Values For Field Missing When Attempting To Modify Filegroup To Readwrite

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to swap out old partitions and getting "An error occurred while processing 'AltFile' metadata for database id 12 file id 605" 605 is missing from sys.sysfiles. I've tried adding new file groups since it seemed to be assigning them in that range to allow the command to find a match. Once created and I issue the alter command the file id of the target file changes to something else in the missing range.

The file id values seem to be managed solely by sqlserver so I'm not sure what to try. There are hundreds of files with millions of rows and the method has been used problem free for years. I do occasionally get "unable to remove file because it's not empty" once in a while which may be related. I wind up having to shrink those and leave them in existence.

The target file group has an existing file id value when you join sys.sysfiles using the filegroup name.

I partition data in 2 tables on one filegroup per day. I swap out parition 1 each day which makes the new earliest day's partition the new partition 1. Different databases have different day ranges depending on requirements.

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Attempting To Modify Query For Performance...

Nov 29, 2007

I've inherited an application that has a query that typically bombs out due to a deadlock in SQL Server 2005. I know where the resource contention is, and why the deadlock happens, and why SQL picks this query to fail, so that's all cool with me. My problem is that I'm in the process of modifying this query to be a little less resource intensive, and I'm getting two different result sets.

The original query is returning 1234 rows, and my first replacement query attempt is returning 930. My replacement query attempt is using a derived table (subquery) rather than copying into a temp table (as the original query is doing). I understand what the missing rows are and why they are not in the result set, so my question is What is it about my replacement query attempt that is so different from the original query?

I appreciate any advice anyone might have to offer.


/* original query */

Code Block

select * into #response
from response
where MidEndFlag = 'End'

SELECT COUNT(#response.ResponseID) AS TotalCount, CourseInfo.Subject, CourseInfo.Course, CourseInfo.Sect,
CourseInfo.Term, CourseInfo.Enrollment, (COUNT(#response.ResponseID) / (CourseInfo.Enrollment * 1.00))* 100 AS Percentage,
FROM #response FULL OUTER JOIN CourseInfo ON #response.Term = CourseInfo.Term AND #response.Subject = CourseInfo.Subject AND
#response.Course = CourseInfo.Course AND #response.Sect = CourseInfo.Sect
WHERE (courseinfo.InstructorSelectionEndFlag = 'Y') and CourseInfo.Enrollment > 0 and courseinfo.term = @term
GROUP BY CourseInfo.Subject, CourseInfo.Course, CourseInfo.Sect, CourseInfo.Term, CourseInfo.Enrollment, #response.MidEndFlag;
/* end original query */

/* my first replacement query attempt */

Code Block

SELECT COUNT(r.ResponseID) AS TotalCount, c.Subject, c.Course, c.Sect, c.Term, c.Enrollment,
(COUNT(r.ResponseID) / (c.Enrollment * 1.00))* 100 AS Percentage, r.MidEndFlag
FROM (select * from dbo.Response where MidEndFlag = 'End') r full outer join CourseInfo as c ON
r.Term = c.Term and r.Subject = c.Subject and r.Course = c.Course and r.Sect = c.Sect
WHERE c.InstructorSelectionEndFlag = 'Y' and c.Enrollment > 0 and c.term = @term and r.MidEndFlag = 'End'
GROUP BY c.Subject, c.Course, c.Sect, c.Term, c.Enrollment, r.MidEndFlag;

/* end my first replacement query attempt */

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Attempting To Select A Range Of Values Using Wildcard And Between Or Logical Operators?

Mar 16, 2014

I am in the midst of writing a query to return a range of product BIN LOCATIONS from a warehouse stock levels program.I know the start and end BIN LOCATIONS for the warehouse, e.g.: Start - #00000, and End - Z10000.However I cannot hard code these into the program, instead I want my operator to designate the first letter of both the start and end BINS locations, and then hit the 'go button'.Towards this end I have declared a couple of variables in my SQL, as follows -

declare @strBin varchar(10)
set @strBin = ''
if @strBin = ''
set @strBin = '#%'

declare @endBin varchar(10)
if @endBin = ''
set @endBin = 'z%'

My challenge is writing a relevant WHERE clause for my select statement, I have tried the following -

where BINLOCAT.BINLABEL between @strBin and @endBin

Whilst the clause above does not cause any errors, neither does it return any results.My first thought is that the BETWEEN operator does not accept wildcards. But if this is correct then how do I go about allowing an operator to enter the start, and end BINS without typing the entire BIN string (e.g.: #00000)? I have tried >= @strBin and <= @endBin, but I am having a similar issue with no errors, and no data returned.

