Using Findstr On SQL 2005 ERRORLOG File

Feb 28, 2008

We have set up a couple of SQL Server 2005 systems and I have found
that the format of the ERRORLOG files and the SQL Agent's log files
are Unicode or some format that findstr cannot parse properly. "find"
parses them fine, but it doesn't have the capabilities that I need --
specifically, I can't search for multiple strings in one search.

I see the checkbox on the SQL Agent's for "Write OEM File", but it is
grayed out so I am not able to try checking that. I also don't know
if that would affect the server's ERRORLOG file too or just the
Agent's log file.

So what am I missing? What is everyone else doing who is used to
having scripts to parse these files looking for strings that indicate
problems? Is there a server setting that will force it to go back to
a plain ANSI text file format for log files? Is that a bad thing to

Thanks in advance for any insight,
Teresa Masino

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Writing Errorlog To Sql Errorlog Problem

Jun 14, 2001

Hello all,

I don't know what I am doing wrong.
In my environment, we have monitoring tool that scan through sql errorlog
every 10minutes to capture some error that occurs.
I have been trying for days now to create an alert for any of our failed
backup to appear in the sql errorlog with the code below. After I add
message to the sysmessage table with sp_addmessage, and raising the error
with log option, I modified the existing scheduled backup job by creating
an alert with the num in the code.
For some reason, this error will not just show up in the sql errorlog when
it failed.
Has anyone any advise on what to do?

The code is:

sp_addmessage 50001, 25, 'Backup Failed for the '%.*ls' database.Please Contact MSSQL DBA Immediately!!!! '
RAISERROR (50001, 25, 1, @DBID, @DBNAME) with log

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Print A Dump File For Errorlog

Aug 4, 1999

How print out a readable dump by using PRINTDMP, I didn't catch up the
parameters that I have to pass.

Herve Meftah

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Cross Server Data Compare Using Findstr

Nov 6, 1998

I am trying to compare the data from 2 different servers. It is the same table. I did a select * and put the data into 2 different text files. I then used the Windows NT findstr utility to compare them to find the differences. I used the command findstr /v /i /x /g:file1 file2 > file3, where file1 is the larger table, and file2 is the smaller one. I want to find the records in file2 which are different or do not exist. I recieved no data back. I have ASCII characters in the text files. My question is does anyone know of a better way to do this, or how to make this command work?

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Errorlog ..Help Please

Aug 14, 2000


Even though i see all the errorlog files physically stored in the log directory, I am not seeing any errorlog info on Enterprice Manager. I see all files like errorlog, errorlog1, errorlog2, etc, when i click current errorlog, it shows nothing, Please help me what could be the problem?

Appreciate all your ideas.


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Dec 9, 1998

what does the error "login failed-User: Reason : Not associated with a trusted
SQL Server connection" means in the errorlog? it keeps on writing in the errorlog. what could be the caused of this? and how to correct this?

thanks a lot!

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Clear Errorlog In SQL 6.5

Sep 25, 2003

Hi....Does anyone know if there is a similar command to SQL2K's DBCC ERRORLOG.
I'm currently writing a preventative maintenance script and want to force archiving of errorlogs. Any help greatly appreciated.

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Error In Errorlog

Aug 13, 2002


I am getting a recurring error in my errorlog. This is the error:
"BlkHeader from strip 0 At 13531e00 ExpectedAt 13531e00 Size c00 PrevSize 200"
Has anyone seen this before?


Traci McPartland

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Errorlog Retention

Apr 20, 2004

I am trying to change the default number of SQL errorlogs from 6 to 12. Does anyone know how to change that?

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ErrorLog Is Your Friend!

Dec 22, 2005

I just spent the better part of a full day trying to figure out why my MSSQLSERVER service wouldn't start.  Finally, after someone suggested I check out "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server[Instance Name]LogErrorLog" I found my problem.  I opened it up to find: (newbie mistake, I know now!!)

