How do I retrieve the connections (connection managers) collections from Custom Data Flow destination? ComponentMetadata.RuntimeConnectionCollection is empty. I would like to be able to access all the connections defined in the package from the custom data flow task.
I came across code in which it was possible to access the Connections collection using the IDtsConnectionService for custom task (destination). The custom task has access to serviceProvider, whcih can be used to get access to the IDtsConnectionService interface but not the custom data flow task.
I know how to use Linked server query to retrieve data from two different sql on premise instances.I would like to try the same on sql server instances hosted on azure.When I connect to sql instance, I don't see ServerOBjects->Linked server. I just see Database and security.Is this possible on sql azure, if so how can we achieve it
We have been successful in creating a custom Excel Renderer that works very well on a server configured for SSRS Native mode. However we have another server that is configured to work in SSRS integrated mode that we can not get this custom renderer to work properly. The steps we follow are:
After the report results are displayed we select Actions -> Export -> Excel Custom . So I can see the name of our custom rendering type. After a very short amount of time (no more than a second or 2) I get a frame that says: an unexpected error has occurred. Here is the URL of the web site:
Is there anything that has to be done differently to get a custom renderer to work in SharePoint integrated mode?
Note: here is the article we followed to initially create the renderer that will work in SSRS native mode:
I am trying to create a Datazen query against a Microsoft SharePoint List. The Data View successfully returns records from the list; however, it appears that the Query String parameter is entirely ignored. I want to use the query string to grab only records with a certain status value.
So far I have attempted specifying a View and Filters:
All return the complete set of records in the list. I do not see a single example or comment online other than the claim that SharePoint List sources are supported. How I can specify a Query String value that will filter the list records?
hi, i am generating report for my project. my table goes like ID VASID VASSID JanMail JanVisit JanPhone JanComment FebMail FebVisit FebPhone FebComment................. DecPhone 1 25 4 True False False Mail me False True False Visit me
My report has 3 check boxes for Mail,Visit,Phone respectively and a listbox of 12 months january-december respectively.. once user check on Mail and select a month suppose January in my report,the report should generate only January Comments. here user can select any number of months.if user selects january,february and march, report should generate respective months Comments. Please help me in writing SQL Query to get the comments.......
if any one know the solution for the above problem,Please help me
Currently, I want to get images of an item in my report for illustration purpose.
Below is my query to get image for item 'GL-10000' in the database. However, I would like to pass a parameter value, '@sItem', from my report so that it would get all related pics of items. Â
SQL Query:
Select top 1 item_picture_mst.picture from item_picture_mst where item_picture_mst.item in (select item_all.item from item_all where item_all.item = 'GL-10000') ORDER BY item_picture_mst.picture DESC;
Last night I face performace problems in web site. I got like 100 000 users and site fails because of sql-connections. Currently I'm making a new connection for every query, and my code looks like this:Public Shared Function executeQueryReturnDataset(ByVal strsql As String) As DataSet Dim sqlConnection As New SqlConnection(Connstr) Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCommand(strsql, sqlConnection) Dim sqlDataSet As New DataSet
Try sqlConnection.Open() Dim myDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = sqlCommand myDataAdapter.Fill(sqlDataSet) Catch e As Exception Console.Write(e.ToString()) Finally sqlConnection.Close() End Try Return sqlDataSet End Function I was wondering would it be better to save an instance from connection object to memory and use that same connection for all querys?
Let us suppose that there are 900 rows in One table, and that table contains neither primary key, nor Identity column. How can I retrieve all the roows from 201 to 250?(like the middle limits) In oracle there is a property called RowID, but is there any such item in SQL server?
I've a excel spreadsheet with 650 records with unique PONumbers. I need to pull data from SQL server based on the PONumbers. I don't want to run select statement 650 times. How do I retrieve the records in efficient way?
I have the following query and where I need to use the t_PrevSession.DischargeTime which is in the nested query that is bolded below. How do i bring it up to the main select statement?
