Hi, I am very new to the .net framework, but I have a lot of experince in php/mysql applications. So this is this is proboly going to seem like a nwebie question.
I am trying to pull a single item out of the database programaticlly, take the value of that item and set it to a varible so I can work with it in other areas.
Here is basically what I have this is on the vb page in a sub I have the varible MonthlyPrice Defined earlier in the page
Dim connString As String = _ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectioString").ConnectionString
'Create a SqlConnection instanceUsing myConnection As New SqlConnection(connString)
'Specify the SQL query
Const sql As String = "SELECT Price FROM Plans Where PlainID='" & PlanId & "'"
'Create a SqlCommand instanceDim myCommand As New SqlCommand(sql, myConnection)
'Get back a DataSetDim myDataSet As New DataSet
'Create a SqlDataAdapter instanceDim ReadData As New SqlDataReader(myCommand)
'Bind the DataSet to the GridViewMonthlyPrice = ReadData("Price")
'Close the connection
End Using
I just want to get the price of the plan where planID is equal to the value of my varible planID. I want to set that equal to MonthlyPrice which is a decimal so I can add it into some calculations and return a value. I don't really want to bind the data to anything but everytime I search google I can't find anything excpet for binding data to grideview and things like that.
I have tried several diffrent approaches that I have found out there but have gotten errors or and things I am not understanding.
I originally was trying to access a datasource I already have defined that is on the aspx page.<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLSelectPlan" runat="server"
Is there a way for me to grab this datasource which works and is tied to a detailed view, take the value in the price collom and stick it in the MonthlyPrice varible on my vb page? That is the approach that seems the most logical to me.
If someone has better way I would really like to know.
I have a chart I am producing in .net and I need to values. The problem is the values (sums) i need are on 2 different servers. Is there any where to combine the query using two databases? Does anyone have any suggestions?
Here is the setup. Text Box: User enters in customer transaction number Button: User clicks button to display information about the customer
Now the database has a lot of unique customer numbers. What I am trying to do is take what the user enters so it can search the database and pull out that customers information. I am having a hard time getting that information from the textbox. Any suggestions! Here is what I have so far.
Private Sub btnViewFlow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnViewFlow.Click
Me.SqlConnection1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Me.SqlDataAdapter1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Me.SqlSelectCommand1 = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Me.SqlDataAdapter1.TableMappings.AddRange(New System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping() {New System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping("Table", "DTR_Document_Summary", New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping() {New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("DocumentId", "DocumentId"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("PartnerId", "PartnerId"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("PartnerName", "PartnerName"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("Direction", "Direction"), New System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping("TranSet", "TranSet")})})
I'm not sure if this is a SQL question or if it is for the programming language but here goes:
I have a BIT column in a table referring to an active record. When the item is checked on the submit form the BIT changes to 1 to make the item active on the page. Is there a way to set up the DB table so that only one record in the table is set to 1? Meaning if Item A is already active (with 1) and then I update Item B to active, can Item A go back to inactive (or 0)?
I'm trying to update a decimal field with a single decimal number (1.8) the problem i'm having, is that it's rounding the number up (2). I would've thought that a decimal datatype would keep the decimal places correct?
This is quite annoying.. I've been searching around the web for an answer.. To no avail (I'm probably asking the wrong question)
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
I want to include the name of the user whom so ever has changed the record. I want to insert the name of the user in the column. How to grab the name of the user from the action...?
My DB saves it's data into a table at the end of each day like:
'e4_event_20140530' where the last bit changes according to the date. So 30th May 2014 in this case.
What I am trying to do is query the last 24 hours. I know i can grab from 2 tables and do a 'between' with times but it means having to change table name and times in the query every time i run it. I'd just like to run it and for it to just fetch the last 24 hours at any point in time.
the notes table contain the note_id and notetext, so example of a row would be: 1 this is the note for the first row 2 this is the note for computer parts
the po table has item info, description, po_id, and note_id, heres an example:
po_id item desc note_id 1 215-33 computer parts 2
the problem is, is there a way where say i insert the note row into the notes table first and then get the note_id of that, so that i can then insert the row into the po table which includes the note_id from the notes table?
would i have to use two separate inserts or can i use one? i was going to just insert the notes row first, and then use a query using the LIKE() function on the note text to get the note_id, but some notes may be the same as others, so the note_id wouldn't be the correct one :( and i think just getting the last row of the notes table would be bad too incase someone happens to insert a row into that table at the same time
Is there a handy-dandy way for me to be able, from a stored procedure, to capture the notification email address for a user associated with a job?
