Using Regular Expression In Conditional Split?
Jun 29, 2007
I have as csv-file wich I import into an SQL Server table. Now I want to do some checks on it. I use a conditional split to direct data to the other tables (1 table for the correct data, 1 table for the rejected data).
Is it possible to use a regular expression in a case in a conditional split to check if a columns has the right format?
If yes? How do I do that?
If no? What is the alternative?
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Jan 24, 2008
In the conditional split transformation,
I am trying to pass the expression like below.
ISNULL(DT_STR(10,1252) [Visit_Date] ) ? "01/01/1990" : [Visit_Date] ! = ISNULL( DT_STR(10,1252)[Visit_Date_Original] ) ? "01/01/1990" : [Visit_Date_original]
but it keeps giving me a syntax error.. what am i doing wrong here?
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Sep 5, 2007
Hi everyone!
I'm using a conditional split to discriminate modified records. My expression looks like this:
col1_source != col1_dest || col2_source != col2_des.....and so on. I use OLE DB Command afterward to update modified records.
It all works fine if no columns evaluate to null. If any (source or dest.) evaluates to null, component fails.
Any tips how to solve a problem?
It has to work like this:
If colX_source is null and colX_dest is not null --> Update
If colX_source is not null and colX_dest is null --> Update
If both colX_source and colX_dest are null --> No update
p.s. i apologize if a similar thread exists, I haven't found something of use to me.
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Jun 23, 2006
I think I know the answer to this but thought I'd ask anyway.
I have a conditional split to check a column for null values or empty string values. It looks like this:
(!ISNULL(Ballot)) || (LEN(TRIM(Ballot)) > 0)
My question is: Are both sides of the expression evaluated? My testing says yes, because a Null value causes an error. Is there a way to short circuit the evaluation like the || operator in C# or the (less than elegant, and seemingly threatening) OrElse operator in VB? Whats the best alternative:
A slightly more complex expression that turns a null value into an empty string
A script component
Two conditional splits
Two paths out of one condtional split
I went with the first option, here is the expression I came up with:
LEN(ISNULL(Ballot) ? "" : TRIM(Ballot)) > 0
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May 22, 2015
I have a field 'IsActive' which is bit type either 1 or 0. And in my package, the conditional split must be set something like
And throws exception that condition evaluated as NULL where Boolean was expected. How i can make this work?
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Jan 10, 2007
Hi Guys
I have a table in which one of the column name is "NAME".
I have to write query in which column is not null and if there is something then check for 'trust' or 'trustee' in the string. and if found don't pull that record. skip it
who do i do these. Any help please.
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Mar 25, 2008
HiI'm looking to return rows from a table where a column is LIKE a keyword. This is my current code:SELECT DISTINCT business_name FROM Table WHERE business_name LIKE @keyword + '%' ORDER BY business_name ASCThe problem with this is that if a business is called "The White Ship Inn", and the keyword to match is "White Ship" it will not match. If i put another wild card in front of @keyword then this finds too many matches - i need it to match against columns which either start with the keyword, or have a whitespace in front of them. Is there some kind of T-Sql i can use or will i have to go down the regex route (using this ( ?cheers
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May 6, 2004
Does SqlServer support Regular expression?
I want to know if it's avilable or not...
And if it's not available, I want to know any other efficient way to validate string.. manipulating Regular expression style validation.
Thank you all...
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Sep 6, 2005
I need to remove all the [ and ] in every sql stmt where they are usedto close encircling numeric value, fyi, all these sql stmt areconverted from an Access db. For instance,select *from XYZtblwhere fieldA = [1] or fieldA = [2] or fieldA = [3]to beselect *from XYZtblwhere fieldA = 1 or fieldA = 2 or fieldA = 3-- and of course I'd have written in as follows, but that's not-- the pointselect *from XYZtblwhere fieldA IN (1,2,3)Thanks.
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Feb 8, 2006
I am try to build a query which only matches whole words and so far I've got this.
FROM tblSearchWords
WHERE CorrectSpelling LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]blah[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
This will return rows which contain the string 'blah' without any numeric or alphanumeric characters beside it. However it doesn't return the rows where 'blah' is either at the start or end of the string as it expects any character except a-zA-Z0-0.
Is there any way to accept string when there is nothing on either side as well?
