Validating The Parameter Text Box
Mar 28, 2007
I have one date parameter in my report. The user will be able to manually enter or use the calendar control. In the case of entering manually, is there any way to validate the input string? How can we prevent users from entering alphabets?
Also, is there any way to reduce the length of the parameter textbox. Can you please help?
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Jan 22, 2007
My problem is with Validating Date parameter filed, when I user enters wrong (assume user is entering date instead of selecting from date picker). Where following are scenarios I would like to validate.When user enters non-date.
When user enters 30/feb/yyyy.When user enters 29/feb/yyyy. (for non-leap year).When user enters 31/mm/yyyy. (for months does not includes day 31)
Could you explain in a little more detail how to accomplish this?
thanks in advance,
Ramesh KS
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Apr 21, 2008
Is it possible to include a text/string as suffix(append to the end of textbox) to an report parameter prompt string ? Something like this
Enter Date: [ Textbox ] format:mm/dd/yyyy
Enter Age:[Textbox ] e.g 50
I need to include text like the one that I have highlighted in blue. Could someone help me out?
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Jun 6, 2001
Does anyone know how to use 'sp_xml_preparedocument' with 'xmltext' parameter that is text data type?
On BOL,sp_xml_preparedocument argument definition, 'xmltext' is a text(char,nchar,varchar,nvarchar,text or ntext)parameter.
If declare 'xmltext' as 'varchar' data type varible, then sp_xml_preparedocument works perfect, but my xmltext more than 8000 characters, I have to use text data type.
Any idea?
Thank you in advance!
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to grab what is in textbox1, put in string, and send as a queryto bring up report with only textbox1 occurances in table. How do I dothat please?Thanks,Trint
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Oct 17, 2007
How do I create a CLR function that takes a "text" sql datatype in VB.NET?
I need to write a CLR function which takes a full text parameter and return the word count of the full text. The full text can be pretty big.
If I specify the parameter with string datatype, when I view it in SQL management studio, it says "nvarchar(4000)" and it truncates the full text that's being passed in. Same thing happens if I specify it as SqlString. Ideally, I would like it to be translated into text datatype in sql.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you so much,
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Sep 3, 2007
I have a Full Text query that works fine when structured as follows:
SELECT First_Name, Middle_Name, Last_Name, Hire_Date, City, Department, Phone_Ext, title, Fax, Secretary_Name, Attorney_Name, Secy_Ext, Home_Phone, Desk_Location, Law_School, Undergraduate_School, Languages, E_mail, CMS_ID, WEB_ID, Notary
FROM dbo.PhotoDir
ORDER BY Last_Name, First_Name
However, I would like to replace "Jones" with a parameter, @LName for example. However, I can't figure out the syntax. I tried the following:
but received the following error:
The @LName SQL construct or statement is not supported.
Is there a way to put a parameter in this type of query?
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 16, 1999
How can I use a parameter in a free text search. I would expect it to look like this:
-CREATE PROCEDURE searchProducts
-@worlist varchar(40)
-SELECT PRProductID, PRDescription FROM tbProducts WHERE CONTAINS
- (PRDescription, @wordlist)
but I get an error checking the syntax. I've tried all sorts of combinations of ' and ".
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May 15, 2008
I am creating this OLAP matrix report and I tried to speed up the time needed for the OLAP dataset by limiting the number of columns in the dataset. I have two parameters, year and month, for the dataset which are set to multi-select values. Year and month are not assigned to the dataset as for the reason mentioned above (performance). However I do want to show the year and month in the matrix report. Can I use the parameter value when assigning the grouping for the year and month like "Parameters!DateCalendarYear.Value" etc and the same to the text box in the matrix report?
I tried it to the report and it returned with an error saying "The Group expression used in grouping 'matrix_....' returned a data type that is not valid"
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Jan 4, 2007
I have a report that runs transcripts for people. I have a date parameter setup along with last and first name. The date parameter field is used to specify what year (ex. 1/1/2006 - 12/31/2006) to pull the information for.
Now..I have a text box at the bottom (Footer) of my report that says something to the affect of "Official transcripts for 2006". There will be times when I have to run the report using a different year other then "2006" in the date parameter field. How do I have the text at the bottom change to reflect the year I'm reporting on? If I use dates say in 2004 I need the text at the bottom to reflect that year and not 2006. Can this be accomplished?
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May 14, 2007
I get the following error in a very quick test system i created:
An error occurred during local report processing.
An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot set the command text for data set 'test'.
Error during processing of the CommandText expression of dataset 'test'.
