VLDB RAM Requirement

Jul 17, 2007

Hi experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 installed in MS Windows server 2003 with 8 GB RAM. This server has 4 processors.

Ours is a VLDB and a single table has 400 million records occupying nearly 40 GB of space.

We find it vert difficult to meet the response time set by the clients in many occasions.

Should the RAM be atleast as big as the biggest table in the database ? Is this mandatory ?

Even any other suggestions for improving the performance are welcome.

Thanks & Regards,


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Moving A VLDB

Feb 22, 2000

I have a database approximately 30 GB in sixe which need to be moved from one SQL server to another. Does anyone know the most efficient way of doing this, other then backing up to tape?

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VLDB Performance.

Jul 16, 2007

Hi experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 installed in MS Windows server 2003 with 8 GB RAM. This server has 4 processors.

Ours is a VLDB and a single table has 400 million records occupying nearly 40 GB of space.

We find it vert difficult to meet the response time set by the clients in many occasions.

Should the RAM be atleast as big as the biggest table in the database ? Is this mandatory ?

Even any other suggestions for improving the performance are welcome.

Thanks & Regards,


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Documents In VLDB

Jul 31, 2007

Hello All,

I have been experimenting with SQL Server 2005 partitions. I loaded a terabyte of information into 2 tables. The first holds the document information and the second holds the actual binary document (in this case pdf). Most of the documents are about 1 megabyte in size, but the largest is 212 megabytes.

SQL Server has no problem storing the blobs. The problem occurs when I attempt to get the data.

I did some quick tests to test how fast I could pull the documents out. The largest took about 24 seconds. The 1 meg documents are sub-second.

Here is how the 212 meg doc breaks down:

Time to load datatable: 18.79 seconds
Time to load byte array: 3.84 seconds
Time to Write and open document: 0.01 seconds

If I access the file from a file server, the time is 0.04 seconds to begin showing the document.

As you can see, the longest time period is related to retrieving the data from SQL, and it is much slower that launching it from disk across the network. (note: the sql server and file server used to test are next to each other).

My question is, how can I speed up the access from SQL Server? I believe the keys are "partition aligned". Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I will add the table definitions and partition information as a reply since only 5000 chars are allowed in the post.

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VLDB Backup

Oct 11, 2006

Hi There

I have a 50Gig OLTP production database that currently takes +- 50 minutes to backup, (normal sql flat file backup to disk).

This database will grow to +- a terrabyte by next year.

My major concern is how will i be able to backup this DB when it is that big in 2 hours or less.

I have been checking out my options, in terms of SAN snapshots/clones. Also multiple backup devices and using differential/filegroup/full backup strategy.

What i want to know is if anyone out there is backing up VLDB's what strategy/methos/tools are you using, even 3rd party tools for faster,smaller backups?

Any pointers/best practices for VLDB backups would be greatly appreciated.


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SQL Server 7.0 Performance For VLDB !!!

Jan 13, 2000

I hard that SQL Server 7.0 has problems when the database reaches
50 - 100GB, in areas such as backup, transaction logging, and database
admin and that by 100GB parallel queries are also affected.

Is this true ? Where I can get information on this ?

Thanks in Advance.


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VLDB Across Multiple Devices

Sep 14, 1998


Does anyone have experience/advice with large databases (5-10 Gig)? If so, I was wondering about
performance/other benefits of spanning a large database across multiple devices (different disks). Would anyone
vote for or against doing this?



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VLDB Replication Or Dev Copy

Jul 20, 2005

I have a production database that is in the low gigabyte size andgrowing steadily. No issue there.I wish to completely refresh the development database daily on asecond server. What is going to be the fastest easiest way to do thiswith hindering performance on the production system ?Thanks,Craig

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Index Fragmentation Strategy For VLDB

Nov 20, 2007

I need to manage the problem of negative performance implications when I fragment a 1TB+ DB. I want to perform Index Reorganization if fragmentation is no higher than 30%, and Index Rebuild if the fragmentation exceeds 30%.

Firstly can anyone recommend a script which uses sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats system to ascertain the
fragmentation level. Secondly, is there a technique I can employ to prevent the ONLINE operation completely killing performance on 27/4 production system?


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VLDB Data Type Changes... Same Size

Jul 20, 2007

I've got a few VLDB's that we want to make smaller. Since the tables are running on legacy stuff, all of it's basically made with int's and char's and it's horriably inefficant.

The problem that I came across is when I made a new table with the best data types and copied the data from the old table, the table size was the exact size (excluding the index size). It was estimated that a total of ~20 GB would be saved with this change. As it turned out, 0 bytes of data were saved with the data types chagnes.

