Utility To Document Database

Feb 27, 2008

Is there any utility that can document some sql server 2005 tables that I have in my database?I mean to add some description to column names so that I can know what they represent.Thank you!

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The Database File May Be Corrupted. Run The Repair Utility To Check The Database File. [ Database Name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinp

Oct 9, 2007

yes,I have an error, like 'The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = SDMMC Storage Cardwinpos_2005WINPOS2005.sdf ]' .I develope a program for Pocket Pcs and this program's database sometimes corrupt.what can i do?please help me

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Database Compare Utility

Jun 21, 2005

Can anyone recommend any utilities which compare 2 databases and report on the differences? A developer would like to compare the before/after images of a database once an upgrade has been applied.

He has looked at Red Gate ( http://www.red-gate.com/SQL_Data_Compare.htm ) and would like any recommendations about this product or any other.


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Saving Word Document To Database

Jan 3, 2005

i need to know how can i store my word document into Sql server Database
what data type ?
how can i implenet this using ASP.net

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How To Save Word Document In Sql Database?

Dec 27, 2007

Hi all,
I have created a word document in my application (.Net). How can I save the word document (containing tables and some HTML formats) in a database and retrieve it for later use?
Thank you in advance,

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Database Mirroring Setup Document.

Jun 23, 2006


I am looking for a Step-by-Step document for setting up and configuring of database mirroring if one is available. I have gone through BOL and found some related documentation but want to see if a step-by-step document is available. If so can any one please direct me to the resource.

Thank you


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How To Display All The Database Using Osql Utility

Oct 13, 2006

I am using the osql utility to access my sql server express edition.

My problem is that i don't know how many database is in the sql server so can any teach me how to list out all the name of the database in the sql server using a sql statment?

Oh, and can anyone teach me how i can attach and detach a database in the sql server using sql statment.

Thanks for the help...

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Scptxfr.exe, Utility That Generate Database Structure

Jan 23, 2002

Hi All,
I am using scptxfr.exe to get the structure of a dababase. Problem is that its creating GRANT statements which I don't want. Also its selecting sysusers object. I have checked the parameters. My parameters look something like this:
dos promptmssql7upgradescptxfr.exe /S(servername) -d (databasename) /P sa /f (filename) -r

How can I run this utility without creating grant statements?
Any thoughts will help!
Thank you in advance!

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How Can Iget Database Structure Of Document Management System

Mar 18, 2007

How can Iget database structure of Document management system ?????

please help me..........

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Applying Full Text On A Document Whose Path Is Stored In The Database

Aug 29, 2007


Can we create full-text index on a document that resides on a file system and we have got the path to that document in the database.

Thanks and regards

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Is There A Microsoft Document Exchange And Database System Like Lotus Notes Or Oracle Managment Content?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I work for an attorney staff, so basically the whole day they aresending themselves a lot and a lot of papers (Word docs or Excellsheets).We are going to propose them the use of a Document Exchange andDatabase System (like Lotus Notes or Oracle Managment Content,formerly known as Internet File System IFS ) with .NET interfazes.Basically the idea is that instead of sending papers the whole day,they can use a software to check and manage more quickly theirdocuments.We are looking for a system that allows us to manage:- Security- Versioning- Folders- Check-in/Check-out- Workflow- Search and Retrieval- Extensible MetadataMy question is:1) Is there any Microsoft tool who can help us to achieve that(management of codes, dates, text, names of documents- I mean like aDocument Exchange and Database System) with .NET interface?2) Or do we have to built it from scratch?Thank you very much!Jorge

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Error 25115 Wrong Page (potential Database Corruption). Try Running The Repair Utility.

May 2, 2008


Please Help, I am very desparate for a solution to this one.

I have an error appearing

"Error 25115 Wrong Page (potential database corruption). Try Running the Repair Utility."

I have SQL Server Enterprise set up with Merge replication, it is being used to Sync with Windows Mobile Devices as the subscribers.

All the Windows Mobile subscribers have been synchronising fine up until recently, when 1 of the Subscribing Windows Mobile devices received this error.
The day after, another device Synchronised fine the first time (note that the Synchronisation was a long one and the SDF grew in size dramatically while the synchronisation occured, but the Sync worked fine and the SDF dropped back to its initial size) The 2nd sync 5 mins later failed however so this Mobile device has the same error also.

Any suggestions as to the below are much appreciated

a) Why this error occurs?
b)How do you resolve this error?
c)What is the Repair utility mentioned in the error, and is it of use to me?

