Utc DateTime Coming Out Of DataReader As DateTimeKind.Unspecified?

Apr 4, 2008

Good Morning,

We have gone with the approach of always storing DateTime in UTC. We are adding validation code to throw exceptions if any client code passes a date in that is not DateTimeKind.UTC. However, our validation is being tripped when populating our entity objects from the database, as the DateTimeKind on the DateTime value from the data reader comes in as Unspecified.

Any suggestions? Just toUtc the data reader value?

Thanks in advance,


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Unspecified Error

Dec 19, 2007

We hit this error about 2 weeks ago on SQL Server 2000 and it seems to be getting worse. 
We have a table that stores phone numbers (wtns).  We have a number of pages that query this table.  I can sit and click a link that queries this table over and over and finally after about 40-50 clicks, it will fail and repeatedly fail for about a minute with:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'Unspecified error
If our system is busy, I can get to the error much quicker.  The strange thing is this table and these pages have not been modified, some of them haven't been touched in years so these queries worked just fine for that long until Dec 4th when the problems started (nothing significant happened that day or prior to that either).
I have the SQL Profiler running and what I see is the SELECT stmt completes just fine.  The stmt looks as expected and I can even run it manually and it works fine.  Then I see a series of  audit login  audit logout pairs in the profiler but nothing else, where I would expect to see more Queries from that page on other tables.
 If I go to any of the 5 pages or so that has a similar query to this table, I can get the same error.  No other table in our DB causes this problem.  There is no problem cleaning up the connection/resultset either.
 Any ideas where to look?  We've done alot recently to try and fix it:
Reinstalled MDAC, reinstalled SQL Server SP, increased memory, shrunk the trans log, reindexed the table, changed the cursor around (made it readonly as it initally wasn't), modified permissions.  Nothing seems to work. 
This is on SQL Server 2000MDAC 2.81.1128.0Windows 2000 SP4IIS 
Our Connection string looks like the following:
Session("Conn") = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=DS20021218001;DATABASE=ODB;UID=webUser;PWD=***
Any ideas on where to go next?  What to try?
     thank you

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Unspecified Errror

Dec 5, 2006

While browsing the cube i am getting the following error,

unable to browse the cube,unspecified error.

can any one plz help me.

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DTS Unspecified Error

Jan 29, 2004

I have a DTS to transfer logins from one server to a another server. I have put the syslogins.dat file in the share directory. But this DTS is giving 'Unspecified Error'. Any help would be appreciated.


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Random Unspecified Error

Dec 17, 2007

We have a system that has been running for years and some of the .asp pages haven't been touched in years, but about 10 days ago the same SQL stmts that have always been there have been returning

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
Unspecified error

This is on SQL Server 2000
MDAC 2.81.1128.0
Windows 2000 SP4

The problem is this occurs at random. The statement will execute 5x, then fail once, then run 2 more times and fail again. There isn't a problem with the SQL itself as the same Select stmt will fail or pass randomly. I can also take and execute the stmt manually and it will also pass. There are about 5 places it occurs in our pages. Here is on particular example. Note that DataRS("acc_num") is a valid value and will return just fine if I manually execute it and will pass probably 75% of the time as it is, but 25% of the time will fail with above error.

CMD = "SELECT TOP 1 id, acc_num, businessType, mdCountry, cust_lec, First_Name, Last_Name FROM accounts WHERE (Acc_Num = '" & DataRS("acc_num") & "')"

AccRS.Open CMD, DBConn, adOpenForwardOnly

Not sure at all what is causing this. I've haven't been able to find anything conclusive in the SQL Profiler either.

Any ideas?

Is this the correct version of MDAC? I tried to get the latest, but it was an earlier version .1117.


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SQL CE Err 80004005 Unspecified Error

Aug 28, 2006


I'm writing a PDA app which has an SQL CE database on the storage card. Under certain circumstances, I get an Error Code 80004005 ; "Unspecified Error" exception (henceforth referred to as "The Error".

I can write to a certain table (the only one which has a problem) many times on the first run of the app since the database was created. However if I exit and reload the app, the error starts hapenning. It does not go away until I delete the database and re-create it.

The database has a password (I've tried with and without this to no avail) and the temp file is being stored on the Storage Card (the PDA itself doesn't have enough memory).

I have been extensively searching the net for existing solutions. I found this one from microsoft,
(http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=919150) which suggests the PDA is coming out of suspend mode and trying to access the Storage Card. This sounds reasonable and similair to my case. I would like to change my code so it is not coming out of suspend mode (instead of trying to find that hotfix) but I don't know what suspend mode is. The code is being called from a button's handler. This sounds like it is coming out of suspend mode, doesn't it?

