Validating Procedure Code For Missing Tables

Jan 30, 2008

Hello. You can compile a proc with a non-existant table. proc compiles do fail though on exsiting tables with non-existing columns.

Anyways, question is, how can you scan thru all procedure code to find tables that do not exist in the database? Is there any new DM feature that provides this info? Meaning, if I have a proc and inside it, refer to a table name that does not exist, I want to know the proc will not execute clean. Can the deferred name resolution be turned off somehow?

Thanks, Burce

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Validating Stored Proc Code

May 1, 2007

This is for SQL Server 2005

The problem: I need to validate all stored procedures on my server that they have not been altered after the application has been created.

Our server installation creates the user stored procedures for the application. Once created, I need a way to validate that the proc code has not been altered.

Previously, we were validating against the value of stats_schema_ver and crdate in the sysobjects table for the given stored procedure. During installation we would create a hash value of the crdate and stats_schema_Ver values for all our user defined procs. Then during validation, we would recreate the hash value and compare to that created during installation. If they differed, we knew that the proc code had been altered in some way.

Any alteration of the stored proc would update the stats_schema_ver- if the proc was dropped and recreated, it would update the crdate.

In 2005, the stats_shema_ver value is no longer updated when the proc is altered.

Perhaps this method was completely off-base to begin with...

So, how *does* one verify after installation that no proc code has been altered since installation?

The other option was to create a hash of the proc text definition- but that seems absolutely tedious to rehash the current proc definition every time the proc is accessed. There's also the problem that if you use the "with encryption" directive, it's no longer easy to get the text definition of the proc back out.

Appreciate any general thoughts or specific feedback.


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What Am I Missing In This Code Which Throws An Exception At Runtime?

Jan 20, 2006

//setup the connection and connection string
SqlConnection addTutor = new SqlConnection();
addTutor.ConnectionString = "data source=QUAKEMASTER;" +
"initial catalog=DThomas;uid=sa;password=**********;";
string InsertTutor = "INSERT INTO Tutors (firstname, lastname, tutorID, office)Values(@firstName, @lastName,@tutorID,@location)";
SqlCommand insertTutor = new SqlCommand(InsertTutor);
insertTutor.Connection = addTutor;
//populating an array of sqlParameters performs the same function as an SqlParameters.Add
SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[4];
param[0] = new SqlParameter("@firstName",txtFirstName.Text);
param[1] = new SqlParameter("@lastName",txtLastName.Text);
param[2] = new SqlParameter("@tutorID",int.Parse(txtTutorID.Text));
param[3] = new SqlParameter("@location",listOffice.SelectedItem.ToString());
//open the connection
//execute the NonSqlQuery
//close the connection
catch (Exception ThatFeckedUp)
throw ThatFeckedUp;

Sure i've missed something just not sure what.....

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Many Lines Of Code In Stored Procedure && Code Behind

Feb 24, 2008

I'm using ASP.Net to update a table which include a lot of fields may be around 30 fields, I used stored procedure to update these fields. Unfortunatily I had to use a FormView to handle some TextBoxes and RadioButtonLists which are about 30 web controls.
I 've built and tested my stored procedure, and it worked successfully thru the SQL Builder.The problem I faced that I have to define the variable in the stored procedure and define it again the code behind againALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateItems
@eName nvarchar, @ePRN nvarchar, @cID nvarchar, @eCC nvarchar,@sDate nvarchar,@eLOC nvarchar, @eTEL nvarchar, @ePhone nvarchar,
@eMobile nvarchar, @q1 bit, @inMDDmn nvarchar, @inMDDyr nvarchar, @inMDDRetIns nvarchar,
@outMDDmn nvarchar, @outMDDyr nvarchar, @outMDDRetIns nvarchar, @insNo nvarchar,@q2 bit, @qper2 nvarchar, @qplc2 nvarchar, @q3 bit, @qper3 nvarchar, @qplc3 nvarchar,
@q4 bit, @qper4 nvarchar, @pic1 nvarchar, @pic2 nvarchar, @pic3 nvarchar, @esigdt nvarchar, @CCHName nvarchar, @CCHTitle nvarchar, @CCHsigdt nvarchar, @username nvarchar,
@levent nvarchar, @eventdate nvarchar, @eventtime nvarchar
UPDATE iTrnsSET eName = @eName, cID = @cID, eCC = @eCC, sDate = @sDate, eLOC = @eLOC, eTel = @eTEL, ePhone = @ePhone, eMobile = @eMobile,
q1 = @q1, inMDDmn = @inMDDmn, inMDDyr = @inMDDyr, inMDDRetIns = @inMDDRetIns, outMDDmn = @outMDDmn,
outMDDyr = @outMDDyr, outMDDRetIns = @outMDDRetIns, insNo = @insNo, q2 = @q2, qper2 = @qper2, qplc2 = @qplc2, q3 = @q3, qper3 = @qper3,
qplc3 = @qplc3, q4 = @q4, qper4 = @qper4, pic1 = @pic1, pic2 = @pic2, pic3 = @pic3, esigdt = @esigdt, CCHName = @CCHName,
CCHTitle = @CCHTitle, CCHsigdt = @CCHsigdt, username = @username, levent = @levent, eventdate = @eventdate, eventtime = @eventtime
and the code behind which i have to write will be something like thiscmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eName", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePRN", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cID", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox3")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eCC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox4")).Text);
((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text = ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox6")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox5")).Text;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sDate", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eLOC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox8")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eTel", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox9")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePhone", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox10")).Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eMobile", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox11")).Text);
So is there any way to do it better than this way ??
Thank you

