Using A Dynamically Created Parameter In Another Dataset Query
Jul 27, 2007
It's been a while since I used Reporting Services so I'm sure this is really straight forward. Basically I have the following report parameters:
reportMonth - Just a non-queried list of months for the user to select
reportYear - Generated using the following query from dataset "Years":
declare @curYear int
set @curYear = 2000
declare @yearTable table (repYear int not null)
while @curYear <= year(getdate())
insert into @yearTable(repYear) values (@curYear)
set @curYear = @curYear + 1
select * from @yearTable
This generated a list like:
I then have a 2nd dataset "Main" which I'd like to use both the reportMonth and reportYear parameters in once they've been generated. How do I go about setting this up and referencing the parameters? I've tried a few things but nothing seems to be working.
Hi friendsI have little problem here.I am creating data tables dynamically.I want to filter it using sql query.Suppose, I have four data tables with the same structure but records may be different.There are two fields ServiceMethod and Rates.Now I want to filter all tables and want to get match records with the ServiceMethod.Suppose,four records in First table,three records in other three tables,and only two records(Service method) are same in all tables.I want to that two records by filtering all tables and sum of rates and want to add matched records in new table and bind dropdownlist.Can any guide me how to filter more than one tables using sql query if data tables are created dynamically?Thanks in advance.
I have a date parameter for a report that is intended to search 'within the last X week/month...'. The SQL for this is basically WHERE [datefield] >= @dateparam AND [datefield] <= GETDATE().
The @dateparam is defined in the report as 'From query', the value field is 'thedate', and the label field is 'thetext', and the dataset is:
Date Query dataset
SELECT GETDATE()-7 as thedate, '1 Week' as thetext, 1 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-14 as thedate,'2 Weeks' as thetext, 2 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-21 as thedate,'3 Weeks' as thetext, 3 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-31 as thedate,'1 Month' as thetext, 4 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-62 as thedate,'2 Months' as thetext, 5 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-(31*3) as thedate,'3 Months' as thetext, 6 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-(31*6) as thedate,'6 Months' as thetext, 7 as theorder UNION SELECT GETDATE()-365 as thedate,'1 Year' as thetext, 8 as theorder ORDER BY 3 When I go to run the report and selecting a value for the date parameter, there is never any output, and the data selection combo box just gets reset to show <select a value>.
I have a parameterized report based on a MDX query (so no drag and drop of filters and fields). Now i have to ad a parameter. So i open the query parameter dialog box and i ad my parameter. when i click ok , my dataset becomes empty , resulting in an error on my report saying that the fields on the report cannot by found and should be in the scope of the dataset.
Has anyone experienced this problem before, or am i forgetting something here?
I have a report that prompts the user to select a parameter, for simplicity, let's say the parameter is for color choice, options are Red, Yellow, Blue or *. The * is for include all colors. I am passing that parameter back to the dataset query which, again for simplicity is
select Hue from AvailableColors whereColor = @ColorParam.
For a specific color this works fine, for the "*" selection it returns a null. It would seem that I need to convert the * to % but I am not sure how.....
We as a company have several companies that request custom reports from us. However, the custom reports that they select will generally always have the same fields (and formulas) once they make up their minds on what works for them.
From what I know, Stored Procs are usually faster at running things unless the parameters are changing too drastically that they get passed.
This being the case, it would seem like a good case for creating a stored proc per report. This would alleviate the possability that the server chooses an execution plan that works great some of the time but the rest of the time run lousy.
So these thoughts being laid out, is there a good,nice,easy, convenient way to generate/alter a stored proc, either by another stored/extended proc, or by dynamic sql going to the server?
Or if not, is there some round-about yet effective way of doing this?
I want to create a nested SP which will dump out the results of All Temp Tables that are currently created in the session. The purpose of this is for createing a generic debugging SP which will write the contents of all temp tables to a debug table (when a certain flag is set).
I need to know how to:
- Get a list of all temp tables created - Get a list from each temp table of the columns created.
This is my foray into Stored procedures, so I'm hoping this is a fairly basic question.
