Valid Stored Procedure Returns Error In Application
Jan 17, 2005
I have a stored procedure that works when executed in query analyzer. (It is also way too long to post here) When called from my application returns the error:
Invalid object name #idTable
If I run the proc in query analyzer using the same parameters (copied from quickwatch while debugging) there is no error.
While very complicated, this procedure runs quickly so timing out is not an issue.
Does anyone know why a proc would run in query analyzer and not in an application?
could someone please tell me : am I supposed to use the OLE DB Command in a dataflow to call a stored procedure to return a value? Or is it just supposed to be used to call a straightforward insert statement only?
What I am hoping to do:
I have a table with a few columns and one identity column. In a dataflow I would like to effect an insert of a record to this table and retrieve the identity value of the inserted record... and I'd like to store the returned identity in a user variable.
If I AM supposed to be able to do this... then how on earth do I do it?
I have spent hours fooling around with the OLE DB command trying to call a stored proc and get a return value.
In the Advanced Editor any time I try to add an output column (by clicking on Add Column) I just get an error dialog that says "the component does not allow adding columns to this input or output)
So, am getting pretty concussed .. banging my head of the wall like this...
So put me out of my misery someone please.... is the OLE DB Command intended for this or not?
AS DECLARE@UPLIDCount int DECLARE @OldUPLIDCount int SELECT @UPLIDCount = (SELECT Count(UPLID)/1000 AS adjcount FROM tblProvLicSpecloc WHERE DelDate is null OR DelDate > GETDATE())
IF EXISTS(SELECT var FROM tblDMaxVars WHERE var = 'UPLID Count') BEGIN SELECT @OldUPLIDCount = (SELECT var FROM tblDMaxVars WHERE var = 'UPLID Count') IF @UPLIDCount > @OldUPLIDCount BEGIN UPDATE tblDMaxVars SET value = '' + CAST((@UPLIDCount*1000) AS nvarchar(1000)) + '' WHERE var = 'UPLID Count' END END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO tblDMaxVars (var, value, description) VALUES ('UPLID Count', '' + CAST((@UPLIDCount*1000) AS nvarchar(1000)) + '', 'counts UPLID records and rounds down to the nearest thousand') END
The table tblDMaxVars only has three columns, none of which are integers, yet I still return this error:
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'UPLID Count' to a column of data type int.
Hi all, I have a problem is that I cannot perform the transacional replication from one server (ms-sql2k) to other server (mssqlserver).
The error show below : Log Reader Agent - Is not a valid win32 application.
I try to setup another server (mssql2k) to do the same thing, there is no error appeared. Therefore, I have doubt that the name of the computer using "-" will have problem. Or the registry of (ms-sql2k) may have problem because it had wrongly installed personal edition and re-installed the standard verions afterwards.
Hi,I am developing application in 2.0 using C#. My back end is sql server 2005. I also use microsoft enterprise library 2006.My problem is:First i pass three parameters to stored procedure from the application. After i increase one more parameter in both application as well as stored procedure, the application gives an error that parameter does not match with the stored procedures parameters.after couple of hours when i restart the machine and again run the application it works fine with four parameters.does sql server 2005 stores the parameters in cache??
