Using One Database Call To Populate 8 Grid Views

Apr 23, 2008


I'd like to be a little more efficient in my approach when using databases. Although my site is very simple with a low hit rate expected, I would still like to learn the best methods in designing server load conscious code.

Basically, I have a page where I'd like to show events broken down into days of the week (Monday - Sunday). All the events contain the same data and only difference being the day. Right now, the only way I know how to make this work is to create a unique sqlDataSource (select * where Day = Monday) then assign it to a ‘Monday’ grid view. I then repeat this same process for each day of the week.

As the data is always the same, is there a way to make only call to the database returning all the data, then close the connection and then separate the data there after. To me this seems to be a much more efficient way to manage the data???

Thanks for any help/support

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Select From Database Without Grid Views Etc

Jul 9, 2006


I want to be able to select data from a database without using grid
view etc. I can set up a connection and bind it to a grid view but I
would like to do some data processing without showing it. Something like

select id from table where name = "x"
store id in idvar
store the row count to a variable rowcount
if rowcount > 0
    select name from table2 where id = idvar


I can see how to set the sqldatasource select command but not how to run it and get results out of it. Please help

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SP To Populate Immunization Into A Grid

Mar 4, 2015

I have below SP that populates immunization into a grid. I need to add last_name, first_name from person table.

Each record in dB is tied to a patient by their person_id and Person table has this as well.

All I need to tie this grid and add last_name, first_name into this grid. I added 2 lines but its not working for me?

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ngkbm_unmapped_vaccines]

[Code] ....

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How To Populate Grid From SQLDataSource When Clicking On Button

Nov 20, 2007

how to populate grid from SQLDataSource  when clicking  on button

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Call Stored Procedure And Populate Sql Ce Tables

Apr 19, 2007

I'm coding in a black hole that has a moving target in it.

Ok, I now need to call an stored procedure and with the results from the stored procedure I need to populate my tables on my handheld.

Any ideas on how I can do this? I was using inline sql "select col1, col2, from table1" and doing my rda pull from that, but now I need to call stored procedures to do this and one sp takes a parameter. How can I accomplish this on handheld ?

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Grid And Details View Not Showing Remote Database Data

Oct 27, 2006

hi,i have an sql database on my server on the world wide web.i can make a connection  to the database in visual web developer and all the tables etc are shown in the 'database explorer' of visual web developerwhen i make the query in visual web developer it does retrieve the data froom the remote server database when i 'test query'.... so looking great!the connection string in the webconfig file is left as the default when i run the prgram on my LOCAL HOST with the inbult server that comes with visual web developer it runs on my local pc it will connect to the database on my www host server and does display the data from that database.i need to change the webconfig files path to the connection  by default it is |DataDirectory|if i change this to the path i suspect is correct as this is the connection i use to the database  C:Inetpubvhostsarcvillage.comhttpdocsApp_DataTestdatabase.mdfwhen i change the path in webconfig then it stops working on my localhost and the error when i ftp it to my host is:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed. any ideas? 

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Populate Database Tables With Data From Another Database

May 2, 2008

I have two Databases with the same name that reside in different servers. The two servers are linked servers. Each database consists of 5 Tables. The tables have identical names in each database.

The database in ServerA has 5 tables with data, the database in ServerB also has 5 tables with the same schema as ServerA, however the 5 identical tables in ServerB contain no data.

I need to populate the 5 tables in ServerB with the Data from the 5 tables in ServerA.

What SQL code or script can i use to populate the 5 tables in ServerB

Below are the names of the 5 tables:

TABLE1: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Orders]
TABLE2: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Sales]
TABLE3: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Employee]
TABLE4: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Customer]
TABLE5: [ServerB].[ProdDB].dbo.[Region]

Does any one have a script that could help me with this task. Thanks

I am using SQL Server 2005

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Populate Arraylist From A Database

Sep 15, 2006

Hi  i'm pretty new to this, how do i connect to my database a put all the values from one column into the arraylist. Any help and a easy example would be nice Thanks in advance  Richard 

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Populate The Array From Database

Oct 18, 2006

Hi,   I want to populate the array with a single column values from database(sqlserver 2000)Ex. name      ageaaaa         23bbbb         43cccc         18 Now i want to populate the array with name field values. Please anyone guide me how to do this.Thanks in advanceBala


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How Can I Populate An SQL Database Graphically?

