Value Of @@Error After Performing Update That Finds No Records?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,

Just wondering if you perform an update using a where condition that
actually returns no rows to be updated, does @@Error contain an error
message afterwords?

We want to fire an update ona table against records that may or may
not exists. As a matter of course we test for an @@Error afterwards
and rollback our transaction and exit our stored proc if an error is

However, we don't want this to happen if there are no records in the
target table that match the where clause of the update statement.

So, if no records are found, does this raise an error?

Many thanks in advance!

Much warmth,


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Performing Insert / Update Queries Using Pocket PC / SQL CE

Sep 8, 2007

I'm writing an application for Windows Mobile 5 / Pocket PC using VB.NET 2005. The database is connected using an instance of SqlCeConnection and updated by an SqlCeCommand.

The application can perform select queries on data originally entered into the database through Visual Studio, or perform update / insert queries at run time. Anything inserted or updated can be returned by a select query whilst the application is running, however, anything I have inserted or updated doesn't appear to be written to the SDF file and hence is not in the database after restarting the application.

Am I missing something that's different between performing queries on an SQL CE database on Pocket PC and an ODBC source in a normal Windows application?

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1 Log File Can Contain More Records After Performing Backup Database Statement, 2 Why Can't Insert Data When Is Log Is Not Full

Feb 14, 2008

question 1:

i found that database log file can contain more records after performing backup database statement.

for example:

i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. then i create a table and insert data.

If i backup the database before i insert data , the database file can contain 192 records unitl the log file is full.

If i don't perform the 'backup database' statement.
The 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' indicate the utilization ratio is less than 40% after inserting 192 records


I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
backup database db_test to disk='db_test.bak' --- if i don't execute this line, log file can contain a lot of record
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))
--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<192
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))
set @n=@n+1

question 2:
i create a database and limit the log file to 2mb. Then i create a table and insert data in an endless loop.

After the inserting operation executing for a while, the 9002 error occurs, indicate the log file for the database is full.
But the 'dbcc sqlperf(logspace)' command indicate the unilization ratio is low, and log_reuse_wait_desc in sys.database is 'CHECKPOINT'
And I can insert data , and i'm sure the state of log_use_wait_desc is 'CHECKPOINT'.

As i known, the checkpoint can't truncate log under full recovery model. Only the back log operation can truncate the transaction log.
So log is not full, why 9002 error is encounterd. and why the log_reuse_wait_desc return 'CHECKPOINT'?

I list my code:

Code Snippet
create database db_test
on primary
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test.mdf'
log on
filename='C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatadb_test_log.ldf',
create table db_test..table1(col char(8000))

--insert data to fill up the database log
declare @n int
set @n=0
while @n<>-1
insert into db_test..table1 values(replicate('a',8000))

any suggestions?

thanks in advance.

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Update Statement Performing Table Lock Even Though Where Condition On Clustered Primary Index?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I have a database that is serving a web site with reasonably hightraffiic.We're getting errors at certain points where processes are beinglocked. In particular, one of our people has suggested that an updatestatement contained within a stored procedure that uses a wherecondition that only touches on a column that has a clustered primaryindex on it will still cause a table lock.So, for example:UPDATE ORDERS SETprod = @product,val = @valWHERE ordid = @ordidIn this case ordid has a clustered primary index on it.Can anyone tell me if this would be the case, and if there's a way ofensuring that we are only doing a row lock on the record specified inthe where condition?Many, many thanks in advance!Much warmth,Murray

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FormView - Update Process Completes With No Error But Records Is Not Changed

