VBA + TSQL - GO Problem Passing SQL Script Trought VBA Excel
Sep 10, 2007
I am not sure where to post this question, because is related to both TSQL & VBA Excel.
I am working under SQL SERVER 2000, and I have a query as described below:
Code Snippet
USE mydb
SELECT Block ...
UPDATE Block...
SELECT Block...
If I writte the query as shown above directly in SQL SERVER, it does work.
The issue is that I am generating the code trought VBA Excel, and when passing the SQL string to SQL, I get in SQL Server Managment Studio something like:
Code Snippet
"USE mydb
SELECT Block ...
UPDATE Block...
SELECT Block... "
with the " marks at the beginning and at the end of the script. In order to avoid the marks ", I need to erase the new line (return) before and after the GO statement, replacing the new lines by spaces and then the code looks like this:
Code Snippet
USE mydb SELECT Block ... GO ALTER TABLE Block... GO UPDATE Block... SELECT Block...
and DOES NOT work, getting Error because of the GO statement.
Thanks in advance for any help,
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Sep 11, 2007
I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000.
The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:
Code Snippet
CommandLine01 = "USE mydb"
CommandLine02 = "SELECT Block ..."
CommandLine03 = "GO
CommandLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CommandLine05 = "SELECT Block..."
The detail of the SQL string is at:
I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion:
to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:
Code Snippet
Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3
'set the properties and open a connection
cmd1="use my_db"
cmd2="create table mytb"
cmd3="insert into mytb"
SqlCnt.execute cmd1
SqlCnt.Execute cmd2
SqlCnt.Execute cmd3
Below is the code (just partial) I have, and I need help to complete it.
Thanks in advance,
Code Snippet
Function TestConnection()
Dim ConnectionString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet
ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=myServer;Database=myDBName;Uid=UserName;Pwd=Password"
CmdLine01 = " USE " & myDB
CmdLine03 = "GO
CmdLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CmdLine05 = "SELECT Block..."
RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnectionString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnectionString
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine02
'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet
'Close ADO objects
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnectionString = Nothing
End Function
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Feb 25, 2008
Hi everybody,
i'll try to explain the problem with my bad english, so sorry.
In my firm i have a server (W2003 Server) with IIS 6.0 and SQL Server 2005 EE an it is joined in the main domain as all users and their workstation (window XP) are joined too.
The main role for this server is to be a web server and with IIS Manager I configured to verify user identities with Windows Integrated authentication without any anonymous access to web pages (ASP scripts).
I made a group called "Web Users" with read right on ASP scripts and his only one member is "Domain Users".
"Web Users" has of course rights to access this server from network.
This group is also a SQL Server login because it has rights to wiew an modify data at least in one db table trought ASP pages using ADO, but the problem is that they can also connect using ODBC.
Configuring SQL to accept only local connection i can avoid this, but as SQL Admin i can't connect too. So how is possible for web users interact with SQL only trought web pages ?
Thank you very much
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Mar 8, 2006
Hi,I am using a .dqy file to import some rows from a sql server 2003database to microsoft excel. Unfortunately, I have am importing morerows than excel can handle. Is there a way around this?It appears that there is no equivalent of the LIMIT(offset, number ofrows to return) function of mysql in tsql. Had there been anequivalent, I would have created multiple .dqy files, which would querythe database for pages of results as appropriate. There is an upperlimit to the number of records that there can be in the database, sothis would have been a feasible solution.Also, I must use .dqy files (or something equivalen) because thequeries are invoked from a website, and it is necessary to download theresults, sort/filter, etc. (in excel).Thanks for any suggestions.
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Feb 24, 2008
I am developing the SSIS pacakge. I am loading the data from excel file to Sqlserver table. I have two set of excel files and each excel file belongs to one division. I want the same mapping should call both file. Basically, i wanted to pass the filename as a parameter. Any help....
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Sep 17, 2007
Hi guys,
When I thought everything is okay with this script, I got a new problem...
I have a VBA's script from Excel 2003 that builds sql script and retrieves data from SQL SERVER 2000.
in order to make the sql running, I need to use a multi - batch processing, to pass and execute every command line once a time.
Up to here, I am using a test case with Account number = '123456' and getting the desire results.