Feb 23, 2008

I am writing a small program (Visual Studio Express 2008) to help me automate populating a database graphically. The program I am writing will keep track of sales figures state by state on a map of the US. This will be accomplished by using a map of the United States overlaid with a hexagonal grid that represents individual sales regions (hexagons). Each hexagon represents a specific sales region, and there can be many sales regions within a state. This small program will populate the database with data specific to each hexagon that is selected by clicking on it with a mouse. A complete set of row entries should be sent to the database every time the mouse is clicked in a hexagon on my map. This program will capture such information as the center x,y pixel coordinates of each hexagon, row & column location of each hexagon, and the state where the hexagon is located. All of this information (HexX, HexY, RowX, RowY, State) has already been figured out or calculated, except that I need help on how to capture, display, and send this information as a new row entry into my database. I need to populate the database hexagon by hexagon, since which state they are in is determined visually.
Here is what I need to populate my database with:

Hex_No - each unique hexagon needs to have its own unique number 1,2,3,€¦.n. This should be as easy as assigning a counter that starts at 1 and increments until all hexagons have been processed

Hex_X €“ the pixel x value of the center (x,y) of the specific hexagon, which is known by the program

Hex_Y €“ pixel y value of the center (x,y) of the specific hexagon, which is known by the program

Hex_Col €“ column location of this specific hexagon, which is known by the program

Hex_Row€“ row location of this specific hexagon, which is known by the program

State €“ the current state on the map. This will be selected by me (combobox) prior to clicking on each hexagon within a given state
Each of the above is represented by a textbox on a form, except for the State field, which is represented by a combobox. When one clicks on the down arrow of the combobox, one can see that the names of the different states have already been entered and linked to the SQL database. The other textboxes are also linked to a different column in the same database; however they are currently empty due to the fact that this is the very data that needs to be captured by this program. This is what I need for this program to do for every mouse click , once I have moved on to a given hexagon within a given state:

Determine next available Hexagon Number, and assign it to current hexagon, display in textbox, send this as part of row data entry under Hexagon_No column

Capture and display the current hexagon€™s center x, and y (Hex_X, Hex_Y), display this in textbox, send this as part of row data entry under Hex_X, and Hex_Y columns

Capture and display the current hexagon€™s row and column information (Hex_Col, Hex_Row), display this in textbox, send this as part of row data entry under Hex_Col, and Hex_Row columns

Capture and display the current State that is selected manually from the list of database values, send this as part of row data entry under State column
Here is an example of what this program might look like in action:
I am not looking for anyone to write my program, but I would appreciate some ideas on how I can accomplish this. I have figured everything out except the part about displaying the new information on the textbox/combobox form, and sending it to the database as the next row entry. That€™s the part I need help with.

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Populate Textbox To Edit Database

Jun 18, 2006

i have a database with a table with several columns:
ID - primery key
now lets say i want to edit one row in the database and i have the primery key ID for that row. so i click on that row (which is displayed in a gridview) when i click I want the text that is in the customer cell to appear in a textbox1 and the same with compeny text I want it to apear in another textbox2.
so what code can i write in the GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged eventhandler to populate the textboxes?
thank you

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Trigger To Populate Table Or Database

Jun 3, 2006

Im a newbie with a sql table in a MSDE database that contains fields ofCustName, BrokerName, Type, Status.I am trying to write a trigger that does this:1. When a new record in a table is added, I would like the selectedfields to be copied to another table (call it Master).2. If that Master table already contains a record where the CustName =CustName, then simply ignore. If CustName does not match anything, thenadd the record to the Master TableIn other words, I am trying to create a table (or even a new database)that has unique records in it - making a master customer list.Any hints on how to get started on this?

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Using SSIS To Populate Database From IIS Logs

Jul 12, 2007


I need to write a reporting app that process daily IIS logs that are averaging about 299MB a day!

I am considering using SSIS to put the log data into a sql server 2005 database.

Has anyone done this? Or does anyone know if it is possible? And without using the MS LogParser?

Thanks in advance and any help greatly appreciated!



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How Do I Quickly Populate A New Database With Place-holder Content?

Apr 28, 2008

I am using SQL server to create a rather complicated client database for a nonprofit organization. I have access to an ancient version of the database in Access format, but would rather create a new database from scratch instead of "up-sizing" the old database. Although the old database is mostly useless, it contains a goldmine of names and addresses that I could use to populate the new database that I'm creating. My question is this: Is there any relatively easy way to cut and paste from external data sources into a new SQL database? For example, I would love to just select twenty rows of "first names" from the old database and then paste that into my new table. Can anyone suggest any quick and easy tricks for populating a new database with place-holder content? Thanks! 

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Suspect Database Attempting To Populate Large Table

May 2, 2007

I am trying to load in to a new application's database to see if my load procedures will be able to handle the volume and how long I should plan on when I perform our cut over for production. Unfortunately, trying to copy 5.4M rows from one staging table into a production processing table consistently leaves the database in a suspect status, usually stating to perform some type of disk consistency check utility. It happens time after time, is there anything obvious that I could look at to see why this is happening?