My sql is:
= "select T.testid, T.test from test T " & Iif(Parameters!test1.Value = 1, "", "Where T.testid = " & Parameters!test1.Value)
There is nothing obviously wrong in the code as far as i can see
The parameter 'test1' is of type 'string'
The database 'test' has 2 columns of type 'smallint' and 'Name:nvarchar(50)'
I am at a loss, as this query is really simple, and is similar to the example query set up my microsoft which works fine
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Aug 29, 2007
I have a report that pulls data for the following date parameters:
DECLARE @STARTDATE datetime, @ENDDATE datetime
Select * from tablename where reportdate between @STARTDATE and @ENDDATE
This query works fine. I wanted to show the parameters chosen in a text box in the report so the user knows the date range the report was run. I tried using the following:
"Discharge Date between " & Parameters!STARTDATE.Value & " and " & Parameters!ENDDATE.Value
but I am getting a forward dependancy error. I have also tried setting a default value but can not get the correct code to subtract three days from Now()
Can someone help me with this one?
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Jul 24, 2007
I have developed a couple of reports which will be called from a link in aspx page
There is a field ocation number that is passed from one aspx page to another where my report picks it as a parameter and displays data
Problem is it displays the location in the textbox everytime The report is run .
How to hide this?
I tried to uncheck the box for parameter in report manager but get error in the report
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Oct 24, 2006
Hi,Could you inform me programmatically how can I pass LinkButton text value as Sql Query parameter?I tried the 1 command.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT [Description] FROM [Projects] WHERE ([Type] = " & SqlDbType.Text = LinkButton12.Text & ")"
but it does not work!!! Thanks in advance!!!!
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Sep 13, 2007
I have an issue trying to pass a search text parameter to FREETEXTTABLE via Dataset.
The following code works fine if you hardcode the search word/text as shown:
Now, I want to do this:
The error I'm getting is @Search is not declared. How am I suppose to pass in a value?
I have searched almost everywhere and nobody seemed to ask this precise question. I'm sure this is a huge problem.
Can anyone help me please?
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May 17, 2008
Hello, I'm learning about asp .net and I've created a simple application with SQLServer integration. I have 3 text boxes where I can insert text and then use them as parameters for the Select query string of a SqlDataSource which is then bound to a DataGrid.My question is: Is there any default configuration I can use with the SqlDataSource which do not add a given field as a parameter to the WHERE clause if the text box content is empty ? Sure I can sweep through all my text boxes, check if they're empty and dynamically build the WHERE clause with correct parameters, but is theres a built-in, more elegant way to solve this ?Thanks in advance.Arashikage
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I run a stored procedure with a parameter given from a text box in an accessadp. If the text box is empty then what is passed to the parameter? I can'tseem to get it to flag up as either null, or 0 length.Any tips?Cheers,Chris
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May 16, 2008
I was wondering if you could help resolve a simple question - namely how to input a type text value as a parameter to a stored procedure, which expects that type of input.
Text type variables are not allowed and casting to varchar in this case will not work as the input will be far longer than 8000 characters.
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Mar 19, 2008
Hi All,
I have a report parameter which i multivalue. I want to display the selected value in a text box. I have written the following code :
=Switch(Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Count = 1,Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0),
Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Count = 2,(Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0) & ", " & Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(1)))
Which suggests that if only one of the two multivalue parameter id is selected display the same (Parameters!ServiceAttribute.Value(0)).
This works fine when i select both the attributes but throws an exception "Index was outside the bounds of the array" when i select only one of the parameters. Can anyone help me with that?
Also i want this report parameter to allow null i.e. if a user does not select anything he should still be able to view the report.
In case of regular dropdowns i have added a <Null> value to the existing values and set the default to null. But in case of multi-value, it does not give an option of adding <Null>
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm attempting to use the following code to display either 'All' or the date value selected by the user from a Report parameter;
=iif(Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString = "[Check Out Date].[Date].[All]", "All", "From Date: " + Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString.Substring(26,10))
This is throwing an error ('#Error').
I can use the following code with no error, though its not as useful;
=iif(Parameters!FromCheckOutDateDate.Value.ToString = "[Check Out Date].[Date].[All]", "All", "Not all")
I can even use this to display the selected value (i.e. 2007-01-01);
Why can't I use them both in my iif statement?
Can someone please help?
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Feb 1, 2007
Hi all,
I've developed a data driven subscription report. I have a paramete (named "Data") that is a result of my query to the current date. It is working fine.
Now I would like to make one change: In the step4 of the creation of the data-driven report we have the option to give a name to the filename.The name that I gave was TestFile. In this option i'm also able to select the parameter instead of giving the name to the filename. Can I make something like TestFile_ & @Data? Wich would result in TestFile_01-02-2007? Or the only way is to make, in the query of the paramenter another field with this result?