The code below is running okay with the test case, but when changing the account number (mark as yellow in the code) to include all the accounts (or just one other account), I am getting the following ERROR:
run - time error '-2147217871 (80040e31)' - [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] time out expired.
Now, if I take the same code, with the condition that generates the ERROR, and try it into SQL Server, I get the results without errors.
Thanks in advance,
Below the code:
Code Snippet
Function QuerySalesAging()
'MUST !!! References: Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library
Dim ConnString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet
'Setting Connection String
Driver = "{SQL Server}"
ServerName = "SERVER"
DB_Name = CompanyName
ConnString = "Driver=" & Driver & ";" & "Server=" & ServerName & ";" _
& "Database=" & DB_Name & ";" & "Uid=" & SQLLoginName & ";" & "Pwd=" & SQLPassword & ";"
'Report Criterias
Criteria05 = " AND " & "Accounts.ACCOUNTKEY Between " & AccountKeyAsRange
' -- ==> With AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '123456' it works okay.
' -- ==> With any other value, in example AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '9999999999' it get's ERROR.
CmdLine01 = " USE " & CompanyName
' Check and drop temporary table
TemporaryTableName = "CTE" ' The table is a regular one
CmdLine02 = " if object_id('" & TemporaryTableName & "') is not null exec('DROP TABLE " & TemporaryTableName & "') "
CmdLine03 = " SELECT ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " INTO " & TemporaryTableName
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " FROM ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " WHERE " & "(" & Replace(Criteria05, "AND", "") & ")"
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " ORDER BY ..."
CmdLine04 = CmdLine04 & " ALTER TABLE " & TemporaryTableName ...
CmdLine05 = CmdLine05 & " UPDATE " & TemporaryTableName ...
CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " SELECT ..."
CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " FROM ..."
ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02
RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine03, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine04, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine05, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine06, ConnString
ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02 ' The debbuger stops here:" if object_id('CTE') is not null exec('DROP TABLE CTE') "
ConnString.Execute CmdLine03
ConnString.Execute CmdLine04
ConnString.Execute CmdLine05
ConnString.Execute CmdLine06
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02
'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet
'Cleanup & Close ADO objects
ConnString.Execute "USE master"
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnString = Nothing
End Function
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May 11, 2007
I responded to a very old discussion thread & afraid I buried it too deep.
I have studied the article: How to Pass a Variable to a Linked Query (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q314520)
but I have not gotten all the ''''' + @variable syntax right.
Here is my raw openrowset with what I am aiming at.
Code Snippet
-- I want to use some kind of variable, like this to use in the file:
SET @FIL = 'C:company foldersDocumentationINVENTORY.xls;'
SELECT FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'Driver=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls);DBQ=C:company foldersDocumentationINVENTORY.xls;', 'SELECT * FROM [Inventory$]')
Anyone game? Many thank-yous, in advance.
Kind Regards,
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Nov 19, 2007
Can anyone please give me the equivalent tsql for sql server 2000 for the following two queries which works fine in sql server 2005
-- Full Table Structure
select t.object_id, t.name as 'tablename', c.name as 'columnname', y.name as 'typename', case y.namewhen 'varchar' then convert(varchar, c.max_length)when 'decimal' then convert(varchar, c.precision) + ', ' + convert(varchar, c.scale)else ''end attrib,y.*from sys.tables t, sys.columns c, sys.types ywhere t.object_id = c.object_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')and c.system_type_id = y.system_type_idand c.system_type_id = y.user_type_idorder by t.name, c.column_id
-- PK and Index
select t.name as 'tablename', i.name as 'indexname', c.name as 'columnname' , i.is_unique, i.is_primary_key, ic.is_descending_keyfrom sys.indexes i, sys.tables t, sys.index_columns ic, sys.columns cwhere t.object_id = i.object_idand t.object_id = ic.object_idand t.object_id = c.object_idand i.index_id = ic.index_idand c.column_id = ic.column_idand t.name not in ('sysdiagrams')order by t.name, i.index_id, ic.index_column_id
This sql is extracting some sort of the information about the structure of the sql server database[2005]
I need a sql whihc will return the same result for sql server 2000
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Jul 25, 2015
Trying to upload excel in server where excel is not installed. BIDs was there in the server, when i am trying to craete Excel source I am not able.what the workround for this.. How to upload excel without excel installed on the server.