Why are the two tables the same, even though one has much more efficant data types?

If you want more information about the table I'm using:

391 columns.
50,147,035 rows.
65,295.625 MB in size.

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SQL 2012 :: Migrating VLDB To Availability Group

Feb 4, 2015

I have been using AlwaysON AG for a long time now and currently have about 10TB of data across 120 databases and 3 AG groups for any application that is on SQL 2012 with great success. Each AG group is running on patch level 11.0.5058.0 with 2 synchronous replica(on different SANS) in Primary Data center and 1 ASYNC replica in DR. Migration has been a non-issue because none of the databases weren't substantial enough that I could not fit into my maintenance window which is 12-4AM on SAT morning.

My issue is that my last application to migrate to 2012 includes a 4TB TDE encrypted databases database which is about 10x larger than any of the previous ones I have migrated. The database takes 4 hours to backup after tuning extensively(I hate TDE!!)

The restore to the primary replica is instant because of seeding incremental but the issue comes from having to backup the database before adding to the availability group. 4 hours is my exact outage window and I can't get any more. My plan to migrate application is to -

First Outage Window

1) Restore Database from 2008 to 2012 Primary Replica
2) Change application ARECORD(or cname not sure which) to Primary replica
3) Run database on single node until next outage window

Week Later
1) Add database to availability group
2) Change ARECORD/CNAME to listener

What I don't like about this is I am going an entire week with 1 node instead of 3 which is worrisome. How to accomplish this I would love to hear from you or any type of comment from people who have worked with VLDB in availability groups and what you like/hate/loved about doing it. I am trying to go all in on this software and have loved it so far but getting worried when it comes to the VLDB migration.

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Adding A Column To VLDB 200GB Table

May 1, 2007

The column I'm adding needs to be part of the clustered PK (it will be the last of three columns) so I need to recreate all the indexes.

My DB is set for FULL recovery mode ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON. I've tried two methods so far.

Method 1:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_copyoftablewithnewfield
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.originaltable)
EXEC('INSERT INTO dbo.Tmp_copyoftablewithnewfield (<original fields>)
SELECT <original fields> FROM dbo.originaltable WITH (HOLDLOCK TABLOCKX)')
DROP TABLE dbo.originaltable
EXECUTE sp_rename N'dbo.Tmp_copyoftablewithnewfield', N'originaltable',
<recreate PK constraint>
<rebuild indexes>

Pro's: Lets me add the new field in the spot I'd like it (not a big deal)
Con's: Tons of wasted space and time. It took about 15 hours.

Method 2:
<drop PK constraint>
<drop indexes>

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[originaltable] ADD
[newfield] [tinyint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_originaltable_newfield] DEFAULT

<recreate PK constraint>
<rebuild indexes>

Pro's: No making a copy of the entire table taking up 200GB more space in the db data file
Con's: My tempdb grew to accomodate the row versioning info for every row in the 200GB table. It took over 30 hours.

A lot of time and disk space is wasted with both.

Since the db is going to be unavailable to users I have some flexibility here. I was considering turning ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION OFF and then trying method 2 again which should stop the versioning in tempdb and then turning it back on.

I was also curious if setting the database recovery mode to SIMPLE would cut down on db log usage and then I could set it back to FULL when done.

Do these really need to be in a transaction? If there's some hardware failure or something unexpected I can just restore from backup and do the conversion again. If the presence of the transaction itself is causing more disk usage for logging or any other slowdown, I think I'd rather do without.

Given the amount of time this conversion takes, I wanted to get some
feedback other than "just try it" before doing any new tests.


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VLDB Design Ideas And Suggestions-Appreciated

Mar 24, 2008

Im a Jr DBA and have been given an assignment by my lead to find information on the following.
We are to migrate existing db of size 4TB to a
DELL PowerEdge 2950[Mem:Up to 32GB]
OS : Windows Server 2003 Std Edition X64 SP2
DB : SQL Server Enterprise Edition x64

I am to find on how to design the db to provide optimum performance,fail over and consider the growing factor of the db.

1)What would be the recommended RAID settings?
2)Placement of the tempdb ?
3)Should we do clustering and why ?
4)What Data partioning would do to help?
5)Any Other aspects to be considered for sizing db ?
6)Placement of data files and log file on separate physical disk ?

I have read many sites.I would appreaciate if someone could write suggestions and opinions based on their current db design spec or previous experience,by selecting best db design points.Thank You.