Thanks in advance, I am very greatful for any advice.

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Document Map Not Going Anywhere

May 20, 2008

Hi All ,

I have a matrix table which has two groups in the columns

I am trying to create a multileveled document map which i have succeed by

1. Edit Group 1 properties and setting the document map properties to the name of the field
2. Edit Group 2 properties and setting the document map properties to the name of this field and making the parent group the name of Group 1

The document map appears with the correct groups and name , however when I click on the values it doesnt take me to any where !!! It refreshes the screen but it doesnt go anywhere !

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this or know what i may be missing


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Getting Rid Of A Document Map

Sep 8, 2007

When i publish a report to our reporting services site, it comes with a document map that I cannot seem to get rid of and is really annoyong to users. How do I stop this from happening and appearing?

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Sql Ce Help Document

Sep 29, 2007

Is there has some standalone help file about sql ce except the Sqlce online document or in MSDN?

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BCP Utility .

Aug 6, 2002

Hello ,

I want to know how can i can use the bcp coomand to import a text file into a SQL database table . The text file contains info. like servername , date , time , logininfo and description .

The problem is i cannot import that file into the table through data import wizard . The wizard is not able to separate the fields properly and the import takes place with mixed up data in different columns . The separator in the text file is colon . I even tried fixed length with manual column separation .
The text in the text file are not aligned properly as these are log files generated by the system which i am trying to import in a table .

So how can use the bcp command to specify the column length properly and seperate the fields uniformly so that the data gets imported neatly .

Any thoughts how could the command look like ?

Thank you very much .

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Bcp Utility

Aug 2, 2001

I used bcp utility to import and export data between databases. These exported data is it read only? If so how can I change the parameter so that we could edit as well.
Any suggestions will be helpful. Thank you!

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Bcp Utility

Oct 8, 2002

I'm trying to use the bcp command to bcp out a single table in a database, what is the best way to do this in the query analyzer? Thanks in advance.

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BCP Utility

Jul 27, 2004

Hi all,

I want to use the BCP utility to import data from a .dat file into my database. The .dat file contains a table called xv_Appointments containing the following fields:


I would like to import only two of these fields into a table called tbl_Appointments e.g.


I can't seem to get the BCP util to do this. It only works if I import all of the fields from xv_Appointments. Does anyone know if this is possible?


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BCP Utility

Jan 20, 2004

In the process of exporting data from SQL data file to text file through BCP utility I am not getting the Column names.How can I get the column names through BCP utility?
I used this script
exec master..xp_cmdShell 'bcp "select * from regulator.dbo.TEMPTBLBRANCHNOTUPLOAD" QueryOUT \indiadbftprootCLIENT_BRANCH_UPLOADranchnotup loaded.csv -S indiadb -U sa -P sasocrates -k -r -c -t "," -q'

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DTS Utility

Feb 28, 2004

I am using the DTS utility available with Enterprise Manager in MSSQL server 2000. I can transfer the tables and views without any issues but when i try to transfer the stored procedures it always gives an error. I have tried transferring individual objects too but it does'nt works. The error given is "the user <username> cannot perform the following action". Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in Advance

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About BCP Utility

Jun 2, 2008

Hello, I need to create a stored procedure that creates a csv file. this is the code I have so far.

Script is like

declare @sql varchar(8000)
SET @sql = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM dbo.ISO_table" queryout C:GetCSV.CSV -c -t, -T -S MANCHESTSQLEXPRESS'
print @sql
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sql

and I get these errors on execution

SQLState = 42S02, NativeError = 208
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'dbo.ISO_table'.
SQLState = 42000, NativeError = 8180
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.

Any help would much appreciated.

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Regarding BCP Utility

Nov 29, 2005

Greetings,Just wanted to know if there is any parameter in BCPutility that can ignore triggers, indexes and constraint defined for atable?any help will be greatly appreciatedTIA

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Bcp Utility

Nov 30, 2007

I'm using SQL 2005 to export data. I would like to use the bcp utilityto export data to an Excel file.I have to generate quite a few files and the names are dynamic. Theideal would be to loop through records in a stored procedure to createa file name to use in the bcp. My question is how can I use the bcpfrom a stored procedure? I know how to run it from the command prompt.Is there a way to control the command prompt from a stored procedure?Thanks all

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How Can I Document My Sql Server Db

Dec 8, 2007

I have only Management Studio Express, is there a way to document my database?

