I have inherited a database that has a column defined as bit. Looking at BOL it shows the valid values are 0,1, null. However there are several rows of data which have -1. Is BOL wrong? we think a VB program runs an update which changes this.
all schedulled task on server failed for 18450 Process Exit Code 1. ...t Utility, Version 6.50.240 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996 [Microsoft SQL-DMO] Error 18450: [SQL Server] Login failed- User: sqlexec Reason: Not defined as a valid user of a trusted SQL Server connection. Any information on how to solve it
Our server has integrated security setup, upon startup of the server, we have a continuous flow of error msg: Login Failed: Reason: User '_' not defined as a valid user of trusted connection. The timing of these messages only around 30 seconds apart The only incident from Technet I can find is Q186314, but we don't have replication setup, anyone knows where I can look into ? I recycle the server but didn't help. I appreciate any help I can get .. Thanks.
I am deploying an rdl that is being deployed in a server.But i am encountering a problem regarding the valid values of the parameter.My parameters have dependencies,and one of my parameter comes out with two dependencies.
Scenario : User needs to input his userID to access Book A. Book B needs Book A because the output will be depending on the its content. And Book C depend on Book B.
Problem: when deploying, only Book A will have the initial value.The dependency in Book B is only one,which is fine.It shows its valid values. But how about for Book C which have 2 dependencies? Because it doesnt show it's valid values..
We have a report server which has lots of reports. this particular report has 375 subscriptions and 80% of them are failing with the error "The subscription contains parameter values that are not valid." since last week nothing new was done on the server. when I open the properties of one of the subscriptions, one of the parameter value shows as a number where as it should be the name of a state.
Not sure what to do to get the subscriptions back.
Hello, I have something like 100 regular subscriptions. It sometimes happen that one of the subscriptions suddenly stop to work with error "The subscription contains parameter values that are not valid". Example, one report has a dozen subscriptions, one of them stop to work. I look into the subscription and see that either one of the parameters is no longer set to a value or see nothing special besides the warning at the top of the subscription page. Parameters are all set to either default or some value(s). I reset one of the parameters, validate, or simply validate with no change and it works again. Next time, in one or three weeks another subscription will fail, I will reset it. Sometimes there are no errors, sometimes just 1 error and sometimes multiple errors accross reports or sometimes one report will suddenly have a few errors. Right now, I use a weekly report to warn me after the fact of what were last week errors if any (no data, parameters unvalid, etc). It looks like it happen with strings parameters based on datasets like "Sales offices" by example, where value and label are the same. Note that sales offices are by nature very stable, we do not change the spelling nor add remove entries. The list being a dataset gets rebuild, just to make sure we do not miss any eventual new sales office but if there is a new sales office, no one had a chance to select it as parameter value before it is in the dataset. I am really not sure what is going on, were parameters values changed in the metadata? I do not think so. Anyways, Is there a way to get an early warning instead of an after the fact error warning? Is there anything else I coud try to "Refresh" or "remap" parameters values to avoid these errors? When the subscription was created by a business analyst, If the parameters becomes blank, I have a hard time figuring out what it was when it was still valid. Is there any way to have a list of parameters values and have these values automatically "re-selected" by report server when the value gets lost? This is not a big problem however it is annoying and people will have a bad perception of the system quality. "I created a subscription for Sacramento and never got my report", some people will also introduce garbage because they will create a new subscription instead of fixing the broken one, then they may eventually get twice the same report. Any thought, does anyone had the same problem?
1) Rows ordered using textual id rather than numeric id
Code Snippet select cast(v.id as nvarchar(2)) id from ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) v order by v.id
Result set is ordered as: 1, 11, 2 I expect: 1,2,11
if renamed or removed alias for "cast(v.id as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.
2) SQL server reject query below with next message
Server: Msg 169, Level 15, State 3, Line 16 A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.
Code Snippet select cast(v.id as nvarchar(2)) id from ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) v cross join ( select 1 id union select 2 id union select 11 id ) u order by v.id ,u.id
Again, if renamed or removed alias for "cast(v.id as nvarchar(2))" expression then all works fine.
It reproducible on
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38 Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Feb 9 2007 22:47:07 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
In both cases database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1251_CS_AS
If I check quieries above on database with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation then it works fine again.
Could someone clarify - is it bug or expected behaviour?
I have a sales report that is pulling up data and displaying the detailed lines and the aggregate/summary lines grouped by a single field.
THe report say has 10 summary/aggregate lines and each summary lines have a maybe 20 more lines to it.
