View Works Locally But Not On GoDaddy

Jun 29, 2007

I have an application that utilizes aspnet for membership.
The application utilizes the same database (in SQLServer) for storage of other things. I have a view as follows:

USE [DB_Name]
/****** Object: View [dbo].[Authorization] Script Date: 06/29/2007 15:27:25 ******/
CREATE VIEW Authorization
SELECT dbo.Domain.Domain_ID, dbo.Domain.Domain_Name, dbo.Alias.Alias_Name,
dbo.Alias.Alias_Authority, dbo.Domain.Domain_ProcessType, dbo.Domain.Domain_Status,
dbo.aspnet_Users.UserName AS Owner_Name
dbo.Domain ON dbo.Alias.Alias_Parent_ID = dbo.Domain.Domain_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.aspnet_Users ON dbo.Domain.Domain_Owner_ID = dbo.aspnet_Users.UserId

This works fine locally. However, I am hosting this on GoDaddy and though it allows me to create the table, it seems to have a problem (I'm guessing because it is referencing differing schemas?) and I get an error of: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Authorization'.through the SQLServer Web interface whenever I attempt to view the data from this view.
I don't doubt that there is some kind of difference between the manner that SQLServer has set up the schemas and how they are set up on my local version.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am at a loss of how to get this info and truly want to utilize the view as it would improve performance over a query - at least I believe so. My thinking is that although there may be a performance drop when the item is being added, I gain on the back-end where I really need the performance over utilizing a query.

Steven Henley

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Works Locally But Not On Host

May 1, 2008

I am very confused. I've finally gotten everything to work the way I want on my pc, but when I ftp to the Internet (URL is hosted on GoDaddy), everything goes haywire. I had to create a new database on the host server, and when I use an aspx login, I get the following message:

The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file.

I know what the connection string to the database is, but where do I enter that information? I'm obviously new at and sql, and I need major help.

Thanks. Linda

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Calling DTS Via ASP.NET Works Locally But Not When Published To Intranet

Jan 19, 2007

I have a DTS package that I am calling in my code-behind (vb) of one of my pages on my intranet. The package takes a FoxPro table that is on our network and inserts it into a SQL Server table in one of our databases. The package gets called and executed properly when I am working on it in development on my local workstation, but when I publish it to our intranet, which is in the same domain and behind the same firewall, the package does not execute. No error shows up on the published page, but also nothing gets executed. Has anyone encountered this? Here is my code, which is pretty straightforward:
oPkg = Server.CreateObject("DTS.Package")oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer("[servername]", "sa", "[password]", DTSSQLStgFlag_Default, "", "", "", "Invoice Import")oPkg.Execute()
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Accessing Data Connection Works Locally, But Not When Deployed

Nov 15, 2005

Hi all, I hope this is a simple issue that I'm overlooking something or have contradicting permissions set somewhere. I have a fairly basic site with a subfolder containing an aspx page. The user logs in to gain access to the subfolder. That part works fine.On another page(also within a subfolder in the subfolder), they can post form data to a database (SQL Server 2000) which exists on a different server than my web server. This page opens fine, but when submitting the data (only one value to one field for my testing purposes), it bombs and returns the error "Login failed for user"...In my connection string I've specified the username and password which I assigned to the db in Enterprise Manager (not sa, btw). I've also tried letting IIS control the UID/PW, and even specified no UID/PW in either the connection string or the db. Anonymous access enabled in IIS for this virtual directory also returns the error. (?)I should mention that in Visual Studio, the connection string was automatically set to my local development machine's workstation ID. I removed that and have tried replacing it with the server name, blank, etc.(in notepad) - to no avail. dll's are in their proper places, etc. The only thing not working is the database connection.Using: IIS v6, SQL Server 2000, and Visual Studio.NET 2003 (1.1 framework)Anyway - any suggestions? There are so many places to enable/disable permissions, it's getting confusing. I hope it's something I'm overlooking and not a problem with our SQL installation...Thanks!--Donnie

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DTS Fails At Customer Site With Too Many Columns, Works Locally

Nov 16, 2004

I am having the most baffling problem with DTS.... :confused:

I have a set of ActiveX transforms that execute on my customers flat transaction data files, destination a single database table. Since they switched to a new method of generating the flat file using SAS, the DTS package mysteriously will fail at a couple select records. The error is always the same, and turning on error logging in DTS yielded this:

Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed

Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider
Step Error Description:Too many columns found in the current row; non-whitespace characters were found after the last defined column's data.
Step Error code: 80043013
Step Error Help File: DTSFFile.hlp
Step Error Help Context ID:0

Step Execution Started: 11/16/2004 6:37:51 PM
Step Execution Completed: 11/16/2004 6:39:39 PM
Total Step Execution Time: 107.415 seconds
Progress count in Step: 515000

The exact same file parses all the way through on my laptop, with the same DTS package. Tests have revealed no strange characters or whitespaces in the data file, not at that record (running a Test... on any of the active x transforms will fail at row 515186 always, until that row is deleted and it fails on some subsequent row - this iteration went on at the customer site until about 5 rows were deleted this month and it finally worked), not at any other records. My database and the customer database are both using the same, default character set.

The only microsoft KB article referencing anything resembling my problem is;en-us;292588
but this does not hold because I am not specifying fixed width, but rather comma delimited.

If anyone has any ideas about what other environmental variables are coming into play here, please let me know - I'm at the end of my rope. I believe we are both patched up to SQL 2000 SP3. They have an XP client connecting to a 2003 server; I have an XP client/server. Neither machine has the NLS_LANG environment variable set.

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SQL 2012 :: OpenRowSet Works Locally But Not Over Networked Drives?

Jul 10, 2013

getting SQL able to import files via ORS. So we got it to work on local drives, but not over networked drives. This is the code and error:

select * into sample.dbo.[eriktest] from
'Data Source=serverSample est.xlsx;
Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"')...[Sheet1$]
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

But going from the local C: or D: drives is fine. I also tried using xp_cmdshell (OPC) to map a drive, and then tried using ORS with the drive letter, and got the same error.

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Problems Publishing My Personal Website - Works Fine Locally!

Jan 24, 2006

People,I'm trying to publish my first website and am having a few problems.I've got Visual Web Developer 2005 Express and am trying to use the Personal Website Starter Kit. (my SQL server is SQL Server Express Edition 2005 - which is also running on my local machine)It seems to work fine when I run it on my localhost, as soon as I ftp it up to my web hosting company, I get an error message (see below) :-An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) My hypothesis is :-It would appear to me that when running locally, the starter kit website uses my installation of SQL 2005 Express Edition, but when I upload all the files, I'm guessing the application is still trying to point at a local instance of SQL on my local PC which it now cannot see. I'm guessing I need to somehow upload the SQL database onto my web host (I've purchased 100M of SQL Server 2005 space), and point the application at that SQL instance instead. But I don't know if I'm right about all this, or indeed how to do it if I am. Can anyone help?Much thanks in advance,Will

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Access Denied To ReportServer And Reports, Works Locally But Fails Remotely

May 15, 2008

I am getting the error:

HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

when I attempt to connect to Reports or ReportServer from my desktop, but it works normally when I login with the same userid and run it directly on the server, using IE. It is prompting me for a login 2 or 3 times before failing.

My configuration is:

Report Server system:

Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 - 32bit

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Enterprise Edition
Windows & Web Service run as a domain account
Database connection is using domain account - not in db_owner, but in RSExec roles
Database is on another server, and is Native, not SharePoint integrated
Reports & ReportServer are in a separate application pool
Reporting Services had SP2 installed before it was configured
The Rport Server is a VM

Database server

Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 - x64
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64bit
Version 9.00.3200.00

The Report Manager was not working at all, and I discovered that there was no entry in the .Net Framework version on the APS.Net tab in properties for the Reports virtual directory. I am not seeing any errors or anything unusual in the Event log or in the ReportServer log files.

FrontPage 2002 extensions were installed, and then removed. I noticed that this installed a SharePoint virtual directory, and that disappeared when I removed FrontPage extensions.

The domain group my userid is in is in the local Administrators group on the ReportServer system, and I have added this group as a System Administrator and Content Manager through the report Manager.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.


