Veritas Backup Exec

Nov 24, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to RESTORE a Table, not an entire Database, to the live server.

Please Help

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SQL Server 7.0 SP2 And Veritas Backup Exec

Oct 25, 2000

I've installed SQL Server 7.0 SP2 and Backup Exec 7.3.
When i try to start backup exec a dr. Watson error appears.
Backup exec doesn't start. The same effect with version 8.0 and 8.5 from Veritas Backup Exec. When i try to install MDAC 2.5 after installing Backup exec, error 90332 (?) appears. Backup exec "hangs".
When i've installed Backup exec 7.0 or 7.2 there are no problems.
(also with SQL Agent)
Does somebody know to reolve this?

Thanks! !

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Veritas Backup

Sep 14, 2000

Can anyone help. This is the only failure that is occuring in the backup.

Can anyone shed any light


An error occurred on a query to filegroup master..PRIMARY.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
SQL Server returned the following error message:

You can only perform a full backup of the master database. Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Unable to open the item master?PRIMARY - skipped.

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Backup With Veritas

Aug 29, 2000

I have Veritas Backup Exec. The software does a good job with the backup. However a few of my SQL 7 Databases the files are skipped even though I have told the software to lock the file. Specificaly this happens on my EPICOR Accounting Databases. Is there a command I can issue to stop the SQL server from running prior to the backup and then re-start after the backup has completed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Veritas Backup And SQL MP

Jun 8, 2008

HI All,

Bit confuse and please help to setup correct way of backup.

I got SQL Server 2000 and Veritas Backupexec 10.0

So what is your recommended way to backup SQL Servers.

1. Veritas Backup agent with Differtial (Mon-Thu) and full backup on Friday?

Set SQL recovery Model to FULL and only backup Transaction (.TRN) logs to server disk , No backup (.bak) from MP ?


2. Create SQL MP and backup to SQL Server DB & Logs to disk every night- full backup

Keep only 1 day worth of backup. ( not enough space)

Use veritas to backup .bak file only not using that veritas SQL Backup?

Or knowledge me with the proper method?

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Veritas Backup

Mar 8, 2008

hi ,
pls define a veritas backup,tel be briefly pls help

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Veritas Database Backup

Mar 8, 2005

Anyone have experience using Veritas to backup SQL Server databases?

I just started with a client who's SQL Server froze with the CPU pegged at 99% on my first day. I think it might be related to using Veritas SQL Server component to run hot backups of the database, while the SQL Server Agent was running simultaneous independent backups. All this on a live database of course, while a user was completing a large transaction.

I advised them to disable the Veritas SQL Server backup component and let SQL Server back up its own databases. Then use Veritas just to archive SQL Server's backup files.

I think I saw a similiar issue at a previous client site that was using Veritas. Please let me know if you have prior experience in this area, and your evaluation of the quality of Veritas database backup component.


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Veritas Backup Very Slow

Jan 28, 2004


The last five days, the SQL Server Production backups to tape have been incredibly slow. Actually, they don't complete because they have been going on for 60 hours. Everything on the servers (clustered production environment) seems fine. Nothing untoward unusual. Any ideas what could be causing it? We're thinking of rebooting tonight.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Running A SQL Backup After A Veritas Backup Job

Jun 27, 2001

I run an Operating system backup nightly using Veritas Backup exec (v8), immediatly after I run a SQL written backup job.

1. Can I use the same tape? Appending to the media that Veritas has written to?

2. How do I run the backup from cmd line from within Veritas? It has an option to "execute after backup job:"
- How do I run a SQL job from operating system?


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Is It Safe To Backup While The Database Is Running 1000 Transaction/sec.? And Why Veritas Applicatio

Oct 24, 2001

Is it safe to backup while the database is running 1000 transaction/sec.? If yes - why should I buy Veritas Backup Exec Server Edition and Veritas Backup Exec Online Backup Pack ?


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Problems With Backup Exec 7.0 SQL Agent?

Jan 4, 2000

We've been experiencing some problems on some of our databases ever since we've updated our servers to SP5. Backup exec seems to hang up after reaching a small number of bytes and then goes no further. I've installed the new MDACS drivers but it hasn't solved the problem.

Any ideas would be greatly apreciated!

Thank you,

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Seagate Backup Exec For SQl Server

Nov 2, 1998

Does anyone want to give me a few glowing reviews for me to show my bosses? I would like to recommend this product, but the only place I am finding info (such as reviews)is tha seagate site, which may be more than a little biased.

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Getting The Backup Exec Sql Agent To Work

Mar 22, 2004

i know this topic has been covered and i've searched but i can't find the answer.

-SQL server is a diffrent server than my backup server
-i've installed the sql agent option on the backup exec server
-i've installed the client network utility on the remote server

the backup server doesn't see the SQL server databases. any thoughts

could it be a security issue?