Has anyone else seen this? It has brought my project to a grinding halt and I can not see anything wrong with my code (it's doing the same insert command I've done a million times before on other tables).

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Query Designer Unspecified Error

Feb 2, 2000

I have lost the ability to query any table in my database using the Query Designer/table viewer in Enterprise Manager.
I get the following error:
Query Designer has encountered an error. Unspecified error.

I can still query the table from SQL Query Analyzer and the client front end.
Has anyone seen this problem before?

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SSIS Lookup Unspecified Error

Aug 10, 2007

Using the lookup on a table, working with Haselden book, I plug into table on the
reference table tab and then press columns tab and get "Unspecified Error" Any thoughts?

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Unable To Browse The Cube '????', Unspecified Error.

Sep 27, 2002


I have processed the data successfully for the cube after desiging storage as MOLAP with 50% performance gain. When I tried browse the data I am getting the followign error.

Unable to Browse the cube 'cubename', Unspecified error.

Any help please.

John Jayaseelan

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Unspecified Error 80004005 Only In Windows 2000

Aug 30, 2006

Connecting to the database to change a record works fine in xp/xphome but trying the same
thing in 2000 workstaton causes the error above.
Here is the script....tried adding a password to sa, but same results
Any help would surely be appreciated
' NAME: templateselector.vbs
' DATE : 6/22/2006
' COMMENT: Runs from an External Process. Assigns a template to an client
' and starts a PXE reset

'Define sConnection from View -> console options - copy/paste database connection string
sConnection="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=WINSTALL8;Data Source=ServerONDSQL;password=capture"

'Define sTemplateID Guid with the GUID for the specific template - DB table WIPXE_Templates


Set conn = createObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open (sConnection)

Set oWshNet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
sCompName = oWshNet.ComputerName

SQLTEXT="select * from WICON_MACHINES where name = '"&sCompName&"'"
Set nodeRS = conn.execute(SQLTEXT)


SQLTEXT="update WIPXECR_CLIENTS set templateid='"&sTemplateID&"', RESETCMD='1', RESETSTATUS='1' where machineid='"&sMID&"'"
Set nodeRS = conn.execute(SQLTEXT)

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Saving A DTS Package Fails With Unspecified Error

Oct 10, 2007

I am using SQL 2000 (SP4) and trying to save a DTS Package. When I do that it gives me an error:

Error Source : SQL OLE DB Provider
Error Description : Unspecified error

The package runs fine and I can change global variables, etc. But I just can't save it. Any help would be appreciated.


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Unspecified Error -2147467259 Using Singleton Pattern

Dec 5, 2007

Hello, we've developed an application that runs on AXIM X51, if it is an important to know.

The data layer handles the connection using the singleton pattern, a bit of code of this is:

Private Shared ceConnection As SqlCeConnection

Public Shared Function GetConnection() As SqlCeConnection
If (ceConnection Is Nothing) Then
ceConnection = New SqlCeConnection(Me.connectionString)
End If

If (ceConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then
End If

Return ceConnection
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Function


So far nothing strange. We started experiencing problems when the end-users get an "Unspecified error" which later debugging it we got the href value inside the exception object is -2147467259 and nothing else. And if that wasn't enough I couldn't replicate the error in my pocket.

The only way I got the same error was removing the SD Card where the db is located at the same time the application was still open.

Does anybody experienced the same problem??? I researched about this kind of errors "when the device is just restored from the suspend mode" but with out luck.

Please, I really appreciate any help with this issue. Any comment will be more than welcome.

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Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: Unspecified Error

Mar 25, 2008

hello all

i m getting the following error while exporting an excel file in SSIS

SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error".

is this a bug?
pls suggest a workaround.

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Unspecified Error Opening Table(s) In Enterprise Manager

Sep 21, 2000

We have a database with approximately 15-20 tables. Last week, using Enterprise Manager, we were able to open any of these tables and return all rows. Yesterday, when we tried to do this, we got the following message:

An Unexpected Error happened during this operation.
[Query] - Query Designer encountered a Query Error: Unspecified Error

Can anyone tell me what might be causing this and how to fix it? Barring that, can anyone suggest some general steps I might take to possibly eliminate this problem without knowing the cause? Last, can you point me to a good resource for investigating problems of this kind, such as a knowledge base (other than Microsoft's TechNet)?