Jul 24, 2006

I have setup a FormView which functions as it should but after the user input is updated, the table record stays unchanged, and when I trap the FormView1_ItemUpdated and look at the SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand, it shows this:
UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '', last_name = '', email = '' WHERE id = @original_ID
Here is most of the code I am using:<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server"   DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataKeyNames="id, first_name, last_name"   OnItemUpdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating" OnItemUpdated="FormView1_ItemUpdated" > .. // my ItemEditTempate is here.</asp:FormView>
<EditItemTemplate>First Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' runat="server" ID="author_name" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />Last Name: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("last_name") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox1" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br />E-mail: <asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("email") %>' runat="server" ID="TextBox2" Columns="20"></asp:TextBox><br /><br /><asp:Button ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName="Update" /><asp:Button ID="CancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel" CommandName="Cancel" /> </EditItemTemplate>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ASPNETDBConnectionString1 %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT id, first_name, last_name, email FROM aspnet_test where id = 1"UpdateCommand="UPDATE [aspnet_test] SET first_name = '<%# first_name %>',   last_name = '<%# last_name %>',   email = '<%# email %>'   WHERE id = @original_ID ">
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_ID" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>
Any idea where the @original_ID is supposed to get its value from, or why does the SQL command shows blank fields?Thanks

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Error When Performing DTS

Nov 30, 2000

Can anyone assist me in solving this problem:

DTSTransformCopy: ValidateSchema failed; see Extended Error Information.
TransformCopy 'DTSTransformation_10' validation error: Source column too narrow to contain a valid value of destination column's datatype for column pair 1 (source column 'Col010'(DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'CHECKDAT' (DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP)).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Error While Performing Fullbackup After A Filegroup Restore.

Apr 11, 2007

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of the file or filegroup "CUSTBilling" is not permitted because it is not online. BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

I did a file group backup and restore of a database and then when I tried to perform a full backup I am getting the above error. Any thoughts. I indeed happen to see this error but not sure if both errors are the same.


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Parameter Error When Performing A Transform Data Task From Access To SQL Server 2K

Dec 21, 2005

I have an Access 2.0 database that holds call data on a mapped drive. I am running MS SQL Server 2000. I can open it and view the records inside. I can even run the query below and get results, if I removed the CallDate and CallTime parameters.

SELECT CallDate, CallTime, Mid(CallRecordData, 68, 3) AS Extension, 'I' AS Direction, Mid(CallRecordData, 34, 11) AS Called,
Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 18, 2)) + Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2))/ 60 AS Minutes, Val(Mid(CallRecordData, 21, 2)) AS Seconds
FROM CallRecords
WHERE (CallDate = ?) AND (CallTime >= ?) AND (CallTime < ?) AND (Mid(CallRecordData, 30, 1) <> '9')

When I preview in the Transform Data Task, I get:
Package Error
Error Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine
Error Description: No value given for one or more required parameters.

When I look at the parameters, they are listed. I check their values, and they have the appropriate values (DateCalled, String, 07/14/2005) (StartTime, String, 06:30) (EndTime, String, 07:00)

When I run it in the build query or in Access with a linked table to the source, I can enter the values when asked for them and it works.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Error RsAccessDenied : The Permissions Granted To User '' Are Insufficient For Performing This Operation.

Mar 20, 2007

I get an error message when deploying reports to the reportserver from microsoft visual studio.

error message : Error rsAccessDenied : The permissions granted to user '' are insufficient for performing this operation.

TargetServerURL :$sql_2005

The Report server is configured to use a custom security extension. i can access the reportserver.

It looks like when i deploy the reports from VS. it does not pass any credentials to the report server. From the error message it looks like there is no username . How do i deploy reports to report server if we are using a custom security extension. How do i grant user rights to deploy report if we are using a custom security extension. Any idea. Thanks!


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I Want To Transfer ONLY New Records AND Update Any Modified Records From Oracle Into SQL Server Using DTS

Jul 23, 2005

I need a little help here..I want to transfer ONLY new records AND update any modified recordsfrom Oracle into SQL Server using DTS. How should I go about it?a) how do I use global variable to get max date.Where and what DTS task should I use to complete the job? Data DrivenQuery? Transform data task? How ? can u give me samples. Perhaps youcan email me the Demo Package as well.b) so far, what I did was,- I have datemodified field in my Oracle table so that I can comparewith datelastrun of my DTS package to get new records- records in Oracle having datemodified >Max(datelastrun), and transferto SQL Server table.Now, I am stuck as to where should I proceed - how can I transfer theserecords?Hope u can give me some lights. Thank you in advance.