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View Works, But The Sql From The View Does Not

Oct 27, 2006

I was looking through our vendors views, searching for something Ineeded for our Datawarehouse and I came across something I do notunderstand: I found a view that lists data when I use it in t-sql,however when I try to use the statement when I modified the view (viaMS SQL Server Management Studio) I can not execute the statement. I getThe column prefix 'dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit' does not match with atable name or alias name used in the query.Upon closer inspection, I found two ON for the inner join, which I dontthink is correct.So, how can the view work, but not the SQL that defines the view?SQL Server 2000, up to date patches:SELECT dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.aEventID,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nParentEventID,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nUserID,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nColumnID,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nKeyID,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.dChangeTime,CAST(dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.vToValue ASnVarchar(512)) AS vToValue, dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nChangeMode,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.tChildEventText, CASEWHEN nConstraintType = 3 THEN 5 ELSE tblColumnMain.nDataType END ASnDataType,dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nID,CAST(dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.vFromValue AS nVarchar(512)) ASvFromValueFROM dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.tblColumnMain WITH (NoLock) INNER JOIN---- Posters comment: here is the double ON--dbo.tblCustomField WITH (NoLock) ONdbo.tblColumnMain.aColumnID = dbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nColumnID ONdbo.tbl_5001_NumericAudit.nColumnID =dbo.tblCustomField.nColumnID LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.tblConstraint WITH (NOLOCK) ONdbo.tblCustomField.nConstraintID = dbo.tblConstraint.aConstraintID AND(dbo.tblConstraint.nConstraintType = 4 ORdbo.tblConstraint.nConstraintType = 9 ORdbo.tblConstraint.nConstraintType = 3)UNION ALLSELECT aEventID, nParentEventID, nUserID, nColumnID, nKeyID,dChangeTime, CAST(CAST(vToValue AS decimal(19, 6)) AS nVarchar(512)) ASvToValue,nChangeMode, tChildEventText, 5 AS nDataType,nID, CAST(CAST(vFromValue AS decimal(19, 6)) AS nVarchar(512)) ASvFromValueFROM dbo.tbl_5001_FloatAudit WITH (NOLOCK)UNION ALLSELECT aEventID, nParentEventID, nUserID, nColumnID, nKeyID,dChangeTime, CAST(vToValue AS nVarchar(512)) AS vToValue, nChangeMode,tChildEventText, 2 AS nDataType, nID,CAST(vFromValue AS nVarchar(512)) AS vFromValueFROM dbo.tbl_5001_StringAudit WITH (NOLOCK)UNION ALLSELECT aEventID, nParentEventID, nUserID, nColumnID, nKeyID,dChangeTime, CONVERT(nVarchar(512), vToValue, 121) AS vToValue,nChangeMode,tChildEventText, 3 AS nDataType, nID,CONVERT(nVarchar(512), vFromValue, 121) AS vFromValueFROM dbo.tbl_5001_DateAudit WITH (NOLOCK)

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Create Date Source View And Data Model That Works Right

Jan 22, 2008

I created a data model for report builder. And since it wont let me use views, i tried to put all the tables im using in one of my already made views, to create a data source view like my sql view. But when i connect everything the same, my report model still doesnt narrow my search. I only want to see Breed information, but since i have a Breeder table,and Customer table, its showing me all customers, and not limiting it to the ones that are breeder customers.

heres the tables:

Code Snippet

FROM dbo.Tbl_Customer INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Customer_Breeder ON dbo.Tbl_Customer.Customer_Code = dbo.Tbl_Customer_Breeder.Customer_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Customer_Detail ON dbo.Tbl_Customer.Customer_Code = dbo.Tbl_Customer_Detail.Customer_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Customer_Category ON dbo.Tbl_Customer.Customer_Category_Id = dbo.Tbl_Customer_Category.Customer_Category_Id INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Customer_Classification ON
dbo.Tbl_Customer.Customer_Classification_Id = dbo.Tbl_Customer_Classification.Customer_Classification_Id INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Customer_In_Breed ON dbo.Tbl_Customer.Customer_Code = dbo.Tbl_Customer_In_Breed.Customer_Code INNER JOIN
dbo.Tbl_Breed ON dbo.Tbl_Customer_In_Breed.Breed_Id = dbo.Tbl_Breed.Breed_Id

What am i doing wrong, and are there any suggestions.

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SQL 2000 Partitioned View Works Fine, But CURSOR With FOR UPDATE Fails To Declare

Oct 17, 2006

This one has me stumped.

I created an updateable partioned view of a very large table. Now I get an error when I attempt to declare a CURSOR that SELECTs from the view, and a FOR UPDATE argument is in the declaration.