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SSIS: Populate Database From A Space Delimited File

Aug 9, 2007

The problem is that I have (for example) following data


in space delimited file and i want to populate a database using SSIS and it is not working. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

P.S. the only way to recognize colums is through spaces b/w the data.

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Accidentally Populate Tables Into System Databases/master Database

Jul 31, 2007


I accidentally populate tables into System databases/master database. What should I do? Should I delete all the tables I populate in mster database?

Thank you very much!

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How Can I Return Data From A Database And Fill A Data Grid View?

May 2, 2007

Hi ! I have a textbox and a Search button. When the user inputs a value and press the button, i  want a datagrid to be filled.
The following code runs:
Dim connect As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection( _
"Server=SrvnameSQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True; UID= ;password= ; database=dtbsname")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim valor As New SqlParameter("@valor", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)
cmd.CommandText = "Ver_Contactos_Reducido"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = connect
cmd.Parameters("@valor").Value = texto
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()
GridViewContactos.DataSource = ds
I drag a datagrid on the page and only changed its Id.
Into the SQL database the stored procedure is the following:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Ver_Contactos_Reducido]
(@Valor VARCHAR(100))
SELECT NombreRazonSocial, Nombre, Apellido,TelefonoLaboral,
Interno, TelefonoCelular, Email1, Organizacion
WHERE NombreRazonSocial = @Valor OR Nombre = @Valor OR Apellido = @Valor OR  TelefonoLaboral = @Valor OR Interno = @Valor OR
TelefonoCelular =@Valor OR Email1 = @Valor OR Organizacion= @Valor
When i run the page i can't see the datagrid, and after i enter a text and press the button, nothing happens. What am i doing wrong??

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Are Embedded Views (Views Within Views...) Evil And If So Why?

Apr 3, 2006

Fellow database developers,I would like to draw on your experience with views. I have a databasethat includes many views. Sometimes, views contains other views, andthose views in turn may contain views. In fact, I have some views inmy database that are a product of nested views of up to 6 levels deep!The reason we did this was.1. Object-oriented in nature. Makes it easy to work with them.2. Changing an underlying view (adding new fields, removing etc),automatically the higher up views inherit this new information. Thismake maintenance very easy.3. These nested views are only ever used for the reporting side of ourapplication, not for the day-to-day database use by the application.We use Crystal Reports and Crystal is smart enough (can't believe Ijust said that about Crystal) to only pull back the fields that arebeing accessed by the report. In other words, Crystal will issue aSelect field1, field2, field3 from ReportingView Where .... eventhough "ReportingView" contains a long list of fields.Problems I can see.1. Parent views generally use "Select * From childview". This meansthat we have to execute a "sp_refreshview" command against all viewswhenever child views are altered.2. Parent views return a lot of information that isn't necessarilyused.3. Makes it harder to track down exactly where the information iscoming from. You have to drill right through to the child view to seethe raw table joins etc.Does anyone have any comments on this database design? I would love tohear your opinions and tales from the trenches.Best regards,Rod.

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Call Web Service From The Database

May 3, 2004

I have a situation where I need to call a web service from the database (by an insert trigger on a table). Please let me know how I could do this.
Thanks in advance

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I Just Want One Entry For Each Call, With SLA Status 'Breach' If Any Of The Stages For The Call Were Out Of SLA.

Mar 19, 2008


I am producing a php report using SQL queries to show the SLA status of our calls. Each call has response, fix & completion targets. If any of these targets are breached, the whole SLA status is set as 'Breach'.

The results table should look like the one below:







SLA Status


Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




PO€™s not published



06-01-06 10:21




Approval for PO€™s not received from Siebel.



05-01-06 14:48



Whereas I can pick the results for the first 6 columns from my Select query, the 'SLA Status' column requires the following calculation:

if (due_date < completed_date)
{ sla_status = 'OK';
else sla_status = 'Breach';

The Select statement in my query is looking like this...

Select Distinct CallRef, Description, Severity, ProblemRef, Logdate, Status, Due_date, Completed_date;

The problem is that my query is returning multiple entries for each stage of the call (see below), whereas I just want one entry for each call, with SLA status 'Breach' if any of the stages for the call were out of SLA.







SLA Status


Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48




Approval for PO€™s not received



05-01-06 14:48



Any help will be much much appreciated, this issue has been bothering me for some time now!!!

