View Users Connected To SLQ Server?

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a utility that will allow me to see what users on my network are
connected/active on SQL server?


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How Many Users Are Connected To My Aspnetdb (SQL SERVER)?

Jan 18, 2008

I have uploaded my site on localhost and sharing on intranethow can i answer these question? Q1) How many users have loggedin? and using my database?Q2) Which table has lots of load?Q3) how can i immediately close particularly connection?  

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Maintaining A Log For The Users Connected To Sql Server Db.

Dec 8, 2005

Hi !

I need to maintain a record such as how many time any user (e.g, sa) connects to the sql server. Means whenever any person is connecting to the database through application or directly, then i need to know that through which sql user(e.g sa), any body connected.

Shabber Abbas Rizvi.

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All Users Connected As SA!!??

Oct 11, 1999

Beginning this morning, when I look in Current Activity in our SQL 6.5 Server, all trusted user connections to my server are showing up under "SA".
We are running mixed security. Most of the connections are through ODBC. We have applied SP5a to SQL.
As far as I know, nothing in SQL has changed. From what others are telling me, nothing in NT or the network has changed.

Something is up. What am I missing? Where can I look?

Please help.

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Display Connected Users

Mar 22, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have one Inventory system which is in VB6 and SQL Server 2000.
In my database there is table of users and userrights.

These are my application users. They are nothing to do with Windows users and SQL Server users. I am connecting to database using 'sa' login.

Now I want to display all my online users. I tried with @@SPID to manage their but not getting the exact results.

Thanks in advance.


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Can Users Be Connected During A SQL Backup?

Mar 19, 2008

We have a existing backup, re-index job that runs at night on anexisting database that is now accessed by web users 24/7.Problem is that one of the steps is to kill all users before backupstarts so it kills any transactions that are happening at that timequestion is... Can users be connected during a backup? Will removingthe kill users step slow the backup alot?any other suggestions would be appreciated.thanks

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List Of Connected Users

Mar 7, 2008

sorry about asking basic question, just slipped out of my mind,
how to get the list of currently connected users on one database and on whole server in sql server 2005


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List All Users Connected To Database

Dec 14, 2007


I need to be able to list all User connected to a particular database, after doing a bit of playing I have writen a simple view in the database to show this information which looks like

select spid, status, loginame, hostname, blocked, db_name(dbid), cmd from master..sysprocesses where db_name(dbid) = 'AutoCost2008

But my problem is that as this needs to be run from an application where the user is logged on as a standard user and therefore when this is run it only shows the current user, I am not sure what permissions I need to give this login to allow them to view all users connected to this database without giving them full Admin permissions, can anyone please help.



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Access Forbidden: Too Many Users Are Connected

Oct 22, 2007

I have a web application that runs on IIS on Windows XP professional. I have reached the max number of connections to the IIS website. So, I tried the approach of disabling HTTP Keep-Alives.

All is fine and dandy until my Business Intelligence Studio report project attempts to set the parameters for a report using report viewer at which point I get the following error message:

"The request failed with http status 401: access denied."

How can I fix this? I have posted this over at the forums, but I figured I would check here to see if anyone else has solved this problem.

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DB Engine :: Set Auto Shrink Off With Users Connected?

Apr 21, 2015

Is it possible/advisable to change this setting with users connected?  There are a number of web based users and an agent job running every 30 seconds. 

USE [master]

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Mirroring Databases Connected Through A View

Oct 12, 2006

I have two databases db_A_primary and db_B_primary, both databases are on one Primary server.

db_B_primary has a View into db_A_primary.

Scenario: db_A_primary goes down and failsover to db_A_mirror on the Mirror server.

In this scenario when the View in db_B_primary is accessed will it automatically be redirected to look at the db_A_mirror database on the Mirror server?


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See Application Users (View Server State) Within A Stored Procedure

Mar 17, 2008

Hello, i have a problem regarding stored procedures and view server state.