Many, many thanks.

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An Unspecified Error Had Occurred In The Native SQL Server Connection Component.

Apr 13, 2007

Hello All,

I need you help badly. Iam a student and iam working on "Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Compact Edition" http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171908.aspx . This tutorial works fine until

Create the publication snapshot

In SQL Server Management Studio, in Object Explorer, expand the (local) computer node.

Expand the Local Publications folder, select the publication name, right-click SQLMobile, and then click View Snapshot Agent Status.

In the View Snapshot Agent Status dialog box, click Start.

Make sure that the snapshot job has succeeded before you continue.

When I try to create a snapshot iam getting the following error "An unspecified error had occurred in the native SQL Server connection component." . I have no clue what to do next please help me out.

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Failure Sending Mail: Unspecified Error For Excel Rendering

Apr 14, 2008

Hi all

When using a subscription to send mail, I find that the report can be sent in any format apart from Excel, which gives me the error: "Failure sending mail: Unspecified error". As you can imagine, this doesn't give me much to go on!

I want to use Excel format as it retains the drilldown functionality (hiding / unhiding rows). The ExecutionLog has the status as rsSuccess, but Subscription tab for the report shows the error.

Any thoughts would be most welcome!

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Unspecified Error When Inserting/updating Record Using SqlCeResultSet On Sql Compact

Nov 14, 2007


Inside a single transaction I'm inserting/updating multiple records into multiple tables, in this order:
table 1 record 1
table 2 record 1
table 3 record 1
table 1 record 2
table 2 record 1
table 1 record 3
table 2 record 3
table 3 record 3

Now I'm getting an unspecified error on a certain table:

Unspecified error [ 3,-1300704038,-1834095882,activitypointerBase,x lock (x blocks),PAG (idx): 1078 ]

From msdn I see that:

PAG (idx) means a lock on an index page.

x lock means an exclusive lock:

Indicates a data modification, such as an insert, an update, or a deletion. Ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time. (I assume that multiple updates within the SAME transaction can be made, only multiple updates from different transaction cannot be made, right?)
I cannot find any reference to this error message and don't know what the numbers mean. Maybe it relates to data that can be found in the sys.lock_information table like explained here, http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms172932.aspx, but I'm not sure.

Furthermore, the sys.lock_information table is empty. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem myself. I only received an error log and the database to investigate it.

So, does anybody have an idea what this error message means and what I can do to troubleshoot this?


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Microsoft JET Database Engine Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: Unspecified Error.

May 12, 2006

I have ran into the same problem ... Importing from Access into SQL 2005 using SSIS and get the error:

[Connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft JET Database Engine" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error".

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Coming From Sybase

Oct 6, 2004

Coming from Sybase env. I would like to know the equivalent of sp_showplan. What it does is, it shows the showplan for the query being run by spid, which is passed as a parameter to sp_showplan.

Thanks for your help.

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Coming From Paradox

Dec 4, 2006

Does anyone know of a good tool that will convert a Paradox 11 Database to SQL 2005 with ease? Looking around and really unable to find anything...

Thanks in advance

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SQL Tools :: Running Job Hang To Unspecified Time In Agent Due To Communication Link Failure

Sep 1, 2015

Below the Error Log Reported in SQL Agent (64 bit SQLServer 2008R2 Enterprise Edition Service pack 2 ,32Core CPU Numa Node and 64GB Ram
[298] SQLServer Error: 10054, TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. [SQLSTATE 08S01]
[298] SQLServer Error: 10054, Communication link failure [SQLSTATE 08S01]
[165] ODBC Error: 0, A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.
For more information see SQL Server Books Online. [SQLSTATE 08001]
[382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (ConnUpdateStartExecutionDate)

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Datareader Destination As Source For Other Datareader Source ?

Aug 30, 2006


as far as I know from docs and forum datareader is for .NET data in memory. So if a use a complex dataflow to build up some data and want to use this in other dataflow componens - could i use data datareader source in the fist dataflow and then use a datareader souce in the second dataflow do read the inmemoty data from fist transform to do fursther cals ?

how to pass in memory data from one dataflow to the next one (i do not want to rebuild the logic in each dataflow to build up data data ?

Is there a way to do this ? and is the datareader the proper component ? (because its the one and only inmemory i guess, utherwise i need to write to temp table and read from temp table in next step) (I have only found examples fro .NET VB or C# programms to read a datareader, but how to do this in SSIS directly in the next dataflow?