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Apr 24, 2006
Hi,I'm not a big friend of MSSQL, but I have to do one query I've done formySQL.But I don't know how...I have to select 'user' from 'db' where first letter is E or N, second is Bor 0 and after that there are 6 or 7 digits I know.How can I do that?In mySQL it would be something like:SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `account` regexp '^[EN][B0]123456$' ORDER BY`Id`;Thanks in advance,Martin
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Nov 8, 2006
I am trying to exclude all strings that has 'a' inside (I havesimplified the actual problem)select 1where 'bb b a dfg' like '%[^a]%'However, the above does not work. By the way, I can not use 'not like'such as:select 1where 'bb b a dfg' not like '%a%'Although the above will work but the idea is that I have to use 'like'and not 'not like'. This is partly because I have to exclude rows froman exclusion table (a table that has many rows that will be excluded).Actually I want to include all srings that has lets say // in it usinga regular expression. I would like to write it as (I am sure it willnot work):select 1where column like '%[^/][^/]%'That should exclude strings like: 'aaa // aa aa' or 'bb bbb // bb' etcand include strings like: 'aaa aa aa' or 'bb aa nn' etcIs there any way to write a regular expression to do it? Otherrwise Ihave to solve this problem without using regular expressions in theexclusion table.Thanks.
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May 8, 2008
I have a table which stores a big chunk of html text, which I have to search for and replace some strings.
How can I write a query that makes use of regular expressions to do the following:
Below is a block of example text
" src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blind%2010x10.gif?OpenImageResource" width=10> <img height=10 alt="" src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blind%2010x10.gif?OpenImageResource" width=10><img height=11 alt=""
http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/blablablabla?OpenDocument src="http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.ns http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/d8d4f0dfa09ba71142256cc50040ee51/ee9b4493dac727be422571c30027df61? OpenDocument" target=_self>
Now I want to search and replace the string that is highlighted in red with something like "FOUND"
The below string is what I want to search for - I will used PATINDEX on the string below to find the start index of the string in the body, and then I will add on 114 to the when doing a replace:
'%http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/%some guid%/%some guid%?OpenDocument%'
For example
PATINDEX(''%http://aaaa/bbbb/cccc.nsf/%some guid%/%some guid%?OpenDocument%', TheField),
what would the regular expression be and how does one type it in the query?
I tried something like the below but it does not work, please advise .....
[a-z][0-9]{32} %/% [a-z][0-9]{32}
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May 2, 2008
Hello everyone
I'm new with Reporting services, so my problem is that i want to show what filter the user enter
exemple :
Data between 12/1/2007 and 4/20/2008
I did all that with this statement :
= "Briefing between "+ Parameters!FromDate.Value+ " and " +Parameters!ToDate.Value
but when i want to dispaly another filter it doesn't show up like this :
= "Briefing between "+ Parameters!FromDate.Value+ " and " +Parameters!ToDate.Value
IIf( Parameters!Company.Value!="",Parameters!Company.Value,"")
I am sorry i have to jump up into Sql reporting service without a good skills on expressions
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Nov 12, 2007
I'm trying to use the following as an expression in the format of a text box. (Reporting Services 2005)
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(First(Fields!JOB_NBR.Value, "main"), "(w{2})(w{4})(w{1})","$1-$2-$3")
however in the edit expression window, I have a red line under the word Replace.
The mouse over tells me it is a "unrecognized identifier"
Any idea's
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Mar 1, 2014
I need to verify data in a column and do pattern matching on the string in each field.
I've create a CLR Function that will verify the element against the patter and return a True or Fales....
I have only used reg expressions once and am struggling mightly. I'm bacially here. A
I need to match a pattern that each word in the string will be a Capital letter.
ex. The beginning of the day - Fail
ex. The Beginning Of The Day - Pass
[URL] .....
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Sep 9, 2015
I am writing an SQL query to find an replace data in a column. I have a table that is filled with
I would like to replace the c:usersXXXXX part with %userprofile%
The end result would be %userprofile%appdata
I know how to dot the replacement in powershell. it's quite easy
-replace "c:users[^]+","%userprofile%"Â Â
Basically how would transfer this into SQL...