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Tables Missing

Mar 26, 2008

I detached db from SQL 2000 and attached it to a SQL 2005. However only 5 of the 10 tables showed up. Any reason for that. Anybody has seen this before? I even backed up db on 2000 and restored on 2005 and still the same number of tables showed up. BTW, the db belongs to a GFI application.


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Missing Tables

Oct 6, 2006

I have a database that I have been working on that is on a remote server for a website. I recently had them back up the database so I can work on it locally. After some time I managed to get the backup working, well sorta.

Originally the database was a access 2000 database. This soon proved not to be up to the task. The server people converted the database to sql 2000 and everything is working on the site. However my backup has a problem. In the manager I can see all the tables that were there before. But when I go to run a query on the database through CF the only tables that it can see are tables that were created after the access conversion. I have gone in and checked permissions and set every table and every column to public and still cannot see the missing tables. Any help?

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Help With TSQL Stored Procedure - Error-Exec Point-Procedure Code

Nov 6, 2007

I am building a stored procedure that changes based on the data that is available to the query. See below.
The query fails on line 24, I have the line highlighted like this.
Can anyone point out any problems with the sql?

This is the error...

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced, Line 24

Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

This is the exec point...

EXEC [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]

@LicenseType = 4,

@PositionType = 4,

@BeginAvailableDate = '10/10/2006',

@EndAvailableDate = '10/31/2007',

@EmployerLatitude = 29.346675,

@EmployerLongitude = -89.42251,

@Radius = 50






ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SearchCandidatesAdvanced]

@LicenseType int = 0,

@PositionType int = 0,

@BeginAvailableDate DATETIME = NULL,

@EndAvailableDate DATETIME = NULL,

@EmployerLatitude DECIMAL(10, 6),

@EmployerLongitude DECIMAL(10, 6),

@Radius INT




DECLARE @v_RadiusMath NVARCHAR(1000)

DECLARE @earthRadius DECIMAL(10, 6)

SET @earthRadius = 3963.191

-- SET @EmployerLatitude = 29.346675

-- SET @EmployerLongitude = -89.42251

-- SET @radius = 50

SET @v_RadiusMath = 'ACOS((SIN(PI() * ' + @EmployerLatitude + ' / 180 ) * SIN(PI() * p.CurrentLatitude / 180)) + (COS(PI() * ' + @EmployerLatitude + ' / 180) * COS(PI() * p.CurrentLatitude / 180) * COS(PI()* p.CurrentLongitude / 180 - PI() * ' + @EmployerLongitude + ' / 180))) * ' + @earthRadius

SELECT @v_SQL = 'SELECT p.*, p.CurrentLatitude, p.CurrentLongitude, ' +

'Round(' + @v_RadiusMath + ', 0) AS Distance ' +

'FROM ProfileTable_1 p INNER JOIN CandidateSchedule c on p.UserId = c.UserId ' +

'WHERE ' + @v_RadiusMath + ' <= ' + @Radius

IF @LicenseType <> 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND LicenseTypeId = ' + @LicenseType


IF @PositionType <> 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND Position = ' + @PositionType


IF LEN(@BeginAvailableDate) > 0


SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + ' AND Date BETWEEN ' + @BeginAvailableDate + ' AND ' + @EndAvailableDate


--SELECT @v_SQL = @v_SQL + 'ORDER BY CandidateSubscriptionEmployerId DESC, CandidateFavoritesEmployerId DESC, Distance'




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Missing Tables And Logs

May 28, 2008

Good day. I am a non-programmer but one tasked to "check" on the recent error in our company's systems.