I want to NUMBER the SUMMARY lines only. In a new column on the summary line cell, if I type, =RowNumber(Nothing), I get a count of all its sub-lines displayed. How can I limit the scope of numbering to just the summary lines and make sure it does not include the sub lines involved ?
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B red - pen red - pencil red - highlighter blue - marker blue - pencil green - pen green - highlighter red - pen blue - pencil blue - highlighter blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
red blue green pen 2 0 1 marker 0 1 0 pencil 1 3 0 highlighter 1 1 1
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
I have an SSIS package that imports data from an Excel file, replaces any value in Excel that reads "NULL" to "", then writes the data to a couple of databases.
What I have discovered today, is I have two columns of dates, an admit date and discharge date column, and what I need to do is anywhere I have a null value in the discharge date column, I have to replace it with the value in the admit date column.
I have searched around online and tried a few things using the Replace funtion in Derived columns but no dice so far.
I'm getting a strange error. I have created a Datatable and in this table I have multiple Columns. I have given them all a name and now when I want to put data in the DataTable I get a error. All goes well until I try to Update the Datatable
I'm importing data from and oracle database to an SQL one through a SSIS package, I'm getting this error: "The output column "earned_hours" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38". the package runs but returns this column as NULL values
earned_hours is of type "NUMBER" in oracle (some of the values are decimals), I tried making it numeric(x,y),float or decimal(x,y), but I'm still getting the same results.
does anybody know why is this happening or have a solution for this error?
All -- Please help. Linq-To-Sql is not using the database-defined default values. For example, suppose there exists a column, Table1.Column1, of type nvarchar(32) in the database. Further suppose that Table1.Column1 has a default set as '', an empty string, set in the database itself. Now suppose that one has a Linq-To-Sql class mapped to this table. Note that if one then tries to insert, using the Linq class, and one does not provide a value for Table1.Column1, then it throws a RTE. Is there a way around this other than writing a partial class and using the Extensibility methods? Please advise. Thank you. -- Mark Kamoski
Cannot use dynamic sql in current context. So need some help regarding this.I am developing a stored procedure to update a table. Sending Column names as parameters, but not able to use them as given below.INSERT INTO Books (@Column1, @Column2) values.. Any way to execute without using dynamic sql?..Thanx.
I was trying to get my data from olb table to excel. but i got this error my dataflow is as follows: oledb source-> excel destination
i have got a excel file template at the destination all ready. with the column names+ the sheet all ready. but somehow it got stuck... anybody can help? thanks!
I have a integer column which has Default value alredy defined. How do i alter this column so that it's defult value will be removed. I want to do this using T-SQL statement. Not through design mode.
So the query I am looking for would basically add some values to the results where they meet the right criteria.
I am running the query through a view so I dont actually want to add the values to the physical tables only to the view of the results if you understand what I mean?
I have a user defined function (UDF) that takes 2 parameters. These parameters will be mapped from OLE DB source column values. I want the function result to be a new column that will be mapped to an OLE DB destination. Should this be done using a lookup task, OLE DB command task, or...? If this is possible I would appreciate a very specific example of how it's done.
BTW I tried using a lookup task with a SQL command before the UDF idea occurred to me and ran into problems using parameters in the SQL query:
Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statments. Set parameter information before preparing command.
I've seen the posts about going to the advanced tab and messing with the parameters there but I was hoping using a UDF would be easier, if it can be done.
I have a integer column which has Default value alredy defined. How do i alter this column so that it's defult value will be removed. I want to do this using T-SQL statement. Not through design mode.
Hi, I have a stored procedure that calls a scalar function. It works fine on my development database, but on my production database, I get this error when trying to execute the procedure: Cannot find either column "dbo" or the user-defined function or aggregate "dbo.MyFunction", or the name is ambiguous. However, I am able to execute the function outside of the procedure like this: select dbo.MyFunction(0, 0) Anyone have idea? I can't figure it out.
I need to refine a query in which one of the search conditions would depend on the value evaluated from the CASE function in SELECT statement. This returned column is named as "SLA". Now, the problem is I don't know how to recall this column in the WHERE clause as to do refinement. When I code it like SLA = @Term, SQL Server returned an error: Invalid column name 'SLA'
If anyone knows a solution, please kindly let me know.
Thank you!