I have an application with a lot of stored procedures, one of them checks data of the connected users.
In SQL 2000 i had no problem getting this information, but in SQL server 2005 i do.

my stored procedure looks like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dba].[applsp_GetConnectionInfo]


@DBName varchar(100)





DECLARE @sCollationMaster VARCHAR(128);

DECLARE @sSqlString VARCHAR(900);

-- Determine collation from master database because collation from master and ultimo database may differ

SELECT @sCollationMaster = CAST(databasepropertyex('master', 'Collation') AS VARCHAR);

SET @sSqlString =

'SELECT max(status) AS Status, max(isnull(SCISUSENAME, ''ULTIMOLOGIN'')) AS Login

, MAX(Rtrim(Rtrim(convert(varchar(255), nt_domain)) + nt_username)) AS NTUser

, max(Rtrim(hostname)) AS Host, MAX(Rtrim(program_name)) AS Program

FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses JOIN dba.SCONNECTIONINFO on SCISPID = CAST(spid AS VARCHAR)

AND ( SCISUSENAME = ISNULL(loginame, '''') COLLATE ' + @sCollationMaster + ' OR ISNULL(loginame, '''') = ''ULTIMOLOGIN'')

WHERE ...... AND DB_NAME(dbid) = ''' + @DBName + '''

GROUP BY hostprocess





I've granted view server state permissions to my user 'dba' which is the db_owner.
When i execute the query in the stored procedure seperatly as dba i get all the info i need, but when i execute the stored procedure i don't see anything.

I seem to have the same problem with sp_who2
Executing it gives me information about everyone but when i put in a stored procedure like this:

alter procedure test

with execute as owner as


EXEC sp_who2

I just see information about myself

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Permissions In SQL Server 2005 To Allow Users To View The Management Activity Monitor?

Sep 27, 2006

For SQL Server 2000 we have a user login mapped to msdb with database role membership of db_datareader and public checked. This seems to allow the developers to view the Management Activity monitor. For SQL Server 2005 the same mapping is in place but the developers cannot view the Management Activity monitor. Developers are NOT granted the sysadmin role, and should not have that role.

What permissions need to be set for SQL Server 2005 to allow users to view the Management Activity monitor? They should not be allowed to take actions on the activities.

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View && SP's For Just A Few Users

Jul 20, 2005

I have read about Views vs. SP's and I have question to which I could notreadily find the answer.The database I'm creating will only have 1 user from the start and up tothree maximum. Is there any reason that I shouldn't just use SP's foreverything or might there be an advantage to using views.This is not a heavy I/O project either and most of the day to day use willbe record manipulation and reference rather than new record entry.Thanks-Jake

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View Users

Jul 20, 2005

HiWhat is the sql commnad to view active user on sql sever databasesThanks

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Users Cannot View Reports That I (=creator) Can

Jan 26, 2007

Hello colleagues,

I am trying to create some reports in VS.NET for our Microsoft CRM3.0.

I am using a SQL query like this:

SELECT CRMAF_Account.Name, CRMAF_Account.primarycontactidName, CRMAF_Account.address1_line1, CRMAF_Account.address1_line2, CRMAF_Account.address1_city, ActivityPointer.scheduledstart, ActivityPointer.subject, ActivityPointer.description
FROM ActivityPointer, FilteredAccount CRMAF_Account INNER JOIN FilteredSystemUser FSU ON CRMAF_Account.ownerid = FSU.systemuserid
WHERE ActivityPointer.regardingobjectid = CRMAF_Account.accountID AND FSU.Domainname = SYSTEM_USER

When I run this query, I get the desired result (I am the database dbo), but when any user tries doing the same, they get an error

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help

Query execution failed for data set '[DatabaseName]'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help

SELECT permission denied on object 'ActivityPointer', database '[DatabaseName]', owner 'dbo'.

I desperately need to know which user rights are missing and where are they missing - I do not suppose that the rights are expected to be assigned directly to the database tables

Any quick help would be highly appreciated. I would also appreciate any articles with examples how to use parameters, filters and subreports.

Thank you very much.

Marek Hlavac.

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How To Write A Query To View OS And Db Authenticated Users ...

Aug 13, 2003


we have a sqlserver 2000 db with a mixture of OS and NT authentication.How to write a query (or get info) on users.