I'm writing a stored procedure, in which I dynamically create an SQL statement. At the end of this, the SQL statement reads like:
Code SnippetSELECT COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger WHERE StockCode = 'STOCK1' AND IsOpen = 1 AND SizeCode = 'L' AND ColourCode = 'RED' AND LocationCode IS NULL AND RemainingQty > 0
Now this statement works a charm, and returns a single value. I want to assign this count to a variable, and use it further on in the stored procedure. This is where the problems start - I cant seem to do it.
If I hard code a statement, like
Code SnippetSELECT @LineCount = COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger that works fine (although it brings back a count of all the lines).
But if I modify the dynamically created SQL Statement from earlier on to:
Code SnippetSELECT @LineCount = COUNT(*) FROM StockLedger WHERE StockCode = 'STOCK1' AND IsOpen = 1 AND SizeCode = 'L' AND ColourCode = 'RED' AND LocationCode IS NULL AND RemainingQty > 0 it doesnt work - it complains: Must declare the scalar variable "@LineCount".
Just to clarify, when I say "dynamically created an SQL statement, I mean that by a bunch of conditional statements I populate a varchar variable with the statement, and then eventually run it exec(@SQLStatementString)
So, my question would be, how do I do this? How do I make a dynamically generated SQL statement return a value to a variable?
Is it possible to fill a parameter list with values based on another parameter value? Here's what I have so far (which hasn't worked)... I'd like to generate a report listing information for a student. The report viewer would first select a school from the first drop-down menu, and then the second drop-down menu would populate with the list of students at that school. I have a dataset that calls a sp which returns a list of schools (SchoolID and SchoolName fields from the database table). I have another dataset that calls a sp (with SchoolID as the parameter) which returns a list of students for that school. Both datasets return the appropriate data when tested individually, but when I set up the Report Parameters and build the report, these errors come up... The value expression for the query parameter '@SchoolID' refers to a non-existing report parameter 'SchoolID'. The report parameter 'Student' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "SchoolID". Forward dependencies are not valid. ...Is it possible for the reoprt to generate a list of available parameter values based on the value selected for another parameter? Any help you can give me would be great!! Thank you
I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. I have many parameters to pass to the dataset. Is there a way to change the dataset dynamically based on the parameters selected?
Suppose If param1 is selected, I want to use dataset1 and if param 2 is selected. I want to use dataset2 and so on... in my reports.
Hi,I have multiple XML files that I am reading into a DataSet in C#. What Iwould want to do it Create Tables from the DataSet in the destinationdatabase and fill the tables with data from the DataSet.Any ideas???Thank you.*** Sent via Developersdex ***
I have a Dataset. I use this dataset in my matrix for grouping based on the underlying table columns names. Users can add columns to the underlying table that the DataSet refers.
Now my problem is: The data is grouped based on the column name selected from the parameter. If the user adds a column to this table how will the dataset refresh so that it contains the newly added field for grouping data.
I have a remote report ... I need to call one of two stored procedures depending on which parameters were passed to the report. (Both stored procedures return the same fields.) Does SQL Reporting Services allow you to switch the dataset or stored procedure name dynamically? If so, where do I put the logic? Right now I have it working with one stored procedure. I'm thinking that I should just make one stored procedure that takes all parameters and calls one of the other two stored procedures. Do I have any options besides this?
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
I am working on a report which displays profit and loss discrepancy between two systems. So if there is discrepancy, in other words, the dataset returns value, then I want reporting serive to deliever the report to intended users. I am currently using standard edition with no data-driven subscription support.
I do not know what is the workaround for this implementation. Tks for advise in advance.
The current way I have my 2.0 web app running reports is, based on an interface the user selects the criteria for a report. The .RDL file is created dynamically based on the user's selections. I then need to SOAP the dynamically created report to the report server and then the report runs fine. BUT it requires Adminstrative rights to do this. Can this be accomplished without giving the local machine admin rights. I am sorry if this question has been answered before but i have not been up here in a while.