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Oct 15, 2007
i am using a forEach look to import each file within a folder, but i also need to calculate the dataset related ot these files.
the file are named as:
where for file ff_inbound_20071008_1.csv:
ff => flat file
inbound => dataset of this csv
20071008 => date
1=> file count
having in mind that they are store in the variable as a full path:
i need to extract the dataset and the date for each file.
how can i extract these terms from the file name?
many thanks,
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Feb 29, 2008
Thanks in advanace for taking the time to read this post.
I am using MSSQL 2005 and have created a function that allows me to use regular expressions in my SQL queries.
My question is I have a pattern buried in a field of misc data that I need to pull out just that pattern and discard the rest of the data. Here is the Regular Expression I am using
select field1 from table1
where dbo.RegExMatch (field1,'[a-zA-Z]{4}[0-9]{6}[a-zA-Z]{2,4}')=1
This returns all values in the field that match the expression. What I want to do now is remove all data from the field on the left and right of the expression that does not match the expression. How would I accomplish this without reading through the 200k+ records and writing rules for every exception I run across?
so I could have Gar b/a ge 'THE GOOD DATA' m/or1 ba4d da....ta. All I want to do is return 'THE GOOD DATA'
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Oct 24, 2007
Hello Group
Can somebody guide me on the prefered standards of doing this
I have a Colunm in a table having both NULLS and some data
Table 1
Col1 Col2
2 Forum
5 Condition
6 Split
I want to move the data from this tabel to two different table depending upon the value in Col2
Col1 Col2
2 Forum
5 Condition
6 Split
Table 3
Col1 Col2
For doing this I used a simple Conditional Split Task after table 1
First Approach
Output Name; Null Data Condition: ISNULL(Col2)
I routed the output Null Data to Table3 and the default to Table2.
Strangely I see some data in Table3 which is not NULL. That is Table 3 is having a data which is not equal to null in Col2.
I have no clue why will it do that.
Second approach
Output Name: Data, Condition: !(ISNULL(Col2))
I routed the output: Data to Table2 and the default to Table3.
Strangely I see some data in Table3 which is not NULL. That is Table 3 is having a data which is not equal to null in Col2.
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Nov 5, 2007
I have a oledb source and destination in a data flow task..
I would like to put the records where customer_key is null to an error table
and rest of records to a destination table ( customers) using conditional split task..
how can i do this?
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Aug 23, 2007
I am using a conditional split to evaluate the condition below. It should only send records to my SQL Server database if the PatientZip matches one of the eight below and the PatientCity is not Wichita Falls (you wouldn't believe how bad this is mispelled sometimes). I checked the output table and it has all records for the zipcodes below both matching and non-matching the cityname of Wichita Falls. The table should not have entries for records with the cityname of Wichita Falls. Do I have the code correct or could I have missed something?
LTRIM(PatientCity) != "Wichita Falls" && (PatientZip == "76301" || PatientZip == "76302" || PatientZip == "76305" || PatientZip == "76306" || PatientZip == "76307" || PatientZip == "76308" || PatientZip == "76309" || PatientZip == "76310")
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Feb 27, 2008
I want to use conditional split on a column that has either a 0 or 1 in order to proceed with the workflow on my conditional split command i have ([colnam])==1 but the transformation still grabs all the data in the table whether the condition is 1 or 0. What could I be doing wrong?
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Feb 29, 2008
In my Excel file I have the columns Col1, Col2. I want to send those records to Sqlserver table only if the Col1 and Col2 is not null.
For this I am using the Conditional Split expression like this: (!ISNULL([Col1])) && (!ISNULL([Col2])). And sending this result to Sqlserver table. But I am not getting any records into the table. But the records col1 and col2 not null exist in Excel file. Is there any thing wrong in my expression?
Thanks in advance
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Apr 21, 2006
I am have an ID column that sometimes contains all numeric characters and sometimes contains all digits. I would like to the records with all digits (0-9) to continue downstream in my Data Flow. I would like the records that contain characters other than digits to be logged to a table.
This sounds like a job for the Conditional Split transformation, but I don't see a way to easily test for a numeric value. For example, I would like to use something like ISNUMERIC([MyIDField]) for testing the values in my Conditional Split, but I don't see a way to do this.
Do I have to create a Derived Column transformation prior to my conditional split that populates a "numeric" ID column for each of my records then test this Derived Column in my Conditional Split? Seems like more work than I would to see for something as simple as testing for a numeric...