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Can Any One Tell Me How To Delete Data In Batches Of 10000 From A VLDB Table

Nov 14, 2001

I would like to delete a data from a 750million row table in chunks of 10000,without blocking the users.As ours is a 24/7 shop I donot want to block the users for a long time.
Answer for this is highly appreciated.

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SQL Requirement

May 17, 2008

I am looking to buy an SQL server2005 with 5 CAL's for my company in UK to fulfill our database management requirements. There seems to be a big difference between the US and UK prices. The US prices are somewhere around half the price of what i could get in UK. Are there any tax implications if i order one from US. Would there be any problems of registration if i buy from US. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
I need to order them asap.

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HAVE One Requirement In A Table.

Jan 22, 2008

i HAVE  one requirement in a table. that is   column1 for first record value 100next record                  101next record                  102next record                  103for next                         104I want to update that table daily with this requirement.not with identity columnnext day 100 may be 220,339, some thing random numberlike this how can i update a table column1

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License Requirement

Jan 24, 2005


Anyone aware of any license requirment for selling any application developed in ASP.NET (C#) using MSDE as backend?

Any response will be highly appreciated.


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SQL 2003 Requirement

Apr 24, 2003

Windows 2003 came in the market already.
Yukon is going to release soon.

Will SQL Server 2003 run better on Windows 2000 Server, or it will run better on Windows Server 2003?

Anybody know?

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Urgent Requirement

Jun 10, 2008

Hi Experts ,
I want to insert datas randomly to all columns of a table.The columns have different datatypes like int,varchar,datetime. What to do??? It is urgent so please help.



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Hardware Requirement

Dec 26, 2007

Is there any recommendation of how to calculate what would be a suitable hardware requirement for running a huge database on Production. I have a database with over 150GB of data. The server has 1.5GB memory. The database is indexed. The size of the database will most probably exceed over 400GB of data. Is there any recommendation on how much memory / hardware to put on the box.

Also on a side topic, how do large sites (example - microsoft forum) keep storing information in a database and still allow fast searching? Do they move old info to another database... But I am able to search across old information as well.

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Com Plus Catalog Requirement?

Sep 27, 2007

Hello, this is Subhani .

I am installing Sql 2005 standard version.

The problem is that while I am installing Sql 2005 the two warning messages are given that €ścom plus catalog requirement€? & €śminimum hardware requirement€? So please suggest me, what I have to do to install successfully

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Help! No Clue On My Requirement And Where To Start

Jun 28, 2004

I am not even sure where and what to do on this requirements

"If the system crashes before all the information during transaction fails, none of those changes will be saved to the database."

what kind of info you need from my DB?
no clue.


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IIS Feature Requirement (Warning

Sep 18, 2007

Hello there

I installed sql server 2005 developer edition

and the only error message i got was.

- IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)
IIS Feature Requirement

Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online.

how do i get hold of Internet Information Services
I installed it on vista premium.

Please help


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HW Requirement For SQL Server 2005

May 20, 2006

We are running four servers at different sites say A,B,C and D and wantit to connect main Server at head office what would be theconfiguration of main server for running SQL Server 2005.There are twodatabase say X and Y at each server at sites A,B,C and D. X requires37.4 MB memory while Y requires 154 MB memory. 500 records arepopulated in X database at each site While 30000 records are populatedin Y database at each site. What would be HW requirement for SQLServer?With regardsAli Raza Rajput

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SQL Server Express Requirement

Jun 21, 2007

Hi, I read throught the requirements of installing SQL Express and found that one of the requirement stated Microsoft .NET Framework. As I'm now developing my application in VC++(MFC), it's not build on .NET Framework. I wish to know in my case, can I use SQL Express in my application? Thank in advance.

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Operationg System Requirement

Apr 24, 2006

I am in the process of learning SQL from scratch and figure it would be helpful if I can run a local server and experiment with it as I move along some book reading. I have a few questions regarding the operating system requirement for running a localhost server and hope some of you can answer to my novice questions. Can I setup a server under Windows XP? when I looked thru the documentation it indicated only windows 2000 and other Microsoft server OS will support a SQL server setup. Why then it also indicate XP as compatible? Is it because it's compatible as a client? If I do have to run a server under a different operationg system, what is the best approach for setting up another server on my only PC system along with my XP. Thanks for any answers and comments in advance.

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Server/Network Requirement

Jun 8, 2007

I have developed a client server application using SQL Server 2005 Express and VB.Net. I will be distributing it to my customers. I am putting together a System Requirement document. I am wondering what kind of Server (o/s) and network configuration customers need to have. I know they cannot use a pier to pier network setting. What kind of network setting do they need to have? Does the server machine need to have a server o/s (such as Win 2003 Server) or is Windows XP fine? Any help will be appreciated.