I need to send an email out from a stored procedure, and I want it to be set up to send to the same user that is set up in the job that calls the stored procedure.
the same notification stored proc will be used in multiple jobs, but the jobs are already set up with a notification email to be sent to the defined users "on completion" (error or not). I want a separate email to be sent, but I want to use xp_Sendmail because I have to perform a select who's output I want to appear in the body of the email (and unless I am missing something, I have no control over the body of the standard "job completion" email).
I would prefer to NOT have to "hard code" the user email address in the stored proc that calls xp_sendmail, OR to put it in some user table in the database, when the user I want to send it to will always be the same one defined in at the JOB level in Enterprise Manager.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for your instantaneous and informative answer-packed responses! ;)
I have MSDE running on my system and I want to get a list of databasesfor that server programmatically. I'm using vb.net and I want to view,add, delete and modify databases on a server from within a class.I'm aware I can use the "Server Explorer" feature in Visual Studio, butthat isn't what I'm looking for. Any references or suggestions on whereto start are appreciated.TIARalf
The Status code column in the source table will have a single 3 DIGIT alphanumeric code, and sometimes a longer string. I need a code that will automatically grab the 3 digit code before the dash.
I have run into an issue that seems very simple but I am new to SSIS and DBs in general and therefore cannot solve it. I would like to take data from a SQL Server table, lookup a key from a dimension table and update the same SQL Server table with this data. Is there anyway to do an update using SSIS?
Do While Not RS.EOF Select Case RS!Pane Case "0" Or "1" glassSQL = "SELECT IDNR, GL_BEZ FROM OPENQUERY(liorder, 'SELECT a.IDNR, a.GL_BEZ FROM LIORDER.GLAS_DATEN a, LIORDER.AUF_POS b " & _ "WHERE a.IDNR = b.GLAS1 AND b.AUF_NR = " & RS!OrdNo & " AND b.AUF_POS = " & RS!Pos & "')" Set glassRS = New ADODB.Recordset glassRS.Open glassSQL, DB
Mike writes "I have a string, >!~[99DC# 4.12$2251.% 1.63& 3.58'2150.(-2050.>/~]
and I would like to extract parts of it and send it to a SQL database. here is the layout and data that should be in each column. The Data column will be filled in automatically, but once that happens I would like the other columns to get their data from the Data column.
Data = >!~[99DC# 4.12$2251.% 1.63& 3.58'2150.(-2050.>/~] Display_Address = 99 CE = 4.12 TPK = 2251 Si= 1.63 C = 3.58 TPL = 2150 TPS = 2050
/* hi people im doing a task and im not sure about some things. could u check if what im doing is good plz.*/
The task is: Produce a list of all female employees who earn more than the average salary of the male employees in the company. Display employee number, first name and last name.
The table: emp Attributes: EMPNO, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, SEX, SALARY
What i came up with: selectempno, firstname, lastname fromemp whereavg(salary)>any(selectavg(salary) fromemp wheresex='M') group by sex havingsex = 'F'
Here is my code to connect, any help would be appreciated. I am a total noob at this.
############### Code
<?php $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="orderofb_test"; // Database name $tbl_name="orderofb_test.members"; // Table name
// Connect to server and select databse. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");
// username and password sent from signup form $myusername=$_POST['myusername']; $mypassword=$_POST['mypassword'];
$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username='$myusername' and password='$mypassword'"; $result=mysql_query($sql);
// Mysql_num_row is counting table row $count=mysql_num_rows($result); // If result matched $myusername and $mypassword, table row must be 1 row
if($count==1){ // Register $myusername, $mypassword and redirect to file "login_success.php" session_register("myusername"); session_register("mypassword"); header("location:login_success.php"); } else { echo "Wrong Username or Password"; } ?>
This is the error message I receive.
############### Code
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/orderofb/public_html/php/checklogin.php on line 11 cannot connect
I changed all the permissons to 777 and I still receive this error.
$tbl_name="orderofb_test.members"; // Table name
Is this the correct table name? Here is a pic of my phpmyadmin
I am trying to create a script that will return information from 4 different tables in a database using different where clauses.