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Creating An Expression To Modify A Date Field

Sep 1, 2006

In my Derived Column Transformation Editor I have something like this:

DAY([Schedule]) + MONTH([Schedule]) + YEAR([Schedule])

where [Schedule] is a database timestamp field from a OLEDB Datasource.

I want to produce a string something like: "DD/MM/YYYY"

using the expression above, I get something really wierd like "1905-07-21 00:00:00"

Help much appreciated!

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Conditionalize Field Values Based On Other Field Values

Apr 17, 2007

Here's a portion of the current statement.

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = 0,

bCommentsIsAffirmed = 0

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK) ...

And what I need is to conditionalize the values of the "IsAffirmed" fields by looking at their corresponding "num" fields. Something like this (which doesn't work).

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = (numInherentRiskID IS NULL),

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = (numControlRiskID IS NULL),

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = (numCombinedRiskID IS NULL),

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = (numApproachTypeID IS NULL),

bCommentsIsAffirmed = (parent.txtComments IS NULL)

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK)


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Assign New Value Of ReadWrite Column Of String Type In Script Component?

Jul 23, 2007

I am new user on VB ( I wish ssis support c# script)

I have made a input string type column ( strName ) in script componen as ReadWrite.

In my script, I did following:

Row.strName = Row.strName + prefix

But I got following error at runtime:

The value is too large to fit in the column data area of the buffer.

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer.SetString(Int32 columnIndex, String value)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.PipelineBuffer.set_Item(Int32 columnIndex, Object value)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptBuffer.set_Item(Int32 ColumnIndex, Object value)

at ScriptComponent_98d10a05854c460792443f2345d5d806.Input0Buffer.set_strName(String Value)

at ScriptComponent_98d10a05854c460792443f2345d5d806.ScriptMain.Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)

at ScriptComponent_98d10a05854c460792443f2345d5d806.UserComponent.Input0_ProcessInput(Input0Buffer Buffer)

at ScriptComponent_98d10a05854c460792443f2345d5d806.UserComponent.ProcessInput(Int32 InputID, PipelineBuffer Buffer)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer)

Could anyone tell me what I did wrong?


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Will Turning Readwrite Back On Periodically Affect Queries That Are Running?

Oct 16, 2007

for some filegroups, we are turning readwrite back on periodically to trickle some data into an archive. This lasts a few seconds and then we turn readonly back on. What is the impact of doing this while a query is running on the archive?

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SQL Query: Missing Field Value

Nov 25, 2007

Suppose in a table, there is some data in a field: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9. I need a sql query which will list the missing numbers: 4,7 (Missing digits)

Query: Select * From table1


Expected query:??


Please help me to get a query which will provide my expected data.



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Filling In Missing Values

Oct 29, 2004

I have a table that keeps track of click statistics for each one of my dealers.. I am creating graphs based on number of clicks that they received in a month, but if they didn't receive any in a certain month then it is left out..I know i have to do some outer join, but having trouble figuring exactly is what i have:

select, right(convert(varchar(25),s.stamp,105),7), isnull(count(1),0)
from tblstats s(nolock)
join tblDealer d(nolock)
group by right(convert(varchar(25),s.stamp,105),7),
order by 2 desc,3,1

this dealer had no clicks in april so this is what shows up:
joe blow 10-2004 567
joe blow 09-2004 269
joe blow 08-2004 66
joe blow 07-2004 30
joe blow 06-2004 8
joe blow 05-2004 5
joe blow 03-2004 9

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Clusters With Missing Values

Jan 7, 2007

Hello all and a happy new year!