2005-12-21    19:27:46.60    server              SQL Server evaluation period has expired

So I thought I would pass this onto everyone I can think of so you will not make the mistake I just did. 

It would have been nice if Microsoft, like just about every other software company out there, would have been loud & obnoxious about their trial software expiring.  Instead they have to put a poor newbie soul thru what I just went thru.


Well if I helped 1 person with this, I've done some good!

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Moving Errorlog Files

Sep 17, 2001

I need to move the errorlog files from the d: drive to the e: drive on my NT servers. Does anyone know a way to accomplish this without having to re-install?

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Errorlog Keep Appending -urgent

Jan 19, 2000

We're running SQL 6.5 SP3, we recycle our SQL server every day, somehow starting last December, the errorlog kept appending to the previous one
without starting a new log, and it keeps on growing,
any one knows anywhere I should look into ?
If SQL behaves properly, it should starts a new log after each recycle.
I checked from Technet this problem may occur in 4.2 but I haven't seen anything in 6.5....Thanks

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Errorlog Monitoring && Job Outputs

Nov 2, 2004

Considering email is setup, how would you send emails by scanning errorlog for any issues. Also, how to send program outputs using email.


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ErrorLog Size Limit

Sep 6, 2006


I have a service on a server which contains Sql Server Express.

this service adds documents to the database to allow full text search features.

From some reason, the index crashes and than it writes to the ErrorLog file, the errorlog jumps to 20GB(!) causing the server to crash.

How can :

1. limit the size of the error log.

2. find out why the log jumps to this size (I can't open the error log file ofcourse...)


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Not Able To Connet To SQLServer- Memory Related Messages In SQL Errorlog

Dec 1, 2004

I was not able to connect to SQL Server machine. On examining the Error log (which was huge 53MB), I found the following messages that filled 95% of the logfile. Is this something to do with memory allocation.

Someone, please let me know what is going on. After the server reboot everything works fine.
I am worrired that this message may occur again.


2004-11-30 20:15:03.64 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'

2004-12-01 08:15:03.77 logon Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

2004-12-01 00:47:25.28 spid70 WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 65536.
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=127590 Free=4176 Procedures=182443
Inram=0 Dirty=14180 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=154, Other=10049
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Buffer Counts: Commited=338592 Target=338592 Hashed=24383
InternalReservation=357 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=256
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=66212 TotalPages=182443 InUsePages=88547
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=310033 OS Reserved=38512
OS Committed=38457
OS In Use=38388
Query Plan=332158 Optimizer=0
Utilities=8 Connection=473
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Global Memory Objects: Resource=10685 Locks=119
SQLCache=4540 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45
2004-12-01 00:47:25.31 spid70 Query Memory Manager: Grants=0 Waiting=0 Maximum=92118 Available=92118
2004-12-01 00:50:04.10 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'.
2004-12-01 00:50:04.32 logon Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM'.
2004-12-01 00:51:08.78 spid70 WARNING: Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 65536.
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Buffer Distribution: Stolen=138829 Free=5944 Procedures=169283
Inram=0 Dirty=14431 Kept=0
I/O=0, Latched=154, Other=9951
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Buffer Counts: Commited=338592 Target=338592 Hashed=24536
InternalReservation=360 ExternalReservation=0 Min Free=256
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Procedure Cache: TotalProcs=67783 TotalPages=169283 InUsePages=76116
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Dynamic Memory Manager: Stolen=308112 OS Reserved=38512
OS Committed=38457
OS In Use=38398
Query Plan=330249 Optimizer=0
Utilities=8 Connection=476
2004-12-01 00:51:08.82 spid70 Global Memory Objects: Resource=10685 Locks=118
SQLCache=4540 Replication=2
LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=45

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login Failed For User 'ErrorLog'.

