VB6 And MS-SQL 2000 Not Like '00:00:00' In Datetime Column Question

Dec 14, 2005


I'd like to get the recordset of records that do NOT have the written value in datetime type column, for ex.

select * from my_data where its_data not like '%00:00:00%' and its_data >= '2005-05-10' and its_data <='2005-05-12'


select * from my_data where its_data not like '00:00:00' and its_data >= '2005-05-10' and its_data <='2005-05-12'

in such command I have all records also with (not desired) time 00:00:00 like 2005-05-11 00:00:00
Who knows the proper syntax?


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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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Millisecond Values Missing When Inserting Datetime Into Datetime Column Of Sql Server

Jul 9, 2007

I'm inserting a datetime values into sql server 2000 from c#

SQL server table details
Table nameate_test
columnname datatype
No int
date_t DateTime

C# coding
SqlConnection connectionToDatabase = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=testdb;Integrated Security=SSPI");
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add("date_t", typeof(System.DateTime));
DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
dr["no"] = 1;
dr["date_t"] = DateTime.Now;
for(int i=0;i<dt1.Rows.Count;i++)
string str=dt1.Rows["no"].ToString();
DateTime dt=(DateTime)dt1.Rows["date_t"];
string insertQuery = "insert into date_test values(" + str + ",'" + dt + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, connectionToDatabase);
When I run the above code, data is inserted into the table
The value in the date_t column is 2007-07-09 22:10:11 000.The milliseconds value is always 000 only.I need the millisecond values also in date_t column.
Is there any conversion needed for millisecond values?


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SQL SERVER 2000: In Which Format The Datetime Will Be Stored In Sql Server 2000?

Feb 28, 2008

Hi All,
I would like to know, how the datetime will be stored in the sqlserver datetime column.
Because some time i am giving the date in dd/mm/yyyy and sometime mm/dd/yyyy.
while give the date in mm/dd/yyyy works fine but not in the another case. and also while i execute a query on query analyser it shows the datetime in
yyyy/mm/dd format.
So anyone can please tell me how the dates will be stored in the datetime column of sqlserver database?
Thanks in Advance.
Dhanasekaran. G

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DateTime Updating Problem In Sql 2000?

Dec 3, 2005

DateTime Updating Problem in sql?

below is the query that is a part of a sproc .All table
fields and values are ok. When the mentioned Sproc. is
called in query analyzer it executes well and update all
fields of the table used in UPDATE statement
UPDATE Emp_Schedule
SET IOS = 0, HoursWorked = @WorkTime, COA =getdate()
WHERE (Emp_Id = @EmpID) AND (S_Id = @ShiftId) AND (DT =@DayTime)

PROBLEM arises when i call this procedure from C# code all
fields are updated Except the COA(DateTime) field.Whats the
problem. SProc runs well both in debug mode and normal mode
in query analyzer and do updates the values. But when i
call in C# only datetime field COA is not Updated? Plz solve this.
THNX IN Advance.

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How To Group By A DateTime Column?

Jan 22, 2008

  I have a column which Data Type is DateTime the value is looks like 2008-01-18 16:40:39.560if I want to group by this column only compare with yyyy/mm/dd , don't care the TimeHow to write a Sql Query to fit this request?the values in  Columns  like below2008-01-18 16:40:39.5602008-01-18 16:40:39.5602008-01-18 16:40:39.5602008-01-18 16:40:39.5602008-01-18 17:10:02.8572008-01-18 17:10:37.3732008-01-18 17:10:37.3732008-01-18 17:11:57.1872008-01-18 17:12:22.8102008-01-18 17:13:01.4502008-01-18 17:13:37.1532008-01-18 17:13:52.4502008-01-18 17:14:10.6402008-01-18 17:14:24.6532008-01-18 17:14:41.1532008-01-18 17:15:09.3572008-01-21 14:55:18.560 thank you for your posting .  

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Problem With DateTime Column

Jul 16, 2005

Hi All,I faced this strange problem with sql server. I have datetime column and storing value from asp.net.  If the user doesnt enter any date, then we dont want any value to be stored in the database.  But when we checked SQL Server, it default takes this value "01/01/1900".  When users clicks on edit button, this value is fetched from database and stored in front end.  I dont want this value to be stored in database if i didnt provide value.  But in 1 particular page, there are 5 different date columns. I am not sure about how to go ahead. I tried the following way, but again ended up with same problem.insert into tablename.......values (...., txtFromDate.text, txtToDate.text,....).  Since value is not there, '' is sent to database and above said value is stored. i want NULL to be stored in teh database when user didnt specify any value.i didnt encounter this problem in Oracle.appreciate your reply.

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Default Value In Datetime Column

Dec 27, 2005

hi, i was wondering how to set default value in the datetime column of the database so that it will enter current date and time if one is not provided when a row is populated.  is there a store procedure to do this? or built-in function?

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Time Out Of DateTime Column

Jun 18, 2001

Hi Guys,
I have to take only time from DateTime column filed value.
Is there any function in SQL Server which will give us time only.