I used Microsoft clustering for grouping my data. Even though i already cleaned the data and have no null values i get one cluster with missing values in every attribute. (i set CLUSTER_COUNT=3 and i'm using Scalable k-means algorithm)

Does "missing" mean that the algorithm cannot group that particular tuple in another group so it consider it as missing?

Thank you in advance.

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Issue With Missing Field Contents

Oct 5, 2007

Hi there,

I have a problem in SQL 2005, can someone help?
I happened to create a new field, lets say: sSubject with type: nvarchar(50), null.
then manually I go in and add this field with data and SAVE it.
For some reason, few days later the apps cannot work. And I went into DB and found out that the mentioned field contents has become "NULL". What is going there in DB?


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Query To Get Range Of Values Missing

Mar 7, 2008

I have two columns, where I have the start and stop numbers (and each of them ordered asc). I would like to get a query that will tell me the missing range.

For example, after the first row, the second row is now 2617 and 3775. However, I would like to know the missing values, i.e. 2297 for start and 2616 for stop and so on as we go down the series. Thanks in advance to any help provided!


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Transact SQL :: Get Missing Values From A Column?

Nov 16, 2015

I have table with column having values 1,2,3,5,6,10.

I want to get the missing values in that column between 1 and 10 i.e., min and max... using sql query.

I want to get the values 4,7,8,9.

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Stored Procedure - Swapping Out Missing Values

May 16, 2008

I've got a field that might have spurious values in it (say, an admin adds a new row but doesn't have an entry for this field). 
I'm trying to swap in the string no_image_EN.jpg if the value in the db does NOT end in .jpg. That way, any value rreturned is either a valid filename or no_image
I'm having trouble with the CASE statement, particularly testing just the last few cahracters of the string:
  select product_code,
CASE can_image_en
?? When (can_image_en LIKE '%.jpg') then can_image_en
Else 'no_image_EN.jpg'
End as can_image_en,
none of these do the trick either (some are bad syntax obviously):
? When (can_image_en LIKE '%.jpg') then can_image_en
? When LIKE '.jpg' then can_image_en
? When '%.jpg' then can_image_en
? When right(can_image_en,4) = '%.jpg' then can_image_en  This is the one that has correct syntax, though it seems to return false in ALL cases  CASE can_image_en
When '%.jpg%' then can_image_en
Else 'no_image_EN.jpg'


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Missing Identity Values In Primary Keys

May 29, 2012

We are facing the following issue, several machines/users that are executing very often a command similar to :

INSERT INTO TableName (FieldOne,FieldTwo) VALUES ('ValueOne','ValueTwo');

Where TableName has a primary key defined as identity(1,1).and that Table_ID is being used as reference in others tables

These queries are executed using different dababase users and among several diffrent apps..The Problem is that we are detecting lost block of "Table_ID's" as the other tables shows the InsertedID as a reference, but the TableName table lacks of this ID record. In other words, the INSERT seems to work, the SCOPE_Identity returns an InsertedID, and the other tables are populated using this number. However, when we query the TableName table the mentioned record does not exist. We are profiling the server and we're sure that there are no DELETE statement on the TableName table. This seems to be happening when the are either deadlocks or blocked processes. Whenever the deadlocks and locks disappear/solved, everything works as expected.why the Scope_Identity returns the Inserted ID if the INSERT action had failed.

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Search For Missing Values In Advanced Query

Jan 15, 2013

1 1 a
2 1 b
3 2 a
4 2 b
5 3 a
6 3 b
7 4 a
8 5 a

This is my simple table I need a query that will identity the ID's that are missing the group "b" but I don't want ID 1,2,3 to come up because they are part of a and b. I just need to see anything missing only "b" but not if it's part of a and b.

query should reveal answer should be missing the group b
7 4
8 5

I tried the NULL search but since the records don't exist it cant find a null. I am writing a query to identify the missing ID without B but exclude ID that are part of A and B

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Line Chart With Breaks For Missing Values

Dec 13, 2007

I can't figure out how to get my line chart to break when there isn't a value. For example, I have a trend line over 4 time periods. The 3rd time period is missing a value. Instead of the line ending at the 2nd period and picking up again at the 4th time period, it's connecting the line 2nd to the 4th period. I'd like it to break and for there to be no line appearing in the 3rd period. I bet that's as clear as mud, but let me know if you have any questions.