There error generated is:

Server: Msg 16957, Level 16, State 4, Line 3

FOR UPDATE cannot be specified on a READ ONLY cursor

Here is the cursor declaration:

declare some_cursor CURSOR


select *

from part_view


Any ideas, guys? Thanks in advance for knocking your head against this one.

PS: Since I tested the updateability of the view there are no issues with primary keys, uniqueness, or indexes missing. Also, unfortunately, the dreaded cursor is requried, so set based alternatives are not an option - it's from within Peoplesoft.

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ASP.NET 2.0 With GoDaddy

Nov 18, 2005

I was wondering if anyone successfully managed to connect to the 2.0 features (specifically authentication) with goDaddy. They
allow you to set up the schema for 2.0 in the SQL server, but I have
yet to manage to actually CONNECT to the SQL server using VS.NET 2005.
Anyone have any suggestions? Experiences?

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Why Won't Godaddy Take My SQL?

Feb 12, 2006

CREATE TABLE [Sites](    [SiteID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,    [SiteName] [nvarchar](500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Sites] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (    [SiteID] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]GOWhat's wrong with that?  Why won't godaddy take that?

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GoDaddy / MySQL / SQL Server

Dec 29, 2006

I don't know if this is unique to GoDaddy: I found the program for working with a MySQL database very intuitive (to the point of compliments).  Today I started work with ASP.NET and SQL, and when I went to work with SQL Server (on GoDaddy), it wasn't intuitive, and there was almost nothing on which to click.  By chance might there be a tutorial that would help a person who needs to work with SQL Server on a provider like GoDaddy?

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External DataSet On GoDaddy

Jul 13, 2007

Hello,First, I tried to find the answet to this question, but no luck - so I decided to post it.
 When I was creating my applications in  - for the first time I decided to start using external DataSets. I think they are great and work very nice!But once I pushed the application to GoDaddy, I got an error of this nature:I was trying to access the exterbal dataSet like this:Dim productsAdapter As New NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter()
Dim products as Northwind.ProductsDataTable...And got an error saying that it couldn't find this type (but it worked fine on my local machine in visual studio).So did I miss something that prevented this application working on GoDaddy? or there are some limitations on GoDaddy? ...or something else.Thank you for looking into this for me.Valera

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[sql] Is Anyone Using/familiar With Godaddy Hosting?

Jul 22, 2007

Hi all, I'm a  newbie of SQL.  I built a website using SQL 2005, and the data control was using a dataset and wizard,now when I'm uploading the website + database,I learned godaddy doesn't support database uploading.I have to create an empty SQL database on godaddy's sql server, and reDir the connection in config file. my question is, where should I copy my dataset commands to godaddy's sql server?2nd, how do I invoke them in thanks in advanceyonk 

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GoDaddy + SQL Connection String

Aug 27, 2007

I know this has to be answered somewhere, I just need to know, am I going crazy.  I have a shared webhost account at Godaddy.  My web config was working at one point, but now I am getting this error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Now, If I were to look at this, its telling me that it cannot locate the server I am trying to connect to.  Below is my connection string and the address I am getting this from is in my information at godaddy.  Tell me, is there something that I am doing wrong here?
<add name="Personal" connectionString=";Database=azwd30;User ID=XXXXX;Password=XXXXX;Trusted_Connection=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /><remove name="LocalSqlServer"/>
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString=";Database=azwd30;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXXX;Trusted_Connection=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
With the same user name and password, I can access the database through Godaddy's site and see my records, and the address '' is the same as whats on Godaddy's SQL configuration page, the database name is the same, I have double, triple and spent hours checking all that could affect this... I may just be burnt out using Godaddy.  It seems I fix one thing, then there is another thing, I fix that, then there is another.  I talk to support, and they say, they dont support anything that they have in their sales page for what they offer.  I'd rather get support to say somthing like:   "You may want to go to google and press the I'm feeling Lucky button. It would be probably be faster and cheaper than using our department, or you can upgrade to our virtual server and have a little more control, not total control but a little more ... what do you say mr Chris?" 
Well, I feel almost a little better venting here.  Since I have been with GoDaddy, and I live in the same city where they host their servers, I have been in shambles wondering how they can offer all that they do in their sales pitch and then drop a ball and say, we dont support 90% of what you read in the beginning.  It almost wants to make you put a huge sticker in your back window and drive around town all day in gas with the same money you give to them.  Ok, now I am done venting, any Idea's anyone.???