In summary, most, if not all Tables were deleted from the different databases. Add to that, the logs prior to the event were also lost or deleted. Yes we do have back ups but restoring wasn't that simple. Another domain server was corrupted causing further delays in the restoration.

This is the second time it has happened and the events were 31 days apart. We would like to identify the causes for our preventive actions. Is there a hardware/software problem that may have caused these? Of course, we would like to rule out that it was done intentionally... but if you guys think otherwise, i'd like to further ask how we can validate the theory.

Thank you very much...


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Missing Tables In Sysobjects

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm using "select [name] from sysobjects where OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1" to get all user-defined tables(about 17000tables)and found out there are tables missing in sysobjects.How can I refresh/rebuild sysobjects table?is there a better way to get a list of user-defined tables?thanks,

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Transact SQL :: Missing Records In One Tables

Oct 11, 2015

I want to know one small query..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
3 are
4 you
6 can
7 do
8 not
9 did 
10 to 

I deleted some records now my table have below mentioned rows..

id Name
1 hi
2 how
4 you
6 can
8 not
10 to 

I want to know  the missing records in my table.

OUTPUT IS. 3,7,9

how can  i do that using sql query.

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How To Find Out Missing Columns Between Tables

Apr 21, 2015

We are trying to find out the difference between tables in CUSTOMER database and CUSTOMER_coded database. The goal is to find out if there are any columns missing in each table of CUSTOMER_coded database.

We need the list of tables in CUSTOMER_coded database that misses some column compare to its peer in CUSTOMER database (list of columns being missing also).

I googled, but I get only all the columns in tables of database.

I need missing columns of all the tables when we compare these 2 databases( CUSTOMER and CUSTOMER_coded  databases).

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Find Missing Records In Identical Tables

Oct 31, 2007

Im wondering if it is possible to write a procedure that check two identical tables for any missing records. The table design is excatly the same, but some records (of the 40,000) have not copied over to the second table.

Any help would be great, cheers.

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Moved Sql Served Db Is Missing Tables -- Master Db Issue?

Jan 10, 2002

I recently moved the db to a new server using detach and reattach sproc. However the moved db in its new location does not have any of the tables or sprocs that I created. As I understand it, information on the databases on the server is stored in the master db. Could it be that the tables are not showing up because the master db on the new server knows nothing of the new db? Must I also copy the master from the other server, perhaps? Has anybody come across this before? TIA D. Lewis

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Comparing Data In Two Tables To Find Missing Records

Jul 20, 2005

I have two tables of book information. One that has descriptions of thebook in it, and the isbn, and the other that has the book title,inventory data, prices, the isbn.Because of some techncal constraints I won't get into now, I can'tcombine them both into one table. No problem. Things are going fine aslong as there is a description in the one table to corrispond to theisbn and other data in the other table.However, about half of the products are not yet entered into thedescrition table. I'd like to run a sql query that pulls up all theisbns that don't exist in the other. In other words, I'd like to get aquery that tells me exactly which isbns do not yet have descrition datain them. I know there is some sql that says to search from one filewhere the number does not exist in the other, but it slips my mind. Cansomeone help me on this please?Thank you!Bill*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Ug! Replicated Tables Missing Default Values And Identities.

Feb 8, 2007

Ok, so I must have screwed something up.

I have several databases set up for transactional replication to another instance of SQL Server 2005 for fail over purposes. Today, I restored one of those replicated databases to my development machine and discovered two surprising problems:

1) The Default Values settings in the replicated tables are missing. They are there in the publishing tables, just as they were before I set up replication. However, they are not in the subscribing tables. Now, this is not such a big issue, since I tend to send all default values in insert queries as necessary.

2) The second problem is a more of an issue, since I use auto-numbered Identity columns in my tables (yes, I know that's just plain lazy...). Anyway, in the replicated tables, €œIs Identity€? is indeed set to yes, but despite that fact that there are thousands of records with incrementally unique IDs, SQL server is trying to insert a record starting with 1. This, of course, throws a PK constraint error.