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DB Engine :: Linked Server - Getting Error When Performing Cross Instance Query With Joins

Apr 26, 2015

I've successfully created a Linked Server that connects a local DB Engine with another DB Engine through an ip over an extranet. I am able to run simple Select statement queries on the Local DB Engine and get results from the linked server. However when attempting to perform more complex queries that join tables from the linked server with tables from the local DB server, I get the following error message after several minutes of execution:

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Protocol error in TDS stream".
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg -1, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Session Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF].

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg -1, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

Session Provider: Physical connection is not usable [xFFFFFFFF].

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "<ip of Linked Server>" returned message "Communication link failure".

Msg 10054, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

How I can resolve it. I've read on Distributed Transactions but I understand that it only applies to manipulation statements?

Both are SQL servers. Linked Server is SQL2008R2 if not mistaken. Local DB Engine is SQL2014.

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Lookup Finds Match On Empty Reference Table

Jul 6, 2006

Hi all,

In BOL it says: "The Lookup transformation performs an equi-join between values in the transformation input and values in the reference dataset. Using an equi-join means that each row in the transformation input must match at least one row from the reference dataset. If there is no matching entry in the reference dataset, no join occurs and no values are returned from the reference dataset. This is an error, and the transformation fails, unless it is configured to ignore errors or redirect error rows to the error output. "

I have a lookup transformation which is supposed to find a match on two fields in the reference dataset (a table in my case) but strangely, when I execute my package and the reference table is empty the lookup still finds match for each row of my input dataset.

Does anyone have an idea why? I could'nt find anything about that in BOL.


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Integration Services :: ForEach Loop Container Finds No Files But There Are Some

Sep 17, 2015

I use a ForEach Loop Container in a ssis Package. The package has to look up in the directory 'f:ackups' for backupfiles and copy them into another folder.In my development environment it works fine. But if I run it on the SQL-Server with the SQL-Server Agent, the package logs always that the folder ist empty.Unfortunately the message is always 'empty folder' even if I define 'f:labla' as folder that actually not exists!

As filespecification I tried both *.* and *.bak .My assumption is, that the SQL-Server agent has not enough rights for that folder. But on the other side the agent is able to create backup-files in this folder.The SQL-Server Agent works under netservice control.

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SQL 2012 :: Script To Find Out Blocked Sessions And Send Email Whenever It Finds Blocking

Feb 20, 2014

I want to implement a script which will run continuously to find out blocked sessions and send an email when ever it finds the blocking.

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An Error 1069 - )The Service Did Not Start Due To Logon Failure) Occurred While Performing This Service Operation ...

Oct 10, 2007

Hi All,

We seem to be being plagued by the error below by our SQL Server agent. This happens almost everytime we restart the server that has been running for a day or two.

Our SQL Server Agent uses a none expiring domain credential. I understand that this problem only happens when the profile being used by the SQL Servr Agent has changed (password change). What puzzles me is that the login is A ok and no changes has been made to it's password.

We always resolve this problem by changing the login used in the SQL Server Agent to local and after that, returning it back to it's original domain login. Unfortunately, we cant always do this everytime something goes wrong.

Can anyone please help us shed a light on this? We're using SQL2k with SP3a. Thanks!


An error 1069 - )The service did not start due to logon failure) occurred while performing this service operation on the SQLServerAgent service.


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Function To Return Remaining Of Field After It Finds A Character In The Field.

Feb 20, 2007

Hi,another problem I have is that have compounded fields in my sql table.Exampleproduct@customerI need a simple function to return "customer", so it should return the valueafter "@", unfortunate "@" will sometimes be character number 6, sometimescharacter number 7 etc.regardsJorgen

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Update Records

Aug 15, 2007

Here is my question if anyone can help...