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SQL Slow On Godaddy, Any Optimization Fix?

Apr 8, 2008

 I've transfered a site recently from reinvent
hosting to godaddy, the site works, but the pages that retrieve ms sql
(2005) queries now load about 5-8 seconds longer than they did on
reinvent (which was basically instantly)... the guy who i talked to at
godaddy said that i need to change the links on the site from external
linking to internal linking... as far as i understand it all the links
are linking internally (not using
but using ?var=param, or page2.asp?var=param), unless there's a
different use of the term that i'm not familiar with... anyway i'm
confused what he meant by it... and the asp seems to be structured ok
(and as mentioned the sql did work perfectly fine on another hosting)..
it connects to the db, retrieves the data and puts it into the array,
then loops the array for printing to page... then closes the array/db..
i think that should work perfectly fine as it did on the other
hosting... but does anyone out there know a solution to fix this on
godaddy hosting, they say it's nothing with their sql server as they
checked it and it's fine... here's the site: ... and the
slowness is when retrieving the healthcare/IT courses and then also
displaying course details... please help

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May 19, 2006

I have two sql db's. One for company record info, other for users (aspnetdb) I created the users one using the login control and web administration wizard. This all worked well until I had to publish to godaddy. I had to rebuild my company db, but eventually I was able to pull info and all that is working. The problem is, how the heck do I add users? I noticed that it put users table in my db to start. So I manually went into the db on godaddy's servers, and added an application. Then when I tried to add a user manually, it kept giving me errors. Is there an easier way to add website users through godaddy? Something like the web admin tool that comes with visual studio? Man it is driving me crazy!!!

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Deploy A Database And ASP.NET Site To

Nov 7, 2006

I have a web page which I created (a shopping cart).  I created this site using 1.1 and SQL 2000 on my laptop.  On my laptop everything works properly, but when I tried moving it to GoDaddy (  In the code, each query to the SQL server is done using stored procedures. 
When you first go the page, a drop down is presented.  When you select "Shirt" from the category drop down.  A second drop down menu is then displayed and will let you select what type of shirt you are interested in purchasing.  Select Polo Shirt Without Pocket.  Upon doing so, I receive an error message: 
Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupCategory'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxProducts'.Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupColor'.Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupSizes'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxQtySold'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxImages'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupCategory'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxProducts'.Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupColor'.Invalid object name 'tbl_LookupSizes'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxQtySold'.Invalid object name 'tbl_pxImages'.Source Error:

Line 143: sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@str_ItemName", Trim(DDL_Items.SelectedItem.Text))
Line 144:
Line 145: Dim dataReader As SqlDataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Line 146:
Line 147: dl_Description.DataSource = dataReader
Source File: d:hostingcurraheepxdefault.aspx    Line: 145
 Keep in mind the Stored Procedure works in my testing environment, but not on GoDaddy.  I moved the selected statement into a view on the GoDaddy SQL server, and the view worked perfectly.  The tables do exist on the GoDaddy SQL Server.
This is the Stored Procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_GetItemInfo]
@str_ItemName VarChar(50)
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENTtbl_pxProducts.int_ItemID,tbl_pxProducts.str_ItemName,tbl_pxProducts.int_RetailPrice,tbl_pxImages.str_SmallImageURL,tbl_pxImages.str_MediumImageURL,tbl_pxImages.str_MediumImageBackURL,tbl_pxImages.str_LargeImageBackURL,tbl_pxImages.str_LargeImageUrl,tbl_pxImages.str_SmallImageBackURL,tbl_pxProducts.int_Quantity - tbl_pxQtySold.int_QtySold AS int_QtyAvailable,tbl_LookupCategory.str_Category,tbl_pxProducts.Int_SizeID,tbl_LookupSizes.str_Size,tbl_pxProducts.Int_ColorID,tbl_LookupColor.str_Color
FROMtbl_LookupCategoryINNER JOINtbl_pxProductsONtbl_LookupCategory.int_CategoryID = tbl_pxProducts.int_CategoryIDINNER JOINtbl_LookupColorONtbl_pxProducts.Int_ColorID = tbl_LookupColor.int_ColorIDINNER JOINtbl_LookupSizesONtbl_pxProducts.Int_SizeID = tbl_LookupSizes.int_SizeIDLEFT OUTER JOINtbl_pxQtySoldONtbl_pxProducts.int_ItemID = tbl_pxQtySold.int_ItemIDLEFT OUTER JOINtbl_pxImagesONtbl_pxProducts.int_ItemID = tbl_pxImages.int_ItemID
WHERE(tbl_pxProducts.int_Quantity - tbl_pxQtySold.int_QtySold > 0)AND(tbl_pxProducts.str_ItemName = @str_ItemName)
ORDER BYtbl_LookupSizes.str_Size
Does anybody have any suggestions as to why this stored procedure is failing?