Obviously, if I am use them for failover purposes, these replicated databases need to be identical in every way.

So, what did I do to cause this situation, and how to I fix it?

Thanks a bunch!


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Stored Procedure, What Am I Missing? HELP!

Feb 9, 2006

SQL Server 2000, VB.NET 1.1.
Here's the dummy sp:
CREATE PROCEDURE am_user.spTestCrap ( @maxFloodControl int, @int_memID int) ASset nocount onselect @maxFloodControl, @int_memIDreturn 62GO
Here's some VB.NET code that does not work:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click      Dim strConn As String = "server=amdb1;UID=am_User;PWD=thepwd;DATABASE=thedb;pooling=true"
      Dim objConn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strConn)      objConn.Open()      Dim objComm As SqlClient.SqlCommand      Dim nReturnedValue As Integer      Dim memID As Integer
      'This is a "root" level message      objComm = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("am_User.spTestCrap", objConn)      objComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
      objComm.Parameters.Add("@RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int)      objComm.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
      objComm.Parameters.Add("@maxFloodControl", CType(0, Integer))
      objComm.Parameters.Add("@int_memID", memID)
         If Not IsDBNull(objComm.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value) Then            nReturnedValue = CType(objComm.Parameters("@RETURN_VALUE").Value, Integer)         End If      Catch         MsgBox(Err.Description)      End Try   End Sub
The error I get back in the message box is: "Procedure 'spTextCrap' expects parameter @maxFloodControl", which was not supplied."
Why the BLEEP not? Didn't I supply it? What the BLEEP am I missing?

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Return Missing Records Over Multiple Tables. Query Challenge!

Mar 6, 2008

I have received some data out of a relational database that is incomplete and I need to find where the holes are. Essentially, I have three tables. One table has a primary key of PID. The other two tables have PID as a foreign key. Each table should have at least one instance of every available PID.

I need to find out which ones are in the second and third table that do not show up in the first one,
which ones are in the first and third but not in the second,
and which ones are in the first and second but not in the third.

I've come up with quite a few ways of working it but they all involve multiple union statements (or dumping to temp tables) that are joining back to the original tables and then unioning and sorting the results. It just seems like there should be a clean elegant way to do this.

Here is an example:

create table TBL1(PID int, info1 varchar(10) )

Create table TBL2(TID int,PID int)

Create table TBL3(XID int,PID int)

insert into TBL1

select '1','Someone' union all

select '2','Will ' union all

select '4','Have' union all

select '7','An' union all

select '8','Answer' union all

select '9','ForMe'

insert into TBL2

select '1','1' union all

select '2','1' union all

select '3','8' union all

select '4','2' union all

select '5','3' union all

select '6','3' union all

select '7','5' union all

select '8','9'

insert into TBL3

select '1','10' union all

select '2','10' union all

select '3','8' union all

select '4','6' union all

select '5','7' union all

select '6','3' union all

select '7','5' union all

select '8','9'

I need to find the PID and the table it is missing from. So the results should look like:













Thanks all.

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SQL Express Error Cannot Show Requested Dialog, And Missing Tables

Dec 30, 2005

Two of my databases are still listed under the "Database" folder in SQL Express, yet all objects are now gone. Tried detach/attach and says it works OK - yet no tables, etc.

The odd thing is that I CAN access the tables from Visual C++ Express, and all looks well (data, etc).

When I look at Properties for one of the DBs, and then click on "View Connection Properties" under the "Options" section, the error message pops up:

"Cannot show requested dialog.----------------------------

Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinnVSShellCommon7IDESqlManagerUi.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (mscorlib) ".


Also still throwing an error upon startup, "Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore this error...Cannot create a stable subkey under a volatile parent"




PS It would help to enable right click Copy and Paste in this forum -

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Stored Procedure Wizard Missing

Nov 10, 2006

anyone know where the stored procedure wizard went in sql 2005?
 in 2000 it was so easy to check the type of SP you wanted and then it automatically wrote all the fields and value tsql for that - literally took 1 minute to create an insert update delete stored proc on any table.
i don't see that in sql 2005
let me know, if you know.
thanks - Jeff

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Missing Extended Stored Procedure

Sep 21, 2001

I have installed Standard Sql 2000 .
However i don't find the ex stored Procedures xp_sqlinventory and sp_sqlregister ..
Can anyone Point out here i can get them?