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Field Names Missing In MDX Data Set When Using NON EMPTY Clause

Sep 25, 2007

So I have an MDX query in an SSRS data set. Here is my MDX query:

Code SnippetSELECT { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, { ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

This query returns 4 fields. Media Property, Promo Code Description, Gross Sales, and Net Sales. For the given query the measures are empty or null. I do not want any data to show up when the measures are null so I put in NON EMPTY clauses before the COLUMNS and before the ROWS. So now my query looks like this: (I only added the NON EMPTY clauses)

Code Snippet
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Gross Sales Amount USD], [Measures].[Net Sales Amount USD] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY{ ([Promotion].[Media Property].[Promo Code Description].ALLMEMBERS) } DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, MEMBER_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOMEMBER(@BeginDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) : STRTOMEMBER(@EndDateConvert, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET(@PromotionMediaProperty, CONSTRAINED) ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM ( SELECT ( { [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40] } ) ON COLUMNS FROM [Net Sales]))))) WHERE ( [BusinessUnit].[Business Unit].[Product Business Unit].&[40], [Products].[Product Line].[Line].&[Merchandise], [Promotion].[Campaigns].[Campaign].&[Paid Partner] ) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FORMATTED_VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, FONT_FLAGS

Adding the NON EMPTY returns nothing... not even field names. This is a problem because, I have a table in the report that looks at this data set and when there are no fields, the report can't run.

How can I still have NON EMPTY functionality and still show the fields? Is this a problem in SSRS?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Date Sequence Missing Values?

Apr 27, 2015

Write the query that produces the below results. I'm not ale to join the two sets in a way so that it displays NULLs if no purchase was made on a given day for a particular product. I need NULLs or s so that it shows up correctly on my SSRS report.

-- declare @from DATE='2015-1-5',@to DATE='2015-1-10'

-- test data

;with testdata as(
SELECT 1 AS Id,'1/6/2014' AS Date, 21 As Amount UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/8/2014', 25 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/9/2014', 30 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/10/2014', 60 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/5/2015', 3800 UNION ALL
SELECT 1 ,'1/6/2015', 7120 UNION ALL


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Ug! Replicated Tables Missing Default Values And Identities.

Feb 8, 2007

Ok, so I must have screwed something up.

I have several databases set up for transactional replication to another instance of SQL Server 2005 for fail over purposes. Today, I restored one of those replicated databases to my development machine and discovered two surprising problems:

1) The Default Values settings in the replicated tables are missing. They are there in the publishing tables, just as they were before I set up replication. However, they are not in the subscribing tables. Now, this is not such a big issue, since I tend to send all default values in insert queries as necessary.

2) The second problem is a more of an issue, since I use auto-numbered Identity columns in my tables (yes, I know that's just plain lazy...). Anyway, in the replicated tables, €śIs Identity€? is indeed set to yes, but despite that fact that there are thousands of records with incrementally unique IDs, SQL server is trying to insert a record starting with 1. This, of course, throws a PK constraint error.

Obviously, if I am use them for failover purposes, these replicated databases need to be identical in every way.

So, what did I do to cause this situation, and how to I fix it?

Thanks a bunch!


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Question On Dealing With Missing Values For Training Models

Jul 19, 2007

Hi, all,

Just really wonder what is the good idea to deal with missing values? Should we leave the missing values there in the traning data set ? Or replace it with other values?

What I am really concerned is that if we simply replace those missing values with other values, then how will it really affect the correctness of the training models?

I am looking forward to hearing from you for the above issue and it will be really great if we have any kind of best practices of dealing with this issue.