The query should be able to tell me that these users are OS authentiacted and these users are db authenticated.


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Users Cannot View Stored Procedure Text

Apr 4, 2007

In SQL 2005 (we use Enterprise 64-bit SP2), the users cannot see thetext of the stored procedures, functions, etc.This is a production database, so I cannot give them rights to modifythem, but they need to be able to see what the procs are doing.I didn't have this problem in 2000 - how can I adjust the privilegesto allow them to view the contents of the Programmability objects?thanks for any insight!!Tracy

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SYSAdmin Users Do Not Have Permission To See Records In A View?

Sep 15, 2006

We have a third party application and wish to create a report based upon a view.

The strange thing is logged in to the server as a SQL SYSAdmin account, we cannot view the data via the view. SQL Admin accounts are setup correctly and there is nothing different on this particular server. No errors are returned just a blank view with no records.

Could this be a permissions problem or orphaned schemas in that particular database? I thought SYSAdmin could view and do just about anything and the people who use this particular database would not have the know how on denying permission to the SYSAdmin role.



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How Can One User View Other Users That Belong To A Database Role?

Nov 15, 2006

After upgrading my database from SQL2000 to SQL2005 I have noticed a change in behavior of sp_helprolemember.

In SQL2000 I could connect as 'user1' and use sp_helprolemember to find all users that belong to a certain role.

In SQL2005 sp_helprolemember seems to only show me the roles that connected user belongs to. For example, if I connect as 'user1' I only see the roles that 'user1' belongs to.

Any advice on how to duplicate the behavior from SQL2000?

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How Do You Allow Users To View Reports Without Having To Enter User/password?

May 31, 2007

Ideally, I'd like to have the reports use windows authentication, ie grab current user/password so long as user does not have to enter it manually. If that is not possible, then how do I make it so user does not have to enter this info manually? My theory is that I have IIS set up incorrectly for doing this, but I'm not familiar enough with either reporting services or IIS to find out.

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Restrict Users To View Reports And Also Folders In Report Manager

May 6, 2008


I would like to restrict users to allow to view related reports only...
like i have 2 users..with 4 reports

1 user can see only two reports
2 user can see only another two reports

how can i do this by SSRS???
Can i do by using Configure item-level role definitions in seetings link..
or is thr any another way to do this?

Pls reply back


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Unable To View Jobs Even After Adding Users To MSDB Roles SQLAgent...

May 20, 2008

Developers need to view and modify jobs on some servers without being sysadmin. We've added the developers to the following MSDB roles:


Technically they should be able to view and modify jobs through Management Studio when being added only to SQLAgentOperatorRole. However they receive the following error when clicking on the Jobs folder regardless of the msdb role.

Execute Permission Denied on Object 'xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)

Our original two SQL 2005 servers do not produce this message, but all other instances do. All servers, but one, are SP2 so the service pack is not an issue. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Dave

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Cannot Get Connected To My SQL Server

Mar 23, 1999

When I try to connect to my SQL server I get the following error.

Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager
A connection could not be established to MLM1-[SQL Server] Cant allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'tempdb' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran space in syslogs dump the transaction log. Otherwise use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.

Ok, I am not up on SQL so I'm not sure how to dump my tempdb database. I have a coworker that has only done this sort of thing in the Enterprise Manager and we can't get there. So how do I do this and make sure that I don't blow away any data? Also if I do dump my tempdb will this cure my problems and how do I avoid having this happen again?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Can 2.0 Be Connected With SQL Server 2000?

Jan 7, 2006

using  vs2005 to build  web pages of 2.0, The database is SQL  Server 2000,.But I always fail to connect.
using the following  configuration in web.config:
<appSettings>  <add key="DSN_student" value="server=(local);uid=admin;pwd=123456;database=network_course"/>   </appSettings>
I also failed to connect using  the following configuration in web.config:
<add name="network_courseConnectionString1" connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=network_course;User ID=admin;Password=123456;"   providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
I am a beginner from  China  and eager to get answers! Thank you!