Hi, I have a simple web application which calls a stored procedure. The stored procedure operates as a transaction and runs for several minutes. I've created a partial class to set the SQLcommand timeout property to avoid any timeouts, which works fine. Unfortunately though, when the application is run in the production environment, it ends in an error after a certain amount of time (maybe a couple of minutes - not exactly sure), which seems to be the same each run. It doesn't appear to end the stored procedure though, which results in locking the tables. It runs fine in the development environment, and it doesn't appear as though any error information is provided when the application crashes. I'm assuming that the ASP.NET application is timing out for some reason, but the stored procedure itself is fine. I can run it directly from SQL server without any dramas. In the Virtual Directory configuration within IIS, I have the script timeout period set to 1200 seconds. The Default Web-Site timeout property is set to 120 seconds, but I'm assuming that this is only for internet connection timeout, not database transaction timeouts. Any information as to what may be causing this is appreciated. Thanks
I Installed SQL Reporting services 2012 service with sharepoint 2013 ... and started it with success..I followed the microsoft's procedure.. URL....After , I have not encountered any problems when I created the application <--- 3 databases created in my SQLSERVER instance//The problem occured when I tried to click on my ssrs application_name --> system settings...ERROR 500 Correlation ID: f6c5f49b-6ab0-4009-6f31-fd019ddc3ecc
This what I read in the log of sharepoint -->
01/14/2013 12:18:36.22    w3wp.exe (0x0BEC)                         0x05D8   SharePoint Foundation           Monitoring                      nasq   Medium     Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://vwaisql201202:22628/_admin/ReportServer/ReportingServicesSystemSettings.aspx?ID=5abbbf0d-e8dd-4e8e-93d6-eddc77225a9f)). Parent No  Â
Hi,I have a stored procedure (the code is below) that I use to retrieveone value from my database. I tested the code in Query Analyzer, and itworks (I get the value I was looking for). However, when I call thesame code from the stored procedure, I get no value. The code that isexecuted is the same and the input parameter is the same. Does anybodyhave an idea?The code:SELECT Top 1CharID,CharName,CategoryName,CharDescription,UserIDFROM [Character]WHERE CharName='Character'-- returns the right valueThe Stored Procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE SpCharacters_SelectOneByUserName@UserName NVarCharASSELECT Top 1CharID,CharName,CategoryName,CharDescription,UserIDFROM CharacterWHERE CharName=@UserNameGO-- returns no value
Hello,I have a stored procedure: -- Get an individual league match by IDALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[mb_League_GetLeagueMatchByID]( @LeagueMatchID int)ASSET NOCOUNT ONSELECT * FROM mb_LeagueMatch WHERE mb_LeagueMatch.LeagueMatchID = @LeagueMatchIDThe mb_LeagueMatch table has a column named IsActive that is a bit datatype.The value for all rows is set to true (in database explorer in visual studio 2005).When I execute the above stored procedure I always get -1 (I'm guessing that means null) as a result for IsActive if it was true and 0 when false (as expected).However, when I run a query on the database for the same parameter, I get the expected 1 as the value for IsActive.Has anyone seen this before?Thanks,Howard
hi, i just want to check whether the given data exists in the database. i am using stored procedure. is there any way to know whether that value exists in database without the need to select anything?
Hi, I need to know whether a stored procedure returns only a single record or it can return more than one if the query if for example to return all records in a specific date range. Thanks.
I am new to SQL and SQL Server world. There must be a simple solutionto this, but I'm not seeing it. I am trying to create a crystalreport (v8.5) using a stored procedure from SQL Server (v2000) inorder to report from two databases and to enable parameters.When I create the stored procedure, it joins multiple one-to-manyrelationship tables. This results in repeated/duplicate records. Isthis an issue that should be solved within the stored procedure, or isthis inevitable? If latter, how do you eliminate the duplicates inCrystal Reports?Let's say we have three different tables - Event, Food, Equipment.Each event may have multiple food and multiple equipments; some eventsmay not have food and/or equipments. The stored procedure outcome maylook like this:Event Food Food_Qty EquipmentEquipment_QtyEvent1 Food2 10 Equipment51Event1 Food4 10NULL NULLEvent2 Food4 50 Equipment210Event2 Food4 50 Equipment52Event2 Food1 12 Equipment210Event2 Food1 12 Equipment52As you can see in Event2, for each Food variations, Equipment valuesrepeat. When I am creating a Crystal Reports, I have the duplicationproblem.What I would like to see in the report is either:Event1Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Food1, 12 Equipment5, 2OR:Event1Food2, 10Food4, 10Equipment5, 1Event2Food4, 50Food1, 12Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Attempt1: Using "Eliminate Duplicate Record" option does not work withthe Equipment section since CR does not recognize "Equipment2" in thethird line of the table and "Equipment2" in the fifth line of thetable as duplicates.Event1 Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2 Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Food1, 12 Equipment2, 10(duplication)Equipment5, 2(duplication)Attempt2: I created group for each category (Event, Food, Equipment),put the data in Group Headers and used "Suppress Section" to eliminateif the same equipments are listed more than once within the Foodgroup. This eliminated the duplication, but the items do not aligncorrectly.Event1 Food2, 10 Equipment5, 1Food4, 10Event2 Food4, 50 Equipment2, 10Equipment5, 2Food1, 12 (I want this to appear right below the'Food4, 50' line)I would really appreciate any suggestions! Thank you in advance.