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How To Call Database Connection At Html Page

Apr 7, 2008

May I know how to connect a database writing a source code at html page, is it by using javascript?Because I need to use it for <ul> and <li> tag html to display the text from database. Can you please provide me same example by using this tag. Appreciate if anyone can help me to solve this, thanks

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Non Database Owner Call To Sp_addrolemember Or Sp_droprolemember

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Is there any way that calls to sp_addrolemember and sp_droprolemembercan be enabled for non database owners and non sysadmin members?This would be very helpful for an application I'm in the middle ofdeveloping, in which users have the right to view some data and editsome data in a set of tables. The data is pulled up in a set of views(using SQL Server 7 with an Access 2000 front-end). Depending on aninitial selection that the user makes, s/he should be able to eitherread or edit the data.The solution I hoped to use would run a stored procedure, that amongstother things would add and/or remove the user to/from a data_read anddata_edit role, depending on the initial selection s/he made.Any suggestions?Much thanks!Oren Bergman

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Transact SQL :: Bug In REVERT During Cross Database Call

Jul 28, 2015

I have noticed rather strange behaviour of EXECUTE AS and REVERT sequence during the cross database calls which appear to be a bug. I tested this issue on developer edition of SQL Server 2012

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)
 May  4 2015 19:11:32
 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
 Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

This issue causes problems in SSISDB where similar piece of code appears in [catalog].[start_execution] and some other scripts in the [internal] schema. This was previous discussed in [URL] The following script illustrates the issue:

USE [master]

-- Set Database to Trustworthy to allow cross database connection

USE [Test2]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestContext]


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Hiding Database Views

Oct 17, 2001

Help Please!
How can I hide databases from users that do not have permission to log onto them in the SQL Enterprise Manager.
Thanks in advance for the help.

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Run 1 Query Against All Views In Database

Jul 16, 2014

In SQL server 2008 how can I run the same query against each view in that database?

One database about 75 views.

Or even something like
Select 'yes' from view
Where shipping_status = 'delayed'

And return a list of view names so I know which views to query against.

I ran

select name from sysobjects where type = v

And got a list of my views. How can I now run my SQL statement against the list to see which views contain the info?

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Database Views Hierarchy

Feb 2, 2006

Hello:In my SQL Server databases I have complex related tables and views.There is any tool which allow you to see (print) this complex hierarchy ofviews and tables as hierarchical tree?Thanks,GB

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Set Default Schema To Current User For Call Database

Apr 20, 2013

i have database and set default table schema to "ray" and me must input ruy.TABLE-NAME for retrive data !!! , i need set Default Schema to current user for call database as just database name(for my program) , how changed it ? (i change default schema for current user by alter command but not worked !)

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SQL Server 2014 :: Cross-database Function Call

Jul 2, 2015

I have 2 databases on the same server

One has a function, the other has the tables and views

using dba

select dbo.function(t.column) as x from dbb.dbo.table as t

gives m an invalid object name of dbo.table

using dba

select top 1 * from dbb.dbo.table works fine.

also if i create the function on the same db it works.

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JDBC SQL Call Failure After Database Service Is Restarted

Nov 28, 2007

Hello ,

I get this error (connection closed) in web applications, whenever SQL Server database Service is restarted. When I run the application again, the error disappears. Granted that there are lots of users and Database gets restarted every night is not helping.

Is there any setting in the JDBC driver properties, where I can tell it to open a closed connection (like a retry count), rather than fail the first time and work the second time.

We use
1. SQL SERVER 2005 SP2,
2. Websphere Protal Server 5.1
3. SQL SERVER 2005 JDBC driver 1.1(

I am wondering if connection pool driver is causing this problem. I do not care about connection pooling, but Websphere doen not seem to like any other JDBC Driver. I don't mind switching to another driver as the last option.

Error is :
[11/27/07 17:01:59:331 MST] 7202440d WSRdbManagedC W DSRA0080E: An exception was received by the Data Store Adapter. See original exception message: The connection is closed.
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Code))
.......lots of lines


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Boolean: {[If [table With This Name] Already Exists In [this Sql Database] Then [ Don't Create Another One] Else [create It And Populate It With These Values]}

May 20, 2008

the subject pretty much says it all, I want to be able to do the following in in code):
{[If [table with this name] already exists [in this sql database] then [ don't create another one] else [create it and populate it with these values]}
How would I do this?

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Alter All Objects In A Database / Views / Triggers

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to replace object name in views , triggers, stored procs, UDF,TVF etc.I have created a automated script to replace 'dbo.Cust' with 'dbo.Customer' in all objects and generate script as ALTER Statements. some objects are still scripted out as Create. Reason is it has some extra space in between

[NAME] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
[DEFINITION] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[DEFINITION_bk] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[type] [char](2) NOT NULL


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No Views After Creating A Database With Restore From Backup

Nov 13, 2007

Forgive me if I'm asking a simple question, but I'm new to database administration
I'm trying to migrate a database from a server running Windows 2000 Server and SQL Server 2000 to a new machine running Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005. I moved a copy of a recent database backup file to the new server, and created a new database with Restore From Backup. The tables seem to have restored fine, but my views are non-existent. Has anyone seen this problem before, or does anyone know of something I may have skipped?

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