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Problem With Backup Exec 11d Database

Oct 30, 2007

Having a problem with my backup database.

Tonight I got this error:

Msg 8921, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

Check terminated. A failure was detected while collecting facts. Possibly tempdb out of space or a system table is inconsistent. Check previous errors.

Msg 824, Level 24, State 2, Line 3

SQL Server detected a logical consistency-based I/O error: torn page (expected signature: 0x55555555; actual signature: 0x55555545). It occurred during a read of page (1:934) in database ID 12 at offset 0x0000000074c000 in file 'E:SomefolderSomedatabase.mdf'. Additional messages in the SQL Server error log or system event log may provide more detail. This is a severe error condition that threatens database integrity and must be corrected immediately. Complete a full database consistency check (DBCC CHECKDB). This error can be caused by many factors; for more information, see SQL Server Books Online.

Tried to restore from my local .bak file and it was giving me the same error and since I cant get my database back online I cant run the restore from tape. I did some online research and found this command:

EXEC sp_resetstatus 'BEDB';
DBCC checkdb('BEDB')

Didnt correct the problem and produced the same error above.

This has happened once before and I rebuit the entire backup server. That seems to not "fix" the problem because it has happened again. Does anyone have a suggestion. Keep in mind that the storage for the database is on iSCSI if that means anything but I have 11 other databases (including a BES Database) that never have any issues.

OS: Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition R2 SP2
SQL: SQL 2005 Enterprise Edition SP2

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Seagate Backup Exec And MS SQL Server 6.5 Problems

Mar 8, 1999

Has anyone had any problems with Seagate Backup Exec and MS SQL Server? We have been having server "lockups" occur when the Seagate Backup
Exec does it's DBCC CheckDB before it backs up the databases. The server starts repeating "lazywriter" errors which take up all the server resources
to where we have to "reboot" the server to recover. Apparently this is a known problem (per Microsoft Tech. Support). Has anyone else experienced
this problem? and if so, how did you get around it or repair it?


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Seagate Backup Exec Will Not Copy DAT Database Files

Feb 10, 1999

We are having a problem with trying to backup the database device and log DAT files located in the MSSQLData directory.
The Seagate Backup Exec. states that the files are busy and skips them during its backup cycle. It skips all the devices in the

Any suggestions?

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Veritas Vs SQL Script?

Mar 30, 2001

We use Veritas BE with SQL agent to backup all the company's databases. Has anyone used Veritas for SQL backups and restores, adn what are the pros/cons verses some scripting.
I've been in a few recovery situations with veritas although limited it's easy for a network analyst to restore, but I prefer scripts to restore. Our SQL shop is young and still in alot of it's development phase. I'd like to break the trend we have now and write some decent batch/sql scipts for backups?

Right now veritas backs up all our NT boxes, hence why we use it for SQL. I have scripts, but haven't implimented. Should we switch to scripts or stay with Veritas?


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Veritas And SQL Server

Apr 25, 2001

Hi ,
I greatly appreciate if anybody can tell me where can i get information regarding SQL Server 7.0 using Veritas media management tool for backup and restore.
thanks in advance

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Jul 19, 2000

Has anyone had any problems with the Veritas Netbackup for Microsoft SQL Server?


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Veritas SQL Agent Vs. SQL .bak

Jul 23, 2005

Could someone please explain the pros/cons of installing the VeritasSQL agent versus backing up the .bak file generated by SQL Server? Ihave worked with both setups in the past, but never really understoodwhat made one better than another.TIA,Brad

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Veritas And Backing Up SQL Database

Nov 8, 2007


I really hope someone can help...

I am having great difficulty backing up my SQL database through Veritas/symantec backup exec here is the error being reported in log:

Backup- servername V-79-57344-33938 -
An error occurred on a query to database "databasename".

my sql database is setup for both windows and sql authentication...

What settings does a database need for Backup exec to be able to query it?

any help much appreciated

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Can I Restore Sql 2000 From Veritas Under Sql 2005?

Nov 14, 2006

While ago my SBS 2003 which had SQL 2000 crashed so I had to rebuild everything and this time I used SBS 2003 R2. My SQL 2000 databases were backed up under Veritas 10 and now I'm trying to restore them under SQL 2005. Is this possible?

Please advice.



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Can I Restore Sql 2000 From Veritas Under Sql 2005?

Nov 14, 2006

While ago my SBS 2003 which had SQL 2000 crashed so I had to rebuild everything and this time I used SBS 2003 R2. My SQL 2000 databases were backed up under Veritas 10 and now I'm trying to restore them under SQL 2005. Is this possible?

Please advice.



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Veritas Not Truncating Log Files After Database Backups

Jan 8, 2007

Michael writes "We are running SQL and Veritas to backup the databases. Supposedly the SQL agent in Veritas, after a full backup, truncates the log files but for some reason this isn't happening... any ideas?"