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Converting A Datetime Column

Jul 21, 2000

I've got have a populated table and I want to convert a datetime column so it lists the date only (without the time component)
I tried to run this as a script, but returns an error:

update <table>
where <column>=convert(datetime,convert(char10),<column>,101))

When I run only this part, it does strip the date of the time component but it becomes a string, and I need this field stored as a datetime field:


I'd appreciate any suggestions :)

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Update A Datetime Column

Apr 20, 2005

I'm trying to update a datetime column from another datetime column. However, I just want the date transferred to the new column without the time. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

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How To Split Datetime Column

Aug 3, 2007

I have column that hold datetime , i want to split the column into many columns ex:
column --> 01/01/2007 00:00:00
i want tp split to day month year hour minute second

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Column DoTableDate Set A Datetime

May 15, 2015

In SQL server I have the column doTableDate set a Datetime.I need extract all rows in on date range and I think use to syntax `Between And` If try this version of query I have in output 889 rows all with date 2014-01-03... but I have other records with date 2014-01-04 in column doTableData...



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Datetime Column With Milliseconds???

Mar 27, 2006

hi ppls..
we have sql server 2000 EM. we received daily xml files and we insert into our database.there is one column Date_T having data type datetime.till date we recieved this records from xml as '03/23/2004 12:23:34:956' but due to some duplicate isssue we now want to modified this column to recieve as milliseconds like '03/23/2004 12:23:34:956232' now my point is wheather sql server handle this kind of milliseconds..please help me out as early as possible..



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DateTime Column Not Using Index

Jul 11, 2006

I'm having a hard time getting one of my tables to use a non clustered index that I have on a DateTime column.

A sample version of the table is something like this

CREATE TABLE Appointments
AppointmentDate DateTime NOT NULL

with a clustered primary key on ID and a nonclustered key on AppointmentDate.

This production table has over 1million rows and the problem I have is this:

If I do a SELECT * FROM Appointments where AppointmentDate >= '20060701' AND AppointmentDate < '20060702' the Non clustered index on the AppointmentDate column works fine. i.e. I'm returning all appointments for the 1st of July.

Now if I run the exact same query using datetime parameters, a Clustered index scan is performed instead of an index seek.

DECLARE @AppDate DateTime

SET @AppDate = '20060701'

SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE AppointmentDate >= @AppDate and AppointmentDate < DATEADD(day, 1, @AppDate)

Any ideas why it would do this?

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DateTime Format At Column

Oct 1, 2007

HI friends,

Using SmallDateTime in SQL Table, how can I enforce M/DD/YY format on column of type smalldatetime in SQL ServerDB.

What happening is that SQL convert this to YYYY-MM-DD, when my DTS package brings data to table?

Note : output of DTS package is MM/DD/YY format.


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Max Date In Datetime Column?

Feb 16, 2008

In SQL server 2000 (or 2005) I have a need to query a table for rows with the max date value in a datetime column.
Currently I coded the following to give me a specific date in the column:
...where R.start_time >= '02/15/2008' and R.start_time < DateAdd(day, 1, '02/15/2008')

This gives me the rows with the exact date of 02/15/2008.
So, if I don't want to hard-code the date or pass it as a parameter how can I always get the maximum date back from the query?


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Apr 16, 2008


SELECT MIN(convert(datetime, VH_DATETIME,121),
MAX(convert(datetime,VH_DATETIME, 121))

Please help me in resolving this issue. Thank you

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Interval On A Datetime Column

Feb 13, 2008

Hi, I have a table with 3 columns ( Id int, theValue float , aDate datetime). I want to select the number of rows (count) for which the interval of aDate is less than 7 seconds. Is there a way to achieve that in a single query.

PS: This query will be perform on a dataset, that means that I can't use cursor.



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Format Datetime Column

Jul 13, 2006

I am wondering if someone could help me with formatting datatime column.

Goal - keep column in datatime instead of convert to varchar
Current - '2006-06-21 16:54:33.000'
Wants - '2006-06-21 16:54:33'

Any help is appreciated!

Code Bits
declare @time datetime
set @time = '2006-06-21 16:54:33.000'
select @time, convert(varchar(255), @time, 20)

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Milliseconds From DateTime Column

Nov 5, 2007


I am trying to access a date column up to millisecond precession. So I cast date to as follows:

Code BlockCONVERT(varchar(23),CREATE_DATE,121)

I get millisecond part as a result of query but it€™s €œ000€?.

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DateTime Formats In Sql Server 2005 And 2000

Mar 19, 2007

Hi there
I have an application running in two development environments, one using a sql server 2005 database and the other using a 2000 database.  The application works on the 2000 database but when i try to insert values into the 2005 database the date format is incorrect (mm/dd/yyyy). I've checked the regional data settings on both machines and they are identical.  The application (which i inherited) uses inline sql and when i dump the values before the sql command is run i get dd/mm/yyyy for the app running 2005 and mm/dd/yyyy for the app on 2000.  I'm trying to determine if this is an issue with the machine itself and the .net framework installed or infact the two different versions on sql server.