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Nov 19, 2007
I am using a Excel Source to get the data from an excel file to sql server 2005 table. A couple columns are coming in a double precision float, but some values have characters in them, but those values are coming out as null, even though I changed the datatype from float to unicode string. Any inputs on resolving this will be much appreciated.
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Sep 13, 2015
We have 10 sheets in Excel File and 10 sheet contains errror data. How to load 9 sheets data in to 1 destination and error data in to other destination?
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Feb 22, 2006
I am trying to get the contents of the Excel Files dynamically and dumping into the SQL Database using SSIS. Through WMI Event Watcher, I could find when one or more Excel files dumped in a particular folder and using ForEach Loop Container I was able to take all the filenames and pass it through Variables. But at the same time in the Data Flow, I have to pass each Sheet of an Excel File to the Excel Source control and export the data to my SQL Database using OLEDB Destination.
For that I need to get the names of each sheets in an Excel File and pass it to the Excel Source Control through variables. But when I give Data Access Mode as "Table name or view name variable" and provide the variable name in that, then it is giving an error message as "A destination table name has not been provided".
And at the same time, Since I was not able to provide an static Filename (as I am passing through Variables), when I tried to map the columns in the OleDB Destination, it is not allowing me to map the columns.
So all these things I should do at Run-time using Variables in SSIS. I don't want to hard-code any filenames or Sheet names. If any one of you have a solution, please share with me.
Thanks & Regards,
Prakash Srinivasan
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Jun 14, 2006
l've the following situation,
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
Yong Boon, Lim
p/s : The excel header is at the row 7.
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Dec 18, 2006
i have an SSIS package that exports to an excel file. This works fine. the problem is that it appends the data instead of overwriting the file. Is there any way to overwrite the file like you can with a flat file? I have to email the file everyweek and don't want to have to clear it out manually. Any help would be appreciated
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Sep 18, 2007
I have a problem with retreving a excel data through excel source component.
I have source component as Excel Source which will connect to my .xls sheet.
To retrieve the values from the sheet i am using a query as,
"SELECT F14,F3 FROM [Charac Defn & Assgnment$]"
The column F14 is not formatted so that the format of the cell is "General" I have a different type of values in the F14 column such as "PE","PES",15,20,20.00,8888.9999 etc..
While i click on preview button of Excel source it shows only the text values and not the int or decimal values, its returning NULL for those cells. I tried to use convert function, its throwing an error as
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
There was an error displaying the preview.
Undefined function 'Convert' in expression. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)
Is there any other function to change the format of the cell or i need to some thing else
Please help me how to solve this issue.
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Dec 5, 2007
When I open the spreadsheet in Excel 2000, it works fine. When I try to print, it crashes Excel. In testing, I narrowed it down to the Header/Footer, because it also crashes when I go to Page Setup and click on the header/footer tab.
However, I can print the same spreasheet from Excel 2007.
Am I just dealing with a "you need to upgrade all your clients" situation, or is there a known issue with certian formatting that is passed out with reports that is not supported by older versions of Excel?
I am using Reporting Services 2005 SP2 to serve up the report that is exported to Excel.
Any assistance is appreciated.
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Sep 14, 2015
I have ssis package where I have excel connection manager with expression pointing to a variable which has path for location and name of excel spreadsheet to be create each with date on the name.ExcelFilePath points to variable for shared location where excel file will be saved.I have File system task for copying template excel file to destination location with date in file name.I drag and drop excel destination. Pointed to excel connection manager. Under data access mode, I have select table and view. When I try to select name of excel sheet, it says, no tables or views could be loaded. I should be able to see sheetname there so that I can map column. I only have option to create new spreadsheet. I want to use template to load data in excel file. I dont want to create new sheet. It was working before. But I opened the ssis package and its broken. I was able to see spreadsheet name before but I dont see it now even though I have not made any change to package. XCEL 12.0 XML;HDR=NO";
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Mar 13, 2008
I am creating an SSIS package witha a Dataflow task, which reads from an Excel source and then uses script component to dumpt the data to multiple tables in Sql Server database
I need to some how make my Excel source dynamic, that is my excel template which i would be using to map the excel columns to script component's input columns would be dynamic..