Feb 22, 2005

Hi, all

recently, I use the following script(somebody else) to create a database on a remote server: the script is as follow:

Use ErrorLog

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Errors] (
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[SessionID] [char] (12) NULL ,
[RequestMethod] [char] (5) NULL ,
[ServerPort] [char] (5) NULL ,
[HTTPS] [char] (3) NULL ,
[LocalAddr] [char] (15) NULL ,
[HostAddress] [char] (15) NULL ,
[UserAgent] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[URL] [varchar] (400) NULL ,
[CustomerRefID] [varchar] (20) NULL ,
[FormData] [varchar] (2000),
[AllHTTP] [varchar] (2000),
[ErrASPCode] [char] (10) NULL ,
[ErrNumber] [char] (11) NULL ,
[ErrSource] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[ErrCategory] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[ErrFile] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
[ErrLine] [int] NULL ,
[ErrColumn] [int] NULL,
[ErrDescription] [varchar] (1000) NULL ,
[ErrAspDescription] [varchar] (1000) NULL ,
[InsertDate] [datetime] NOT NULL

--Create the user "ErrorLog"

if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = N'ErrorLog')
declare @logindb nvarchar(132), @loginlang nvarchar(132) select @logindb = N'Navigator', @loginlang = N'us_english'
if @logindb is null or not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @logindb)
select @logindb = N'master'
if @loginlang is null or (not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslanguages where name = @loginlang) and @loginlang <> N'us_english')
select @loginlang = @@language
exec sp_addlogin N'ErrorLog', 'secret', @logindb, @loginlang

if not exists (select * from dbo.sysusers where name = N'ErrorLog' and uid < 16382)
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess N'ErrorLog', N'ErrorLog'

Grant select, insert On Errors to ErrorLog
in my *.asp program, I used the following string to connect to the database on the remote server.
/******** "dsn=ErrorLog;uid=ErrorLog;pwd=secret;"
the following message comes up:
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E4D)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'ErrorLog'.
what is the problem here?
when I set up dsn ErrorLOG, I used "abc" userID and password "XXX" which is our server database administrator assigned to me. I tested connection in odbc, it is OK
I just don't get, ther user ErrorLog already had login id and granted access to database errorlog. any clue, please help!

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How To Create, Install And Deploy Dts File For Sqlserver 2000 And Dtsx File For 2005 ?

Apr 24, 2007


I am looking for tutorials about how to create dts et dtsx files.

Thanks for your help.


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SQL 2005 Mobile : The File Is Not A Valid Database File

Jun 8, 2006

I used SQl Server replication to create a new database (as I did using Visual Studio 2003) but when I go the Pocket PC and click on the file I get a native error 25011 with a description

The file is not a valid database file
An Internal error has occurred[,,,Databasename,,]
Interface defining error: IID_IDBInitialize

When I check on my Pocket PC what programs are available I've got Query Analyser 3.0 and SQLCE Query. It appears that the .sdf file is associated with SQLCE Query because when I use that to try and connect to the same database I get the same error.

If I use Query Analyser 3.0 (after having copied the .sdf file) to the temp directory I'm able to open the database.

There is a similar post to this one but it doesn't help me.

Is it that SQLCE Query is wrongly associated with the .sdf file?

If so how do I change that?

Or is there some other problem preventing me clicking on the .sdf db to open it?

I have recreated my project in Visual Studio 2005 and rebuilt all my components in 2005. There are some external ones that I use that I can't do this for.

The following is the build output that I get when I deploy to a clean PDA with a hard reset performed

------ Build started: Project: Printing, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
No way to resolve conflict between "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,

PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, Retargetable=Yes" and "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral,

PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes". Choosing "System.Data.SqlServerCe, Version=3.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral,

PublicKeyToken=3be235df1c8d2ad3, Retargetable=Yes" arbitrarily.
Printing -> C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePrinting.dll
------ Build started: Project: MobileSeller, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Data, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes"

from Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio

8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.Data.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System.Windows.Forms, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac,

Retargetable=Yes" from Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio

8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.Windows.Forms.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "System, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=969db8053d3322ac, Retargetable=Yes" from

Version "1.0.5000.0" [] to Version "" [C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio

8SmartDevicesSDKCompactFramework2.0v2.0WindowsCESystem.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Microsoft.Common.targets : warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different

versions of the same dependent assembly.
MobileSeller -> C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerinReleaseMobileSeller.exe
C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(546,9): warning VSD101: Members not

supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this

C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(634,9): warning VSD101: Members not

supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this

C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(706,9): warning VSD101: Members not

supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this

C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerfrmInvoice.vb(846,9): warning VSD101: Members not

supported by the device platform should not be called: System.Windows.Forms.Panel.set_Text is not a supported method in this

Done building project "MobileSeller.vbproj".
------ Skipped Deploy: Project: BO, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
------ Skipped Deploy: Project: Printing, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
------ Deploy started: Project: MobileSeller, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseInTheHand.Data.Adoce.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseInTheHand.Interop.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePocketHTMLprint_NetCF.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevMILLAR CODE CABINETVS2003CFReferencesUSICF.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerPrintinginReleasePrinting.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevVS2005CFReferences
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerBOinReleaseBO.dll'
Deploying 'C:DevmillarMobileSellercode2005MobileSellerMobileSellerMobileSellerinReleaseMobileSeller.exe'
========== Build: 3 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 2 skipped ==========

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Native Oracle SQL -&&> SQL Server 2005 CE .sdf File -&&> Using Visual Studio 2005?

May 23, 2007

I've got a table adapter that connects using an oracle data connector. In the adapter, I'm using native oracle SQL such as:

select TO_DATE(SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(weird_oracle_field),0,12),'YYYYMMDDHH24MI') as dt_added from oracle_data_table

There's also a CASE statement in there with some other data transformations.

Anyway, I want to take the results of that Oracle query and put the dataset into a SQL Server Compact Edition database - within an application that I'm creating in Visual Studio 2005.

For whatever reason, I can't seem to do anything like that in 'bulk' and there aren't any data migration tools that work with anything other than "full" SQL Server versions. My client doesn't support SQL Server, but I can deploy my app with SQL CE. I need a 'local' copy of the database (for several reasons) and just can't seem to figure out how to make this work.

I'm really going nuts. I feel like I'm soooo close when I see the data I want in the table adapter - but I can't seem to actually *move* the data over!!

Can anyone help?



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Import Csv File To MS SQL 2005

Dec 22, 2006

Hi Guys,
I have been trying to search for a free asp or script that will allow me to upload a .csv file and import it into an MS SQL Database. As its going to be a ProductCatalog and pricing changes nearly 2nd day. And wanting to an a script that I can put in my admin panel on my site to upload a .csv file and import it to a MS SQL Database.
I will be updating fields as well as adding new products. So the upload script would need to be able to handle those two things.
Is their any good free scripts around that people can recommend.

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How To Export .cmp File To Sql 2005..

May 14, 2008


I have a file called test.cmp.
Now i need to import it into my sql 2005.

How to do it ..
can any one explain..


Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part

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How Can I Resize SQL -2005 Log File

Nov 3, 2007

Dear all,
How can I resize SQL -2005 log file ?
Please help me



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Attach Sdf File To SQL 2005

Dec 25, 2007

Is it possible to attach sdf file (SQL Server Compact Edition Database File) to sql server 2005 ent. edition?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL 2005 Backup File