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 19, 2007
I'm pretty new to ASP.NET and VB, but I'm working on a project which is essentially a staff directory. Using VS 2005, I've setup a basic grid view which connects to an object which connects via a data layer to a SQL database with Name, Surname, Email, Extension No and Department fields.
I have it working so that if a user enters a name and surname for example, it will return all records with either the name matching or surname matching input parameters. What I want to do is to set up a SQL query which is:
SELECT * FROM records WHERE (Name LIKE @Name) AND (Surname LIKE @Surname) AND (Email LIKE @Email) AND (Dept LIKE @Dept)
so that if the user only enters the first name and surname for example as above, it ONLY returns the record which matches the first name and surname and not all records with either/or. One way I've thought of to do this is to convert the empty fields to "Nothing" so that it fullfils the search parameter for the empty fields. If someone can explain how to do this, or can suggest a better way, I'd be grateful.
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Sep 27, 2007
Hello. I'm trying to reduce some code in my stored procedure and I'm running into lots of errors. I'm somewhat of a novice with SQL and stored procedures so any help would be beneficial.
I have a SP that gets a page of user data and is also called when sorting by one of the columns (this data is placed in a repeater, btw). I quickly learned that I wasn't able to pass in string parameters the way I had hoped in order to handle the ORDER BY and direction (ASC/DESC) so I'm trying to work around this.
So far I've tried the following with many errors.WITH Users AS (
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CASE WHEN @OrderBy='FirstName' AND @Direction='DESC' THEN (FirstName + ' DESC')
WHEN @OrderBy='FirstName' THEN FirstName
WHEN @OrderBy='LastName' AND @Direction='DESC' THEN (LastName + ' DESC')
WHEN @OrderBy='LastName' THEN LastName
) AS Row,
UserID, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, [Role], Active, LastLogin, DateModified, ModifiedBy, ModifiedByName
SELECT UserID, FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, [Role], Active, LastLogin, DateModified, ModifiedBy, ModifiedByName
FROM Users
WHERE Row BETWEEN @StartRowIndex AND @EndRowIndex
I've tried a combination of similar things with parenthesises, without, doing "THEN FirstName DESC" without concatenating anything, etc.
I also tried: DECLARE @OrderByDirection varchar(32)
DECLARE @DESC varchar(4)
IF @Direction = 'DESC'
SET @OrderByDirection = (@OrderBy + @DESC)
And then writing my case statemet like this:ORDER BY CASE WHEN @Direction='DESC' THEN @OrderByDirection
ELSE @OrderBy
ENDObviously this didn't work either. Is there any way to gracefully accomplish this or do I just have to use a bunch of if/else statements and lots of redundant code to evaluate all my @OrderBy and @Direction parameters???
Thanks in advance,
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Jul 23, 2005
Hello,I am currently trying to assign some string to a TEXT output parameterof a stored procedure.The basic structure of the stored procedure looks like this:-- 8< --CREATE PROCEDURE owner.StoredProc(@blob_data image,@clob_data text OUTPUT)ASINSERT INTO Table (blob_data, clob_data) VALUES (@blob_data, @clob_data);GO-- 8< --My previous attempts include using the convert function to convert astring into a TEXT data type:SET @clob_data = CONVERT(text, 'This is a test');Unfortunately, this leads to the following error: "Error 409: Theassignment operator operation cannot take a text data type as an argument."Is there any alternative available to make an assignment to a TEXToutput parameter?Regards,Thilo
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Jul 20, 2005
How can I make a stored procedure which has a output parameter withtext data type? My procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE try@outPrm text OutputASselect @outPrm =(select field1 from databaseName Wherefield2='12345')GOHere field1 is text data type.Thanks
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Aug 6, 2015
I'm using following command to populate my OLE DB Source. I have two of those in each Data Flow in my package. One of the OLE DB Sources points to my source database the other to the destination. In order to limit the number of rows I use the WHERE clause below. The [EnergyMiserFSRLive] being the the name of the source database. The Connection manager points to the destination database.
I would like an elegant way to replace [EnergyMiserFSRLive] with a parameter which I can reuse in each of my many data flows rather than use this hard coded value [EnergyMiserFSRLive].In particular I'm after the syntax of the below query that uses the parameter for [EnergyMiserFSRLive].