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How To Convert A Timestamp Into DateTime In SQLServer 2000

Jun 12, 2006

Hi Everyone,
We have a table in SqlServer 2000 with a column type TimeStamp and contain value such as 0x00000000656AC51F. Are there any way for me to convert that value back to DateTime? I tried to use cast function like:
Select cast (MyTimeStampCol as DateTime) myDate from MyTableand I encountered error below.
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.


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Select Date From A Datetime Column

Dec 16, 2006

Well yeah as the topic says, this is my sql question right now;string date = "2006-11-12"; string sql = "SELECT * FROM spell_of_work WHERE date='{0}'",date);problem is that my date column in the table is datetime and not a date so.. error! i dont know if RLIKE or LIKE can help, wating for a reply!herman 

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Handling A Null Datetime Column

Nov 12, 2007

can anybody tell me how to do a select query on a datetime field where if i have a null value in that column, i need to display a some character.

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Converting A Char Column To Datetime

Jan 24, 2002

Hello everyone, I have searched and seached for an answer to something that I know has to be simple but have been unsuccessful. I appreciate any help...

I am trying to take a char (6) column named col001 and convert it to datetime.
The column is in mmddyy format. I am using SQL 2000, but have available sql 7.0 servers if there is a difference. I expect that I have to write a cursor but have been unable to get the correct syntax. Thanks everyone

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Select All Rows With Certain Day In Datetime Column

Jun 29, 2005

I have a datetime column that holds dates and times like
30/06/2005 1:31:00 PM
How would I find all rows that match a certain date regardless of the time, (IE, select all rows with a date of 30/06/2005 with any time)


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How To Cast A Varchar Column To DateTime

Jan 21, 2012

Below is my query.Its working great if i remove ,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate.But when i use this i get an error as The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value My ClassName is a varchar.Whose definition i cant change to DateTime now.But i want to cast it to DateTime.

Select C.ClassID as Appointment_Id,C.ClassName as Appoitment_Descr,Cast(C.ClassTime as time) as StartDate,C.EndClassTime as EndDate, 'Class' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoClass C on D.SchoolID = C.DojoSchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID
and C.Days like'%' + @Days + '%'
Select E.DojoEventID as Appointment_Id,E.EventName as Appoitment_Descr , E.EventStartDate as StartDate , E.EventEndDate as EndDate,'Event' as Type
From Dojo D inner join DojoEvent E on E.DojoID = D.SchoolID
Where D.SchoolID = @DojoID and @Date
Between E.EventStartDate and E.EventEndDate

how can i cast it correctly?

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Get Hhmmss For Every Date In Datetime Column

Jan 2, 2014

How can I get the hhmmss between 9am to 11am for every date in my datetime column.

I tried:

select datetime from tableA where datetime between '2014-01-03 09:00:00' and '2014-01-31 11:00:00'

But it returns all

2014-01-31 05:30:00
2014-01-06 09:30:00
2014-01-06 10:30:00

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Getting Last (newest) One Record (datetime Column Or Id)

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everybody,-------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE [T1] ([IDX] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[DateEvt] [datetime] NOT NULL,[Value] [varchar] (10) NOT NULL ,[DataX] [varchar] (10) NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_T1] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([IDX]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOinsert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:00:00','0000000001', 'AAAAAAAAAA')insert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:00:01','0000000002', 'AAAAAAAAAA')insert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:00:02','0000000003', 'AAAAAAAAAA')insert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:01:00','0000000001', 'BBBBBBBBBB')insert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:02:00','0000000001', 'CCCCCCCCCC')insert into T1 (DateEvt,Value, DataX) values('2004.10.10 10:03:00','0000000001', 'DDDDDDDDDD')GO-------------------------------------------------and the question is:In which fastes and best for the preformance way, get the last IDX ofspecified Value.I could do this like this:-------------------------------------------------declare @nIDX numericdeclare @sValue varchar(10)select top 1 @nIDX = IDX from T1where Value = @sValueorder by DateEVT desc-------------------------------------------------But I know, this is not fast (even if I have index on DateEVT field),and I'm quite sure, that there is better way to get this IDX.Anyway, this table can be big (like 20 milions records).I could take the max of IDX, but is it a sure way?Any help? Thanks in advanceMatik

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Update Column With Type Datetime

Dec 17, 2007

Hi,I want to update a column typed datetime. My statement is:update 'tablename' set Datum_Ende = '2007-12-17 08:49:04.000' where'columnID_name' = 23250 and 'columndate_Name' = convert(datetime,'17.12.2007 08:08:04')This effects an error. The Server said, the dateTime value is out ofvalid Domain.I have tried various statements like this and i think, the problem isthe blank between date and time.Can someone help me?ThanksThomas

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Transact SQL :: Populating A Datetime Column

Apr 29, 2015

I want to populate a datetime column on the fly within a stored procedure. Below is the query that I currently have that does same but slows down query performance.

, CustID INT
, CompID INT


Which is the best way to write this query for better performance?

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How To Set Default Value For Datetime Column In Sql Mobile?

Oct 6, 2006

I try to set a default value (getdate()) for a datetime culomn in sql mobile,
but got error when i insert record:

there was a syntax error in the date format. [expression = getdate()]

may be I can only set a exict date ?

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