Mar 13, 2007

We have a SQL 2005 server running the following backup job:<font face="Courier New" size="2"><br><font color="blue">/* Created by<a href="">freeonline sql formatter</a*/</font><br><br><font color = "blue">EXECUTE</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">master</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="maroon">dbo</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="#8000FF">xp_create_subdir</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'\ServerBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__METABASE'</font><br><br><font color = "blue">GO</font><br><br><font color = "blue">EXECUTE</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">master</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="maroon">dbo</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="#8000FF">xp_create_subdir</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'\serverBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__MSCRM'</font><br><br><font color = "blue">GO</font><br><br><font color = "blue">BACKUP</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">DATABASE</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">[db_name__metabase]</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">TO</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">disk</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "red">N'\serverBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__METABASE DB_Name__METABASE_backup_200610261158.bak'</font>&nbsp;<font color ="blue">WITH</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">differential</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">noformat</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">noinit</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">name</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color ="red">N'DB_Name__METABASE_backup_20061026115839'</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">skip</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">rewind</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "maroon">nounload</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">stats</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "black">10</font><br><br><font color = "blue">GO</font><br><br><font color = "blue">DECLARE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">AS</font>&nbsp;<font color = "black">INT</font><br><br><font color = "blue">SELECT</font>&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">position</font><br><font color = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">msdb</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">backupset</font><br><font color = "blue">WHERE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">database_name</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'DB_Name__METABASE'</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="blue">AND</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">backup_set_id</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">(</font><font color = "blue">SELECT</font>&nbsp;<font color ="fuchsia"><b>MAX</font></b><font color = "silver">(</font><font color= "maroon">backup_set_id</font><font color = "silver">)</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fontcolor = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">msdb</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">backupset</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fontcolor = "blue">WHERE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">database_name</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'DB_Name__METABASE'</font><font color= "silver">)</font><br><br><font color = "blue">IF</font>&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">IS</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">NULL</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">BEGIN</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">RAISERROR</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">(</font><font color ="red">N'Verify&nbsp;failed.&nbsp;Backup&nbsp;information&nbsp;for&nbsp;database&nbsp;' 'DB_Name__METABASE''&nbsp;not&nbsp;found.'</font><font color = "silver">,</font><font color = "black">16</font><font color = "silver">,</font><font color = "black">1</font><font color = "silver">)</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">END</font><br><br><font color = "blue">RESTORE</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">verifyonly</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">disk</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'\serverBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__METABASEDB_Name__METABASE_backup_200610261158.bak'</font>&nbsp;<font color ="blue">WITH</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">FILE</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">nounload</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">norewind</font><br><br><font color = "blue">GO</font><br><br><font color = "blue">BACKUP</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">DATABASE</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">[db_name__mscrm]</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "blue">TO</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">disk</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'serverBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__MSCRMDB_Name__MSCRM_backup_200610261158.bak'</font>&nbsp;<font color ="blue">WITH</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">differential</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">noformat</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">noinit</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">name</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color ="red">N'DB_Name__MSCRM_backup_20061026115839'</font>&nbsp;<font color= "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">skip</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">rewind</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">nounload</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">stats</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "black">10</font><br><br><font color = "blue">GO</font><br><br><font color = "blue">DECLARE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">AS</font>&nbsp;<font color = "black">INT</font><br><br><font color = "blue">SELECT</font>&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">position</font><br><font color = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">msdb</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">backupset</font><br><font color = "blue">WHERE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">database_name</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'DB_Name__MSCRM'</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="blue">AND</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">backup_set_id</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">(</font><font color = "blue">SELECT</font>&nbsp;<font color ="fuchsia"><b>MAX</font></b><font color = "silver">(</font><font color= "maroon">backup_set_id</font><font color = "silver">)</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fontcolor = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">msdb</font><font color = "silver">.</font><font color ="silver">.</font><font color = "maroon">backupset</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<fontcolor = "blue">WHERE</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">database_name</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'DB_Name__MSCRM'</font><font color ="silver">)</font><br><br><font color = "blue">IF</font>&nbsp;<font color ="#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">IS</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">NULL</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">BEGIN</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">RAISERROR</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">(</font><font color ="red">N'Verify&nbsp;failed.&nbsp;Backup&nbsp;information&nbsp;for&nbsp;database&nbsp;' 'DB_Name__MSCRM''&nbsp;not&nbsp;found.'</font><font color = "silver">,</font><font color = "black">16</font><font color = "silver">,</font><font color = "black">1</font><font color = "silver">)</font><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color = "blue">END</font><br><br><font color = "blue">RESTORE</font>&nbsp;<font color ="maroon">verifyonly</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">FROM</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">disk</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">=</font>&nbsp;<font color = "red">N'\serverBackupsDBServerName\DB_Name__MSCRMDB_Name__MSCRM_backu p_200610261158.bak'</font>&nbsp;<font color = "blue">WITH</font>&nbsp;<font color ="blue">FILE</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">=</font>&nbsp;<fontcolor = "#8000FF">@backupSetId</font>&nbsp;<font color = "silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">nounload</font>&nbsp;<font color ="silver">,</font>&nbsp;<font color = "maroon">norewind</font></font>This job was set up long before i started here and the problem is thatthe backup file itself has grown to be over 230 GB. It does notappear that the backup job is pruning the file. is there a way toview the contents of this file and then prune it so we keep no morethen two weeks worth of data.Thanks