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SQL Server Sp_add_job Procedure Missing

Aug 22, 2007

I have found out that the stored procedures sp_add_job, etc. are missing from msdb.

How do I get these procedures?

Thanks, Mary

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Inserted Records Missing In Sql Table Yet Tables' Primary Key Field Has Been Incremented.

Jun 18, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express table with an automatically incremented primary key field. I use a Detailsview to insert new records and on the Detailsview itemInserted event, i send out automated notification emails.
I then received two automated emails(indicating two records have been inserted) but looking at the database, the records are not there. Whats confusing me is that even the tables primary key field had been incremented by two, an indication that indeed the two records should actually be in table.  Recovering these records is not abig deal because i can re-enter them but iam wondering what the possible cause is. How come the id field was even incremented and the records are not there yet iam 100% sure no one deleted them. Its only me who can delete a record.
And then how come i insert new records now and they are all there in the database but now with two id numbers for those missing records skipped. Its not crucial data but for my learning, i feel i deserve understanding why it happened because next time, it might be costly.

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How To Find Missing Records From Tables Involving Composite Primary Keys

Nov 23, 2006

Table 1








Table 2





I have these two identical tables with the columns CODE & Qtr being COMPOSITE PRIMARY KEYS

Can anybody help me with how to compare the two tables to find the records not present in Table 2

That is i need this result





I have come up with this solution

select scrip_cd,Qtr,scrip_cd+Qtr from Table1 where
scrip_cd+Qtr not in (select scrip_cd+qtr as 'con' from Table2)

i need to know if there is some other way of doing the same

Thanks in Advance


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Stored Procedure - Swapping Out Missing Values

May 16, 2008

I've got a field that might have spurious values in it (say, an admin adds a new row but doesn't have an entry for this field). 
I'm trying to swap in the string no_image_EN.jpg if the value in the db does NOT end in .jpg. That way, any value rreturned is either a valid filename or no_image
I'm having trouble with the CASE statement, particularly testing just the last few cahracters of the string:
  select product_code,
CASE can_image_en
?? When (can_image_en LIKE '%.jpg') then can_image_en
Else 'no_image_EN.jpg'
End as can_image_en,
none of these do the trick either (some are bad syntax obviously):
? When (can_image_en LIKE '%.jpg') then can_image_en
? When LIKE '.jpg' then can_image_en
? When '%.jpg' then can_image_en
? When right(can_image_en,4) = '%.jpg' then can_image_en  This is the one that has correct syntax, though it seems to return false in ALL cases  CASE can_image_en
When '%.jpg%' then can_image_en
Else 'no_image_EN.jpg'


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Strange Issue About Missing Store Procedure

Jan 29, 2008

When I run my package in my local computer, everything is fine. But when I depoly this package to test server, strange issue happen. Because this package will call a store procedure.So I create this store procedure by manually before I run package on test server just like I did this on my computer. But when I start to run this package on test server about 10 minutes,it always failed because it can not find the store procedure. And then I check this store procedure, it is not there. So I recreate this store procedure again, and rerun package, same issue happen. If I don't run package just create store procedure, store procedure will not disappear. It looks that store procedure will be dropped during running this package. But the thing is the package didn't do anything for deleting store procedure. So what's the reason cause that? Any tip or suggestion are welcome. Thank you.

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MSSQLServer Logging Many Missing Stored Procedure Messages

Jul 10, 2007

Hello, I am getting many of these messages in my server's event log (approximately 13 every 5 seconds or so). I have tried clearing the queue with "END CONVERSATION @ConvHandle WITH CLEANUP;" but the event log keeps getting messages. I have attached an example below.

Type: Information
Event Category: (2)
Event ID: 9724
Date: 7/10/2007
Time: 3:52:37 PM
The activated proc [dbo].[SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-32e779eb-edcb-44d1-ba30-93f46ef9d9f8] running on queue HoudiniPlatform.dbo.SqlQueryNotificationService-32e779eb-edcb-44d1-ba30-93f46ef9d9f8 output the following: 'Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.SqlQueryNotificationStoredProcedure-32e779eb-edcb-44d1-ba30-93f46ef9d9f8'.'

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Using Code To Maintain Relationships Across Tables.