With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Show Zero Values For Missing Data In Query Resultset

Jan 7, 2008


I have the following query which grabs monthly usage data which is logged to a database table from a web page:

SELECT Button = CASE ButtonClicked

WHEN 1 THEN '1st Button'

WHEN 2 THEN '2nd Button'

WHEN 3 THEN '3rd Button'

WHEN 4 THEN '4th Button'

WHEN 5 THEN '5th Button'

WHEN 6 THEN '6th Button'

WHEN 7 THEN '7th Button'

WHEN 8 THEN '8th Button'

WHEN 9 THEN '9th Button'



COUNT(*) AS [Times Clicked]

FROM WebPageUsageLog (NOLOCK)

WHERE DateClicked BETWEEN @firstOfMonth AND @lastOfMonth


ORDER BY ButtonClicked

The results look like this:

1st Button 53
2nd Button 177
3rd Button 10
4th Button 4
6th Button 18
7th Button 19
8th Button 21
9th Button 1

If a button is never clicked in a given month, it never gets logged to the table. In this example, the 5th button was not clicked during the month of December, so it does not appear in the results. I want to modify my query so it displays the name of the button and a zero (in this case "5th Button 0") in the results for any buttons that were not clicked. For some reason I am drawing a blank on how to do this. Thanks in advance.


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How Does Linear Regression Handle Missing Values For Prediction And For Training?

Sep 18, 2006

Q1. Model Prediction -- Suppose we already have a trained Microsoft Linear Regression Mining Model, say, target y regressed on two variables:

x1 and x2, where y, x1, x2 are of datatype Float. We try to perform Model Prediction with an Input Table in which some records consist of NULL x2 values. How are the resulting predicted y values calculated?

My guess:

The resulting linear regression formula is in the form:

y = constant + coeff1 * (x1 - avg_x1) + coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2)

where avg_x1 is the average of x1 in the training set, and avg_x2 is the average of x2 in the training set (Correct?).

I guess that for some variable being NULL in the Input Table, Microsoft Linear Regression just treat it as the average of that variable in the training set.

So for x2 being NULL, the whole term coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2) just disappear, as it is zero if we substitute x2 with its average value.

Is this correct?

Q2. Model Training -- Using the above example that y regressed on x1 and x2, if we have a train set that, say, consist of 100 records in which

y: no NULL value

x1: no NULL value

x2: 70 records out of 100 records are NULL

Can someone help explain the mathematical procedure or algorithm that produce coeff1 and coeff2?

In particular, how is the information in the "partial records" used in the regression to contribute to coeff1 and the constant, etc ?

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How Does Linear Regression Handle Missing Values For Prediction And For Training?

Sep 18, 2006

Q1. Model Prediction -- Suppose we already have a trained Microsoft Linear Regression Mining Model, say, target y regressed on two variables:

x1 and x2, where y, x1, x2 are of datatype Float. We try to perform Model Prediction with an Input Table in which some records consist of NULL x2 values. How are the resulting predicted y values calculated?

My guess:

The resulting linear regression formula is in the form:

y = constant + coeff1 * (x1 - avg_x1) + coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2)

where avg_x1 is the average of x1 in the training set, and avg_x2 is the average of x2 in the training set (Correct?).

I guess that for some variable being NULL in the Input Table, Microsoft Linear Regression just treat it as the average of that variable in the training set.

So for x2 being NULL, the whole term coeff2 * (x2 - avg_x2) just disappear, as it is zero if we substitute x2 with its average value.

Is this correct?

Q2. Model Training -- Using the above example that y regressed on x1 and x2, if we have a train set that, say, consist of 100 records in which

y: no NULL value

x1: no NULL value

x2: 70 records out of 100 records are NULL

Can soemone help explain the mathematical procedure or algorithm that produce coeff1 and coeff2?

In particular, how is the information in the "partial records" used in the regression to contribute to coeff1 and the constant, etc ?

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Inserted Records Missing In Sql Table Yet Tables' Primary Key Field Has Been Incremented.

