Using A ForEach Loop Container

Mar 30, 2007


Can anyone point me to an example of using a ForEach Loop Container to step through the rows in a recordset. I cannot seem to see how this is done from the help files.


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Foreach Loop Container Foreach File Enumerator Sort Files

Apr 4, 2007

How do you sort files from the Foreach loop container?

I love this component, except I can't get it to sort by filename.

Nice to know how to sort by timestamps also.


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Foreach Loop Container - Foreach ADO Enumerator How Performance Compares To Use Of Cursors In Stored Procs

Apr 22, 2008


I have a question

How is foreach loop container - foreach ADO enumerator performace in SSIS package compares to use of cursors in stored procedures

Is there any articles comparing them

I understand a lot of factors can affect the performance, however what is expected performance for the foreach ADO enumerator loop for large dataset. What is Microsoft recommendation for that - recommended - not recommended (using large datasets - over million records)

Thank you
Arminr Bell

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Foreach Loop Container

Jan 22, 2008

Hello Experts,

Sorry that I open a new thread again but I didnt found any good tutorials about foreach loop container. I would like to read every row from one table and do something.
I red something about sql task Can someone give a little instruction, please?

Kind regards,

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Using Foreach Loop Container

Feb 15, 2007


I using data flow task to import from flat file to database but i need to use Foreach Loop Container to import multiple files in specific folder and all will be insert in the same table

tahnks & Regards

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ForEach Loop Container Question

Nov 6, 2006


Currently the ForEach Loop container is set to loop over the entire collection of records in my table, but I only need to loop thru the records where the status = x. How is that possible? Can I use expressions to set the enumerator to do something like this. Basiclly the collection values are used for further processing, and I would like to avoid looping thru records which have been processed already, which means they already have a status set to y. Please let me know. Thanks.


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Foreach Loop Container In SSIS

May 24, 2006

Could someone send me any links or information on how to loop through an ADO.NET dataset in SSIS? I need step by step information please.

Thank you,


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ForEach Loop Container And First Task

Nov 8, 2006


My Foreach Loop container has 10 different task inside. I want to execute the first task only one time. I have a variable with increases for each repition. How can I put precedence contstraint on the first task so that it should execute only first time and other task has to execute all the time.


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FOREACH Loop Container: Continue ?

May 26, 2006

With a ForEach container, configured to loop through files in a
directory, if I have a problem with a file.. can I direct the loop to
skip on to the next file?

I'm processing structured files, first record of each is some
header info, body records are in the middle, and then the last record
is a trailer containg a checksum

So, for each file in the directory, I split the records into three raw
files, one for header rec(s) , one for body recs and one for trailer
recs. (based on line numbers and using a conditional split to direct
the records)

Then I start by processing the header recs in a dataflow.. if all goes
well there I move on to the next dataflow to process the body recs from
the DataRecs raw file.. etc...

I would like to do some validation at each processing step.. if a
header rec fails validation say... then I'd like to just stop
processing that file and move onto the next file...

Now, I don't see my validation throwing an exception... so its more
that I'd decide (maybe using an Audit ) that the header doesn't pass
validation.. then I'd like to put a record in an error table (with info
about filename, source etc, not just content of the current data row)

But not sure what approach to take on this...

If there is an appropriate section in BOL please point me at it...



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ForEach Loop Container Issue!!!

Feb 9, 2007

Hi everyone,

I am having hard time with foreach loop container. The for each loop container in my package goes over all the rows in a ADO enumerator recordset variable and shows row values one by one in message box. The problem is that it just keeps printing the first row infinitely. Could anyone tell me what could be wrong?

Thanks in Advance,

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Expressions In Foreach Loop Container

Jan 12, 2008

Dear All!
I have a "Foreach Loop Container" to search files in a folder. And I only want to search .txt and .txt.gz file. I set property "FileSpec" as "*.txt,*.txt.gz" but my container dont run. Can you help me?