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Pending Reboot Requirement

Feb 20, 2007

I just installed SP2. I wanted to install the AdventureWorksDW database as part of the Database Engine Tuning Advisor tutorial. It said my install was not finished and I had a "pending reboot requirement." I shut down, and 8 different updates ran. When I tried to install the AdventureWorksDW database again, I got the same message. I'll see if there are still more updates to run.

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How To Write Query For This Requirement

Oct 26, 2007

Hi friends
this is the Orders to rise the publisheres (Titles or magzines).
I have two tables
1) orders Tables the columns are like orderno int , titleId int ,ItContaincomb bit, combinationID int.


2) CombinationTable containg columns like CombId int , Titleid int.

my requirement is in orders table the last twocolumns should be filled by checking the combination table
take 101 combination containg 2,3 titles check these all titles are containg or not . if Compulsory all titles containg means in orders table we put
ItContaincomb true, combinationID 101 for all containg titles.

if not containg single title in orders table for combination 101 means
we put that titleid rows should containg column of ItContaincomb is false and combid is 0.

i want below out put for above two tables how to write a query or how to use all function.
the output is (in orders table)

please help me .
thanks regards

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Installation (min Hardware Requirement) W2k3

Nov 14, 2007

I've been having a problem with SQL Server 2005 installation.

I get these errors:

- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)
* SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

* Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

- Minimum Hardware Requirement (Warning)
* Minimum Hardware Requirement

* The current system does not meet the recommended hardware requirements for this SQL Server release. For detailed hardware and software requirements, see the readme file or SQL Server Books Online.

I can't install server services --> see here http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sqlinstalacjase9.jpg

-I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 Standard edition on Virtual PC (host Windows XP Pro SP2, virtual system: Windows 2003 Server)

-I've been trying assigning from 512 to 750 Mb of RAM to virtual system

-I can install it on host (xp pro) without any problem

-I'm installing it from iso files - so it's not possible something is wrong with cd

-I'm using laptop Lenovo - Core 2 Duo 1,5 Ghz | 1 Gb ram

-I have plenty of space and checked option that says the disk is "dynamically expanding"

Any pointers? [Don't give me those http://fun.noshit.pl/DIR-2007.11.08/pointerstb1.png]

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IIS Feature Requirement And Reporting Services

Jan 4, 2008

I was trying to install the SQL server 2005 trial version and the only warning I got was for IIS feature requirement.
I am using MS Windows XP home edition SP2 with 1GB RAM and 2.80 GHz pentium processor.
How can I get this IIS feature on my machine with these specifications? am I forced to have a different operationg system to support the IIS? Is this problem caused by the operating system I am using or what else could have caused this?

After installing SQL server 2005 by ignoring the IIS warning I realised I could not get Reporting service feature installed.
How can I get this Reporting service ? Will I be able to get the reporting services installed if I do not change the Operating system? What should I do if I want to have reporting services components installed on my machine?


Below is the warning message I got , I tried to follow the instruction but I could not see the IIS anywhere on my machine
"- IIS Feature Requirement (Warning)
·IIS Feature Requirement
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is either not installed or is disabled. IIS is required by some SQL Server features. Without IIS, some SQL Server features will not be available for installation. To install all SQL Server features, install IIS from Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel or enable the IIS service through the Control Panel if it is already installed, and then run SQL Server Setup again. For a list of features that depend on IIS, see Features Supported by Editions of SQL Server in Books Online."

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Regd - License Requirement For Replication

Jan 26, 2007


I am trying to figure out if we want to implement replication in SQL Server 2005 does it require licensing.

I have got information on BOL for license information on cluster and log shipping , but

didnot get any exact information for license regardign Replication and Database Mirroring.

Can anybody please direct me to where I can checkout .


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IIS Feature Requirement - All Components Are Installed!

Apr 10, 2008

I'm trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express with Advanced Features (SP2), ideally with Reporting Services. However, every time I try to install it, setup fails the IIS Feature Requirement.

This is starting to get annoying, as every single component for IIS 7.0 is installed.

Strangely, if I go into the Programs and Features thing (I'm on Vista HP), select SQL Server 2005, and click Change, the setup here passes the IIS test.

Could it be that because SQL Server is already installed (just the database engine), it is affecting an 'upgrade' to the Advanced Features pack? Will I have to uninstall SQL Server completely, then reinstall it (no biggy) ?

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