DECLARE @strRole nvarchar(15), @ContactID int SELECT @strRole = Role, @ContactID = ContactID FROM Contact WHERE UserName = @strUserName Select DISTINCT Contact.ContactID ID, UPPER(Surname + 'gd ' + Forename ) AS Description, UPPER(Surname + ' ' + Forename + ' ' + ContactReference) AS Description_CR , UPPER(ISNULL(ContactReference,'')) ContactReference FROM Contact LEFT JOIN AssignedEmployee on Contact.ContactID = AssignedEmployee.ContactID WHERE RUEmployee=1 AND ( ((@CourseID = 0 AND @blnIsSearch=1 ) OR COALESCE(AssignedEmployee.CourseID,0) = @CourseID)) AND (@ProjectID = 0 OR COALESCE(AssignedEmployee.ProjectID,0) = @ProjectID) AND ( (@strRole = 'MIS_TUTOR' AND (AssignedEmployee.ContactID = @ContactID OR CourseID IN (SELECT CourseID FROM AssignedEmployee WHERE ContactID = @ContactID AND Lead = 1) OR AssignedEmployee.ProjectID IN (SELECT ProjectID FROM AssignedEmployee WHERE CourseID IS NULL AND Lead = 1 AND ContactID = @ContactID)) ) OR (@strRole <> 'MIS_TUTOR') ) SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON GO
now if i run this stored procedure in Query Analyzer like so...
but if i lift the SQL out of the stored procedure and run it in Query Analyzer like so....
DECLARE @ProjectID int, @CourseID int, @blnIsSearch int, @strUserName nvarchar(20) SET @ProjectID = 0 SET @CourseID = 0 SET @blnIsSearch = 1 SET @strUserName = 'K_T'
DECLARE @Role nvarchar(15), @ContactID int SELECT @Role = Role, @ContactID = ContactID FROM Contact WHERE UserName = @strUserName PRINT @ContactID Select DISTINCT Contact.ContactID ID, UPPER(Surname + ' ' + Forename ) AS Description, UPPER(Surname + ' ' + Forename + ' ' + ContactReference) AS Description_CR , UPPER(ISNULL(ContactReference,'')) ContactReference FROM Contact LEFT JOIN AssignedEmployee on Contact.ContactID = AssignedEmployee.ContactID WHERE RUEmployee=1 AND ( ((@CourseID = 0 AND @blnIsSearch=1 ) OR COALESCE(AssignedEmployee.CourseID,0) = @CourseID)) -- the above line was modified to make sure only employees explicitly assigned to a project are brought back. unless it's a search AND (@ProjectID = 0 OR COALESCE(AssignedEmployee.ProjectID,0) = @ProjectID) AND ( (@Role = 'MIS_TUTOR' AND ( (AssignedEmployee.ContactID = @ContactID OR CourseID IN (SELECT CourseID FROM AssignedEmployee WHERE ContactID = @ContactID AND Lead = 1))) OR AssignedEmployee.ProjectID IN (SELECT ProjectID FROM AssignedEmployee WHERE CourseID IS NULL AND Lead = 1 AND ContactID = @ContactID) ) OR (@Role <> 'MIS_TUTOR') )
i only get 5 records returned???
so why do i get a difference when its the same SQL??
Username 'K_T' is of role 'MIS_TUTOR' therefore @Role = 'MIS_TUTOR'
any help on unravelling this mystery is appreciated!
But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )
INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);
SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())
For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.