SELECT [SitesId]
FROM [Sites]
WHERE SitesId >= (SELECT MIN(SitesId) FROM [DBNameFSRLive].[dbo].[Sites])
ORDER BY [SitesId]
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Oct 24, 2006
I thought this would be quite simple but can't find the correct syntax:ALTER Procedure usp_Product_Search_Artist_ProductTitle
(@ProductTitle varchar(255))
SELECT ProductTitle
FROM tbl_Product
WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, @ProductTitle)
My problem is that if I pass "LCD Flat Screen" as teh @ProductTitle parameter the query falls over as it contains spaces. Guess i'm looking for something like: WHERE CONTAINS(dbo.tbl_Product.ProductTitle, '"' + @ProductTitle + "'")Thanks in advance.R
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a gridview connected to a sqldatasource, and it works pretty good. It gives me the subsets of the information that I need. But, I really want to let them choose all the companies and/or any status. What's the best way to get all the values in the gridview...besides removing the filters :)
I thought the company would be easy, I'd just set the selected value to blank "", and then it'd get them all....but that's not working. And, for the boolean, I have no idea to get the value without having a separate query.
(tabs_done=@tabsdone) and (company like '%' + @company + '%')1 <asp:DropDownList ID="drpdwnProcessingStatus" runat="server">
2 <asp:ListItem Value="0">Open</asp:ListItem>
3 <asp:ListItem Value="1">Completed</asp:ListItem>
4 </asp:DropDownList>
7 <asp:DropDownList ID="drpdwnCompany" runat="server">
8 <asp:ListItem Value="">All</asp:ListItem>
9 <asp:ListItem Value="cur">Cur District</asp:ListItem>
10 <asp:ListItem Value="jho">Jho District</asp:ListItem>
11 <asp:ListItem Value="sea">Sea District</asp:ListItem>
12 <asp:ListItem Value="san">Net District</asp:ListItem>
13 <asp:ListItem Value="sr">Research District</asp:ListItem>
14 </asp:DropDownList>
17 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:HRFormsConnectionString %>"
18 SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [id], [lastname], [company] FROM [hr_term] hr where (tabs_done=@tabsdone) and (company like '%' + @company + '%')">
19 <SelectParameters>
20 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="drpdwnProcessingStatus" DefaultValue="0" Name="tabsdone" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
21 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="drpdwnCompany" DefaultValue="" Name="company" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
22 </SelectParameters>
23 </asp:SqlDataSource>
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Oct 9, 2015
I am using SSRS 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (10.50.4276.0) . I have simple set of data which has a persons Title and Name e.g. Mr Smith, Miss Jones, Doctor Foster
The report has a parameter where the user can select which records to show based on the matching titles (Mr, Miss, Doctor)
The Query for the report uses Title in (@Title) where @Title is the only parameter which can take multiple values. The report works correctly for any 1 value selected, but as soon as 2 or more values are ticked in the drop down, it fails.
I believe the parameter value is being passed into the query with a comma separating the values e.g. Mr,Miss which causes the IN statement to give an error, as the statement would be where Title IN ('Mr,Miss') which does not match any of the data values.
The parameter value passed needs to be 'Mr','Miss' for the IN statement to work. What statement do I have to put in the report query to get it to select any of the data rows where the title matches any 1 of the selected values?
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Jul 9, 2015
I need to set a field value based on two date time parameter's.What is the correct syntax to allow me to pass the value into the field in my SSRS expression ?
=IIf(Parameters!EndDate > Parameters!StartDate.Value, "Overdue")
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May 19, 2008
My datalayer of C# code is invoking a stored procedure that returns a varchar(max) SQL data type. In my ASP.NET code, I have:
SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("usp_GetTestString", myConnection);
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TestString", SqlDbType.Text));
myCommand.Parameters["@TestString"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
return Convert.ToString(myCommand.Parameters["@TestString"].Value);
The query fails to execute and returns an error: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0. If I change the SqlDbType.Text parameter type to SqlDBType.Varchar, 100 (or any other fixed varchar length), it works but limits the length my unlimited field text. Any suggestions on how I can use db type text or varchar(max)? The field I need to retrieve is string characters of unlimited length and
hence the datatype varchar(max).
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Apr 30, 2007
Dear All,
I am facing one problem with reporting services 2005 (SSRS), When i try to pass a parameter to Cube which is built in SSAS, i can not use a parameter where i can type the value instead of choosing it from a dimension.
Any way we can type the value for parameter, instead choosing from the drop down? If can, then how can we create the parameter? and how can i write a MDX to read it?
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Nov 19, 2007
Hello All again,
I have another question, I would like to validate the data in a sql table before my code runs and inserts duplicate information. Can anyone help out with this via example?
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