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List Up-coming Birthdays

Feb 26, 2004

I've got an employee table with a date of birth field in it. i need a query that will a allow me to list all employees who's birthdays are coming up the next 30 days (or 1 month, if easier). I've tried several approaches & am getting nowhere... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jacques Matthee.

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Select All Coming Back In SP2 - Not Again

Jan 6, 2007

I just read the release notes for SQL 2005 SP2 CTP and the 'Select All' on multi-select parameters is coming back EXACTLY as it was in the first release. If this is not the case then I apologise for the rant and request that someone clarify the situation but otherwise ....
I had to change loads of reports because it was removed in SP1, now I'll have to change them again for SP2.

Please Microsoft, stop doing this to us!

At least make it a check box option somewhere. The reasons for it's removal in SP1 still exist, but it is a nice feature to have, so just make it configurable.

I will probably have to delay installing SP2 at various customer sites because it will make my parameter lists look stupid.
This is a shame because there are some useful updates in it.

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Problems Grasping Ado.net - Coming From Asp Background

Oct 22, 2006

Hi, i've downloaded a membership and roles provider but i am very new to ado.net.  I have come from asp background.  Here's my code:public override void AddUsersToRoles(string[] usernames, string[] rolenames) {    // Validate arguments    foreach (string rolename in rolenames) if (!this.RoleExists(rolename)) throw new ProviderException("Role name not found");    foreach (string username in usernames) {        if (username.IndexOf(',') > 0) throw new ArgumentException("User names cannot contain commas.");        foreach (string rolename in rolenames) {            if (IsUserInRole(username, rolename)) throw new ProviderException("User is already in role.");        }    }    SqlConnection db = this.OpenDatabase();    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UsersInRoles (UserName, RoleName) VALUES (@UserName, @RoleName)", db);    cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);    cmd.Parameters.Add("@RoleName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);    SqlTransaction tran = null;    try {        tran = db.BeginTransaction();        cmd.Transaction = tran;        foreach (string username in usernames) {            foreach (string rolename in rolenames) {                cmd.Parameters["@UserName"].Value = username;                cmd.Parameters["@RoleName"].Value = rolename;                cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            }        }        tran.Commit();    }    catch {        tran.Rollback();        throw;    }    finally {        db.Close();    }}private SqlConnection OpenDatabase() {    SqlConnection DB = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString);    DB.Open();    return DB;}

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Results Coming Through In Violation Of Criterion

Mar 6, 2002

I'm baffled by the results of the following query:
__________________________________________________ ______
select events.[report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into lowspeed
from events inner join vehicles
on events.[report number] = vehicles.[report number]
where [dummy record] = 'N'
and [estimated mph] between 1 and 10
and ([1st harmful event] = 01
or [2nd harmful event] = 01)
and [type of vehicle] in
('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','10','11' ,'12')
and [crash injury severity] = 5

select events.[report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into notlowspeed
from events inner join vehicles
on events.[report number] = vehicles.[report number]
where [dummy record] = 'N'
and [estimated mph] > 10
and ([1st harmful event] = 01
or [2nd harmful event] = 01)
and [type of vehicle] in
('01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','10','11' ,'12')
and [crash injury severity] = 5

select distinct [report number], [microfilm number], [crash date]
into truelowspeed
from lowspeed where [report number] not in (select [report number] from

select [report number]
into pedtable
from pedestrians

select [report number],[microfilm number], [crash date]
as [Lowspeed Fatal Crashes - 1994]
from truelowspeed
where [report number] not in (select [report number] from pedtable)

drop table pedtable
drop table truelowspeed
drop table lowspeed
drop table notlowspeed

Let me explain what I'm trying to do.

In the first temp table "lowspeed," I'm trying to lump all crashes where a vehicle was doing between 1 and 10 mph.
In "notlowspeed," I'm setting up a table of crashes in which at least one vehicle was going over 10 mph.
By the third gyration, I'm trying to generate "truelowspeed;" which I thought would contain only crashes in which all of the criterion in the first two queries were satisfied and all of the vehicles involved in the crashes were doing between 1 and 10 mph (NO vehicles exceeding the 1 to 10 mph parameter).
The "pedtable" maneuver is simply to pull out any of these crashes in which a pedestrian was involved.
What I'm getting is a lot of crashes in which I have dummy records, several crashes in which one of the vehicles was going over 10 mph, and types of vehicles involved in the crash that should have been excluded by the criterion I specified.

Thoroughly stumped. Would be most grateful for any kind insight/advice.

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Warnig Coming In Server Error Log..