Hi every body... I have a probleme I have a web Services which contains a method getValue(IDEq (int), idIndicator(int), startTime(dateTime), endTime(dateTime)) I need to call this method. But my problem is how pass parameter ? I see the tab Param but it isn't work as I wait,... maybe I do a mistake...
I want that statTime and endTime are select by the user via a calendar for example... now idIndicator and idEq was result of an other dataSet from a xml datasource...
But I don't how integrate dynamically... I try to enter a parameter via the param tab, and create and expression : =First(Fields!idEq.Value, "EquipmentDataSet") but when i execute the query, the promter display <NULL>... So I don't know how to do and if it is possible ! I hope someone can help me ! Thank you !
Hi, I'm creating a dynamic SQL statement in MS SQL Server that is similiar to this: EXEC('IF @' + @current_column + ' (SELECT ' + + @current_column etc... I'm basically looping through a large list of parameters that correspond to column names. However, since SQL Server treats EXEC() as its own scope when it gets to what "@' + @current_column" evaluates to it says the parameter must be declared. Is there a way to convert "@' + @current_column " into the actual value of the parameter?
Does anybody know how to set the parameter's default value dynamically?
I'm working on a report with some parameters against datacube, and I hope the default value of one of the parameters could be set dynamically based on the user's login.
I have a formview with name, email, and password. I bind all fields to sql except the password which is blank. In my sqldatasource, I define parameters for name, email and id: UpdateCommand="UPDATE UserProfile SET Name = @Name,Email = @Email WHERE (ID = @ID)"><UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="Name" /><asp:Parameter Name="Email" /><asp:Parameter Name="ID" /></UpdateParameters> In code I want to add a password parameter if there is value in the password field otherwise I don't want the password field updated. If I add define a password parameter like above then if a user left the password field blank then their new is blank. That's way I think adding it dynamically is the way. But I am having problems with the code to add the parameter in sqldatasource_updating event. Protected Sub SqlProfile_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles SqlProfile.UpdatingDim password As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl Protected Sub SqlProfile_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles SqlProfile.Updating Dim password As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl("tb_password1") If Not password.Text.ToString & "" = "" Then SqlProfile.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("@Password", TypeCode.String, password.Text.ToString)) End If
I am creating SSRS reports on top of SSAS cubes. I want the default value of parameter to change dynamically based on the current year or it should select the last of the parameter values.
I have a handful of reports that are currently used by sales reps, and I'm trying to make them available to their regional VP's, and coporate users (executives and administrative staff that support Sales nationwide).
Currently, the reports take the UserID and resolve it to show the information that is only appropriate for that specific rep.
What I would like to do is have the parameter section at the top of the report be displayed for higher level users, so they could select an individual sales rep from a drop-down. (Ideally, the RVP's would only be able to select from reps in their region, but the corporate users would be able to select any rep.) The problem is, I don't want any of the sales reps to be able to select a rep other than themselves, for obvious reasons.
Is there a way to have the parameter section hidden/displayed dynamically, based on the UserID, so that users other than reps would have the ability to enter the desired rep name, but reps would not?
Does sombody have experience on dynamically set or change the default value of a report parameter?
Assuming: report parameters p1, p2, p3, p4 have been set up(and have their default value 'all') with the creation of the report1; report browseing is through reportviewer that embedded in the web application; datasource is datacube
What I want to do: based on the login user of the my web application, set default value of p1 as the user's username.
What I did is:
Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter reportParam = new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("P1","Mary");
I keep getting "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: dataSet" when I run this statement and bind it to a dataset using a sqldataadapter in ASP.NET using VB.NET.
"SELECT playerstats.playerid, playerstats.gameid, SUM(playerstats.fta), SUM(playerstats.ftm), SUM(playerstats.tpm), SUM(playerstats.rb), SUM(playerstats.fga), SUM(playerstats.fgm), SUM(, SUM(, SUM(playerstats.a), 100(SUM(playerstats.fgm)/SUM(playerstats.fga)) AS fgp, player.playerid, player.lname + ', ' + player.fname AS fullname FROM playerstats, player WHERE playerstats.playerid = player.playerid AND player.leagueid = " & ddlLeague.SelectedValue & " ORDER BY " & strSortField