Here is the sample code:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_premium_register] @PolicyType AS VARCHAR(10), @ReportFrom AS DATETIME, @ReportTo AS DATETIME, @Business AS VARCHAR(1), @Term AS VARCHAR(1)
SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB,
SLA = CASE WHEN DateDiff(day, P.EffectiveFrom, P.EffectiveTo) > 1 THEN 'L' WHEN DateDiff(day, P.EffectiveFrom, P.EffectiveTo) <= 1 THEN 'S' END
FROM DNIssue D LEFT OUTER JOIN KILRIShare S ON (D.PolicyNo = S.PolicyNo AND D.PolicyType = S.PolicyType AND D.Origin = S.Origin AND D.EndorsementNo = S.EndrNo AND D.PartyNo = S.RINo) LEFT OUTER JOIN KILPolicy P ON (D.PolicyNo = P.PolicyNo AND D.PolicyType = P.PolicyType AND D.Origin = P.Origin AND D.EndorsementNo = P.EndrNo) LEFT OUTER JOIN v_report_KILDNFund F ON (D.DebitNote = F.DebitNote) LEFT OUTER JOIN PolicyProfile R ON R.Origin = D.Origin AND R.PolicyType = D.PolicyType
Order by D.PolicyType, D.DebitNote, D.Origin, D.PolicyNo, D.EndorsementNo, D.EntryDate
I am trying to key a Personnel Table on a person's initials. Obviously there may be more than one person with the same initials so I am trying to use a User Defined Function to see how many of a certain set of initials are already there, and add 1 and add the number to the Key to make it unique - DW1, DW2, DW3 etc.
But I cannot get the Computed Column Specification to accept a user Defined Function.
I'm trying to create a function that splits up a column by spaces, andI thought creating a function that finds the spaces with CHARINDEX andthen SUBSTRING on those values would an approach. I get an errorsaying that the I have an Invalid column 'Course_Number'. Not surewhy but I am very new to User Defined Functions. Here is what I haveso far:CREATE FUNCTION CourseEvalBreakdown(@fskey int)RETURNS @CourseTable TABLE(Col CHAR(2),Area CHAR(4),Number CHAR(4),Section CHAR(4),Term CHAR(3))ASBEGINDECLARE@Ind1 tinyint,@Ind2 tinyint,@Rows intDECLARE @crstbl TABLE (FStaffKey int,Course_Number char(20),Term char(3),Col char(2),Area char(4),Number char(4),Section char(3))INSERT INTO @crstbl (FStaffKey, Course_Number, Term)SELECT FStaffKey, Course_Number, TermFROM EvalWHERE FStaffKey = @fskeySET @Rows = @@rowcountWHILE @Rows 0BEGINSET @Ind1 = CHARINDEX(' ', Course_Number, 4)SET @Ind2 = CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, (CHARINDEX(' ',Course_Number, 4)+1))UPDATE @crstblSET Col = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 1, 2)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Area = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, 4, @Ind1-4))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Number = UPPER(SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind1+1, (@Ind2-@Ind1)-1))WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyUPDATE @crstblSET Section = SUBSTRING(Course_Number, @Ind2+1, 3)WHERE FStaffKey = @fskeyENDINSERT @CourseTableSELECT Col, Area, Number, Section, Term FROM @crstblRETURNENDGO
I have SQL Server 2012 SSIS. I have Excel source and OLE DB Destination.I have problem with importing CustomerSales column.CustomerSales values like 1000.00,2000.10,3000.30,NotAvailable.So I have decimal values and nvarchar mixed in on Excel column. This is requirement for solution.However SSIS reads only numeric values correctly and nvarchar values are set as Null. Why?
Here's a tricky SQL question that has definitely driven me to the end ofmy rope. I'm using Oracle 9i and I need to perform some simplemultiplication on a field and then display it with a percent sign usingthe COLUMN command. Here's the code thus far:COLUMN price format 9,999.99 HEADING 'Charged%'SELECT pricecharged * .231 as priceFROM VT_examdetailThe output from this reads:Charged%---------23.1034.6534.65....The kicker here is that I need to add a percent sign to the right of theoutput, so that it reads:Charged%---------23.10%34.65%34.65%....I thought I could do this by just adding "|| ('%')" into the SELECTstatement, but when I do this the decimal position defined in the COLUMNcommand is lost. Does anyone know another way around this?Thanks,Alex
Bitmask fields! I am capturing row changes manually via a high frequency ETL task. It works effectively however i am capturing the movement of multiple fields. A simple example, for Order lines, i have a price, a discount and a date. I am capturing a 001, 010, 100 respectively for each change.
I would like my users to be able to select from a dimension which has the 3 members in it and they can select one, multiples, or all values (i.e. only want to see rows that have had the date and price changed).
Obviously if i only had 3 columns i would use bit's and be done with it, i have many different values (currently around 24 and growing).