I am getting a strange error when trying to set a variable from a Execute SQL task. The error I get is below:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "MpxBeginOrderNbr": "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::MpxBeginOrderNbr" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ".
The variable MpxBeginOrderNbr is DataType Int32
The sql statement I am executing is:
MIN(OrderNbr) AS MpxBeginOrderNbr
OrderNbr in the View vCrmOrderHeader is datatype BIGINT.
I have tried changing the MpxBeginOrderNbr variable to Int64 but I get the same error message.
In my test data the result set returns the number 1 which is the first order.
Is this a bug in SSIS or am I missing something?
hello I have a problem with Sql task when sql task tried to assing a value to my variable I have this error ""La valeur n'est pas comprise dans la plage attendue." I'm using ODBC connexion for a csv file
[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "JDETimezone": "Unable to find column Timezone in the result set.".
i know what the problem is i.e. no row is returned then what is the problem
here you are.... i want to it work... strange... ok i explain...
actully i have some processign to do with variable JDETimezone even no row is returned.... can u tell me the alternative to do the follwing task...
I want to retrieve a record from some table and do some processing and if no row is present or returned then i want to do seperate processing.... can ne one help me out ?
I'm trying to set up a simple package that can be run after other packages to move packagelog files to another folder(I'm doing this because it doesn't look like we can overwrite a package log file and I really don't want to have to manually keep these in check). Anyway, I've got a source variable and a destination variable. I'm using an expression to build these values in the File System Task. When I run the package I get this error :
Error: 0xC0014054 at CopyPackageLog: Failed to lock variable "C:TempMyPackageLog.xml" for read access with error 0xC0010001 "The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created."
It looks like the variables are getting loaded with the correct path names. Any suggestions?
I'm creating a table variable, then executing it in an EXEC statement, like this:
DECLARE @temp_table TABLE ( column1 INT, column2 INT ) SET @strInsert = 'INSERT INTO @temp_table (column1,column2) VALUES ('+@intValue1+','+@intValue2+')' EXEC (@strInsert)
I get a message during the EXEC statement that I must declare @temp_table. When I do this using an actual temporary table (i.e. #temp_table) instead, it works fine. Is there a way around this so I can use the variable instead of the table?
I have the following SP, which gives out a "Error 137: Must declare variable @tmp_return_tbl" error.
This is the important part of the code: . . . -- DECLARE TABLE VARIABLE DECLARE @tmp_return_tbl TABLE (tID int, Text_Title nvarchar(30), Text_Body nvarchar(100))
-- TRYING TO UPDATE A TABLE UPDATE xTable SET xTable.fieldY = xTable.fieldY + 1 WHERE xTable.tID = @tmp_return_tbl.tID --THIS PRODUCES THE ERROR . . .
I know I cannot use a table variable in a JOIN without using an Alias, or use it directly in dynamic SQL (different scope) - but is this the problem here? What am I doing wrong?
I keep receiving errors while using variables to pass values to different part of my package. For example ...
Error: 2006-05-04 10:31:59.84 Code: 0xC00470EA Source: EdwPostProcess Description: Reading the variable "User::GvPathRoot" failed with error code 0xC0010009. End Error
The way my variables are constructed is :
First the global variables (Gv*) are set by the parent package; Then local variables (Lv*) are set using the EvaluateAsExpression property and giving it an expression that takes the Gv* variable and concatenate a string to it.
At execution time, while the expressions are resolved, I get the above error while it was resolved correctly in a previous task.
I tried different method including duplicating my variables but without success. I'm running out of ideas
I have a package with variable "A" defined at the package level, type "string".
I subsequently reference variable "A" in a script task, as a ReadWrite variable. In the script, I simply assign the value of another string variable to variable "A".
However, when I run the package, I *intermittently* receive the error below. Not every time though, sometimes it runs fine without the error. What's going on here?