Hello, Im using Visual Studio 2005 to code ASP.NET How to query my MS SQL SERVER 2000 to retrieve data from my DataBase? Ive tried some tutorials, but i kept giving me errorsCan you put a simple source code to retrieve something like "select userID, Name, Age from Users" Thank you,
I am developing a commercial solution for scheduling problems, using different databases. Several of our clients don't have a database server installed in their systems networks, so we thought we would simply use SQL Server Express as a no-cost solution. However, I have come across a MAJOR difficulty: When I try to log on using SQL Server Authentication (for example, name: "sa" pass: "sa") instead of Windows Authentication, I am simply unable to view any data that does not come directly from a table! No data from queries(!), no data from stored procedures(!!), no data from functions(!!!), only from tables!!!! And it's not like the queries don't return a dataset, because they do, for a user logged on using Windows Authentication! And this is not 'simply' a problem of remotely connecting to SQL Server Express, this is also true locally! There is nothing wrong with my own system, this problem occurs on at least four different windows platforms, vista included. And it is not related to our program, I am having the same difficulty with the Management Studio Express. I have tried to use several different users, each with different permissions and roles, to no avail. This is truly a frustrating problem. It can be solved in one of two ways: 1. Get a non-windows-authenticated user to see the data (get more than 0 rows in the dataset). 2. Manage to log on remotely using Windows authentication.
I am unable to do either one of those, and not for lack of trying. I have been at this for the past week without results.
I need to retrieve data from a SQL-server table using a stored procedure. I want to retrieve the values from the table and add them to labels on a form. What is the easiest way to do this? Is dataset the solution?
The project I'm currently working on involves combining data from one SQL Server 2000 databases and XML returned from a web service into a 3rd SQL Server 2000 database.
This process must be scheduled to happen once a day. If it weren't for the Web Service, I'd say that this is a no-brainer and I'd use DTS. However, I'm not sure if I can even access a Web Service with DTS. Has anyone done this or have any tips?
I'm writing VB 6.0 codes to retrieve data from SQL Server 7.0. if the sql code is embedded in VB, everything works fine. But when I tried to use stored procedure, one error called "invalid object name 'author'" occurs. author is a table in my database and obviously is in the database. what's wrong?
In SSRS 2005, I have an assembly(dll) which is included in a report in order to retrieve data ( OdbcConnection) from database as special condition while the runtime of report. This assembly works FINE in the preview of VS development tools. But it is NOT working when deploying to server, it ONLY returns default value instead of database's value.
'Server: Msg 7416, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists'
when i run the below code,
SELECT a.* from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'Data Source=SA3KNX; Integrated Security=SSPI; Initial Catalog=[Mis Mart]; Persist Security Info=False; Initial Catalog=Mis Mart;', 'select * from [Mis Mart].dbo.Dim_Cus') as a
Can you please help resolve this. The server SA3KNX uses windows authentication and I run this code in another serer 'SEBDTD3' which uses SQL server authentication. How can i retrieve data from a server that uses windows authentication.
Hi,First post so apologies if this sounds a bit confusing!!I'm trying to run the following update. On a weekly basis i want toinsert all the active users ids from a users table into a timesheetstable along with the last day of the week and a submitted flag set to0. I plan then on creating a schduled job so the script runs weekly.The 3 queries i plan to use are below.Insert statement:INSERT INTO TBL_TIMESHEETS (TBL_TIMESHEETS.USER_ID,TBL_TIMESHEETS.WEEK_ENDING, TBL_TIMESHEETS.IS_SUBMITTED)VALUES ('user ids', 'week end date', '0')Get User Ids:SELECT TBL_USERS.USER_ID from TBL_USERS where TBL_USERS.IS_ACTIVE = '1'Get last date of the weekSELECT DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,getdate()), 6)I'm having trouble combing them as i'm pretty new to this. Is the bestapproach to use a cursor?If you need anymore info let me know. Thanks in advance.
we have some reference tables in in a specific database. that other applications need to have access to them. Is it possible to create a view in the application's database to retrive data from ref database while users just have access to the application Database not the view's underlying tables?
Can anyone help with an effective way in retriving the id of the new record before input of any data into a form. We have a form where a few of the controls recordsource requires the new record id before they will display correctly. I have tried various ways to trigger the form afterupdate event in the hope that the id will be returned but get the error message "The data will be added to the database but the data won't be displayed in the form because it doesn't satisfy the criteria in the underlying recordsource"
I am using SQL Server 2005. and i use optimistic Concurrency based on Timestamp column.