May 17, 2002

Can anyone give me an idea like, what percentage of organizations use 'code' to maintain the parent-child relations on their tables than
having FK constraints thru the db model? Because,all the companies that I worked with used 'code' to control the relationships across the tables(not the PK/FKs.!!)

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SQL Server 2012 :: Replication - Missing Stored Procedure Comment Header

Jul 25, 2013

I have recently started using replication in SQL 2012 SP1. When a stored procedure is altered on the source, the changes are replicated to the subscribers; however, the comment headers are removed at the subscribers. Due to the vast number of stored procedures I have, I do not want to move the comments below the Create Procedure statement. Are there any other ways to have comment header move with the stored procedures?

Here is what I am experiencing

Source SP


Destination SP


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Transact-sql Code To Display Preformatted Tables

Mar 3, 2006

altimebest1 writes "Please show sql codes to creating a table showing Value and quantity under a heading, the month the data was collected or the value and quantity in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter values under a heading Year.
My source table is:
comCode char 7
monthCode char 2
year char 4
countryCode char 3
quantity int
value money
insurance money
freight money
i also have a lookup table for:

Commodities Countries
comCode char 7 countryCode char 3
comDescriptions varchar 255 countryName varchar 255

the format of the table i wish to create

Com Commodity Description Jan
Code Country of Destination ValueQuantity

Thank you for helping me and I been a constant visitor to your site and it's wonderful and gives great help to sql enthusiasts."

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Code A Function To Return A Dataset In Which There Are Two Tables And Relationship

Aug 9, 2006

I used a function to create dataset as below:
 Public Function GetSQLDataSet(ByVal SQL As String) As DataSet
      MyConnection = New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)
      MyCommand = New SqlCommand(SQL, MyConnection)
      MyDataSet = New DataSet
      MySQLDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(MyCommand)
End function
It works fine.
How to code a function to return a dataset in which there are two tables and relationship?

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Code Does Not Select Any Data For Information From The Different Tables In The Database

Jul 20, 2005

Dear list,I am trying to get the names of the tables and the column names from thecode below for a database but it is not working. When I run the querybelow the column titles are delivered but there is no data. I think thismight be a premissions issue. Has anyone run into this before?Thanks in advance.Use Test_db/* Provides Table Name, Column Name, Extened Description */Select as tbl_name, as column_name, as data_type,d.length as length, d.xprec as prec, d.scale as scale, b.usertype,b.scale, c.valuefrom sysobjects as a inner join syscolumns as b on inner joinsysproperties as c on b.colid=c.smallid and join systypes as d on b.xtype=d.xtype

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Dynamic Creation Of Temp Tables Using Managed Code

Jan 23, 2008

I have a requirement to create #Temp table in database and insert values to it.

I use following code:

DbCommand dbCreateTable;

dbCreateTable = provider.CreateCommand();

dbCreateTable.Connection = conn;

dbCreateTable.CommandText ="Create table #MyTemp (Id varchar(10))";


string[] insertValues = {"Insert into #Mytemp values ('TestString1')",

"Insert into #Mytemp values ('TestString2')"};

DbCommand dbInsertData = provider.CreateCommand();

dbInsertData.Connection = conn;

foreach (String insertStr in insertValues)


dbInsertData.CommandText = insertStr;



Code creates the Temp table but when it comes to insert statement, it throws error saying "Temp table not found".
Reason can be Create and Insert statement gets executed as 2 different sessions.
How to get the above requirement work fine?
Thank you.

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Fail SSDT Project Build When A Stored Procedure Call Missing Required Parameter?

Jun 17, 2015

Is it possible to force a build to fail when a stored procedure in a project calls another stored procedure with one or more required parameters missing. E.g.:
CREATE PROCEDURE [App].[ServiceUser_Save]
@userID int-- Param #0
,@serviceuserID int-- Param #1
,@version int-- Param #2 etc...

And then in a separate stored procedure we have the following

CREATE PROCEDURE [Admin].[CreateMiscellaneousData]
@fullURL nvarchar(255),
@apiUserPwd nvarchar(255)
EXEC@return_value = [App].[ServiceUser_Save]
@userID = 1,
@serviceuserID = 0, etc...

Note there is no value passed for the @Version parameter.

What I want is the build to fail because of the missing parameter on the call to ServiceUser_Save in the Create_MiscellaneousData stored procedure.

How can I achieve this?

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