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When Windows Firewall Is ON, SQL Server Does Not Get Connected Thru TCP

Jul 27, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express + SP1 on a Windows Small Business Server(SBS) box. The SBS is connected to a client thru LAN.

Following are what I gave as IP address and DNS on the server:

IP:, subnet mask :, Preferred DNS server:, Default gateway and Alternate DNS Server blank

On the client, I have,

IP:, subnet mask :, Preferred DNS server, Default gateway and Alternate DNS Server blank

I can ping and connect to either of the machines.

If I do a sqlcmd -S "tcp:servernameINSTANCE,port", I get the following error message:
HResult 0x80090304, Level 16, State 1
SQL Network Interfaces: The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted

Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Cannot generate SSPI context

If I do a sqlcmd -S "tcp:,port", it connects to SQL Server.

I have the Windows Firewall ON. If I Off the firewall, I do not have any problem at all.

I included File and Printer Sharing, sqlsvr.exe in the Exception list of the Windows Firewall.

Any help to solve the issue is appreciated.


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Who Is Connected To A Database From DMV

Sep 16, 2015

I have a query that finds all SPID's connected to a particular database:

select, p.*
from sys.databases d join sys.sysprocesses p
on d.database_id = p.dbid
where = 'my_db'

But now we have a new rule that we should not use outdated compatibility views, and one of them is sys.sysprocesses. I checked sys.dm_exec_connections/session/requests but failed to replace my existing code. The first two don't have dbid, the last one, requests, has it, but it selects only currently executing statements.

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Renamed Computer And Connected To Sql Server Without Problem...

Sep 5, 2005

 I have read that if I change "computer name" and then try to startup sql server it will recognize the changes automatically BUT you need to execute sp_dropserver and sp_addserver procedures too in order to set all thing right.But yesterday I tried it on a Personal edition on xp and after reboot sql server came up without any problem and I could connec it without executing sp_dropserver and sp_addserver! Was it a specific situation or no need to those SPs at all?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Who Is Indirectly Connected To A Database

Feb 25, 2015

Recently I needed to find all processes connected to a particular database, let's call it Test_db. I have a simple query to find all connections to my database:

select *
from sys.databases d join sys.sysprocesses p
on d.database_id = p.dbid
where = 'test_db'

But there was a process that was connected to another database like USE another_db_name; but was actually selecting from tables in test_db. Is it possible to catch such connections?

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Automatic Data Update From SERVER To All CLIENTS Connected ???

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,i have a problem about the CLIENT-SERVER architecture procedure.Well , i have an application in VB with ADO connection to a table in adatabase on a SQLSERVER 7.0 .Is possible to do that when a client updates a data in a field of my table ,the SERVER communicates to all clients connected to my table that this dataare updated , without the client do anything , for example without aclient-timer to control the data in the server ???thanks

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Slow SQL Server Data Transfers When Internet Connected

Mar 18, 2008

We have an information retrieval application in which there is a single connection to a database followed by multiple table open, read, and close commands. Response time is consistantly less than 1 second on a LAN.
When Internet connected (not VPN), the first table read is typically fast, but the response time becomes slower and slower after multiple table open, read, and close commands. There seems to be a considerable amount of handshaking based on monitoring of the router's status lights.

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SQL Server Memory Not Releasing When Not Connected To Server

Jun 2, 2004

Hello all,

When I close a web form that has a connection to my SQL Server, I am not seeing the memory process close in task manager (of the SQL Server). I am using the "open late close early" theory of database connections. I am using the "close" method for my database connections. Is there any automated utility that will shut down these processes? I thought when the user was disconnected from the database, the memory process would automatically shut down.

Any suggestions, thoughts, or ideas?


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Create Default Tables, Procedures, Etc. On Newly Connected Remote SQL Server

Jan 5, 2007

I have a website I'm ready to test on the server it will call home. I just got connected to the remote SQL server that it will be using. As I've been creating the site, I've been using the default SQL Express set-up in Visual Studio. Is there a way to have Visual Studio create all those default tables, procedures, etc. OR is there a way to copy all of that stuff from the SQL Express running on my machine to the remote SQL Server 2005?

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