I have two tables

Table 1


Table 2


I would like to update Table 1 with the data from Table 2. Here is my problem..Lets say that I have two records in Table 2 that have the same policyNumber but two different NewEmpNames, it only takes the first. In other words, a single policynumber can be moved to a New EmpName and then again later on to another NewEmpName adn even again if need be

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Update Of Records From Other Tables

Sep 11, 2000

I am trying to update a field within one table with the values from another table. With the criteria that another field in each table are equal. What is the correct way to do this. My syntax is all wrong.


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Update Child Records Help

Oct 5, 2004

Please help

I have table1 which has many unique ID numbers and table2 that has many records for each ID. some of the ID numbers in table1 have changed and I have created a translation table (table3) that links the old and new ID numbers.

What I need to do is some sort of update sql statement that updates all the records in table2 changing all the oldID numbers to the new ones using the translation table.

Table1 and table2 are not linked...can anyone help me with the sql statement


Table 1
12345 Joe
12346 Mary
12347 David

12345 hello
12345 goodbye
12346 hello
12347 goodbye
12346 hello
12346 goodbye

12345 54321
12347 74321

need to change the IDNUM in Table2 to 54321 where IDNUM = 12345 and same with 12347..Need to do this for many many IDs but not all.

Thanks very much

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Insert And Update Records

Feb 4, 2008

Good day to all, I am new here so i hope i am doing things correctly.

The Company i work for make coils of shaped wire and work a 6 - 6 shift pattern

I have a database that is updated from a data collection source (MS Access) at 06:00 every morning. This seems to be working ok, my problem is that most coils fit nicely into the 6 - 6 shift pattern, but some now and again drift over into the next shift. I have written a crystal report that picks up this data. at the moment the coils are put in the database as: [Coil Start Time], [Coil Finish Time], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], etc.

I have written (been helped to write) a SQL statement that will do the following:

Step 1: If the Coil Finish time is greater than the shift end time, then set the shit end time to be coil end time and zero start and finish wheight.
Step 2: The original Coil record is duplicated and Coil Start time set to start time of shift, all other data left alone.

Example of code:


SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18) OR
((DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18))
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 17, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 18, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 18 AND (DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 18)
SELECT [Batch Name], [Batch Start], DATEADD(hour, 5, DATEADD(minute, 59, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch End], 101))), 0, 0, [Product], [Shift], [Operator ID],
[Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18
SELECT [Batch Name], DATEADD(hour, 6, CONVERT(char(10), [Batch Start], 101)), [Batch End], [Coil Start Weight], [Coil Finish Weight], [Product], [Shift],
[Operator ID], [Works Order No]
FROM dbo.tblCoilData
WHERE (DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) < 6 OR
DATEPART(hour, [Batch Start]) >= 18) AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) >= 6 AND DATEPART(hour, [Batch End]) < 18


I have 2 options now

option 1:
Leave this as a SQL View and report from this

option 2:
Insert updated records to the tblCoilData table so that the data in the table is permanent

I would prefer option 2 but am a bit of a nugget when it comes to writing update / insert statements, Could someone please help me with this

Thank you very kindly


Steve Dyson

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Update On Mulitple Records

Feb 17, 2004

I Have three tables

taskid, taskname, projectid, workid

projectid, projectname
1, project1
2, project2
3, project3

workid, workname

I need to do an update this way

Update the taskname as 'projectname' + '_' + 'workname' for any projectid.
projectname and workname coming from the projectid and workid in the task record

so the task table becomes

I can get all the records doing this

SELECT p.projectname+ ' ' + w.workname AS 'NEWNAME'
FROM task t
JOIN work w
ON t.workid = w.workid
JOIN project p
ON t.projectid = p.projectid
WHERE projectid = 2

how do i do an UPDATE?

any help is appreciated

View 2 Replies View Related

How To Update 2 Records On 1 Field

Aug 20, 2013

I have this code

I want to update nilai = total where kd_bulan = 9 and nilai = 0 where kd_bulan = 12

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Update Top 25 Records In Table

Sep 23, 2013

I'm having a problem with the syntax for doing an update to the top 25 records in my table.... This is what i have...