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File Metadata And The Foreach Loop Container

Jan 4, 2007


I want to set up a Foreach loop container to loop through several flat files. I have a connection manager set up for individual flat files. The metadata for the files is all the same. They are fixed width files, and contain sixty five columns.

I didn't see a place in the container properties to configure the metadata of the files. How can a Foreach Loop Container 'know' the metadata of the flat files that I want to loop through?

Thank you for your help!


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Foreach Loop Container Does Not Iterate Automatically

Sep 19, 2007


Another classic example of something silly I must be doing

I have a "Foreach Loop Container" which uses a "Foreach ADO Enumerator".
The object source is a recordset variable.

Inside the "Foreach Loop Container", a lot of things are happening - some Execute SQL Tasks, Send Mail Tasks, Script Tasks and also a couple of Sequence Containers.

Now, I am getting 2 records in the recordset, but, the "Foreach Loop Container" executes just once.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Logging The Foreach Loop Container's Variables

Apr 23, 2008


I would like to loop through a folder and then log the folder's content, as in the names of the files, into a database like all the events get logged. Here is what i have done. I put some files into the folder c: emp made a loop through it, set up a variable 'temp' scope is the foreach loop, set the variable raisechangedevent to true. I have also confgigured the loop to put the result of the looping, in the temp variable in the variable mappings tab.

Strangely nothing is recorded into the "execution results" when i test run the package ? Do i need to make a event handler for the onvariablevaluechanged event for the foreach loop container to be able to get the value of the variable logged or is there something other that i'm missing ?

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Using Array Variable In ForEach Loop Container

Mar 1, 2007

Dear all,

I have a problem using SSIS since I was a beginner, the problem is I have to do some data transform from flat files into database. These flat files come from many branches of my office with the file structure like this D:SSISranch_nmfile_nm.txt, in folder SSIS there are many branch_nm folder and each branch_nm folder contains many flat files.

My idea was grab the branch_nm folder into array variable using Script Task and then loop this array variable using ForEach Loop Container to get the file and using it for Flat File connection, but I don't know the way to do it.

May this idea work out for sure ?? How to use array variable, that we previously defined inside Script Task, in ForEach Loop Container ?

Thanks in advance

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How To Check Out EOF Inside A Foreach Loop Container?

Apr 12, 2007

Hi everyone,

I've got a Foreach loop container which uses a Foreach ADO Enumerator and works fine.

But problem comes when I launch inside the general loop another Sql Task (select) which sometimes has rows and sometimes hasn't. When it have rows everything is fine the workflow follows fine but when it has not.

I obtain this error (obvioulsy)

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "GZon": "Single Row result set is specified, but no rows were returned.".

How to deal with that?

Thanks indeed

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Reading More Than 1 Set Of Files Using Foreach Loop Container

Jun 17, 2006


My requirement is I have to read 2 sets of files from a folder. For example, I have to read all files starting with either 'a' or 'b' only. In 'Foreach Loop', if I say 'a*,b*', it is not working. Instead of comma (,), I tried colon, semi-colon and pipeline characters also. It is not working. So I am using 2 loops now. But I would like to know is there any way to do it using a single loop?


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Files Not Found In Foreach Loop Container

Jan 8, 2008

In all of our extract packages, we use a foreach loop container to grab files from the 400 sitting out in a certain directory. For this particular package, we have specified the files should be named RP*.* We know there are several files out in the directory. The package runs without error and completes, but says no files were found in the directory with that name. What could be causing this issue? Thanks!

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Folder Expression In Foreach Loop Container

Jun 20, 2007

I have a Foreach Loop Container task. I am using it to loop through some files in a folder. I tried to use an expression to set the folder to a variable called DataDirectory. I did not see a folder expression.

How can I set the folder at runtime?

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Problem With Foreach Loop Container And Excel Files

Jul 27, 2006

well i am trying to follow the example of msdn help on how to loop through excel files and it doesn't work. the variables have the project scope. what can i do?