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How To Solve SQL Connection Problem On Godaddy?

Apr 13, 2007

Hello all,
I am hosting at Godaddy and using their SQL 2000.
Before, I used to use "Try, Catch and Finally" for my SQL connection. However, I received this error "Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached." so often that I changed it to "Using { .... }". Yes, the error doesn't come back as often as before.
Today, I encounter that problem again and my connection to the db is locked, because of that error. Is there away to prevent this from happening? Should I check to see if the connection is still opened before open another one? In case like that, if the connection is still opened, should I close it first before opening a new one OR can I use it too?
Any advice would be appreciated. Cheer ...

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Data Not Displaying (in DataList) From SQL On GoDaddy

Apr 22, 2006

Everything works great on my development box.  I am using GoDaddy for production (ASP.Net v2, SQL 2000).
I am not receiving any errors, so I am stumped; no data from the database is displaying on the GoDaddy pages.
I updated the connection string in web.config to this:

< add name="snsb" connectionString=";
User ID=username;
Trusted_Connection=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" / >

But I am unsure if this is the issue??  Any insights?  This is the page I am working on:  So, the page displays fine, but it should be showing data from the database.  This particular page uses a DataList with ItemTemplate.  There is definitely data in the database, and I have even ran the same exact query from the code using the Query Analayzer on GoDaddt and it returned results
I know there isn't much info to go by, but I am hoping someone has some insight since I have been trying to figure this out for days now!
Thank youJennifer

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@@IDENTITY Issues With SQL2000 On GoDaddy

May 5, 2006

Okay... GoDaddy's driving me nuts!!!  Anyone... please help.
I am doing an insert into a database with:
INSERT blah blah blah; SELECT @@IDENTITY;
On EVERY OTHER SERVER I have tried this on (local SQLExpress 2005's and my companies various SQL2000 servers, this always returns for me the row number (of autoIndex number of the row just added to the database).  My autoIndex was created with the following code:
The code I have tried getting the identity with is:
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT blah blah; SELECT @@IDENTITY;";
string autoIndex = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
I also tried:
// bulding of SQL INSERT here
cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLDataSource_pics.SelectCommand, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY;";
string autoIndex = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
Session.Add("autoIndex", autoIndex);
Most of the time, I get a value of "0" (zero) for autoIndex.  Every now an then (5%) of the time I get back a correct value.
I don't know where to go from here.
Thank you.

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How Do You Solve POOL CONNECTIONS MAX OUT Problem On GoDaddy?

Mar 4, 2007

I'm hosting with GoDaddy and I receive this error:
Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.  This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
For sure the problem is "MAX POOL SIZE WAS REACHED". How do I solve this problem? Or how do I prevent this from happening in the future?
Now, I cannot open any of my pages on GoDaddy.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Godaddy Server/SQL Management Studio Connection Question

Oct 12, 2007

Hello,I just got a personal site with godaddy that I would like to be able to connect to using  SQL Server management studioI try to connection using Server Name: sdhfuh928323984ujf.phx3.secureserver.netauthentication: sql serverUsername: my usernamepassword: my passwordThen it tries to connect and gives me an error that I can't and remote connections may not be allowed. I followed the directions it gave and turned on remote connections, restarted the server, but I still get the error.any ideas? 

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How To Connect The ASP.Net 2.0 Application To GoDaddy Database Server Through Thier FILE DSN

May 1, 2008

Hello, we have the hosting account with GoDaddy Server. We have using and MSSSQL Server 2005.
For hosting the files for the remote server ( Godaddy ) we are using FTP Cute client to upload the files. For Uploading a database they given a seperate login and we are hosted my data as a Transact SQL File. Up to this its going fine.
       After that I want to retrieve my data from GoDaddy Database server. They are not allow the remote connections directly. But they told to use the File DSN to retrieve the data from thier server ( GoDaddy Server ). I don't Know how to use thier File DSN to connect My ASP.Net 2.0 Application to thier GoDaddy Database Server. 
If I asked to GoDaddy Support team they are sending this file.

Connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server Database Using ASP/ADO


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Jul 26, 2004

I've got a popular problem so i get a message that server acces denied! ..

But that what is different in my error.... When i use same setting same database and connection string (on MSDE server) there is no problem...

On SQL server i have got windwos authentication but i added all accounts as ASPNET and SA.... and when i try to connect by

RETTO - name of my server

or by
Integrated Security=SSPIserver=RETTO;uid=RETTOASPNET;database=db1;

I CAN BROWSE RECORDS THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WITH CONNECTION!!! but when i try to update or iinsert or delete something in database there becomame this error that access denied or server does not exist!!!


I MADE FOR MY ACCOUNTS (SA, ASPNET) ALL THINGS ALLOWED AS EXECUTING stored procedures.. OR ACCESING datatables with insert delete and update query WHERE IS THE PROBLEM!!!??

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Telnet Connection Works, Sql Cmd Connection Works, SQL Server Managment Studio 2005 Does Not

Jun 20, 2007

I'm having a strange problem with this but I know (and admit) that the problem is on my PC and nowhere else. My firewall was causing a problem because I was unable to PING the database server, switching this off gets a successful PING immediately. The most useful utility to date is running netstat -an in the command window. This illustrates all the connections that are live and ports that are being listed to. I can establish a connection both by running

telnet 1433 and

sqlcmd -S -U username -P password

See below:

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State


















UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

UDP *:*

Both these utilities show as establishing a connection in netstat so I am able to connect the database server every time, this worked throughout yesterday and has continued this morning.

The problem is when I attempt to use SQL Server Management Studio. When I attempt to connect to, 1433 nothing shows in netstat at all. There is an option to encrypt the connection in the connection properties tab in management studio, when I enable this I do get an entry in netstat -an, see below:




Amost as if it's trying the different ports but you get this time_wait thing. The error message is more meaningful and hopefull because I get:

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

I would expect this as the DNS has not been advised to encrypt the conection.

This is much better than the : Login failed for user 'COX10289'. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider) that I get, irrespective of whether I enter a password or not.

This is on a XP machine trying to connect to the remote webhosting company via the internet.

I can ping the server

I have enabled shared memory and tcp/ip in protocols, named pipes and via are disabled

I do not have any aliases set up

No I do not force encryption

I wonder if you have any further suggestions to this problem?

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Cant Create Db Locally

May 2, 2007

Im running sql 2005 developer edition on my xp pro workstation. For some reason I can no longer create a database. I get an error such as the following:
"CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (Microsoft sql server error: 262)"

ideas ?

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How Can I Create A Db To Run Locally On My Pc

Oct 5, 2007

How can i create a new db to run locally on my pc using sql server.
I need also to install a copy of this new db in another pc. Do i need the sql server installed in the other machine also? I am thinking to create an application in vb to play with the db. Every time i start the sql server i see the window telling to connect do database engine, may be i am wrong but with this window i can create just a db in the server? i couldn't create a db locally yet, anyone can help me?

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Cannot Connect Locally

Nov 9, 2007

Hello Forum,
after installing 2005, if trying to connect to local server it is giving me the following error:

cannot connect to ols00038

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. when connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote Connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error:2)

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How Can I Create A New Db To Run Locally On My Pc Using Sql Server.

Oct 5, 2007

How can i create a new db to run locally on my pc using sql server.I
need also to install a copy of this new db in another pc. Do i need the
sql server installed in the other machine also? I am thinking to create
an application in vb to play with the db. Every time i start the sql
server i see the window telling to connect do database engine, may be i
am wrong but with this window i can create just a db in the server? i
couldn't create a db locally yet, anyone can help me? 

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Using MSDE Locally On A Webserver

Sep 13, 2004

Currently, we have our SQL database behind our firewall.
Our App is required to log each page hit to a DB table with some additional data that we would not get from the regular IIS logfiles. So every page hit means a trip through the firewall...

Since this type of activity is limited purely to DB inserts, i'm curious what the thoughts are on using a copy of MSDE on the webserver itself to store this data.

What is the lesser of 2 evils

-- Take a trip through the firewall for each page to log the hits in a secure SQL DB

-- Log the Hit in a less secure / limited version of a SQL DB

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