UPDATE TOP (25) FROM ud402.jd_mcp_master SET comments = 'MONDAY 092313 ' WHERE QUEUE_NAME = 'JD_Testing' ORDER BY DATE_WORKED ;

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What To Update The Duplicate Records

Jul 11, 2007


i want to update the second row of the c column.can any one help me in this . this is the sample records.
a b c

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Update Take Too Long On Some Records.

Mar 31, 2008

Hi all,

I have confusing problem here. My table which have about 150.000 rows have problem with updates on 15 rows.

It's access application which connect to sql server 2005 database. Access gets error:
"ODBC --update on linked table 'MyTable2 failed"

If i try to update on sql it's take couple minutes to update.
Evrything else on that table is ok.

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How To Do An Update On Existing Records?

Jul 20, 2005

I have one table of new records (tableA) that may already exist intableB. I want to insert these records into tableB with insert if theydon't already exist, or update any existing ones with new data if theydo already exist. A column (Action) in tableA already tells me whetherthis is an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. I'm able to derive that I can doan insert withselect * into tableB from tableA where Action = 'INSERT'....and I think I can handle the delete.But I'm stuck on the update. How do I do the update? An ordinaryUPDATE statement just won't do unless I use a cursor to cycle throughthe recordset. I want to avoid a cursor.

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Use Db-lib To Update Database Records

Jul 20, 2005

How to use db-lib to update/insert database records without using SQLlanguage. I want to change the value of the data individually withoutplugging in the new values in the SQL language then execute it. Theperfect situation for me is loop through the retrieved records thenedit the values individually until EOF.Thanks,Carlo

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Update ID Field Of All Records

Aug 29, 2007

Hi everyone,

I'm fairly basic in SQL and I was wondering if it was possible to update the id field of a certain table in all records of that table. And to update the links to those ids in other tables.

Hope you understand and thanks in advance,

View 12 Replies View Related

All The Records Update Or Just Half?

May 26, 2008

update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 1
update top (50) percent table1 set fields1 = 2

like the subject, all or half? thanks

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Update Table From Old Records

Apr 23, 2008

I'm using SQL Server 2000.

I have a table with data similar to this.... Multi field = 0 indicates current record, 1 indicates an old record

FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL NULL 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
NULL NULL 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
NULL NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
NULL NULL 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001

I need to update the table, setting the first two columns to the date of the old records... ie. I want the table to look like this...

FWK NVQ Multi Key Start Date NVQ Date FWK Date
NULL 01/09/2006 0 123456 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 123456 03/04/2005 01/09/2006 NULL
03/11/2005 04/10/2005 0 234567 03/04/2006 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 234567 03/06/2005 04/10/2005 03/11/2005
01/12/2003 NULL 0 345678 03/04/2004 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/07/2003 NULL 01/12/2003
NULL NULL 1 345678 03/08/2002 NULL NULL
NULL NULL 0 456789 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 NULL
NULL NULL 1 456789 29/08/2000 NULL NULL
NULL 30/05/2001 0 567890 30/09/2002 11/06/2003 11/06/2003
NULL NULL 1 567890 29/08/2000 30/05/2001 NULL
15/08/2005 30/08/2005 0 678901 03/04/2006 01/09/2006 15/09/2006
NULL NULL 1 678901 30/03/2005 30/08/2005 15/08/2005
NULL NULL 0 789012 02/03/2000 03/09/2000 15/09/2000
NULL NULL 0 789013 30/06/2001 07/08/2001 14/08/2001

Can anyone help me with this?

Code Snippet
([FWK] datetime,
[NVQ] datetime,
[Multi] Smallint,
[Key] varchar(10),
[Start Date] datetime,
[NVQ Date] datetime,
[FWK Date] datetime)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'123456','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'123456','2005-04-03','2006-09-01',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'234567','2006-04-03',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'234567','2005-06-03','2005-10-04','2005-11-03')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'345678','2004-04-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2003-07-03',null,'2003-12-01' )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'345678','2002-08-03',null,null )
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'456789','2002-09-30','2003-06-11',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'456789','2000-08-29',null,null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'567890','2002-09-30','2003-06-11','2003-06-11')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'567890','2000-08-29','2001-05-30',null)
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'678901','2006-04-03','2006-09-01','2006-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,1,'678901','2005-03-30','2005-08-30','2005-08-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789012','2000-03-02','2000-09-03','2000-09-15')
INSERT INTO @TABLE_JR VALUES (null,null,0,'789013','2001-06-30','2001-08-07','2001-08-14')

View 7 Replies View Related

Cannot Update Records That Contain NULL Values!!!