I have a stored procedure on a SQL server, which is workign correctly to check some date/time parameters and then insert a row into a log table. I am calling it from an ASP page. Initially I just called it and didn't worry about the return value. However the Stored procedure now will return a value to determine if it made the change or not and if not why (ie log entry was at incorrect time etc). I woudl liek to capture this returned value in my code to display a message to the user but am havign problems finding the right way to get the value. I am calling the SP as follows: Shared Sub createlogentry(ByVal ID, ByVal tme, ByVal val) Dim result As String Dim cs As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connecttion1").ToString Using con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(cs) con.Open() Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand() cmd.Connection = con cmd.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure cmd.CommandText = "CreateLogEntry" cmd.Parameters.Add("@ChID", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters("@ChID").Value = ID cmd.Parameters.Add("@Value", Data.SqlDbType.Int) cmd.Parameters("@Value").Value = val result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery().ToString End Using End Sub
I have tried amending the ExecuteNonQuery line to ExecuteReader() Any help appreciated Regards Clive
I have trying to do an insert with a subroutine that calls a stored procedure, but it doesn’ t run. The page loads properly but nothing is inserted in the table of the database, no errors appears after submit the form. <asp:Button id="SubmitButton" OnClick="Send_data" Text="Submit" runat="server"/>
Here is the code:
Sub Send_data(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim CmdInsert As New SqlCommand("new_user1", strConnection) CmdInsert.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim InsertForm As New SqlDataAdapter() InsertForm.InsertCommand = CmdInsert
hi, im new to this site so i don't know if i'm posting in the correct forum. anyway, this is my code:---Dim dbMac As DBLibrary = Nothing dbMac = New DBLibrary(General.GetMACConnectionString)dbMac.OpenConnection("SPR_STAFFMAIN_GETEMPLOYEERECORDS")dbMac.CreateParameter("@USERENTITYID", GetUserEntityID(), Data.SqlDbType.Int)drpEmpNumbers.DataSource = dbMac.GetDataView("StaffMaintenance")gridStaffMaintenance.DataSource = dbMac.GetDataView("StaffMaintenance")gridStaffMaintenance.DataBind()---DBLibrary is a class that opens a connection to the SQL server. i'm getting an empty grid even though the stored procedure returns a row when i test it in the analyzer. is there to debug or test this code? thanks!
I have a Column called SaleID in some tables in a Database.The SaleID column has the int datatype. I need a stored procedure that returns the next value in sequence for the SaleID column.
For Example, If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1022 the stored procedure should return 1023 If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1023 the stored procedure should return 1024. If the last value inserted into the SaleID column was 1024 the stored procedure should return 1025.
Also an exclusive lock should be maintained while the the stored procedure is running.
I have a Gridview bound to a SQLDataSource that uses a Stored Procedure expecting 1 or 2 parameters. The parameters are bound to textbox controls. The SP looks up a person by name, the textboxes are Last Name, First Name. It will handle last name only (ie. pass @ln ='Jones' and @fn=null and you get all the people with last name=Jones. I tested the SP in Management Studio and it works as expected. When I enter a last name in the Last Name textbox and no First Name I get no results. If I enter a Last Name AND First Name I get results. I don't understand. Here's the HTML View of the page. The only code is to bind the Gridview when the Search button is pressed. <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head runat="server"> <title>Untitled Page</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TabIndex=1></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" TabIndex=2></asp:TextBox> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Search" TabIndex=3 /> <hr /> </div> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="EmpID" CellPadding="4" EnableSortingAndPagingCallbacks="True" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="EmpID" HeaderText="Emp ID" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="EmpID" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="FullName" HeaderText="Full Name" SortExpression="FullName" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Nickname" HeaderText="Nickname" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="Nickname" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="BGS2" HeaderText="BGS2" SortExpression="BGS2" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Phone" HeaderText="Phone" SortExpression="Phone" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="email" HeaderText="Email" SortExpression="email" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EmpbaseConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="GetByName" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox2" Name="fn" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" ConvertEmptyStringToNull=true/> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="ln" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" ConvertEmptyStringToNull=true/> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> </form> </body></html>
Ok well i have a stored procedure that returns an integer between 1 and 5. My problem now is i want to check to see if the table will return NULL and if so i don't want to assign the value to my variable otherwise it'll trow an error. My code is listed below but i keep getting the error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid." i've also tried If getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value = Nothing ThenIf getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value Is system.dbnull Then below is the rest of the code If getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value Is Nothing Then Else optionpicked = getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value If optionpicked = 1 Then option1.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 2 Then option2.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 3 Then option3.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 4 Then option4.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 5 Then option5.Checked = True Else End If End If
I'm pretty new to .NET and am looking for advice on how to speed up a simple stored procedure that returns 35,000 plus rows. It's a super simple query that returns a client list. It's just that there is soooooo many rows, it's super slow when the page loads.