Jun 18, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express table with an automatically incremented primary key field. I use a Detailsview to insert new records and on the Detailsview itemInserted event, i send out automated notification emails.
I then received two automated emails(indicating two records have been inserted) but looking at the database, the records are not there. Whats confusing me is that even the tables primary key field had been incremented by two, an indication that indeed the two records should actually be in table.  Recovering these records is not abig deal because i can re-enter them but iam wondering what the possible cause is. How come the id field was even incremented and the records are not there yet iam 100% sure no one deleted them. Its only me who can delete a record.
And then how come i insert new records now and they are all there in the database but now with two id numbers for those missing records skipped. Its not crucial data but for my learning, i feel i deserve understanding why it happened because next time, it might be costly.

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Millisecond Values Missing When Inserting Datetime Into Datetime Column Of Sql Server

Jul 9, 2007

I'm inserting a datetime values into sql server 2000 from c#

SQL server table details
Table nameate_test
columnname datatype
No int
date_t DateTime

C# coding
SqlConnection connectionToDatabase = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=testdb;Integrated Security=SSPI");
DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
dt1.Columns.Add("date_t", typeof(System.DateTime));
DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
dr["no"] = 1;
dr["date_t"] = DateTime.Now;
for(int i=0;i<dt1.Rows.Count;i++)
string str=dt1.Rows["no"].ToString();
DateTime dt=(DateTime)dt1.Rows["date_t"];
string insertQuery = "insert into date_test values(" + str + ",'" + dt + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertQuery, connectionToDatabase);
When I run the above code, data is inserted into the table
The value in the date_t column is 2007-07-09 22:10:11 000.The milliseconds value is always 000 only.I need the millisecond values also in date_t column.
Is there any conversion needed for millisecond values?


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Get Field Values In Sqldatasource

Dec 22, 2005

I have added a sqldatasource to my form. I want to programmatically get field values directly from this control without adding a databound control such as gridview and then get values from the gridview.
Is this perphaps not the best way to use sqldatasource? Maybe it is meant to be used together with a databound control?
In that case what and how should I code it? Example please
/regards J

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Long Field Values???

Mar 25, 1999

hello all,

is there any way to set a sql field to accept more than 255 characters... much like other dbs that have a memo field???

I have a ten field table (sql 6.5) and one of the fields has to hold a product description that is pretty long. Any way to do it?


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Copy Values From One Field To Other

Sep 8, 2005

I have a table "abc" with there fields of same data type 'x','y','z'.
'x' is the primary key for the table 'abc', what I supposed to do is to copy the values under field 'y' to field 'z' irrespective of the values already with 'z'.

look forward for your help

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Getting Previous Values Of A Field

Mar 15, 2006

Hi,In oracle I have a LAG function using which I could get the previousvalue of a field.Do we have anything similar to that in SQL Server or access?ThanksDevi

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Transact SQL :: Only Allow Certain Values In A Field

Nov 16, 2015

I can not modify DDL of the table, so creating a trigger etc is not an option.  This is my syntax that I am using, and each #Testing.abcd has different possible options.  

For example, when #Testing.abcd = Test1 then #Data.field2
okay values are 'Yes', 'No', 'Maybe', but for #Testing.abcd = Test3 then #Data.field2 okay values are 'Follow-Up', 'Contact Requested'

How can I set-up "acceptable values" for one field, but different based off abcd in my syntax?

Declare abcd varchar(100), @sql varchar(1000)
Create Table #Testing (abcd varchar(100), efgh varchar(500)
Insert Into #Testing Values
('Test1', 'zzz'),
('Test2', 'xxx'),

[Code] ....

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Using Field Values In Calculations

Aug 24, 2007


In Microsft Access you can use the value of fields in calculations eg, txtbox_demand_value * qty - is this possible in Reporting Services????

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Replacing Field Values

Oct 9, 2007

I am trying to replace field values in SSIS. For exapmle, I have 'unkown' and 'N/A', and a few other values that mean the same thing, and I want to give all these fields the same value. I have not been able to find a tool in the toolbox to make this type of change. Is there one? And, if there is, do you know a link to a page explaining its use?

The closest I have come is the Derived column String Transformation:Replace. But, I have not been able to get this to do what I want. If you know of a good reference explaining this tool's use I'd appreciate it.

thanks much,


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