Aug 29, 2001

I am getting a warning message in my SQL Server 6.5 Error log file .
The warning is

Please help to resolve this problem.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: SUM OVER Coming Up With Different Values Than CTE Query

Mar 6, 2015

I am currently reading through Itzik Ben-Gan's "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 High-Performance T-SQL using Windows Functions." In attempt to test the SUM OVER() function in SQL 2008 because that's what I've got. I do not currently have sample data (trying to generate it has become a major PITA), but I have some pseudocode.

My current code (actual production code) pulls a bunch of ITD (inception to date) contracts then calculates a certain dollar amount based on monthly changes. Not all contracts have values during a given month, so here's what I cobbled together a few months ago. (Per our finance team, these numbers ARE accurate).

WITH MonthlyVals AS
(SELECT ContractID, SUM(Col1 - (Col2 + Col3 + Col4 + Col5)) AS MyTotal
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDate >= @ThisMonthStartDate AND MyDate <= @ThisMonthEndDate
AND StatementType IN (8,4,2)


To test the totals, I also added a COMPUTE SUM(MyTotal) to the end of each query. (Yes, I know COMPUTE is deprecated. Just wanted a quick check.). The difference between the two bits of code was over 68k, with the SUM OVER() code coming up with a total higher than the CTE code. I know CTE code is correct for a fact. It went through extensive testing before getting put in Production. Is it the way I joined the table for the SUM OVER()? Or is it the use of PARITION BY?

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Coming To Grips With Data Warehouses

Mar 18, 2007

Hi again,

How's everyone doing with 2005? I still feel like my heals are dragging a bit. The "knowledge" out there still seems a bit sparse. Am I right?

I'm about 1/5 the way through a BI book and decided the course will probably be necessary as well:
There seems to be a lot to come to grips with.
So that's all paid for.

It's been years since I've been on a course of any kind. Too busy working! What's the etiquette? Trousers and T-shirt? Tie? Sandles & three quarter lengths?

This particular course seems to cover the "general overall approach" - which I am pretty sure is a necesary part of what you need to be able to do. The book that is related to the course (which I have already bought) seems really helpful and valuable.

But I don't think it will cover the nitty gritty of SSIS - where most of the grunt work happens. They have another course for that. But I can't wait that long. You can spend your whole life just reading books!

Are all the new little things in 2005 SSIS just a little to specialised? A little too clever? Does it limit us? Or empower us? Can we use it to get the job done? Or will it be a case again of "clever workarounds" when we travel far down a road that we find out (when it's too late and we are committed) can't provide us with what we want. Is it really saving us time? Are we better off writing the scripts ourselves?

Me: What do you want to know from your data warehouse?
Client: Err...Emm...Everything
Me: OK, that's great. That's all I need to know. I'll see you when it's done.

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Subtracting Two Dates And Coming Up With A Number

Jul 20, 2005

I have two date fields, start_date and end_date.I'd like to subtract the two dates, and come up with a number (thenumber of difference between the two dates).What function is there to do this? I haven't been able to find anythingin BOL.Start_date = 6/1/03End_date = 6/8/03End_date - start_date = 7*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Another DB2 Issue In SSIS - Text Coming Across As ?hex?...

Feb 15, 2008

I've tried setting the "Process Binary as Character" setting to true on the data source. I've tried cast and convert statements in the queries. I've tried conversion steps... Am I missing something simple, or is it really this difficult to get text values pulled from DB2 as text?
I'm using Microsoft's OLE DB provider for DB2.

Anyone have experience with conversion problems pulling text from DB2 databases?
Thanks in advance...

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Strange Packages In MSDB - Where Are They Coming From?

Aug 10, 2007

I see some packages in the MSDB folder in Mgmt. Studio that I cannot figure out where they are coming from. The SSIS project in BIDS does not contain them, I do not see it in the Deployment folder, nor do I see it in the destination folder to which the manifest file deploys the packages. Which folder location am I missing? Each time I delete them they keep reappearing when I deploy.

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SSIS Variables Window Not Coming Up

Dec 13, 2007

I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but i'm having an issue where SSIS Variables window will not come up. The most i get is a gray bar that looks like it is supposed to hold the variables.

I've tried getting it to show by:
1) Menu --> SSIS --> Variables
2) Right Click --> Variables
3) Menu --> View --> Other Windows --> Variables

The same thing seems to happen for "log events" in Menu --> View --> Other Windows --> Log Events.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Is anyone else having this problem?!?!?!

-Thanks Thames

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