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Sep 22, 2007
I have a zipcode column that contains xxxxx-xxxx, i want to use conditional split so that i can take the last 4 digits and put them into a different column, I tried to use the SUBSTRING ("ZIP", 6, 4) but it returns an error, any ideas on how i can split it?
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Jun 19, 2007
Can any one please tell me how do I give multiple conditions in Conditional Split Transformation.
I have few columns as
Now the condition should be :
! ISNULL (ReturnSUK) & ! ISNULL (TimeSUK) & ! ISNULL (EntitySUK) &! ISNULL (PeriodSUK)
Please provide me the proper condition for the above mentioned requirement.
Thank you
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Jun 13, 2007
When you´re comparing values in the Condition of the Conditional split, can you assign a value to a variable?
If so, how can you accomplish this?
Thank you.
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Jan 30, 2007
I have setup a SSIS package that takes a flat file fixed width input, and stores it to two SQL server tables in the same database. The flat file contains two types of records, lets call them Type1 and Type2. The two types of records are formatted differently, and the first character determines what type the record is. I used a conditional split to send record type1 down one path, and type2 down the other. On each of those I use a derived column task to build all the fields and then store to the table with the OLE destination. I put any errors that occur (like truncation) into an error table by setting the "redirected row" feature vs "Fail Component". This all works well and I have no issues.
The dilema is as follows. Type1 is essentially a parent record and the Type2 record is a child. There is a shared primary key / foreign key relationship field. I want errors when processing type1 to cause the associated type2 to also be redirected to the error table vs being inserted.
If anyone has suggestions on how this could be done, reference articles, etc... please let me know.
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May 17, 2007
I have been transfering data from text file to sql databases.
I have a conditional split where i check to if the address has changed for a particular person.If yes i direct to update else i direct to default output which means no change.
when i connect error output of conditional split to a database or union all couple of rows are directed to error output.But i dont understand the reason.How would i be able to know why they r directed to error.
Please let me know.
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Nov 28, 2007
Good Day All,
I have an interesting situation that I cannot believe is unique. I have a flat file (ragged right) that contains 5 different record types. Each row in the file identifies the record type in the first character. The layout is something like this:
File Header
Group Header (Contains group id number)
Data Item (Contains group id number)
Group Header (Contains group id number)
Data Item (Contains group id number)
File Footer
Now I only want to extract data for ONE of the aforementioned groups, however I need the group footer as well because it contains some control totals for the group. The real problem is that the footers do not contain the group id number it goes with. It is a completely positional thing. Silly, yes I know but this particular file layout is an industry standard.
I thought the conditional split would be the way to go. Unfortuately, it seems the conditional split wants to split the entire data set before passing the results down stream rather than processing a single row at a time and passing that row down stream before processing the next one. (Blocking versus streaming I think its called) I could do it in a single god-awful script but I would rather try not to have to code the entire thing.
Any suggestions would be very helpful..
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Mar 17, 2006
If I have 2 input fields to my conditional split, how can I do a compare based on if they are alike. Example, I have 2 IDs, I want to see if the IDs match for a PK/FK relationship, if they match, then output those rows to the conditional's output stream. Do I literally do this or is this not right for the expression? Is there a like statement I should be using instead?
[IDName] == [IDName]
Basically I have 2 OLE DB sources coming in, 2 sets of columns, and both tables behind each OLE DB souce have an ID field to determine the PK/FK relationship. Out of all the records going through from the OLE DB source to the conditional split, I want to output each set of records where the IDs are equal...thuse after my conditional split, I could then take those records and input them into another txt file....and then the process would repeat for the next records in the pipe where IDs are the same...
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Sep 23, 2007
I have the following table in MsAccess
empId integer,
empName varchar(60),
empAge integer,
empStatus char(1) - can be N,D or S - New, Deleted or Shifted
and the following in Sql2005
Id smallint,
Name varchar(60),
Age int,
Status char(1) - Bydefault 'N'
I have written a Foreach File package that populates the sql server tables (EmployeesB) from Access(EmployeesA). However i want to check for a condition now.
If empStatus = N in EmployeesA, then insert a new record in EmployeesB
If empStatus = D in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status field in EmployeesB as 'D'
If empStatus = S in EmployeesA, then search for that field in the EmployeesB by passing empname and age and if found, mark the Status as 'S' in EmployeesB and insert a new row.
How do I do it for each table each row in EmployeesA using a foreach file loop?
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