I have a stored procedure like "select * from ThisTable" I'm doing a dataread like: Dim val as String = dateRead("column_from_ThisTable") If the value in the column is not null everything works great, but if the value is null, instead of getting a value of "" which I expect, I get the column name??? In this case "column_from_ThisTable" How do I make sure I get "" returned when the value in the column is db.null?
Hi there everyone. I have a stored procedure called “PagingTable� that I use for performing searches and specifying how many results to show per ‘page’ and which page I want to see. This allows me to do my paging on the server-side (the database tier) and only the results that actually get shown on the webpage fly across from my database server to my web server. The code might look something like this:
The problem is the stored procedure actually returns two result sets. The first result set contains information regarding the total number of results founds, the number of pages and the current page. The second result set contains the data to be shown (the columns specified). In ‘classic’ ASP I did this like this.
'Open the recordset rsItems.Open strSQL, conn, 0, 1
'Get the values required for drawing the paging table intCurrentPage = rsItems.Fields("CurrentPage").Value intTotalPages = rsItems.Fields("TotalPages").Value intTotalRows = rsItems.Fields("TotalRows").Value
'Advance to the next recordset Set rsItems = rsItems.NextRecordset
I am trying to do this now in ASP.NET 2.0 using the datasource control and the repeater control. Any idea how I can accomplish two things:
A) Bind the repeater control to the second resultset B) Build a “pager� of some sort using the values from the first resultset Exception: A server cursor cannot be opened on the given statement or statements . Use a default result set or client cursor.
If a SP doesnt have a temp table, then there is no issue, SP executes perfectly, but if a SP has a temp table, this error occurs.
SP :
create proc testProcedure @countrCode varchar(3) as
select countryname INTO #TMPCOU from country where countryCode = @countrCode SELECT COUNTRYNAME FROM #TMPCOU
New to SQL Server installations. I downloaded the SQL Server Express with Advanced; when I double click the Setup.exe, I get a pop-up "document path/file is not a valid Win32 application". I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro SP2.0. Any suggestions?
Hi all, I have a problem is that I cannot perform the transacional replication from one server (ms-sql2k) to other server (mssqlserver).
The error show below : Log Reader Agent - Is not a valid win32 application.
I try to setup another server (mssql2k) to do the same thing, there is no error appeared. Therefore, I have doubt that the name of the computer using "-" will have problem. Or the registry of (ms-sql2k) may have problem because it had wrongly installed personal edition and re-installed the standard verions afterwards.
Ok..So the story is I'm trying to install a SQL Server 2005 SP2 upgrade from
I'm sure my computer is either x64 or ia64, and I have downloaded both the installation files but both of them give me the same error, when the installation bar at the start is pretty much full, it gives me a "hotfix.exe is not a valid Win32 application." error. And instead of installing it to the usual C: directory, it installs to the F: directory..And it does not give me an option to choose which directory I want to install it into..
My operating system is a Windows XP Pro..
Hope somebody can help me out soon.. Thanks in advance.
i'm trying to install MS SQL 2005 Enterprise Evaluation Edition, on my Win XP Pro SP2 (Intel Centrino 1.73Ghz, 1GB RAM)... i have downloaded the self-extractable file (SQLEVALX64.EXE) from MS website... After extracting this file to a folder and clicking on "setup.exe" - resulting in "setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" error message...
I have an ODBC/C program and I want to call the stored proceduressp_addlogin and sp_adduser in it. Can someone please provide me withsome sample code showing the best way to do this.