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Document Storage

Dec 23, 2003

Hello Everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am developing a document storage application for an intranet that will store various Word, Excel, and PDF documents. Most of the examples I see utilize SQL Server and an image field rather than the FileSystem Object to store documents. My concern with this method is that some of the documents may be several hundred pages (not exactly sure of the actual file size yet, but they must be fairly large). My question is, where does the use of SQL Server become impractical for this type of application? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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SQL Performance Document

Sep 10, 1998

Hi everyone,

Has anyone seen this white paper below? If yes, can someone point me to the right direction. I can`t find it anywhere in the msdn.microsoft.com/developers. I got this info from the Winnt mag.

Microsoft`s Henry Lau has prepared an awesome 49-page quick reference that helps you configure SQL Server 6.5 for maximum performance and troubleshoot poor performance. Here`s the outline:

Top Performance Items to Review for Initial SQL Server Configuration
More on Memory Tuning
Understanding the Functions of LazyWriter, Checkpoint, and Logging
Read-Ahead Manager
Disk I/O Performance
Clustered Indexes
Nonclustered Indexes
Covering Indexes
Index Selection
Creating as Much Disk I/O Parallelism as Possible
Tips for Using ShowPlan
Tips for Using Windows NT/SQL Performance Monitor
Monitoring Processors
Disk I/O Counters
Tips for Using SQLTrace
Tempdb in RAM?
Join Order Importance
SQL to Avoid If at All Possible
Use ShowPlan to Detect Queries That Are Not Using Indexes
Smart Normalization
A Special Disk I/O Tuning Scenario: EMC Symmetrix
Some General Tips for Performance Tuning SQL Server

Download this gem from msdn.microsoft.com/developer

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Document Search For CMS

Dec 28, 2006

I have a database which stores documents (e.g. policies and guidelines)in our content management system. The follow relationships exist:Documents (1-to-Many) LinkTableKeywordLink (Many-to-1) KeywordsDocuments (1-to-Many) LinkTableAttachments (Many-to-1) AttachmentsDocuments (1-to-Many) LookUpSubjectsDocuments (1-to-Many) LookUpDocTypeWhen the user conducts a search I want the SQL to check if the stringthey enter is present in:* the Title, Author, Summary fields of Documents OR* the Title or Path of the Attachments* the Keywords that are links OR* the Subject that is linked OR* the DocType that is linked.Is this possible in one SQL query. I have tried the following:SELECT DISTINCT Documents.Document, Documents.Title,PriorityFROM Documents,Attachments,Keywords,LinkTableAttachments,LinkTabl eKeywordLinkWHERE((Documents.Document=LinkTableAttachments.Document ID andLinkTableAttachments.AttachmentID=Attachments.Id) OR(Documents.Document=LinkTableKeywordLink.DocumentI D andLinkTableKeywordLink.KeywordID=Keywords.Id))AND (Documents.Title Like '%SEARCHSTRING%' OR Documents.Author Like'%SEARCHSTRING%' OR Documents.Summary Like '%SEARCHSTRING%' ORKeywords.Keyword Like '%SEARCHSTRING%' OR DocType.DocType Like'%SEARCHSTRING%' OR Attachments.AttachmentTitle Like '%SEARCHSTRING%'OR Attachments.Path like '%SEARCHSTRING%' or Subjects.Subject Like'%SEARCHSTRING%')AND StartDate<=getDate() and ReviewDate>getDate() order by Titlebut this causes, perhaps understandably, a timeout error.Any thoughts?Thanks!Steve

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DTS Document Or Ebook

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I need deep knowledge about DTS tasks. Can anyone send me an e-book orrelated document about DTS packages. (Links on the Internet site aregenerally advertisement or not working links).Thanks,Veysel Can Demir

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Document Map Label

May 23, 2007

I have a Report that has a document map Label in the Report which I need to remove.
However as the report has over 50 text-boxes I am having difficulty locating it.
I have had a look at the XML but that does not seem to indicate the offending text box.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Jump To Document Map

May 9, 2008

When you use the Jump to Report feature is there a way to also go to a specific document map link?

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IE 7 And Document Map Is Blank

Jan 19, 2007


I have a report with a document map and when I run the report through
IE 7.0, the Document Map is blank. Running that same report through IE
6.0 and it is fine.

Both instances are run against the same server via Report Viewer so
there is no difference other than the client IE version.

Anyone know of a work around for this?


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Subscription For A Document

Mar 14, 2007

Besides reports we also have some documents that have been uploaded to Report Manager. Is there a way that we could set a subscription for a document? I currently do not see one.

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