To New Database Instance

Aug 19, 2015

I have a client that has POS software called Restaurant Pro Express (RPE) from [URL] ...

Their old POS computer had a hardware failure, but I was able to attach the hard-drive to another computer and recover the data. RPE uses a MSSQL database system. However, my client doesn't seem to make backups very often

- the last one is dated January 5, 2015. I was able to copy the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server folder over which contained the instance as well as all the data files - and has up-to-date information. The instance in the recovered Microsoft SQL Server folder was called MSSQL.1. I installed the RPE software on their new computer, and it too now has an instance called MSSQL10_50.PCAMERICA. The new computer is using MSSQL 2008 R2, while I believe the old computer would have been using MSSQL 2005.

I am no DBA expert, especially when it comes to MSSQL. Is is possible to 'restore' the database from the 'raw' .mdf and .ldf files of the old computer to the new computer / database instance? If so, how should I proceed?

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Please Verify Syntax

Jun 15, 2007

I haven't written any .net database updates before. I wrote the following code for a visual web developer application and it appears to work. There is no close function or anything. Will the adapter, builder, dataset, and row objects be cleaned up and disposed of properly? Please tell me if I need to include anything else. The connection object is made elsewhere. ThanksDim adapter As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE InUnique=" & ListValue.Value, connect)
Dim builder As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder(adapter)Dim dataset As Data.DataSet = New Data.DataSet()
adapter.Fill(dataset, "Inventory")Dim datarow As Data.DataRow = dataset.Tables(0).Rows(0)
datarow("InAgUnique") = Val(InAgUnique.Text)datarow("InTyUnique") = Val(InTyUnique.Text)
datarow("InName") = InName.Textdatarow("InPnUniquePrimary") = Val(InPnUniquePrimary.Text)
datarow("InPnUniqueSecondary") = Val(InPnUniqueSecondary.Text)datarow("InPnUniqueTertiary") = Val(InPnUniqueTertiary.Text)
datarow("InPnUniqueSupervisor") = Val(InPnUniqueSupervisor.Text)datarow("InDescription") = InDescription.Text
datarow("InProblemInstructions") = InProblemInstructions.Text
adapter.Update(dataset, "Inventory")

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Verify User

Jan 1, 2008

Hi, all!
I'm really confused about how to run a query on the database to check to see the CustomerID filed value already exists in the database.
If it’s true, I want to display a message: “Valid� the user to proceed with the next steps
Display the customer number doesn’t exist in the database, and cancel.
I tried all sorts of things and I just can't get it to do it. Hopefully you can help. Thank you

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How To Verify A DB Via OLEDB?

Jul 30, 2007

I cannot find any OLE DB reference material for how to perform a "Verify" DB as advertised in the Documentation for SQL Server Mobile Edition.

The docs have a sample in C#, but nothing for OLD DB in C++.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Please Verify This SQL Fragment

Aug 24, 2007

Will someone please help verify this SQL fragment?

I want to ensure that it produces the same results as the 'Group By' clause of the MS Access fragment below.


Group By Case

When r.LICFAC In ('CR', 'GC') And f.SOPNO < 38 Then -1

Else 0


, Case

When r.LICFAC = 'MU' And f.SOSTS <> '05' Then -1

Else 0

MS Access:

GROUP BY IIf((([LICFAC]="CR" Or [LICFAC]="GC") And ([SOPNO]<38)),True,False)
, IIf(([LICFAC]="MU") And ([SOSTS]<>"05"),True,False)

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How Can I Verify A GUID Number ?

May 13, 2004

Dear SQL,

I need to SELECT something from a database that has a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER (GUID) field,

If the number is wrong (has some other than A-Z 0-9) than the ASP page just freaks out and gets "error converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier"

How can I check that the GUID is OK before I SELECT ?
this is the number format:

I tried to cast this "error" number with no successs:
"WHERE Deceased_ID = cast('"& "---------4936-4A31-B4E2-9168AAB75A0" &"' as uniqueidentifier)"

Thanks in advance, Yovav.

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How To Verify Whether All The Tables Have Inserted

Jan 23, 2015

I am working on sql integrating with Hybris. Most of you are not aware of hybris as it was a new technology.

In hybris we will create some classes and in those classes we will insert some tables. These tables will be automatically inserted into the sql server. No need to manually insert them the hybris structure will insert it. So my doubt is, how can we find out whether all the records have been inserted into sql database or not how we can check that.

Is there any way?? We have those classes in wich we can see which tables are there. Or else from the data model itself we can see what are the tables avilable or shud be inserted into sql thru hybris.

Can we check by giving all the table names in a single query?? or is there any other way to find out. If we can check by giving all the table names in single query how we need to give it.

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Verify Sql 2005 Sp1 Installation

Jan 17, 2007

How can I verify if the sp1 is installed on my sql server 2005 server ?


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How To Verify If SQL Server Is Installed

Apr 1, 2008

Hi, guys,
I've to build a program that verify if SQL Server is installed. How can I verify that?
Thanks in advance.

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How Can I Verify The Availability Of An SQL Server

Nov 18, 2006

Hello everyone,

I have an ASP application mainly connected to one SQL database that works great but now I am trying to add some functionality that requires to connect to another remote SQL server. Till now all is fine except that the remote SQL server is not always online and of course when this happens my ASP application stops with the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Specified SQL server not found.

in my Global.asa I setup my session variables for DSN connections and in my pages I call my SQL connection as follow:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open Session("MySQL")

SQL = "my SQL statement here;"
Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)

Every time the page hits the Conn.Open line I get the error if the remote SQL is not online!!!

Is there a way I can check a sort of returned error code holding the connection status before getting to the Conn.Open line???

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thx in advance

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How To Verify Installed License

Mar 6, 2007

I have inherited serveral SQL 2000 servers and need to know if there is a way to verify the license that was installed, per processor or Server + Cals.


Skip Berry

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