After updating a record, the database engine changes the timestamp column's value, and we normally fill the record again in the application to get the latest Timestamp value.
I want to know the following:
[As in - INSERT we use Scope_Identity() with output parameters to get the primary key generated by the database]
Similarly is there any function to get the Timestamp generated after the update. I know there is @@DBTS but this only works for Inserts (for me atleast. may be i am using it wrongly)
If there is any such function or method for this, this will save a roundtrip to the server saving so many resources.
If anyone can help me on this, it would be realy realy great.
I want to update value of a custom field for a perticular project in Project Server 2007 using PSI.
I have created 5 enterprise custom fields(A,B,C,D,E) through PWA/Server Settings.
I want to search all Projects on Server. If any project is having value for custom field A then I want to update rest of the custom fields(B,C,D,E) for that perticular project.
It might be an old question but wanted to see, if we have any latest techniques (other than bcp).
SELECT Field1, Field2 FROM MyTable
If I want to export the output of the above query to a csv on a network folder? I would like to avoid usage of SSIS package or BCP (as user needs to get additional rights to execute bcp).
I have following all the steps but I am getting this error:
--------------------------- Microsoft Visual Studio --------------------------- The designer extension DATASET could not be loaded. Check the configuration file RSReportDesigner.config. --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
I have doubled checked the edits I made to that config file. Rebooted, relaunched, etc. No matter what, I cannot get past that error message.
I am using a Win XP machine with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services SP2. Just curious, but does express version support CDEs?
I am making a web site in which i need to update a database with certain values which include the current user who invoked the insert command so how to retrieve the current userID
I have written CDE to retrieve and process data before generating the report. It works very well inside VS.Net. However, when deployed to the report server I get the following error
An error has occurred during report processing. Cannot create a connection to data source 'CallsTaken'. Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.
I have added appropriate CAS entry in rssrvpolicy.config file as following
Description="Code group for the Custom Data Extension"
I setup this package to import data from a Sharepoint list to a SQL Server data table. The primary key of my SQL table is mapped to the Title column of my Sharepoint list. There is a possibility that duplicate values will be entered in the Title field of the Sharepoint list. So when importing data into my table via SSIS, my package always error-out when there it comes across duplicate values. how you others have managed data integrity when importing from a Sharepoint list with the Title column being mapped to the primary key of a table.
Hi guys, When I thought everything is okay with this script, I got a new problem... I have a VBA's script from Excel 2003 that builds sql script and retrieves data from SQL SERVER 2000. in order to make the sql running, I need to use a multi - batch processing, to pass and execute every command line once a time.
Up to here, I am using a test case with Account number = '123456' and getting the desire results. The code below is running okay with the test case, but when changing the account number (mark as yellow in the code) to include all the accounts (or just one other account), I am getting the following ERROR: run - time error '-2147217871 (80040e31)' - [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] time out expired.
Now, if I take the same code, with the condition that generates the ERROR, and try it into SQL Server, I get the results without errors. Thanks in advance, Aldo.
Below the code:
Code Snippet Function QuerySalesAging() '-------------------------------------------------------------- 'MUST !!! References: Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library '--------------------------------------------------------------
Dim ConnString As New ADODB.Connection Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet
'Report Criterias Criteria05 = " AND " & "Accounts.ACCOUNTKEY Between " & AccountKeyAsRange ' -- ==> With AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '123456' it works okay. ' -- ==> With any other value, in example AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '9999999999' it get's ERROR.
CmdLine01 = " USE " & CompanyName
' Check and drop temporary table TemporaryTableName = "CTE" ' The table is a regular one CmdLine02 = " if object_id('" & TemporaryTableName & "') is not null exec('DROP TABLE " & TemporaryTableName & "') "
CmdLine03 = " SELECT ..." CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " INTO " & TemporaryTableName CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " FROM ..." CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " WHERE " & "(" & Replace(Criteria05, "AND", "") & ")" CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " ORDER BY ..."