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Restore Of Database Via Veritas 9.1 Fails With Communication Error

May 24, 2006

We are running SQL 2000 sp4, only one user database (SAP) the database is 63 GB.
The ldf files were trashed so I went to tape to restore.
We are using veritas backup exec 9.1 sp4. Veritas is on the same server. I can restore the master db and the msdb fine. However when we attempt to restore the DEV db it runs for 2 hours and then fails with a communication error from veritas.
When we restore the master the DEV db comes up suspect as there are no files for it to attach to) so we cannot attach to it to restore, so I have deleted it and attempted to restore - same communication error. I have recreated a db named DEV with the mdf etc created to the size needed plus some to be sure, no good same behavior (behavior described below).
The job starts and it creates all the folders for the database (there are 1 MDF, 5 NDF, and 4 LDF files each in its own folder). Then it begins to create teh individual files it gets ~half way through at about an hour-hour and fifteen. During this time there are a large number of writes being performed by SQL (I assume it is creating the structures). Then it switches over to reading from tape a large number of read by beengine for another 45-1.5 hours then the job fails with the error unable to communicate with the device. I ahve noticed that once it starts reading from tape the db is gone from enterprise manager, and the mdf etc. files that were being created are now gone.

Help this has gone on for three days!!!

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Can Exec Select But Can't Exec Sp

Oct 31, 2007

I have two SQL Server 2000 (one is localhost, one is remote with VPN IP

I can select * from [].db.dbo.test but I can't exec [].db..spAdd in localhost.

These select and sp is OK for 1 or 2 week without any problem,but it didn't work one day.

Can some one explain why?

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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Using Exec

Feb 29, 2000

When I use EXEC in a stored procedure ( after building complex option logic) it produces an returns an error of 'Access denied' on the underlying tables.
All objects are dbo owned and execute permission has been given to all users.
Can ant one help?

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Jul 22, 2003

When using a SP for getting a recordset is there any issues with using exec like in: "exec spWhatever"...
Should I use "spWhatever" or does it really matter performance wise on the SQL server?


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Exec In My Sp

Nov 1, 2007

I am trying to create a awkward sp, just need to know if i can do this somehow, here i piece of the code...

create procedure IM_SP_TrPreProc /*@TableName Varchar(255),*/ @SystemFileName Varchar(255)

--Param1 = Tablename
--Param2 = Systemfilename


declare @TableName Varchar(255);--Just For Testing---DELETE!!
declare @Filename varchar(255); --Store Distinct filename
declare @DSNo Varchar(255);-- Use 'set' to execute Var TableName
declare @SumUnits Varchar(255); --Use 'set' to calculate sum of units
declare @SumValue Varchar(255);
Set @TableName = 'TrDs01' -- Testing Only--DELETE!!

------------------------Set Statements using @TableName Var------------------------------------------

Set @DSNo = 'select distinct DataSupplierNo from ' + @TableName
Set @SumUnits = 'select sum(Units) from ' + @TableName
Set @SumValue = 'Select sum(Value) from ' + @TableName


Insert into TransactionMaster([FileName],DataSupplierNo,ImportFileRecordID,FileLoadDate,

Select(@Filename),(exec(DSNo)), ................

Just the Bold and underlined bit "exec(DSNo)"..... is this doable in some way? can i use exec to retrieve the value to insert to data supplier. As far as i know i have to do it like this because im using a variable as the table name...

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Exec Sql

Apr 28, 2006

I need help understanding the syntax of the "exec sql" statement.

i am looking at code that build an sql string such as

sql="exec SOMETHING Session("id")"

or something like that.

then, there is


My question is the "SOMETHING" in the sql what? I know it is user defined (object or variable or such), but what exactly is it? i look through the rest of the code and don;'t see SOMETHING defined elsewhere.

i am not sure if i am asking the question right. i don't understand what the SOMETHING is doing, or why it is there.

in particular, the code i am examining is

sql="exec SurveyDelete "&"'" & Session("StudentID") & " ' "

i understand the this statement will delete a record, but how does it handle "SurveyDelete", how does it know what the is when it is not defined anywhere else in the code?

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Feb 17, 2006


Can I execute my MDX statement as in the exhibit format!


SET @test = 'WITH test AS (SELECT * FROM merchants)'



If I don't use that dynamice sql statement, everything work fine.



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Mar 28, 2006


I have a written a SP to do indexdefrag to all user table indexes in a databases...I had to use dynamic sql so I can reuse this code for any DB...

declare @strsql varchar(500)

set @strsql = ' dbcc indexdefrag('+'''DBName'''+',554556545,3)'

exec (@strsql)

When I execute the above script, I immeaditely see the results in the query analyser like below:

Pages Scanned Pages Moved Pages Removed
------------- ----------- -------------
3 0 0

Looks like the indexdefrag did not happen since the logical fragmentation is still a high number like 30%.....

Just wondering whats goin on..



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