Oct 19, 2006

Hi,  I am trying to use a formView with an update button to update individual records in an sql database. (when i click update it doesnt perform the update and just refreshes the page. ) One of the fields in my records is a NULL - this is also one of the fields that i need to update. When i manually go into the database and enter some data, and then go back to my form, it updates fine, but as soon as i delete the data from the field, it returns to NULL and im back to square one. Any Ideas on how to get around this problem?THanks

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Update Command Is Updating All My Records!

Feb 16, 2007

I wrote a sproc which does four things:
1.  It looks at an option master to see if the record exists before inserting a new one
2.  If the record is not there it inserts the optino record
3.  Once the record is inserted I have to run a CASE statement on the record to determine its level
4.  Once the level is determined, the record needs to be updated with the correct level.
1-3 work fine (when run without the update command).
However, even though I set a criteria, UPDATE still updates and not the one records.
Any idea why? set ANSI_NULLS ON

--CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_AddNewOption_OptionMaster_WithLevel]

@CommunityID INT,
@PhaseID INT,
@SeriesID INT,
@PlanID INT,
@ElevationID INT,
@CurrentSalesPrice Smallmoney,
@LocalComments Nvarchar (500),
@RoomID int,
@Package bit,
@Active bit


--check to see if the option record exists

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM optionmaster WHERE BuilderID = @BuilderID AND OptionID = @OptionID AND CommunityID = @CommunityID AND PhaseID = @PhaseID AND PlanID = @PlanID AND ElevationID = @ElevationID)

SELECT ' This option already exists in your Option Master'

--if the option record option does not exist, insert it

INSERT INTO [OptionMaster] ([BuilderID], [OptionID], [CommunityID], [PhaseID], [SeriesID], [PlanID], [ElevationID], [CurrentSalesPrice], [LocalComments], [RoomID], [Package], [Active], [DateAdded], [DateAvailable], [SalesPriceEffective], [OptionLevel])
VALUES (@BuilderID, @OptionID, @CommunityID, @PhaseID, @SeriesID, @PlanID, @ElevationID, @CurrentSalesPrice, @LocalComments, @RoomID, @Package, @active, GETDATE(), GETDATE(), GETDATE(),'10' )

SELECT ' Added to Option Master Successfully'

--once the option record is inserted, case it to find the its level (1-9)
--update the record with the approciate level.

UPDATE Optionmaster
SET optionlevel (

SELECT CASE WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '9' WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND
PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '8' WHEN CommunityID = '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '7' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '6' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND
PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '5' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID = '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '4' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID = '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '3' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND
PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND ElevationID = '0' THEN '2' WHEN CommunityID > '0' AND PhaseID > '0' AND PlanID > '0' AND
ElevationID > '0' THEN '1'
END AS OptionLevel --provides the option level required to update the record
FROM optionmaster
WHERE (BuilderID= @BuilderID And OptionID = @OptionID and CommunityID = @CommunityID AND PhaseID = @PhaseID AND PlanID = @PlanID AND ElevationID = @ElevationID))
--even through I specify the above criteria, it upates all records. 

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Easiest Way To Update Lots Of Records

Apr 26, 2007

I have a database where several thousand records have NULL in a binary field.  I want to change all the NULLs to false.  I have Visual Studio 5, and the database is a SQL Server 5 database on a remote server.  What is the easiest way to do this?  Is there a query I can run that will set all ReNew to false where ReNew is Null?  This is a live database so I want to get it right.  I can't afford to mess it up.Diane 

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