Error msg:
The type of the value being assigned to variable differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
I’m having trouble with a datalist. The default view is the Item Template which has an Edit button. When I click the Edit button, I run the following code (for the EditCommand of the Datalist):
It errors out with the message “Must declare variable @ID�.
I’ve used this process on other pages without problem.
The primary key for the recordsource that populates this datalist is a field named “AutoID�. There is another field named ID that ties these records to a master table. The list of rows returned in the datalist is based off the ID field matching a value in a dropdown list on the page (outside of the datalist). So my SQLdatasource has a parameter to match the ID field to @ID. For some reason, it's not finding it and I cannot determine why. I haven't had this issue on other pages.
Here’s my markup of the SQLDataSource and the Datalist/Edit Template:
All I want to do is run the sql server script located at http://www.data-miners.com/sql_companion.htm#downloads.
This creates some tables and uploads a series of text files into them.
When I run the script through SQL Server Express 2005 I get the error Must declare the scalar variable "@DATADIR". I suspect it's something with me putting in the wrong path.
The text files that the script needs to load into the table are located on the K drive, and I have changed the path in
declare @DATADIR varchar(128) set @DATADIR='C:gordonookdatafinal extfiles'
declare @DATADIR varchar(128) set @DATADIR='k: extfiles'
I suspect this is the wrong syntax that's why it's not working but I might be totally wrong.
The text file and the server are both saved on the k drive.
In the code below I get an Internal SQL Server error in QueryAnalyzer. Ultimately I want to get thos code working in a function.DECLARE @WeekNumber tinyintDECLARE @Comp decimal(18,2)DECLARE @PeriodFromDate datetimeDECLARE @PeriodToDate datetimeSET @WeekNumber = 27SET @PeriodFromDate = (SELECT MIN(StartDate) AS StartDate FROMCalendar WHERE WeekNumber = @WeekNumber)SET @PeriodToDate = (SELECT MAX(EndDate) AS StartDate FROM CalendarWHERE WeekNumber = @WeekNumber)SET @Comp = (SELECT SUM(ActualGrossComp)FROM dbo.fnc_ProgramLineUp_1_2()WHERE Delay > 0AND ClearanceCode <> 3AND TeleCastDate BETWEEN @PeriodFromDate AND PeriodToDate)But this code runs fine:DECLARE @WeekNumber tinyintDECLARE @Comp decimal(18,2)DECLARE @PeriodFromDate datetimeDECLARE @PeriodToDate datetimeSET @WeekNumber = 27SET @PeriodFromDate = (SELECT MIN(StartDate) AS StartDate FROMCalendar WHERE WeekNumber = @WeekNumber)SET @PeriodToDate = (SELECT MAX(EndDate) AS StartDate FROM CalendarWHERE WeekNumber = @WeekNumber)SELECT SUM(ActualGrossComp)FROM dbo.fnc_ProgramLineUp_1_2()WHERE Delay > 0AND ClearanceCode <> 3AND TeleCastDate BETWEEN @PeriodFromDate AND PeriodToDateThe only difference is that here I'm not setting @Comp to the returnvalue of the SELECT. This code also runs fine when I sum othercolumns. Any ideas?
I am trying to capture an error message and email to myself whenever the script has an error. I have an email task event handler on OnError and use the variable errormsg as my email body. I have the errormsg variable with a package wide scope defined as string with a value of @[System::ErrorDescription]. Is there anything elso I need to do to make this work?
I created a ftp task that uses a variable for the remote path because the file I download changes names every based on the date. So I build up the entire path into a container variable and set the remote path to a variable. then I get an error that the filename does not begin with '/' when the filename that the error references is my variable... I cannot even debug/build my package cause of this error. I cannot find anything online or in BOL. any help would be appriciated. If you need more info to help let me know also.