In other words, I should be able to define the Excel Source, Column Mapping Information, Precedence constraint to the Script component dynamically
Please suggest how could i accomplish this
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Jul 6, 2015
While importing data from Excel source , some column is getting null value even though excel column has value.To Resolve the issue we tried with
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice14.0Access Connectivity EngineEnginesExcel
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
• xls
1.Change the Value of the Row TypeGuessRows from 8 (Default value) to 0 and ImportMixedType = text
the connection string of the excel
UPPER(REVERSE(SUBSTRING( REVERSE(@[User::VarInputExcelFile]), 1, 5) ) ) == ".XLSX" ? "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";":"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" + @[User::VarInputExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties="EXCEL 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1";"
by doing the above setting also , the column is coming as null from excel source even though there is data in excel.
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Mar 15, 2008
I have reinstalled Office 2007 (to changre the license key)
after this, the data mining excel add-in failed to load.
the "COM add-ins" displays: "not loaded. a runtime error occurred during the loading"
reinstalling the add-in doesn't solve the problem
installing the 2008 version don't solve the issue too.
There is no other information, what can I do to solve the issue?
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Jan 31, 2007
I searched the list but did not see anything related.
I cannot open a file directly exported from RS in the Excel format. If I open the file in the Windows version and then close it, no need to even save it, I can then open it with the Mac version of Excel. The file size after closing is about 2K less so the RS program is adding something onto the file that the Mac version does not like. It will crash Excel when trying to open.
I cannot export the report as CSV as it will not correctly import into Excel on the Mac.
Is there a work around for this?
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Nov 22, 2005
Hi All
I've been googling this for a while now and can't seem to find any elegant answers.
I'm looking for an automated way to present a FORMATED Excel Spreadsheet to the Customer from a stored procedure output.
Can anyone advise me the best method of doing this - should I / can I assign an Excel Template to the DTS Task output ?
His mind is set on Excel and the formatting is basic and easy to write in a Macro which I've done, but this requires human interaction to finish the task (Automated Run Once on opening etc).
In an ideal world an individual would send an email to the Server with two formated parameters (@FromDate & @ToDate) and would be emailed back a ready formatted S/Sheet. But I believe he would be willing to just select the relevant SpreadSheet for the Daily / Weekly / Monthly periods dumped.
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Sep 25, 2006
Good Day to all,
Hope you could help me w/ my project.
Im creating a DTS Package. The source data will be coming from an excel file going to my SQL table. The DTS package is scheduled to execute daily, but the source data will be coming from different excel filename.
Example, today the DTS will get data from Data092506.xls. Then tomorrow, the data will be coming from Data092606.xls.
How can I do this? The DTS I've already done has a fixed source data file.
Please help.
Thank you so much.
God Bless.
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Jan 2, 2008
i have one application in Microsoft excel 2003. but when i open this in Microsoft excel 2007 it gives me error saying that
error inintializing menu,
object variable or with block variable not set.
kindly guide me what i can do for this. i m not getting exactly what is happening.
thanks & regards,
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Aug 9, 2006
Hello Friends, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this question but if not please suggest me when it can be posted.
I have been thinking of writing Stored procs in SQL CLR/ changing all of my Stored Procs to SQL CLR.
Is there any thing that I need to keep in mind about the size of the sotred proc (like calculation intensive) before I do that? I mean can even change a TSQL stored proc which is relatively small Stored Proc, that simply said Select * from Customers to SQL CLR? or the SQL CLR does only useful/makes difference with calculation intensive stored procs and big stored procs?
When I talked to our Architects they said every small sized stored proc can be written using SQL CLR and more over forget about the classic TSQL stored procs and get used to write SQL CLR when ever writing any database related stuff.
And also there are so many articles that discussed about the advantages of SQL CLR over the TSQL but I would appreciate if some one could put few bulletted points why do you think SQL CLR is more powerful.
Please advise.Thanks in advance,-L
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Jan 8, 2006
I am creating some dynamic sql by passing variouse parametrs to my Stored Procedure. One of my Parameters is string has lots of values seperated by a comma to help build an 'IN' statement.
SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM areas'SET @p1 = '10,20'If @p1 IS NOT NULLBEGINSET @sSQL = @sSQL + ' WHERE (Areas IN (''' + Replace(@p1,',',''',''') + '''))'END
The above query runs perfecly well in Query Analyser, however when I put it into my ASP.NET application I get an error of "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."