This is working correctly, however the primary table the query uses has multiple entries for different people and i only want to return the last row per person. I have got this to work using a MAX(t.column) statement, but when used in conjunction with all the where clauses things go wrong.
This is what i have
CREATE VIEW Firereport1 AS
This returns multiple entries because there are multiple unique entries for t.punch_time.
What i was thinking is i need a where statement on t.time_punch, d.dept2_description, c.clock_name that says something along the lines of where return t.punch_time where t.punch_id=punch (**substitute correct column names**)
just wanted to ask the most efficient way to query for the following: say i have a table with the following columns A, B, C, D, E. i want to find the records whose A, B and C are the same but at least D or E are different and then display all the columns (A to E) for these records. thank you!
So as the subject states, I'm a total sql noob. I have a database in SQL 2k5 that was transfered over from an acces DB. In the sql db there are a few fields using nvarchar(255) but the data held is actually dates and times. I need to convert these over to datetime format but do no know how. Also, not all rows have a full mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. some hold only the date and can be seen as either m/d/yyyy or full out mm/dd/yyyy format. If anyone can help with this that would be great.
I installed sql sever 2005 enterprise edition in my computer.Where is the management studio? Is it a different program? Can I install the express edition of the management studio?Help please.
Ok so i have something like this for a simple quary,
select avg(reorderlevel)/ (avg(QOH)/(avg(reorderlevel)*2)) as "Needed qty",ItemCategory from item group by ItemCategory
What I basicly need to do is to output the quantity needed for QOH to be 2 times the amount of reorderlevel. then grouped by diffrent catagories.
Anyways I have the formula done and it should work except for some reason "(avg(QOH)/(avg(reorderlevel)*2))" gives me 0 when in fact it should give me 0.728383 or w/e. Im wondering if its omiting the decimals or what??
Because if i run that code it tells me i cant divid by zero
Sorry im new at this and might be doing this all wrong so go easy on me =/
Apologies first up -I dont do security so slapped wrists all round, but I have a little situation that I need to take seriously so I thought I'd try do the job right for a change. Scenario: I have a stored procedure that I want one, and only one, 'thing' to have access to. The 'thing' will be one and only one SSIS package invoked by external scheduling software so basically a call to the dtexec utility to run the package stored in the file system. At runtime therefore, this package has an ExecuteSQL task which connects to the server and runs the sproc. Given windows authentication how do I ensure that the ONLY user allowed to execute the stored procedure is whatever user happens to invoke the package but that this same user can never log in to sql server and execute the stored procedure. In even simpler terms, I want nothing on earth to run that stored procedure nor select the data from the table other than this package when it runs, regardless of who runs it, it is only internal processing by the package that gets the data.
My background is networking with a lot of SQL Server 6.5-2000 dba/sql code thrown in. I've written some straight ASP pages, some Access DB frontends to SQL etc and I just can't get this .Net stuff. I'm trying to work my way thru the getting started vids here and can't get a db connection to the membership db. I ran the aspnet_regsql.exe to create the db on my sql dev box, and it won't connect. I've added the code from http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/120705-1.aspx to the web config. I erased the connection strings from the web config....I installed SQL 2005 express on my local machine and STILL CAN'T get anything other than can't connect to data store, data store doesn't exit, click here to crash....blah blah blah. There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: Unable to connect to SQL Server database. blah blah Test the AspNetSqlProvider and get Could not establish a connection to the database. If you have not yet created the SQL Server database, exit the Web Site Administration tool, use the aspnet_regsql command-line utility to create and configure the database, and then return to this tool to set the provider. again. I know the machine itself is fine. It built the db on both the local machine and the remote sql server. I can connect to the local and remote sql servers using sql management studio. Can someone help a brother out?
I just created my first Asp.net app. I had to install it to a corporate server. What I found is that the corporate SQL Server 2000 was case sensitive in the stored procedures while my installation was not! How can I set my SQL Server 2000 to be case sensitive as well?
Hi All, I'm a newbie in stored procedure programming. I wanted to learn how to perform keyword(s) search with stored procedures. Take the Pubs database for example. How can i create a stored procedure which takes in a string of keywords and return the title_id, title and notes column ? like if i pass in "computer easy" as keywords then the stored procedure should return all the rows with ANY of these keywords in those 3 columns. Can anyone give me some ideas on how to do this? like do i have to use dynamic sql?, any tutorials or sample codes? Thanks in advance!regards