My variable is set as a string,
exact error:
Error 1 Validation error. Get DailyFiles FTP Task: Variable "DailyFiles" doesn't start with "/". DAILY.dtsx 0 0
I am trying to run a query in the data window and get the following error. How do I resolve?
select distinct [Client ID] as ClientID FROM ITSTAFF.Incident WHERE [Group Name] = 'ITSTAFF' and [Client ID] is not null and [Company ID] = @[Company ID]
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer ------------------------------
An error occurred while executing the query. Must declare the scalar variable "@".
When an error occurs it is written to a log file (Assuming you have loggin on). Anyone know of a way to catch the error in a variable?
When an error occurs I send an email explaining where there error happened and to view the logfile. I would like to include the last error in the email. Saves having to go view the log...
Dim EventDataSource1 As New SqlDataSource()EventDataSource1.ConnectionString =
ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString").ToStringDim dssa As New DataSourceSelectArguments()Dim EventID As String = ""Dim DataView = ""Dim dt As New Data.DataTableDim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString").ToString())Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @StartDate)", conn)EventDataSource1.SelectCommand = ("SELECT EventID FROM Event WHERE ([StartDate] = @StartDate)")conn.Open()dt = ((DataView)(EventDataSource1.Select(dssa))).ToTable()EventID = dt.Rows(0)(0).ToString()EventDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("@StartDate",StartDate)EventID = cmd.ExecuteScalar()tbEventIDTest.Text = EventID
I'm attempting to create my first login form using the CreateUserWizard. I've spent this week reading up on how to create and customizing it. I want it to 1) the required user name is an email address (which seems to be working fine) and 2) having extra information inserted into a separate customized table. I now have the form working to the point where it accepts an email address for the username and it then writes that information along with the password to the aspnetdb.mdf...but i can't get the rest of the information to write to my custom table.I am getting the error "Must declare the scalara variable "@UserName" here's my .cs code:public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
hi im trying to code a login page using asp.net, vb.net. i have 2 web-controlled textboxes whose values i want to compare to userID and password stored on a SQL server database called users. When button clicked, call function checklogin.
heres the code:
Private Sub btn_login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_login.Click
If Page.IsValid Then
Dim usersDS As New System.Data.DataSet
usersDS = checklogin(userID.Text, password.Text)
If usersDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 1 Then FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(userID.Text, False) Else error_log.Text = "Invalid Credentials: Please try again" End If End If
End Sub
Function checklogin(ByVal userID As Char, ByVal password As Char) As System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String Dim dbConnection As New SqlConnection Dim dbCommand As New SqlCommand Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet
With dbCommand .Connection = dbConnection .CommandText = "SELECT COUNT (*)Â?@AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE ((tbl_users.userId = @userId) AND (tbl_users.password = @password))" End With
dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand
Return ds
End Function
Heres the error i get:
Details of exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is a syntax invalid near line {''1
Source error:
Line 75:. CommandText = "declare@userID As varChar; declare @password As varChar; End With .."Line 76:.. line 77:of SELECT COUNT(*) AS pass FROM tbl_users WHERE((tbl_users.userId=@userId)AND(tbl_users.password=@password)) Line 78: DataAdapter.SelectCommand=dbCommand Line 79: DataAdapter.Fill(ds)
ive just started using .net, im a lil lost...thanks for any help. cheers
Hi everybody, is anyway to capture error description into variable?
Example executing insert into tabMaster(col1) values(1) select @@error
will produce output Server: Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_TabMaster'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'TabMaster'. The statement has been terminated.
----------- 2627
(1 row(s) affected)
I want to capture " Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_TabMaster'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'TabMaster'." and assign it to variable
BOL state:... All other parts of the error, such as its severity, state, and message text containing replacement strings such as object names, are returned only to the application in which they can be processed using the API error handling mechanisms
This query was run against a database on 2008 SP3 and 2012 SP2
Here is an example of what I ran
Declare @A_number varchar(5) Select Top 1 Column_Is_an_int = @A_number From Our_Main_Table Where A_Database_Name = 'A database with many records in this table and multiple records in the Column_is_an_int some are more than 5 characters'
Select @A_number Exec My_Stored_Proc @A_Nmuber
The top result for that database had an integer that was 8 characters including the - sign.