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Variable Mapping And Index For The Foreach Loop Container.

Jul 25, 2006


I am trying to loop through 4 files in a folder and read the names of those files through the For each loop container task. I have 4 readme files (readme1.txt thru readme4.txt) in a folder called C:SSIS.

I have added a for each Loop container and a script task to my package. In the Variable Mapping page I have named the Variable and configured the index to be 0. The problem is when I execute the package the file name that is read is always readme1.txt. I want all the file names to be read under the folder ( in other words configure the index to be 0 thru 4). How do I configure the index so that it can read all the files?.

The following is the code I have in my script task:

Public Sub Main()

Dim variables As Variables

If Dts.Variables.Contains("FileName") = True Then

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneforRead("FileName", variables)

End if

Msgbox ("Retrieved the File " & CStr(variables("FileName").Value))


End Sub

When I execute the package with the above code, I always see a message box popping up and saying Retrived File Readme1.txt.

I want the msgbox to pop up and say

Retrieved Readme1.txt

Retrieved Readme2.txt

Retrieved Readme3.txt and so forth...

Any help on achieving this is appreciated.



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XML Task Inside Foreach Loop Container Had To Fail!!!

Aug 9, 2007


I am using an XML task for validating the XML data against the Schema XSD. I have more XML Files with same the schema. I have to used a for loop container which has an XML task for validate XML. The loop container gets the XML File into variables name "XMLFileName" which the loop current file, in turn, used by XML Task for validation.

XML task is configured in the option "Validate". I have provided the XML Data in variable name "XMLFileName" also get the name from the loop container and XSD file content File Connection. XML Task stored the result in the another variable name "OKFormat". FailOnValidationFail property set to false.

It had the error when I run the package, the error msg as below:

Error: 0xC002F304 at XML Task, XML Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.".

Error: 0xC002928F at XML Task, XML Task: Property "New Source" has no source Xml text; Xml Text is either invalid, null or empty string.

Task failed: XML Task

After that, I had to change the source type from Variable to File Connection, and had to test fixed to some xml file it had ok for validate the XML file againt XSD.

I don't know this is the wrong setting or bug of SSIS, anyone can guide me through.

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Articles On Foreach Loop Container Over Dataflow Task?

Nov 3, 2006

Hi everyone,

do you know any articles on foreach loop container that loops over a dataflow task...pls tell me....

thanks in advance,

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Foreach Loop Container Not Saving Change?

Mar 24, 2014

why when I make a change to a foreach loop container in a SSIS package it does not save?

I am trying to change the base file name and if I change it through either the edit or properties windows, the changes does not save. Fore example i change the Files: or File Spec: from oldfile*.txt to newfilename*.txt and when I save and og bak into the edit area to confirm the change, the Files: section shows as "oldfile*.txt.

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Dts Package Foreach Loop Container And Excel Connection Manager

Sep 28, 2006

How can I use a foreach loop container with an Excel connection manager. It is virtually impossible to configure the ConectionString property through expressions builder. Everything works fine with a Flat File connection manager but when it comes to Excel, I get the following error message: Error 1 Validation error. Extract Four: Extract Four [1]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. Tarification.dtsx 0 0

Please ! Heeeelp ! tel me how I can loop through Excel files !

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Dynamically Changing Task Name Displayed Within ForEach Loop Container

Oct 27, 2006

Does anyone know how to change the task name displayed within a ForEach Loop Container (or of the ForEach Loop Container task itself) based on a variable. I am pretty familiar with setting variable values during task execution and using expressions to alter task properties based on variables. I have tried using an expression to alter the value of the Name property of the ForEach Loop Container but the name of the ForEach Loop Container does not change during execution. Since the color of the various tasks change during execution, I would think that the task names could be changed as well.

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Integration Services :: ForEach Loop Container Finds No Files But There Are Some

Sep 17, 2015

I use a ForEach Loop Container in a ssis Package. The package has to look up in the directory 'f:ackups' for backupfiles and copy them into another folder.In my development environment it works fine. But if I run it on the SQL-Server with the SQL-Server Agent, the package logs always that the folder ist empty.Unfortunately the message is always 'empty folder' even if I define 'f:labla' as folder that actually not exists!

As filespecification I tried both *.* and *.bak .My assumption is, that the SQL-Server agent has not enough rights for that folder. But on the other side the agent is able to create backup-files in this folder.The SQL-Server Agent works under netservice control.

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Recordset Destination With Foreach Loop Container - Finding Indexes

Mar 3, 2006

I'm curious to know how other people are handling the Recordset Destination in to be processed by a Foreach Loop Container. It seems a little odd to me that you can only map the parameters by knowing the index of the columns of the Recordset, however, the order that you built the recordset destination doesnt stay the same. I've been debugging for a while to find out that after I saved my recordset destination the order of the fields changed. To some order without a clear logic. I'm going to guess it might be the lineage id.

The bigger problem was this was a really large record set with 60 or so columns. To try and debug the problem of finding the indexes, I had added a Multicast tranform and saved the output to an Excel Destination. Of course, the order I setup the Excel file was the order I got the fields. Why would this not be the case with the Recordset Destination?

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Integration Services :: Foreach Loop Container To Load File Which Contains The String

Aug 26, 2015

In my SSIS package I am using Foreach loopcontainer to load multiple flat files.

Now my requirement is that I want to load only those file which contains %vendor%.In source folder I have many files but I am interested in to load only those file which contains the string %vendor% in file name.

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Unable To Retrieve Column Information In Flatfile Connection Within Foreach Loop Container

Jan 11, 2007

Hello, I am getting very frustrated! I have got a Foreach loop container which I am processing files within a folder. I have a flatfile connection manager which I have set up using a test file and have updated the expressions attribute to be the package variable I set up in the collection for the loop container however everytime I run it I get the error: 0xC0202094 cannot retrieve the column information from the flatfile connection manager. I can only guess that it is either the variable being passed to the connection manager or the way I set up the connection manager. When I msgbox the variable in a script component before the dataflow step, the variable for the file seems fine. Any suggestions are REALLY appreciated.



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Integration Services :: Multiple Data Flow Tasks Within Foreach Loop Container

Nov 3, 2015

Suppose if I have a “Foreach Loop Container” that iterates over a list. Is it possible to execute different data flow tasks based on the input?

Example : List contains elements L1, L2 & L3.

ForEach Loop Container checks the input. If its L1 then it should execute DF Task1, If L2 then execute

DF Task2 and similarly for L3.

Is it possible to achieve this?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Foreach Loop Container Passing Variables To Store Procedure

Sep 8, 2015

I am having a challenge to pass the filename variable from SSIS Foreach Loop Container to SQL store procedure.  I have an "Execute SQL Task" inside "Foreach Loop Container" which will receive the input filename parameter passed by the Foreach Loop Container.  The store procedure command line is defined as "EXEC sp_mySQLStoreProcedure  ?" within the "Execute SQL Task".  The Foreach loop container will gather the filenames from File System then put it in the filename variable one by one.  I would like to pass the filename variable as the input parameter to the sp_mySQLStoreProcedure in the "Execute SQL Task".  How can I connect the variable and the store procedure so that it will process all the input files gathered by the Foreach Loop Container?

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Integration Services :: Using Foreach Loop Container To Elaborate A Table With Two Columns - SSIS 2012

May 6, 2015

In order to update an Oracle table target from a SQL Server table source I need to use a Foreach Loop Container, so I can loop on the rows of the SQL Server table source. This source table has two columns: the old identifier to update and the new identifier to apply. I must use the value of the old identifier to filter the Oracle rows to update, while the new identifier is the new value to assign to the filtered old identifier.

I already know how to use the Foreach Loop Container when it is necessary to loop on an unique column of a table/view (using an object variable, using a Foreach ADO enumerator, etc.), but I need to loop on two columns.

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