So I think I need to do some sort of casting or Converting but im not sure how to do it. Or do I need to use a INSTRING?
I did manage to work out a method by using the follwoing
SELECT * FROM Areas WHERE PATINDEX('%,' + CAST(ArType AS VARCHAR) + ',%',',' + @p1 + ',') > 0
But I cant seem to convert the above line into coherent dynamic statement. My feeble attempt is below but I keep getting errors
SET @sql = @sql + ' WHERE PATINDEX(''%,'' + CAST(ArType AS VARCHAR) + '',%'','','' + @p1 + '','') > 0'
IM strugging to understand all the '''. My TSQL is pretty basic, any help would be much appreciated
Many thanks in advance
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Mar 14, 2001
simple update, I want to update max_seq with max(0rdr_seq) from another table.
how do you?
update h
set max_seq = d.max(ordr_seq)
from h_drug_stage_dup h
join drug_ordr_stage d
on h.patkey = d.patkey and
h.ordr_dtm= d.ordr_dtm and
h.h_drug = d.h_Drug
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Jun 5, 2001
Please see below ( in my sub-query I need to say settle_date = post_date +
3 business days )
How would this be done ? Pleas help !!!
declare @PD datetime, @MY_SD datetime
--select @MY_SD = @PD + 3 --T+3
--select @MY_SD = @MY_SD + case datepart(dw, @MY_SD) when 7 then 2 when 1 then 1 else 0 end*/
WHERE POST_DATE BETWEEN '02/01/2001' AND '02/28/2001' AND
SETTLE_DATE = DATEADD(day, 3, POST_DATE ) case datepart(dw, POST_DATE) when 7 then 2 when 1 then 1 else 0 end))
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Oct 1, 2001
Sql Server 7.0
Hi all!
To find out the duplicate entries in a particular column,
I used the following tsql
select pno ,count(pno) from table1 group by pno
having count(pno)>1
But now I have another case where i have to test duplicity as a combination of 3 columns.
ie, for Eg :I have 3 columns with the following values.
colA colB colC
1 2 3===============row 1
1 3 5===============row 2
1 2 3===============row 3
1 4 5===============row 4
8 9 0===============row 5
I want to pick up all the duplicate rows(combo of colA,colB,colC)
duplicate rows here would be row 1 and row 3.
Can somebody give me a clue as to how to achieve this via TSQL.
Any help greatly appreciated.
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Oct 1, 2001
I am creating a stored procedure where i need to update a table.
I have a field which has year as 2000-2001 i need to remove -2001
and just store it as 2000.I created a Procedure but i am getting an
create PROCEDURE prdUpdate_Year
@year varchar(40)
@year = Mid(Newfiels,1,4)
UPDATE AddressBook SET AddressBook.Year = @year;
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Jun 5, 2000
I am trying to break up a column "name" into 2 columns "first name" and "last name". The name colum is currently "lastname, firstname". Is there an easy way to do this in SQL 6.5?
I successfully extracted the first name using:
firstname = rtrim(substring(name, (charindex(',', name)), 25))
But I am having trouble doing the lastname. Please help.
Thanks so much!
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Dec 6, 2000
I want to write a query which selects ind and
clcode where
ind(individual) has taken all 3 classes(clcode) 15, 16 and 17.
for example: it should only return data for ind 1 from the following data as only ind 1 has taken all three classes.
How can I write it?
table: ind_history
ind clcode
----------- -----------
1 16
1 17
2 17
1 15
2 16
3 11
4 15
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Aug 4, 2004
I need help with a query that I want to incorporate into a scheduled DTS within SQL Server 2000. I have a process that brings in records from an Excel file, compares that day's records with any related information already stored in the database, then saves a table of joined records. This leaves me with any matches to the data. I need to filter out all but the most current record, which would be identified by a column named [DATE]. Ex:
Table tblMatchedRecords
M BLah Blah2 [DATE]
1 this that 20040101
2 this them 20040102
3 this that 20040630
In this example, I would like to have the record with [DATE] = 20040630 kept, and the others deleted. All columns do not always have to match exactly. I want to be able to specify which fields that need to match and pull only the latest date.
Make sense? Can anyone offer any suggestions?
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