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.wrk File In Logshipping 2005

Mar 13, 2007

This is about SQLServer 2005 Logshipping.

I am looking at Logshiping folder and seeing huge file like DBName_20070313210008.wrk

Any Idea? what the file is about




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Sql 2005 Log File Grow Too Much

Oct 9, 2007


I'm running a long and heavy query. during the running the log file of the DB is growing more than 20 GB and i'm running out of disk space consequently. Is there a way to restrict the log file size without demaging my query?


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How To Open A .bup File In SQL Server/2005

Aug 14, 2006

I have been given a .bup file which I am told contains a database I need to access. How do I open this .bup file. Please help !

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SQL Server 2005 - Convert .BAK File To .MDF

Mar 27, 2008

Hello There,
I would really appreciate if you can help me with this problem. I am currently using SQL Server 2005 Express for one of my web application. I have a .bak file (backup file) provided by my client which I want to use for testing purpose. Now I just want to know how can I use that backup file without installing SQL SERVER 2005 as one way to do this I know is to restore the database in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Manager but I can't install SQL Server 2005.
To my knowledge, SQL Server Express uses .mdf file for database but what I have is .BAK file..
I would be really glad to see your quick answers.
Thank you for reading this far.

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Migrate Mdf File To Sql Server 2005

Dec 24, 2005

helloi am working on a mdf file on sql server express 2005 and i would like to migrate the content to sql server 2005.How can i do it ?

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Save File In SQL 2005 Database

Feb 14, 2007


I am working on a ASP.NET 2.0 project with an SQL 2005 database.
I created a documents table with various columns including:
DocumentId and DocumentUrl

My documents will always be PDF's of SWF's (Flash Paper Files)

I will need to display this files in my web pages.

My question is:
Should I save the DocumentUrl in the database or should I save the file itself in the database?

And how can I save files in an SQL 2005 database?


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Attach .Bak File To SQL Server 2005

Nov 28, 2007


I am very inexperienced with the Administration side of SQL Server 2005.

I have been given a .bak file which I need to restore onto my SQL Server. The database .bak file was created on another PC and I cannot seem to restore/recover the .bak file onto my SQL Server.

Can anybody help me with this?


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SQL 2005 Reading File Attributes

Dec 12, 2007

In SQL 2005, is it possible to read the date modified of a file which is located on the hard drive of the server? Is there a procedure/function that would allow you to do so?

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SQLAgent 2005 SP1 Failed To Run .bat File.

Mar 26, 2007

Following is our test steps.1. Create directory E:firefly in E:.2. Create a test file a.txt in E:firefly.3. Create E:firefly est.bat file with the following commands:cd E:fireflycopy a.txt b.txt4. Create a new job in SQL Server Management Studio with only onestep, this only step's commandtype is set to "Operating system(CmdExec)", and click the "Open"button to choose E:firefly est.batfile, then the commands in test.bat are copyed to the command editor.5. Save the job and run it, Management Studio tells the job faild, butdid not tell an error message.If I only use the following command :copy E:firefla.txt Efirefly.txt, and SQLAgent canrun the command successfully via the job.The real functionality of our job is to backup database to a file,then use our source control tool'scommand line tool to submit the backup file to the server.

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