When the query ran I would normally expect it to throw the binary data cannot be truncated error. However in this case it returned a * in the variable which then tried to pass it in to the SP which of course threw a fit.
Once I changed the varchar(5) to varchar(50) it worked perfectly.
[Code] ....
The @Table_Name variable is declared, If I replace the delete statement (DELETE FROM @Table_Name ) with (PRINT @table_name) it works and print the table names.
I've been having an error with Script Tasks in SSIS, where the error is every time I use a For Each In Dts.Variables, it always seems to crash. I'm trying to log the variables before I proceed in any other tasks. I'm passing in one value as a ReadOnlyVariables.
Here is the snippet of code:
Dts.Log(String.Format("{0} variables:", Dts.Variables.Count), 0, Nothing) For Each v As Variable In Dts.Variables Dts.Log(String.Format("{0} = {1}", v.Name, v.Value), 0, Nothing) Next
It's very strange because the Dts.Variables.Count gives me the correct number of items that I have passed in, but after I step into the For Each, I get this for Dts.Variables.Item:
In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user. Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variable
And as soon as I step into the next line, it crashes with this error:
Value does not fall within the expected range. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSVariables90.GetEnumerator() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Variables.GetEnumerator() at ScriptTask_932938a13af547149ade0331cf39ecfe.ScriptMain.Main()
My colleagues have tried this snippet of code and it worked fine on their machine, only mine has this error :-(
I tried to do several searches online and they recommended me to: Get the latest SP (I have all the updates now for .net and SQL) Re-register some .dll's such as dts.dll/pipeline/etc Change/toggle the PreCompileBinary Alter the script a little and rebuild.
None of these suggestions have had any success on this error that I'm having. I was wondering if anyone had any insight or had any similar problems as me. Any help would be much appreciated!
I am getting an error message (mentioned below) in the variable mapping of Execute SQL Task in SSIS.
" Error: ForEach Variable Mapping number 9 to variable "User::Value" cannot be applied. "
" Error: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::Value" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. "
Pls anyone have a look and give me a solution asap.
I am trying to update a field in a pre-existing record in my database. This update is supposed to happen when the protected sub entitled "PictureUpload" is called by button click. I listed the code immediately below and then I listed the error that I am getting further below that. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong and why I am getting this error? Thanks in advance and forgive my newbie ignorance!
Here is a portion of the Protected Sub that I am using in an attempt to update a field in a pre-existing record... Protected Sub PictureUpload(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim ImageUploaded As Integer = 1 srcprofiles_BasicProperties.UpdateParameters("ImageUploaded").DefaultValue = ImageUploaded srcprofiles_BasicProperties.Update() End Sub Here is the SqlDataSource control I included on the page with (what I hope is) appropriate formatting... <asp:SqlDataSource ID="srcprofiles_BasicProperties" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|UserProfilesDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [profiles_BasicProperties] WHERE ([UserName] = @UserName)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [profiles_BasicProperties] SET [ImageUploaded] = @ImageUploaded WHERE ([UserName] = @UserName)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="imageuploaded01" Name="UserName" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="ImageUploaded" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...and now the error...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Server Error in '/PC_Dev' Application.
Must declare the scalar variable "@UserName". Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@UserName".Source Error:
Line 164: Dim ImageUploaded As Integer = 1 Line 165: srcprofiles_BasicProperties.UpdateParameters("ImageUploaded").DefaultValue = ImageUploaded Line 166: srcprofiles_BasicProperties.Update() Line 167: Line 168: Source File: C:UsersMDocumentsPC_DevProfiles_BuildProfile.aspx Line: 166 Stack Trace: